Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover Pokémon here!
Help other anons out collecting the Pokémon they need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon.
Post in the thread with your IGN so we send our pokes to the right people.
Version exclusives, bank Pokémon, breeding leftovers, special ball Pokémon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and try to fulfill the requests of feallow anons. Everyone wins!
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES / SPECIFIC PENTA-PERFECTS That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc. general for that stuff.
Do you enjoy the Pokemon anime? >Come chat with us about breeding, giveaways, battles, and more! 1. Go to
http://webchat, 2. Type in your nickname.
3. Enter #/ggg/ as the channel name!
Old Thread:
Syl [4339-3760-5920]
>>19626552 havent really watched it since back when they were in johto for the first time Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19626552 Every time I see ash I get pissed off because he doesn't age. Anonymous
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !Fhowd66fb.
Quoted By:
>>19626552 Didn't like the sinnoh/unova arcs. XY is good so far. cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sun 15 Jun 2014 04:04:15 No. 19626684 Report >>19626613 >>19626653 It was a whole new world we live in.
It was a whole new world to see.
I'm breeding Gibles with outrage right now but it's such a pain constantly taking them out so the breeders don't replace Outrage and Iron head ugh I have a couple 4-5 iv bold Feebas I need to get rid of if anyone wants
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
>>19626684 It's a whole new place, with a brand new attitude
Piegasm !otnRSDkuZA
Could someone post that chart from the other day showing how to exactly iv breed in x and y?
>>19626698 Stock up on Heart Scales. They won't stop passing the moves till you take them out if that's what you're worried about.
>>19626698 Moves don't get over written until you take them out.
>>19626698 the moves dont get replaced as long as you dont take them out
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Diggersby, Marowak, Wooper)
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Diggersby, Marowak, Wooper) Sun 15 Jun 2014 04:07:27 No. 19626743 Report >>19626698 In gen 6 pokemon moveset changes don't take effect until after you take them out of the daycare, so all of your eggs should have Outrage/Iron Head as long as the parent deposited knows the moves
Piegasm !otnRSDkuZA
Quoted By:
>>19626746 yes! you are amazing! thanks!
>>19626552 Is Op's picture standalone or is there more
Quoted By:
>>19626684 >>19626702 but you still gotta catch em all.
be the best you can be
pokemon johto
ant suggestions on a Choice Band Crawdaunt set?
Arya 0576 4120 8657
Quoted By:
Alright well, my Miltank are passing down Curse (which is really the important thing) so I'll be breeding a few boxes for you guys.
>>19626817 yes there is more? or yes it is standalone
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados)
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) Sun 15 Jun 2014 04:16:42 No. 19626871 Report Quoted By:
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19626816 Knock Off, Superpower, Aqua Jet and some coverage move.
John (Beth)
>>19626905 What you want big boi
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados)
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) Sun 15 Jun 2014 04:22:58 No. 19626968 Report Does anyone have a let over scraggy with dragon dance, fake out, and drain punch???
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19626966 I don't know, what do YOU want, dubs girl?
any female lileep with HA ? need for start to breed
John (Beth)
Quoted By:
>>19626975 What do you has then
I'll show muh shines and just say what you want
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19626966 Also your Sableye has Stall, not Prankster.
trophy shiny gg Piegasm !otnRSDkuZA
ffs....does someone have a spare everstone?... fuck inverse battles lol
John (Beth)
>>19626988 Fuck really?
I'll get you another in a bit
Quoted By:
>>19626988 mega sableye has stance change so it doesnt matter
Quoted By:
>>19626698 >mfw I keep breeding outstanding spatk Gibles >mfw OI breed "superior" Gibles with two 5IV parents ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Diggersby, Marowak, Wooper)
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Diggersby, Marowak, Wooper) Sun 15 Jun 2014 04:29:37 No. 19627055 Report >>19626968 I'll disc up for one in a second
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
Giving away: 1 Foongus bold 4/5IV Effect Spore (endure, gastro acid, body slam, growth) female 8 Spiritomb Relaxed Infiltrator(HA) Moon Ball 4/5IV (destiny bond, foul play, pain split, imprison) Mawile Adamant Intimidate Love Ball (fire/ice/thunder fangs, metal burst)
>>19626994 Sandora says that you should disc up for a Mawile w/ an everstone attached
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19627015 Meowstic, Feebas and Absol. Tell me about them. Do you want a shiny for each: I have a few here.
