READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW GAME DEMO (Version 1.2): BATTLE SIMULATOR!! It's very rough at the moment and what you see in it is not game ready, it's just here so you can play using the pokémon in our dex.
Wiki, Use this as your resource Forums: Archived threads: >Region details & Mapping (Tile updates needed!) >Sprites (QC, pokemon overworlds, trainers) >All the rest of the dex info If you have constructive ideas for revisions, post them. If you're going to complain, don't;
ideas are only as good as the person willing to execute them.
If you're working on maps, music, programs or art, please continue!
>Check the wiki!!! it has the answer to 90% of new questions >We have art for the entire dex, this image just only shows whats been Sugi'd (check the wiki!) >Spriters make original sprites! no copying GF or sizing down art! >We are not adding Fairy Type or Mega Evolutions. Clash's art folder( ): Also SZ's Sugi'ed art so far: Pokemon Online Guide:
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>19745190 First for Chayan line sugis when
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>morning shift
hey if there are any people that don't have work to do but want to help: on the wiki, some of the EV distribution for pokemon is based on outdated stats, so it doesn't exactly match up well (see Dilophlora for an example) if you could go through the wiki and try to QC/update EV yields based on most current stats, that would be swell
>>19745495 Tons of mons still need moves too.
Also that one dickhead never updated the fighters movesets. What was it again so i can just fucking do it
>>19745588 Speaking of moves, Enigmantis's moves don't match up to Enigmite's that well. They need looking at.
>>19745495 Just so I don't fuck this up, it's a point in the categories they excel in with two points if they are relatively powerful or exceptional in a category, while weak or early mons often onl get one or two total?
>>19745675 you should maintain the EV quantity, but just redistribute them to match the stats better
Judging by the posts so far, general Wiki tidying thread?
>>19745716 if there's something you'd rather discuss, post it!
>>19745716 Alright
Someone said something a while back about checking for inconsistencies between pages, if anyone is bored enough to do that
>>19745729 Didn't say it was a bad thing. It's good to have an aim per thread.
>>19745752 another thing that needs to get done is, since we've been updating movesets, we need to go check every egg move and make sure all the parents are listed appropriately
>>19745803 Some mons still have no egg moves, some still no tutors, some still don't have parents on egg moves. Some people inthread doing moves still havent uploaded them to the wiki.
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>>19745740 Here's one for you:
>>19745661 Unknown
I have a few ideas for the rivals and champions pokemon.
>>19745695 I've only looked at several at this point but they all just seem to have all their EVs piled onto their highest stat. Shouldn't they be distributed out more?
>>19745867 no it's fine if they aren't distributed across different stats. there should be a mix of single-EV and multiple-EV mons
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>>19745864 They're useless right now for real productive discussion but post them nonetheless. They can be implemented into the battle sim.
>>19745823 I'd look at linoone's backsprite for a proper pose. This one is too upright.
>>19745881 I have been looking at Linoone, although I was trying to make Pangolash taller. Should I make it a bit more hunched over?
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>>19745890 Definitely. It's a quadruped... nothing about it's design says it's able to stand up
outside headcanon detailing it walking up a tree with its front paws to pick fruit off low-hanging branches. Anonymous
>>19745890 Yes that is what I was getting at. Less vertical. It looks like it's standing on its hind legs.
>>19745871 Always with the EVs on the max stat first though? So if Squink for example has EVs in Defense but it has a slightly higher SpA stat.
Smashiary needs tutor and breed moves, if anyone's willing to do it
>>19745924 if squink only gets 1 EV, it should go in SpA before Def
if squink gets 2, you could do both in SpA or 1 in each, your call
if squink got 3, you'd do 2 SpA and 1 Def
make sense?
finished up for practice. I'll get to work on a better one
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>>19746030 Looks good, but yeah like the other people said more hunched over/less vertical would be better.
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>>19745983 Okay. I did the atoms, the squids, minarac and trenchula, Magnitogre and Borealis. I'll do more later when I'm not on mobile.
>ded morning thread Get me pictures of Trenchulaman Simon.
>>19746304 While others are fixing the wiki, is it worth talking about Stella/Cameron teams?
Here's the old thread with some team talk. Anonymous
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>>19745950 I'll get working on Smashiary's tutors and egg moves today, if I have time
>>19745820 What hasn't been uploaded?
>>19746030 Agreeing with other anons that it's too upright. Linoone is only upright because it actually can stand on its hind legs.
>>19745924 Here, this might help. Anonymous
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>>19745208 please vote in names so can close soon
although nothing is stopping people from starting to think about swapping out new moves.
>>19746456 I'll post mine here again for suggestions
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Trikotta needs a sugi
>>19746642 Switch scubug and chlorofin
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>>19746642 Three level 26 pokemon seem silly. Either go 24/25/25/26 or /25/26/26/27
>>19746642 I know Crawglock is to prevent Pyroat sweep. Is it worth substituting one of the others for Pangolash to prevent Iguadium sweep?
>>19746674 I don't think it's necessary as long as we're careful not to let Iguadium be able to sweep any of the other gyms. Plus, thematically Pangolash doesn't really make sense
>>19746642 Why is Glocto using rain dance when it only weakens one of its two attacking moves? Also, if Cascotta is setting up a screen, it makes sense for it to be out first. Also, I know we're not making a GF game, but second gym leaders never have more than three Pokemon, and I'd be kinda inclined to have Stella only have 3 Pokemon, but that's more personal preference than anything. I also feel like having 95 bp moves on the third gym leader is pushing it, but again, that's personal preference.
>>19746709 It's a steel type. Looks like a cheeky m8, but still a steel type.
> There will never be an anime where you see Stella sighing as her Pangolash is screwing around and chuckling the whole time. Anonymous
>>19746726 Wasn't there talk of going 3/3/4/4/5/5/6/6 for number of Pokemon per gym leader at some point?
>>19746731 I know it is, but why would it be in a factory gym? It's a camouflage pokemon.
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>>19746742 >why would it be in a factory gym? It's a camouflage pokemon Because no one knows it's there! Anonymous
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>>19746726 >I also feel like having 95 bp moves on the third gym leader is pushing it, but again, that's personal preference. 95 bp moves at level 30 isn't really all that crazy.
Flannery's level 26 Slugma has flamethrower.
>>19746741 3/3/4/4/6/5/6
The sisters are gym 6 aren't they?
>>19746664 Isn't Cameron a deep-sea diver? I think they fit
>>19746805 I mean with each other. Since he's a deep sea diver he should have a sub bug as his last mon, not a river dolphin.
>>19746741 3/4/5/6/12/6/6/6
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>>19746817 ah. makes sense, i'll switch them
>>19746796 sisters are before fire gym...
but really I guess it depends on the final plot
>>19746828 We had gym order determined by survey already but I really think we're just overriding it with plot.
>>19746820 >5 Pokemon for the third gym in the game Thats a stupid idea and you know it.
Also 5/6 vs. 12 for the 5th gym is absolutely ridiculous.
better levels for Stella?
>>19746849 >12 for the 5th gym is absolutely ridiculous. why, there's 2 gym leaders.
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>>19746854 Looks better overall. I'd be happy if this were to be final.
>>19746861 Because your team of 5 or 6 has to take down 12 fucking Pokemon.
If the AI is even borderline not horrible then it will be damn near impossible without being massively overlevelled.
Think of things like PP, HP, the place in the game where that takes place, the slowness of the battle considering you have TWELVE Pokemon to kill, the potential to be double-teamed, etc.
>>19746885 >Because your team of 5 or 6 has to take down 12 fucking Pokemon. get gud
>>19746854 Seems good. Maybe light clay for Cacosta. but other than that, seems good!
Moves might need to be adjusted depending on what their TM moves are (at least their main having it)
>>19746840 town order is open for interpretation. gym order is locked
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So apparently Bluffin's BST and stuff on the wiki are wrong? Is this just because it's been balanced after the demo was released or an actual error?
>>19746885 tumblr plz go, We're making a fan game, not babies first pokemon game.
>>19746861 You honestly can't be serious. I'm all for the "let's make this game hard as hell!" thing, but there's a difference between good difficulty (smart AI, balanced teams, decent levels) and doubling the amount of fucking Pokemon in the trainers team for a single battle.
I swear to god this is the worst idea to make the game "harder" since Ricardo was supposed to interrupt the E4 two separate times.
>>19746897 >gym order is locked I disagree, I could easily see a HG/SS scenario where 2 badges become available at the same time
>>19746885 Go away kotaumblr
>>19746893 >>19746902 >not samefag Mage you here? I seriously want you to put a team like this into the Battle Sim just to show people how fucking stupid this is.
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>>19746909 >I swear to god this is the worst idea to make the game "harder" since Ricardo was supposed to interrupt the E4 two separate times. I agree, he should only interrupt once.
I do though think he should have 7 pokemon in his final battle (since stolen mons don't count towards your carry total)
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>>19746895 switched Cascotta to Light Clay
And yeah I'm waiting to see the TMs finalized
Reposting these since it seems this is the Cameron team thread. Top one is more traditionally in line with what people wanted, bottom is my attempt to be creative. Going on scald being the TM given out, but that can easily be changed, as can the levels, though I think they're pretty well-balanced.
>>19746938 >Double team and light clay I thought we were making a harder game not casual luckfest: the experience.
>>19746909 >but there's a difference between good difficulty (smart AI, balanced teams, decent levels) We don't have smart AI though.
>>19746938 Hurricanine doesn't suit the team IMO (maybe a more ocean based poke like Fettlekish) other than that, really torn as to whether Iguadium should be added or not. Pretty good.
I'd drop Double Team though.
Guys guys. How about 8 pokemon for the first match and 12 for the rematch.
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>>19746973 The AI is decent, and that doesn't mean we should throw proper game design out the window just because we can't give the game natural difficulty.
>>19746923 I agree with you on this one but I don't see any harm with 8 mons. If we keep the order of 3/3/4/4/5/5/6/6 referring to sets it'd leave 3 gyms for us to add some extra difficulty even if the sisters have 10. 12 is fucking ridiculous though.
I really think the best compromise is 3/4/4/5/5/8/6/6 for this project with these people in it. However we can't cooperate or compromise for shit so ultimately it'll just be done poorly and half of the people are going to be pissed.
>>19746972 >>19746983 Give out Shock Wave before the gym. Cascotta isn't capable of hitting hard enough on its own, it has to rely on speed and hax. Take one of those away and its shit.
>>19746986 Sure. I'm sure GF would do 12 for Tate and Liza when they're rebattable in ORAS.
>inb4 they're battled seperately like the PWT Anonymous
>>19746817 >>19746805 I think the otter and river dolphin don't fit his deep sea diver theme at all. Other people suggested stuff like Barracute or Dinkywink, that's more deep sea. Give the river mons to other trainers.
>>19746994 >>19746986 I'm perfectly fine with 8. 12 is just way too much.
>>19747003 >this guy Anonymous
Maruno if you're here do you want me to stop the EVs for now or just get them all done and leave the list of Pokemon by EV page outdated for a couple of days?
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>>19746994 why would the fire leader have 8 pokemon?
>>19746994 I agree with your list except the 8. 6 for the psy/fi seems good without breaking the 6 mon limit. We might just have to give the team better "synergy" with the moves that have an AI (Simplest would be Earthquake/Levitate combo, but that might be OP).
>>19746998 You niggas better make a note to have shock wave obtainable before the gym if that luckfuck gets confirmed.
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>>19747003 Chlorofin's there to stop Iguadium sweep
>>19747000 >GF >actually difficult pick one
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>>19747003 They're early game "cute" water mons. He doesn't need 4/4 thematic relevant pokemon and they serve a purpose.
>>19746912 I know you can see it. I can see traveling the map backwards and starting at gym 8. but it won't happen because gym order is locked.
>>19746998 Are TM's reuseable in this game? I like your thinking, as long as users don't have to "burn" a TM to beat the gym.
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and if I threw dinkywink on there, Iguadium would have a smashfest
>>19747025 >you >reading comprehension Anonymous
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>>19747008 Do what you like. It'll be updated eventually anyway. It'd be preferable to do them all at once, though, rather than have changes trickle on and on.
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>>19747027 I think it depends on what the winning plot says.
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>>19747007 why are the options 8 and 12? why are we blowing past 10?
>>19745190 Shiny Pangolash:2014 World cup version
>>19746998 >>19747018 >>19747033 Just playing devil's advocate here, shock wave isn't a TM for us.
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>>19747053 get it out of the fucking thread cockmongler
>>19747033 >Are TM's reuseable in this game? Yes.
I was the person who originally came up with the team with "Cuntscada" a few months ago, and I think I mentioned that Shock Wave would have to be available before the gym for it to not be a luck game.
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>>19747053 the game's coming out in 2018, no one's going to get the reference.
