>>19606745>Why not just nuke it?There's a difference between a shit meta and an unplayable meta. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean that's a good reason to vandalize it.
>>19606695>>19606729Item Clause is a thing in VGC/Battlespot because you're only using three or four pokemon. Item clause is not a thing in smogon singles/doubles cause you're using all six. Furthermore, there's very few good items that a defensive pokemon can use.
Items available to offensive teams:
-Choice specs, band, scarf
-Life Orb
-Expert Belt
-Arceus Plates (and its clones, like Spell Tag)
-Focus Sash/Red Card (suicide lead)
-Mega Stones (just about every mega evo is offensive in nature)
-Assault Vest
-Weakness Berries (e.g. Wacan Berry Manaphy)
-and pretty much every other item
Items available to defensive teams:
-Rocky Helm
-Assault Vest (Slowbro/King, Amoonguss, Tangrowth only)
-Black Sludge (Amoonguss only)
-Eviolite (Chansey and Pory2 only)
-Mega Stones (Scizor, X-zard, Venu only)
-Toxic Orb (Gliscor only)
It's just restrictive to defensive teams, but not offensive teams cause if you can't use Leftovers on Clefable, there's no good alternative, but if you can't use Life Orb on Bisharp, you can just use Dread Plate.