Thread #110 is oras hype over? Edition
Room - Links - FAQ - ToTT: ORAS competitive speculation. Discuss what you think ORAS will change in the current metagame. Will Mega Diance be OU? What about Sap Sipper[/spoiler:lit] Mega Swampert? Will Zygarde make OU with Thousand Arrows?
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>>19576683 nice spoiler nerd
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>>19576683 nice spoiler nerd
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>>19576683 nice spoiler nerd
nice circlejerk
>>19576683 Nice spoiler nerd
ToTT: Maybe, it gets Thousand Waves too which might be neat to trap and set up on stuff that doesn't threaten it. Assuming some forme changes come with the moves, Zygarde could be really good. Mega Diancie doesn't seem OU material to me but we know nothing about it so it's hard to say. Mega Swampert is confirmed Swift Swim m8.
I'm a member of the SmogDubs council and GP team so ask me Doubles related stuff I guess.
Why are you not helping contribute to the Smogon strategy dex?
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cancer thats killing /vp/
>>19576741 i don't think thousand waves works like that. judging by the description i am assuming it works like that: when the opponent doesn't switch out it is a priority 0 90 base power physical ground move. when the opponent does switch out it is a priority +7 (i think that is one over switching, don't quote me on that) move that prevents switching as a whole. This is just a speculation, the way you described it it would just be a mean look that does damage the turn it is used.
>>19576825 The description on PS reads 'Prevents the target from switching out.' I took that to mean that if the target didn't switch out an Thousand Waves was used it'd be unable to switch out later and you can Coil up or w/e other setups Zygarde has.
GSC guy
>>19576683 nice spoiler nerd
Tott: i think giving kyogre a mega form will just break ubers further. Not like kyogre is top tier uber for 4 gens already now. Swampert will probably make OU again, depending on it's ability.
anyways, here to answer oldgens questions, mainly GSC.
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>>19576683 >Discuss what you think ORAS will change in the current metagame It'll shit it up even more just like BW2.
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>>19576683 Zygarde is for Pokemon Z silly. :^)
Also M-Swampert is confirmed Swift Swim. Could be a nice bulky rain sweeper. Diancie had better get some amazing tutor moves to have a chance at OU.
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>>19576683 nice spoiler nerd
Cho - 4828 5994 0399 (Ivysaur, Tangela, quilladin)
Cho - 4828 5994 0399 (Ivysaur, Tangela, quilladin) Wed 11 Jun 2014 18:36:55 No. 19577081 Report >competitive pokemon I'm not even trolling here,m but come the fuck on. There is no "competitive" scene in Pokemon, the "metagame" is a gimmicky joke.
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>>19576825 The way it was worded in game made it sound like infestation or whirlpool
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>>19577081 >namefagging >being retarded Anonymous
this is my current team- any suggestions? politoed mega swampert diancie/deoxys-d kingdra tornadus breloom
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Smogon usernames everyone? Let's get a friend circle going
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>>19577096 >current >oras isn't even out kek
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>>19576683 nice
spoiler nerd
Where is Ash Borer? Is Ash Borer here? What about BLOOD TOTEM? Is BLOOD TOTEM here? And where is q p? Is q p here? Come to think of it, where is Robert Alfons? Is Robert Alfons here?
I threw this sand together in like five minutes. What needs fixing? Tyranitar (M) @ Leftovers Ability: Sand Stream EVs: 248 HP / 232 Def / 28 SAtk Relaxed Nature - Stealth Rock - Crunch - Earthquake - Fire Blast Excadrill @ Air Balloon Ability: Sand Rush EVs: 252 Atk / 16 HP / 240 Spd Adamant Nature - Rapid Spin - Earthquake - Iron Head - Rock Slide Breloom (M) @ Life Orb / Focus Sash Ability: Technician EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Jolly Nature - Spore - Bullet Seed - Mach Punch - Rock Tomb Talonflame @ Sharp Beak Ability: Gale Wings EVs: 48 HP / 252 Atk / 208 Spd Adamant Nature - Brave Bird - Flare Blitz - U-Turn - Roost Latias (F) @ Life Orb Ability: Levitate EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Draco Meteor - Psyshock - Defog - Healing Wish Mawile (F) @ Mawilite Ability: Intimidate EVs: 128 HP / 252 Atk / 128 Spd Adamant Nature - Swords Dance - Play Rough - Sucker Punch - Knock Off Some questions: - On Breloom: Adamant or Jolly? - Does Sash even go in a sand team? Apparently people use it anyway??? - Should I use Thunderbolt on Latias instead? inb4 play oldgens, stop playing OU, git gud, 0/10 shit team, etc.
Cho - 4828 5994 0399 (Ivysaur, Tangela, quilladin)
Cho - 4828 5994 0399 (Ivysaur, Tangela, quilladin) Wed 11 Jun 2014 18:48:25 No. 19577248 Report >>19577159 >HP -and- defense near max what the fuck are you doing? pick between HP and def (HP is -always- better), and then sp def if you're not making him an offensive
God I don't even do comp shit and I know this
>>19577159 >Leftovers Smooth Rock imo
>Sash Only if you lead with it but you should prob be leading with TTar most of the time imo
It might be worth noting that you have 0 LO Pump Greninja switch ins. That being said you don't really have a hard time killing it with all that speed/priority.
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>>19577238 nice spoiler nerd
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>>19577248 >this is literally the recommended sand support set So, move the def into attack with adamant?
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>>19577248 Holy shit, it's obvious he's making a really defensive TTar, why are you so retarded.
>investing in Sdef when TTar gets Sand Stream Confirmed for retarded
>>19577283 The leftovers should be smooth rock, sorry
I'm only using Breloom because otherwise Azu would anally ravage my team, and I'm fairly starved of good checks. I suppose Breloom could revenge Greninja too, assuming it didn't just use Extrasensory.
Do you guys like/post in Firebot?
>>19577310 it's worse than /b/
>>19577310 not even ironically
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>>19577321 >>19577329 I got shouted out by the mods for posting a thread about pokemon
>>19577310 >firebot >approved firebot user posts thread >approved firebot users join in thread >non firebot approved users start posting >joke gets run dry by faggots repeating the same shit but slightly rehashed >thread is locked by firebot mod making a ''funny'' comment The worst thing is the way they all reference 4chan culture just to prove how cool they are for going on this fucking site. Hell one of the mods even uses > and formats his text so that it's green.