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>>19747016 >eq levitate is OP anon pls
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>>19747016 I'd also prefer 6 but I said 8 for the sake of compromise.
>>19747041 >gyms are locked >but they weren't locked in HGSS and I can picture that!!! >but they are locked >lol ur dum u just don't get it Anonymous
>>19746994 >bug leader with 6 mons he's keeping a slot open for Basilect
>>19747098 3/3/4/4/5/10/6/6 is the obvious choice. why are people disputing this?
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>>19747063 Shit, its not a TM in gen V, I could have sworn it was.
>>19747091 you replied to the wrong person
>>19747041 >communicates poorly >accuses others of missing the point Anonymous
>>19746998 >>19747063 Shockwave is exclusive to Atomite in our game.
Everything and their mother learns Aerial Ace though. And Cascotta's defense isn't too great.
And i'm sure there's countless other ways to deal with it.
>>19747068 >I think I mentioned that Shock Wave would have to be available before the gym for it to not be a luck game. But no Shock Wave sounds like exactly the kind of fake difficulty that the other Anons currently talking think makes a good game.
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>>19747063 What the actual fuck. Why is this allowed? Ya know what, let's not even dive into this and make is easier by removing Light Clay from the equation. It can keep double team, most Pokemon should be able to knock it out before shit hits the fan anyway.
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>>19747106 wait, I meant 3/3/4/4/10/5/6/6
EVERYBODY THROW YOUR OPINIONS IN THIS SHITTY POLL ABOUT ROUTE 1 >>19747098 Best headcanon that ever was. We need this shit.
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>>19747114 >evasion tactics is fake difficulty Smogon pls.
>>19747106 Main game: 3 3 4 4 6 5 5 6
Post game: 6 6 6 6 12 6 6 6
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>>19747114 Its different when the game literally hands you the tools you need to beat it.
>>19747113 Good catch.
>>19747129 6 pokemon? for the double gym? are you fucking high on jenkem?
>>19747112 >doesn't understand original post >its your fault for not communicating on my reading level Seriously just stop and get over it. You didn't understand what I originally meant, its okay.
>>19747126 there was no option for "whatever level the player wants depending on how many pokemon they chose to battle/run from" so I just didn't vote
>>19747136 I think the thing you're forgetting is that the player ALSO only has 6 Pokemon and is ALSO stuck in the doubles format.
>>19747106 I just told you mate, Bug-gym searches for the "legendary" bug pokémon Basilect and therefore has a slot open AKA 5 mons
>>19747129 >only 6 mons on double Anonymous
>>19747139 the original post was supporting the 12 pokemon limit saying GF will probably do it in the remakes
the response was that GF would never actually do something that adds difficulty
what's not to get?
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>>19747143 Average player. That much should be obvious. I'm trying to set some expectations and gauge opinions here.
>>19747146 >>19747136 I can't imagine more unless they were terribly under leveled compared to the player
>>19747163 The problem is the original post never factored in difficulty, I simply used Gamefreaks future actions as a base example, nothing more. Do you understand now or do I have to slow it down for you?
>>19747146 >muh headcanon just put a Dracoon on his team
>>19747144 I'm not forgetting that at all.
given that typically, trainers with 6 pokemon require no more than 2 pokemon to defeat (see: any E4 champ), we can safely say that a team of 6 could take on a team of 18. accounting for doubles, 10 is totally fine, and any less would be bitch tier
I'm doing the EV spreads and I just got to Vultergyst. Why does it's stat spread have no relation to its prevos whatsoever.
>>19747179 Strawpoll has always been used to gauge quick opinions from the threads. I ain't no official fancy surveyor. If this needs an official survey we can do that.
>>19747188 the post it was responding to was discussing difficulty. Maybe it's you who don't into reading
>>19747192 You'll find a lot of lines do that because people just randomly slap EVs on there.
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>>19747171 >not being able to beat every gym with 3 mons Anonymous
>>19747201 I mean the actual stats. The prevos have like max speed and then Vultergyst switches to average most things, highest HP, second highest attack and shit defence.
>>19747189 >given that typically, trainers with 6 pokemon require no more than 2 pokemon to defeat (see: any E4 champ), If you overlevel like crazy maybe.
>we can safely say that a team of 6 could take on a team of 18 >a single battle lasting at a MINIMUM 18 turns No. Just fucking no.
>10 is totally fine, and any less would be bitch tier Or it would be a properly paced battle. Why don't we just give every gym leader 10 Pokemon while we're at it? I mean according to your logic, it only takes a few Pokemon to beat them, so anything less would be bitch tier!
>>19747192 >Strawpoll has always been used to gauge quick opinions from the threads. >implying Strawpoll has always been used for jokes like "is majora a shit?" and "who's the worst tripfag"
>>19747196 You know what, I'll play your childish who has the biggest dick contest. Oh yes, you're right. Its completely my fault. Excuse me, you're correct, congrats.
>>19747213 Oh. No clue. Oversight?
>>19747189 >>muh headcanon >A bug enthusiast, he is disciplined in the art of tracking, finding, and observing wild Bug Pokémon. He travelled to Urobos chasing rumors of a legendary Bug Pokémon, eventually encountering a Basilect in a glorious and honorable battle Anonymous
>>19747221 don't sweat it, I'm sure everyone makes mistakes
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>>19747213 People wanted eviolite Necrow to be significantly different from its evolution. I mean, if you look at the designs, the stat spreads make sense for each. Kind of a Vigoroth/Slakking thing going on.
>>19747219 it's a double gym you retard. your logic is "in a single battle I can only beat 6 pokemon so even though I'm battling 2 people, I can still only beat 6 pokemon"
not only do you clearly suck ass at doubles, but also that's not difficult. especially with fighting/psychic, you'll end up using Surf/EQ and winning in 4 turns without losing a single mon. at least 10 would add challenge. 8 would be boring. 6 would be insulting.
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>>19747225 >eventually encountering a Basilect it's not confirmed that the legendary Bug he was searching for was a Basilect
It's also not confirmed what the results of the encounter were...
please don't push headcanon as confirmed
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>>19747222 >Oversight? This. There's a lot of that goes on.
Just make a note of it, and eventually we'll get round to fixing it. This kind of thing is what the sanity checks will spot too.
I'll need more than six replies guys. Unless there's only six of us here right now just take the damn survey. It's one question.
>>19747220 Nope. People bust out strawpolls on occasion if people are bitching about something for consensus in thread. It is most often during movesets.
>>19747232 is that kid playing on an etch-a-sketch?
>>19747240 >>Nope. People bust out strawpolls on occasion if people are bitching about something for consensus in thread. It is most often during movesets. I've been here nearly every day for the past year and a half.
This has never happened.
Strawpolls have never been treated as anything but a joke.
>>19747231 >its a double gym Ok, and if you don't have Surf/EQ? What if one of their Pokemon has Levitate/Water Absorb? What if you don't 1 shot every Pokemon? What if you're outsped? What if you run out of PP? What if you actually knew how to play Pokemon and knew that in doubles, moves that hit multiple targets have their BP cut?
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>>19747231 How about we don't lock in a specific number now, but rather keep it flexible in case it needs to be balanced later on when we can actually test it?
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>>19747228 Yeah, you being born is the perfect example. But hey, let's not stray too far from the topic at hand.
Loneleaf has equal SpA and Atk. Where do people want its one EV point? I was thinking Atk because it has mostly physical moves.
>>19747254 I've posted 2 or 3 myself and have a dozen people vote in them. They're a semi-effective tool to try and calm some nerves.
>>19747261 no matter how you cut it, a double battle against 6 pokemon will not take more than 10 turns. for the 5th gym, and the only double gym, that's pathetic
>people are seriously considering more than 6 pokemon for ANY kind of battle Holy shit I'm dropping this game so hard. Good luck a couple years down the road when you guys get flooded by complaints.
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>>19747292 >what are healing items >what are defensive Pokemon, especially considering we have a shitton of defensive psychic types >what are recovery moves >what are Pokemon outspeeding you and knocking you out before you move >what is being forced to switch out >what is being forced to heal I guarantee unless you're ridiculously overlevelled it will take at least 13 turns, and if you're underlevelled it will take much more.
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>>19747292 so you'd rather it take 12 turns which is objectively much better?
>>19747299 I'm one of the ones discussing for 6 or 8 and even I realize that there is no reason why we should give any shits what people complain about elsewhere. We're making the game for /vp/ and we get complaints about difficulty now anyways.
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>>19747283 Probably physical, but you could go either way. There doesn't really seem to be a pattern for which way tied stats go.
>>19747299 We are not trying to duplicate GameFreak's mistakes, if your reasoning about anything is that "GameFreak has done it and we should do it too" instead of "This is a legitimately good idea that we should incorporate", think about your idea a little harder.
Have you guys considered adding a move slot?
>>19747323 Not him, but we agreed well over a year ago we wanted this game harder than Platinum, but easier than BB. Even fucking Drayano didn't break the 6 Pokemon limit across ANY of his ROM hacks.
>>19747314 And I am here on /vp/ so it is, in part, for me.
And I'm saying a lot of /vp/ will drop this game and all your work will just be for this small circlejerk.
>>19747345 He has a point.
>>19747333 Next you'll ask if a Pokemon should be able to hold two items.
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>>19747344 Then come in here and help out against the people advocating for 10 or 12. It's probably about even for people wanting 6/8 and people wanting 8/10 with a small minority wanting 12 anyway.
if we want to edit base stats and movepools for pokemon, are we using generation 5 movepools (i mostly ask this for tutor moves)?
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>>19747355 He's adding fuel to the fire.
>>19747343 there are a lot of ways to add difficulty through unique teams/movesets/itemuse without breaking the established rules of the game.
>>19747357 Yeah, and then they'll ask for battles with more than 6 pokemon! Ridiculous, right?
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>>19747359 Yes
Gen V Mechanics
Gen III and a tiny bit of gen IV graphics
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>>19747359 why do you want to edit stats and movepools?
It's generally not a good idea unless they lack them in the first place.
>>19747369 Except
its not redonkulous
Because why would it be weird for two trainers to have their own teams
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>>19747359 Yes. I would strongly advise against editing base stats though, as most can't even be touched for the time being.
>>19747369 Or pokemon will start to super evolve or some stupid shit! Ridiculous, right?
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>>19747369 Not as ridiculous as adding a third type to a Pokemon. HOIHOIHOI!
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>>19747357 that's not a terrible idea, or maybe we could have like alchemy shops in game who'll fuse items for you so you have one item with the quality of both...
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>>19747385 Or kaijus! Ridiculous, right?
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>>19747365 Exactly, which is why we should look elsewhere when trying to make this team harder.
Drayano is a masochistic son of a bitch. Even grinding in a Nuzlocke will usually bring your Pokemon to near death situations MULTIPLE times each grinding session, and he never had to give trainers more than 6 Pokemon to do it.
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>>19747382 >what are multi-battles? Anonymous
>>19747385 Hey shut up, mega evolution is cool. I'll rek ur gabber with Mega Flairees next gen.
>>19747402 If you were yourself two years ago you'd have to admit they sound kinda silly though right?
>>19747402 What would mega Flairees look like/be inspired by? What would its typing be?
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>>19747382 Because they are challenged by one trainer and being quite unfair to that trainer by even having 7 pokemon let alone 12.
>meanwhile, on pokemon sage
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>>19747448 don't worry, all he's got are a bunch of tauros I caught in the safari zone.
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>>19747448 Seeing this makes me feel so positively challenged and feel very much like I am not a tumblr user. I am in favor of it.
>>19747448 hey fuckface nobody is proposing anyone have more than 6 pokemon. you fight two gym leaders, each of whom has 5 pokemon.
why would the fifth gym leaders have 3 pokemon each? that's fucking retarded and not suitable for a gym leader
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>>19747402 >Mega Flairees with Reckless Anonymous
2>3 EV spread for the dragon trio instead of 1>2 for Tozecko and Ragnarow while Fuelong has 2>3. Yay or Nay?
>>19747448 imagine the feeling of accomplishment after defeating him, surely nothing could be more validating (except maybe escaping the desert alive)
>>19747481 Liza and Tate had 2 each you moron. And every double battle ever in the history of fucking Pokemon had 3 or less apiece. Stop.
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>>19747432 That goatman that trained Hercules
He'll train Aguanaut(hercules)
Florresum doesn't get a mega
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>>19747481 Why would Tate and Liza have less than four pokemon each? They're both gym leaders! Are you retarded?
>>19747481 >Clay >Clemont >Fantina >Chuck >Crasher Wake Anonymous
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>>19747481 >why would the fifth gym leaders have 3 pokemon each? Why is it that every time someone asks you to pair up with them for a double battle you can only take 3 Pokemon?
>>19747494 and they were all too easy, so obviously the only way to add difficulty is to increase their team number hur dur dur
>>19747432 Capricorn.