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados)
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) Sun 15 Jun 2014 04:32:13 No. 19627077 Report >>19627055 You mean you have one or want one?
Cause I meant I need one
Luca [3153-4607-4211]
>>19627015 John, your pokemon are almost done, can I get your fc and just trade them to you? I'd like to see what other shinies you have, if that's alright?
Luca [3153-4607-4211]
Quoted By:
>>19627068 Discing for a female spiritomb. Thank you!
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19627015 Also the Aegislash, Gardevoir and Sceptile.
I want a bunch of stuff, I know ;_; Aric 2552-2302-4049
Does anyone have a Yamask with EM? Someone used to be doing a giveaway for them but I don't know where the one I got went. Also I'm giving away non-shiny Timid 4-5IV Unburden Treeckos They all have Leech seed, crunch, Natural gift, and Leaf storm
Piegasm !otnRSDkuZA
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Someone female HA Aerodactyl?
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19627125 I have a male Yamask with 4 EMs, Hp Fighting and is in a Moon Ball. Do you want it for breeding? I could trade it for a Treecko of yours, but you have to give it back to me one of these days.
Robin 1779-1056-0653
Hey guys, I gave up. I will never get all the legendaries. Someone here has them all so we can touch trade and I can go claim the Shiny Charm... My Living Pokedex died along with my dreams a couple minutes ago..
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19627157 I can touch trade you all the legendaries if you want.
>>19627157 Which legendaries do you need?
Robin 1779-1056-0653
>>19627125 Disc up for one of those Geicos..
>>19627169 I managed to get Mew from Gen 1 and Ho-Oh and Lugia from Gen 2, someone here gave me a Kyogre but I can't find it.
So, I need them all. ;_;
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19627155 I don't need a the HP fighting, any chance you could breed me one while I try to hatch more female treeckos?
Luca [3153-4607-4211]
Quoted By:
>>19627015 Your mons are ready.
>>19627181 You don't need event only pokemon to get the shiny charm.
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Sun 15 Jun 2014 04:44:01 No. 19627210 Report Quoted By:
Robin 1779-1056-0653
Quoted By:
>>19627201 I know, but I was trying to complete a living dex since this is my first pokemon game.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Quoted By:
>>19627181 Well congrats, I just hatche da female
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19627015 Beth, do you want to see the shinies I have? You gotta answer me!
>>19627183 I could breed you one or two of them but the IVs are going to be whatever since HP Fighting is 31/0/30/30/0, I think.
Quoted By:
>>19627125 Disc up for treecko. IGN Mitchell
John (Beth)
Quoted By:
>>19627072 Both Meowstics have the same stats but
male is infiltrator and the others competitive
If someone could clone them I'd give you one but I cherish these cuties sowwy
Feebas is female with Mirror coat haze dragon pulse and tackle. I can give but I'd need an egg from it plz and Absol knows sucker punch play rough mega horn and baton pass. Same with him as well i need an egg from it. Il accept any shiny you have for those
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19627224 That's fine, I planned on breeding for Ivs myself. I'm just too lazy to do eggmoves :/
Any bros out there with an Iron Fist Chimchar? Disc is up.
John (Beth)
>>19627113 Same with these as well I'd need the eggs from them. I'll breed these myself. Also instead of sceptile mind taking a shiny treeko instead (sceptile been with me since gen 3 ;-;)
Ryan 1864-9692-3058
I actually need help with legendaries too. I already have a lot but I still need>Mew >Manaphy >Regigigias >three genies >three unova deer things also what is touch trade
Robin 1779-1056-0653
Quoted By:
>>19627257 That when they send them to you so you get them in the dex and you send them back.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19627232 I already have an egg for you. Do you want a male or female?
>>19627246 No problem at all. I have perfect Absols and Feebas, but I'm a bit lazy to MM them at the moment. What's the nature on that Aegislash?
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19627257 You don't need Manaphy for the national dex
IGN: Rosette 4012-5408-9668
Looking for HA 4IV Torchic. Giving away Mawile leftovers with ice thunder and fire fang, sucker punch and love Ball
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19627266 Doesn't matter, I'll change the ball when I hatch a shiny
>>19627267 >>19627257 Also you don't need mew either
John (Beth)
Robin 1779-1056-0653
>>19627166 Lucy, I will add you now so we can ttrade.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Quoted By:
>>19627266 When I get another female, I'll hold onto it for you aswell
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19627275 Alright, enjoy. I don't have Hatching Power, so this is easier for you. And thanks <3
>>19627281 That works. We can trade whenever.