Firebot, not even once.
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>>19577370 >one of the mods even uses > You mean cookie? But yeah, I agree.
>>19577370 in other words, Firebot is literally Leddit
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>>19577370 only you faggots reference 4chan there (/vp/ crossboarders)
>yfw option 3 wins in the bp test >yfw blaziken gets retested and becomes legal
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>>19577309 252 SpA Life Orb Thundurus Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Azumarill: 445-525 (110.1 - 129.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Life Orb Thundurus Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Azumarill: 299-354 (74 - 87.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
You might want to consider Thundy as a possible Loom substitute imo
It helps neuter stuff like DeoS, which like Greninja, you can kill but have 0 switch ins for
>>19577468 Hey Ash. I think you should stop whiteknighting q p, she has a boyfriend, and worse, is a furry.
>>19577443 >tfw I don't know how I should vote for baton pass On one hand, baton pass isn't as autowin as everyone says, but on the other hand, baton pass completely fucks up stall.
r8 my VGC team Not sure if I should make manectric timid or modest. Modest means it's outsped by greninja, noivern, talonflame, but timid means it can hit shit harder, OHKOing standard chomp (timid only has a ~50% chance to ohko) Azumarill @ Assault Vest Ability: Huge Power EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd Adamant Nature - Aqua Jet - Play Rough - Superpower - Waterfall Manectric @ Manectite Ability: Lightningrod EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 HP Modest Nature - Thunderbolt - Hidden Power [Ice] - Overheat - Protect Aegislash @ Weakness Policy Ability: Stance Change EVs: 252 HP / 76 SDef / 180 SAtk Quiet Nature IVs: 0 Spd - Shadow Ball - Flash Cannon - King's Shield - Shadow Sneak Garchomp @ Focus Sash Ability: Rough Skin EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP Jolly Nature - Dragon Claw - Rock Slide - Earthquake - Protect Talonflame @ Life Orb Ability: Gale Wings EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP Jolly Nature - Brave Bird - Flare Blitz - Will-O-Wisp - Taunt Meowstic @ Sitrus Berry Ability: Prankster EVs: 228 HP / 100 Def / 180 SDef Calm Nature - Charm - Thunder Wave - Safeguard - Psychic
>>19577480 >yfw she really is verlis's gf and actually posts here FUCK Anonymous
>>19577558 >implying she's Riley also verlis and riley broke up iirc
>>19577507 What do you think of 3-mon chains? Apparently they're on suspect ladder and still good?
I can't into 3-mon chains, it's not the same without the ridiculous defence boosts Anonymous
>>19577535 Everything looks good on your team except for assvest azumarill. It isn't a bad thing to have on it, but the bellydrum set is too good to pass up on, IMO. Timid is generally better on Manectric, because of how important speed is. 50% chance to OHKO is pretty good still. Aegislash is generally ran with sub instead of shadow sneak, since subaegislash is a huge threat. Other than that, everything looks good. Go battle with the team and change what you want though.
Also, make your own EV spreads. This is a great resource: Anonymous
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>>19577721 They can work pretty good, I've seen some replays with them working, and they don't completely neuter baton pass. Honestly, 3-mon chains is the best choice for a ban, but i still feel hesitant about it.
>>19577833 I've read up on a bunch of team reports and from what I heard a lot of people who used bellyjet often ended up never really needing to belly drum. It also basically turns it into a gigantic "hit me" sign after you use it, and since I don't really have that many other hard hitters that I need to distract from, I don't know if it would be right for the team. Also it means meowstic can't have its sitrus any more.
Does WP still activate if you're behind a sub when you get hit?
I'll play around with it in showdown though.
What pokemon need custom EV spreads there besides azu?
>>19578343 >What pokemon need custom EV spreads there besides azu? In VGC it's almost everything, most of all so you can survive attacks from two things at once. 252/252 spreads are rarer than in singles.
GSC guy
in the rare case that anyone wants to pick up gsc ou - i already posted a good starting team last thread, here, take anohter free team Spikes + Toxic + Phazing is the deal here, pretty stallish team that relies heavily on passive damage and misdreavus to break walls. Patient play advised
Here is also a good replay of a match i had lately. now go play gsc or get fucked
>>19578380 Even on fast attackers? I know 4/252/0/0/0/252 chomp is the standard one
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>>19578486 Honestly, you could probably make a better spread instead of standard garchomp. Garchomp doesn't really OHKO anything except with rock slides on neglected zard and bravest bird IIRC, so theoretically if you just put in enough attack so that it can still 2HKO most of the metagame , you could invest a couple of EVs into maybe special defense or something to live HP Ices, but it all depends on what role chomp plays on your team. I think most people just don't want to experiment with different spreads for garchomp out o laziness since he's just something you throw on a team for coverage most of the time.
>>19578450 >tfw i've read all of the shit on how to get into gsc >i'm still intimidated by it I'm shit at regular XY OU, idk how I'd be able to handle GSC.
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>>19578450 >I put leftovers on every team member. I'm such an expert. Anonymous
ToTT: Move tutors are gonna be a factor here. What if Klefki gets Stealth Rock? What about new pokes getting Knock Off? What if Talonflame gets (lol) Superpower? Will we get Sucker Punch tutors again this gen, like in HGSS? What about Sticky Web? Other than that, I expect Zygarde to at least gen some usage with Thousand Arrows and I'm not sure about the megas yet, but I still find Lightningrod Sceptile funny.
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>>19579027 You ever play a stall vs. stall match in XY? It's like that except stall isn't even the most dominant thing anymore.
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>>19579201 >yfw it's just like bw2, flooding the meta with more brokenshit and more HO GSC guy
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>>19579027 gsc ou is really different from newer gens, overall higher bulk level, only one layer of spikes, resttalk is a legit strategy on many OU mons, therfor things don't get taken down quickly and you need to actually think to get your KOs. It's alot slower paced than other gens, you could give it a shot, here is a nice introduction: fucktoy !66666666S.
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>>19577310 It's kind of a cesspool, but it can be fun to watch people trying way too hard to fit in and failing hilariously.
>>19577507 True, true. Definitely one of the trickier votes. Even more so since people can't even seem to agree if it should just be nerfed a little or needs to be killed off entirely.
>>19577600 Yeah, they broke up. Then he started stalking her. Furry drama and stuff.
