Welcome to the GTS Giveaway Thread! Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover Pokémon here!
Help out other trainers collecting the Pokémon they need.
>How do I participate? Post a list of Pokémon you're giving away and people will deposit a Luvdisc on the GTS asking for them.
Alternatively, put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon and if someone has it, they can fill your request.
Be sure to include your in-game name (IGN) if you're making a request and put your Luvdisc up BEFORE you post to make it easier for everyone.
>PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc. general for that stuff. If someone is kind enough to be giving them out, they will post about it; there are lots of kind people here - please be patient.
Do you play Pokémon in public? If so, where? Old Thread:
Reposting from the old thread:
7x 5IV Houndour, Timid, Flash Fire (1F 6M)
Pursuit/Thunder Fang/Sucker Punch/Destiny Bond
4x 4IV Munna, Calm, (1M w/ HA, 3F w/ Forewarn)
Defense Curl/Swift/Barrier/Baton Pass
1 x 5IV German HA Adamant Drilbur (Rapid Spin)
1x 4IV HA Jolly Sentret
Charm/Captivate/Last Resort/Trick
2x HA 4IV Adamant Shuppet (1F 1M)
Destiny Bond/Phantom Force/Gunk Shot/Pursuit
>>19792770 A few times before I got a car . I did complete the Unova dex with someone on the same train Linooneologist
>>19792770 OP ToTT
I bring my 3DS to the gym, and I've completed a bunch of breeding projects while on the elliptical trainer. Linooneologist
>>19792842 Disc is up for Sentret!
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19792770 Giving away Unown for anyone looking to complete an Unowndex. I only have one of each. Please indicate which letter you would like, either in your post or on the GTS.
A, C, D, F, G, H, L, N, O, P, Q, R, U, V, W, X, !
I have two boxes of 5IV adamant beldum Just give your IGN and put '/vp/' in the comments on GTS
>>19792842 I'll disc for that drillbur!
Quoted By:
>>19792904 disc is up for beldum!
IGN: Mephina
>>19792899 I'll take any really, but F would be my preference thanks. Disc up, IGN Jay.
>>19792911 Sent, but remember your IGN next time David
>>19792874 Sent
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>>19792904 Disk is up fir beldum
IGN: Yotsuba
Kinda wish it if someone has adamant ferrothorn at hand
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My disk will be up in a few minutes for a beldum
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19792961 Thank you for the Sentret, Jay! Also, Unown "F" is sent.
>>19792904 I could use a Beldum. Discing up now!
>>19792991 Or brave with nice ivs I guess
Just need it for monosteel maison
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>>19792995 Thanks for the Unown
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My disk is up for beldum IGN: Laurana
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19792997 I have a 5IV (imperfect, -Def) Ferroseed. Brave nature. Do you want it?
>>19793065 hope so!
already discing for it!
>>19792842 Disk is up for Houndour.
IGN: Yotsuba
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
Quoted By:
>>19792904 Beldum received! Thank you for the excellently bred Pokémon!
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19793091 If you're Mephina, then I just sent you a Brave Ferroseed in a Nest Ball with 4 egg moves and 5IVs. Enjoy!
>>19793093 Sent. Seeing as you're first, you get the female
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>>19793122 Awesome thanks!
My disk is up for a Houndoor ! IGN: Laurana
Mr. Fifty
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>>19792867 ToTT:
I play Pokemon at the Gym. I Ride a bike, while riding my bike. Yo Dawg. Ryan
>>19792899 Discing up for a C Unown!
>irc still not back in the OP
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>>19793817 >irc >4chan Pick one
IGN: Jed 3153-3835-3517
>>19792899 Discing up for "A" unown.
>>19792899 Disking up. I'd like a G please.
>>19792842 Disc up for one of those houndour!
IGN is Chance
Jay 1950-8754-3734
>>19794879 Got it, but I'm bust atm. Give me a few minutes
Leo 0232-8020-3632
IGN is Chance
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>>19794576 I've got 3 leftover 4iv ones with prankster and recover if you're interested
>>19794879 >>19794886 Sent
Love you too Chance IGN is Chance
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>>19794912 Thankyouthankyou!