>>19627283 Alright, gonna add you too. Which legendaries do you need?
Luca [3153-4607-4211]
>>19627125 Disc upfor a treecko, female prefered.
Robin 1779-1056-0653
>>19627300 I hope you have them in gen order because I need them all, basically.
But I have Mewtwo, and XYZ.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19627301 12.5% female ratio is a bitch
Ryan 1864-9692-3058
>>19627300 Uh, can you touch trade a few for me too?
I can give you a
>5 IV Drought Vulpix >5 IV Limber Hawlucha >6 IV Modest/Impish honedge afterwards
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19627300 out of curiosity, what are the egg moves of your yamask?
John (Beth)
>>19627089 Shit just noticed you
Just trade me from your acq
Luca [3153-4607-4211]
>>19627328 Right, right, starter. Derp.
I'd like one either way, the disc I put up doesn't have the gender specified.
DeliveryMail 3067-6621-2482
>>19627125 disc up for a F unburden treeko, thanks in advance
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19627348 From what I remember, Toxic Spikes, Heal Block, Imprison and something else.
>>19627312 Added.
>>19627342 Yeah, sure. Also,
>those natures on Honedge >>19627353 Accept TR bbe
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19627357 I will save one for you when I get one if you want?
>>19627376 see
>>19627328 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19627125 disc up for treecko, thanks in advance, ign is serena
>>19627245 I didn't get it yet, is it possible you sent it to someone else? IGN is ilabb
Ryan 1864-9692-3058
>>19627380 you want the honedge? which one?
>>19627125 disc up for treeco
Robin 1779-1056-0653
Quoted By:
LUC! Mew has an HM, I'm gonna have to make it forget it before I send it back.
Luca [3153-4607-4211]
>>19627353 damn son, so many shiney 'mons~
Quoted By:
>>19626980 If have giga drain is much apreciated... but must needed is the ability ( female)
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>19627419 I don't need another Honedge, I have 3 perfect ones. It's a public service, you don't have to pay me after it's over.
I'm a slut, not a whore, if you like analogies >>19627312 Would you please trade my Mew back?
Luca [3153-4607-4211]
Quoted By:
>>19627385 Nah, that's not nessecary, thanks though. A male will be fine.
John (Beth)
>>19627357 Well shit my internet crashed sorry :c thanks for the pokes!
I gotta go to sleep anyways but if there was something you liked or are looking for tell me and I'll get you it!
Decided to catch my Zygarde today. Set myself up for the SR rampage and the first catch I get this: Jolly 30/31/31/27/31/31To keep, or not to keep....
DeliveryMail 3067-6621-2482
Quoted By:
>>19627385 dont worry, i male then
John (Beth)
>>19627380 I'll trade you in the morning bby
Internet crashed
>>19627484 its shit but i can get you something nice for it
>i collect snakes DeliveryMail 3067-6621-2482
Quoted By:
>>19627385 dont worry, a male then
Ryan 1864-9692-3058
John (Beth)
Quoted By:
>>19627439 Lol this is considered small compared to Aric based shiny god
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>19627488 lel ok
>>19627484 It's perfect, keep it.
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
Quoted By:
What is the best ball for a Darumaka/Darmanitan?
Quoted By:
>>19627500 It's not that bad. I'll probably reset I want a different nature.
Luca [3153-4607-4211]
>>19627473 Will do, thank you! The shiny Treecko looks super sharp! And back at you, anything off my list I'm happy to breed for ya. I also have enigma berries that I'm harvesting if you want one.
Robin 1779-1056-0653
>>19627533 CAn I have one of those berries?
Ryan 1864-9692-3058
would anyone happen to have the enigma berry?
I have a lansat/starf to trade
>>19627526 N pls
Luca [3153-4607-4211]
>>19627546 >>19627540 I'm harvesting them atm, but I can probs give a few out. I don't want to do a full on give away yet, I'm trying to build up a stock so I can do a full on giveaway.
Ryan, any chance I could get one of each for a pair of enigma berries?
Ryan 1864-9692-3058
>>19627579 Of course I can give you both! add me
Quoted By:
hi noone have a female lileep HA?
>>19627579 make them 6 i need 4 for friends thank you
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Diggersby, Marowak, Wooper)
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Diggersby, Marowak, Wooper) Sun 15 Jun 2014 05:19:26 No. 19627619 Report Quoted By:
>>19627077 oh whoops, my bad.