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>you need to look ahead, to foresee 5, 10, 20, 50 turns instead of just the next one. not even grandmasters look 50 turns ahead
What will be the next suspect after Baton Pass? inb4 knock off
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>>19579752 I want Genies and Deo to leave OU
>>19579752 Think of the most irrelevant thing you could come up with that makes players butthurt.
Thunder Wave maybe?
Deoxys, Aegislash, Thundurus, pfft. Don't even think about it.
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>>19579786 this nigger gets it
there's precedence for this too. remember the time drizzle fucking FINALLY got banned to everyone's relief? AHAHAHAHAHA yeah I don't either
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>>19579752 In an ideal world, Deoxys-D, and then maybe Landorus-I. IDK about suspect testing Thundurus, prankster thunder wave is an extremely good check to fast set-up mons.
fucktoy !66666666S.
>>19579752 Guessing Thundurus.
Could very well be Aegislash though. Or Deoxys.
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>>19579752 Ideally, Deo-D and Landorus first, then Thundurus and Deo-S.
Realistically, whatever bullshit flavour of the month strat people can't beat because the meta's so stale you can't handle that and regular teams at the same time
just like how the people run OU like it :^) Anonymous
>>19579752 deo-d, then lando, then deo-s, then
aegislash Anonymous
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>>19579844 >deoxys You might as well ask them to ban pebbles. It's never going to happen.
Speaking of which, OU could really use Genesect again.
>>19579877 I'd really like to see how the metagame would look if Aegislash was banned, especially when the entire metagame revolves around it.
>>19580025 McMeghan who is one of the OU leaders is all for a suspect but Haunter the jew won't let him :v(
>>19580038 >mfw people still deny the blatant cheap HO bias Why do you still play in a game run by corrupt dickheads?
I'm building a team for multis and I want to use Mega Manectric. So far I'm thinking to partner it with CroCune and AVConk, with the implication that Mega Manectric and VoltSwitch out to Conk or Crocune after lower the opponent's attack with Intimidate, which would mitigate damage on the Physical side while Conk's AV or Suicune's CM would handle Special Defense. Is this retarded? If not, how should I proceed to fill the next 6 slots? Multis are bring 6, pick 3 doubles so I want shit I can mix and match. Should I bring a second Mega, who I would never use with Mega Manectric?
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>>19580067 I play Doubles so it's OK
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>>19580038 I'm guessing Deo-D is totally off the table?
>>19580067 Because it's fun sometimes.
>>19580142 >OU >fun pick one and only one
>>19580147 Key word sometimes.
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>>19580147 Well I'm having fun
With muh rain team
>>19580025 >choice items being viable again naw they'll never ban it.
>>19580190 What about aegislash makes choice items unviable?
>>19580177 by sometimes you mean gen 4 when smogon didn't quite go the jew route?
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criticisms about team? Especially having trouble with some evs/natures.
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>>19580177 It's fun in those times when the tiering people actually give a fuck about the meta and not just cynically propping their own deteriorating skill at the expense of the decaying meta.
>>19580211 That also. But by sometimes I meant playing good people that are using creative teams. My favorite battles in OU are when I'm playing against weird stall teams with stuff like lanturn and Ampharos.
>>19580263 >being a low-ladder shitter It's really sad when a meta requires you to be a shitter to not be bored out of your spongiform brain Anonymous
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>>19580208 It's typing makes you have to really predict you move perfectly since it has so many resists and immunities. When you are both in, King's Shield turns every choiced mon into another 50/50 guessing game. Do you switch out predicting the opponent switching to your counter? Or do you stay in predicting your opponent to predict your switch and nuke your switchin with shadow ball?
Instead of crying 24/7, literally why not just play lower tiers? Or doubles?
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>>19580329 because they're shit too, they're just different kinds of shit
though i can take solace in the fact that uu is only temporarily shit, unlike ou which is permanent
>>19580329 Because despite all of OU's problems, it is still better than UU and Doubles.
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>>19580295 Yeah, I guess it is.
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>>19580359 I thought
>>19580329 was the bait.
Quoted By: come jerk it in our room on showdown and over exaggerate the effect Mega Sableye will have on the meta
>>19580359 Doubles is even more centralized than OU. UU has a BL banlist almost as big as the tier itself. It is the same thing with different actors involved.
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>>19580345 Are you seriously joking?
Of all tiers (OU/UU/RU/NU) and smogon doubles, OU is the worst. By like a lot. UU is kind of messed up right now cause of the recent tier shift but it'll get sorted out, and every other meta is just better.
>>19580437 Give me one BL mon that's not Venomoth or Klefki and I'll tell you exactly why it's too strong for UU.
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>>19580437 >Doubles is even more centralized than OU. and yet is at the same time more diverse in playstyles
>UU has a BL banlist almost as big as the tier itself no it fucking doesn't, it's fifteen things at most, and that is not a bad thing because it indicates that the people running UU want a better metagame unlike the cynical self-aggrandizing shitfest that is OU
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>>19580437 >Doubles is even more centralized than OU This is exactly something that someone who has seen usage stats, but not actually played the tier, would say.
Would an ability like Harvest, but for non-berry perishable items be OP?>Eject Button -always switches out >Red Card - opponent always switches out >Balloon - Ground Immunity >Mental Herb - no taunting etc >Power Herb - no need to charge >White Herb - No negative stat changes from overheat, etc. >Bulb/battery/Snowball - stat increases certain type >Weakness policy >Sash - auto sturdy >Gem spamming
>not playing randbats, where every battle is different and full of shitmons
>>19580437 I can honestly tell you that this OU is worse than gen 5. Yes, we've done the impossible and made a meta worse than weather wars, and it will never get better. Ever.
I can go so far as to say that Mega Luke, Mega Gengar, Mega Mom and Blaziken should all be unbanned because as long as people refuse to fix the meta, this meta is a wasteland forever. So why try? Why not just say "fuck it" and declare it a free-for-all.
>>19580553 >tier decided entirely on team matchup and setting up the shell smash in front of your opponents face >you either get unstoppable CM/Refresh/Recover/Judgement Dark Arceus or this pic related shitlord Anonymous
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>>19580628 Belly Drum + Wish
Good set imo :^)
>>19580605 Because that would make OU unplayable, as opposed to just bad.
>>19580709 it's already unplayable you dickfuck
>>19580628 >NFEs that's new
>>19580605 Honestly, just ban Xerneas, Mega Gengar, and Maybe Ho-oh and bring everything else down and it would be just fine.
