Welcome to the GTS Giveaway Thread! Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover Pokémon here!
Help out other trainers collecting the Pokémon they need. Help yourself, too!
>How do I participate? Post a list of Pokémon you're giving away and people will deposit a Luvdisc on the GTS asking for them.
Alternatively, put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon and if someone has it, they can fill your request.
Be sure to include your in-game name (IGN) if you're making a request and put your Luvdisc up BEFORE you post to make it easier for everyone.
>PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc. general for that stuff. If someone is kind enough to be giving them out, they will post about it; there are lots of kind people here - please be patient.
What was your favorite giveaway Come join us at
http://webchat.irchighway.net/ and talk about giveaways, battling, whatever! Enter #/ggg/ as the channel. Everyone welcome!
Old Thread:
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>>19818167 I like the giveaway with the Pokemon!
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>>19818167 shiny giveaways Anonymous
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Shiny starters. Many are jelly of my golden mega kfc
Ben, you fucking disgust me. GTSG a shit thread.
Bee 0576-4682-9997
>>19818167 Is the server still down?
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>19818210 :^(
I'm not giving away nor accepting anything. I just want the Vivi count up so I can get my Fancy pattern. I was also bored and noticed it hit the bump limit twice. Anonymous
>>19818235 According to the site it's gonna be down all night
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>>19818252 we could had gotten more ups with shiny giveaways.
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>>19818302 I'm just sniped a Luvdisc for testing purposes, GTS seems to be working for me.
Jay 1950-8754-3734
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>>19817479 is still around and wantng the Gastly, I've added your FC and I'm online. Or you can disc up, but I'm only online for the next hour
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>>19818167 Dougie giving me all the HP Dittos I'll ever need. Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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My favorite giveaways are the ones with tutor moves.
This tread wouldnt be dead if shitposters didnt chase off all the genned, cloned, shiny and ditto givers
>>19819041 You are a fucking tick, you suck on the pokemon of other people
>no lister faggot Anonymous
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>>19819161 I'll suck on you >:V IGN: Enrique
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Hey guys, is there going to be some giveaway soon Have to finish dex asap
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>19819161 You must not know who I am faggot. I've started most of this balltism craze before bank was released globally. So before you spew more edgy shit to make it seem like I don't contribute anywhere, get your facts straight.
I've done a couple penta foreign male scatterbug giveaways here. After that point I realized who did and did not contribute here. I just don't do giveaways here anymore because Gtsg a shit <3
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>>19819220 I think you mean
/vp/ is shit.
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>>19819220 Discing up for Heavy ball Shellder
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>Charmander - Luxury Ball Timid/4-5IV Egg Moves: Air Cutter, Dragon Pulse, Ancient Power, Dragon Dance x5 females>Eevee - Luxury Ball Jolly or Careful/5IV Egg Moves: Wish, Charm x3 females>Feebas - Dive Ball Timid/3-5IV Egg Moves: Mirror Coat, Brine, Dragon Pulse, Haze x6 females>Hawlucha - Premier Ball Adamant/5IV Egg Moves: Hone Claws, Baton Pass, Agility x9 females>Lapras - Moon Ball Calm/4-5IV Egg Moves: Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Freeze-Dry, Ancient Power x7 females>Phanpy - Heavy Ball Adamant/4-5IV Egg Moves: Play Rough, Ice Shard, Head Smash, Counter x5 females Disc up if you want something. I /might/ go afk for a while and not check the thread a ton, but I'll keep checking the GTS.
Got some pokemon for giveaway: 9x 5IV Eevees, Bold, non-HA -I have one 5IV female, if you want it, ask, otherwise I'll give you a male I also have a full box of 4IV eevees, with a couple more females if you want. And I got about half a box of 4-5IV HA woopers. The eevees are all checked, so you can ask for a specific IV spread (if I have it), but the woopers aren't. If I accidently give you a wooper with fewer than 4IVs, let me know and I'll get you a different one.
