Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Quoted By:
ToTT:Blastoise in a diveball
Quoted By:
ToTT: Illegal Moon Ball Spiritomb given to me by this thread. You did this to me, GTS Giveaway.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
9x Nest Ball Chikorita - Heal Pulse, Counter, Leech Seed, Leaf Storm All females for a post with IGN and disc
Quoted By:
>>19787339 Nest Ball Sewaddle, fits the whole line to a t. Cameron
>>19787339 Alright fucks I'm here's sipping whiskey and have a bit of pokemon to give out if anyone wants. All are 5IV just disc up and let me know what you want.
4 Flabebe, Calm in Heal Balls
1 Cubone, Adamant in Level Ball with egg moves
1 Sandile, Jolly in Pokeball with egg move
1 Kangaskhan, Jolly in Pokeball
4 Darumaka, Jolly in Dream Ball
All are female, except the Sandile. I also have crap IV Sport Ball Pinsir if anyone wants one for balltism purpose.
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
Breeding leftovers! Please be specific in your request or I'll choose for you. Torrent Mudkip, Poké Ball - Two 5IV Adamant Male (-SpAtk), egg moves (Yawn, Curse, Mirror Coat, Refresh) - Four 5IV imperfect Adamant Male (-Atk, Def, or SpDef), egg moves (Yawn, Curse, Mirror Coat, Refresh) - Two 5IV Quirky Male (-SpAtk) egg moves (Yawn, Curse) - Two 5IV Quirky Male (-Speed) egg moves (Yawn, Curse) Moody Smeargle, Timid, Repeat Ball - Three 5IV Timid Male (-Atk or -SpAtk) Quick Feet Zigzagoon, Luxury Ball, egg moves (Charm, Pursuit, Helping Hand, Simple Beam) - Three 5IV Jolly Female (-Atk or -Speed) - Two 3IV Adamant Female (various) Pressure Aerodactyl, Jolly, Poké Ball, egg moves (Wide Guard, Tailwind, Assurance, Pursuit) - Four 5IV imperfect (various) Soundproof Mr. Mime, Timid, Love Ball, egg moves (Fake Out, Nasty Plot, Teeter Dance) - Three 5IV Female (-Atk) - Three 4IV Female (various, but all -Atk) Soundproof Mime Jr., Naive or Lax nature, Love Ball, egg moves (Healing Wish, Teeter Dance, Nasty Plot, Mimic) - Two 4IV (-Atk and -SpAtk) Magnet Pull Magnemite, Modest, Poké Ball - Six 5IV imperfect (-SpDef) Heal Ball Corsola, 4IV, various ability (non-HA) - Corsola a shit. Take one if you need for Dex.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Sat 28 Jun 2014 00:49:50 No. 19787409 Report Quoted By:
Moon ball gastly
>>19787399 Could I get a female Mr Mime please? 5IV if doable, discing up now.
>>19787393 Disc up for darumaka thanks in advance
>>19787393 Disc is up for Cubone. Thanks.
Quoted By:
ToTT:Frillish in Dive Ball, been hooked since.
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19787339 ToTT:
I think Heal Ball Spritzee was my first balltism. Anyone want to discuss giveaways in the IRC? Enter #/ggg/ for our chatroom! Everyone's welcome!
Quoted By:
>>19787425 >>19787429 Sent. Thanks for taking em off my hands, rebreed and share the love.
Mr. Fifty
Giving away some leftovers. Moon Ball \ Skill Swap, Nasty Plot, Wonder Room, Destiny Bond5,1 - Misdreavus (M) - Timid - Levitate - 5,2 - Misdreavus (M) - Timid - Levitate - Moon Ball \ Skill Swap, Nasty Plot, Power Gem, Destiny Bond 5,4 - Misdreavus (F) - Timid - Levitate - 5,5 - Misdreavus (F) - Timid - Levitate - 5,6 - Misdreavus (F) - Timid - Levitate - Mismagius (M) - Timid - Levitate - Level 82 EV Trained, Named: Teferi
Cute asian girl
>>19787441 We have qt girls and traps in the chat! Come and join us at Cameron
Quoted By:
>>19787389 I'll disc up for a Chikorita please. Thanks in advance. Any good sets for the thing? I chose it as my starter when I replayed HG and was sorely disappointed,
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19787389 The best set would probably be a subseed set, but I dunno, I only bred because a friend wanted it.
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19787415 Cameron, 5IV Mr
s Mime is sent!
Quoted By:
>>19787462 >qt girls No you don't, they're all ugly.
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
>>19787339 Hello,
Phantump time again!
Giving away:
12 Pentaperfect Phantump with the ability Harvest and egg moves: Bestow, Grudge, Imprison and Venom Drench.
6 Females
6 Males
AND 1 Hexaperfect Male!
All of them come in Premier Balls. Take as many as you want.
Quoted By:
>>19787393 Thanks a bunch
>>19787389 Discing up for a chikorita
Quoted By:
>>19787486 Thank you so much
>>19787484 I'll give it a shot. I felt bad since I boxed the sucker in HG and wanted to make a competitive one to see how it goes,
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
>>19787399 Disc is up for one of the Two perfect Mudkip
i would like a Petilil please my ign is kehan disc is up
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Sat 28 Jun 2014 01:02:13 No. 19787519 Report first time doing this so be patient (my wifi is shit) All have 4IVs please tell me gender/nature or you get what i have most of you may get one of the ones used for breeding so itll be leveld a bit but it should be fine
Quoted By:
>>19787339 fast ball fletchling Cameron
>>19787486 Also, figured I'd ask, are you the bro that gives out extreme speed linoone and zigzagoon? I've used one of yours as my pick up bro if it happens to be you, thanks again if so.