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>>19580709 Good. Then people will abandon it in droves.
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>>19580747 Naw you are exaggerating.
>people still shit the bed this hard over the meta It's bad atm, yea. Swagger and baton pass suspects are nice and all, but smogon just didn't time them really well, ok. But there has only been one REAL suspect round, calm down and be patient, it took them pretty damn long to get rid of deo-d last gen too.
>>19580770 Deoxys + kyogre. Literally the only viable team archetype then
>>19580747 Stall is difficult but not impossible to use
With Mega Gengar, it would just be impossible
I know people ITT like exaggerating and hyperbole but it's not that bad. There's quite a lot of things viable, even if most are offensively orientated.
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>>19580805 I was about to make a snarky answer to this, but here's a poem instead.
>"Mother, oh Mother! I'm hungry; >Give me bread, or I shall die!" >"Wait a little, my darling child; >Tomorrow we shall sow quickly." >And when the corn had been sown, >The child wailed again: >"Mother, oh Mother! I'm hungry; >Give me bread, or I shall die!" >"Wait a little, my darling child; >Tomorrow we shall harvest quickly." >And when the corn had been harvested, >The child wailed again: >"Mother, oh Mother! I'm hungry; >Give me bread, or I shall die!" >"Wait a little, my darling child; >Tomorrow we shall thresh quickly." >And when the corn had been threshed, >The child wailed again: >"Mother, oh Mother! I'm hungry; >Give me bread, or I shall die!" >"Wait a little, my darling child; >Tomorrow we shall grind quickly." >And when the corn had been ground, >The child wailed again: >"Mother, oh Mother! I'm hungry; >Give me bread, or I shall die!" >"Wait a little, my darling child; >Tomorrow we shall bake quickly." >And when the bread had been baked, >The child was lying on the funeral bier. Anonymous
>>19580834 ahaha what? Xerneas +Gengar are the only viable team type now. Last gen Ubers was the most balanced tier.
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>>19580864 Stall should be unplayable. Gen 4 a shit.
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Again, literally just play doubles or lower tiers instead of moaning about WAAAHH THEY WON'T SUSPECT AEGISLASH.
>>19580876 I've never gotten NFEs on randbats before
>>19580875 >>19580875 I meant the hypothetical ou metagame the post i quoted was talking about, not the ubers metagame
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>>19580958 But that is Ubers, but without the 2-3 most broken mons.
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>>19580920 NFEs don't appear in randbats anymore since gen 6. They did before, and there was nothing like a team of six basic stage shitmons with support moves.
fucktoy !66666666S.
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>>19580553 Randbats is like the only thing I play anymore. Who needs teambuilding?
>>19580805 I don't think you understand the meaning of "unwarranted optimism".
How's Smogon Doubles? I think I might try getting into it.
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>>19581215 >have no checks or counters to something >you almost always lose You don't say...
>>19581248 it's like cresselia and heatran hosting a sloppy orgy party, featuring hitmontop as the DJ
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>>19581336 Sure is gen 5 here.
Cress and Top are way less relevant this gen, Tran is still popular but it's really not as good as its usage suggests.
>>19581248 Just take a look at: and have a play around.
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>>19581215 >the meta is never allowed to get better Anonymous
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>>19581336 >I do not play this meta however I think I have a good grasp on it because I looked at the viability rankings for it Anonymous
Does anyone have a good team for the Battle Frontier in HG/SS? I can use any Pokemon up to gen 4 that isn't a legendary.
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>>19583088 >Garchomp >two fillers Here you go. :^)
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>>19583088 EV train three sweepers properly. That should do.
Use like, Life Orb Garchomp, Life Orb Starmie and Life Orb Scizor and you should wreck that thing.
>>19580038 Where do you find the council discussing about all this stuff?
I just started playing Showdown and this seems to be working for the most part. Any recommendations on how to improve it in general? Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite Ability: Synchronize Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 HP Modest Nature - Hyper Voice - Protect - Psyshock - Focus Blast Smeargle @ Focus Sash Ability: Own Tempo EVs: 252 Spd / 252 HP / 4 Def Jolly Nature - Sticky Web - Stealth Rock - Spore - Destiny Bond Bisharp @ Chople Berry Ability: Defiant EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 Def Adamant Nature - Iron Head - Knock Off - Sucker Punch - Swords Dance Sableye @ Leftovers Ability: Prankster EVs: 248 HP / 188 Def / 72 SDef Bold Nature - Taunt - Will-O-Wisp - Recover - Foul Play Goodra @ Assault Vest Ability: Gooey EVs: 252 SAtk / 8 Def / 248 HP Modest Nature - Draco Meteor - Fire Blast - Thunderbolt - Sludge Bomb Donphan @ Leftovers Ability: Sturdy EVs: 204 Atk / 144 HP / 160 Def Bold Nature - Ice Shard - Earthquake - Rapid Spin - Stone Edge
fucktoy !66666666S.
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>3 posts without getting banned That might actually be a new record. Yay! Anyway, nighty night, cee pee gee. ~
>>19585065 Well just by giving it a quick look I can tell you need to improve the pokemon you're using.
You see, Donphan, Sableye, Smeargle and Goodra have really small niches and should be used as seldom as possible, since they're awfully subpar in general and struggle at working properly in OU. Mega Gardevoir isn't the best of megas either.
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>>19580263 I use lanturn on one of my stall teams to check tflame and friends and provide heal bell support, plus an electric immunity & volt switch momentum. I also ev'd it to outspeed and ohko azumarill because fuck that thing Anonymous
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Guys, what's a good set for Bold Celebi? (Perfect IV's in Defense, Special Attack, and Speed) I was thinking: 252 HP/252 Def/4 Sp Atk Leftovers Calm Mind Baton Pass Recover Giga Drain Any feedback would be appreciated.I already looked through the Smogon page
>>19585709 >I'm building a team for multis You know, you're making it pretty hard since no one plays multis, I don't even know how they work. But I can tell you that attempting Crocune at doubles is, most of the time, a not so good idea, since setting up is pretty hard, and crocune will become dead weight for it's partners most of the battle.
A better partner for Mega Manectric would be something that beats Dragons and Ground types. Azumarill, for example. Or Mamoswine.
