Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover Pokémon here!
Help other anons out collecting the Pokémon they need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon.
Post in the thread with your IGN so we send our pokes to the right people.
Version exclusives, bank Pokémon, breeding leftovers, special ball Pokémon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and try to fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins!
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES / SPECIFIC PENTA-PERFECTS That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc. general for that stuff.
>Come chat with us about breeding, giveaways, battles, and more! 1. Go to 2. Type in your nickname.
3. Enter #/ggg/ as the channel name!
Old thread:
>>19653108 ToTT:
What was the most dumbest thing you ever did/thought about related to breeding
Disc is up for a Honedge plz based god be a shiny Just hoping IGN Samuel
Breeding using a shiny parent has a higher chance for shiny offspring.
Quoted By:
>>19658213 I wish this was real.
Cosmic !cuntNzq/KE
Quoted By:
>>19658181 never trust the statues lies and I don't do nicknames
>>19658209 >hoping someone is going to bother giving you a shiny for absolutely nothing Anonymous
>>19658172 Interested? Sorry it's so obviously Genned and it was either the Egg Moves or the Ball.
Cosmic !cuntNzq/KE
>>19658190 never trust the statue's lies I don't nickname
Giving away: 17x Premier Ball Female Chespin 4-5 IV unchecked w/ Bulletproof -Curse -Spikes -Synthesis -Quick Guard 12x Premier Ball Male Chespin 31/31/31/xx/31/31 w/ Bulletproof -Curse -Spikes -Synthesis -Quick Guard
Quoted By:
>>19658241 I got a shiny Rotom yesterday
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
>>19658242 Sure I'm interested. I just wanted it in that ball and female though. I could work on the other stats on my own
Verdo 0061-1303-0039
Miyako: 0130-2342-5120 (Dark: Mightyena, Sandile, Sableye)
Miyako: 0130-2342-5120 (Dark: Mightyena, Sandile, Sableye) Tue 17 Jun 2014 15:44:18 No. 19658274 Report >>19658246 Shh, I'm still on the 4th case. Maybe around the middle? This is starting to turn very interesting. That sucks...My disc is still up either way!
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681
>>19658266 I know. I even told the genner I didn't care about the IVs, but she added the IVs on her own. Put a Disc up or add me.
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
>x28 Snorlax -Adamant Nature -Thick Fat/Immunity -Tackle, Double Edge, Fissure, Curse -Heavy Ball -4-5IVs -1 Female, 27 Males>x24 Munna -Calm Nature -Synchronize/Forewarn -Defense Curl, Swift, Barrier, Baton Pass -4-5IVs -9 Females, 15 Males>x9 Helioptile -Timid Nature -Dry Skin/Sand Veil -Pound, Tail Whip, Electric Terrain -Quick Ball -4-5IVs -2 Females, 7 Males>x5 Kecleon -Adamant Nature -Protean -Tail Whip, Astonish, Lick, Scratch -4IVs -All Male
Cosmic !cuntNzq/KE
>>19658274 case ? what do you mean Sent
>>19658283 Can I get one of those Helioptiles?
Neon 3024-5733-3183
>>19658285 Any Karrablast left?
Cosmic !cuntNzq/KE
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
Quoted By:
>>19658276 Wow thanks man. Disced up! I'll surely share those in the future
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
>>19658288 Sure tell me what gender and ability, i'll send you one
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681
>>19658304 Dry Skin and Female please
IGN is Samuel
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia)
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia) Tue 17 Jun 2014 15:49:38 No. 19658316 Report >>19658258 Discing up for one male Chespin please ^^
Still giving away Surskits:
Surskit -4-5 IVs, Nest Ball, EM: Hydro Pump, Aqua Jet, Psybeam, Mud Shot - Modest, Swift Swim
Cosmic !cuntNzq/KE
Quoted By:
>>19658242 I wish I saw that request earlier, I actually have that bred with eggmoves
Mgoose/ign: Matt
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
>>19658310 Thanks! It was 6IV too.
>>19658315 Sent! That was the last dry skin female
Quoted By:
>>19658316 Thanks for Surskit.
Miyako: 0130-2342-5120 (Dark: Mightyena, Sandile, Sableye)
Miyako: 0130-2342-5120 (Dark: Mightyena, Sandile, Sableye) Tue 17 Jun 2014 15:55:00 No. 19658360 Report >>19658346 Could I get a dry skin male please?
And please tell me you can nickname it Lizor ;_; Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19658360 Named and sent
That one has correct IVs for his nature Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
>>19658360 Named and sent
That one has correct IVs for his nature
Quoted By:
>>19658285 Can I disc. up for Grimer and Deerling?
Miyako: 0130-2342-5120 (Dark: Mightyena, Sandile, Sableye)
Miyako: 0130-2342-5120 (Dark: Mightyena, Sandile, Sableye) Tue 17 Jun 2014 16:05:47 No. 19658468 Report Quoted By:
>>19658424 You're a saint Randell!