Gets fish ass.
>>19747504 >Gamefreaks most ez mistakes Anonymous
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>>19747504 you think when Crasher Wake sees a pretty girl he mentions how he'd like to Crash her Wake?
>>19747510 >too easy Fuck YOU. I had a hell of a time with them.
>>19747510 They're regarded as one of the hardest gym leaders in GF games. Although we want the sisters to be harder it's not like you can disregard the only precedent. They kept it slightly difficult with reasons other than quantity too.
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>>19747525 >>19747524 What is this, /v/? That shit was too perfect.
The biggest injustice in double battles is that if you knock out one trainer's three Pokemon while the other has two or three remaining, they don't send out another Pokemon.
>>19747530 Kirlia+Marshtomp wreck their shit tho... it's not even hard.
>>19747481 Because it's a double battle but the challenger is always alone. So bringing their total up to more than 6 is like cheating. What if you challenge a single leader but they call on two mates with 6 pokemon each bringing them up to 18? Is that okay with regulations?
It would probably be interesting if you could battle them with someone else. Or you'd battle them alone where everyone brings their 5 pokemon and then double where they bring 3 each with some surprises.
>>19747323 >Iron limit of 6 mons, that is a staple is now called a 'mistake'. If we end up breaking the limit, the only reasonable choice is 8. And then, it'll still be a dick move, having to fight more pokes than you can possibly have.
I get it that there were chain fights, like with ET goons ganging up on you, but they were just them - goons. plus, losing didn't reset you to the beginning. We are discussing making gym leaders, which already are cranked up hard fights in sage, into a gangbang party.
Plus, we can't make "poor white latino boy", if only because porn is banned on /vp/. Anonymous
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>>19747542 Yeah we definitely need to at least fix that if we can. At the very least for the gym alone.
>>19747548 What if I don't wanna use those faggots?
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>>19747542 this
whether we give them 6 or 12 mons, they should be treated as a single team so if all the psychic mons get taken down you'll have to face double fighting types.
>>19747563 >not using the best mons in the entire gen fuck off
but if you don't want to use the proper mons to counter the gym then you have no right to complain about difficulty. Brock's difficult if all you're using is a pidgey.
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>>19747557 Also, as an afterthought, the 3+3 fight will still be harder than normal, just because there are two sigs with higher levels, compared to one.
>>19747585 One of them is a starter, 2/3 of the people who played the game have no way to get Marshtomp. If all you have is a Pidgey for Brock, you're free to go back and pick up a Mankey any time you want.
>>19747548 >playing easy mode Anonymous
>>19747555 if you started a battle and then 2 other dudes rolled in with full teams of 6, no. but if there were 3 guys standing there and they said "we've all got 6 guys each and this is the triple gym" then I'd be fine with that.
EQ/Surf your way to victory
>>19747608 You still don't realize that Surf and EQ get their damage cut in doubles do you?
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>>19747524 >>19747525 how in the frickity fuck?
wizards on sage?
>>19747623 there are a multitude of multi-hit attacks. I'm providing two common examples. I heard you the first time, and it was an irrelevant comment then too
>>19747555 How about making it a real double battle. A rattata fan tier trainer asks you to fight the leaders with you at the entrance, you can only use 3 pokemon. If win you have to prove yourself solo to make sure you didn't get your ass carried by him.
>>19747629 And all of those multitude of attacks ALSO get their damage cut. Multi-hit attacks are nerfed in doubles specifically so that they aren't OP. Stop using that as an excuse to give your horrible argument some form of flimsy base.
>>19747602 >>19747599 just because you chose the wrong starter doesn't mean the game was more difficult, if that's the case we should have alt protag chose flairies and have ricardo show up and steel aguanaut before you get a chance to select your starter.
>>19747608 I'm sure you wouldn't be fine with being outnumbered 1 to 3 when they actually have decent pokemon and move sets and your lol surf spam suddenly doesn't work.
>>19747640 would love to fight along side college bro
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>>19747650 >just because you chose the wrong starter doesn't mean the game was more difficult That is literally wrong though. Picking Foliat objectively makes the game harder for you than if you had picked one of the others.
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>>19747650 >you can decide game difficulty before mangrove introduces you to the game >choosing hard will be your character waking up too late to choose a mon and will always end up with a low as fuck IV Foliat Anonymous
>>19747647 You're confusing multi-hit with multi-target. Multi-hit moves aren't affected.
Okay. So I redid or at least looked at and personally okayed all EV spreads for the mons Atomite -> Engimantis, Grolem, Comossus, and Carbite -> Xotec. This is discluding Vultergyst for reasons previously mentioned. All total EV values were left alone except for the dragon trio, the golems and the spirits who had theirs bumped to 3. I'm most unsure what I did to the pixies but any and all feedback is welcome. Any complaints before I go edit Maruno's list of pokemon page?
Clash !dErycoonJw
>>19747663 After the battle he would thank you so much for duo'ing with him, and that you did most of the work. He would then take up residence in the Cliff City, holding an apprenticeship underneath the Psychic Monk Sister. Anonymous
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>>19747694 Yes, you're correct, the post I was replying to referred to it as that so I just used the same word.
>>19747661 I would love it because it would actually be a good fight.
and I'm not actually proposing they have 18 pokemon. I'm proposing they have 10, which is totally reasonable given that we threw a double battle vs 5 pokemon in the very first gym
How long have you guys been working on this?
>>19747727 4 and a half years.
>>19747727 We haven't even started
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>>19747721 I think people are criticizing that double battle because it makes the actual gym leader disappointing.
>>19747710 y u do this
Now I have to have this in the game or else I will be forever let down by everything
>inb4 Muddy's spa will never happen Anonymous
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>>19747730 >>19747733 Are you niggers for real?
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>>19747727 since ~October 2012
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So the shitty strawpoll gauging opinion on route 1 has 15 responses averaging out to level 8 as the most preferred choice and the average choice.
>>19747730 >>19747733 This obviously averages out to 2 years.
>>19747767 Has anyone considered that maybe the game could be made so much harder simply by not having every single detail of it documented on the wiki?
>>19747767 >he was using Bluffin good, maybe he won't be a pussy complaining about Ricardos power level
>>19747767 On that note, why doesn't the post-demo poll ask what your final team was when you beat the gym?
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>>19747784 just like in regular games, it's your choice whether or not you use wikis/faqs
>>19747788 How is that relevant to anything
>>19747785 artificial difficulty if I ever saw one. immune to all my normal moves holy shit, was like a tank too with high hp and attack, is he maxed IV/EV?
>>19747742 He'll be forgotten like all of the other NPC's that either lost surveys or haven't been mentioned in months. See: Ahab, Fortunei, Pokeman, Sean, fuck even Grill Dad.
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>>19747767 >checked the wiki for precise stats >all the while wanting to play the game figuring everything out Wikis like bulba ruined Pokemon.
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>>19747788 because the only time your final team maters is after you beat the champ
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>>19747794 Gives you a good idea of the average player level and how the exp works out?
>>19747785 >omgwhy is Ricardo so hard Its like half those fucks never played a Pokemon game before.
Go play Blazeblack2 then complain about a difficult yet fun game. Anonymous
Why does Gun have to be so madoka, guys? Couldn't she just shut up and sprite? I am feeling very awkward when I see anything sexual in this thread because I am just sensitive to it. It can be other people too but I have noticed Gun the most. Please can the skype people tell her this too?
>>19747797 Ahab. Sean, and Pokeman are getting in
no ifs ands or butts
Grill Dad can burn in hell for all I care
>>19747785 >>19747825 Should we encourage players into the mine for training? Like, have Ricardo only appear after the mine is cleared?
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>>19747838 Please jump off your nearest bridge.
>>19747847 >Should we encourage players into the mine for training? probably no reason since Ricardo's gonna end up moved to crossroads anyway.
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>>19747838 what
>>19747841 >Sean getting in Muddy will never be forgotten though.
>>19747833 hardly makes a diff to his massive hp/defense, I swear our mons felt like tanks, like every single mon I met took a bunch of hits, is their defense just unusually high compared to the official games? What can it be?
>>19747795 What level were your mons? Most of them except Fawning and Koblin learn something non-normal around 7-9.
>>19747825 Blazeblack 2 wasn't fun. And I'm stuck at the E4
>>19747797 since when did we drop Ahab/Fortunei/Pokeman? iirc they're all involved in popular sidequests.
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>>19747865 Were you using Aguade? If so, its attack isn't as high as you think it is.
>>19747854 Eh? Gonna have to fill me in.
Don't misinterpret that you sick fuck. Anonymous
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>>19747867 well I cannot remember since it was many months ago, but i have a habit of overlevling since i can't deal with loss so I was overpreparing. I didn't lose, but I did take time to level all my mons before facing him
>>19747874 I guarantee you all of them (except maybe Ahab) will lose surveys just because no one remembers them any more. Most of the people here today probably joined since the last time any of them were mentioned.
Why is bellychin orange? Don't lobsters only get that colour after they are boiled? Will his dex info reflect this morbid reality?
>>19747879 With cum? Anyways, different anon but Ricardo was always planned to be placed in Crossroads as his first encounter with the player. You'd confront him in a saloon. Howerver, because he is the antagonist rival and he is a popular character we decided to mock up a shorter version of his confrontation so we could have him in the demo. After the demo was released and exploded to like a kijilion thousand downloads people seemed to want to keep that.
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>>19747854 Maybe not after its cleared, but at least after you visit the mine.
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>>19747906 >With cum come on guys, I just told you
>>19747865 >55/45 >massive FOLIAT has the same defense stat as Somberado.
>>19747899 >no one remembers Pokeman Anonymous
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>>19747902 No that's a myth. Some are orange and some aren't.
>>19747867 Not that guy, but my 'mons were 10-12 originally, I had to grind for a while to get them to LV 14 before I was able to beat him.
>>19747917 that is why i am curious why so many of the mons i faced in the starter area felt like fucking tanks, compared to mons in official games starter zone. Is it just that our mons are generally higher statted for a more even balance between all mons?
>>19747924 When was the last time someone mentioned Pokeman in a thread and more than a single person replied?
Spring 2013?
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>>19747899 >sidequests losing surveys when no alternative is being suggested kek
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>>19747902 Only indian lobsters turn reddish orange. Ours is based on the pistol shrimp, which haven't been cooked yet
>>19747941 When was the last time someone mentioned Grill Dad? Have we forgotten about him!?
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>>19747935 Not sure. Everyone's defenses seem to be in the 30-40 range except Pengliff and Aguade
So, I'm going to dig out an old issue.
Will we have some sort of Phone/xTransceiver part? I think it'd be convenient to have it, since we can:
>have an on-the-spot plot help. We should make it so if someone got lost in what's happening, they can phone their sister or someone and get a hint, a'la "I found the pokemon thief but he told me to go away..." "Well then, you should learn to stand for yourself and not be such a pussy, onii-chan " >have people phone you back for rematches (I can't wait to make double of every team) >We can add some trivia and flesh out characters by giving them more speaking lines, it'd also serve as a nice way for them to tell about their backstories. >have people phone you to make the plot go further if something is backtracked a bit. Not everything in plot will probably end near the gym progression, so that's the last point as for now. >>19747899 Welp, time to start reeducation. Anonymous
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>>19747941 we haven't been discussing Vivace lately since it's not relevant to the demo
am I the only one that thought Ricardo was extremely easy? I even picked Foliat
>>19747968 I only won because of a lucky streak with a level 9 Pengliffs repeated icicle spear spam
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>>19747956 No, I miss him, so fucking sad too
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>>19747974 ice spear pengliff is pretty much one of the demo's best mons
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>>19747971 There are better things to forget about.
pokephileinthebugsuit.jpg Anonymous
Alright, here's the adjusted version of the Coltergeist Sugi based on some suggestions the last version got. The way some of the wisps wrap around the ankles was changed so they don't look just pasted overtop, and I made the shading on the purple parts more smoke-like and less solid. I also adjusted the way the mane and tail look attached to the body (originally they were just "behind" it). If it looks alright then I'll upload it to the wiki.
>>19745402 Those three will be done when I start going back to doing Sugis in-order. Now that the Diloweed line's colors are finalized I can go back and do them so after they're done it'll be Nurshary (for its new design), Anvelid, then the Chayan line.
Also, SZ, I wasn't able to get back to your comment last thread but I don't really work with .psd, everything's done as .png. Regardless, it's better to study Sugimori's art than mine.
Question: how difficult would it be to make this game clickable? Like menus and such
>>19748009 pokemon is already casual enough
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>>19748006 >shiny rapidash Anonymous
>>19748009 >clickable A new breed of casual has entered the thread.
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>>19747962 as long as I can call my loli sister who buys me gifts I'll be happy
Clash !dErycoonJw
>>19748006 Thanks for the new sugi.