Josh 2208-4914-9007 [Rock: Gigalith, Magcargo, Shuckle]
Josh 2208-4914-9007 [Rock: Gigalith, Magcargo, Shuckle] Sat 28 Jun 2014 18:57:19 No. 19794993 Report Looking for a Turtwig with Shell Armor also 6x Impish Bulletproof Chespins w/ - Quick guard - Synthesis - Spikes
Leo 0232-8020-3632
>>19794993 I have the turtwig, disc up
Josh 2208-4914-9007 [Rock: Gigalith, Magcargo, Shuckle]
Josh 2208-4914-9007 [Rock: Gigalith, Magcargo, Shuckle] Sat 28 Jun 2014 19:02:55 No. 19795058 Report Leo 0232-8020-3632
4x 5IV Timid Vulpixes with HA (2 Males and Females) I'm planning to breed Adamant Eevees later, so that might be something.
Josh (FC 4227-1141-7224)
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>>19795160 I'll disc up for a female!
Ryuu 1650-1574-8155
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>>19795160 discing for vulpix, gender doesnt matter to me :)
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
Giving away: 17 x male Snorlax Careful thick fat/immunity Heavy Ball 4/5 IV (whirlwind, counter, curse, double-edge) Treecko Timid Unburden (HA) 4/5 IV (synthesis, leech seed, leaf storm, some have dragon breath) 9 males and some treeckos i got while breeding for hidden power Treecko male unburden HP FIRE 31/0/31/4/31/30 Treecko male unburden HP FIRE 31/0/31/6/31/30 Treecko female overgrow HP Elec 31/0/20/31/31/30 Treecko male overgrow HP ICE 12-13/0/30/31/31/31 Treecko male overgrow HP ICE 31/0/12/31/31/31
Serena 1865-0701-2136
>>19795240 I'll put a disc up for hp fire treecko in a second if you don't mind. Thanks in advance.
>>19795240 Disc will be up for HP Fire Unburden Treecko very soon, thanks
>>19795240 >>19795268 Disc is now up, IGN Jay, thanks
Serena 1865-0701-2136
>>19795265 It's up now, msg is 'ty faucin'. Thanks!
Isis 3007-8958-2320 {2267}
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Sorry Josh, gave ya a Male... Want me to put up a female one on GTS real quick?
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
Serena 1865-0701-2136
Richard !!oDkTLkwqo4v
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>>19795240 I'll take HA Treecko please
Disc is up
>>19795278 Disc up for a Dratini
Isis 3007-8958-2320 {2267}
>>19795278 Disc Up for Cottonee
James(JP FC)0404-6868-9884
>>19795278 I would like a Dratini, thanks
Clemps - 3110-4636-0867
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>>19792904 Could really go for a Beldum, thanks!
Just put the disc up
Isis 3007-8958-2320 {2267}
>>19795415 >>19795419 Hmm don't see the discs. did both of you get sniped?
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue)
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue) Sat 28 Jun 2014 19:53:32 No. 19795464 Report I really would appreciate an Aron with HP, Def, Sp.Def IVs, if anyone has one... I'll go get a disc now, and keep an eye out for any reply. Pref. for male Aron, if available. (I'd trade my shiny Stoutland for it, but it'd get sniped so fast...)
Today, I'm giving away: 3x Adaptability Corphish w/ Metal Claw/Superpower 4x Quiet Regenerator Slowpoke w/ Curse/Yawn/Zen Headbutt 4x Dry Skin Croagunk w/ Drain Punch 7x Sassy Unaware Wooper w/ Recover
>>19795433 Sorry, I was a idiot and misspelled Cottonee.
Disc up again
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Lurking in this dead thread. Still better than /wfg/
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All can be nicknamed if it so pleases you
Isis 3007-8958-2320 {2267}
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>>19795481 That's okay. Sent over
Sent to James too
>>19795477 Can you hold one of those Corphish for me?
In Le Wow atm, will disc up after
Josh (FC 4227-1141-7224)
>>19795464 Put a disc up, I've got a few leftover male Aron.
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>>19795477 All can be nicknamed if it so pleases you
>>19795503 >>19795477 Disc is now up, IGN Jay, thanks!
Josh (FC 4227-1141-7224)
>>19795477 Discing up for Wooper! I'd like a female if possible.
>>19795503 I got you buddy
My disk is up for a dratiny ! IGN: Laurana
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>>19795516 Aw yiss, many thanks.
My disc is now up here
>>19795513 Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue)
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue) Sat 28 Jun 2014 20:00:47 No. 19795534 Report Isaac
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>>19795515 You're lucky, I had one female
Would it be alright if I can grab one of the Woopers and Croagunks Isaac? Any gender is fine. If so, let me throw a disc up for Wooper.