<3 Achilleas 0791-2295-4528
>>19658360 omg dude please add me i need that sableye !
Quoted By:
Disc up for Male Espurr IGN Samuel
Stone 4940-5825-4230
I have 36 shiny Pokeball Vivillons. Not perfect, not legit, and in Ultra Balls.
Miyako: 0130-2342-5120 (Dark: Mightyena, Sandile, Sableye)
Miyako: 0130-2342-5120 (Dark: Mightyena, Sandile, Sableye) Tue 17 Jun 2014 16:11:09 No. 19658524 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19658523 I'll take one!
IGN Samuel
Achilleas 0791-2295-4528
Quoted By:
>>19658524 Very much appreciated! Many thanks!
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
>>19658523 Hey Stone! thanks for the Vivillon too a while ago.
IGN:wunderkind (3239-3246-5281)
Stone 4940-5825-4230
Quoted By:
>>19658536 You're welcome man.
IGN: Scarlett FC: 0103-9969-4309
>>19658523 >shiny >Pokeball How does that even work?
I'll take one, disc up. Ever: 5258-0533-2859
Quoted By:
>>19658523 Disc going up. Thanks!
Quoted By:
>>19658523 I'll take one. Thanks!
Derek 0688-5266-4452
Quoted By:
>>19658523 i`ve put a disc up
thank you
Belgue 4742 6868 8533 Lampent Phantump Golurk
Belgue 4742 6868 8533 Lampent Phantump Golurk Tue 17 Jun 2014 16:25:04 No. 19658680 Report >>19658523 Are you still around? Can I disc up for one of these?
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl Tue 17 Jun 2014 16:25:35 No. 19658687 Report Quoted By:
>>19658523 If you're still here, I've put a disc up. Thanks in advance, disc name is 'Russian'.
Stone 4940-5825-4230
Quoted By:
>>19658743 >>19658745 Got it, thank you so much!
Quoted By:
Luvdic up for Espurr IGN Samuel
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl Tue 17 Jun 2014 16:46:58 No. 19658890 Report Quoted By:
Got the vivi. Thank you!
Quoted By:
Any got a HA swinub? Gotta leave in a minute, but will leave disc up if someone can help a fella out. IGN: Dave
Giving away Penta Perfect Shiny Venapedes! Adamant @ Speed Boost Egg Moves: Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Twineedle, Pin MissileI have an unlimited amount.
Miyako: 0130-2342-5120 (Dark: Mightyena, Sandile, Sableye)
Miyako: 0130-2342-5120 (Dark: Mightyena, Sandile, Sableye) Tue 17 Jun 2014 16:51:14 No. 19658932 Report Quoted By:
>>19658925 Discing for one now, thank you anon.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
Giveaway time! I have three different mons to distribute. Koffing: -All are pentaperfect -Heavy Ball -Bold nature -4 EMs (Toxic Spikes, Paint Split, Destiny Bond and Curse) Ralts: -Synchronize -Modest nature -Moon Ball -Various spreads, only one is pentaperfect -1x female, 5x males -Destiny Bond, Memento and Skill Swap Slowpokes -All are pentaperfect -Only females -Dive Ball -Quiet nature -Regenerator -4 EMs(Block, Snore, Zen Headbutt and Belly Drum) -They're a little special All of them come with a little gift. Disc up!
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
>>19658946 it's shiny?
the venipedes are shiny,
i dont waste my discs in no shinies
Quoted By:
>>19658925 Disc is up! Thanks in advance! Disc name is Farmer's!
Quoted By:
>>19658925 Putting a Disc up now. IGN Justin with the message /vp/ Venom
I need some help with trying to finish the regional dex to get the oval charm. Right now all I'm missing is Rhyperior and Bonsly. I just need someone to do a trade and trade back to evolve Rhydon and that's with me now. For Bonsly, I put up a disc for Sudowoodo bc I thought it would be easier than Bonsly to get and was hoping someone had a spare woodo they could part with. If you do, the message under the disc is Help /vp/! or Help me /Vp!/. Thank you in advance for any takers
Quoted By:
>>19658925 Putting up a disc for one, IGN is Corin. I want to use online, are they good?
Yuno 5086-2553-1720
Quoted By:
>>19658925 I'll take one. Disc up! Thanks!
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia)
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia) Tue 17 Jun 2014 16:54:45 No. 19658969 Report Quoted By:
>>19658925 Discing up for one please^^
Koha:0705-4066-9379+(Noibat,+Sligoo,+Fraxure) Tue 17 Jun 2014 16:55:27 No. 19658977 Report Quoted By:
>>19658963 filled out the wrong field...
Quoted By:
>>19658925 throwing a disc up! ign Jason
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
Quoted By:
>>19658925 Put a disc up, thanks a ton.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19658925 Disced up for one.