I'll work on updating the Dex on one of my days off.
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>>19748038 >>19748050 better stroke that cock
>>19748019 >>19748033 How is it casual to want to use the mouse in a fucking PC-based computer game?
>>19748009 Very. It's not worth doing.
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>>19748114 How is it? You telling me the challenge in pokemon comes from navigating menus slowly?
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>>19748114 It's an eminently reasonable feature to want of a computer game. Do you even know what you mean?
>>19747126 >>19747707 Any opinions or discussion about either of these things I did?
>>19747971 go fuck yourself you stupid fat sack of uncreative shit. you are a braindead vegetable if you think generic author knight 1 and 2 or fat norwegian were better than the glorious magnificence of grill dad
git fucked fgt
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>>19748183 >haven't been to this thread in weeks >come back >grill dad fags are STILL buttblasted my sides, never leaving again
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>>19748183 >norwegian But those are cute trap cat people
>>19748155 Cool stuff. Glad the EVs were fixed.
>>19748215 I did it perfectly without basically any experience of doing this before? I seriously doubt that but thanks for the compliment.
>>19748222 It's not exactly difficult to figure out which of a Pokémon's stats is the highest. Plus no one cares about something like that.
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>>19748006 Impeccable.
sasuga 3tops
Anyone that's gotten a sage tattoo yet? Thinking of getting a subtle one
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>>19748287 not before the game's done
nobody wants a reminder of failure
I liked it more when SZ did sugis... those had soul to them, a real warming cutesy look with an unqiue artstyle to them. Now they just look so... flat and convey nothing beyond just being a flat picture of a monster with no charm. I bet 3tops will ruin my favorite mon too
Maruno I have no clue what I'm looking at for the list page. I might not be able to edit it.
>>19748287 Please don't.
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>>19748309 cry harder fagget
>>19748309 >3tops hater GTFO
>>19748006 Perspective on the face crest thing looks a bit weird.
blue - axis aligned to the center of the face
red - axis aligned to the center of the crest
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>>19748222 I don't know about perfect, but at least it's there and we have a base to go on rather than having to get rid of everything and start over. Besides, like
>>19748268 said, it's more tedium than anything. Though I do think it's important, if we ever implement a battle facility.
>>19748309 They look like sugis. What a surprise.
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>>19748311 Yeah, was thinking like a tattoo of Sean's house with his roommate in it with a speech bubble saying his bunghole is sore from yesterday's workout
>>19748287 >subtle There's that word again.
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>>19748320 Not that guy, just speaking my mind. I have nothing against 3tops except for what I said
>>19748331 I suppose, I guess I am more of a gen1 art guy
>>19748321 Blue isn't really the center of the face.
>>19748321 maybe because the headthing has a bit of a taper, but I also think it needs slight adjustment anyway.
Why did SZ stop doing Sugi's? too busy?
>>19748315 >{{EffortListEntry|001|Foliat|28|0|0|0|0|0|1}} Dex number, species, base Exp. Then 6 numbers for the EVs, in order of HP, Attack, Defence, Sp Atk, Sp Def, Speed.
Foliat gives 1 Speed EV.
It's fine if you don't edit it. Someone else will.
>>19748372 GF truck drove over his hand. At least he escaped with his life to warn us of it, despite it being too little too late.
>>19748371 Just because one anon shitposted about this
doesn't mean anons who like sean are all like this or serious about it
>>19748383 It'll auto do the total EVs given? Because I didn't see a spot for that.
>>19748372 His ego couldn't deal with someone being more better than him, like every artist ever, so he just gave up when people stopped fapping to him and started fapping to 3tops instead. It's ridiculous how much wanking it's over the sugis though. I appreciate them, but this whole praise attitude whenever one is posted is disgusting.
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>>19748385 I was hoping for the real reason ;-;
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>>19748395 Yes, total EVs are automatically calculated.
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>>19748393 see you're not being very subtle about your faggotry
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>>19748393 This was way late in the sabotage of Sean though, I just named it that to piss them off. He was already unsalvageable. I love how shitty our saboteurs are, yet they keep hauling in results. I guess people are just so fed up with shitposting they've become blind to it
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>>19748400 He stopped doing Sugis and left. 3tops wasn't taking over anybody.
>>19748400 Are you that guy
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>>19748372 Pretty sure 3Tops kept passively aggressively shitting on him. Kind of a shitty move since his ego already took a blow from making subpar sugis(even the community had several backlashes about his quality, even before 3tops came along to compare)
>>19748400 SZ left way before Tops even joined.
>>19748475 Question is, was his disappearance due to the Illuminati or GF?
has anyone done any gen1 style watercolor art of our mons?
>>19748520 We totally need one of those in Dronia
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>>19748491 School.
>>19748527 Dog did one for Koberus a while ago.
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>>19748429 Holy shit, *that* guy... no way, could it be...?
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>>19748532 Too soon, man
rat ;_;7 Anonymous
>>19748533 >tfw our leaders sold out to GF and that's how they got their hands on our mermaid among many other unused sagebros Anonymous
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>>19748532 what would happen when you use strenght on it?
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>>19747934 id have to say thats the issue with giving us an opponent that uses a fully evolved pokemon right off the bat. you kind of have to overlevel to trade blows. somberados base stats are too high for stage 1 pokemon if all things are even
>>19748527 No and it is a goddamn shame
because those are the best ones
>We need to change to that style sugi Anonymous
>>19748552 Why is it so upstanding? Pangolash is a very horizontal mon
>>19748561 Holy shit some cunts can never be fucking pleased, I swear. I don't agree with 3tops but this discredits a lot of work a guy has put into this project. bet you are just a butthurt artfag who got his shitty sketch redrawn
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>>19748546 Seriously though, there haven't been a lot of manipulation lately, I guess it just goes to show that Dunky and Sam Spade pulled some strings when they were in office
so i think majora wanted me to slow down the mortasque cry even more. input? also i realize that the maskoon cry doesn't quite live up to it's dex entry but people previously said they wanted it subtle
>subtle i might make some new cries. i don't think we're far from having what's needed for the next demo.
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>>19748566 This one is heavily reffed from Linoone. It seems that I have trouble making a horizontal Pango... This is my second one. My first one was wayy too vertical
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>>19748576 no no no, I'm not the guy hating on 3tops, and I love his work. did you see that intro? mind blowing.
I was just asking about gen1 style because it's a markedly different art style that appeals to me and I was curious if any fan art existed like it.
I agree that the hype over sugis, which are essentially official fan art, is blown out of proportion
>>19748576 Not even close
just someone as a kid who was impressed with Sugi's original water color artwork
I've always assumed that was how we did our sugis but then I saw blastoise and charizard and went wait a minute, that doesn't look anything like ours
it is really upsetting we even say stuff like "sage mon style sugis" because there is no comparison to the water style
>>19748593 >majora wanted how can a fucking exiled hermit have so much power over people? Is he in an Illuminati even beyond the public one? I am familiar with there being more circles but I was only aware of the public and map one.
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>>19748616 The music chat controls all.
>>19748616 Majora's just operating on a whole other level
>>19748613 You cunt, this is how the sugis are made *NOW* and they just translate better to sprites both in colour and proportion.
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>>19748593 Pretty good. I kinda agree with slowing down the Mortesque one, though it might also sound better with some reverb? Maybe both?
>>19748616 Of course there are more illuminatis, like you know, the tier that actually does work and the lobby that connects them all through the leaders of each group. Pic related, what's going on in the plebby Illuminati right now. It just doesn't translate to anything beyond shitposting. It's just a containment, really.
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>>19748639 chill. nobody is complaining that 3tops is doing bad work or anything like that. I love his art. I am just lamenting that art doesn't also exist in the gen1 style. it's no different than lamenting that we don't also have models. our sprites rock, but models are badass too
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>>19748616 he wanted me to slow it down more. i didn't. i think it's long enough already. a short cry is a good cry.
>>19748639 don't call them that you ignorant ass hat
we don't sugi anything
>translate better to sprites sprites=/=artwork
>you are what is wrong with everything Anonymous
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>>19748680 but Aguanaut is the big guy. Which mon would make a better CIA?
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Just because Sugimori isn't making all the designs, he still does them, and he does them in the newer style. They are still "sugis". You can appreciate an older style, but denying the terminology is just retarded.
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>>19748593 Those sound perfect to me. They really sound cohesive as a line.
>>19748622 Maybe make a little bit less of the crest visible raise the far ear up some? I think part of what the problem is is that too much of the crest is visible for how much farther over the face would have to be if the ear was there.
>>19748639 look at this bad ass mofo
>get anally rekt Anonymous
I did some editing to Monkezuma's TM movepool. From what I saw from the TM list before I made any edits, it seemed to be based off of the Gen 4 TM list. Is this accurate, or should I try to adjust it so the TM's monkezuma can use reflect the Gen 5 list?
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>>19748622 Literally my little ponyta
>>19748729 this guy is a fucking badass. I've always had a soft spot for charmeleon because it was the first mon I ever saw evolve and it blew my mind
>>19748686 dude I was on your side but you gotta stop being such a dick
>>19748729 I hope my jaw never gets broken enough to be able to rotate it like that. For that matter, I hope my shoulder never gets dislocated that badly.
>>19748729 wobbly mess
>inb4 BUT MUH PERSONALITY- MUH EMOTION- MUUUUUH EXPRESSIIIOOOOOUUUN Yeah, giving something angry eyes is so much personality. It's just an easy gimmick for "artificial" personality, Doppole being proof of it. It's kind of badass or deadpan. But when everyone gets it, it kind of loses its effect
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>>19748743 If you're making changes to TM lists, you need to post them in-thread for feedback. Check the TM page for the list of TMs, and there's a handy image on there you can use to show which TMs it is/isn't learning.
>>19748749 >>19748753 can you see the individual bristles from the paint brush in
>>19748729 it just makes such a difference. Or maybe it is nostalgia
I love our work too
>>19748622 it just isn't the same for comparison
>>19748743 Monkezuma, like all other mons who don't have actual tm lists only has the universal ones. If you want to change them, post the ones you think it should have and then have people discuss it. Here's the template of all tms, minus the universal ones.
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>>19748743 there's a list of the TM/HM and tutor moves we are using on the wiki
>>19748769 some people like markers, some like crayons, some like colored pencils, some like water colors. why are you fighting?
>>19748680 Illuminati is a shame, really. They are all libertarians. Just glad they didn't shift into the shape they're in now until more recently, or we'd be stuck with official trannies and gays in our game
>>19748798 the only confirmed gays are norty and mangrove for each other
What the fuck are you guys even arguing about? Christ, you guys are so fucking stupid.
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>>19748794 Because the pen(cil) is mightier than the fucking crayon. Like crayon as much as you like, but don't imply that it is better than the pencil
>>19748809 Oh god no, please no don't tell me this happens when I was gone. This is Dumbledore disgusting tier
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
Trying to make Fumighast more gaseous.
>>19748811 >guys, please, just totally reshape this mon and sugify it so it'll be voted in, I'm just real shitty, i swear, it's good alright. just need better artwork. 3tops please That fucking guy. He kept going for every fucking day for months. Goddamn autism
>>19748832 is he standing on his hind legs
>>19748829 I like it.
>>19748832 Is Pangolash's neck really that long? If so, it's pretty good.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>19748829 Oops. Wrong one. Here's the right one.
>>19748783 thanks. ill undo my edits then. I was careless
>>19748829 Amazing dude, but I can't help but imagine him ripping out a good fart whenever I see his "legs". Simply because hos straight that short line between torso and bottom cloud is. It's also weird in that if we imagined it as a solid, which is easy to do when it isn't transparent, is that it looks really twiglike, as if it would snap and fall over.
>>19748843 position was meant to be similar to Linoone but idk what happened
>>19748842 good times.
>I just need someone to draw it a little better. Trust me, it's good! Anonymous
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>>19748853 hnnnggg, my dick, looks monster as fuck.
>>19748877 >but I can't help but imagine him ripping out a good fart whenever I see his "legs" Well he did want it to be more gaseous.
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>>19748848 I guess its supposed to be from his shoulders?
>>19748842 >>19748885 It's true though, our voters vote on art
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>>19748879 It looks good
but the angle it is in looks like he is standing on his hind legs
>idk rly can pangolash stand on his hind legs? Anonymous
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>>19748904 Yeah, but I don't want it to be fatporn
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>>19748916 partially true, but some mons had shit art when they were voted in.
Not to mention better art can portray a design's features better.
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>>19748885 >>19748842 we lost so many good mons due to asshats who voted on best artwork instead of concept and originality
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>19748877 Well, it's not solid, but I see what you're saying. This look better?
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>>19748871 Not a problem. If you want to do the whole line, please be my guest. It feels like there are barely any moveset anons anymore.