Requesting HA starly, nature/IVs don't matter Can offer bp items or breeding leftovers
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Diggersby, Marowak, Wooper)
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Diggersby, Marowak, Wooper) Sun 15 Jun 2014 05:21:56 No. 19627650 Report >>19627626 Disc up, I've got a ton of them in timer balls with double-edge.
Luca [3153-4607-4211]
>>19627603 I'm afraid I don't have that many to give out at the moment, if you want 6 of them, you'll need to wait until I've had a change to harvest more. It takes 90hours or something to get them to fruit, and they generally only give 1-3 berries, more sometimes if I'm lucky.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19627312 If you want to give me something for helping you, BP items are appreciated, just saying~ Luca [3153-4607-4211]
Quoted By:
>>19627597 It'll be just a minute, caught up in something.
>>19627666 ok i'm taking all you got now for instant trade
thank you
Robin 1779-1056-0653
LUC Kyogre has Surf. I will cancel the trade and make the mons forget them and send them to you. Also let's stop, I have something to do now..
anyone have a female aipom in fancy ball? nature and ivs dont matter
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19627695 >same mistake twice Ok, I'll wait.
>>19627650 Thanks bro, much appreciated. IGN is Aren.
Luca [3153-4607-4211]
Quoted By:
>>19627689 I'm gonna shit in your shoe, anon.
Santos !YxQttXvF5g
>>19627666 or you can give one and let him harvest the one for its friends
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Diggersby, Marowak, Wooper)
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Diggersby, Marowak, Wooper) Sun 15 Jun 2014 05:29:55 No. 19627745 Report Quoted By:
>>19627710 No problem, this is a giveaway thread after all.
Luca [3153-4607-4211]
>>19627729 They're just shitposting. .
Ryan 1864-9692-3058
>>19627703 can you touch trade a few legends for me while you wait?
John (Beth)
>>19627533 Alright Im planning on doing the shiny started gen 3-4 giveaway tomorrow so look forward to that!
Luca [3153-4607-4211]
Quoted By:
Anyone here with a Scraggy with intimidate or a Meowth with unnerve by any chance? I also hace 5iv Timid Gastly with Perish song of theres anyone interested let me know.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>19627784 Sure, which ones do you need? And
>>19627671 would be nice, but not necessary.
Luca [3153-4607-4211]
Quoted By:
>>19627807 Cool beans, around what time? I'm going to be trying to participate in teh 2chan/vp fathersday giveaway thing.
Luca [3153-4607-4211]
Quoted By:
>>19627791 Shame it was wasted on that.
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Sun 15 Jun 2014 05:40:33 No. 19627872 Report >>19627271 5 IV work?
>>19627698 Love Ball okay?
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
Quoted By:
>>19627807 hi, can i humbly ask you to save me a Treecko for tomorrow? ;_;
IGN: Rosette 4012-5408-9668
>>19627872 yep, i'll breed and give some afterwards anyway
disc is up
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Sun 15 Jun 2014 05:47:54 No. 19627981 Report So, I have abundant leftovers of the following: Iron Fist Chimchars(Gender doesn't matter because they're in pokeballs unfortunately ), and have Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, and Fakeout as egg Moves, Female Heavy Ball Skarmories with Stealth Rock, Whirlwind, and Brave Bird, Dream Ball Adamant Dratinis with Dragon Dance, ExtremeSpeed, Iron Tail, and Aqua Jet as egg moves. Some of the above were used for breeding and need the moves relearned.
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Sun 15 Jun 2014 05:49:21 No. 19628003 Report >>19627976 They're male, but they're
very sadly in Pokeballs, so it doesn't make a difference, really. Is that alright?
I'm a bit curious now What are all the different ball effects? Is it just visual?
>>19627981 I'd love a Chimchar. Disc is already up and has been up all night. I think anon was putting me on a ruse cruise saying he sent one.
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Sun 15 Jun 2014 05:51:06 No. 19628027 Report >>19628017 Alright, I'll take care of that.
IGN: Rosette 4012-5408-9668
Quoted By:
>>19628003 sure, ill just have to get a ditto or something
Luca [3153-4607-4211]
Quoted By:
>>19628006 Depends onthe ball, some heal small amounts of hp, some give off sparkles when you throw them, check serebii for specifics.
Quoted By:
>>19628006 They have different catching percentage in specific situations if you're catching something. Other than that it's just visual
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Quoted By:
>>19627807 Can you save me a Torchic please?