Isis 3007-8958-2320 {2267}
>>19795525 You'll get the last one. I gotta head off and do some classwork. Thanks for taking my pokemon!
Josh (FC 4227-1141-7224)
>>19795534 Sent! Just make sure it has the right IVs, if not I'll get you a better one.
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>>19795541 of course! I'm happy to giveaway
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue)
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue) Sat 28 Jun 2014 20:05:59 No. 19795590 Report >>19795558 HP, Atk, and Sp.Def, not bad, amazing moveset. Do you have a HP/Def/Sp.Def one, though? I'll trade this one back, if so.
Sideway 0920 1827 1648
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Anyone got some breeding rejects of female Charmander with HP, SpAtk and Speed? Even better if she can already use Dragon Pulse. I'd be more than happy to take care of her. Also looking for Larvitars with some IVs
Josh (FC 4227-1141-7224)
>>19795590 It doesn't look like I have one right now (at least any male ones) but if you give me a little bit I can breed one for you.
>>19795240 do you still have fire treeckos?
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue)
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue) Sat 28 Jun 2014 20:13:16 No. 19795655 Report >>19795628 You're like, my favourite person right now. Let me add your FC so we can trade directly. I'll give you my shiny Stoutland if you want.
Josh (FC 4227-1141-7224)
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>>19795655 Alright, added!
Also, the funny thing is that I actually have a shiny Lillipup from the Safari, but thanks for the offer!
James(JP FC)0404-6868-9884
>>19795628 I would like a male Aron, Disc is up, thanks
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>>19795541 Alright, delivered them both
What's the best ball for Pidgeot? I was thinking fast ball but maybe not.
Josh (FC 4227-1141-7224)
>>19795655 >>19795683 And of course my first batch of Aron are all female... Just give me a little while longer.
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Does anyone have a hp fire treecko?
>>19795755 Level, fast and premier are all nice
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19795640 no, they were both taken, sorry. if i breed a new one i'll post it
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue)
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue) Sat 28 Jun 2014 20:30:57 No. 19795833 Report >>19795781 Take your time, I'm in no rush.
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>>19795764 >>19795807 I think I'll go with level
>>19795811 thanks I'll really appreciate it
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19795892 im breeding for a rock HP. since the spread needed is somewhat similar to the fire one it may appear, but if case it doesn't would you be interesed in one with HP rock?
i just hatched a HA shiny treecko with HP bug 31/0/30/31/26/31. not a good HP to have but quite a decent spread i think i may use him in ORAS Serena 0860-3392-4713
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Does anyone have a Level Ball Marill?
>>19795929 yeah rock or fire would work great it's also for Oras.
Josh (FC 4227-1141-7224)
>>19795833 Alright, I've got your Aron. Do you want a nickname by any chance?
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue)
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue) Sat 28 Jun 2014 20:45:55 No. 19795974 Report Quoted By:
>>19795942 No thank you. Do you want your previous Aron back?
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19795940 do you care if it has hidden ability?
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19793282 >>19794533 Sorry it took so long, but your Unown have been sent. Work called :P
>>19794398 Jed, if by any chance you're still around, I can send you your "A" now. Disc back up if you wanna.
>>19795978 Not that much since I plan on using the mega. Plus it's a give away I don't like asking for to much. hp fire or rock is what I'm really looking for
Isaac 1993-8163-1382
>>19795979 do you still have any unown left?
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue)
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue) Sat 28 Jun 2014 20:48:55 No. 19795995 Report >>19795942 Perfect IVs... Thanks a million!
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19795988 i just hatched 4 HP rock ones, 3 with HA, i'll check the IV's and post them as soon as i get can
Josh (FC 4227-1141-7224)
Quoted By:
>>19795995 No problem, although it was more luck than anything since I was using my own hexaperfect aron.
>>19795995 >>19795683 I don't see your disc. Did it get sniped?
>>19796015 oh great I'll be lurking you're the best anon
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19795991 I do. Here's my list of Unown to give away:
A B D E F H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X ! ?
If you'd like one, let me know which letter!
Isaac 1993-8163-1382
>>19796044 can I get the exclamation point?
discing up
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19796024 here i got something for you. tell me your IGN so i make sure i don't give it to somebody else
>>19796102 ok. I'll disk up ing name Anon
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
Quoted By:
>>19796082 You sure can, Isaac! Your Unown is sent!
