Quoted By:
this thread is shit. I hope it gets deleted like the 2 this morning
Quoted By:
>>19704116 first for worst thread on vp
Quoted By:
WOW This thread still exists?
Quoted By:
Honestly the single worst thread on this board. And that includes that god awful GTSG thread.
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:22:01 No. 19704195 Report To the guy wanting the Shellder, i dont see your disc
Quoted By:
>>19704165 i have all of those things
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados)
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:22:31 No. 19704203 Report Got another hexa male ralts to giveaway on here it's modest with the ability synchronize and it comes with an enigma berry and in a premeir ball first one to reply gets it shitmon is shit but has good IV's
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:23:37 No. 19704215 Report Juan Tacos
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Best thread. Best OP. Best everything.
Literally cumming.
>>19703748 Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados)
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:25:29 No. 19704241 Report Quoted By:
>>19704214 Anon, what is your IGN
>Inb4 JOSHUA Anonymous
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:25:57 No. 19704248 Report Come get yourself some of these babies.really cool SABLEYES. These Pokemon have an adamant nature with Prankster! 31 everywhere except for that Sp Atc yo! 6 ivs niggggggaaaaaaaaas Fuck shit ____up____ with this rape machine! I only have twenty of them, half n half m/f.
Juan Tacos
Quoted By:
>>19704235 i like 2 of everybody
thanks senior
Sean : 2079-8175-8358
>>19704080 Got a Castform ready. Disc up.
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Quoted By:
>>19704248 discing up right now.
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados)
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:27:53 No. 19704277 Report >>19704214 well this one isn't replying so
I guess
>>19704215 will get it
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:27:55 No. 19704278 Report I have 3 Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear
>>19704248 So are they 6ivs or -SpA??
Also Adamant nature...why??
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:28:53 No. 19704294 Report I have 3 Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
>>19703748 disc for phantump also.
Quoted By:
I have 3 Heavy Ball Shellders. I will give them to the first person who gives me the dignity of a reply. Please respond.
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:29:13 No. 19704302 Report >>19704277 Woo. Want a Shellder?
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:29:21 No. 19704304 Report >>19704289 -SpA, sorry
Foul Play
Quoted By:
>>19704248 Discing up for a female. Ign is Diego.
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados)
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:29:54 No. 19704313 Report Quoted By:
>>19704302 sure
I'll disc up for it
Ralts has been sent
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:29:57 No. 19704314 Report >>19704297 I don't wanna steal ur trade but want a shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:30:14 No. 19704316 Report I have 3 Heavy Ball Shellders. pls respond ;_;
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:30:16 No. 19704318 Report I have 3 Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear Just to be clear, any and all Shellder have been generated repeatedly, almost as if there are clones afoot
Ryan 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs
Nick 4055-3669-6856 (farfetch'd, Tranquil,Tropius)
Nick 4055-3669-6856 (farfetch'd, Tranquil,Tropius) Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:31:03 No. 19704329 Report Quoted By:
>>19704294 i'll disc up for 1 of those, give me a sec!
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:31:06 No. 19704330 Report Does anyone want Heavy Ball Shellders?
Juan Tacos
Quoted By:
Me jabe 3 jeavy bolas shellder leftover. un nown IV'S. All in jeavy bolas. all holder enigma frutas. Jelly nature, Skill link jability, huevos movidos are rocas pistola and ielo lanza!
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:31:24 No. 19704332 Report >>19704324 want a heavy ball shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:31:34 No. 19704335 Report >>19704297 I have 3 Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear
I also have these pretty cool shellder
I have 3 Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:31:37 No. 19704336 Report Have: 3 Heavy Ball Shellders. Want: A doctor to remove one of them. I'm tired of being a freak
Quoted By:
>>19704304 Foul Play uses the opponents attack stat
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:31:56 No. 19704341 Report Heavy ball shelders EVERYONE!!!! GET'EM WHILE I STILL HAVE'EM
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:32:32 No. 19704349 Report >>19704318 >>19704316 >>19704314 Well someone is using my name. Later folks. Enjoy. This is why i come on in the morning.
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:32:46 No. 19704351 Report I will literally pay you to take these heavy ball shellders
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:33:00 No. 19704354 Report I have 3 Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear LIMITED TIME OFFER
>>19704261 Could I get one too pls?
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:33:13 No. 19704357 Report yo can i get a shellder for a luvdicks?
Nick 4055-3669-6856 (farfetch'd, Tranquil,Tropius)
Nick 4055-3669-6856 (farfetch'd, Tranquil,Tropius) Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:33:13 No. 19704358 Report Quoted By:
>>19704341 i disc'd up for 1!
Sean : 2079-8175-8358
>>19704324 Sent. Enjoy.
So anyone else after anything from Ruby. Diamond/Pearl, or White 2 for their dex?
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder closter shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder closter shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:33:24 No. 19704362 Report I've bred too many shellder please take them or else my mom won't let me play pokemon anymore
Quoted By:
>>19704349 >This is why i come on in the morning. being impersonated turns you on?
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:33:48 No. 19704367 Report >>19704354 oh god the shellder are taking over! Please take these three heavy ball shellder!