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
Quoted By:
>>19787389 Discing for Chikorita. Thanks in advance!
>>19787399 Disking for the penta-perfect Mudkip - thanks Linoone!
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19787393 Cameron, I'll take that Pinsir - it's female right?
>>19787507 Phill, I think you meant the Adamant 5IV -SpAtk ones, so I sent you one of those!
>>19787523 Cameron, that's me alright! I'm glad my Linoone has done you right!
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Sat 28 Jun 2014 01:04:13 No. 19787543 Report Quoted By:
>>19787519 also it started when i found out you cant pass down cherish ball. i will never have a perfect blaziken in a cherish ball Anonymous
>>19787393 disc up for darumaka
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>19787517 I sent you one bb
It has egg moves, and the correct nature. but no special hidden power or anything like that
>>19787456 disc up
Peter, 5,1
Dion 0619 - 4340 - 3587
>>19787545 >>19787393 oops, forgot to post IGN
>>19787541 Yeah the pinsirs are female, but like I said, I can't guarantee IVs, mostly they are just for the rare ball. And fuck yeah I'm glad to see you still around.
>>19787399 Disc is up for one of the imperfect adamant Mudkip, please and thank you. Ign is Serena.
>>19787491 Could I get a male nicknamed Albero?
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Sat 28 Jun 2014 01:07:53 No. 19787583 Report Quoted By:
>>19787519 also all are nicknameable
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19787568 I can rebreed for IVs, so no worries at all about IVs! Disc is up for Pinsir.
>>19787574 Serena, Adamant Mudkip is sent! Happy rebreeding!
>>19787596 Pinsir is sent your way
Serena Cycling Cap
>>19787596 Thanks! I'm going for the pink one.
If I have the heart to do it, after my current project. Anonymous
Anyone willing to catch me a Female Bulletproof Quilladin in a Nest Ball from the FS? I thought I had a Safari but apparently not.
Mr. Fifty
>>19787549 Never saw your disc.
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
>>19787399 Can I have that Moody Smeargle? I think i might have it sketch Happy Hour
damn you meme masters never get tired of that particular meme
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Sat 28 Jun 2014 01:14:27 No. 19787644 Report >>19787618 add me, mines got quilladin and i should be online for a while
>>19787389 discing up in a second please
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19787606 Thank you very much, Cameron!
>>19787609 Good luck with shone Swampert, Serena! A worthwhile hunt in my opinion.
>>19787625 No problem, THE. Disc up?
>>19787538 Sent, Wadosh!
FC: 1263-5680-7065
>>19787644 Thanks friend. I'll add you in a moment once I'm done with Bank.
Quoted By:
>>19787641 At least its not heavy ball shellder
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Sat 28 Jun 2014 01:18:01 No. 19787679 Report >>19787665 aight. if i remember right i gotta be online for you to get the hidden ability right?
ill try and stay online if i can
(wifi doesnt reach my room too well)
just lemme know once youve got it
FC: 1263-5680-7065
>>19787679 It makes it easier but it's not needed. I do need to see you online at least once though for Quill to show.
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Sat 28 Jun 2014 01:20:05 No. 19787699 Report Quoted By:
>>19787688 aight well im on right now so get it while you can
Quoted By:
>>19787484 Thanks a bunch awesome as usually Opti
>>19787399 Can I disk up for a mudkip? Thanks!
>>19787582 You're awesome. Disc up for Albero!
Quoted By:
>>19787491 Can I have a female one? Ign is John. Thanks.
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Sat 28 Jun 2014 01:22:50 No. 19787727 Report Giving away: All males have perfect IV's and can be nicknamed. Disc up and reply with your IGN if you want something!
And try to specify, please. Dion 0619 - 4340 - 3587
>>19787491 could i get one named Sudowoodo? preferably male.
Quoted By:
>>19787484 >>19787389 Chikoritas still available? disc is up
>>19787650 Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
Quoted By:
>>19787702 Green, I sent you an Adamant imperfect Mudkip. Hope it suits your needs!
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19787727 Francisco, may I have one of the perfect 5IV Volbeat please? Disc is up, and thank you very much.
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
>>19787731 Sure you can. Disc up.
>>19787727 Could I please get a Maril? Disc is up in a couple min, just waiting on
>>19787389 Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>19787727 Could I Disc for a Volbeat and Illumise?
Disc for Volbeat is up.
Dion 0619 - 4340 - 3587
>>19787771 Cool!
Disc's already up
>>19787727 Can I get the 6IV togepi?
>>19787491 discing for a male please
Giving away:
17 x male Snorlax Careful thick fat/immunity Heavy Ball 4/5 IV (whirlwind, counter, curse, double-edge)
Treecko Timid Unburden (HA) 4/5 IV (synthesis, leech seed, leaf storm, some have dragon breath)
9 males
1 female
Treecko unburden HP ROCK 31/0/30/7/31/30
Treecko unburden HP FIRE 31/0/31/4/31/30
Quoted By:
>>19787816 can I dibs that female treecko please? I'd love you forever
disc will be up shortly
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19787727 Disc up for a fem togepi thanks in advance
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Sat 28 Jun 2014 01:32:12 No. 19787846 Report Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>19787775 >>19787846 Thanks, Disc for an Illumise is up!
Yamille 2122 - 6368 - 0648
>>19787727 Could I get a perfect Volbeat named Bumble? Disc up.
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
>>19787651 >>19787651 Disc is up now. IGN: Kagura
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
>>19787797 Thanks for the big nugget!
Quoted By:
>>19787816 disc is officially up
>>19787846 >>19787389 thank you so much
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627 Sat 28 Jun 2014 01:34:16 No. 19787873 Report Quoted By:
>>19787816 discing up for a HA treeko, male please
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Sat 28 Jun 2014 01:34:57 No. 19787879 Report >>19787810 There is no 6IV Togepi. Only 4-5. And I need your IGN if you want one.
>>19787857 >>19787845 Sent
Dion 0619 - 4340 - 3587
>>19787868 Hey, thank you, he is beautifull!
Quoted By:
>>19787816 thank you very much
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Sat 28 Jun 2014 01:38:29 No. 19787917 Report Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
Quoted By:
>>19787889 You're very welcome!
Ryuu 1650-1574-8155
Quoted By:
>>19787393 Discing up for darumaka. Thanks
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627 Sat 28 Jun 2014 01:39:49 No. 19787933 Report >>19787816 i got sniped, gonna try again
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19787863 Kagura, Moody Smeargle is sent!
>>19787846 Thank you so much Francisco! Great giveaway!
Yamille 2122 - 6368 - 0648
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627 Sat 28 Jun 2014 01:41:36 No. 19787956 Report Quoted By:
>>19787933 my ign is william
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
Quoted By:
>>19787393 got any darumaka left?
>>19787519 can i get a larvesta
>>19787879 Thanks a bunch
The females didn't have HA huh? Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
Updated: You know you need a Mudkip.
Guys I got one of those shiny Rotoms in a rapid ball, I don't want a illegal pkmn so, if one of you want it please put a Rotom in the GTS asking for another Rotom.
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Sat 28 Jun 2014 01:47:45 No. 19788022 Report >>19787998 im not seeing your disc
male or female?
and do you want a nickname?
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Sat 28 Jun 2014 01:48:01 No. 19788025 Report Quoted By:
>>19788002 You're welcome
All serene grace my
>>19788022 i just put a disc up for a female
Cute asian girl
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627 Sat 28 Jun 2014 01:49:57 No. 19788043 Report >>19788019 is it illegal because of the ball?
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Sat 28 Jun 2014 01:50:55 No. 19788060 Report Hey all! I'm still giving away penta-perfect Dratinis with 31 on everything except Sp. Attack. Each is packing Ex-Speed, Aqua Jet and Iron Tail as egg moves, and they come in Luxury Balls. All have their Hidden Ability, and I currently have 6 males and 3 females. I'm also giving away Jolly penta-perfect Magikarps with their HA that I had in the bank and it's time I give them an owner. They come in a regular Pokéball because I hatched them back when I lacked balltism. Currently have 5 males and 10 females! Since I got a surplus of them, each will be packing one of those pinch berries! The type of berry you get'll depend on the last number in your post. 0-1: Liechi; 2-3: Ganlon; 4-5: Salac; 6-7: Petaya; 8-9: Apicot Just respond to me with your IGN. Once you do, put your disc and in the description put '/vp/ Brian'. Also choose the gender of the Pokémon you want, if available. Simple as that! Know that if you don't specify the gender, I'll give you one of the one I have the most (I'll be updating the genders everytime I say the trade's done). As a new rule, I'll ignore those that don't say their IGN. Only one of each per person per day so no one hogs them all at once! These are the only Dratinis and Magikarps I have left, but I will eventually come back to give you more perfect rejects! And speaking of balltism, Luxury Ball Gligar, and Luxury/Dream Ball ever since. No other pokéball appeals to me. .
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Sat 28 Jun 2014 01:51:05 No. 19788062 Report Quoted By:
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Sat 28 Jun 2014 01:51:24 No. 19788063 Report >>19788017 Discing for Mime Jr., preferably female. Thank you!
Cassiopea 5112-4826-6799
>>19787399 Can I get a Corsola?
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627 Sat 28 Jun 2014 01:52:19 No. 19788069 Report >>19788060 woot! i'll disc up for one of each please, ign is william
Quoted By:
>>19788043 This is what someone made me believe I can't live with the guilty.
Yamille 2122 - 6368 - 0648
>>19788060 I'd gladly take a Magikarp from you if thats cool. Male if eggmoves, otherwise female
Disc up
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627 Sat 28 Jun 2014 01:54:52 No. 19788088 Report >>19788069 i'll take a male of each please, discing up for dratini atm
>>19788060 I'd like a Dratini, any gender is fine. I've disced up, thank you.
Dion 0619 - 4340 - 3587
>>19788060 disc is up. Male if possible
Dion 0619 - 4340 - 3587
>>19788102 >>19788060 a male dratini, that is.
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
Quoted By:
>>19788066 Cassiopea, thanks for taking this Corsola in.
>>19788063 Francisco, female Mime Jr. sent!
>>19787727 can i have the togepi? gender doesnt matter disc going up
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627 Sat 28 Jun 2014 02:00:29 No. 19788139 Report Quoted By:
>>19788060 thanks for the dratini!
discing up for a magikarp atm
Neu Laden 3652-1600-7118 (Phantump, Spiritomb, Lampent)
Neu Laden 3652-1600-7118 (Phantump, Spiritomb, Lampent) Sat 28 Jun 2014 02:00:30 No. 19788140 Report Added a shiny disc for a Shaymin, any ball, any level, just completing my dex.
>>19788140 You can't trade Shaymin over the GTS m80.
Neu Laden 3652-1600-7118 (Phantump, Spiritomb, Lampent)
Neu Laden 3652-1600-7118 (Phantump, Spiritomb, Lampent) Sat 28 Jun 2014 02:02:20 No. 19788158 Report Quoted By:
That sucks Anonymous
>>19788017 Just curious, did you breed a penta/hexa Mime Jr. with correct nature? How long did that take? I'm going to be going for Volt Tackle Pichu, some Happiny, and Munchlax so I want to know what I'm in for...
>>19788140 you dont need shaymin to complete dex
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Sat 28 Jun 2014 02:02:57 No. 19788170 Report Quoted By:
>>19788088 >>19788077 >>19788083 >>19788111 All sent! By the way Farah, just so you know, Magikarp can't learn Egg moves, unfortunately.
>Current numbers Dratini - M: 3 - F: 3
Magikarp: M: 4 - F 9
>>19788095 I said I won't send anything to those that don't say their IGN.
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Sat 28 Jun 2014 02:03:04 No. 19788171 Report Neu Laden 3652-1600-7118 (Phantump, Spiritomb, Lampent)
Neu Laden 3652-1600-7118 (Phantump, Spiritomb, Lampent) Sat 28 Jun 2014 02:03:30 No. 19788176 Report Quoted By:
>>19788168 I want all the pokemon, not for any in game thing
>>19788060 Disc up for Male Magikarp. If they're gone, then female pls. IGN: Kagura
>>19788140 >DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES Neu Laden 3652-1600-7118 (Phantump, Spiritomb, Lampent)
Neu Laden 3652-1600-7118 (Phantump, Spiritomb, Lampent) Sat 28 Jun 2014 02:05:08 No. 19788194 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>19788019 I dunno if this was claimed yet, but I put up a rotom with the message /vp/
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19788166 Anon, nature breeding for Mime Jr. is terrible because you have to make one parent hold the incense. It would have taken a whole box, maybe more. If you figure that there are about 4 usable natures, then you have a chance of maybe 4 decent natured babies in the box - and then you're at the mercy of the IV RNG.
tl;dr. Short answer - no. Healing Wish and Charm weren't worth it. Good luck on your baby breeding though. :/
>>19788060 Disc is up for a Dratini, don't really care what gender. IGN is Glyph
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Sat 28 Jun 2014 02:09:53 No. 19788240 Report Quoted By:
>>19788181 Sent! Unfortunately my d-pad derped while equiping berries and sent you one with a Ganlon Berry instead of a Liechi. Sorry!
>Current numbers Dratini - M: 3 - F: 3
Magikarp: M: 3 - F 9
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Sat 28 Jun 2014 02:11:59 No. 19788258 Report Quoted By:
>>19788235 Delivered, enjoy!
>Current numbers Dratini - M: 2 - F: 3
Magikarp: M: 3 - F 9
>>19788208 Did you have perfect IV parents or no?
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
Quoted By:
>>19788262 Anon, since I was breeding for Baton Pass only, I considered HP/Def/SpDef/Speed to be relevant (no attacking moves). I have a 4IV male Lopunny that I leveled to have Fake Out/Healing Wish/Teeter Dance for breeding Mimes. So "perfect" is subjective.
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
calem 3024-7022-5727
>>19788060 any Female dratini left?
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Sat 28 Jun 2014 02:25:47 No. 19788390 Report IGN: Red
anyone here have a spheal they're willing to part with?
Evan 2509 3110 5128 (Azurill Panpour Gyarados)
Evan 2509 3110 5128 (Azurill Panpour Gyarados) Sat 28 Jun 2014 02:35:11 No. 19788478 Report Anyone have a female electrike in an ultra ball?
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
>>19788390 discing up. Sorry about the late reply.
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Sat 28 Jun 2014 02:37:40 No. 19788503 Report >>19788367 Yep. Put up your disc!
>>19788478 I hope you mean Quick Ball.
Atlanta !5Gmvk9QigM
>>19788467 yup, go disc up
Evan 2509 3110 5128 (Azurill Panpour Gyarados)
Evan 2509 3110 5128 (Azurill Panpour Gyarados) Sat 28 Jun 2014 02:41:03 No. 19788536 Report Quoted By:
>>19788511 it's for a shiny manectric hunt; shiny manectric is black and yellow.
calem 3024-7022-5727
>>19787727 Since nobody asked for one. Can I disc for an audino?
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
Bumping dead thread with my giveaway, which is still active: Gavrill: 0189-9552-8739 [Panpour, Quagsire, Poliwhirl.]
Gavrill: 0189-9552-8739 [Panpour, Quagsire, Poliwhirl.] Sat 28 Jun 2014 02:42:05 No. 19788550 Report Quoted By:
Anyone have a spare Analytic Elgyem or Beheeyem? Preferably female? The Nature and IVs don't matter.
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Sat 28 Jun 2014 02:43:18 No. 19788561 Report Anonymous
>>19788561 Disced. Thank you.
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Sat 28 Jun 2014 02:44:11 No. 19788576 Report >>19788541 Sent, enjoy!
>Current numbers Dratini - M: 2 - F: 2
Magikarp: M: 3 - F 9
Atlanta !5Gmvk9QigM
>>19788576 Disc's up for female Dratini. Thanks!
IGN: Red
Quoted By:
>>19788527 ok, it'l be there in a minute
calem 3024-7022-5727
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Sat 28 Jun 2014 02:47:19 No. 19788607 Report >>19788574 Sent
That's it for me guys, see you later
Quoted By:
>>19788607 Thanks again for the audino. Good night!
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Sat 28 Jun 2014 02:52:34 No. 19788654 Report >>19788598 Sent!
>Current numbers Dratini - M: 2 - F: 1
Magikarp: M: 3 - F 9
I noticed this last female I have has Pokerus. I wonder if it can be traded over the GTS...
Atlanta !5Gmvk9QigM
Quoted By:
>>19788654 Thanks!
sure it can.
Evan 2509 3110 5128 (Azurill Panpour Gyarados)
Evan 2509 3110 5128 (Azurill Panpour Gyarados) Sat 28 Jun 2014 02:56:37 No. 19788689 Report I would really appreciate it if some anon with Y could go over to route 10 and catch me a female electrike with an ultra ball. disc is up already.
Cassiopea 5112-4826-6799
>>19788548 I'll take a mudkip and a magnemite
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Sat 28 Jun 2014 02:58:12 No. 19788709 Report >>19788689 Don't have Y, but I got a complete Electric Safari. I can go catch one Manectric for you.
>>19788548 May i have a mime jr?
Evan 2509 3110 5128 (Azurill Panpour Gyarados)
Evan 2509 3110 5128 (Azurill Panpour Gyarados) Sat 28 Jun 2014 02:59:26 No. 19788724 Report >>19788709 works for me, thanks, I'll change the disc in a sec
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19788702 Cassiopea, I sent a penta (-SpAtk) quirky mudkip. Disc up for Magnemite!
>>19788715 Jonathan, you got my last Mime Jr. Enjoy!
Quoted By:
Anyone has Elekid with the 3 elemental punches and Cross Chop?
Cassiopea 5112-4826-6799
>>19788772 Disc is up. Thanks so much!!!!
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
I'm gonna try something I haven't seen done here yet: Anyone trying to complete an Unowndex? I have the following Unown, disc up if you need one: A, B, C, D, F, G, H, J, L, N, O, P, Q, R, U, V, W, Xor instead of a disc, put up an Unown I don't have if you're feeling generous!
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
Quoted By:
>>19788804 Cassiopea, I sent you the parent so it's level 25, Hope that's okay!
Ryuu 1650-1574-8155
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19788869 >>19788847 >>19788839 Do you guys want a particular letter?
Quoted By:
Not GTS related but would someone be willing to IV check a single Pokemon for me?
Cassiopea 5112-4826-6799
Ryuu 1650-1574-8155
>>19788873 I'll take a B, thanks
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19788885 >>19788888 J and B sent!
A, C, D, F, G, H, L, N, O, P, Q, R, U, V, W, X remain.
>>19788847 I sent you an F because I had two.
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Sat 28 Jun 2014 03:20:05 No. 19788949 Report >>19788724 Just giving you an update, I'm currently hunting your female Manectric, and I'm perplexed at how I've gotten 15 Manectrics, and all have been male.
It's like the game has sentience or something. Last time I hunted for a female HA Stunfisk, it took me over 2 hours to find one because all the ones I got were male, and the few females I found didn't have the HA. Now it's the entire opposite. Tsk.
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19788919 Anon, sorry. See:
>>19788772 Want a Mr. Mime instead? I have plenty of those,
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19788949 As if hunting for Stunfisk isn't unrewarding enough on its own...
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Sat 28 Jun 2014 03:24:43 No. 19789013 Report >>19788724 And just as I post this
>>19788949 I get your female. Anyways, it's sent! Have fun.
>>19788814 Do you have any duplicates? I have a ! I could give you, but I'd rather not have an empty spot in my 'Dex so if you have more than one of anything you could send that. I'll put ! on GTS right now.
Quoted By:
>>19789015 Er, an empty spot in my living 'Dex, I mean. Just thought to restate that since it wasn't clear.
Quoted By:
>>19788923 Alright, thanks!
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Sat 28 Jun 2014 03:26:43 No. 19789037 Report >>19788971 Blame my balltism and the fact that I want to catch every catchable female in a Luxury Ball regardless of how shitty its species is.
Stunfisk is a surprisingly decent tank. Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19789015 Are you Linnie?
Nice name! I had a duplicate A, so I sent it. Thank you for being considerate, and thank you very much for the !
>>19789037 Brian, that sounds like suffering.
>>19788950 > Derp, I didn't read closely.
Yes sir! I'll take a Mr. Mime!
Quoted By:
>>19789068 Yeah, it's Linnie. No prob, man.
Quoted By:
>>19788888 mfw no one notices these quints
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
Quoted By:
>>19789097 I sent a Mr. Mime out over the GTS, hope it was for your disc anon!
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a female HA starly? IV's don't matter. I have a couple pentaperfect Impish Gibles and some leftover mons if anyone is interested
Help me, /vp/. I'm looking for a Tangela. IVs don't matter. Regenerate is preferable but not mandatory. Thanks, guise.
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
Closing up shop for the night, hope everyone enjoys their pokes! Sorry if I end up missing anyone, but bedtime.
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Sat 28 Jun 2014 03:43:14 No. 19789265 Report Quoted By:
>>19789068 >>19789216 Living dex man. It's a fun quest, especially when balltism has fully seeped inside you.
Goodnight stranger!
Quoted By:
Uploaded for an unburden treecko if anyone managed to breed one.
>>19788949 Why not just use a cute charm male?
A fainted one in the first slot and a trace *whatever* works wonders to hunt for HA
Quoted By:
Need a Paras, any ability / spreads will do. I've put up a disc, if one of you generous folks could bequeath any sort of mushroom bug unto me, it would be greatly appreciated. IGN: Dave Message is Thanks /vp/ Hopefully someone can help. Thanks.
Quoted By:
>19789468 Luvdisc up, not seeing Tangela
Quoted By:
Disking for a swablu. IGN: Hero
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
Mawiles. -5 IVs -Love Ball -Adamant nature, Intimidate -Fire Fang, Sucker Punch, Ice Fang and Metal Burst Disc up for one, I have more than 100 of them. Specify gender if you want a male or a female.
Quoted By:
>>19789468 Sent luvdisc. Not seeing Tangela
Quoted By:
>>19787519 Discing up for a female goomy, thanks!
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
>>19787339 I still have Phantump to give.
8 Pentaperfect Premier Ball Phantump with egg moves.
4 Males
4 females
And 2 Hexaperfect. 1 Male and 1 Female. Take them. All of them have the ability Harvest. They are also nicknameable.
Serena Cycling Cap
>>19789763 I'll disc up for the hexa female, if you don't mind, thanks Sylv.
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
Quoted By:
>>19789708 discking up for a female one. messaje says /vp/ ddd
Serena Cycling Cap
>>19789808 It's up now, thank you so much!
Quoted By:
Disced up for anyone with an unburden treecko
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
>>19789763 Adding a disc now for a Hexaperfect. Thanks in advance.
Quoted By:
>>19789708 can i have a female one? disc going up
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
>>19789832 Sorry but I don't have a pumpkaboo. I only have Phantump! If you're still interested, disc up for a Hexa Phantump.
>>19789864 Sorry I wasn't thinking correctly. I'm definitely interested in a Phantump. Re-dumping the disc now.
Can you nickname it Arby?
Quoted By:
Silly request: Can someone get me a Pachirisu with pick up? I just want it as a pick up slave and as traded pokemon grow up faster...
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
IGN: Morgan (Brian: 4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Sat 28 Jun 2014 04:48:53 No. 19789972 Report Quoted By:
>>19789571 Bah, I always forget that. But I'll keep it in mind next time I hunt for females.
Also, still giving away:
>>19788060 Just know that I have less than before. These are the current numbers on my leftovers:
>>19788654 Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
>>19789889 Sure! Don't worry about it. I would be confused too if I were you! I used a misleading pic.
And omg I just got a pentaperfect shiny Phantump with the correct ability and everything. AT LAST! I will try to distribute some clones of it this week!
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !NfZDyZT2rA
>State the IV you want, if no IVs stated i'll give a 4IV one instead. >x37 Beldum -Adamant Nature -Clear Body -4IV (x25) -5IV (x12)>x9 Heavy Ball Male Snorlax -Adamant Nature -Thick Fat/Immunity -Tackle, Double Edge, Fissure, Curse -4IVs>x3 Dream Ball Male HA Munna >Calm Nature >Telepathy >Baton Pass >5IVs >x2 Luxury Ball Male Fennekin -Timid Nature -Blaze -Heat Wave -5IV (31/xx/31/31/31/31)>x1 Love Ball Female Mawile -Adamant Nature -Intimidate -Astonish, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Ice Fang -4IV (31/xx/31/xx/31/31)
>>19789983 Thanks again for sending it. I look forward to using him.
And congrats on your shiny get!
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
>>19790061 disc up for 5IV beldum
prefer 31/31/31/x/31/31 if you have it but I understand the choosing rights for beggars
Quoted By:
Faucin if you're still here I can send you a Darumaka. I had to go out for a few hours.
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !NfZDyZT2rA
>>19790157 I don't have one but sent!
>>19790061 Discing for a 5IV Beldum.
Quoted By:
>>19790200 thanks, got it! :D
adrian: 3926-5553-5102 (seviper garbodor whirlipede)
adrian: 3926-5553-5102 (seviper garbodor whirlipede) Sat 28 Jun 2014 05:12:29 No. 19790214 Report Quoted By:
anybody have HA clefairy disk is up thanks in advance
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !NfZDyZT2rA
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb)
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb) Sat 28 Jun 2014 05:17:36 No. 19790255 Report anyone willing to donate a decent IV darumaka to me?
>>19790255 I gotcha nigga, disc up
Quoted By:
>>19790244 Got it. Thanks, bruh.
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb)
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb) Sat 28 Jun 2014 05:25:10 No. 19790303 Report >>19790261 disc is up, ign is harry
thanks man
>>19790303 Sent, forgot my name earlier.
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb)
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb) Sat 28 Jun 2014 05:29:07 No. 19790356 Report Quoted By:
Drew 3539-9328-2829 (Pinsir, Masquerain, Combee)
Drew 3539-9328-2829 (Pinsir, Masquerain, Combee) Sat 28 Jun 2014 07:00:16 No. 19790938 Report Hey guys, giving away a few Larvesta's I just bred. Timid Larvesta with Flame Body - Nest Ball>1 Male Pentaperfect >2 Male 4 IVs >6 Female 4 IVs If someone has a physical penta-perfect non-spring Deerling, I would greatly appreciate it.
Quoted By:
>>19788060 Tossed a luvdisc if your still dumping them. Ign: Brent
>>19790938 I'd love a female if thats cool, disc up in a sec
>>19790938 Luvdisc is up for the penta. If not a male 4 iv would be great too
Drew 3539-9328-2829 (Pinsir, Masquerain, Combee)
Drew 3539-9328-2829 (Pinsir, Masquerain, Combee) Sat 28 Jun 2014 07:10:15 No. 19791007 Report Drew 3539-9328-2829 (Pinsir, Masquerain, Combee)
Drew 3539-9328-2829 (Pinsir, Masquerain, Combee) Sat 28 Jun 2014 07:11:23 No. 19791017 Report Anonymous
Drew 3539-9328-2829 (Pinsir, Masquerain, Combee)
Drew 3539-9328-2829 (Pinsir, Masquerain, Combee) Sat 28 Jun 2014 07:14:21 No. 19791038 Report >>19791021 Sent, enjoy man.
Charlotte (4699-7363-7535)
First three replies get a shiny Eevee. Please include your IGN and put "/vp/ C" in your Luvdisc message.
Quoted By:
>>19791040 That'd be neat. IGN is Arya, let me get my shit up.
Ryuu 1650-1574-8155
Quoted By:
>>19791038 Thanks so much!
>>19791040 fuck me i was too slow
Charlotte (4699-7363-7535)
Someone had their Luvdisc sniped.
>>19791068 I can give away one more.
>>19791096 oh yes please discing in a sec
Ryuu 1650-1574-8155
Quoted By:
>>19791040 Wow, 3IV, HA with enigma berry. You are too kind mate. Thanks a bunch
Quoted By:
>>19791096 you're a godsend thank you so much
Quoted By:
>>19791040 when i saw the HA and enigma berry, i cried a little.. thank you so much
Charlotte (4699-7363-7535)
You're all very welcome. Before I'm off, I also have four shiny Togepi. Reply and trade me off acquaintances or offer a Luvdisc if you want one.
Quoted By:
>>19791202 Could I disc up for one please?
Drew 3539-9328-2829 (Pinsir, Masquerain, Combee)
Drew 3539-9328-2829 (Pinsir, Masquerain, Combee) Sat 28 Jun 2014 07:47:12 No. 19791223 Report >>19791202 Just put a disc up, IGN is Drew - trade comment is "thanks cool guy"
Suika 5343-7774-9340
>>19791202 setting up Disc. Thanks!
Suika 5343-7774-9340
Quoted By:
>>19791202 Disc up.
IGN Nikolaus
Message /vp/
Quoted By:
woah it feels like Christmas Came Early! thank you so much charlotte!!
Suika 5343-7774-9340
Thanks again, Charlotte! captcha: high binging
>>19791270 what game is this?
Charlotte (4699-7363-7535)
>>19791223 I don't see yours.
>>19791283 seriously nigger?
its hyperdimension neptunia
Suika 5343-7774-9340
>>19791283 Hyperdimension Neptunia.
3 games out on the PS3, 4 games on the Vita and 1 upcoming on the Vita and PS4.
Cute girls personifying consoles doing cute things while saving the world.
She is Blanc, the Nintendo goddess.
Quoted By:
>>19791294 alll right, cool cool
Drew 3539-9328-2829 (Pinsir, Masquerain, Combee)
Drew 3539-9328-2829 (Pinsir, Masquerain, Combee) Sat 28 Jun 2014 08:02:30 No. 19791314 Report Quoted By:
>>19791293 its okay, I think my Disc got sniped. Don't worry about it.
Quoted By:
>>19791303 >Cute girls personifying consoles doing cute things while saving the world. dayum, i never know this kind of thing does exist. thanks btw
Kikos 3926 4662 9803(Swalot Seviper Drapion)
Kikos 3926 4662 9803(Swalot Seviper Drapion) Sat 28 Jun 2014 08:05:38 No. 19791326 Report >>19791202 Am I too late for the shiny Togepi? :X
Charlotte (4699-7363-7535)
>>19791326 There's one left. Luvdisc up.
>>19791303 Blanc is so cute
>>19791338 All Neps are cute.
Charlotte (4699-7363-7535)
>>19791334 This poor Togepi needs a home.
>>19791365 Tsunako character designs a shit. Fuck off with these ugly generic whores.
Quoted By:
>>19791378 Aren't you edgy.
Drew 3539-9328-2829 (Pinsir, Masquerain, Combee)
Drew 3539-9328-2829 (Pinsir, Masquerain, Combee) Sat 28 Jun 2014 08:18:58 No. 19791387 Report >>19791376 Put a disc up, IGN - Drew, trade comment "thanks cool guy"
Charlotte (4699-7363-7535)
>>19791387 Got you that time. I hope everyone enjoys their new Pokémon! I'll be back with more.
Quoted By:
>>19791394 shit i missed it,, when are you going to come back senpai?
Drew 3539-9328-2829 (Pinsir, Masquerain, Combee)
Drew 3539-9328-2829 (Pinsir, Masquerain, Combee) Sat 28 Jun 2014 08:23:16 No. 19791408 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>19791394 you're a sexy beautiful bastard
Quoted By:
>>19791394 you cant see me but im shrieking like a little girl
Drew 3539-9328-2829 (Pinsir, Masquerain, Combee)
Drew 3539-9328-2829 (Pinsir, Masquerain, Combee) Sat 28 Jun 2014 09:00:26 No. 19791554 Report Quoted By:
Alright im out for now. I have a disc sitting on the GTS just in case someone has a non-spring physical Deerling they feel like donating. Stay classy you awesome people.
Charlotte (4699-7363-7535)
Can't sleep and this thread seems to be dying off, so a shiny Chikorita to the first five replies. Please include your in-game name and "/vp/" in the Luvdisc message.
>>19791783 ill disc up for one
>>19791783 Have you still one? Anyway I will sent a disc up
IGN Gepel
thanks in advance
Charlotte (4699-7363-7535)
>>19791822 >>19791819 >>19791808 >>19791806 Sent. The fifth Chikorita is still available!
Quoted By:
>>19791850 thanks you very much btw
>>19791850 my disc is up i be waitng ,thanks in advice
Charlotte (4699-7363-7535)
Four shiny Skarmory looking for a home. Please read my last post to get one.
>>19791923 Check your GTS.
Quoted By:
>>19791850 Thank you sooo much!
Quoted By:
>>19791932 Disc up!
IGN Gepfel
Thanks in advance
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>19791932 Discing up, thanks!
Quoted By:
>>19791932 Thanks Charlotte
Charlotte (4699-7363-7535)
My last giveaway this morning will be a shiny Lavitar with an item attached. I have four. Please see my last two posts for instructions.
Thiers (1349-5776-6258) (Ferroseed, Klang, Klefki)
Thiers (1349-5776-6258) (Ferroseed, Klang, Klefki) Sat 28 Jun 2014 10:43:33 No. 19792015 Report June
>>19792006 Ugh I feel so greedy :( disc up
Quoted By:
>>19792006 Disc is up
IGN Gepfel
Thanks in advance
Charlotte (4699-7363-7535)
>>19792019 >>19792016 >>19792015 >>19792010 Looks like I can't trade Tyranitarite over GTS, so you'll need to request through acquaintances if you want one.
Thiers (1349-5776-6258) (Ferroseed, Klang, Klefki)
Thiers (1349-5776-6258) (Ferroseed, Klang, Klefki) Sat 28 Jun 2014 10:48:12 No. 19792037 Report >>19792028 I'll have to add you them.
Thiers (1349-5776-6258) (Ferroseed, Klang, Klefki)
Thiers (1349-5776-6258) (Ferroseed, Klang, Klefki) Sat 28 Jun 2014 10:54:55 No. 19792048 Report Quoted By:
>>19792028 >>19792037 I'm having some wi-fi issues right now. Reconnected. Sorry about that.
The D
Quoted By:
>>19787519 Can I get a female Goomy? Disc will be up in a few minutes.
Thiers (1349-5776-6258) (Ferroseed, Klang, Klefki)
Thiers (1349-5776-6258) (Ferroseed, Klang, Klefki) Sat 28 Jun 2014 11:10:44 No. 19792118 Report Quoted By:
Charlotte has some beautiful shinies for sure. It's a shame I don't have much to trade. Anyway, thanks a lot! I was really looking for those guys!
Evan 2509 3110 5128 (Azurill Panpour Gyarados)
Evan 2509 3110 5128 (Azurill Panpour Gyarados) Sat 28 Jun 2014 12:13:50 No. 19792362 Report Quoted By:
>>19789013 thanks man, the ride will begin soon.
Hello guys, I'm looking for a Ditto, I'm a new player on Pokemon X. But I must trade it by wi-fi, I don't have it referenced on my PokeDex. Here is my CA : 3024-7196-8789 ( I'm not allowed to beg on the WiFi General so I posted here )
Oxy' (3024-7196-8789) (L4F Ditto)
>>19792489 Oops, I should fill the name field.
>>19792489 >>19792493 You're not allowed to beg here either.
Also, you can search for any Pokemon the the GTS it doesn't matter if you've seen it or not, just scroll down to "What Pokemon?" and manually enter the name of it.
>>19792489 you can't wait until Pokemon Village? Or get one on the GTS? Genuinely curious
>>19792523 I know there's been a lot of begging recently, but that's not that this thread it's for. It's for discing up and taking as many of these as you want:
7x 5IV Houndour, Timid, Flash Fire (1F 6M)
Pursuit/Thunder Fang/Sucker Punch/Destiny Bond
4x 4IV Munna, Calm, (1M w/ HA, 3F w/ Forewarn)
Defense Curl/Swift/Barrier/Baton Pass
1 x 5IV
German HA Adamant Drilbur (Rapid Spin)
1x 4IV HA Jolly Sentret
Charm/Captivate/Last Resort/Trick
2x HA Adamant Shuppet
4IV Female (Destiny Bond/Phantom Force/Gunk Shot/Pursuit)
6IV Male parent (Imprison/Destiny Bond/Confuse Ray/Disable)
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !NfZDyZT2rA
Quoted By:
>>19792507 He's not begging for a 6IV one
>>19792523 You're still there? I have a spare though. You can actually just type Ditto's name in the GTS though
Willi 3609 - 1102 - 3800
>>19792596 Can I get that male shuppet? looks tasty, thanks in advance
>>19792652 Sure, sent
Those egg moves all need relearning. I wanted different ones hence giving away a 6IV Willi 3609 - 1102 - 3800
>>19792666 thought it was weird but wanted to jump on the opportunity nonetheless, thanks for the shuppet!
Quoted By:
>>19792676 Well my good charity has just been rewarded. Just hatched a shiny penta Shuppet
Also got an extra 4IV HA female Shuppet to add to
>>19792596 Linooneologist