>>19658954 Why don't you disc up and find out?
HyunA 2809 8507 9031
Quoted By:
>>19658925 Disc up. Thanks Venom!
Quoted By:
>>19658925 I'll take one. Disc is up, thank you.
Quoted By:
>>19658925 Disc. going up. Thank you!
Xero(Dan) FC:0662 - 4058 - 4151
>>19658283 Could I disc up for that female snorlax?
IGN: Scarlett FC: 0103-9969-4309
Quoted By:
>>19658925 Disc up, thanks.
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
Quoted By:
>>19658925 Disced up for one!
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
>>19658963 I can help you evolve it. If you give me a minute, I can grab Bonsly from my bank (I have to get it back though)
Quoted By:
>>19658925 Discing up for one, thanks in advance.
Tybalt 3411 0952 7044
Quoted By:
>>19658925 I'm discing up. Thanks a bunch.
Quoted By:
>>19658992 because if they are not shiny they are shit
Koha:0705-4066-9379+(Noibat,+Sligoo,+Fraxure) Tue 17 Jun 2014 17:01:00 No. 19659054 Report >>19659042 cool. I can give the bonsly back. I'll add a little gift to it as thanks
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Quoted By:
>>19658925 dics is up, thanks
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
Quoted By:
>>19659028 Sure thing! Disc up one now! it's the only female left
Xero(Dan) FC:0662 - 4058 - 4151
>>19658925 ooh! Will disc up for one in a sec.
>>19658946 Disc is up for slowpoke!
mind if I grab a Koffing also? Thanks a bunch! Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
>>19659063 Tell me to send you one after you get that venipede
Quoted By:
>>19658523 disc is going up as soon as i get venipede :D ign Jason
>>19658946 I'd love a Koffing.
I'll Disc up when I get home, I should be there in about 20 minutes.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19659073 No problem, gonna send you a TR after I send the pink monster.
>>19659082 Ok, I have a box full of them.
Xero(Dan) FC:0662 - 4058 - 4151
>>19659078 I already put a disc up for the snorlax, it's no biggie.
Quoted By:
>>19658925 I'll take one disc will be up thanks
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
>>19659107 Okay then, sent
>>19659098 Yay! Thank you for the slowgirl! It's awesome!
I'll be waiting for your TR, thanks again Neon 3024-5733-3183
Quoted By:
>>19658925 I'd like one, disc up.
Xero(Dan) FC:0662 - 4058 - 4151
I've got a box of Chespins.
Impish / Male / Friend Ball / Bulletproof
-Quick Guard
Disc up if you want one.
>>19659130 Thanks man, can't wait to start breeding up one of my favorites.
>>19658946 Could I disc up for a slowpoke later?
Quoted By:
>>19658946 Can I get a Slowpoke? IGN Justin with the message /vp/ Luc-y
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19659189 Sure. I can keep one for you.
>>19659137 Thanks for the disc, I had never received a shiny one before. Serena
Quoted By:
>>19659207 Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the awesome mons! Anonymous
>>19658925 Discing up for one; thanks OP
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela]
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela] Tue 17 Jun 2014 17:14:29 No. 19659238 Report Quoted By:
>>19659226 Whoops, forgot IGN
Thanks again OP
Quoted By:
>>19658925 Disc up for a Venipede.
TrysyG 1263-7760-0712
Quoted By:
>>19658523 Im interested in one , disc is up
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
>>19659054 Sorry bank has been acting up. I'll add you in a second!
Dakoda 5343-9188-5959
Quoted By:
>>19658925 Could I get one please
Koha:0705-4066-9379+(Noibat,+Sligoo,+Fraxure) Tue 17 Jun 2014 17:19:26 No. 19659288 Report Quoted By:
Mavm 1821-9933-5703
>>19659189 disc up for a chespin,
>>19659202 i only have this, put a disc if you want it anon Anonymous
Quoted By:
Can we still disc up in Alomomola edition?
Koha:0705-4066-9379+(Noibat,+Sligoo,+Fraxure) Tue 17 Jun 2014 17:23:10 No. 19659327 Report Im gonna put the gift on bonsly then trade it right back
Quoted By:
>>19658946 I'll disc for a koffing!
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
Quoted By:
>>19659327 Alright, no problem
>>19658925 Okay guys sorry I had to go AFK for a few minutes, time to start sending this bad boys out.
Xero(Dan) FC:0662 - 4058 - 4151
Quoted By:
>>19659305 >Volt Tackle and Extremespeed oh jeez that's beautiful.
>>19659298 sent.
Quoted By:
>>19659305 Thank you! Disc is up, message "/vp/ ty anon!"
Would anyone happen to have a non-english Kabuto? Male or female, doesn't matter. Got a female Disc up named "Lock".
Quoted By:
>>19659380 You are a god on earth, anon
Nouh 3265-5585-1438
Quoted By:
>>19658925 May I have one? Discing Up!
