Alright /vp/... I'm currently trying to get rid of 7.5 boxes of Gible. All of these Gible will have at least 5IV as the parents were each 6IV. Many of them have the hidden ability Rough Skin, and the rest have Sand Veil. All Gible have the egg move Iron Head to help deal with pesky fairies. Honestly, all I'm looking for in trades are pokemon that are basically out of left field (ie not Bidoof, Fletchling, Caterpie, etc.). I'll take pokemon with good IV's, clones, legends what have you. I figure this is as good of a chance I have to fill up my pokedex. If you're interested, let me know what ability you prefer, and gender as well.
Ian (4699-7341-0679)
>>19613004 One sec, OP, lemme start my game up...
Can you rename one of them?
Ian (4699-7341-0679)
>>19613038 yeah. not a you have a preference as to ability/gender?
Ian (4699-7341-0679)
Quoted By:
>>19612857 >>19612857 >>19612857 Oh, and I forgot to mention the nature is Jolly.
Will 1118-0348-9461
>>19613049 There we go. I'd prefer a male one with rough skin.
Name it Donnel, please.
Ian (4699-7341-0679)
>>19613090 give me a minute and then send me a trade request
Will 1118-0348-9461
>>19613110 Gotcha. I'll hand over a female Adamant Mawile with pokerus.
Ian (4699-7341-0679)
>>19613118 sounds great. thanks. i'm ready whenever you are
Will 1118-0348-9461
>>19613133 Have you added me? You're not showing up.
Ian (4699-7341-0679)
>>19613155 sorry about that...3ds took a bit to reconnect. hope you enjoy the gible, and thanks for the mawile
Will 1118-0348-9461
Quoted By:
>>19613202 No problem! Thanks much!
Ian (4699-7341-0679)
Quoted By:
continuing the bump. i'll be on for a little while tonight as well as tomorrow probably in the morning. captcha: reasons aralksc
Ian (4699-7341-0679)
Icho FC:4012-5292-0960
I'd be happy to take one of them off your hands. How's a 4-6 iv whismur?
Ian (4699-7341-0679)
>>19613668 Sounds fine to me. Any preference on gender and or ability?
Icho FC:4012-5292-0960
>>19613810 A rough skin female preferably
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 (Poison)
Can I get one? I can offer a sheer force or guts Timburr(also Iron fist but would have to breed for one) They both have Mach punch and drain punch
Lilith (0490-5494-0232)
>>19612857 I'd love one of either gender with rough skin! I have a Timid 5 iv (missing atk) with...frisk.
Ian (4699-7341-0679)
Quoted By:
>>19614110 sorry we keep missing each other apparently. when you're on we'll trade.
Ian (4699-7341-0679)
>>19614489 I already have a sheer force Timburr so I guess the guts one would work out nicely. Don's stress about the iron fist anon.
Ian (4699-7341-0679)
Quoted By:
>>19614610 not a problem. what pokemon do you have that's 5IV though? I'm not seeing the name in your post haha.
I could give you a Wooper with curse, recover and unaware (I forgot if I got a pentaperfect left)
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sat 14 Jun 2014 17:11:31 No. 19619479 Report >>19618167 that would be good. are you online now? it seems i keep playing tag with everyone.
if we manage to trade, do you have a preference for anything?
Hacky 4785 4891 6611
>>19619479 Sorry for the delay. I am there now, HA and male would be nice.
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados)
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) Sat 14 Jun 2014 21:37:35 No. 19621990 Report >>19617410 Well just tell me when you're ready to trade
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sat 14 Jun 2014 22:40:07 No. 19622626 Report Quoted By:
>>19620044 >>19621990 I'm on now guys. Just send me a trade when ready.
Quoted By:
People really like this shit, especially asking for other 5iv stuff ? I just wt or release them.
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sat 14 Jun 2014 22:57:16 No. 19622780 Report >>19621990 Thanks for the trade. Enjoy the poke.
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados)
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) Sat 14 Jun 2014 22:58:08 No. 19622787 Report Quoted By:
Sydney 4081-6675-5908 Fire: Magmar Larvesta Braixen
Sydney 4081-6675-5908 Fire: Magmar Larvesta Braixen Sat 14 Jun 2014 23:24:00 No. 19623064 Report >>19612857 Anything in particular you looking for for dex completion?