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder digivolves to cloyster
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder digivolves to cloyster Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:34:02 No. 19704369 Report >>19704349 ignore this, it's not me
Those Shellder are still up for grabs
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:34:20 No. 19704371 Report >>19704359 Could you catch me a heavy ball shellder? I want to breed more.
Sean : 2079-8175-8358
>>19704356 Yeah now worries. Have an IGN or already disced up?
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:34:26 No. 19704374 Report >>19704248 Egg moves: Recover and Sucker Punch
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder closter shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder closter shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:34:47 No. 19704378 Report >>19704369 ignore this, it's not me
I have the shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:35:02 No. 19704381 Report >>19704374 do you want a shellder?
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados)
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:35:14 No. 19704384 Report >>19704359 Brooo
can you get me a manaphy?
I know this isn't the place to ask
But I need it for Dex plus it's my fav legendary
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder closter shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder closter shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:35:21 No. 19704387 Report >>19704378 Ignore me, its not shellder
I have this
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:35:23 No. 19704388 Report WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH ALL THESE SHELLDER OH FUCK THEY'RE MULTIPLYING
cj 2337 4495 9661
/sgg/ - Shellder Giveaway General
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:36:12 No. 19704398 Report I have 3 Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear
cj 2337 4495 9661 hostedge situation urscurring
cj 2337 4495 9661 hostedge situation urscurring Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:36:32 No. 19704400 Report >>19704378 ignore this, it's not me
the shellder is in possession, if you ever want to see it again send up a luvdisc with $10,000,000,000 attached
shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder
shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:36:37 No. 19704401 Report I have 33 Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:36:39 No. 19704402 Report >>19704381 >Detected fake Got one on the last thread
I'm laughing my ass off though
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:37:16 No. 19704414 Report I have 333 Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear
Quoted By:
>>19704399 Wow, way to contribute.
>>19704373 Disc is up now, thanks
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:37:51 No. 19704422 Report Quoted By:
>>19704401 I'm about to shit my pants laughing
>>19704398 Sorry
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados)
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:38:05 No. 19704425 Report Quoted By:
All these shellders I honestly would of loved it even more if it was Espurrs
cj 2337 4495 9661 duck duck goose
I have 3 Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear THESE DEALS AREN'T GONNA LAST FOREVER, FOLKS, PICK UP YOUR CONSOLES AND GET YOURS TODAY!
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:38:29 No. 19704431 Report I sent to those who disced. Sorry i kicked the nest of neckbeard shitposters. Goodnight folks.
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:38:37 No. 19704432 Report >>19704418 psst, hey kid.
want a shellder? cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:38:41 No. 19704433 Report >>19704402 I'm just offering you another one. You can never have too many Shellder.
Damas 5000-2674-3492
Looking for an adamant rock head rhyhorn with egg moves. Disc is already up.
Quoted By:
God damn this is actually funny
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:39:00 No. 19704443 Report Guys I actually shit my pants but good thing I had my diaper on. :3
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:39:10 No. 19704446 Report cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:39:28 No. 19704447 Report >>19704431 Good night!
Before you go, do you want a Heavy Ball Shellder?
The Real Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
The Real Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:39:42 No. 19704449 Report shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder
shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:39:57 No. 19704451 Report Quoted By:
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:40:02 No. 19704454 Report >>19704446 Jokes on you
I actually have heavy ball Corphishs
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:40:07 No. 19704456 Report >>19704438 How about a
shellder ?
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] !478flABma6
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] !478flABma6 Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:40:20 No. 19704457 Report >>19704449 Don't do this now. Tripping to avoid confusion.
>>19704431 >going to sleep so you have the last word Trip on, Amplify
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:40:29 No. 19704460 Report >>19704454 Jokes on you, I live with my mom.
I have a box full of Loveball PentaPerfect Adamant Mawile with Intimidate. Egg moves: Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Astonish. Anyone want?
Quoted By:
>>19704446 So Shellder a meme now?
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:41:21 No. 19704468 Report Quoted By:
I have 3 Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear
Damas 5000-2674-3492
>>19704456 What the hell is going on anyway?
5043 2267 2933 magneton klang klefki
Quoted By:
>>19704359 I really need a jirachi it would be appreciated I'm sure you wouldn't need them but I have shones for trade
cj 2337 4495 9661
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:41:48 No. 19704474 Report Quoted By:
>>19704457 Hey, want a Sableye?
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:41:58 No. 19704475 Report Quoted By:
>>19704460 >>19704459 Joke's on you, I was Amplify all along.
Trading Shellder with Lucky eggs for Shiny Megastones.
I have a box full of Loveball PentaPerfect Adamant Mawile with Intimidate.
Egg moves: Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Astonish. Anyone want?
>>19704469 Some guy really wants to give away his Shellder.
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:42:23 No. 19704479 Report Quoted By:
>>19704469 I'm just giving away shellders
Sean : 2079-8175-8358
Quoted By:
>>19704418 Sent. Enjoy.
>>19704384 Sorry. No Manaphy available.
I have a box full of Heavyball PentaPerfect Adamant Shelder with Intimidate. Egg moves: Shelder Fang, Fire Cloyster, Ice cj, Astonish. Anyone want?