IGN Dariux
Quoted By:
>>19658925 Are you still here? If so, could I please have one too? Thank you very much if so - discing up!
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
Quoted By:
>>19659327 Thanks! I needed another so I wouldn't have to switch every time!
IGN: Scarlett FC: 0103-9969-4309
>>19659402 Sent you a German one.
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Tue 17 Jun 2014 17:30:15 No. 19659432 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>19659429 Sweet, thank you.
>>19659445 >giving OPTI shit Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Quoted By:
>>19658925 Let me go disc up.
>>19659445 >>19659454 fuck off, you are sad
Robin (The other one)
Quoted By:
>>19658925 Discing up if youre still here
ign is applehat Anonymous
>>19658925 Did anyone get one so far?
Leon (4527-7434-1736) Noivern, Sylveon, Mawile
Leon (4527-7434-1736) Noivern, Sylveon, Mawile Tue 17 Jun 2014 17:37:19 No. 19659515 Report >>19658523 What do you mean whit not legit?
Not legal?
Quoted By:
>>19658925 >>19659349 I have a disc up just in case this is real
>>19659515 He used powersaves to make them shiny.
>>19659519 >Anonymous Nice try
Leon (4527-7434-1736) Noivern, Sylveon, Mawile
Leon (4527-7434-1736) Noivern, Sylveon, Mawile Tue 17 Jun 2014 17:39:05 No. 19659538 Report Quoted By:
>>19658925 ill take one friend ;D
disc is up
>>19659515 The only way to get a legit one is in France, non shiny, in a cherish ball. This one is a common Vivi shinified and has the pattern changed through the use of powersave.
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
Quoted By:
>>19658523 disc up! thanks!
Quoted By:
Fancy Vivillon when?
Leon (4527-7434-1736) Noivern, Sylveon, Mawile
Leon (4527-7434-1736) Noivern, Sylveon, Mawile Tue 17 Jun 2014 17:44:17 No. 19659607 Report Quoted By:
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
Quoted By:
>>19658925 oh man disc up! many thanks!
Leon (4527-7434-1736) Noivern, Sylveon, Mawile
Leon (4527-7434-1736) Noivern, Sylveon, Mawile Tue 17 Jun 2014 17:45:29 No. 19659622 Report >>19659540 OH thanks, i hope hes still here :S
Quoted By:
>>19658925 Discing for one now
IGN Samuel
Quoted By:
>>19659622 He made his own thread. He's asking for Fletching.
IGN: Scarlett FC: 0103-9969-4309
Quoted By:
>>19658946 Could I get one of the
special Slowpokes? Thanks in advance!
Xero(Dan) FC:0662 - 4058 - 4151
Quoted By:
>>19659207 You still there? I'm putting a disc up now.
i got some leftover prankster pokemon, Murkrow and sableye if anyone's interested.
>>19659724 IGN: ANTO
Message: /vp/
disc up for Sableye
Leon (4527-7434-1736) Noivern, Sylveon, Mawile
Leon (4527-7434-1736) Noivern, Sylveon, Mawile Tue 17 Jun 2014 17:56:14 No. 19659755 Report Quoted By:
>>19658523 Disc is up if you are still here :D
Can anyone help me with a dream ball HA female eevee?
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha Tue 17 Jun 2014 18:00:55 No. 19659796 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone have a Chansey with Aromatherapy to spare?
Quoted By:
>>19659798 possible retard
Mr. Fifty
>>19659786 I suppose I could. Let me hatch this batch of Ultra Ball Eevees and I'll swap mothers. It will be Timid though.
Quoted By:
>>19659798 It is possible.
Quoted By:
>>19659798 It was available in B2W2
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
>>19659814 Could I sneak one too?
>>19658925 Well fucking done jackass. Thanks for making me waste my time discing up.
Mr. Fifty
>>19659849 Depends how many Fems I hatch.
Mavm 1821-9933-5703
Quoted By:
>>19659189 disc up for chespin
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
Quoted By:
>>19659858 Sure thing, I'll just put a disc up just in case.
Quoted By:
>>19659746 a few sec, will do it in about 2 mins.
>>19658925 OH SHIT M8
You still giving?
I'm putting up a disc right now.
Message: /vp/
Neon 3024-5733-3183
powersaves updated an hour ago with the wondercard, who wants one?
Quoted By:
>>19659898 Oh crap, whoops. Just took that one down, sorry. I'll put it back up if/when I get the shiny venipede
Hank 4356-0012-3407 (Cascoon, Ariados, Toxicroak)
Hank 4356-0012-3407 (Cascoon, Ariados, Toxicroak) Tue 17 Jun 2014 18:11:32 No. 19659918 Report Quoted By:
Does anybody have a female Lure Ball Spinarak or a female Level Ball / Moon Ball Houndour?