If not I have dragon dance scraggy and can breed a snivy, mudkip, dragon pulse charmander, or a Y exclusive if you need.
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sat 14 Jun 2014 23:34:34 No. 19623166 Report >>19623064 I only have about 410 caught so I still need a considerable amount to be honest.
I've got the pokemon you listed but I think that Dragon Pulse Charmander would be pretty handy. What's the nature for it?
Also, what gender/ability would you like?
>>19623166 Should be timid. Male. Either ability.
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sat 14 Jun 2014 23:40:43 No. 19623236 Report >>19623219 That's fine with me. I'll add you and just trade me when you're ready
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 00:01:02 No. 19623437 Report Quoted By:
>>19623236 I'll be back in a little bit. just running an errand.
Sydney 4081-6675-5908 Fire: Magmar Larvesta Braixen
Sydney 4081-6675-5908 Fire: Magmar Larvesta Braixen Sun 15 Jun 2014 00:02:30 No. 19623449 Report Quoted By:
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 00:02:50 No. 19623451 Report >>19623219 Thanks. Enjoy the Gible anon.
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados)
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) Sun 15 Jun 2014 00:14:36 No. 19623607 Report >>19623451 Just checked the IV's for the gible
and just like you said they were 5 IV
and missing one in sp attack
which is good since these are all revolved around physical attack
thanks again!
Ruri - 4613-7596-0805
Could I get one of them please, OP?
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 00:24:21 No. 19623719 Report Quoted By:
>>19623607 That's great to hear you got a good one.
To be honest, I didn't keep up on them as far as which ones were missing which stat to make them sub-perfect 6IV since I did so many, but it sounds like you got a good one. Of course people can use them to breed other Gible for the stats they prefer.
>>19623637 Sure, what are you able to trade me?
>>19612857 Hey there OP
can I get a few of these? like 2 male that in common have all 6 IVs
>>19624819 as for offer... well do you need zekrom? I ahve one lying around being pretty fucking useless
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 02:25:21 No. 19625314 Report >>19624819 >>19624830 Just to make sure I'm understanding want 2 rough skin Gible that in total have 6IV.
so, for example, if I give you x/31/31/31/31/31 and 31/x/31/31/31/31 right?
And Zekrom? Most definitely yes. Give me your FC if I'm getting this right.
Jocas 4613 7643 8955 ( Trapinch diggerspby dugtrio )
Jocas 4613 7643 8955 ( Trapinch diggerspby dugtrio ) Sun 15 Jun 2014 02:31:51 No. 19625409 Report >>19625314 pretty much. if I could get them all male it would be gold too
and here's my FC
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 02:32:44 No. 19625422 Report >>19624830 I just found two male Gible, Rough Skin with x/31/31/31/31/31 and 31/31/31/x/31/31 if this is what you're talking about.
Jocas 4613 7643 8955 ( Trapinch diggerspby dugtrio )
Jocas 4613 7643 8955 ( Trapinch diggerspby dugtrio ) Sun 15 Jun 2014 02:36:56 No. 19625489 Report Quoted By:
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 02:37:51 No. 19625501 Report >>19625409 Anon. Whether that is cloned or legit you are awesome. I hope you like the returns. Thanks a lot.
Greg 2466-1532-6959
>>19625501 Are there gibles left? Am I too late?
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados)
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) Sun 15 Jun 2014 04:42:01 No. 19627182 Report >>19627154 Oh I'm pretty sure he has plenty left
(traded with him and saw atleast 3 boxes full)
Greg 2466-1532-6959
>>19627182 Well that's relieving! Thank you for the info, I've been procrastinating breeding gible for too long now.
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 13:08:43 No. 19630816 Report Quoted By:
>>19627182 This anon speaks the truth. I still have about 7 boxes left>
>19627219 Anon..what would you like to trade
Jocas 4613 7643 8955 ( Trapinch diggerspby dugtrio )
Jocas 4613 7643 8955 ( Trapinch diggerspby dugtrio ) Sun 15 Jun 2014 14:57:40 No. 19632088 Report >>19625501 Oh it was legit
''borrowed'' from my ex-gf game. she wasn't playing anymore anyway
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 15:08:50 No. 19632229 Report Quoted By:
>>19632088 this is why i love /vp/
There's a GTS giveaway thread, why create your own?