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>19819368 If anyone has a timer or premier ball larvesta with 3-5IVs, I would appreciate it. I have a feebas up on the GTS for a level 1-10 larvesta right now but can also put a disc up if anyone has an extra.
Yuno 5086-2553-1720
>>19819368 Disc up for Lapras. Thanks!
frost 3368 2141 4338
>>19819368 disc up for hawlucha. Thank you.
>>19819220 so who does and doesnt contribute?
also what was your first balltism in xy
>>19819368 Is there a chance I can get a 5 IV feebas?
Aedemiel 3239-4647-1219
>>19819368 Disc up for Phanpy please.
>>19819368 Disc up for 5IV Feebas
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>19819386 >>19819392 Sending!
>>19819397 >>19819397 They aren't checked, sorry anons. I'll just have to send you whatever I've got.
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Disc up for Simipour
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>19819401 >>19819397 Sent one to someone named Peter. I hope its IVs are alright. If they're shit, I apologize and can always send you another
>>19819399 Sending!
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>>19819414 all good, thanks
>>19819380 can I have the 5IV female Eevee?
Luvdisc is up IGN: Luke
Woody 2122-6617-9129
>>19819385 I'm pretty sure I have a female timer Larvesta that I can give ya. If not I can quickly breed you one.
>>19819368 Discing up for Phanpy
IGN: Samuel
>>19819426 Got it, thanks bro!
>>19819426 5IVs. Thanks man!
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
>>19819368 Disc up for hawlucha
IGN: Red
EVERYTHING MUST GO: 4IV Kangaskhan 4IV Charmander 4IV Solosis 2 4IV Scyther 2 4IV Grimer 2 Pentaperfect Grimer 3 4IV Bulbasaur 4IV Sneasel Pentaperfect Sneasel Heart scales appreciated!
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>19819452 >>19819467 Sending!
>>19819451 That'd be great! Let me know when I should disc up, or grab my feebas off the GTS.
>>19819453 >>19819461 You're welcome! I'm glad the feebas was good!
>>19819478 discing for pentaperfect sneasel
IGN Samuel
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>19819395 Mr.Mime is the biggest shit here imo
A couple others I can identify when I see them post My first balltism mon is Diveball squirtle in game wise but as for apricorn mon iirc was moonball chinchou
Also managed to snag a dreamball riolu over WT before bank Anonymous
>>19819478 Disc up for Kangaskhan
>>19819414 That's fucking weird. I went to the GTS to get the feebas but once I exited the GTS the feebas wasn't there. Nothing's in the GTS and the place in my box I had the luvdisc is empty.
Think it's a glitch or something? This has never happened to me before.
>>19819444 sent, enjoy
Updating info, b/c forgot stuff and no more 5IV female.
Got some pokemon for giveaway:
9x 5IV Eevees, Bold, non-HA, male, with wish
I also have a full box of 4IV eevees, with a couple females.
And I got about half a box of 4-5IV HA woopers.
The eevees are all checked, so you can ask for a specific IV spread (if I have it), but the woopers aren't. If I accidently give you a wooper with fewer than 4IVs, let me know and I'll get you a different one.
>>19819494 Supporting the Mr. Mime is a shit point.
Chocobo: 5043-2401-2358
>>19819368 Discing up for a 5iv Lapras. Thanks~
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>19819504 Hm, that is really strange. Try restarting your game? I've never heard of that either.
If that doesn't work, I can send you another and see if that works.
>>19819511 Who even is Mr. Mime? Anonymous
>>19819478 Disc up for a pentaperfect Grimer. IGN: Kagura
Woody 2122-6617-9129
>>19819483 Alright the Larvesta is good to go. It was a previous breeding mother, so it's Lvl 29. That fine by you?
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>19819521 Sending! I don't know if it's 5IV though. I only have one more unchecked one, the other checked ones are 4IV.
>>19819478 disc up for grimer
Woody 2122-6617-9129
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>>19819532 Eh gimme a min. The internet on my 3ds is acting up
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>19819532 Awesome! Totally fine, I'll disc up. Someone grabbed the feebas I'd upped. But of course, let me know if there's anything on my list that I can give you.
>>19819504 Also, try going to your PC and searching for the pokemon, if you haven't already. It may have landed in a weird place in your PC.
IGN: Red
>>19819523 I guess it was just glitched out or something because it's not anywhere. Could I try getting another feebas? Hopefully this doesn't happen again.
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>>19819507 The woopers all have Recover, btw.
(I keep forgetting relevant information, I'm probably going to write up a pastebin or a google doc for it)
Ramona !A53nla90hM
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>>19819554 No problem, disc up again!
>>19819553 penta preferably
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>>19819507 I got it. Thanks for the female Eevee.
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
Evan 2509 3110 5128 (Azurill Panpour Gyarados)
Evan 2509 3110 5128 (Azurill Panpour Gyarados) Mon 30 Jun 2014 22:31:39 No. 19819583 Report Giving away leftovers from past and present shiny hunts. A few impish pinecos with stealth rock in poke balls About a box of modest deinos in duskballs 2 boxes of jolly digletts with arena trap and reversal. And 5 boxes of timid lightning rod electrodes in ultra balls. All have 4-5 IVs and will not be checked before trading. If you ask nicely I can nickname your's.
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>19819554 IGN Tom? If so, sent.
I thought you were Peter, I may not have actually sent you one in the first place if you're Tom. But I don't keep track of names a ton either.
Woody 2122-6617-9129
>>19819552 Alright I'm ready. I'll take a Lapras with 5IV's if you have.
Evan 2509 3110 5128 (Azurill Panpour Gyarados)
Evan 2509 3110 5128 (Azurill Panpour Gyarados) Mon 30 Jun 2014 22:33:08 No. 19819608 Report Quoted By:
>>19819583 my.bad, electrikes not electrodes
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>>19819583 Disc up for pinecos
>>19819553 Thanks.
>>19819507 Putting a disc up for one of those 5IV male Eevee. Mainly one with it's spread on everything but it's atk. IGN: Kagura
frost 3368 2141 4338
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>>19819583 disc up for a pineco
IGN: Red
>>19819574 sent!
4IV Charmander
4IV Solosis
2 4IV Scyther
2 4IV Grimer
3 4IV Bulbasaur
4IV Sneasel
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>19819604 Unfortunately the lapras I have left are 4IV, is that okay? if so, disc up.
I have a disc up for larvesta!
Woody 2122-6617-9129
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>>19819626 That's fine. I'll get my disc up after I send you the Larvesta
>>19819598 Yeah I'm Tom. You sent me one but the first was glitched away. Then you just sent me one now. The checker says it's got 3 perfect IVs but that's ok. The one that glitched out must have been one of your last 5IVed ones. Thanks anyway.
Woody 2122-6617-9129
>>19819626 Larvesta sent. Disc is ready
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>>19819618 nothing with the -atk spread, sorry, but sent.
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>19819658 Lapras sent! Thank you so much for the larvesta!
>>19819652 Augh, sorry about that dude. Maybe the 5IV one will show up again after a few resets or something. I've gotta get going, but next time I'm on feel free to request another that might have better IVs.
>>19819368 Gotta get going and play with the pup I'm sitting. See you all later!
Woody 2122-6617-9129
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>>19819682 No problem! Thanks for the Lapras. Back to breeding female lux ball Cyndaquils.
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>>19819583 Could I get a dieno please?
Chocobo: 5043-2401-2358
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>>19819533 Oh well that's fine. Thanks again!
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>>19819682 It's alright. I'll just breed the feebas to get my own 5 IVed one. You gave me good breeding material.
Chocobo: 5043-2401-2358
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>>19819583 Disc up for diglett.
>>19819621 disc up for sneasel
IGN: Red
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
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>>19819368 may i have the hawlucha?
>>19819494 I've done several shiny giveaways, dunno I guess you missed out on them, but not sure where you're getting that from
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>19819868 I'm already there smartass~
>>19819885 (^:
>>19819888 :^)
>>19819888 >>19819860 these are where I get my shinies from
>>19819868 /wfg/ is such a fucking shitty place. They complain about gtsg but both are shit.