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:42:57 No. 19704483 Report Quoted By:
>>19704477 No but I'll give you a Sableye
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:43:27 No. 19704485 Report Why doesn't anyone want my Shellder? ;_;
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:43:38 No. 19704486 Report Quoted By:
>>19704482 I'll give you a shellder for one
shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder
shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:43:43 No. 19704488 Report Quoted By:
I have a box full of Heavyball PentaPerfect Adamant Shelder with Intimidate. Egg moves: Shelder Fang, Fire Cloyster, Ice cj, Astonish. Anyone want? IGN IS SHELLDER
Quoted By:
I have a box full of Shit PentaPerfect Skill Link Mawile with Shellder. Egg moves: Cloyster, Spear, Rock Blast, Astonish. Anyone want to fuck?
Quoted By:
>>19704465 Discing up, IGN is Diego.
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:45:11 No. 19704500 Report Quoted By:
I have 3 Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear.
This is seriously getting retarded. Why can't you shitposters just fuck off?
Quoted By:
>>19704503 It's shellposting.
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:46:24 No. 19704508 Report Quoted By:
>>19704503 Sorry.
Would you like a Shellder as an apology?
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:46:40 No. 19704510 Report Quoted By:
>>19704503 You sound like you need a Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear
shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder
shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:47:06 No. 19704516 Report Quoted By:
>>19704503 You can have a shellder too.
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:49:01 No. 19704528 Report Quoted By:
But on a more serious note, I want to give away some Dwebble.
Hey does anyone have a balltism shellder? I think lure ball would be pretty cool, maybe heavy ball
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:50:30 No. 19704537 Report Quoted By:
>>19704529 It is your lucky day, friend.
I hear someone over in /shw/ has one for you.
>>19704485 >saving thumbnails cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:50:57 No. 19704541 Report Quoted By:
>>19704526 Hey, want a
Shellder ?
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder cloyster shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder cloyster shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:51:22 No. 19704544 Report I have 3 Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear. I have 3 Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear.
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:51:50 No. 19704549 Report Quoted By:
I have 3 Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear.
Quoted By:
>>19704544 Text lists are totally welcome.
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:52:19 No. 19704554 Report Quoted By:
>>19704539 >Being homosexual Want a Shellder?
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:52:30 No. 19704558 Report Quoted By:
I have 3 Hevay Blal Sheldre right over, unknown VI's. All ni Heayv Ball, all holdnig Enimga Berry. Jolly natuer, Skill Likn abitily, egg moves are Rokc Blats and icicel spera and dyslexia
Sean : 2079-8175-8358
You on Mattador? I've got that Hyper Voice Ralts you wanted.
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:53:30 No. 19704569 Report Quoted By:
>>19704559 Can i have one? I'll give you a Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear.
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder cloyster shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder cloyster shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:53:38 No. 19704570 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone have heavy ball shellder?
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangel
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangel Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:53:48 No. 19704572 Report GOOD NEWS!
I am well into my Heavy Ball Shellder MM project (for my blog, see:
>>19701701 ), so I have plenty of leftovers to give away!
welp, there goes the thread
Quoted By:
>>19704559 I have a Shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:54:32 No. 19704583 Report Quoted By:
>>19704572 oh wait I only have 3 Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear.
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangel
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangel Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:54:50 No. 19704585 Report Quoted By:
>>19704581 You never did thank me for that Shellder I gave you, Misty.
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:55:52 No. 19704603 Report Quoted By:
I have a lunchbox full of shellder up for grabs.
babby's first meymey welcome to the club, gtsg!
Quoted By:
Jaime 3067 5397 5309
>>19704278 Sorry about all the shitposting, bro.
Can I have one for my monotype team?
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:56:14 No. 19704609 Report Quoted By:
shell up for heavy ball snorlax
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:56:41 No. 19704613 Report Quoted By:
>>19704606 fuck off cheater
Anybody have any interesting recipes they care to toss my way? Unfortunately, all I have lying around to make is Heavy Ball Shellders, maybe that'll be enough?
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados)
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:57:46 No. 19704623 Report >>19704606 I'm pretty sure he left
But I did get one of his shellders if you want one you can have the one I got
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:59:33 No. 19704634 Report Quoted By:
maybe a meme will get better results
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 05:59:38 No. 19704636 Report Quoted By:
>>19704617 1 pound shellder
1 shellder, chopped
1 pound lean ground shellder
2 (26 ounce) jars shellder sauce
6 ounces provolone shellder, sliced
1 1/2 cups shellder
2. In a large skillet, brown shellder and ground shellder over medium heat. Add shellder sauce, and simmer 15 minutes.
3. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Butter a 9x13 inch baking dish. Layer as follows: 1/2 of the shellder, Provolone shellder, sour cream, 1/2 sauce mixture, remaining shellder, mozzarella shellder and remaining sauce mixture. Top with grated shellder.
4. Bake for 30 minutes in the preheated oven, or until shellders are melted.
Fuck you assholes. Thanks for shitting up the only community I was finally a part of. I'm going to leave and return to my life of sexual abuse and coke addiction, thanks so FUCKING much.
Jaime 3067 5397 5309
>>19704623 tks, mate, but I'd feel bad taking it away from you. I'll wait until he comes back.
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:00:44 No. 19704647 Report Quoted By:
>>19704637 Before you go, would you like a Heavy Ball Shellder?
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados)
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:00:49 No. 19704649 Report >>19704638 No it's fine really
plus I already have you added so we can direct trade
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:01:04 No. 19704650 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19704637 We did it, guys. Mission accomplished.
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:01:39 No. 19704657 Report >>19704637 I have 3 Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear.
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:02:07 No. 19704660 Report Quoted By:
>>19704650 Hilarious! Want a Shellder?
If I pull that Shellder off, will you die?
Jaime 3067 5397 5309
Quoted By:
>>19704649 Really? Thanks a lot. I'll connect in a moment
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin bazooper tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin bazooper tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:03:38 No. 19704670 Report Quoted By:
>>19704650 But after where is sheldon? did he dyed?
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:04:19 No. 19704674 Report welp, there goes the Shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:04:34 No. 19704677 Report >>19704662 it would be extremely painful
Quoted By:
>>19704657 i take one
ign: serena
>>19704677 You're a Heavy guy.
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin bazooper tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin bazooper tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:05:34 No. 19704687 Report Quoted By:
>>19704674 There goes the thredllehs!
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados)
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:05:40 No. 19704691 Report Well the Shelldor I got is 5 IV and did come with the egg moves Though its jolly..
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados)
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:06:31 No. 19704695 Report I suck at doubles by the way. Check em.
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:07:29 No. 19704705 Report Quoted By:
>>19704691 Haven't you heard?
I have 3 Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear.
You can have another one if you want.
Quoted By:
>>19704677 oh bby, thats her!?!
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados)
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:07:35 No. 19704708 Report Quoted By:
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:08:28 No. 19704712 Report Jaime 3067 5397 5309
>>19704649 Sorry, my internet isn't connecting right now. Can we trade tomorrow?
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados)
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:09:54 No. 19704726 Report >>19704718 Sure!
I'll keep him in the PC for you
I'm gonna leave this thread anyways
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:10:25 No. 19704729 Report >make all these posts >still nobody wants my Shellder I won't lose hope. I will persist!
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados)
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:10:36 No. 19704730 Report cheezburger is my favorite site for all those dank memes xD
Jaime 3067 5397 5309
Quoted By:
>>19704726 Thanks, me too. See you tomorrow
<3 Anonymous
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:11:29 No. 19704738 Report Quoted By:
>>19704735 YESSSSSSSSS
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:11:41 No. 19704742 Report Quoted By:
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:12:30 No. 19704750 Report Quoted By:
all hail our lord and savior shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:12:31 No. 19704751 Report Quoted By:
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados)
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:12:56 No. 19704754 Report Just kidding I'm not going to bed or have a shellder for a cheateranyone have a shellder?
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:13:20 No. 19704760 Report Jaime 3067 5397 5309
>>19704754 Power Saves is not cheating
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:14:59 No. 19704777 Report >>19704760 Are you really going to bump your shit thread here?
I'm trying to make decent Shellder-related trades and you're FUCKING IT ALL UP FOR ME.
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:15:14 No. 19704781 Report >>19704769 Changing your moveset without explicit permission is, you degenerate cheating scumbag
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:15:35 No. 19704786 Report Shellder (Japanese: シェルダー Shellder) is a Water-type Pokémon. It evolves into Cloyster when exposed to a Water Stone. Biology Shellder is a black pearl-like Pokémon encased within a spiky, blue-violet bivalve shell. It has two round white eyes with tiny black pupils. It has an enormously long red tongue, which it uses to burrow itself into sand and to lure and capture prey. Its body is known to be soft and tender; however, its shell is said to be harder than diamond. Prehistoric Shellder were apparently preyed upon by Omastar. Once ensnared by Omastar's tentacles, its hard shell stood no match to the Spiral Pokémon's deadly powerful bite, and its soft insides quickly devoured. Shellder can develop a symbiotic relationship with Slowpoke. After attaching itself to the Dopey Pokémon's tail, the two undergo a metamorphosis and together evolve into Slowbro. If it attaches to the head of a Slowpoke in possession of a King's Rock, the two will instead evolve into Slowking. These relationships allow it to travel onto land and obtain a new stage in its life cycle. Regardless of which form the two Pokémon evolve into, Shellder's shell transforms into a spiny, spiraled cone with several tiers. Sharp teeth develop around the rim of the shell to anchor it securely to the evolved Slowpoke, and its eyes now peek out from the bottom rim of the shell. In its crown form, Shellder will have a red jewel on its underside and a large horn on either side of its shell.
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:16:46 No. 19704796 Report >>19704786 While in its crown form, Shellder will periodically release its venom into Slowking's brain. This is actually beneficial to Slowking, as it causes the Regal Pokémon's intelligence to increase. Higher quantities of venom intensify this effect, and Shellder is easily provoked into releasing more whenever Slowking yawns.
Shellder has two former signature moves. It can shoot spears of ice by using Icicle Spear, or clamp tightly to its opponents using Clamp. Despite its hard shell, clamping on to an opponent will reveal its vulnerable parts. Because of this, it will only clamp itself to a foe as a last resort. It swims around its sea floor home by rapidly opening and closing its shell while facing backward.
In the anime
For a list of Shellder's appearances in the anime as part of Slowbro or Slowking, see the anime sections of Slowbro and Slowking.
Crown Shellder in the anime
Major appearances
Jessie captured a Shellder in The Evolution Solution. Later in the episode, it bit on a Slowpoke's tail, making it evolve into a Slowbro and leaving Team Rocket.
Many Shellder were seen in A Crowning Achievement, evolving many Slowpoke into Slowbro, as well as a Slowking under Alice's former ownership.
A Shellder also appeared in Battling a Cute Drama! under the ownership of Marilyn.
Minor appearances
Shellder's first appearance was as part of a Slowbro in Island of the Giant Pokémon.
The first time an unevolved Shellder was seen was in The Bridge Bike Gang. It was sick and Nurse Joy sent Ash, Misty, and Brock over to Sunnytown (where Shellder was) to deliver some medicine.
Multiple Shellder appeared in The Misty Mermaid under the ownership of The Sensational Sisters. One reappeared in Cerulean Blues.
A sick Shellder was treated by Nurse Joy in The Joy of Pokémon.
Multiple Shellder also appeared in The Power of One.
A Shellder living in the ocean surrounding Shamouti Island appeared in Slowking's Day.
Jaime 3067 5397 5309
Quoted By:
>>19704781 I had permission. I called my mother
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:17:47 No. 19704809 Report >>19704796 A Shellder was one of the Pokémon living at Temacu's father's lab in The Heartbreak of Brock.
Three Shellder appeared in Mantine Overboard! living underwater.
In Octillery The Outcast, Ash's Totodile went up against an unnamed Trainer's Shellder in a qualifying match for the Whirl Cup tournament and won.
In A Parent Trapped!, a Shellder was living underwater.
Pryce of Mahogany Town owns multiple Shellder in Nice Pryce Baby.
A Shellder bit a Slowpoke's tail, evolving it in the process, in Enlighten Up!.
A Shellder appeared in the Contest in Old Rivals, New Tricks!.
Multiple Shellder appeared in Going for the Gold!.
Pokédex entries
For Shellder's Pokédex entries as part of Slowbro or Slowking, see the Pokédex entries sections of Slowbro and Slowking.
In the manga
In the Pokémon Adventures manga
In Pokémon Adventures, Lorelei owns several Shellder. These Shellder were sent to attack Kanto alongside several other Elite Four Pokémon.
In The Last Battle XIII a Shellder was one of the Pokémon sent to help the fight in Ilex Forest.
In The Electric Tale of Pikachu manga
Misty threw a Shellder at Ash after he was constantly staring at her in her swimsuit.
For Shellder's appearances in the manga as part of Slowbro or Slowking, see the manga sections of Slowbro and Slowking.
In the Pokémon Pocket Monsters manga
Clefairy was attacked by a Shellder in The Legendary Pokémon Appears.
Bruno owns five Shellder as seen in Clefairy's Under Training!!.
In the TCG
Main article: Shellder (TCG)
For Shellder's appearances in the TCG as part of Slowbro or Slowking, see Slowbro (TCG) and Slowking (TCG).
Game data
NPC appearances
Pokémon Pinball: Three Shellder appear on the Red Table and give the player points when hit. When Catch'em Mode is activated, they also reveal the silhouette of the Pokémon attempting to be captured upon being hit.
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:18:27 No. 19704815 Report Quoted By:
>>19704777 Based Shellder bestowed the gets uponeth mine own post.
Thrice blessed be thine own name, thrice in the names each of the Lord Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, in the same numerals possessing of the Shellderkin.
May thine Light shineth across the threads and spread Heavy Ball Shellder to all thine disciples.
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 shellder shellder shellder shellder Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:19:26 No. 19704821 Report Quoted By:
>>19704809 Trivia
Shellder and Slowpoke evolving into Slowking in A Crowning Achievement
In the anime, Shellder is required to evolve Slowpoke into Slowbro or Slowking. Shellder clamps onto a
Slowpoke's tail to evolve into Slowbro, or onto its head while wearing the King's Rock to evolve into a
Slowking. Even though Shellder changes form drastically when it bonds with Slowpoke to evolve (see above), it is not considered an evolution in and of itself.
Shellder and its evolution share their species name with Clamperl. They are all known as the Bivalve Pokémon.
Shellder are one of the few Pokémon to show their entire body in a backsprite before Generation V, which it does in Generation II.
Shellder were shown to be capable of floating through the air in Pokémon Snap, a trait that has been seen in no other media.
In the episode The Evolution Solution, it's revealed that Shellder is still capable of speech as the shell of a Slowbro.
Shellder is similar to bivalves, more specifically the clam, with its tongue representing a clam's "foot".
Name origin
Shellder is derived from shell. It also may be a pun on shelter, referring to the fact that it lives in a shell.