It'll be nice having some company who isn't majora Anonymous
>>19748940 Hmm, now it looks like a tight dress. Damn, there is no winning. Maybe if the bottom attachment to the cloud was more narrow? Really just get association with voluptuous women right now
after getting ahead of myself, Id like to make some suggestions for the TM movepool for Monkezuma. Here are the tm's i thought would be appropriate for it: TM08 Bulk up TM12 Taunt TM15 Hyper Beam TM26 Earthquake TM28 Dig TM31 Brick Break TM39 Rock Tomb TM41 Torment TM47 Low Sweep TM52 Focus Blast TM60 Drain Punch TM63 Rock Smash TM68 Giga Impact TM71Stone Edge TM78 Bulldoze TM80 Rock Slide TM83 Work Up TM94 Focus Punch TM 95 Snarl I left out some that I thought might be possible, but not particularly acceptable, like shadow claw and flame charge. But Im sure there are plenty missing from this list
here is an ever slower mortasque cry. choose wisely.
new: old: >>19748829 i like the head but i have a feeling the pillow shading will draw ire
What was that a few days ago with Dunky coming back and talking about story for abit? He said something like even if we didn't deserve it he'd do something for us since it was so good(he is a real cunt for lumping the contributors together with the shitposters every fucking time though)
>>19748967 >pillow shading You know what pillow shading is? I can't see it. Maybe you should
redline it ?
>>19748825 yeah it was actually inspired by dumbledore/grindelwald and the fact that norty turns evil and mangrove has to stop him
>>19748974 That is the downside to be being an anon driven
>I wonder how old he is? I bet he assumes the same people are still around that gave him trouble or whatever
>>19748999 Please be false, please I'm fucking begging you. I'm sweating in my leathery chair, as if the stress wasn't uncomfortable enough. Is this shit on the wiki?
>>19749012 >tfw can't post IT without being banned >tfw static IP >tfw ate 3 day ban just for indulging a request, even when it was spoilered ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
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>>19748965 I don't really see that at all. If anything, the shape is hyper masculine.
>>19749013 it was on the wiki, but it got taken down by some butthurt anon. I can't find the survey on the Survey account, but you can probably find it on foolz
>>19748967 I don't really prefer one over the other. The difference sounds so minimal to me.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>19748963 I don't really see that at all. If anything the shape is hyper masculine.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
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>>19748967 The difference is there, new one sounds a bit better.
In other news I just woke up and the thread went from 0 to 400+ replies holy shit.
>>19748940 Nah, the previous one looked better. Ignore the fartophobe guy
>>19749031 No, anon that will do, goddamn it, that gay shit had to make it into the game, the crusade against Sean was suffering enough, and then this just sneaked in through the backdoor. It was just all for nothing
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>>19749013 No it's not, they're just buddies from Uni and Norty got jealus beacuse his theories didn't get accepted
The anon is honestly just rusing you
>>19748991 dithering, not pillow shading, sorry got those confused. i never really gave a fuck.
>>19749034 yeah it's hard to hear the differences when you are listening closely. it starts to fuck with your head. this one is as slow as possible. Anonymous
>>19748967 I like it.
>>19748965 Add payback, retaliate, smack down, since almost all fighting types get those, hone claws, since all GF simians get it, and fling and poison jab because Primeape gets them.
Also, for future reference, more people will respond if you make an image because it's easier to see what else is available.
>>19749064 >>19749045 This, it actually looks like it's being propelled up by the gas, I don't give a shit if it makes association to fart. The japanese is real gross with this fart shit anyway
>>19749076 the backstory was that they met at uni because mangrove was popular and norty was shy and weak, and that led to like a protective relationship when they moved to Urobos together, but I don't think the backstory was confirmed. just that they're in some type of gay relationship, or that it's subtly implied
>>19749078 >dithering, not pillow shading, sorry got those confused. i never really gave a fuck. Ah, alright. I don't think dithering is a problem, especially not with gaseous stuff. I'm sure Comfy will say the same on this and he dithered it on purpose. Gastly is a good example
>>19749099 >or that it's subtly implied This is the fucking worst though, if it's "subtle". God this project made me fucking hate that word, it's as if people think subtle is its own antonym. Anyway, if it is "subtleuhhg" it will be more controversial and will probably be everyone's headcanon anyway, and even if I fucking hate it/disgusted by it, it will be since that's just the way it is. Even if I ignore it, it will still be there in my subconscious simply because of denial.
>>19749128 yeah it's the type of thing where, if it never comes up, it's no big deal. we can just work in like norty's diary somewhere with an entry about mangrove or something
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>19749089 Well, I personally prefer the wavy stem. I'll change it back if consensus is high enough, but for now, here's a thicker version and a thinner version.
The thinner version has the same colors, it just looks lighter through an optical illusion.
>>19749103 i just remember people being upset about it in the past when i was doing pixel stuff
which btw i was terrible at
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>>19749099 >>19749139 No
That was not brought up until now
>>19748965 Snarl is pretty much exclusively reserved for Dark-Types and things based on big cats or dogs. The only exceptions are Druddigon and Arceus (and Larvitar and Pupitar which likely get it because they evolve into Tyranitar).
So I'd remove that for sure.
>>19749152 I am sorry for every anon who puts up with stupid autistic anons on here who just ruse them
honestly you can barely see the difference in a lot of stuff they bicker about
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>>19749152 Spectral gas is shaded differently than fire
>>19749128 >ready to shoot Norty execution style at the end of the game >Mangrove dives in and takes a bullet for Norty >dies in Norty's arms >tfw Norty does an evil smirk as Mangrove's blood is soaked into the temple ruins and ancient mechanics below >it was all a farce and a keikaku, he had planned for Mangrove to die for him in a fabulous gay way, just to make a blood sacrifice to unlock the door to Quetzar >it had to be the blood of a "true love" This is why Quetzar gets pissed off though, since it wasn't mutual love, and it was gay anyway and he fucking hates gays
>>19749087 alright, with these suggestions, here's a modified list to monkezuma tm list:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM08 Bulk up
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM23 Smack Down
TM26 Earthquake
TM28 Dig
TM31 Brick Break
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM41 Torment
TM47 Low Sweep
TM52 Focus Blast
TM56 Fling
TM60 Drain Punch
TM63 Rock Smash
TM66 Payback
TM67 Retaliate
TM68 Giga Impact
TM71Stone Edge
TM78 Bulldoze
TM80 Rock Slide
TM83 Work Up
TM84 Poison Jab
TM94 Focus Punch
TM 95 Snarl
also fore simayan and chimpoca, id assume the same list without hyperbeam, focus blast, eq, or giga impact, so far
lets see what else needs editing
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>19749128 So, the concept of two adult men in a possible romantic relationship is disgusting you?
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>>19749162 ill change that next edit. i posted
>>19749195 before i saw your advice. my bad
>>19749199 Well I really hate Gandalf for it so yeah, as bigoted as I am, it still has no fucking place in pokemon, especially not for main characters
>>19749190 I'm not sure if this would qualify because the love is just a ruse. it needs to be genuine, true love
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
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>>19749170 There is such a thing as too much dithering.
Maybe you can barely see the difference. But if enough people think there's a problem, you have to bend to that opinion. It is a crowd-sourced game, after all.
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>>19749228 Dude, I even said that in the post you're quoting
>>19749190 >ready to shoot Norty execution style at the end of the game Why is it that every time someone even implies shooting someone in the game with a gun I fucking tear up?
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>19749222 You're incredibly bigoted, yes. Opposite-gender relationships are fine, but same-gender relationships are icky?
Grow up. Gay relationships aren't all about two dudes fucking each other in the ass.
>>19749195 minus snarl this is good to go (+ universals)
you could consider making some of them final stage only (eq) due to overlap with weaker options (bulldoze) but the in-game tm placement will probably make that uneccessary.
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>>19749244 it's our way of calling out bad people. the ET Leader wants to shoot norty because he's gay, and we're showing that there's more power in gay love than in hate
>>19749006 Yeah, it looks better. The mane now looks a little off center because you moved the ear, I think. Maybe I've just been staring at it too long.
>>19749210 Dude, if its good redesign it's allowed, just look at 3Tops and Comfy's Magnitogre
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
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>>19749210 It's a shifting clout of gas. I don't know if redesign is really an apt description.
Anyway, the thinner one brings the green section back to the proportions of the original sprite. It just doesn't have the black outline.
>>19749250 You're incredibly opinionated yourself, fuck off, cunt. Gay is just more easily associated with lewdness than straight. There is just no pure romance to gayness.
>>19749250 That's true. Sometimes they fuck each other in the ears.
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>>19749250 I heard they also fuck the sexophagus
>>19749287 well our game is going to try and prove that that's not true. norty and mangrove love each other as much, if not more, than any of our straight pairs do
>>19749307 No roar for the gorilla? Snarl?
>>19749307 >forgetting HMs A case could also be made for Flame/Wild Charge... Roar as well.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>19749276 I'm not entirely sure what 3tops had to do with the Magnitogre redesign.
>>19749287 >>19749291 That's some of the most ignorant shit I've ever heard. Thank you.
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>>19749307 >it can learn all hms but srsly it's good (strength obvy)
>>19749316 But can't it just be manly love without being fucking gay? Why do they need to fuck each other? God fucking dammit. Bro/man love is amazing
>>19749335 they don't need to fuck each other in the game dude. there's more to love than just sex, although it seems like you can't see that. there's the protective bond that's developed between them after years of only being able to confide in each other. it's like zoicite and kunzite
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>>19749324 >I'm not entirely sure what 3tops had to do with the Magnitogre redesign. Yeah, the sentence made it out to look like he helped you on that one, but I meant to imply his redesign and yours on that particular one.
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>>19749321 >Snarl? srsly man
>Roar sure. roar would be fine.
Restricting moves for this reason is the most retarded shit ever, making all our mons just fucking copies or having to adhere to rules that aren't there. It's not like they'd be broken in any way even if they got the moves. And no, don't call me a fucking shell smash fag, I just think it's really stupid to decide moves by limiting them to what's been done before.
>>19749195 >>19749307 Roar is common for mammals. I'd make it Monkezuma only, though, since there are quite a few Pokemon lines that only get it as a final evolution.
>>19749323 Flame charge is seldom given to anything that isn't a fire type. Wild charge could be made a case for, but I'm erring on the side of no because the only fighting types to learn it are Pignite and Emboar and no simians learn it.
>>19749359 but can't it just be the love they got for eachother in friendship while working together? Why does it have to be literal love? That way they are like conditioned to love each other, rather than it being from respect
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>>19749378 we're making a pokemon game
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>19749335 >Can't they just be best friends so they don't make me feel weird in my no-no parts? My dad told me the only thing gay men do all day is put their peepees in each other's butts, and I can't stop thinking about it. Anonymous
>>19749392 because it's more than respect. it's not exclusively romantic love. there's the mentor/student love, the protector/protectee love, the friendship love, but also after living together in secret and sharing so much with each other, romantic feelings developed
>>19749378 >ignore all precedents Anonymous
>>19749405 >>19749416 Oh God I can't take it stop, ok, I get it it's already decided. Fucking hell, how did you guys let this shit happen?
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The thread couldn't possibly stayed productive all day could it? Oh well, I've been productive as fuck relative to usual.
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>>19749435 we voted for what was right instead of what was comfortable and easy and expected. we're breaking ground in this project in more ways than one
>>19749378 >>19749381 Fuck it, Have roar and snarl. I don't even care. If this is good enough, somebody wiki it.
>>19749435 They're winding you up. Seriously. No sexualities have been confirmed for anyone, nor should they be because this is a POKÉMON game.
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>>19749427 No, just when it makes sense. Gorillas snarl all the time, and Macuarrior has shells for shoes.
>>19748622 The only issue I'm seeing with the shield is the top part which should curve more according to the head shape. Basically at the point
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>19749435 The fact that you treat it like some gross, abnormal thing. That's why. Wouldn't be an issue if you didn't make it one.
>>19749458 Holy shit, so they're literally trying to rile me up just so they can argue for their sexuality, IN A FUCKING POKEMON PROJECT
take that shit to /lgbt/
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>>19749471 yup
>>19749469 go back to spriting comfy
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>>19749453 >snarl dude what
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>>19748782 Those aren't bristles, that's scan lines.
>>19749469 It's not even that I freak out about gays, it's sex in general, and forcing any romantic relationship in at all gets me. It's just as I said earlier that when it is gay it is just much more associated directly with sex simply because among a lot of people it is considere degenerate and sex itself has kind of a degenerate status. Sorry dude, but that shit just makes me real uncomfortable, especially when I am supposed to have fun playing a game, or even working towards creating one.
>>19749471 >take that shit to /lgbt/ attitudes like that are the reason we need this type of thing to be seen and heard and not just swept under the rug
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
What's the opinion on this sailor sprite. Do we feel like it's good enough to go on the wiki?