>>19819918 do you find that your shinies have trouble breeding?
>>19819925 we each do our own thing, I don't know why one complains about the other
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Let's not start it guys Also Anyone has a jolly drilbur breed leftovers? I only need max iv in attack and speed
>>19819925 /wfg/ is easily the worst thread in /vp/, has been for months at least.
They drive everyone away then complain about being dead, it's ridiculous.
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>>19819952 attention whoring. just ignore and move on.
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>>19819929 Dittos, man
Dittos will make babies with anything
Does anyone have a Chespin with Spikes that they don't mind tossing up? Bulletproof and any other egg moves would be nice. Well IV'd isn't necessary but always welcome. Thanks in advance.
tristan 5301 0524 5801
>>19819621 hyheyhey, can i have a solosis?
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
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Guys someone have Gollet with HA?
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>19819925 >>19819967 I agree with both anons
R.I.P. /wfg/
>>19820047 I still have my Chespin Smeargle. I believe it has Spikes, Synthesis, Curse, Quick Guard.
>>19820147 It'd be amazing if I could get one of the Chespin. I'll disc up at your word!
>>19820169 I was offering you something in its egg group with its egg moves so you could breed your own. I am not putting chespin in the day care today. I'm hatching something for someone already.
frost 3368 2141 4338
>>19820047 I only have one impish with bulletproof and synthesis (no spikes), male, 3ivs.
Do you want it?
>>19820228 Oh, I just realized I misread. Really sorry, thought you meant Ches and Smear among others were something you had left over.
A Smeargle would be great. I'll disc up in a few, sorry again.
>>19820254 It's alright, Spikes is somewhat of a must.
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627 Mon 30 Jun 2014 23:36:48 No. 19820284 Report Quoted By:
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>>19820264 You don't need to apologize. I'd be happy to give you this puppy.
IGN: Red
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>>19820066 sorry, was out. ill send you the solosis in a few minutes
>>19820274 Sent, I think you will find that everything regarding that smeargle will aid you in breeding an awesome beard bro.
Mr. Fifty
Giving away some leftovers. 1,2 - Froakie (F) - Timid - Protean - 1,3 - Froakie (F) - Timid - Protean - 1,4 - Froakie (F) - Timid - Protean - Dive Ball | Toxic Spikes, Camouflage, Water Sport, Bestow
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>>19820347 Thank you so much. I really appreciate it!!
>>19820384 Disc is up for 1,3. What a nice froakie to start my own breeding, thanks a lot! Ign is Serena
>>19820384 i would like the 1,4 for my breeding projects, disc going up, thanks you!
Andres (Neos Alius) 3840-7531-7361
>>19818167 I would love a Nidoqueen
So close to having all gen 1. Except that impossible to f'n find Mew
Beef 4527 - 8723 - 6843
Hey guys, it's been a while. Hopefully got some things you might like, though! I've got two penta Adamant Marvel Scale Dratini with extremespeed, five penta Jolly Dratini with the same, five penta Impish Immunity Gligar, three penta Bellyjet Huge Power Marill in great balls and four penta Timid Gastly in moon balls with Haze, Clear Smog, Perish Song and Disable. I've also got a bunch of Starf and Enigma berries I could attach, if you just want one of those then disc for a disc telling me which berry you want.
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>>19820363 shone giveaways on gtsg when ? William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627 Mon 30 Jun 2014 23:50:56 No. 19820438 Report Quoted By:
>>19820424 i can give you a mew
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627 Mon 30 Jun 2014 23:51:58 No. 19820449 Report Quoted By:
>>19820424 anything special you have?
IGN: Red
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Does anybody happen to have a spare 1-2 leftovers? Just checking here before the pain of getting 2-3 pokemon to level 100 for pickup hoarding.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
2x Jolly Premier Ball HA Zangoose - Feint, Quick Guard, Iron Tail, Night Slash 2x Calm Nest Ball Chikorita - Heal Pulse, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Counter 2x Jplly Dive Ball Kabuto - Knock Off, Rapid Spin, Icy Wind, Giga Drain 3x Brave Level Ball Makuhita - Wide Guard, Bullet Punch, Helping Hand, Feint 12x Adamant Repeat Ball HA Corphish - Double-Edge, Aqua Jet, Superpower, Dragon Dance 7x Quiet Level Ball Numel - Iron Head, Yawn, Heat Wave, Body Slam 3x Calm Moon Ball Hoothoot - Whirlwind, Mirror Move, Supersonic, Defog 7x Impish Dream Ball HA Wooper - Curse, Counter, Recover 1x Lure Ball Marill - Superpower, Aqua Jet, Refresh, Belly Drum 6x Safari Ball Tropius - Bullet Seed, Leech Seed, Leaf Blade, Dragon Dance 9x Friend Ball Seedot - Beat Up, Foul Play, Bullet Seed, Defog For a post with your IGN and your disc. Take as many as you want!
>>19820426 Let me have one of those Gligar, please! Disc is up, no berry needed, thanks!
Mr. Fifty
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>>19820474 Discing for a Seedot momentarily.
Thank you dearest!
Beef 4527 - 8723 - 6843
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>>19819583 Disc up for a Pineco if you're still around, thanks
>>19820474 disciung up for a nume. and then i'll take a tropius and a wooper if that's cool, i dont wanna jew to much
Giving away:
6 x male Snorlax Careful thick fat/immunity Heavy Ball 4/5 IV (whirlwind, counter, curse, double-edge)
Treecko Timid Unburden (HA) 4/5 IV (synthesis, leech seed, leaf storm, one has dragon breath)
4 males
Treecko male overgrow HP ICE 12-13/0/30/31/31/31
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>>19820474 Disc up for kabuto
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 00:00:09 No. 19820547 Report Quoted By:
>>19820474 I'd like to disc for a Corphish
Thanks in advance
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627 Tue 01 Jul 2014 00:01:09 No. 19820561 Report Quoted By:
>>19820474 I'll disc up for a chikorita as soon as i catch a disc
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>>19820474 Disc up for seedot
Cycling Cap Serena
>>19820474 Opti, are any of those female? I'd love a Hoothoot, Tropius and Kabuto. Could I disc up for Hoothoot and then trade the others from aquaintances? I'd be in your debt.
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>>19820474 Disc up for the corphish
Ign perrin
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19820567 They're all female.
Huyen !A4jsQTgi.Q
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>>19820474 Disc up for a seedot
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>>19820474 Well now I need more discs. Disc up for Hoothoot, IGN Jay, thanks
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
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>>19820523 damn forgot my IGN
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>>19820474 Thank you dude.
May I redisc for a Numel?
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Tue 01 Jul 2014 00:07:14 No. 19820634 Report Quoted By:
>>19820474 discing up for a corphish
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>>19820574 Thanks for the Hoothoot. Disc up for Tropius, IGN Jay, thanks again
Yuno 5086-2553-1720
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>>19820474 Disc up for Corphish. Thanks!
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
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>>19820474 disced up for a tropius, gonna grab a hoothoot after if you don't mind
Blake 0018-0951-1428 (Grass: Pansage, Sawsbuck, Quilladin)
Blake 0018-0951-1428 (Grass: Pansage, Sawsbuck, Quilladin) Tue 01 Jul 2014 00:12:20 No. 19820679 Report Quoted By:
>>19820474 Would really love a Chikorita! Disc up!
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>>19820474 Disc going up for a Seedot.
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627 Tue 01 Jul 2014 00:13:54 No. 19820694 Report Quoted By:
>>19820474 sorry, took a while
disc up now for chikorita, ign is william
Cailean 4854-7428-9098
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>>19820474 Disc. is up for a Kabuto. Thanks!
frost 3368 2141 4338
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>>19820474 disc up for zangoose. thanks!
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Last Kabuto was taken by Serena, so pls understand
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627 Tue 01 Jul 2014 00:28:08 No. 19820826 Report Quoted By:
>>19820745 are all the chikorita's taken?