I'm breeding Wooper right now, Relaxed nature with Stockpile and Recover. Is Relaxed the right nature for it and if it's reducing Speed should I care about the Speed IV?
>>19585785 > Is Relaxed the right nature for it Depends if you're planning on running Earthquake or not. But since you're planning on using Stockpile I guess you should go with Bold.
Not like you should care about the speed IV. Since this is cpg and all, I'd tell you to hack a perfect IV on everything but Atk (which should be 0), but the speed IV is of little importance. Specially if you end up running Earthquake.
>>19585752 Multis are the same as Tag Battles. Bring 6, pick 3 and your partner picks 3 of their own, and you double battle two other guys.
So what if I use Mega Man, AVConk, Mamoswine and perhaps Talonflame for Tailwind? Or instead of CroCune, Tailwind Suicune?
>>19585816 I never care about Attack IVs on things that don't use it. I was thinking about using EQ but what other moves could I use on it.
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>>19585838 Suicune in doubles was good last time I checked, but I don't know the set. I guess it could work, yeah. I'm not a pro at this so don't take me that seriously, just stay away from the standard crocune set in doubles.
>>19585857 Scald, Toxic and Recover are essential on Quagsire. The last move is kinda filler, meaning it can be Earthquake, Stockpile, Yawn, Encore, Ice Beam, whatever depends on your team needs.
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>>19585876 Alright thanks. I just want to use it as a wall.
Ash Borer
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>>19577310 I am the second best poster there, second to xenu
>>19576900 Do you ever play GSC UU?
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>>19580546 yes
unless it got stuck on a shitmon
I hate it when I'm doing well and then a fat baton pass team wrecks me. >manage to bounce a roar and make them start the chain over >full defensive core means I couldn't make any headway before they recovered >stored power at full strength can ohko fatty fat slowbro before red card activates I know Infiltrator + taunt is the way to totally shut it down, it's just annoying to take into account when it's so left field.
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>>19586730 Taunt + Bounce?
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>>19586730 >tfw can't into reqs because can only ladder for three hours a day at most fuckkkkkk I just want this to end so we can move onto actual fucking suspects
GSC guy
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>>19586054 Well, gsc uu is completely dead, active ladders simply do not exist and the tier isonly really played in gimmick matches. I got into the meta a bit with a friend and we played alot matches and tbh it's quite a fun tier. One problem is that the banlists for gsc uu are completely different on different sites/communities. If you want to have a gsc uu match with me sometimes we can do that ofc
>>19583977 It gets leaked, McMeghan hangs out in the /cpg/ room on PS every now and then.
how high does my rank have to be to git gud?
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>>19585140 Well if any of them is seeming subpar it's Goodra, the rest seem to get the job done.
Any recommendations for a replacement?
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>>19588558 Around top 100 in popular metagames, way higher in dead ones.
>>19588486 i haven't seen him leaking anything so far, especially since council discussions aren't top sekkrit like some guys pretend they are.
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I want to start breeding Eevees to then give out to others to be used in competitive play. Which egg moves should I put on them? Which natures should I be breeding? Which IVs?
>>19585065 >AV Goodra It's shit
Quoted By:
>>19589369 Maybe if you're a badgefag.
>>19591959 What's a good replacement then?
>>19585065 nigger what are you doing
gardy shouldn't have protect,
-he- should have wisp
you should be using shukle for your sticky web lead
bisharp should have blackglasses not a berry for something that'll ohko him anyway
and drop everything in the last half of your team, those are some QUALITY shitmons you've brought. preferably with keldeo so other bisharp don't rape you in the ass
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>>19593219 >you should be using shukle for your sticky web lead You know you can change the order of your team right?
First "serious" OU team for XY meta Espeon @ leftovers (magic bounce) cm/ morning sun/ psychic/ gleam zardY flamethrower/ roost/ solarbeam/ air slash conkledurr @ Assvest (guts) mach/drain punch/ EQ/ KO heatran @ balloon (flash) eruption/ lava plume/ flash cannon/ roar sableye @ leftovers (prank) WoW/ recover/ taunt/ KO celfable @ toxic orb (magic gaurd) cosmic power/ boiled/ encore/ moonblast I know heatran needs a lots of work but I'm having a hard time coming up with a good moveset for it.
>>19596758 Throw the whole thing out and use Deoxys HO.
>>19596833 >I have not played since March You mean sand offense. If you're going to whine about the meta at least whine about what people actually use.
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>>19596860 >yfw it's Gen V over again Anonymous
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>>19597215 You forgot
>this meta is shit >X, Y, Z etc. will never be suspected because muh HO >team rates with obvious shitmons >verlisify >cartridgefags Anonymous
What ou specific stuff is only available in platinum? I see the game in a trade in store for a really good price
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>>19597955 defog+move tutors
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>>19596860 People still use plenty of Deoxys HO, only now it's Defiant Thundurus instead of Bisharp. It's about the only kind of weatherless non-stall you can run (balance lel)
>>19576683 Quick Questions! (UU singles)
Offensive Miltank:
Adamant or Jolly? Item?
Scrappy, right? Hydreigon
Hasty, Timid or Modest? Scarf, Specs, EBelt or something else?
3 Special Attacks + U Turn or 4 Special Attacks?
-Draco Meteor
-Earth Power or Flamethrower?
-Surf, Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse or Flash Cannon?
-U turn or another nuke?
Leaning towards Hasty, Draco/Earth Power/Surf/U turn Anonymous
>>19596833 You mean Sand Offense or Baton Pass.
Or ironically pretend to be one of those idiots who pretend that the meta is dominated by Bulky Offense and Stall teams.
Quoted By:
>>19598757 What's the typical generic sand offense team look like outside of tyranitar+ excadrill?
>>19598757 >that guy who always says "b-but stall is on the high ladder!!!" Why do people pretend HO and BP aren't the only things in the metagame?
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>>19598365 Miltank is shit
Hydreigon @ Life Orb/Expet Belt
Hasty Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Dark Pulse
- Iron Tail/Fire Blast/Focus Blast
- U-turn
Dark STAB is too good to give up
Iron Tail 2hkos Florges
Fire Blast is for Roseraid, Forretress, and Heracross
Focus Blast is for Lucario, Empoleon, and Umbreon
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>>19600174 Because they're right. Unless you have legitimately never been on the higher ladder, or never even looked at usage stats.
There's a difference between archetypes being dominant, and archetypes being the only thing people use.