>>19749471 >You're defending gay people? You must be gay. Bulletproof logic there.
I don't give a shit if there's overt reference to anyone's orientation in the game. I just don't like your homophobic bullshit.
>>19749466 What about this edit
>>19749006 ? Any better?
>>19749266 Looks fine to me, but I'll see if I can figure something out.
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I wake up way late to some progress as the thread slowly falls into another variant of the "Shell Smash on everything with a Shell" argument and talking about making characters homo. God damn it guys we were doing so well. Can we just go back to talking about Oscar designs? If you want something to fight over, at least it's progress.
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>>19749468 What kind of retard even thinks spamming bait pictures will stop anything? If it's one thing this project does well, it is taking bait and swallowing it whole. It's why Dunky kept leaving. There is also a special breed of idiots that actually just have shit opinions though: see 45% for Shell Smash Terrorcotta.
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>>19749529 yep much better than mine, post that shit
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>>19749531 Whoops missed that cause I thought it was only about the ears. Looks nice yes.
>>19749529 >Bulletproof logic there. >I don't give a shit if there's overt reference to anyone's orientation in the game. I just don't like your homophobic bullshit. So I have to tolerate gays, but you don't have to tolerate my opinion? There is a reason it was voted for(well, apparently, it wasn't, but it was implied) simply because people have different opinions on the issue, and I know a lot of other people like me agree that it's just got no business in a pokemon game.
>>19749526 But please not in a fanproject. I don't want us to be trying to force some agenda through our game.
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>>19749529 the beard seems a bit out of style to me. or maybe it's the expressionless face. overall it's very good tho.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>19749513 I still don't understand why it's all about sex with you. Sex this, sex that. The only thing people do in relationships is have sex, blah blah blah.
There are no references to sex in pokemon beyond the breeding system, and even then the breeders say they don't know how that shit goes down.
It's not like we're going to have Mangrove tell you he used to lick Northington's anus. That's a fucked up thing to put in a pokemon game.
But there's also nothing wrong with having two male sprites as a Young Couple in the game. Or haveing some lady talk about her wife. That shit is super benign.
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>>19749453 Most people don't like snarl and agree that snarl shouldn't be on the list. Calm down, too. If you want to get into movesets, you'll get into a bunch of shitflinging, so try not to get frustrated and just argue your points very explicitly. When in doubt, side with the majority.
>>19749531 Like I said, I probably had been staring at it for too long. It looks fine now that I haven't looked at it in a while. Good job like always.
I definitely didn't start making ears with my fingers in the mirror to figure out whether or not they looked right. Anonymous
Where did all the fanart go guys? Not speaking about tumblernosed faggotry, but fanart from within the project? It was just refreshing and fun to skim through the thread broken up by some images here and there.
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>>19749581 why is it an agenda? I don't sit here saying that having all straight characters is forcing a straight agenda, or that regional liquor laws force a Christian agenda, or that advertising in general forces a white agenda.
gay people are gay just because they're gay, not because they're trying to force their agenda on you. are there brash gay people who won't shut up about it? yeah, and there's straight people like that too. there's also normal gay folks, and if you consider their existence an offense to you, you can go fuck yourself
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
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>>19749606 >Where did all the fanart go guys? Tumblr, ironically.
>>19749600 I swear you and Majora is the same breed. Just stop replying.
>>19749513 You are confusing someone's SEXUALITY with HAVING SEX
a person's sexuality does not affect you in any way shape or form
>>19749606 Post fanart while we wait for the arguing to die down time?
>>19749629 here's some fan art of my fav gay couple
>>19749619 mentally it does, I'm getting stressed here, but fuck it. Thankfully it is not in the game(yet) holy fuck at least I am here now so I can work against it. God fucking damn it I got so pissed. I'm kind of more pissed now that you guys actually led me to believe it was already surveyed though. Fuck you cunts. But yeah, drop it, I don't need to hear how bigoted I am, I think I even acknowledged that myself before this blew up.
>>19749600 >there's also nothing wrong with having two male sprites as a Young Couple No there isn't Comfy, but we're making a Pokemon game. Key word MAKING.
We don't need Tumblrettes praising us over one or two Sprite sets and giving us more spotlight from the SJW "progressive" crowd who may very well try to out number us on votes.
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I'd honestly rather have subtle references to homosexuality like that bar in a dark corner of the city full of manly sailors and construction workers or those two woman on a farm who definitely don't look like relatives.
>>19749581 You've just exhibited ignorance and really skewed ideas of homosexuality which apparently only includes lewd dick in butt action and not normal fucking relationships. That's what makes people reply.
>>19749618 this is pretty true. majora would reply FOR DAYS. didn't ever really hate the guy but hated being around him.
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>>19749638 Why did they make my little pinata a hippo?
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>>19749606 >tfw you actually miss barafag at least he took requests, despite it always turning into bara ;_;
>>19749640 I can admit that I like raping kids, but that doesn't excuse raping kids. you can admit your a bigot, but it doesn't excuse your bigoted behavior.
>>19749644 so you want to ignore the existence of non-heteronormative sexualities just because you want to keep some elitist fanbase? go fuck yourself>
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>>19749640 Holy shit in the year 2014 there are still pathetic excuses for people like you that discriminate others of their sexuality
>you might actually be the worst person in this project >I really thought times were different Anonymous
>>19749668 >I can admit that I like raping kids, but that doesn't excuse raping kids. you can admit your a bigot, but it doesn't excuse your bigoted behavior. Drop it you cunt. I won't change my opinion, I'll keep being bigoted. I am a really cruel privileged person.
>>19749690 then fuck off back to /b/ and stop trying to actively prevent our game from making a statement
>>19749700 I think my biggest problem is that it's tacked on just because. I didn't even hear suggestions for this until just now, and apparently it even isn't a thing at all. Make a statement but don't pull a fucking dumbledore. I actually liked that thing an anon said about a sailor bar. I guess that's the level of subtle it has to be for me to be comfortable.
>>19749668 >non-heteronormative sexualities What in the fuck is a Heteronormative sexuality
>you want to keep some elitist fanbase Okay fuckwad I don't see this game being produced as "Internet people make a game". It's /vp/ Makes a game. Everytime before when this shit was advertised the people who wanted to stay did and melded into /vp/ because people can fucking respect it's "/vp/ makes a game"
>>19749690 >>19749700 Not sure who I hate more here or if you guys are just playing pretend to convince everyone tumblr is taking over the project.
This is not a game to make a statement. I am not against having homosexual relationships, but who ever told you this was gonna be a game to make statements about politics and social issues lied to you.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>19749719 This guy gets it. I'd love to see little hints of same sex relationships here and there, but don't make it overshadow the game.
>>19749644 WAT? You don't add that shit for the social justice crowd. You add that shit because its real. You're afraid their going to come in here and fuck up the game?
>>19749618 >>19749651 I'm not arguing here. I'm trying to have a frank discussion that is related to the game in at least a few ways. If that annoys you, I apologize. Doesn't mean I'm going to stop having the discussion.
>>19749678 Guys please stop
so who wants to make cries it's easy please do it
>>19749719 it's no more tacked on than the heterosexuality of any other character. the fact that you think one is "normal" and the other is "tacked on" is your own issue.
>>19749722 heteronormativity is essentially the belief in the existence of naturally defined gender roles.
maybe you think /vp/ is like the rest of 4chan, but it's not, so stop insinuating that the trash that characterizes other boards is applicable here
>>19749735 nobody said the game was for taking a stand, but if we are already going to get the attention and praise, there's no reason not to include a prominent element of human life (homosexuality) just to appease some preconceived notion you have about the "goals" of the game
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Can we make a statement for pedos? Like Foster can remark on not actually being sexual with the kids, but appreciating their sculpted beautiful youthful bodies. #yesallpedos
>>19749751 >You add that shit because its real I'm pretty sure I said I don't care. It's gonna be voted on with all the other trainer models anyway. But I just want you to know Comfy, this will get us just as much unwanted tumblrette attention then that one girl who said we have "THE FIRST NON WHITE PROTAGS"
>>19749770 >it's no more tacked on than the heterosexuality of any other character. the fact that you think one is "normal" and the other is "tacked on" is your own issue. Except Mangrove isn't in any relationship to begin with. You know, I wouldn't care if he had a wife either, but then you have the thing that Norty is also a big participant in the plot itself. Think the reaction would be similar even if Norty was female. It seems kind of like an asspull
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>19749719 Although, sailor bar is a bad phrase for it. Sailors aren't immediately gay. That's a dumb stereotype.
Unless it some sort of costume theme bar, which seems a little over the top for me.
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>>19749770 Shut up. You're making a social issue out of every comment and actively convincing me to not include any gay couple ever.
I think this one exemplifies the tumblr audience the most.
>>19749794 >Except Mangrove isn't in any relationship to begin with. >Some of the Evil Team's Admins are related to Northington. Some of them are not related to Northington. Anonymous
>>19749812 Are you stupid? Of course a lot of sailors are gay, there are hardly any women around at all. And they work with big burly men all day. Just have a sidequest with a shy guy that wants to ask the captain our or something
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>>19749811 There's some more of them but I never saved them
>>19749784 the fact that you say "tumblrette" already belies the fact that you're immediately sexist towards things you dislike. if we express a truth and people acknowledge it, that's a bad thing now?
>>19749794 I'm sure you wouldn't mind if mangrove was fucking sequoia in the ass, but god forbid the asshole he puts his dick in be attached to a man instead of a woman, suddenly you're uncomfortable
Alright. Smashiary's TM list here
because who needs to study for the GRE anyway? So this is basically based on a combination of Hawlucha, Combusken, and Hitmonlee. No focus punch because it doesn't have hands, no fly because it's based on a flightless bird, thought the only flightless bird that isn't flying type gets it, so I'm not too opposed to adding it. I'm contemplating taking earthquake off because neither Hawlucha nor Combusken gets it, but I put it on because it would help with type coverage. Thoughts?
>>19749752 >>19749803 These are really cute.
>>19749823 no press is bad press
>>19749764 you just make weird monster noises by pressing your computer keyboard please
>>19749823 Oh wow that's pretty good
>>19749844 And of course I draik'd
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>19749803 That head's the wrong shape, yo.
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>>19746885 >Because your team of 5 or 6 has to take down 12 fucking Pokemon And their team of 3 or 4 pokemon has to take down 6 fucking pokemon. Git.
>>19749841 >but god forbid the asshole he puts his dick in be attached to a man instead of a woman, suddenly you're uncomfortable Better imply more shit about my opinions dude, paint me a fucking villain you cunt. You obviously can't be anything but a real evil asshole to hold different opinions than yours.
>>19749829 >related >romantic relationship Huhm...
>>19749841 Trying too hard now, babe.
>>19749855 I know. Most of the stuff we get from tumblr is pretty good but a lot of it has that eeeuuuugh taste present whether it is the style or something else.
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>>19749874 oh thanks for the tip hun, I'll tone it down some </3
>>19749872 if my opinions were backwards as fuck and I were a self-proclaimed bigot, I'd deserve all the shit you do
Watch out guys, the Illuminati is getting ready tactically manipulate the thread
>>19749868 Why are you telling me this
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>>19749898 Good. It turned to shit come all skypefriends.
>>19749841 >the fact that you say "tumblrette" already belies the fact that you're immediately sexist towards things you dislike I'm sorry calling a group of people a thing is sexist? Wow I must be way out of the loop.
Anyway I never even said it'd be a bad thing just it would gain a lot of unwanted attention.
with Comfy and the people adamant about this gay couple are bitching about this by the Poll for gay couple goes up everyone will just vote no out of spite Anonymous
>>19749904 He's Comfy, his eyes are highly trained in the art of spotting what requires redlining.
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>>19749904 Knitted plush redesigns.
>>19749908 "tumblrette" is a female construct. you dislike tumblr, so you attempt to degrade its value by painting people who use it as females, something you see as having no value.
that's sexist.
>>19749908 >Anyway I never even said it'd be a bad thing just it would gain a lot of unwanted attention. with Comfy and the people adamant about this gay couple are bitching about this by the Poll for gay couple goes up everyone will just vote no out of spite This is how sabotage is done in this project though. The shitposters are on both sides. Sometimes shitposters act retarded on purpose arguing for the side they are against to make that side obnoxious and retarded
>>19749929 >something you see as having no value. Glad to know you know an anonymous individual over the internet so fucking well.
>>19749883 The issue with that picture is just the self insert trainer.
>>19749812 Sailors being gay (due to circumstances or not) isn't just a stereotype. I was thinking along the lines of any of those infamous bars for sailors coastal cities have but with a distinct lack of women.
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>>19749950 actions speak louder than words. I don't need to know you to know that you're the type of person who pigeonholes and dismisses people and groups with ideas that cause you to reconsider what you think the world should be like.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
The Mangrove/Northington thing is a bit contrived and not at all confirmed 9or even surveyed, I think) I have to say I'm against it for plot reasons.