Quoted By:
>>19659911 I do! Mind if I disc up for a disc and we trade through acquaintances? Ign is Serena, disc name is Keane
>>19659814 Yay! Been requesting for days, thanks! I'll be around for a while so take your time.
In the mean time, giving away:
Quick Ball Yamask
(Calm) Mummy
-No EM's, sorry
Great Ball Numels
(Timid) Simple/Oblivious
-iron head
-heat wave
-ancient power
Premier Ball Hawluncha
(Adament) Limber/Unbiased
-no EM's
Most are 3-4IV's, male and female. Reply with gender and ability and disc up.
Mavm 1821-9933-5703
>>19659898 Discing, thanks broseph.
Quoted By:
>>19659929 Herp. I'm too tired for this bullshit. Meant to quote
>>19658925 Xero(Dan) FC:0662 - 4058 - 4151
Erika: 1779-1703-1619 (Rock - Boldore, Barbaracle, Onix)
Erika: 1779-1703-1619 (Rock - Boldore, Barbaracle, Onix) Tue 17 Jun 2014 18:15:07 No. 19659946 Report Taken too much so I've run out of 'Discs. Anyone want any of these to help me stock up again? Jolly Meinfoo (4 IVs +) 5 Inner Focus/10 Regenerator Me First, Baton Pass, Knock Off 7 Jolly Sandiles (4 IVs +) Intimidate Beat Up, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Pursuit 5 Modest Squirtles Torrent Mirror Coat, Aqua Ring, Refresh 6 Eevee (4 IVs +) Anticipation (HA)
Quoted By:
>>19659922 > limber/unbiased sorry, that should be unburden.
Quoted By:
>>19659911 Have these been legally released yet?
IGN: Scarlett FC: 0103-9969-4309
Giving away Yanma (Fast Ball) Modest, 4-5IV, EM: Pursuit / Silver Wind / Whirlwind -3x Female (Speed Boost) -2x Female (Tinted Lens)
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Tue 17 Jun 2014 18:17:01 No. 19659956 Report >>19659946 What ball are the Eevees in?
Quoted By:
>>19659911 I do! Discing up with mesage "/vp/ ty Annon!"
DeliveryMail 3067-6621-2482
Quoted By:
>>19659911 i want one! my disc is ready
Mavm 1821-9933-5703
Quoted By:
>>19659955 disc up
a speed boost please !
>>19659922 Discing up for one of those numels, a female if you can spare it. Simple, please.
IGN: Dave
Erika: 1779-1703-1619 (Rock - Boldore, Barbaracle, Onix)
Erika: 1779-1703-1619 (Rock - Boldore, Barbaracle, Onix) Tue 17 Jun 2014 18:19:53 No. 19659980 Report >>19659956 Pokéballs.
Nothing special or even noteworthy.
>>19659902 Are you the fucking dumb cunt jackass that wasted my time with this ruse?
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Tue 17 Jun 2014 18:21:12 No. 19659987 Report Quoted By:
>>19659980 Ah, that's unfortunate. I really want one in a dream ball to breed from for Espeon.
Yuno 5086-2553-1720
Quoted By:
>>19659955 Disc up for speed boost please. Thanks!
Sky IGN:Gerdrik 1091-8547-5323 [Fighting] (Mienfoo, Pancham, Breloom)
Sky IGN:Gerdrik 1091-8547-5323 [Fighting] (Mienfoo, Pancham, Breloom) Tue 17 Jun 2014 18:22:01 No. 19659995 Report Quoted By:
>>19658925 You still around? I'd love a shiny Venipede!
>>19659955 Discing up for a female Yanma message TY Scarlett!
Neon 3024-5733-3183
Quoted By:
>>19659983 No you intergalactic faggot, you would see my Luvdisc if you searched for it.
>>19659922 I'll disc up for a Simple Numel.
IGN is Austin.
>>19659977 Sent, enjoy!
Starting to run low on numels.
Mavm 1821-9933-5703
Mavm 1821-9933-5703
Quoted By:
>>19660040 disc up for numel !
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
>>19659911 Just checked my own Powersave, not seeing it.
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier)
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier) Tue 17 Jun 2014 18:26:02 No. 19660061 Report Quoted By:
>>19660054 Perhaps it was a ruse.
Derek 0688-5266-4452
Quoted By:
>>19658925 if there are any left i`d love one,
my disc is ready
Quoted By:
>>19660065 >le ebin rusemaster top kek xD Rick
Sky IGN:Gerdrik 1091-8547-5323 [Fighting] (Mienfoo, Pancham, Breloom)
Sky IGN:Gerdrik 1091-8547-5323 [Fighting] (Mienfoo, Pancham, Breloom) Tue 17 Jun 2014 18:28:11 No. 19660083 Report >>19660065 Venom, do you stiill have a shiny venipede?
leah 2595-1160-2075 {3369}
>>19658925 Anymore left? I put a disc up.
>>19660083 Yeah! Put up a Luvdisc!