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 15:27:18 No. 19632432 Report >>19632390 easier for me to track requests if I get any. also, I don't want Lovediscs. I want pokes that I don't have already.
>>19627219 and anon, let me know if you're still up for trading.
Still got a 6IV Gible? I have some breeding rejects you can have in return!
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 15:47:48 No. 19632658 Report Quoted By:
>>19632623 not any 6IV. plenty of 5IV though if you're interested in that
Greg 2466-1532-6959
>>19632432 I fell asleep last night. If you are still around I'd be thrilled to trade with you.
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 16:13:35 No. 19633006 Report Quoted By:
>>19633000 lets do it. i'm available for a little bit now and then i won't be around until tonight
>>19612857 What ball are they in? Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 16:14:50 No. 19633023 Report >>19633008 regular pokeball.
>>19633000 also, what are you trading and what is your preference from me
Greg 2466-1532-6959
>>19633023 I have some leftover noibats from when I was breeding them. It's been a while since I played, so I'll need to check their IVs. Besides that I have a lot of random level 1 pokemon laying around. Are you looking for anything in particular? I'm just looking to have one of your gibles, and I'd prefer one that has iron head. I'm not concerned with its gender either.
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 16:25:15 No. 19633146 Report >>19633115 i'll take a noibat. and all of my Gible have Iron Head. I'm about to leave so should i initiate the trade now?
Greg 2466-1532-6959
Aquela 4725 7993 3819
I have some 4-5 IV bold Feebas I can give!
Greg 2466-1532-6959
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 16:29:13 No. 19633189 Report Quoted By:
>>19633160 Thanks anon. Enjoy the Gible. I gave you a male so you can still have the egg move passed down and a change of sending the ability as well.
to anyone else looking to trade I should be on later tonight.
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 16:33:40 No. 19633248 Report >>19633169 I already have a Feebas so if you could give me one thats 5IV that would be fair I guess. I may actually be sporadically available this afternoon though as well so just bare with me
Aquela 4725 7993 3819
>>19633248 Kk I understand
sledge fc:2981-5532-7369
>>19612857 Trade you some random non shit tier 5-6IV mons for a Rough Skin. Can I get a female and male one?
>>19634863 >>19612857 Also is there anything you need or want in particular OP?
How does a 4 IV mudkip with curse and avalanche sound? I'd prefer a male with rough skin.
>>19635014 Oh shit my FC is : 5155-3490-9530
>>19635014 Dood Id take one, is there anything you'd want in particular for it?
>>19635082 What do you have?
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 19:43:56 No. 19635162 Report >>19633379 There are. I'm just currently not near my 3ds until later
>>19634878 You can get both. Not a problem. What do you have?
>>19635026 Sounds great to me
>>19635162 When will you be on?
>>19635091 I have some 5-6IV Eevees with wish atm. I'm going to breed some Happy Hour ones in a bit if you'd like also.
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 19:49:11 No. 19635228 Report >>19635192 Since you seem active right now i can try to get on in the next few minutes. Male with rough skin for the 4iv mudkip with curse and avalanche right
>>19635193 I'd be fine with an eevee with just wish. I'm on right now.
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 19:55:35 No. 19635301 Report >>19634878 Are you still interested as well or no?
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 19:57:18 No. 19635324 Report >>19633341 Are you online?
>>19635301 Yeah still active, I've got some wish 4-5 Eevees if you'd like and some 6IV Protean froakies or some 5IV fennekins with Magican.
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 19:59:55 No. 19635357 Report >>19635335 The fennikin and froakie would be good. You want male and female?
Quoted By:
>>19635324 Also got some 5IV snorlax's calm nature.
>>19635357 Yes please. Male n female with both rough skin.
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 20:04:20 No. 19635415 Report >>19635369 Thanks a bunch. Enjoy
Quoted By:
>>19635415 Thank you! Have a good one!
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 20:10:08 No. 19635481 Report Quoted By:
>>19635253 Enjoy your mon. Thanks for the mudkip
Julio 1418-6928-1869 [Lampent, Phantump and Dusclops]
Julio 1418-6928-1869 [Lampent, Phantump and Dusclops] Sun 15 Jun 2014 21:57:32 No. 19636944 Report Hi OP. Can I have a 5 IV Gible w/ Rough skin and Iron Head, if possible? I'll give you a Shiny Suicune.
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 22:02:18 No. 19637000 Report >>19636944 Sure. What gender do you want
Julio 1418-6928-1869 [Lampent, Phantump and Dusclops]
Julio 1418-6928-1869 [Lampent, Phantump and Dusclops] Sun 15 Jun 2014 22:16:20 No. 19637206 Report >>19637000 Whichever, I'm not too picky on the gender.
Adding your FC now.
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 22:18:28 No. 19637232 Report >>19637206 Ok. Ill give you a male so you can pass the egg move and ability a little easier. Give me about 10-15 minutes
Julio 1418-6928-1869 [Lampent, Phantump and Dusclops]
Julio 1418-6928-1869 [Lampent, Phantump and Dusclops] Sun 15 Jun 2014 22:19:17 No. 19637242 Report >>19637232 Okay, thanks for doing this, by the way.
>>19637232 It's females that pass egg moves and abilites as of gen 6.
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 22:25:49 No. 19637339 Report >>19637242 Not a problem. Thanks for the awesome trade.
>>19637284 I think its females that have a better chance of ability wherea males still only can pass on egg moves. I mean I could be wrong of course
>>19637339 Nope, female egg moves and abilites take priority over males in gen 6
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 22:35:13 No. 19637503 Report Quoted By:
>>19637389 Huh. Well. I feel like i need a "the more you know picture"
Julio 1418-6928-1869 [Lampent, Phantump and Dusclops]
Julio 1418-6928-1869 [Lampent, Phantump and Dusclops] Sun 15 Jun 2014 22:38:09 No. 19637533 Report >>19637339 Hope you were pleased with Suicune.
10/10, would trade from you again.
Farah ~ 4957-2781-6550
>>19612857 Please oh great OP, send me your divine Gible. Please
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 22:45:10 No. 19637613 Report >>19637533 No thank you anon. Excellent trade.
>>19637551 We can trade sure. Ill be back on a little later. What can you trade?
Farah ~ 4957-2781-6550
>>19637613 Not sure, lemme look through my Pokebank.
Anything in particular you're looking for?
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 22:52:02 No. 19637705 Report >>19637659 Well I have about 415 caught or so, so theres a lot of room for expansion. Look through your bank and lemme know what you're willing to part with. I'm sure we can trade pretty easily.
You want rough skin or sand veil? Male or female?
Farah ~ 4957-2781-6550
>>19637705 Rough skin and female if possible.
Klink? Vanillite? Munna? Zebstrika?
Sorry I don't remember which ones arent available on XnY. Torkoal? Elgyem? Linoone? Tyrouge? Don't have any cool legends sorry
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 23:07:25 No. 19637908 Report >>19637798 I mean any of those sound good. No worries on not having legends. The klink vanillite zebstrika or elgyem should be fine. You choose.
I might be able to get on in a couple minutes.
And female rough skin it is
Farah ~ 4957-2781-6550
>>19637908 Awesome, sounds good man. Thanks
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Sun 15 Jun 2014 23:17:04 No. 19638056 Report >>19637936 Great trade. Thanks a lot. Enjoy the Gible.
Farah ~ 4957-2781-6550
Quoted By:
>>19638056 Thanks again, I sure will. Never actually used one before, I'm very excited.
Brock (4296-3903-8002)
Hey OP, I'd love a female Gible w/Rough Skin. I can offer Regigigas, or a Modest Trace Porygon. They're all leftovers but all have 31IVs in at least Special Attack.
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Mon 16 Jun 2014 00:28:36 No. 19638958 Report >>19638634 The regigigas would be awesome. Female it is. I wont be on for a little bit though if you are able to wait?
Brock (4296-3903-8002)
>>19638958 Yup, I'll be here.
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
>>19612857 I've got a bunch of penta-perfect modest squirts with aura-sphere
bunch of females too Penta pefect adamant swinub, a pentaperf charmander timid. I also got a penta perf (low speed) sassy spritzee if you're into trick room shenanigans. Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Mon 16 Jun 2014 00:42:28 No. 19639110 Report >>19639091 The spritzee would be cool. Whats your preference of gible regarding gender and ability.
Ill trade you when I'm on as well.
Willi 3609 - 1102 - 3800
sup op, i'd love one of the HA ones but renamed to Brachy. I can offer a female pentaperfect Jolly+Moxie Scrafty Lv. 42 (Daycare). It has Dragon Dance and Drain punch but they need to be re-learned thx to Daycare. Willing to trade? I'll get dd and dp back if you're willing. P.S. just checked it, already has 252 atk/ 252 spe/4 hp EV's.
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
>>19639110 Can you name the gible Jack? male pls. rough skin and what nature would be good for a Mega evo set?
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Mon 16 Jun 2014 00:51:24 No. 19639218 Report Quoted By:
>>19639141 Thats fine. No worries on making the moves come back. I can do them myself. What gender?
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Mon 16 Jun 2014 00:52:47 No. 19639243 Report >>19639147 Ok. And i prefer Jolly for the mega but its really up to preference.
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
Quoted By:
>>19639243 Okay, Jolly sounds good.
Willi 3609 - 1102 - 3800
>>19639243 Male. Adding now then ready when you are. thx in advance
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
>>19639275 already online bro just send me a trade :)
Willi 3609 - 1102 - 3800
>>19639285 last second question, what nature are they? Also, online and waiting.
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
>>19639290 You mean the gible? if you have hasty that would be cool. my gf wants to run a mixed set. If you would like another pokemon in addition to the spritzy I'd take a jolly.
Willi 3609 - 1102 - 3800
Quoted By:
>>19639351 I'm dumb, I'm not op and neither are you. we added the wrong people
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
Quoted By:
>>19639290 I have a completed Pokedex so I'm sure I have something that could fill an entry.
Scratch that.... OP
>>19639351 if you can fill those req that would be awesome. sorry :/
Quoted By:
This many people actually need gibles? Gibles of all fucking things? /vp/ step your game up you shitlords
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Mon 16 Jun 2014 01:15:15 No. 19639493 Report Quoted By:
I'll be online in about a half hour for those who want to trade.
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Mon 16 Jun 2014 01:19:21 No. 19639532 Report I only have jolly nature currently. Hope this isn't a problem.
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
>>19639532 Okay well Its fine don't worry. Male rough skin jolly named Thrash. I'll breed the hasty myself alls cool.
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Mon 16 Jun 2014 01:28:54 No. 19639630 Report >>19639569 I thought you wanted Jack?
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
>>19639630 My girlfriend wanted a hasty one named jack. Imma breed her the hasty one, this one if for me though.
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Mon 16 Jun 2014 01:31:54 No. 19639661 Report IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
Quoted By:
>>19639630 or if you have a female that would be better still. Female HA Named Thrash.
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
>>19639661 Sorry I change my mind so much. I just remembered that male pokemon can't make babies.
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Mon 16 Jun 2014 01:41:03 No. 19639771 Report >>19639686 I have the female nicknamed. Ill be on in 5 minutes
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
>>19639771 Okay cool. I'll be online. thanks in advance.
Willi 3609 - 1102 - 3800
>>19639771 Before I send the trade: Jolly+Rough Skin Gible (M), named Brachy. For my 5IV Jolly+Moxie Scrafty (F) with DD and DP, sound right?
Willi 3609 - 1102 - 3800
Quoted By:
>>19639771 Thanks! Have an awesome day.
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Mon 16 Jun 2014 01:54:37 No. 19639915 Report >>19639860 >>19639803 >>19638990 Thanks a lot guys. Hope you enjoy.
Brock (4296-3903-8002)
>>19639915 Thanks for the Gible!
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton Mon 16 Jun 2014 01:57:51 No. 19639947 Report Quoted By:
>>19639931 No thank you, awesome trade man. Hope you can get some use out of the Gible.