I do support a light sprinkling of gay NPCs, though.
>>19749836 A lot of sailors ARE probably gay, but it's not because they're sailors. Like, I don't think there's a higher proportion of gay sailors vs the general population.
It's not like men are horrible monsters who turn into indiscriminate sex fiends when denied a warm hole to put their dick into.
That's what masturbation is for.
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>>19749844 >>19749811 I dug up another one from foolz, I can't find the rest though
>>19749952 >Sailors being gay (due to circumstances or not) isn't just a stereotype. I was thinking along the lines of any of those infamous bars for sailors coastal cities have but with a distinct lack of women. There is a lack of women simply because the majority of sailors at least used to be men, and they're just drinking and broing it up
>>19749965 >It's not like men are horrible monsters who turn into indiscriminate sex fiends when denied a warm hole to put their dick into. So being bisexual is wrong but being straight and gay should be accepted as equal? How bigoted are you?
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>>19749908 >>19749941 There's only one person arguing for making a statement about heteonormativity and shit. And that one has displayed such a lack of reading comprehension, direction and general bait that I'm pretty sure it's a double agent actively working against the gay couples.
>>19749969 >hey're just drinking and broing it up speaking from experience?
What about putting a gay couple on the ancient aztec bicycling road, and when you interact with them they just emote smacking kissing noises. If you interact again you get the choice to push them off the bridge.
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>>19749995 No, I don't drink and don't have bros. I just appreciate bara and pokebros
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>>19749969 It's fine if you see it like that. They don't need to be like "that guy over there is so cute, right?".
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>>19749998 If you interact with a secret hidden kaijumon in the swamp below first you can actually save them by making it into a shapeshift snorlax trampoline. After rescuing them you can meet them back at their own special breeding house where they breed exclusively gay pokemon
>you can't disallow gay pokemon from breeding babies, that's homophobic! ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>19749904 If you're not the one who made it, then whatever. Just saying it's not right.
Looking at the concept art, the mantle sticks out behind the face, not straight up from it.
>>19749913 Now, let's not be a sourpuss, anon. You want me to put on your Dora the Explorer DVD? Then I'll get you a juice and you can take a nap, okay? You've had a big day, you must be tired.
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>>19749998 I actually laughed, good.
I'm done with this shit. I was just trolling saying they were gay, but now I'm just pissed at the insensitive, bigoted assholes who make up this project
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>19749983 Huh? What do you mean? I have no idea where this bisexual slant came from. I'm genuinely confused.
>>19750077 Sexually confused? I thought you were gay? lel
>>19749998 >If you interact again you get the choice to push them off the bridge. I like this, this way you can either be acceptable or not of gays. It's like roleplaying, you make your own character. He's either a homophobe or not.
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
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Dumping some fanart to hopefully get people back on track. What even is this thread right now?
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
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>>19750111 While killing them is harsh, and it was obviously a fucking troll/joke, this is actually the most progressive suggestion so far. It doesn't force you to accept anything you don't want to accept. That's what pisses me off most, when games force their own ideology on you.
Would someone just make this gay couple thing a Poll so we can shut up about it.
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>>19750134 hnnng, muh minibro
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
>>19750055 That's not how mantles work. It's not behind the face. That's perspective, the head is tilted back.
>>19749865 >>19749844 That seems good to me. I'm a bit iffy on Earthquake as well, probably leaning more against than for. But then again Hitmonlee gets it so I have no idea.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
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>>19750137 The guys who suggested it wasn't serious.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
Did some fiddling with that new nobunata sprite on the wiki. Any opinions?
>>19750091 Oh, I see. You think you're being a clever troll. You go get 'em, tiger.
Boy, I'd like to see the look on my face.
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
>>19750137 No, just fucking ignore it. If making survey takes such a big amount of effort(people have kept using this fucking excuse forever), then don't make/waste one on trolls trolling trolls
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>>19750165 I like what you've done on the front knee by making the paper/bib actually rest on the knee
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>>19750165 >Oh, I see. You think you're being a clever troll. You go get 'em, tiger. You really should have noticed this shit from the start.
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
What if Pokémon had a secret sexuality variable, that affected which gender could use Attract/Cute Charm on them? 10% of Pokémon could be gay, 20% could be bi, and the rest straight. Maybe it can also apply to breeding - gay Pokémon won't breed even if they otherwise could. Don't mention this at all in-game (just like how IVs used to be a secret game mechanic).
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
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>>19750165 >Oh, I see. You think you're being a clever troll. You go get 'em, tiger. >Boy, I'd like to see the look on my face. It was so fucking obvious before you even responded to it. He had to literally spell it out for you. Then again I suppose you used it as an excuse to shit up the thread yourself.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
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>>19750157 I don't see how any of that contradicts my point. The mantle on the plush is too small and sticks straight up. If you're saying the head is leaned forward on the plush, then the mantle should still be a lot bigger than it is.
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>>19750189 Love this one, it just keeps giving as you notice just another thing about it.
Someone post the barafag art of baboom's reign
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>19750198 Sounds like more trouble than it's worth to code.
It would be simpler if 10% of the time attract would work regardless of gender.
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>>19749865 >>19750158 Whoops. Guess I was wrong. Secretary birds can fly after all. Thank god for wikipedia. I'll update that.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>19750178 You don't get it. Some of us are actually serious about this. It's not just trolls trolling trolls. It's troll fucking around with a genuine discussion. You know, like the internet? Like all the rest of the internet?
>>19750207 Requesting Norty and Mangrove version of this
Filename should imply that they're at a gay bar
Should there be a new thread?
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
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>>19750216 I've thought about this exact thing recently, and I don't think it'd be difficult at all. Just make Destiny Knot apply regardless of sexuality for simplicity, and it's just a matter of a few altered lines of code. It would at least keep it consistent how Attract worked against a given Pokémon.
There's a bit of a question mark how genderless Pokémon should react to Attract, though...
>>19750252 Why would you hold a discussion with someone you know is a troll though?
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
>>19750252 comfy, I can troll idorts and still have respect for gays
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>19750277 Wasn't talking to the troll. Was talking to the thread in general. The trolls are always the first to respond.
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
>>19750310 a troll started something, you kept responding to the troll, and you just made the thread more bigoted by trying to make us feel guilty for not wanting gays in our game
>Inb4 you should feel guilty ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>19750303 Except now that trolling has fucked it all up, any chance to take the topic seriously is shot.
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
>>19750329 Oh wow I hadn't seen this before, has this one been drawn fairly recently?
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>>19750350 amazing, right?
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>>19750350 No, it is the discussion itself, which you led, that did this, had you just NOT REPLIED, I swear this is the thing this project in general has trouble with.
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>19750346 Fuck you, you should. No point in telling you since you're obviously a fucking idiot, but there it is. I'm fucking done with this.
Yay, democracy.
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
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>>19750400 Slowest is best.
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
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>>19750387 >having different opinions than you is wrong >majority decides is wrong >thinking majority has a thing out for gays, rather than not wanting to shoehorn it in Pawter !RROBpqntz.
>>19750400 >who the fuck even made this >i mean fucking shit dicks barafag, I think he just got bored, or died
>>19750436 Best Ricardo, as far away from a dweeb as possible
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
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Think that's enough dumping for now. If people are bored, why not crop up some NPC dialogue or look at egg moves for mons? Stuff needs to be done.
>>19750165 Speaking of this pokemon, am I blind, or is it Normal type? Why would an armor-wearing pokemon not be Steel?
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>>19750445 Looks really gay though, and either his entire body got cancer, or his head is tiny
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>>19750400 2 for my money.
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never change, sage.
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>homophobic as fuck illuminati trying to rationalize that they don't want gays because they don't want romantic relationships lel, stop trying to be so politically correct. Just stand by your opinions.
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>>19750464 because the armor is made of paper and not metal?
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>19750464 It's armor is paper.
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>>19750464 why would paper armour be steel?
>bitch who's scared to show his own name tries to make people out to be homophobic when in reality they're completely apathetic
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>>19750350 >implying "guys we should have gays xD" should or will ever be taken seriously or not immediately shot down by everyone >inb4 sean Sean was never voted to be gay, and there was much much more to his character
>>19750483 Oh. It doesn't look like a pinata right off the bat
>>19750533 it's name is nobuNATA
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What happened to Sam Spade? Did he grow bored when he couldn't be tsundere with Dunky anymore?
>>19750513 if people were actually apathetic about it, they wouldn't care if it was added or not. Instead there are people arguing actively against it. Thats not apathy.
>>19750539 It's a samurai toy/manlet horse with bacon ears, anyone could make the mistake of not noticing its pinata theme
>>19750562 They are apathetic against homosexuals. They are not apathetic about relationships being included in the game at all.
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>>19750569 If you're retarded, sure.
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>>19750562 Sorry for not wanting rampant sodomy in my children's video game
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>>19750400 >>19750552 >>19750600 Are embeds from soundcloud fucking up for anyone else? It just says it's loading contantly.
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>>19750552 There are honestly too many amazing tracks for me to pick a favorite. I can't count how many times I've just opened up the soundcloud and let it play throughout the day.
"Mystics" is one I've been listening to a lot recently, though. Anonymous
So when will we have actual progression? Like the next demo?
>>19750676 >the next demo Boy, wouldn't that be nice? I'm sick of seeing that old Pebblosa sprite.
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>>19750676 When you get off your ass and make it
>>19750690 Speaking of which, I just finished the demo, and fuck that little bitch. It's downright pidgey-tier with both sand attack and mud-slap. I was half expecting it to have double team too.
>>19750580 Dude, what are you talking about. There are relationships in the game already. And I'm sure there are going to be a few trainers talking about their wives / girlfriends or husbands / boyfriends.
>>19750727 We're all aware of the terrible curse that is fighting a pebblosa. It is going to be fixed.
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>>19750814 >It is going to be fixed. Better ruin all bros, prevos and evos. Who needs fun, challenge and interesting mons when you can have dull useless mons?
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>>19750727 blood pebbles takes another victim
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>>19750814 We could
hope the player gits gud .
Or move Mud Slap to a higher level (a few levels before it evolves perhapes?)
>>19750800 The post the informant is talking about specifically mentioned outside of couple trainers and NPC dialogue romance is not big in the series.
>>19750863 I don't know where you got that from. None of that is in any part of that post chain.
Aside from the mangrove/norty debacle, the only thing anyone was talking about was having a same-sex trainer couple and NPC dialogue. So if there's no problem with those things, then what exactly is the problem?
So. Level 8 as the goal for the end of route 1. That seems to be the consensus with a slight leaning towards 9. If this is what we want why doesn't everybody just boot up the demo right now and come back with a reply to this post with the time it took you to get from start to end on route 1, the number of encounters you had, the number of times you fainted, and the final level of your starter. Starters only and no purposeful sidetracking. This is a fun way that we can contribute. Come on and do this guys.
>>19750985 That's a chore and I fucking hate work. How is that fun? And what good is it?
>>19750975 Mostly the Mangrove and Norty thing. I don't think anyone would really give a shit about same sex trainer couples or dialogue. People are probably just concerned about any sort of shoehorning romance into the plot, whether it be homosexual or not. I'd be just as against some sort of romantic subplot between Simon and Sofia as I would be Northington and Mangrove.
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>>19751013 You're just against gays. Stop oppressing us.
>>19751003 Level progression anon. You can wallow in your own filth too if that seems to be a better option. Nobody is judging you.
Which starter you pick is also important by the way.
>>19749847 Can I do that on a mac?
>>19750814 >It is going to be fixed. i think it should stay the same. it makes the pokemon standout. we can't have all wild pokemon be straight forward battlers. nuisance pokemon are an age old part of the franchise. pebbls is our zubat and while people gripe about zubat the games would be less interesting without it.
>>19751026 What if I am insecure about my choice being acceptable, am I allowed to leave that information out, or will that just mess things up?
>>19751013 It's simple, then.
"Young Couple Raul & Marco would like to battle!"
>>19751069 "We'll show you the power of the Gaylord's Force!"
>>19751049 >Can I do that on a mac? yeah i use a mac to make cries. there is lots of free software. just mess around.
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>>19749316 I'm really sorry to reply so late, but there can't possibly be a stronger love than Sequoia/Ricardo
>>19751063 Fuck the haters, I say. I'm sick of all that Smogon shit.
>>19751052 Yes, zubat can confuse you, but pebblosa makes you virtually unable to battle, and that shit doesn't just go away if you wait long enough. I mean, there's nuisance pokemon, and then there's NUISANCE POKEMON.
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>>19751094 hey asshole, just switch out and stop bitching
>>19751083 Any suggestions? I've never done anything musical before in my life
>>19751081 "We work at a hotel called the Gaylord! If you thought we were making a childish joke about the fact that we're gay, then what the hell is wrong with you?"