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
Good night everyone. If someone wants a few legendaries to complete the dex, I can touch trade them tomorrow.
Zitch 4253-3592-8142
Quoted By:
>>19627981 Would love a chimchar. Disc is up!
Ryan 1864-9692-3058
Quoted By:
>>19628054 aww, well good night =)
>Apricorn ball Skarmory with egg moves >dream ball anything with egg moves >>19628006 The sparkles look different with different balls.
Sean : 2079-8175-8358
Quoted By:
>>19627981 I'd like a Chimchar please.
Disc is up.
Piegasm !otnRSDkuZA
ok im going nuts trying to figure this out, I have a snover with 5 perfect ivs, is it possible to get it to have 6 perfect ivs? my ditto has 5 perfect and the snover parent also has 5 perfect
Quoted By:
>>19628099 yes, but 6th is always random
Le Flesh 3024 6249 7491
Quoted By:
>>19627981 discing up for a chimchar please
Quoted By:
>>19628099 Yes, if your parents pass down the good 5 IVs and then you get lucky with the last.
>>19627981 discing for a Dratini in a moment, female if possible please
>>19628099 It's possible, but it will need a lot of luck.
Le Flesh 3024 6249 7491
>>19628099 it's a 1/6 chance that the egg will spawn will the parent's perfect IVs then it's a 1/32 chance that the remaining stat will roll a 31
Le Flesh 3024 6249 7491
Quoted By:
any modest riolu with vacuum wave? (male) dont care ivs and ball
>>19627981 Thanks much for the Dratini. Is it too much to ask for a Skarmory too?
IGN: Rosette 4012-5408-9668
>>19628027 somebody else took my disc, would you happen to have that torchic available? if you do i'll disc up as soon as you reply
>>19627981 At least the quest is over. Thanks a ton for the Chimchar bro.
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Sun 15 Jun 2014 06:14:20 No. 19628235 Report >>19628069 What's that supposed to mean? They pass down, like almost any other pokeball.
>>19628099 It's possible. I've actually gotten a 6 IVer from a 5 IV parent and a 3 IV parent. Surprised the hell out of me.
>>19628215 Sure. I've got a ton of 'em.
>>19628211 Of course not, disc up.
IGN: Rosette 4012-5408-9668
Quoted By:
>>19628235 disc is up for torchic, thanks!
Sean : 2079-8175-8358
>>19628235 I received my Chimchar. Thank you.
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Sun 15 Jun 2014 06:19:27 No. 19628271 Report Ryan 1864-9692-3058
>>19627981 disc up for dratini, please
Piegasm !otnRSDkuZA
>>19628235 >>19628136 >>19628127 Will that little guy in kiloude say anything different if its penta perfect or no? just curious
IGN: Rosette 4012-5408-9668
>>19628271 thank you for the torchic, if you still have a fem skarmory and if it's not too much to ask for one i'd love to get one, disc is up
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Sun 15 Jun 2014 06:25:35 No. 19628316 Report >>19628304 He'll report each stat. He'll say HP is good, then attack, then defense, etc. Apart from saying more stuff(a line for each stat) he won't say anything else.
>>19628305 >>19628285 Sure. One sec.
Piegasm !otnRSDkuZA
>>19628235 Oops, I got distracted. Disc is going up now, thanks much.
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Diggersby, Marowak, Wooper)
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Diggersby, Marowak, Wooper) Sun 15 Jun 2014 06:29:08 No. 19628338 Report Quoted By:
>>19628304 He'll tell you all of the stats that are perfect. He'll also report any 0IV stats like
>but how can you make it through battle with that low of a Defense stat? and so on.
Does anyone have a hidden ability eevee or eeveelution they'd be willing to trade away? trying to get a level 1 eevee with hidden ability to start a fresh eevee run of Y.
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Sun 15 Jun 2014 06:34:35 No. 19628372 Report >>19628325 Thanks for the Heart Scale. These things help, really. I can never have enough of them.
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Sun 15 Jun 2014 06:38:55 No. 19628399 Report Don't suppose anyone has an extra Shiny Stone? If not I'll be trying to get one myself in the meantime, so it's no problem.
>>19628372 I just caught that Luvdisc and was thinking about taking the heart scale off, but I have an okay stock for now. I get the feeling I'm always going to need new luvdiscs, at least.
>>19628343 Put a Disc up for Eevee.