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Fri 13 Jun 2014 08:33:11 No. 19602738 Report Quoted By:
Is there any way to get HP Rock without giving up a point of speed? I've been using this chart and plugging numbers into a HP calculator but am not getting the expected results.
Is it me or is Nugget Bridge a piece of shit? I mean compared to Smogon Articles Nugget Bridge comes of as vague as fuck. There's no strategy dex or war stories like in Smogon. There's no huge backlog of information pertaining the current metagame. It's mostly shit any trainer already knows about.
>>19602897 That's because Smogon gets to wank over the same pokemon combinations for years and gets to ban in order to leep the same strategies dominant on the same old stale ladders.
Meanwhile in VGC, GF basically throws a rusty knife into the fighting pit and says "THIS is what you use, the survivors get prizes."
Actually read through the team reports; this is where you'll find the meat of the content. It's not really possible to rate pokemon singly in VGC as available partners and individual skill and playstyle have such a massive impact.
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Fri 13 Jun 2014 09:11:37 No. 19602980 Report Quoted By:
504 EVs used, can't raise any stat with the remainder (that I can find). Does speed round up or down? If it's down then I should do the leftovers in speed to outspeed base 130s after a quiver dance (264 x 1.5 = 396, base 130 = 394), if up then HP (263 x 1.5 = 395), both scenarios for level 100 battling. Can't find anything better to do with it.
>>19602969 >Meanwhile in VGC, GF basically throws a rusty knife into the fighting pit and says "THIS is what you use, the survivors get prizes." So nobody wants to help others because they want their kid prizes?
Seriously VGC prizes are lame as fuck. It's not even real money. Why isnt there like something to let newcommers of the metagame know what's up.
Ursaring @ Flame Orb Ability: Guts EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 Spd Adamant Nature - Extreme Speed - Fake Out - Close Combat - Crunch Aerodactyl @ Choice Band Ability: Rock Head EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP Jolly Nature - Head Smash - Brave Bird - Earthquake - Crunch Kyurem-Black @ Life Orb Ability: Teravolt EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP Jolly Nature - Dragon Claw - Ice Shard - Icicle Crash - Fusion Bolt Espeon @ Fist Plate Ability: Magic Bounce EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP Modest Nature - Shell Smash - Stored Power - Judgment - Dazzling Gleam Scizor @ Scizorite Ability: Technician EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd Adamant Nature - Gear Grind - Shift Gear - Megahorn - Bullet Punch Infernape @ Leftovers Ability: Blaze EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 SDef Jolly Nature - Stealth Rock - Sacred Fire - Flying Press - U-turn
Next suspect will be Deoxys-D and Deoxys-S (maybe together, maybe not, I don't know yet). Take it as granted.
>>19602986 Sorry, I phrased that poorly. My point is that the top players can't say "hold on a minute, I don't like these strategies, this is too far from the old meta, let's ban things to smooth things out a bit." The meta changes in a way that's outside player control, so people have to find new ways of dealing with it at a fast pace. Articles about year-old teams don't necessarily help.
Again, look at team and tourney reports. See how the player uses their team, not just what team they pick. In mid to high level Doubles you need general player skill, not just a strong gimmick team.
>>19603260 My point is that the top players can't say "hold on a minute, I don't like these strategies, this is too far from the old meta, let's ban things to smooth things out a bit."
Sub-1400 shitter confirmed
fuck off if you don't think megamom is a blight on VGC and game freak has no concept of balance
I enjoy doubles but vgc14 is a shit meta because everything's centralised around like 2 or 3 pokemon
The entire point of smogon bans is to get rid of shit like that
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>>19603497 forgot my maymay arrow on that first paragraph
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>>19603497 >fuck off if you don't think megamom is a blight on VGC and game freak has no concept of balance Calm down.
Mega Kanga is an extremely strong and pretty bulky single-target physical attacker who can't hold an item. That's it.
Think about all the chain Intimidates floating around, think about Prankster status that MKanga can't Lum away, think about Amoongus, think about prediction combined with Protect. You just need a plan for her, which is fine. I'm using MZY and already bring Machamp along for Wide Guarding Rock Slides, and I know plenty of people bring along Aegislash, so it's not even like it needs to be a special stand-out plan.
Went to UK Nationals and had to leave early, but went 4-1. I saw one Mega Kanga and didn't lose to her, lost to Maga Ttar.
Every meta coalesces around the main threats, but this year's VGC has been drifting further from Mega Kangaskahn as people learn to deal with her. The same goes for a lot of common mons.
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Fri 13 Jun 2014 12:52:23 No. 19604286 Report Anyone here know for sure how leftovers recovery rounds? If a Pokemon would get 9.5625 HP per turn from Leftovers, what would it round to? How about if it got 9.5 HP per turn?
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It's just me or M-Heracross can break BP/Deniss team pretty easily?
>>19604286 Google can tell you much quicker, but it rounds down.
>>19604286 .5 always rounds down in Pokemon, I don't know how it works beyond one decimal place though.
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Fri 13 Jun 2014 13:04:41 No. 19604360 Report >>19604346 At what point does it stop rounding down? I couldn't find anything.
Is drizzle + swift swim still banned in XY?
dubs nub
ASH BORER~ TOTEM~ pls rate my doubles team which i got to top 100 with. my main concern with it is the huge ice weakness, so i kinda want help on reducing that. i dont mind large overhauls, just in case Landorus-Therian (M) @ Choice Scarf Ability: Intimidate EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd Adamant Nature - Superpower - Stone Edge - Earthquake - U-turn Kangaskhan (F) @ Kangaskhanite Ability: Scrappy EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd Jolly Nature - Return - Fake Out - Drain Punch - Sucker Punch Aegislash @ Leftovers Ability: Stance Change EVs: 228 HP / 252 SAtk / 28 Spd Modest Nature - Flash Cannon - Shadow Ball - Substitute - King's Shield Suicune @ Leftovers Ability: Pressure EVs: 240 HP / 80 Def / 112 SAtk / 76 SDef Bold Nature - Ice Beam - Scald - Tailwind - Roar Shaymin-Sky @ Focus Sash Ability: Serene Grace EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef Timid Nature - Seed Flare - Air Slash - Earth Power - Protect Thundurus (M) @ Life Orb Ability: Prankster EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 SDef Timid Nature - Hidden Power [Ice] - Thunderbolt - Taunt - Thunder Wave it was made with the intent to counter standard teams, which rarely had ice moves. fuck hailroom, seriously
>>19604360 Whole numbers, HP never deals with decimals.