Nah, too long. And we probably shouldn't put the word hell in the game. Better just cut out the whole Gaylord thing altogether.
>>19750985 Okay, for a point of reference I chose Aguade, took 3:45, had two trainer battles and 4 wild encounters. This resulted with level 9, 47 xp to level 10. If I did not encounter Hiker John I likely would have met the agreed level goal point.
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>>19751130 That's anecdotal enough for me. Why do we have trainers on Route 1 again? They just provide extra money and Exp that ruins our level progression.
>>19751116 look at the pokemon, imagine the sound it might make, and then go from there. it's not a science and there is pretty much nobody else submitting cries. there is a list of pokemon who need cries on the wiki.
Wow, dead thread. What could be done to get the project moving again?
>>19751201 Sorry I meant for programs.
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
>>19751247 I'm in the process of making a To Do image similar to what we had for the first demo to help get stuff rolling. Will try to finish it tonight.
>>19751121 >doesn't get the reference Anonymous
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>>19751247 you could write some subtle gay dialogue
>>19751273 I can update the To Do page on the wiki with that once you finish if you like
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
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>>19751348 Thank you, that would be great.
>>19751247 i think we should try to motivate the people in the thread to more passionately in making stats and moves for the dex. if not everyone can sprite, make the primary focus of the threads in the op determining stats. It will be a clusterfuck for a while of everyone asking if this bst is good and what additional moves should we have. still, i think it will get stuff done
>>19750985 I actually went through and did this. Took me a lot shorter than my first run, only 10 minutes from the start of Route 1. I encountered 5 pokemon, and while I usually run, I fought all of them. I used Aguade, had a quiet nature. Ended up at level 11 after fighting the hiker right before Tremol. Didn't faint once, because I picked up the potions from the PC and the one in the crater.
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>>19751304 Okay, okay. I'll look it up. But if it's something completely retarded, I'm gonna beFUCK!!!! It's completely retarded! You tricky bastard.
>>19751247 >What could be done to get the project moving again? money. more frequent surveys.
>>19751383 How many total trainers did you battle and if it's not too much how much xp did you have until the next level? I want to take all of these and log them. I'm going to do it 4 times per starter plus whatever other people do.
>>19751381 Speaking of spriting, what's going on with sprite surveys. Now that redesign submissions are closed, we should be able to whittle down the one's which don't have a pending design vote, right?
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>>19751383 I also fought all the trainers and avoided the cave route.
>>19751258 ?
Anyone else have recommendations? I'm kinda lost
>>19751417 you should get the proper based xp for our mons, and see what your level is. mage made the change for me previously, you just have to download the file. previous base xp were merely assigned not calculated.
>>19751439 does audacity have a mac version?
>>19751417 All of them except the girl by the ice. I had 216 exp til the next level.
>>19751446 What do you mean base xp? I'm using the "xp to the next level" in combination with the xp curve type of the starter to figure out how much xp I had. Is that not valid?
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>>19751462 Okay thanks. I have you added.
>>19751463 no the base returns based on the mon you battled.
the standard stat that all other multipliers are applied to
>>19751453 Yeah, but if that's what you guys use it's way too complicated for me. I tried to use it to convert some tapes for digital and I could barely figure it out
>>19751516 vocaroo some cries then.
>>19751512 Oh yeah. I guess we could do that but I don't see it being super necessary with a large dataset of a couple dozen plays. Unless it invalidates something I haven't noticed.
>>19751542 I'm an idiot there's an exp points stat right above the stupid xp to the next level shit.
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>>19751531 That seems like it won't really help. Since audacity talks about your instrument I don't think I have the right set up to do this.
>>19751512 How different are those values in the demo to what they should be? If the answer is "not very", then it can be ignored and the results assumed to be accurate.
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>>19751542 >>19751595 it's neither, this is about gains, total gains are quite different with different base multiplier, ie base xp
>>19751712 in some regards very different, test to see,
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>>19748974 The skypechat fucked him hard when the pic dropped. I dont blame him for how he feels if you consider he had the survey account taken from him too due to Majora
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
Hers my latest version of Dronia, but i got a lot more to do still. Anyway, I had an idea.
you know how in castellia or luminose you couls walk down all the little alleys and they were separate maps? Someone suggested that for the hobo dojo as well. Well I was thinking on my way home today, because we need to make a way to have you walk into an alley and have it be a new map, rather than showing an empty alley way, if we put awnings over some of them, then it could allow us to make more than one ally way walkable.
Some would be blocked by fences, some would just go through on the main map, and others would be their own separate map. They could even run horizontally regarless of north and south on the larger map, so you could go in certain houses and see certain things. I think it would make the whole city seem so much bigger, and then you have more room for secrets and hidden things, some could be alleys with houses and people, and some could be sketchy as fuck with trash and crates
>>19747490 Lol, I just realized how much thats gonna suck for nuzlickers.
>>19751712 if your in skype i can send you the dl to test it.
>>19751742 I still don't get what you are saying. Are you saying that since we are battling a randomly selected array of wild pokemon of different species with different base EXPs that the data is invalid?
>>19751740 wasn't the hobo dojo originally going to be under a bridge? you could easily just walk under a bridge and have a new map.
>>19751740 I still think it is too spacious Draik.
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>>19751732 >>19751742 That's not necessary. Just look at the game data and the wiki to compare the base Exp values.
>>19751740 Where's the water?
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>>19751740 I think right now alleys are too wide for that
>>19751796 North of the city I assume.
>>19751776 every mon you battle, wild or trainer, as a set base xp, which is the base unit which multipliers which determine your xp yield are given by. thus your xp gain and thus level of starter can be greatly varied.
b is base
>>19751740 I'd add maybe a little patch of grass around the tree in the little plaza thing to make it seem more like a park. The way it is now, it seems lit there's an arbitrary box around the tree.
>>19751779 >>19751796 >>19751813 If you extended the map a little farther north, you could put an inlet with a bridge for the dojo, as these anons are saying.
>>19751813 Regionmap has Dronia with the northern part as water and the following route being all water, except maybe a slight bit of land on the side.
>>19751831 I'm aware of that. How is this relevant. The xp you gain in the game is determined by that formula so removing a variable has little applicability to the real game. There will be irregularity in the pokemon battled within the game itself. This can be compensated through multiple trials. I already have 7 done.
>>19751858 the xp you get is based on what each pokemon gives you. which is directly determined by base as well as the level differential.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>19751813 >>19751796 >>19751852 waters in the noreth, not done yet as i stil need to put a lot of tiles in.
>>19751839 That was the plan, I just haven put the grass tiles in yet.
>>19751786 it's only spacious because I havent filled it all yet. It's not meant to feel empty, its meant to feel huge but c rowded.
>reading this thread I want Kirn, Terra, Sam, Majora, QB, and every other shitposting twat to leave.
>>19751740 Where is the water and sewer for hobo dojo
>>19751901 But I wasn't even involved.
>>19751740 I'm sorry Draik, I usually like your maps, but this place is hugely spacious and just...generic. It doesn't look like an interesting map to be in.
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
Alright, here's something of a generic To Do list to give people an idea on where to start. I want us to work up to a more specific one that gives an idea of our progress in each individual thing we need (like if a certain map is being voted on, if stats need testing prior to implementation, whatever) but for now I hope this will help us focus our efforts a little.
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>>19751901 I literally have not posted anywhere in this thread. Please fuck off.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>19751921 Thats okay, I appreciAte the input. I thought that the awning idea would make it much more full and crowded, plus the fact that I was under the impression Dronia meant it was to be a dull and boring town, with nothing happening. But thats why i'm posting it, I need help from all you guys, to help you guys.
>>19751901 I honestly hadnt thought about a sewer. and ideas for how I can implement one? I still need the train tracks as well i believe.
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>>19751872 Pointlessly compensating for one variable when there's still the variables of which starters are chosen, which routes people take, how many encounters total there are, how many blackouts there are, how many trainers are battled, etc. which cannot be controlled for. I understand the experience system sufficiently to do this and playing within real world conditions, listing all variables encountered and making numerous trials is the most functioning way I feel like going about this. If somebody else wants to come join me then maybe we can discuss something different but I don't see the merits of what you propose.
>>19751909 Don'y get involved now.
>>19751978 For the sewers, put in a set of descending stairs to the water by the docks and have that lead west, under the street.
>>19751949 Looks good. I don't know if these help or not but it sure gives an insight for people that have no clue what to do or what we need to do.
>>19751949 I'll convert this to text and put it up on the to do page. I'm assuming I can wipe the old to do list and the tile statuses (?) since they seem to be out of date?
Sorry I didn't get around to bulbapedia-ing, I ended up being really busy and I have
jury duty tomorrow so I'm not sure when I'll be able to get around to trying it, but hopefully it will be soon
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>>19751978 >>19752038 I still think sewers should be closed of with manholes. that way we can actually have squink in them, becuase squink was voted out of this demo. plus makes dronia less massive
Pawter !RROBpqntz.
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>>19752050 Yeah, it was mostly just to try and get some direction going. Going to try and be a little more active in stimulating a little progress, if we want the demo out before ORAS.
>>19752055 Don't worry about it! I appreciate the help.
>>19751417 I've had a look through the base Exp values in the demo and what they're going to be in the final game.
Starters are practically 63 in the demo and will be 28. This is purposely low because of Gen 5 starting off with two starter battles, to avoid too much Exp immediately. There's only one such battle in our game. Whatever happens, that battle will add a whole level, starting you off at level 6 (if you win, of course).
Harpee is the same. Capig will go from 57 to 49 which isn't much. Cubzero will drop 20 points from 80 to 62. Fawning and Pengliff remain the same. Bluffin will drop about 15 points from 73 to 57. Koblin is practically the same.
Pebblosa will drop dramatically from 96 to 67. Cowatti will increase by that same amount. Snome will drop by about 10 points from 74 to 66.
Somberado will drop 40 points from 200 to 159, but he's a one-off.
All in all, demo mons give out more Exp than they will in the final game. Evolved forms are very much the opposite case, but they're nothing to worry about here. A rough guess is that Exp gained in the demo should be cut by about 15% to produce the amount of Exp gained in the final game doing the same things. For passing Route 1, that's about half a level.
>>19751414 I will totally be able to help with surveys in a couple of days, if that helps. I haven't been around in a while. Is there a list of importance? I know a bunch of small things that need to get done.
Probably a better question for the Skype group I guess.
>>19751275 They look fine from here. Would have to see them in an environment.
>>19751740 It's looking nice, but the roads look too wide and I find there's too much empty space.
>>19751978 I always thought the sewer was for Vivace?
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>>19751949 Wait a second. You mean the lower levels of the mines were only closed because of laziness?
I had thought that it was closed for post-game content. Which it should be.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
Someone wanted this. I hope this is the right one.
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>>19752117 i'm sorry anon, but those stools are far from fine.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
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>>19752117 I only know what I'm hearing here. I've been out of the loop lately.
>>19752038 I do like that Idea, I'll work with it some
>>19752134 What about the shadows version?
>>19752101 Oh shit. Now I get what you're talking about. The base exp yields in the demo are just physically wrong. Why? This is the first I've ever heard of this. I guess yeah, send that mod to me on skype, name's tydempty. Why isn't the correct version what we have public? When were these correct values made? Why weren't they in the demo?
So what's our status on how many plot outlines we have submitted.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>19752190 Which version now?
>>19752199 I think three, not sure.
>>19752190 The values in the demo were made up off the top of someone's head. The correct values are actually calculated based on the BST and evolution stage of the Pokémon. Said calculation was discovered after the demo came out.
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
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>>19751422 Not all redesigns are currently closed, unfortunately. We have about 6-7 lines that are still open until they're needed for a demo. I'm not sure what you're asking about though?
Who wants to step up and survey
>>19752295 Make surveys or take one?
>>19752236 Oh, okay. So it'll be in all future demos? If you send it to me I can restart testing tomorrow with it corrected.
>>19752226 There's a Simon OW with a built-in shadow at his feet. I don't know if this is the same one without the shadow or not but the shadowed one was the most current one as far as I was aware.
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>>19752310 Make em. I promise riches if you do
>>19752295 What needs surveying?
>>19752350 it's the one that was voted out.
Adding a shadow is easy though.
>>19752369 When and why was it voted out? Was this the time when I said it'd lose because the other option was a larger heaping pile of shit and people will vote for the larger one regardless of quality?
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
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>>19751740 >>19751880 I'll make all the roads thinner posthaste.
Are there any suggestions as to where I should put the pokemart, and or will we be putting a some sort of mall here?
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>>19752363 Everything. We need name suffixes. We need more surveyors. Not shitlords who survey for a living, we need people who can churn and burn, pop out surveys like arabs and latins pop out kids: on schedule and like clockwork
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU