>>19744214No animals have the same degree of intelligence as humans, additionally none of them are smart enough to provide consent. It's very unreasonable to claim that crows have the same level of intelligence as humans due to something as basic as recognizing their own reflection.
On the contrary, it has been proven that Pokemon have an equivalent or even higher level of intelligence as humans several times throughout the franchise, such as instances where Pokemon have communicated with humans via oral language.
>>19744215>If anything, consent is a social concept that's worth squat.You can justify any action by asserting moral relativism. You'll still find that the majority of people will apprehend you for actions deemed morally apprehensible, such as zoophilia in this case. Morals, despite just being a concept in our minds, have determined human behaviour individually and as groups since the beginning of our species and always will.
>A child can be well informed, sometimes more than an adult. You're missing my point. Children lack the cognitive function to understand the gravity of the situation and provide consent based on an informed decision, and animals are the same. You can trains animals and children alike to such your dick, it doesn't mean they understand or enjoy it. And even if they do enjoy it, pleasure/response to pleasure ≠ providing consent. Animals breed thanks to their instincts, not for any hedonistic reasons like humans do.