>>19820745 Thanks again. Disc now up for Zangoose if there's one left? IGN Jay
Mr. Fifty, you here? I still got some more stuff to give you!
IGN Lucas
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Lots of near perfect Porygon in boxes.
Mr. Fifty
>>19820870 I'm here I just have nothing left to give in return other than discs.
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>>19820890 It's okay, you always share cool stuff
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19820890 fifty, glad to see you around, i have this for you if you want it, as a thank you for the 6iv misdreavus you gave me the other day
Treecko female unburden HP ROCK 31/00/30/31/28/30 (synthesis, leech seed, leaf storm, dragon breath)
Fran 3454-1282-6668 [Snover, Bergmite, Cloyster]
Fran 3454-1282-6668 [Snover, Bergmite, Cloyster] Tue 01 Jul 2014 00:42:26 No. 19820969 Report It's been a while!
MMing for a Sneasel, also have Rotoms
http://pastebin.com/P4iP0VYQ Anonymous
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>>19820850 >>19820745 And the last one, disc up for Corphish please. Thanks a bunch for these!
>>19820969 Disc up for a female pidove
Re-depositing and hoping for a Nidoqueen. Andres
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>>19820474 Disc is up for Hoothoot. Thanks!
Cailean 4854-7428-9098
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>>19820474 Disc. up for Numel. Hopefully it hasn't been sniped.
Mr. Fifty
>>19820942 That sounds pretty nice. I'd love it. Allow me a few minutes for other things to come to pass and I will tell you that I have put a disc up.
Snapple 0061-1123-8361
>>19820969 Would you mind naming giving me that male, 5 IV Deino and naming it Doug?
Fran 3454-1282-6668 [Snover, Bergmite, Cloyster]
Fran 3454-1282-6668 [Snover, Bergmite, Cloyster] Tue 01 Jul 2014 00:49:54 No. 19821065 Report >>19821000 Sent!
>>19821056 Getting right to it
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Ok, sorry for the lack of updates, but that's all sent! Kabuto, Chikorita, and Hoothoot have run out through, so if you haven't recieved yours yet that's too bad (for now) Still left: 2x Lure Ball Marill 3x Safari Ball Tropius 7x Friend Ball Seedot 6x Dream Ball HA Wooper 3x Level Ball Makuhita 7x Repeat ball HA Corphish 4x Level Ball Numel
Quoted By:
>>19821065 Thank you dude I appreciate it
>>19821070 Thanks again~
>>19821070 Are they lefties or penta perfect?
Blake 0018-0951-1428 (Grass: Pansage, Sawsbuck, Quilladin)
Blake 0018-0951-1428 (Grass: Pansage, Sawsbuck, Quilladin) Tue 01 Jul 2014 00:52:54 No. 19821100 Report Quoted By:
>>19821070 Tropius please! Disc up!
>>19820969 Disc up for shuppet, thanks
Quoted By:
>>19821070 Fuck..Too late for Hoothoot. Well, disc is up for Makuhita. Thanks in advance!
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19821055 sure, no rush.
>>19821070 damn opti you're giving some cool mons, i'll jew a makuhita and stop taking from you for a while
Snapple 0061-1123-8361
If you are interested in a Carvanha or Gastly, disc up.
54 Female HA Carvanha
Dream ball
4-6 IV
30 Male and Female Gastly
Moon Ball
4-6 IV
-Clear Smog
-Perish Song
>>19821070 Could I get a Seedot? I'll disc up.
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
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>>19821124 Forgot to include my name.
Fran 3454-1282-6668 [Snover, Bergmite, Cloyster]
Fran 3454-1282-6668 [Snover, Bergmite, Cloyster] Tue 01 Jul 2014 00:56:06 No. 19821141 Report Quoted By:
>>19821102 Sent!
>>19821110 You're very welcome- apologies for the terrible IVs, but you can check in the Battle Institute for the SpAtk.
>>19820969 Disc is up
IGN Gepfel
Thanks in advance
Snapple 0061-1123-8361
>>19821124 Discing up for one of those carvanha. Would you mind naming it Torpedo Girl?