>>19660083 Stop being stupid.
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) !!TogKya6RZZH
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) !!TogKya6RZZH Tue 17 Jun 2014 18:29:33 No. 19660101 Report Giving away HP Rock Petilil x5(?) Own Temp x3 Chlorophyll x2 Modest 5IV Heal ball - Charm - Sweet Scent - Ingrain - Healing Wish Please include your IGN, I can't stress this enough. Note: These are the leftovers from the last two giveaways and are missing something like spec attack or whatever.
Quoted By:
>>19660090 There's just as many as when the giveaway started - zero.
Leon (4527-7434-1736) Noivern, Sylveon, Mawile
Leon (4527-7434-1736) Noivern, Sylveon, Mawile Tue 17 Jun 2014 18:30:27 No. 19660112 Report Quoted By:
>>19660091 Hey venom can i put mi disc up????
>>19659746 looking for ya on the GTS, cant find ya though
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Quoted By:
>>19660101 ooh, discing up for own tempo please.
>>19660101 Amp, I've put a disc up for an Own Tempo one. Thanks in advance, ign is serena, disc name is slowpoke.
Quoted By:
>>19660101 I'd love an Own Tempo one. IGN ilabb
Quoted By:
>>19660115 I'll upload again! Check back in about a minute or two
Quoted By:
>>19660101 I'll take one, ability doesn't matter.
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) !!TogKya6RZZH
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) !!TogKya6RZZH Tue 17 Jun 2014 18:32:45 No. 19660135 Report >>19660120 You put a disc up for the wrong thing, please fix it.
Matt 0877-0403-9778
Quoted By:
>>19660091 discing up for one if it is available. Thanks!
Sky IGN:Gerdrik 1091-8547-5323 [Fighting] (Mienfoo, Pancham, Breloom)
Sky IGN:Gerdrik 1091-8547-5323 [Fighting] (Mienfoo, Pancham, Breloom) Tue 17 Jun 2014 18:33:53 No. 19660145 Report Quoted By:
>>19660091 Awesome! Discing up! Message will be TY Venom!
Mavm 1821-9933-5703
Sky IGN:Gerdrik 1091-8547-5323 [Fighting] (Mienfoo, Pancham, Breloom)
Sky IGN:Gerdrik 1091-8547-5323 [Fighting] (Mienfoo, Pancham, Breloom) Tue 17 Jun 2014 18:34:58 No. 19660155 Report Quoted By:
>>19660098 Dafuq did I do wrong?
Quoted By:
>>19660135 wow, now I feel dumb. I guess I was thinking ahead of the time. Thank you for warning me, though. Sorry about this. It's up now.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
Quoted By:
>>19658523 discing up for one
>>19660101 >Shiny God, thanks man, I wasn't expecting that
Bee 0576-4682-9997
Quoted By:
>>19658925 Was I too late? Are they all gone?
Damas 5000-2674-3492
Quoted By:
>>19660091 I want too. Putting disc up now.
Quoted By:
>>19660101 Looks like 1 left? I'll disc up.
Neon 3024-5733-3183
Quoted By:
>>19660091 Stop being ruseman
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela]
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela] Tue 17 Jun 2014 18:40:06 No. 19660206 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>19660091 Disc up! Thanks!
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) !!TogKya6RZZH
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) !!TogKya6RZZH Tue 17 Jun 2014 18:40:59 No. 19660214 Report Quoted By:
>>19660180 What are you talking about?
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
Quoted By:
>>19658925 gonna put up a disc.
Quoted By:
>>19658946 i'd like the koffing! Discing up, thanks!
IGN: ''Ric''
Message: Thanks /vp/
Hatched a Pentaperfect Larvesta last night so I can make room for my next project. FAST BALL LARVESTA IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31 Pentaperfect Nature: Timid Egg Moves: Endure, Magnet Rise, Morning Sun, Zen Headbutt Swarm: (12) Female, (14) Male Flame Body: (2) Female, (8) Male MOON BALL SPIRITOMB IVs: 4-6 UNCHECKED Nature: Relaxed Egg Moves: Destiny Bond, Pain Split, Foul Play, Imprison Infilltrator: (5) Male Pressure: (4) Female, (6) Male
Verdo 0061-1303-0039
Sky IGN:Gerdrik 1091-8547-5323 [Fighting] (Mienfoo, Pancham, Breloom)
Sky IGN:Gerdrik 1091-8547-5323 [Fighting] (Mienfoo, Pancham, Breloom) Tue 17 Jun 2014 18:49:07 No. 19660293 Report Quoted By:
>>19660278 Disc is up for a female flame body Larvesta.
messag is TY Ashley!
Quoted By:
requesting a female Eevee in a Luxury Ball stats don't matter
Mavm 1821-9933-5703
Quoted By:
>>19660278 flame body female larvesta
disc up
Quoted By:
>>19660278 Disc up for a Female Flame Body Larvesta.