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
Here's my entire giveaway: Torrent Mudkip, Poké Ball - Three 5IV imperfect Adamant Male (-SpDef), egg moves (Yawn, Curse, Mirror Coat, Refresh) - One 5IV Quirky Male (-SpAtk) egg moves (Yawn, Curse) - Two 5IV Quirky Male (-Speed) egg moves (Yawn, Curse) Moody Smeargle, Timid, Repeat Ball - Two 5IV Timid Male (-Atk or -SpAtk) Quick Feet Zigzagoon, Luxury Ball, egg moves (Charm, Pursuit, Helping Hand, Simple Beam) - Three 5IV Jolly Female (-Atk or -Speed) - Two 3IV Adamant Female (various) Pressure Aerodactyl, Jolly, Poké Ball, egg moves (Wide Guard, Tailwind, Assurance, Pursuit) - Four 5IV imperfect (various) Soundproof Mr. Mime, Timid, Love Ball, egg moves (Fake Out, Nasty Plot, Teeter Dance) - Two 5IV Female (-Atk) - Two 4IV Female (various, but all -Atk) Soundproof Mime Jr., Naive, Love Ball, egg moves (Healing Wish, Teeter Dance, Nasty Plot, Mimic) - Two 4IV Female (-Atk and -SpAtk) Magnet Pull Magnemite, Modest, Poké Ball - Five 5IV imperfect (-SpDef) Natural Cure Corsola, Adamant, Heal Ball - Two 4IV Female (various) Unown: A B D E F H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X ?
Updating leftovers from
>>19792842 4x 5IV Male Houndour, Timid, Flash Fire (1F 6M)
Pursuit/Thunder Fang/Sucker Punch/Destiny Bond
4x 4IV Munna, Calm, (1M HA, 3F Forewarn)
Defense Curl/Swift/Barrier/Baton Pass
2x HA 4IV Adamant Shuppet (1F 1M)
Destiny Bond/Phantom Force/Gunk Shot/Pursuit
Take them, please
tristan 5301 0524 5801
anybody got breed rejects of any of these pokemon? sandshrew solosis goomy larvitar any starter axew tynamo
Critical Kris-chan 0576-5779-5540
>>19796156 I'll take a houndour for a breeding experiment.
Check for disc in a minute, putting one up now.
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19796123 sent. if im not mistaken the IV spread is 31/12/30/31/28/30 with HP Rock. quite decent i believe
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
Quoted By:
>>19796141 Ugh, disregard the Mime Jr. part - I do not actually have Mime Jr., I forgot to delete that.
tristan 5301 0524 5801
>>19796156 ill take the male shuppet
disc is up for it.
Quoted By:
>>19796123 >>19796183 thanks a bunch anon. i really apreciate it.
tristan 5301 0524 5801
>>19796172 >>19796189 actually can you make that female? sry
>>19796177 Sent
>>19796205 Just to let you know, no balltism here. But I haven't seen your disc yet so that's fone
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19796172 I have a female Bulbasaur and female Mudkip, but I'm not sure about the IVs on either one. The Mudkip has Yawn and Curse for egg moves. I also have a female HA Charmeleon with 2IV.
tristan 5301 0524 5801
>>19796230 can i have the female bulba?
Critical Kris-chan 0576-5779-5540
Quoted By:
>>19796251 Gotcha. Shuppet sent
tristan 5301 0524 5801
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19796251 You sure can. Put up your Luvdisc!
tristan 5301 0524 5801
>>19796265 yea im just going to fetch the shupp then puting up the second disc
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
tristan 5301 0524 5801
>>19796156 Disc up for the female shuppet
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19796293 OK, Bulbasaur is sent! It has egg moves but I'm not sure how good its stats are. Hope it meets your needs!
>>19796297 You've been beaten to it by
>>19796205 , apologies.
Do you still want the male?
Kaelan 2320-6129-3961
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I am looking for an HA Glameow. Disc up. Thanks.
tristan 5301 0524 5801
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>>19796305 bah i really dont mind for stats now, just want the species!
Thank you very much!
>>19796307 Ah, don't mind then. But thanks anyway
Xavier: 1907-9072-8026
Giving away: 4x Rock Head Bagon, Poke Ball (2 M, 2 F) - Naive 4 IV - Egg Moves: DDance, DPulse, Hydro Pump 19x Mawile, Poke Ball -Both abilities, Adamant 4-5 IV (Imperfect) - Egg Moves: FFang, IFang, Sucker Punch x2 Overcoat Vullaby - Impish, 5 IV (missing Sp.Atk) - Egg Moves: Foul Play, Knock Off
Quoted By:
>>19796331 In that case, please accept the male
Quoted By:
>>19792904 THANK YOU, I just received it and it's a beaut.
Isaac 1993-8163-1382
>>19796338 discing up for that vullaby
>>19792904 For any chance, do you have one 31/31/31/xx/31/31?
Xavier: 1907-9072-8026
Critical Kris-chan 0576-5779-5540
>>19796371 I have 1 to spare from breeding earlier today and woudn't mind trading it for something of equal value. I think Beldum guy has mostly breeding leftovers that arent perfect, it's where I got the one I used for breeding.
Serena 0860-3392-4713
>>19796338 Discing up for a male Bagon.
>>19796392 I don't think I have anything that could pay the price, but thanks
Critical Kris-chan 0576-5779-5540
Quoted By:
>>19796427 Well it's easy enough to breed from that guy's beldum. Only one stat is off.
>>19796338 My disk is up for a Vullaby !
>>19796338 disc up for a vullaby. Thanks in advance
>>19796458 Sorry, I forgot > IGN: Laurana
>>19796392 >1 to spare >something of equal value Really? This is a Giveaway thread, don't be an ass
Quoted By:
Dougie if you could see this would you be willing to make a Brave ditto with 31/31/31/31/31/0 and or any nature 30/30/30/30/30/30 ditto. Either of those 2 would be a life saver.If you can make them foreign too that would be exceptional and appreciated
Critical Kris-chan 0576-5779-5540
Quoted By:
>>19796549 I'll gladly give you my own leftovers, which are also 4-5IV just like the beldum guy. A bit redundant though.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Breeding leftovers 5x Nest ball Chikorita - Heal Pulse, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Counter 6x Level Ball Makuhita - Wide Guard, Bullet Punch, Helping Hand, Feint 10x Level Ball Numel - Iron Head, Yawn, Heat Wave, Body Slam 3x Dive Ball HA Kabuto - Knock Off, Rapid Spin, Icy Wind, Giga Drain All females unless specified otherwise for your disc and a post with your IGN. If I'm not sure of who to send it to, not sending
>>19796658 Disc up for Makuhita, IGN Jay, thanks
Ramona !A53nla90hM
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>>19796658 Discing for a Kabuto, thanks Opti.
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
Quoted By:
>>19796658 Disc is up for a female Numel. M-muh Trick Rooms.
Quoted By:
>>19796658 Opti, I have a disc up for Numel, if you don't mind. Thank you so much!
Critical Kris-chan 0576-5779-5540
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>>19796658 name in description for chikorita. cant miss it.
Leo 0232-8020-3632
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>>19796658 discing for Makuhita, thanks.
>>19796673 >>19796658 If it's ok, I'll disc up for Kabuto after the Makuhita, thanks again
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
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viva Colombia!
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>>19796687 >>19796658 Disc now up for Kabuto, IGN Jay, thanks a lot!
Quoted By:
>>19796658 Any Kabutops still left?
Leo 0232-8020-3632
Quoted By:
>>19796658 Disc up for a Chikorita, thanks
Xavier: 1907-9072-8026
>>19796424 Delivered.
>>19796458 >>19796469 >>19796486 I only have one left and I didn't see any of your trades on the GTS. Did you get sniped?
I'll be stepping out for a bit momentarily .
Serena 0860-3392-4713
Quoted By:
Anyone have a Dream Ball Foongus with its HA?
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Anyone that has a Lucky Egg?
>>19795477 Disk up for corphish.
tristan 5301 0524 5801
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>>19796658 disc up for chiko
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
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>>19796658 Discing for makuhita, thanks!
I need to get rid of Joltik HP Ice breeding leftovers. Most of them are 4-5 IVs counting the 30 in defense, although a few are lower than that. They're timid and have no egg moves. Compound Eyes - 10m, 11f Unnerve - 6m, 4f
>>19796826 Yes, can I give you the vullaby I received instead of Lovdisk ?
Isaac 1993-8163-1382
>>19796862 getting it to you now
sorry, I took a small break to get shit done around the house
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
>>19796886 Belgue, may I have a 5IV Compound Eyes female please? Disc is up, and thank you very much!
Xavier: 1907-9072-8026
Quoted By:
>>19796923 >19796862 It's okay take your time
>>19796927 I don't have the 30 defense ones marked, so I'll need to guess :S
Linoone (IGN: Zoelle 1478-3847-3507)
Quoted By:
>>19796964 No worries, I'll be happy with whatever you send me!
Quoted By:
>>19796923 >19796862 Thanks for the corphish you are a pretty nice guy
Quoted By:
>>19796964 Belgue, Joltik received! Thanks again!
Suika 5343-7774-9340
>>19795477 Discing for Regenerator Slowpoke. Thanks!
Isaac 1993-8163-1382
update: 1x Adaptability Corphish w/ Metal Claw/Superpower 4x Quiet Regenerator Slowpoke w/ Curse/Yawn/Zen Headbutt 3x Dry Skin Croagunk w/ Drain Punch 5x Sassy Unaware Wooper w/ Recover and now 6x HA Spritzee w/ Wish
Isaac 1993-8163-1382
Suika 5343-7774-9340
Quoted By:
>>19797147 Thanks so much!
>>19797119 How can Wooper be sassy if it has no arms?
Quoted By:
>>19797219 >jaden smith escaped again Einar - 5257-9738-5872
Hello friends, i would like to give away a box of 5IV female Treeckos. All are with the missing stat being attack, 2 are 6IV, who will also be given away. Just slap a luvdisk up for lvl 1 female treecko, and the comment: Einar and i'll try my best to trade you one
Isaac 1993-8163-1382
Quoted By:
>>19797219 It uses its antennae
Dion 0619 - 4340 - 358
Quoted By:
>>19797276 My disk will be up in a few minutes ! <3
ION: Laurana
Rolyon - 3668-9253-9225
Quoted By:
>>19797276 Disc is up. Thanks in advance.
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
>>19797119 Discin up for the Croagunk
>>19797276 >dive ball You MMing them?
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Sat 28 Jun 2014 23:20:34 No. 19797314 Report >>19797119 discing up for corphish
Adrian (4785-5681-9523) (Mighteyena, Sandile, Absol)
Adrian (4785-5681-9523) (Mighteyena, Sandile, Absol) Sat 28 Jun 2014 23:20:38 No. 19797315 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>19797276 Thank you, disc is up, IGN Andrea
Einar - 5257-9738-5872
>>19797312 Just got a shiny a couple hors ago, yeah
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
>>19797276 The disk will be up soon. Thanks in advance
>>19797329 Congrats, good stats? Post a pic
Einar - 5257-9738-5872
Quoted By:
>>19797329 Hours*
Wow, fuck me, i can't type for shit today
Isaac 1993-8163-1382
Adrian (4785-5681-9523) (Mighteyena, Sandile, Absol)
Adrian (4785-5681-9523) (Mighteyena, Sandile, Absol) Sat 28 Jun 2014 23:24:42 No. 19797373 Report Disk up for corphish with adaptability d dance and knock off pls
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Sat 28 Jun 2014 23:25:19 No. 19797381 Report Quoted By:
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
>>19797276 >>19797334 Okay, the disc is up!
Isaac 1993-8163-1382
>>19797373 I can give you a female w/ adaptability and knock off
you'd have to breed DDance on it from there
Einar - 5257-9738-5872
>>19797337 Has 22-23 in Sp.Atk, so not too bad
It's for my ORAS team anyway, so i'm not bothered by it
Adrian (4785-5681-9523) (Mighteyena, Sandile, Absol)
Adrian (4785-5681-9523) (Mighteyena, Sandile, Absol) Sat 28 Jun 2014 23:28:22 No. 19797414 Report Quoted By:
>>19797402 Ok, thanks man!
Quoted By:
>>19797276 disc up for a treecko, thanks u
Rolyon - 3668-9253-9225
>>19797405 Do you have another female corphish with adaptability
Quoted By:
>>19797276 Thank you very much !
>>19797276 Is dive ball female legal?