In other languages.
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:20:09 No. 19704826 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19704826 may I have one?
or is this just shitposting?
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:21:18 No. 19704834 Report >>19704827 i know right? I'm just trying to give away my shellder, and these guys are shitposting. Do you want one?
>>19704834 try shiny shellder and everyone loses their minds
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:24:55 No. 19704866 Report Quoted By:
>>19704847 Alright.
Brb hatching 5ever.
MEANWHILE please take my non-shiny Shellder.
>>19704304 Another guy who don't understand how foul play works.
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:28:31 No. 19704890 Report Quoted By:
Oh yeah I forgot my favorite gen 6 pokemon is Shellder
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:28:32 No. 19704891 Report Quoted By:
>>19704876 Another guy who don't understand how Shellder works.
Want one? cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 06:30:11 No. 19704902 Report Now that the posting has died down a little bit, maybe we can get some godfuckingdamned trades happening? I have 3 Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear.
William - 1392/4882/3627
Quoted By:
Alright, good job, /shw/. We did it. We're one step closer to being the top general on /vp/.
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
Quoted By:
does anyone have a cacnea with egg moves? ive been looking for one for a while
Luca [3153-4607-4211]
Quoted By:
What the hell happened to this thread?
Lily 3196-5016-3859
does anyone happen to have, or know how to get a hidden ability tentacool? i'm somewhat new to x & y and i would really love one for my rain team (and because i love jellyfish tbh) but i can't seen to figure out how people get them....
Quoted By:
staryu please IGN: charlie
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Giving away 5IV modest poliwags in pokeballs (sorry) Egg moves: Bellydrum, Hydro pump. 4-6 IV Mareep in Loveball, modest, static.
Hacky 4785 4891 6611
Quoted By:
>>19706148 Discing up for a Poliwag.
Quoted By:
Disc up for a Shellder. What have i missed? Just the autism squad again, i reckon. You people really should talk to real people and we could avoid this kind of shit...
Ryan 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs
Still trying to get rid of these
>Karrablast HA (Poke ball) 6M/4F Brave 4-5IVs
Drill Run, Bug Bite, Megahorn, Knock Off
>Pichu HA (Ultra ball) 4M/1F Timid 4-5IVs
Encore, Endure, Disarming Voice, Fake Out
Can someone help me Out? I am almost done with my pokedex just need a few more >>19706148 Disc up for a mareep please
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>19706445 Can't find your disc
Ryan 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs
Quoted By:
>>19706452 refresh, it should be up
Logan 1934 1173 4700
Quoted By:
Discing up for paras
Hacky 4785 4891 6611
Quoted By:
>>19706445 We could simply trade a Porygon Z for a Karrablast, if you want.
Quoted By:
Requesting Porygon2. Anybody have one lying around?
>>19706148 Are the poliwags with their HA?
Quoted By:
>all those shitposters at the top of the page
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>19706625 All abilities but you can get a Swift swim one if you want :)
>>19706645 i would love to have one :)
i can put a disc up in about an hour, would that be a problem?
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Quoted By:
>>19706663 Yeah no problem :)
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a spare Mold Breaker Drillbur in a Dream Ball?
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>19706663 Change of plans :\
I will go for 90 ish minute walk.
You could put up a disc or wait till then.
>>19706795 i'll wait till then, enjoy your walk
Quoted By:
>>19706148 Disk up for poliwag.
>>19706983 she's an attention whore
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 14:22:14 No. 19707380 Report Quoted By:
I have 3 Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear.
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>19706831 Honey, i'm home.
Quoted By:
>>19707440 aw yesh, i've put up a disc. My ign is Derek if that matters
Looking for a lovely and beautiful HP Ice Female Electrike if anyone has breeding leftovers. :D
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
Has anyone got any Female Sableyes with Prankster?`
>>19707481 A week too late.
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Sat 21 Jun 2014 15:01:30 No. 19707587 Report Lawrence 2294-4678-2838 (Water: Azumarill, Krabby, Gyarados)
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838 (Water: Azumarill, Krabby, Gyarados) Sat 21 Jun 2014 15:04:26 No. 19707601 Report Quoted By:
>>19707587 Disc is going up
>>19707605 I need a break from Litwick. Let me see what I hatch.
>>19707612 Thanks! I'll also accept a male so I can breed for Pokéballs.`
>>19707623 Wait you want it in a Pokeball?
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Quoted By:
>>19707656 Read his post again
>>19707656 Oh no, I'll take it anything really, especially if it's fitting.
Quoted By:
>>19707686 Oh okay, I was instantly demotivated at the thought of removing it from the quick ball.
Damas 5000-2674-3492
Quoted By:
Looking for a rhyhorn with egg moves.
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Sat 21 Jun 2014 16:20:02 No. 19708178 Report Anonymous
>>19708178 You fucking dipshit.
>>19708178 >not at bump limit Nathan, what the fuck are you doing?
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Sat 21 Jun 2014 16:26:01 No. 19708244 Report >>19708211 I figured we need a thread without all the shitposts.
So I name a thread after them This thread is slow as hell right now anyways
Quoted By:
>>19708244 Just because a thread is slw doesn't mean you make a new one dipshit.
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Sat 21 Jun 2014 16:27:06 No. 19708255 Report Quoted By:
>>19708209 Fine you fucking
beautiful person Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19708244 Because the other one will go any faster, or be devoid of shitposts.
Cycling Cap Serena
Giving away a few HA poliwag: Three with 4IVs: 2M 1F One 5IV female (missing Atk). All in pokeball. Anybody want one?
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838 (Water: Azumarill, Krabby, Gyarados)
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838 (Water: Azumarill, Krabby, Gyarados) Sat 21 Jun 2014 16:52:20 No. 19708454 Report >>19708299 I could use one
Cycling Cap Serena
>>19708454 Disc up, wich one do you prefer?
>>19708299 One 5IV female (missing Atk). please
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838 (Water: Azumarill, Krabby, Gyarados)
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838 (Water: Azumarill, Krabby, Gyarados) Sat 21 Jun 2014 16:58:18 No. 19708536 Report >>19708497 I'd like a Female
Quoted By:
>>19708527 oh wait, nvm i think lawrence deserve more than me
Cycling Cap Serena
>>19708536 Sent.
>>19708527 Put the disc up. I'll be breeding poliwags for a long time, I won't mind if anyone asks for them again in the future.
>>19708578 thank you , discing up
Cycling Cap Serena
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838 (Water: Azumarill, Krabby, Gyarados)
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838 (Water: Azumarill, Krabby, Gyarados) Sat 21 Jun 2014 17:16:12 No. 19708699 Report Quoted By:
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Hi! Do you hate fair play and friendly competition? If yes, then I have just the giveaway for you! Say hello to Moody Dark Void Smeargle! Moody Smeargle, Timid/Jolly, Repeat Ball, sketched move (Dark Void). - Five Female, Five Male - All have 4-5 IV, every one guaranteed to have 31IV Speed - All have Dark Void sketched onto them - Most are Timid, but if you don’t have a preference I will send you Jolly Enjoy ruining otherwise friendly Double and Multi battles! Have fun causing strangers to ragequit! If you're interested, disc up first please!
Quoted By:
>>19708764 This is the reason I run Uproar now.
Cycling Cap Serena
>>19708764 I've put a disc up, Zoe! Any you send me is fine. Thanks a bunch!
Gavrill: 0189-9552-8739. [Panpour, Quagsire, Poliwhirl.]
Gavrill: 0189-9552-8739. [Panpour, Quagsire, Poliwhirl.] Sat 21 Jun 2014 17:30:24 No. 19708815 Report >>19708764 Can I have a Timid one? Disc is going up. Thanks in advance.
calem 3024-7022-5727
>>19708764 disk is up, you beautiful person
Would someone have a Impish Female Skarmory in a Heavy Ball? Doesn't matter IV or egg moves, I can breed it. If someone have, I'll disc up right away.
Rick !jCjLePIknw
>>19708764 Could I have one please? Any is fine.
IGN: Seis - 4527 - 8335 - 3085
>>19708764 Disc up for a Timid one!
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Cycling Cap Serena
Quoted By:
>>19708873 Thank you so much!
Rick !jCjLePIknw
>>19708873 Nope, it's Rick.
Asking for a Level 5 Dratini (Shiny or non) in any ball.
IGN: Seis - 4527 - 8335 - 3085
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>19708884 Okay, Rick! I don't see your disc up yet.
And I sent one to a Monty - have fun, Monty!
>>19708764 Sorry, need to catch some more disks, can I put up a 5iv jolly magikarp for one?
Quoted By:
>>19708893 How nice of you.
Rick !jCjLePIknw
>>19708890 Ahhh, it was sniped. Rediscing now.
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Quoted By:
>>19708898 sure thing, Green! Let me know when it's up!
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Quoted By:
>>19708911 Gotcha this time, Rick. Have a blast!
Damas 5000-2674-3492
>>19708764 Oh shit discing up now. Timid please.
Quoted By:
>>19708923 Wait, I hadn't put it up yet, sorry
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>19708898 >>19708951 Green, Damas, sent!
One left! Who wants it?
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>19708992 Sure, I'll take it
>>19708764 Discing for a female if you still have one.
Up in a second.
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>19709024 >>19709002 Turns out, I did have two left. Sent to you both!
All gone now! That was fun, I may have to make more. Hope I never face any of you in battle!
Ramona !A53nla90hM
I started breeding eevee to prep for the friendly, and I have plenty of these guys in deam balls for you. Dream Ball Eevee Modest or Timid 3-5IV Egg Moves: Wish, Curse, Covet, Charm x5 HA Modest females x9 HA Timid females x2 non-HA females I'm sorry for the ones that are 3IV. I started with a 3IV mother and these things are a bitch to breed, as you can imagine, so I just wanted to offer as many as I could despite the stats. Please don't ask for specific IVs, I'll give everyone a random one to be as fair as possible. Disc up!!
Anybody has a Skiddo in its full glory? Meaning, bred specially for the normally used set it can use. May I have one?