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Sun 15 Jun 2014 06:45:39 No. 19628457 Report >>19628419 Yeah, I figure everyone always needs more Heart Scales. I go through them really fast though. I'm on my second box of competitive pokemon. Currently training a Chimchar, Jolteon, Starmie, Togekiss, Inkay, Deino, Ghastly, Gilgar, Skarmory, Dratini, Bergmite, and a second Rotom. They'll probably all need move relearning.
I have far too much time on my hands. Anonymous
Quoted By:
Just caught Yvetal in a Luxury Ball. Time for some friendship motherfucker.
Dan 4597-0297-7942
Just deposited my Luvdisc, I'm looking for male Abra, preferably pentaperfect (or close enough). Nature and Ability don't matter.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Dan 4597-0297-7942
Quoted By:
>>19628577 *Key phrase here is "close enough". I'll take 3IVs or whatever. I just need something reasonably good to save time with my breeding.
Ryan 1864-9692-3058
Quoted By:
Does anyone have HA lopunny/buneary? I've wanting one of those
Dan 4597-0297-7942
Quoted By:
>>19628594 Thanks, you rock.
>>19628457 >I'm on my second box of competitive pokemon Wow, I'm jealous. I haven't even put together a competitive team yet
Quoted By:
need a ditto for breeding, too early in the game to catch one but too impatient to wait. will trade charizard B)
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Sun 15 Jun 2014 07:08:09 No. 19628637 Report Quoted By:
>>19628611 Well, with Daycare Leveling, hoard EV training with power items and other such things I can breed, train and level multiple pokemon in a day.
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Sun 15 Jun 2014 07:09:10 No. 19628643 Report Quoted By:
>>19628399 Got my shiny stone, disregard that.
Yuno 5086-2553-1720
Quoted By:
>>19627981 Dsc up for Chimchar. Thanks!
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
Quoted By:
>>19627981 I'd love a chinchar. Discn up for that!
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !Fhowd66fb.
Already got a competitively viable Volbeat earlier in the week. Still going for Illumise though. Who want this? Nicknameable.
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
>>19628947 C-can I have it?
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !Fhowd66fb.
>>19628967 sure, nickname?
Ryan 1864-9692-3058
>>19628947 how many do you have? I want one so bad
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !Fhowd66fb.
Quoted By:
>>19629012 just the one.
no powersaves.
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !Fhowd66fb.
>>19629027 i dont see disc
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
>>19629118 I want to give you an eevee holding an ability capsule.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !Fhowd66fb.
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !Fhowd66fb.
>>19629167 is that you with the TR?
how are you in my acquaintances?
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
Quoted By:
>>19629173 we traded, I think...
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
>>19629173 Thanks you man.
Sorry for me being a nagger
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !Fhowd66fb.
Quoted By:
>>19629203 its fine. enjoy
Aruku 0130-1841-0924
>>19629467 Gonna post the same thing here. I hope that's okay.
HP Fighting Yamasks, 31/x/30/30/30/0, Quiet.
Jaime 3067 5397 5309
Trying to MM Deino and have some Deino to giveaway otherwise I'n banking them for extra box space. Have x24 Female and x22 Male Modest Penta Deino in Dusk Ball with Earth Power and elemental fangs. Put a disc up with a message if you'd like one
>>19629495 Ill disc up for one. IGN is Chaos
Randell 0146-8666-4381
Quoted By:
>>19629507 i'll disc up for female one
Randell 0146-8666-4381
Quoted By:
Wait wtf is this red helioptile that just hatched
Aruku 0130-1841-0924
>>19629516 Done. Enjoy the Yamask and have a nice day, man.
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
Quoted By:
>>19629507 I'll disc for one male. Thanks
Quoted By:
>>19629536 Thanks a bunch!
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>19629507 I'll take a female please, thanks!
Sean : 2079-8175-8358
Quoted By:
So is either Kazuma or Señor Alfredo on? I have some of the requests from last night.
>>19629536 Hello, are you still here? disc up for yamask!
Ryan 1864-9692-3058
Ryan 1864-9692-3058
>>19629536 Thank you, dood!
Aruku 0130-1841-0924
Quoted By:
>>19630089 No problem, man. Enjoy the Yamask.
Also if you need a nickname just trade me.
Katsu 2578-3571-4512
Quoted By:
>>19630294 what now Katsu 2578-3571-4512, care to explain?