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19797413 congrats man, i just got a shiny treecko while breeding for HP rock also for ORAS
speaking of which, giving this away
Giving away:
17 x male Snorlax Careful thick fat/immunity Heavy Ball 4/5 IV (whirlwind, counter, curse,
Treecko Timid Unburden (HA) 4/5 IV (synthesis, leech seed, leaf storm, some have dragon breath)
9 males
Treecko female overgrow HP Elec 31/0/20/31/31/30
Treecko male overgrow HP ICE 12-13/0/30/31/31/31
Treecko male overgrow HP ICE 31/0/12/31/31/31
Treecko male unburden HP ROCK 31/0/4/31/30/30
Treecko male overgrow HP ROCK 31/0/30/31/10/30
Adrian (4785-5681-9523) (Mighteyena, Sandile, Absol)
Adrian (4785-5681-9523) (Mighteyena, Sandile, Absol) Sat 28 Jun 2014 23:35:02 No. 19797494 Report Im posting up a shiny luvdisk in exchange for a mudkip with avalanche curse and aqua tail, if it only has aqua tail or avalanche that is fine, i have a whooper with curse at the ready and waterfall if i have no aqua tail
Isaac 1993-8163-1382
Quoted By:
>>19797448 Sorry, I'm all out right now
I can probably have a batch up by monday
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
Okay guys, It will be my first time doing this, so be gentle What I have: 3 Heavy Ball Rhyhorn (all 5IV Imperfect) 4 Elgyem (1 5IV Inperfect, 3 4 IV) 3 Mawyle (5 IV Imperfect) 3 Gligar (5IV Imperfect)
>>19796658 Saucing up for a Numel thanks a bunch in advance
Isaac 1993-8163-1382
>>19797526 Can I get Elgyem? IV's dont matter
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
>>19797483 Ill take the
>Treecko female overgrow HP Elec 31/0/20/31/31/30 Discing up. IGN: Kagura
Quoted By:
>>19797494 That shit is going to get sniped
Quoted By:
>>19797527 >saucing I also forgot my name :(
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19797526 any eggmoves or HA on the gligars?
>>19797538 sent, hope you like it
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
>>19797536 Can't see your disc
Isaac 1993-8163-1382
>>19797567 alright, lemme try to fix that
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
Honky !03fDGhJ51o
Quoted By:
>>19797598 I never see this guy contribute
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
ign: Calem 3539-9122-0079
Quoted By:
>>19797483 >Treecko male unburden HP ROCK 31/0/4/31/30/30 I'd like this guy. Can you name him Owen if possible?
Disc up
>>19796338 Discing up for a Bagon.
>>19797598 What the hell is a hidden thread expert. Your name is shit please explain.
Honky !03fDGhJ51o
Quoted By:
>>19797598 I honestly see you asking so many dumb questions I highly doubt you're an expert in anything :^)
Xavier: 1907-9072-8026
>>19797783 Didn't see anything?
Did you get sniped?
Quoted By:
>>19797598 I never seen you giveaway anything and you take so much ;-;
IGN: Jed 3153-3835-3517
>>19796338 discing up for vullaby
Chocobo: 5043-2401-2358
Quoted By:
>>19797858 Yeah, I did. I'll put another disc up.
>>19797598 Worst person on this board
Are tripcodes acceptable here now?
>>19797119 Disc up for Wooper
>>19797906 no no, that's me, I just don't tripcode up and only give my IGN if prompted to.
one of these days I'll
git gud Anonymous
>>19797951 use this code
>>19797975 I'm sure I'll regret this
Isaac 1993-8163-1382
>>19797912 >>19797929 >>19797940 >>19797985 >all these people with DICKS in their trips good taste
Isaac 1993-8163-1382
Quoted By:
>>19797992 You delivered it to the right person, thanks for the wooper!
Quoted By:
>>19797998 I tried to get one with Luvdisc in it, but my laptop nearly overheated before I surrendered
Quoted By:
>>19797119 Disc up for Slowpoke.
Quoted By:
>>19797483 >Treecko male overgrow HP ROCK 31/0/30/31/10/30 discing this one up please
IGN: Mephina
Quoted By:
>>19798423 Was looking at the wrong page when posting this
>I was only pretending to be retarded... r...Right? Xavier: 1907-9072-8026
Quoted By:
>>19797897 All out, sorry.
Josh (FC 4227-1141-7224)
Quoted By:
>>19797526 If you're still here, can I grab a Rhyhorn? I'd like a female if you have any, but males are fine too.
Quoted By:
>>19797820 It's an expert in dicks :333
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb)
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb) Sun 29 Jun 2014 01:37:18 No. 19798460 Report Quoted By:
Has anyone out there got any HA Goomy's? I would really appreciate one
Quoted By:
>>19797483 Sweet Treecko friend! Thanks!
Charlotte (4699-7363-7535)
I have 6 female shiny Eevee. If you want one, reply with your IGN attached and put "/vp/" as the Luvdisc message.