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Sat 21 Jun 2014 18:04:21 No. 19709125 Report >>19709096 Modest HA female please
Disc is up
I'm trying to relearn some moves and want to make it easier to find Heart Scale. Is there someone kind enough to give, can't say lend now, can we, a Compound Eyed Pokemon?
Derek 0688-5266-4452
>>19709096 can i get a female HA timid one please?
i`m putting a disc up, thanks alot
>>19709128 catch a scatterbug
Cycling Cap Serena
>>19709096 I've put a disc up, any HA female will do. Thank you so much!
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Here's a different, admittedly lower quality giveaway. Yours if you want them. Quick Feet Zigzagoon, Adamant, Luxury Ball, egg moves (Charm, Pursuit, Helping Hand, Simple Beam) - Five 3IV Female (various) Competitive Igglybuff, Modest, Love Ball, egg move (Wish) - Two 5IV imperfect Female (-HP) - One as Jigglypuff, 5IV (-SpDef) Soundproof Mr. Mime, Naive, Love Ball, egg moves (Fake Out, Nasty Plot, Mimic) - Four 3-4IV (various) Soundproof Mime Jr., various nature, Love Ball, egg moves (Healing Wish, Teeter Dance, Nasty Plot, Mimic) - Three 4IV (-Atk, -SpAtk) Magnet Pull Magnemite, Modest, Poké Ball - Eleven 5IV imperfect (various -IV)
Quoted By:
>>19709149 Oh, all right.
>>19709131 Shucks.
Ramona !A53nla90hM
Cycling Cap Serena
Quoted By:
>>19709171 Thank you, Ramona!
>>19709096 Disc up for a female HA timid
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Sat 21 Jun 2014 18:11:16 No. 19709195 Report >>19709160 Zigzagoon please
Disc is up
Ramona !A53nla90hM
Quoted By:
>>19704604 heavy ball munchlax best gtsg maymay
Ramona !A53nla90hM
What's left: Dream Ball Eevee Modest or Timid 3-5IV Egg Moves: Wish, Curse, Covet, Charm x3 HA Modest females x6 HA Timid females x2 non-HA females
Quoted By:
>>19708764 >>19708764 >Enjoy ruining otherwise friendly Double and Multi battles! Have fun causing strangers to ragequit! this was great
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>19709254 Disc is up for Timid female HA Eevee, Ramona. Thank you, great giveaway!
>>19709195 Nathan, sent!
Rick !jCjLePIknw
>>19709160 You're rocking today Zoelle! Could I snag an iggly from you please? Discing now.
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 18:21:25 No. 19709311 Report Quoted By:
>>19709282 Thanks!
I'll treat her well
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Quoted By:
>>19709284 All yours, Rick. You're nice.
Yuno 5086-2553-1720
>>19709096 Disc up for HA Timid female please. Thanks!
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Quoted By:
>>19709254 Eevee received, Ramona. Looks terrific.
Ramona !A53nla90hM
Quoted By:
>>19709369 Sent!
I think I'll quit for now, will be back soon. Thanks guys!
Yiku IGN:Zayne 4227-1634-5534 !!oZQGp44YIKU
Yiku IGN:Zayne 4227-1634-5534 !!oZQGp44YIKU Sat 21 Jun 2014 18:41:12 No. 19709496 Report Quoted By:
>>19709254 I'll take a 5IV Timid HA Female.
Quoted By:
>>19709254 Disc up for any of the HA females, thanks in advance~
Quoted By:
>>19709254 Still have any HA Modest?
>>19708827 Someone got a Female Skarmory in a Heavy Ball? IV or egg moves doesn't matter.
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 21 Jun 2014 18:58:48 No. 19709593 Report >>19709588 I have a Shellder in a heavy ball
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
Giving away: 3 Mawile Adamant Intimidate Love Ball 4/5 IV (fire/ice/thunder fangs, metal burst) Snorlax Careful Heavy Ball 4/5 IV (whirlwind, counter, curse, double-edge)
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>19709588 Viktor I can breed one if you don't mind waiting 10 minutes
Quoted By:
>>19709593 I'm looking for Skarmory, not Shellder... but thanks.
>>19709611 Discing up for a 5IV Mawile
>>19709618 I can wait for it. Thanks!
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangel
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangel Sat 21 Jun 2014 19:04:12 No. 19709633 Report Quoted By:
Hacky 4785 4891 6611
Quoted By:
>>19709611 Disc up for a Snorlax.
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>19709625 Viktor, put up a luvdisc for female skarmory
Quoted By:
>>19709684 I'm discing up right now
>>19709684 Can I have Heavy ball Skarmory, or did you breed just 1?
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>19709706 I ended up with 3 females, so disc up!
>>19709714 Disc is up. IGN: Kagura. Disregard my message. It's for something else.
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>19709738 Sent, Kagura! It has 4IV and 3 egg moves, hope it's to your liking!
Quoted By:
>>19709756 oh cool! thanks!
IGN: Gabrielle
>>19709611 Would you mind parting with a mawile?
>>19709756 Which IVs does it have? I'm going to mark it.
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>19709789 I don't remember, Kagura. Sorry :/ I just kinda rushed through the Judge.
Quoted By:
>>19709817 okay then. ill find out with the IV check later then.