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>>19604392 Just join the chatroom, it's easier to talk about from there.
If you don't want to I'll basically say it's easier building a new team than fixing that ice weakness and sorting out TR since any changes will just cause more problems.
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Fri 13 Jun 2014 13:17:17 No. 19604455 Report Quoted By:
>>19604346 >>19604353 >>19604442 One of these is right, but I'm getting conflicting messages over how lefties recovery works so I'm not sure which.
"When using Leftovers, it is often advised to make your HP divisible by 16, +1. This will allow for a "magic" Leftovers number (a number divisible by 16), while the +1 allows essentially for a "free" hit point due to the floor function in the damage formula." - Plus what you guys are saying. I'm confused.
Is Modest Porygon2 viable? Even if you run 0 Def/Sdef investment you can still get pretty good bulk, ~320 in each stat, while being able to hit much harder than if you ran Bold/Calm
>>19605796 If you play for fun I guess it's fine.
Are there any other redirectors available in vgc14 besides amoonguss? I miss my toge ;__;
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>>19605820 Well fuck, I might aswell just evolve it then breed another Porygon2
sorry for newfagging but could you guys recommend good trappers and what nature and EV should it have?
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>>19608729 I know ;_; I was making a lot of stupid decisions and just getting generally rekt, but I pulled through in the end, and nary a fuck was given.
LC guy
so yeah I rmt'd check it out I guess
also here for any Little Cup help, not that anyone cares
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>>19603497 >The entire point of smogon bans is to get rid of shit like that not anymore kek
we all know the mega luke ban was the last legitimate one
shit went downhill ever since drizzle got failed month after month to get tested, and now? deos? genies? pfff are you shittin me son
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>>19607000 pachirisu, lucario
Lisa 3840 5489 1020 {1666}
>>19608703 Define good trapper? Also, showdown or level 50 battles?
I've a Gothitelle I could suggest but otherwise I don't really run trappers.
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>>19608703 i wouldn't run a trapper imo
why use a deadweight against the most common shit on the ladder (HO) just to trap a wall when you can wreck both stall and HO with brokenshit like landick and mixed thundick
>>19609049 a trapper for showdown, im tired of those skamory or chansey switching, when i could use thunder or psyshock to kill them
>>19609195 10 bucks on you aren't right.
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>>19609241 >im tired of those skamory or chansey switching Nothing good ol' reliable Landick can't handle.
>>19609241 magnezone, gothitelle and dugtrio to some extent are still legit, they are only worth using when your team severely capitalizes off getting certain things out of the way (eg dugtrio on a zard-y team, where the rest of the team is kinda walled by heatran too)
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>>19609303 eric, simply eric
>>19609290 i will start with gothitelle, somepeople told i should go a bulky one b cuz her defensive stats are pretty great, is that right?
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>>19609445 i think there is a bulky taunt set that sets up on things like chansey, i think you can find the spreads for it on smogon. other sets are specs/scarf for revenging and killing of things. you can pretty much tailor this thing to whatever you want to get rid of.
>File Deleted Jew mods are le butthurt
>>19609445 (Gothitelle) @ Leftovers
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 232 HP / 112 Def / 24 SDef / 140 Spd
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psychic
- Thunder Wave
- Calm Mind
- Substitute
- HP: Recovers 1 sub's worth of HP after 4 turns of lefties instead of needing 5 turns
- SDef: Its sub cannot be broken by Mega Venusaur's Sludge Bomb after 1 Calm Mind instead of needing 2
- Speed: Outruns 16 speed Venusaur, which is standard nowadays
- Nature: You want the nature to benefit the highest uncapped stat, so in this case defense
It is the absolute natural enemy of all Venusaur but it's good for other things too.
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>file deleted Why?
>>19609559 thanks mate!, the problem with smogon is its show strategys from B/W and several things changed.
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Probably deleted because it wasn't z0mOG edition
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>>19609748 For some reason they're taking a long ass time to get shit up on the mainsite, but they have a whole list of complete analyses Anonymous
>>19609559 Why twave and not tbolt? You're gonna be walled by all dark types that way
trickscarf is also great for completely fucking over stall
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>>19609810 Because the purpose of that particular set is entirely to fuck over Venusaur, no other Pokemon was given consideration.
Bring it in on Venusaur, ideally safely, then you can more or less freely setup on it and get +6 with a sub and sweep their entire team if you're lucky.
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>>19609266 >being the faggot who thinks it's funny to get people's hopes up like it's january and bank isn't out >impersonating mcmeghan Get
>>>/out/ Anonymous
>>19609241 Heatran@Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SDef / 4 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Magma Storm
- Protect
- Taunt
- Toxic
It's a good special wall and can trap chanseys on the switch that think they can troll him, taunt and toxic them, chipping away their HP by residual damage as you protect to stall for turns and get leftovers recovery, even opening up a clean switch in for a ghost as chansey tries to seismic toss it right before it dies by toxic. It can also catch some bulky water Pokemon by surprise, like AV Slowbro.
He's my bro this gen.
>>19611580 thanks mate it will help me to kick someasses in showdown
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>>19611808 Good luck. Consider MS' main drawback however: Its accuracy and low pp. Use it wisely, Mr anon
>>19610214 W-Who's that girl? I think I know her
>>19612836 That's ego. It even says so in the file name, silly.
>>19612869 Is she Brazillian?
>>19613499 Then she's got a doppelganger.
>Everyone says AV Goodra is shit >Pokeaimmd using it multiple times in UU What crowd do I follow
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>>19614376 >UU there's your answer
Quoted By:
>>19614376 AV Goodra is shit in OU
It's sort of okay in UU
I like Expert Belt more, though Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19614376 Volcarona is the main reason. Hence, UU Goodras run Rock Slide.
I don't play with Goodra much though.
Quoted By:
>>19613704 It's not the real ego you massive newfag
>>19614376 >pokeaimmd There is your problem
>>19619986 ez m8
Yanmega @ Life Orb
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Modest Nature
- Tail Glow
- Protect
- Bug Buzz
- Aeroblast
>>19620035 Alrighty rad.
Is speed boost really preferable to tinted lens?I currently just have a yanma with compound eyes and no idea which ability he's going into and neutral hits on NE sound dope as hell. I also think im already gonna use a speed boost venipede on this team aswell not sure whether to make him spikes/supporty or sweeper.