Calem 3711-8693-5960 (Pidgey, Tranquill, Fletchinder)
Calem 3711-8693-5960 (Pidgey, Tranquill, Fletchinder) Sun 15 Jun 2014 11:52:43 No. 19630325 Report Quoted By:
Anyone have a spare 5/6IV Unburden Treecko lying around? Could use one for breeding, so disc up for it, message is VPGTS.
Quoted By:
>>19630294 let's amplify that kush
>>19630294 you are banned on the any giveaway here for shitposting
Katsu 2578-3571-4512
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
Quoted By:
anybody here participating for 2ch global wonder trade later?
>>19630349 atleast you did not delete your post for damage control. so you have that going for you, which is nice.
captcha: cadaver, Goodra
Ign: Wil
Quoted By:
>>19627068 Spiritomb would be awesome dude!
Katsu 2578-3571-4512
Quoted By:
>>19630379 What are you talking about? I'm just spreading the word about Amplify being an enormous faggot
>>19630379 When I do my giveaway, I will be sure to sent Katsu the best Pokemon I can + I will probably give them one of many items I have thaks to 6 lvl. 100 Linoones.
Katsu knows about assholes and he will be rewarded for it
Katsu 2578-3571-4512
>>19630391 plan were successful , thanks anon =D, XD no worries, i love you too. XD
>>19630391 I love how you are basically going to be nice out of spite.
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
Breeding leftovers giveaway time Timid Helioptiles Egg moves: Electric Terrain x9 Dry Skin Ability 4IV x6 Dry Skin Ability 5IV x1 Sand Veil Ability 5IV Adamant Keckleons x7 Protean Ability 4IV Naive Absol Moveset: Sucker Punch, Play Rough, Zen Headbutt, Megahorn x1 Justified Ability 4IV
Quoted By:
>>19630409 I like it as well! I do plenty things out of spite, being nice is one of them.
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
>>19630453 I'll take a Keckleon please, thanks!
Derek 0688-5266-4452
>>19630453 Can i have a 5 iv dry skin Helioptile please?
Quoted By:
>>19630504 Sent!
>>19630524 Put your disc up
Valentin aka Barbezinc 3926-5907-7222
Anyone has a Giga Drain zubat to spare? Preferably male, don't care about stats and ability
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
>>19630504 Sent!
>>19630524 Put your disc up
Ryan 1864-9692-3058
Quoted By:
>>19630562 disc up for keckleon
Derek 0688-5266-4452
Quoted By:
>>19630562 Done, and thank you
Quoted By:
>>19630552 I don't, try asking Rynn
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507 (Swirlix, Red Floette, Togepi)
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507 (Swirlix, Red Floette, Togepi) Sun 15 Jun 2014 13:23:01 No. 19630993 Report Anyone participating in the Global Wonder Trade? If I get anything worthwhile I'll be rebreeding: Anonymous
Quoted By:
Is breeding Belly Drum onto Slowpoke a good idea? What would be ideal nature and other egg moves for that?
Ign: Wil
>>19630453 Can I get a keckleon please? thanks bro
IGN: Scarlett FC: 0103-9969-4309
>>19630993 Yeah, I am. I'm only getting shitmons so far, though.
Estelle 0301-9897-5020
Quoted By:
Not sure if this is the appropriate thread for it, but the only two Pokemon I need to complete my dex are Goodra and Mandibuzz. I have Luvdisc on GTS for them, so if anyone can help me out that would be highly appreciated. Also willing to just trade back and forth.
Quoted By:
>>19630993 Golbal wonder trade? Time to get rid of my shitmons!
Quoted By:
>>19629495 Do I disc up for one or are you not here?
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Quoted By:
>>19631293 I've gotten about 2 or 3 worth anything. I had a backlog of leftovers to dump anyways, so I figured "why not?"
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
Quoted By:
>>19631261 Sure wait, i'm busy wondertrading right now
Tea [2621-3722-3299]
I want a Milotic for a Luvdisc ^- ^ THANK YOU!<3
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
>>19630993 >leveled up 3 Zigzagoons that I got from Wonder trade. >they're all linoones now >mfw I now feel sorry for taking all the items they pick up from their little hands Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Quoted By:
>>19631434 You shouldn't! It's what makes them so great.
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
Just had a boxful of great mons from WT
Quoted By:
>>19632250 fuck you, bitch. you jelly? haha, you porbably only got Pidgeys ;)
I'm gonna put up a Disc, I would love to get an Archen. Female would be preferred, but if not, that's cool too.
The Red Ogre [2406-6148-2369]
Quoted By:
>>19632299 Whoops, forgot my IGN and stuff.