If you're outta those, a Male is cool too.
leah 2595-1160-2075 {3369}
>>19660278 Discing for larvesta
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia)
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia) Tue 17 Jun 2014 18:52:13 No. 19660321 Report Quoted By:
>>19660091 I'll refresh my luvdisc
Verdo 0061-1303-0039
Quoted By:
>>19660278 Disc up for a flame body female larvesta
Quoted By:
>>19660278 Discing up for relaxed spiritomb
IGN: Jasper
Message: thanks /vp/
Adam 0344-9830-4288
Quoted By:
>>19658925 Disc up! IGN is Adam; thanks in advance. Message: /vp/ - Thx Venom
Nickname: #loumanziii (I just decided to use a trash Luvdisc off of WT)
leah 2595-1160-2075 {3369}
Quoted By:
>>19660320 Forgot to say, male flame body pls. Thank you.
Quoted By:
Out of females with Flame Body. Sending males now, otherwise request Swarm and take a minute yo breed for it yourself.
alexzander !!ZVtUsIQUmDY
Quoted By:
>>19658925 Discing up in hopes you may still be here.
Verdo 0061-1303-0039
Quoted By:
>>19660278 Re disc'd for a female one with swarm.
Quoted By:
looking for a scraggy with the egg moves ddance and zenhead butt any one got any.
Mr. Fifty
>>19660081 Question, what is your breeding goal with a dream ball Eevee?
Hatching Dream Ball Eevees now Rick
>>19660434 Dual Screen, magic bounce, HA Fire, Timid Espeon.
Heal ball just doesn't do it for my balltism. I was using klefki on my team before, but I really need magic bounce.
Anyway, just female, HA, and dream ball are all that matter to me. I'll do the rest. HA breeding is going to be a pain...
Thank you so so much!
>>19658946 Are you still around? Could I get one of those female Moon Ball Ralts?
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Tue 17 Jun 2014 19:11:29 No. 19660522 Report Quoted By:
>>19660434 I am also very interested in a Dream Ball Eevee for an Espeon.
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !XUT/gLypYc
Quoted By:
>>19660434 Can I have the extra if ever? Female one in that kind of ball too. Already disced up and i'm going to sleep now. Thanks in advance!
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19660518 Sorry, I don't have it anymore.
>>19658181 Disc is up for a ditto
Semi good iv's would be nice, but it doesnt really matter
IGN Gundam
Mr. Fifty
>>19660500 A okay because I breed Baton Pass onto my Espeons. As it were I only use the Dream Ball for Espeon. I was asking because I just popped out two penta males that have it. Wanted to know if you wanted a father too. If you are doing HP fire though I doubt you will want the male.
>>19660500 On second thought, a love ball would be perfect, but alas, no HA...
Derek 0688-5266-4452
Quoted By:
>>19660278 can i get a male flame body larvesta please?
Just put my disc up, thank you
Quoted By:
Luvdisc up for a Calm natured Amaura. IV's don't need to be perfect, just not shitty. Thanks
leah 2595-1160-2075 {3369}
>>19660500 Just a question, what is it that people find appealing about certain balls? Is it the color of the ball itself or the animation or what? I just never really noticed them much so I just wanted to know why people prefer certain ones.
Quoted By:
>>19660278 Can I have a male with flame body?IGN ster. discing up
Quoted By:
>>19660555 weird, it didn't trade. I still have the option to take luvdisc back
>>19660540 love ball is already illegal, so either you care because of illegality or you don't care at all.
Quoted By:
>>19660674 colour and animation.. also matching the pokemons colours with the pokeballs is strangely satisfying, I'm ocd about it not being a perfect match so I just stick with basic pokeballs though
>>19660674 Ummm, well for me, it adds another dimension to the pokemon I breed. When I shuffle through my collection of bred pokemon, seeing their clever nicknames, perfect stats, thoughtfully placed EVs, and neat movesets all make me proud. Having a matching ball is like the cherry on the top.
>>19660700 Err yeah love ball is illegal with HA, which was the point I was trying to make, but dream ball is legal with HA... right?
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
>>19660091 never got a venipede :( ign jason, my luvdisc is lv 19
Quoted By:
>>19660781 love ball is illegal for eevee in general.
but yeah, dream should be legal.
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
Quoted By:
>>19660821 There aren't any Venipede. It was only a ruse.
Sky IGN:Gerdrik 1091-8547-5323 [Fighting] (Mienfoo, Pancham, Breloom)
Sky IGN:Gerdrik 1091-8547-5323 [Fighting] (Mienfoo, Pancham, Breloom) Tue 17 Jun 2014 19:44:55 No. 19660861 Report Quoted By:
>>19660821 No one did, he doesn't have any
Disc up for venipede IGN:Joshua
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
Quoted By:
>>19660869 Not the real Joshua. If it was, that post would be in all caps. :)
Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>people crawl out of the woodwork for shiny Pokemon.