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) !!TogKya6RZZH
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) !!TogKya6RZZH Sat 14 Jun 2014 18:16:39 No. 19620140 Report Quoted By:
>>19620103 Have been using a specs tinted lens Yanmega myself, the thing hits like a truck.
The only complaint I have with it is the inability to switch up moves.
Hey guys, what are some good partners for Porygon2? I'm using this set currently: Porygon2@Leftovers Download Modest 252 HP/252 Sp. Att/4 Def Tri Attack Recover Ice Beam Thunderbolt
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>>19623071 Woops, not Leftovers. I meant to put Eviolite.
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Idk if this is the right place to ask, but how do I break into the upper eschelon of pokemon battling, like being drafted intro tournies like SPL and shit? Should I just play in as many Smogon tours as possible?
Is togekiss a good doubles partner?
How exactly do I make a doubles team? The few times I tried it back in 5th gen I lost every time and I don't' think I even managed to knock out a pokemon Also, how do I make a team for 6->3?
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) !!TogKya6RZZH
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) !!TogKya6RZZH Sun 15 Jun 2014 10:22:06 No. 19629932 Report Quoted By:
I'm making a team of waifus for shits and giggles since I've most of the team anyway, who can I add as the 6th member? Lopunny @ Assault vest Jolly / Klutz Switcheroo - Encore - Healing wish - Thunder wave Lilligant @ Leftovers Modest / Own tempo Petal dance - Hidden power (Rock) - Quiver dance - Substitute Gardevoir @ Light Clay Calm / Trace Reflect - Light screen - Healing wish - Will-o-wisp Mismagius @ Life orb Timid / Levitate Nasty plot - Shadow ball - Dazzling gleam - Taunt Mawile @ Mawileite Adamant / Intimidate Play rough - Iron head - Sucker punch - Swords dance What waifu would best cover up the glaring weaknesses in that lineup? This isn't serious or anything but I'd like to not get swept by any one attacking attacking type or anything like that.
>>19603154 Just confirming for the denialfags.
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Best ball for Gliscor?
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>>19628950 If you're making a doubles team, your pokes need to synergize very well with eachother. Come up with a theme like trick room or weather or something and just use that, and make sure you have a way to beat common doubles archetypes. Really it's just getting used to doubles is the key.
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>>19628950 Fake out is the stealth rock of doubles. Most teams use it, and even if you don't, you need to prepare for it.
Alex (0190-0039-7358) [Ivysaur, Pansage, Maractus]
Alex (0190-0039-7358) [Ivysaur, Pansage, Maractus] Sun 15 Jun 2014 18:01:17 No. 19634091 Report So this guy got some pretty okay buffs this gen and he's one of my favorites, how do I make him good? 85 Speed isn't very friendly on GF's part.
Quoted By:
>>19634091 I guess you could throw it into a rain team in UU. It'll need some support but you could use the old Bulk Up set well.
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>>19630487 I want my Thundurus suspect and I want it now!
I tried my hand at making a birdspam HO team, with mega ddtar as cleanup when the other team is too beaten down from talonflame and staraptor crashing into everything to stop tar's sweep, but I feel it's sub optimal. The team as of now is Deoxys D, Bisharp, Gengar, Talonflame, Staraptor, and Tyranitar. What team changes should I make?
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>>19630487 Good to know. In your opinion, would it be better to test those two together or separate?
>>19630487 >less likes than messages Anonymous
>>19635493 HAZARD FUCKING REMOVAL HOLY SHIT YOU CAN'T PLAY BIRDSPAM WITHOUT RELIABLE HAZARD REMOVAL AND NO TAUNT DEO DOESN'T KEEP YOUR SIDE CLEAN. seriously that's not hard man. Also your team looks like it's 3 teams shred together, deosharp, birdspam and some bulky offense team. if you want a framework for an offensive team: lead, breaker1, breaker2, pivot, sweeper, filler while the filler can be a source of speed, another sweeper, another pivot, etc.
Quoted By:
>>19635800 >being a likewhore Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19635841 Well, the main idea behind the team is between the two birds, they take care of all of tyranitars threats, allowing him a clear path to sweep.. deo litters the field with hazards, sharp and gar make sure they stay there. What do you think should be changed?
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>>19608805 Yo LC Guy I just started playing LC and I love it. I care.
recommended moveset for this guy? vgc doubles
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>>19603154 >>19630487 so ready to ladder for this suspect
hopefully the genies can get suspected afterwards
>>19640584 SD bug bite burito proect
what elso
>>19646312 Skip protect for fighting coverage, don't be a wuss.
Quoted By:
Optimal spread for spdef mscizor? :)
modest or quiet for VGC sublefties aegislash?
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I still don't know if this guy gave me a chance to win or he fucked up badly Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19647511 brick break a shit
superpower is not vgc legal
>>19646312 bug bite is also not vgc legal
Quoted By:
>>19647511 brick break a shit
superpower is not vgc legal
>>19646312 bug bite is also not vgc legal
Quoted By:
Guys do you do VGC RMTs?
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>>19648700 I use quiet. It works so well
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SDWW-WWWW-WWW7-VV2F Is there anything more fun in life than utterly destroying 12yr olds using pretty much only Lilligant?
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I was thinking about making a new team based around M-Blastoise and Aegislash, but I need a solid Talonflame counter. I was thinking maybe Rotom-W/H, or Tyranitar, but that would create the need for mons that can take advantage of the sand. Any suggestions?
How should I run Zapdos? I currently have Roost/Defog/Tbolt/HP Ice I want to use Heat Wave for Scizor/Ferrothorn, but 4MSS a shit
>>19659066 >didn't even finish my post So what should I run? I kind of want Roost so it can switch into Rocks and heal off the damage then Defog, but Fire/Electric/Ice is great coverage
>>19659095 Run Max HP/Sp.Def OR Def, whichever your team needs, with Discharge, roost, defog, heat wave. Run about 24 spe evs also
>>19659095 >but Fire/Electric/Ice is great coverage Compared to what, mono grass?
There's plenty of better combinations for good coverage.
Quoted By:
>>19659285 Well I mean it's good for Zapdos, imo
>>19659274 I'll try this
Quoted By:
ppl forced me to make new thread for some reason
>>19659350 >>19659350 >>19659350