>>19640329That would be oddly specific code, any precedent for that?
>>19640369Just for OR/AS to X/Y? Because X/Y still has to be able to send it's Mega Stones to OR/AS. I know we've had one way blockage before, but that just prevented the trade from happening at all unless the things that didn't exist before were taken out. By upgrading X/Y, though, the system really shouldn't know the difference and it should be okay to send over data since it still recognizes it. That is unless the coding exists regardless of whether it recognizes the data or not, which would then mean that OR/AS cannot trade Mega Stones with itself. For that to be true, none of them would have to be version exclusive. Megas already exist for two pokes that used to be version exclusives in Ru/Sa. I imagine their stones will be as well, although I do realize this matter is made moot by the matter that Mega Mawile already existed and can be traded. You would still have to send Sableye and it's stone to OR. Otherwise, again, the code gets oddly specific when X/Y is involved. To me, this is making the matter more complicated than it needs to be.