Verdo 0061-1303-0039
Givin' away: Premier Ball Chespin: Impish w/ Bulletproof -Curse -Quick Guard -Spikes -Synthesis (12xM 31/31/31/xx/31/31) (16xF 4-5IV unchecked)
Quoted By:
>>19660933 did you ever get that Keldeo? I just got a rilly gud un and can clone it
>>19660959 fucking dibs. Would love a female please. Disc up in a min
Quoted By:
hey guys we needa new thread soon
Quoted By:
>>19660959 All the please. Sending a disc up now.
Dave (Water: Panpour, Floatzel, Frogadier) 1091-9607-4743
Dave (Water: Panpour, Floatzel, Frogadier) 1091-9607-4743 Tue 17 Jun 2014 20:01:02 No. 19661014 Report >>19660959 Disc is up, I'll take a male.
IGN: Dave
Verdo 0061-1303-0039
>>19661014 Deh, I'm so sorry man, I sent you a female, can you re-disc? My autism is sorry too.
IGN Dariux
Quoted By:
>>19660959 Could I get a male, please? Disc is up!
Quoted By:
I've been trying to breed myself a penta-perfect Honedge, and I have gone through boxes of Honedge, hoping for 5IV missing speed. Would ANYONE like to donate one? It can either Brave or Quiet nature, as long as it's 5IV missing speed. Putting up a disc for it. IGN: Anto Message: /vp/ ANTO
Dave (Water: Panpour, Floatzel, Frogadier) 1091-9607-4743
Dave (Water: Panpour, Floatzel, Frogadier) 1091-9607-4743 Tue 17 Jun 2014 20:03:59 No. 19661047 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>19660959 Discin' Thanks in advance.
Quoted By:
>>19660984 >>19660959 disc is officially up, please and thank you!
Amoure (???) 1779 1254 2504
Quoted By:
>>19660959 Sweet jesus, would absolutely love a female.
Disc up. Many thanks.
Quoted By:
Got my Chespin in like a minute. Verdo confirmed for absolutely based. Thanks a lot!
Chris/Green 2277-6939-3424
>>19661026 >>19660959 Still possible to get one? Putting up a disk now. Thanks :)
Quoted By:
>>19658946 If you're still here, I'd love a Koffing
Disc is up for one
Verdo 0061-1303-0039
>>19661124 Male or Female?
Chris/Green 2277-6939-3424
Quoted By:
>>19661138 Doesn't matter, any would be appreciated, female I guess if you still have one? THANKS!
Antony 1005-9913-0011 (Bibarel, Wartortle, Azumarill)
Antony 1005-9913-0011 (Bibarel, Wartortle, Azumarill) Tue 17 Jun 2014 20:13:07 No. 19661165 Report Quoted By:
>>19660959 My disc is up! Either gender is fine.
Quoted By:
>>19660533 Are you still around Mr. Fifty?
Verdo 0061-1303-0039
I found an old /r/ for a Chespin on the GTS it's from Rafael. Should I send him one? M or F?
Chris/Green 2277-6939-3424
Quoted By:
>>19661138 Just got it, thanks again for being so based.
IGN: Scarlett FC: 0103-9969-4309
Quoted By:
>>19661183 Send him an F one, he can always breed himself a male one that way.
Erika: 1779-1703-1619 (Rock - Boldore, Barbaracle, Onix)
Erika: 1779-1703-1619 (Rock - Boldore, Barbaracle, Onix) Tue 17 Jun 2014 20:21:19 No. 19661247 Report Quoted By:
>>19660959 Verdo, I'd love a female one of those Chespin so much I've just gone and caught a Luvdisc specifically for it.
Actually had to find my 3DS - it was hiding under my Private Eye.
The Disc is now up on the GTS.
Leon (4527-7434-1736) Noivern, Sylveon, Mawile
Leon (4527-7434-1736) Noivern, Sylveon, Mawile Tue 17 Jun 2014 20:21:24 No. 19661249 Report Hey guys does someone have a 4 5 ivs Jap Ditto ?? ;O
Quoted By:
new thread pls
Quoted By:
new thread when ?
>>19661249 >Noivern, Sylveon, Mawile what the fuck your safari?
Quoted By:
>>19661437 A fucking awesome one
Lance (5674-4413-4414) Dragonite, Dragonite, Dragonite
Lance (5674-4413-4414) Dragonite, Dragonite, Dragonite Tue 17 Jun 2014 20:47:25 No. 19661545 Report Quoted By:
New thread when?
Quoted By:
>>19658925 Disc is up for Venipede
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
I have 3 ha female premire ball swirlix with belly drum jolly. 4 illegal flebebe in love ball calm. 5 ha dream smoochm with nasty plot timid
Quoted By:
>>19658925 Putting disc up with hail santa
Thank you
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
Quoted By:
>>19663303 I'll take a Swirlix please!