Does anyone have anything with Secret Power from Gen 5? Trying to breed it onto a Drowzee.
>>19632347 But Anon
Drowzee fucking sucks Anonymous
>>19632359 But other Anon,
I don't give a shit, that's what I want to do. Anonymous
Soft resetting for Mewtwo X. 23 resets so far all have had less than 10 in the attack IV.
Le Flesh 3024 6249 7491
>>19632347 >>19632382 Hey Anon
could i disc up for a spare drowzee? nature/IVs/ability/moves aren't important, i'm trying to complete my national dex Le Flesh 3024 6249 7491
>>19632918 oh dang i just saw Gen 5, my bad
>>19632951 What are you talking about?
>>19632829 >meme-okay-guy.jpg Le Flesh 3024 6249 7491
Quoted By:
>>19633031 i was thinking since he's trying to breed Drowzee he would have a bunch of leftovers and I could snag one in exchange for a luvdisc on gts
no psychic friend safari Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19633049 Anon can read, good for you.
>>19633049 >implying I take time to rename images Anonymous
>>19633067 Ypu aren't even fucking namefag, why the fuck would you care?
Quoted By:
>>19633191 Huh. Good point.
midori 2122 6665 3092 (Nosepass, Onix, Shuckle)
midori 2122 6665 3092 (Nosepass, Onix, Shuckle) Sun 15 Jun 2014 16:38:39 No. 19633302 Report >>19630453 Helioptiles
Dry Skin Ability 5IV
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
>>19633302 Sure you can have some. Disc up for one
midori 2122 6665 3092 (Nosepass, Onix, Shuckle)
midori 2122 6665 3092 (Nosepass, Onix, Shuckle) Sun 15 Jun 2014 16:46:18 No. 19633383 Report Quoted By:
Vaniur [5043-2522-8254]
Can someone help me with evolving my Kadabra?
Tea [2621-3722-3299]
Quoted By:
Put a luvdisc for mylotic. Thank you /vp/!
IGN: Scarlett FC: 0103-9969-4309
>>19630453 If you're still here, could I get a 5IV Helioptile with Dry Skin? Thanks!
put a luvdisc for shiny diancie, thank you /vp/!
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
>>19633646 you got sniped. put up another disc
>>19633572 Sure thing. Want to add or just through GTS?
IGN: Scarlett FC: 0103-9969-4309
Vaniur [5043-2522-8254]
Quoted By:
>>19633701 Add will be easier. Thanks
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
OK, sorry forgot my IGN FC on the last post.
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
>>19633717 Now I can't find your disc
Verdo 0061-1303-0039
6x Jolly M Zangoose 31/31/31/xx/31/31 pokeball w/ Toxic Boost -Feint -Night Slash -Metal Claw -Iron Tail
Vaniur [5043-2522-8254]
>>19633738 No problem, already added you
IGN: Scarlett FC: 0103-9969-4309
>>19633749 I got sniped again. Disc #3 up.
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
>>19633785 Got it this time. Done sending
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
>>19633759 August? Sorry, hit the wrong option.
Vaniur [5043-2522-8254]
Quoted By:
>>19633804 yep, thnks a lot
>>19630453 Do you still have any Dry Skin Helioptile? I've put a disc up, thanks in advance. Ign is Serena, disc name is crooked.
IGN: Scarlett FC: 0103-9969-4309
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
>>19633824 Do you care about the IVs? I have 4 or 5
>>19633755 One please? Message should be /vp/verdo, discing up
>>19633844 4 is good enough, I'll use it for breeding anyways. Thank you.
Verdo 0061-1303-0039
Quoted By:
>>19633755 Time for dinner, I'll be back in 30 mins.
>>19633838 >>19633858 Two are goner.
>>19633755 Disc up, IGN Mitchell
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
Quoted By:
>>19633909 Thanks a bunch!
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) !!TogKya6RZZH
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) !!TogKya6RZZH Sun 15 Jun 2014 17:53:54 No. 19634039 Report Quoted By:
Looking for Mal or Serena, the shiny distributing one not her doppelgangers.
Derek 0688-5266-4452
>>19633755 can i please have one?
i`ve just put a disc up
Verdo 0061-1303-0039
>>19633879 >>19634246 Sent my kittens to ya.
Derek 0688-5266-4452
Quoted By:
>>19634448 i`m sorry, something went wrong with mine
i`ve just put up a new disc, thank you