Michael 2423-2757-2330
Quoted By:
>>19798589 What are the IVs on them?
tristan 5301 0524 5801
>>19797483 >Treecko male overgrow HP ICE 31/0/12/31/31/31 may i have this one? disc is up
Quoted By:
>>19798589 Disc is going up right now, thanks!
Ale 4055-4171-8473
Quoted By:
>>19798589 Disc is going up now. Thanks
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627 Sun 29 Jun 2014 01:53:09 No. 19798627 Report Quoted By:
>>19798589 discing up
ign is william
IGN Gundam
Does anyone happen to have a HA nidoran male? I've been trying to catch them from hordes for hours with no luck
Michael 2423-2757-2330
Quoted By:
>>19798589 >>19798609 my first one got sniped, re-upping
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627 Sun 29 Jun 2014 01:57:55 No. 19798667 Report Quoted By:
>>19798589 Based charlotte, you have my thanks.
Quoted By:
>>19798589 Thank you so much!
Quoted By:
>>19798589 Thank you so much you're awesome~~~
Quoted By:
>>19798589 Got it, thanks!
Quoted By:
>>19798589 received, thanks u!
tristan 5301 0524 5801
Quoted By:
>>19798589 ign baldo, thanks
Is there one more Shiny Eevee? If so, thtowing a disc on to GTS.
Michael 2423-2757-2330
Quoted By:
>>19798589 Got it, thanks!
Quoted By:
>>19798788 Are you illiterate?
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb)
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb) Sun 29 Jun 2014 02:12:53 No. 19798812 Report >>19798639 I've got one for you man. Do you happen to have any HA goomy's?
Quoted By:
Very much so. Also typing on an Ipod is shiet.
IGN Gundam 5198-3785-2782
>>19798812 I can get one for you, give me a few minutes
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb)
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb) Sun 29 Jun 2014 02:17:12 No. 19798845 Report >>19798842 sweet, added and ready whenever
Charlotte (4699-7363-7535)
6 female shiny Minccino looking for a new home. Same as before, please reply with your IGN attached and put "/vp/" as the Luvdisc message.
>>19798849 One please? IGN is Cliare, disc is going up in a sec
Quoted By:
>>19798849 it's up, thanks
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627 Sun 29 Jun 2014 02:19:27 No. 19798870 Report Quoted By:
>>19798849 woooo discing up atm
ign william
Quoted By:
>>19798849 ign Ale. Thanks in advance
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb)
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb) Sun 29 Jun 2014 02:20:10 No. 19798880 Report >>19798849 disc is up, ign is harry
Michael 2423-2757-2330
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627 Sun 29 Jun 2014 02:22:36 No. 19798908 Report Quoted By:
>>19798849 Thank you so much!
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb)
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb) Sun 29 Jun 2014 02:27:54 No. 19798956 Report Quoted By:
>>19798842 drop me a tr when you're ready
Quoted By:
>>19798880 >1 second of difference IGN Gundam 5198-3785-2782
>>19798845 Yeah i'm just trying to breed a ha goomey for ya, and i'm having bad luck so far
>>19798849 OMG thanks Charlotte! <3
I'm starting this game, sorry for that :(
Torchic isn't awesome but maybe you like it :)
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb)
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb) Sun 29 Jun 2014 02:33:10 No. 19799003 Report >>19798990 alright thats cool, just yeah drop me a tr or reply when you're ready. do you have preference on the nature of your nidoran male?
IGN Gundam 5198-3785-2782
>>19799003 Timid or modest would be good
Charlotte (4699-7363-7535)
>>19798996 You're more than welcome! I hope those Pokémon help on your journey. Thanks for the Torchic!
Quoted By:
>>19798849 THANK YOU A LOT! My favourite normal mon shiny, made my day
Quoted By:
>>19799026 I'm sure they will be of help! Thanks again :3
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb)
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb) Sun 29 Jun 2014 02:42:23 No. 19799078 Report >>19799022 Timid it is. :)
IGN Gundam 5198-3785-2782
Quoted By:
>>19799078 Thanks so much! Enjoy your goomy!
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
Oh boy, I lost shonies fuck you Dark Souls
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627 Sun 29 Jun 2014 02:51:22 No. 19799177 Report Quoted By:
>>19799152 if you play that game you lose everything
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627 Sun 29 Jun 2014 02:52:24 No. 19799186 Report Quoted By:
>>19799152 even your *glasses* humanity
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)