Fran 3454-1282-6668 [Snover, Bergmite, Cloyster]
Fran 3454-1282-6668 [Snover, Bergmite, Cloyster] Tue 01 Jul 2014 01:00:19 No. 19821178 Report >>19821142 Sent!
>>19821124 Luvdisc is up for a Carvanha, thank you in advance!
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
>>19821124 Discing up for a 6IV Carvanha
Could you nickname it SharkWeek? Chocobo
Quoted By:
>>19820969 Disc up for a pidove.
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
>>19821159 Sent. It'll have to go without a name, unfortunately. "Torpedo" is not allowed.
>>19821178 Sent.
>>19821188 I'll see if the name will pass. I can't guarantee the IVs though, as they are unmarked.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19821124 I'll take a Carvanha from you for balltism collection, please.
>>19821124 Disc is up for Carvanha! Thanks!
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Quoted By:
>>19821088 Oh, forgot to reply they're all lefties
Snapple 0061-1123-8361
>>19821209 That's fine, thanks!
Still a bit disappointing, but I can live without my Bobobo references. Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton SID: 07772 TSV: 3759
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton SID: 07772 TSV: 3759 Tue 01 Jul 2014 01:06:16 No. 19821233 Report Quoted By:
Wondering if anyone has a Gorebyss they can trade me? I can obviously disc up but if you prefer I can give you a breeding leftover with an enigma berry attached as a thank you...
Quoted By:
>>19821124 Disc up for a female Carvanha.
so im trying to make a team with only pokemon that evolve by freindship and trying to make it all Dream balls if possible and im wondering if dream ball Roserade,Chansey,Togekiss and Azumarill legal?
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
>>19821232 It's odd how Sharpedo passes but not Torpedo.
>>19821212 Sent. Thanks for the Seedot.
>>19821214 Sent.
As a side note, anybody have a male Elekid with Ice and Fire Punch, Cross Chop, and either Jolly or Adamant nature?
Quoted By:
>>19819583 Disced up for an Electrike!
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19821124 discing for a carvanha, any is fine
>>19821124 disced up for gastly, female if its not too much trouble
Kennidy 0404-6403-9635
I have some leftover mons I need to get rid of. All are nicknameable at request. 1 Female Adamant Gale Wings Fletching (5IV) 1 Female Impish Frisk Pumpkaboo (5IV) 3 Female Timid Moody Snorunt in a Dusk Ball w/ Spikes (4-5IV) 2 Female Bold Oblivious Feebas w/ Confuse Ray, Dragon Pulse, Mirror Coat, Hypnosis 9 Bold Overcoat Vullaby w/ Foul Play and Roost (4-5IV) 22 Bold Natural Cure Chansey in an Ultra Ball w/ Aromatherapy and Seismic Toss (3-5IV)
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
Quoted By:
>>19821209 ah it's fine. I'm getting all greed here
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
>>19821296 >>19821306 Sent.
>>19821307 Could I get a Snorunt and a Feebas? If I'm limited to one, I'll take the Snorunt.
Kennidy 0404-6403-9635
>>19821362 You can have both! Disc up.
Mr. Fifty
>>19821070 Opti, I'm going to disc for a seedot.
>>19821109 Am I still in your acquaintances? Trade me.
>>19821307 May I take the Pumpkaboo? Disc going up.
Ayame ~0104-1335-8787~
Quoted By:
Hey guys what are you all up too!!
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
>>19821365 Disc up for the Snorunt.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Dusk IGN Jesse
>>19821124 can i grab a Carvanha thanks disc up
Kennidy 0404-6403-9635
>>19821307 discing snorunt named lil shard please
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
>>19821434 Sent.
>>19821447 Goddamn, Snorunt shivering is adorable. Disc up for the Feebas.
>>19821124 Discing for Carvanha
Kennidy 0404-6403-9635
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
>>19821555 Someone must have got to it first. Could you put up another?
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
>>19821599 Thank you again.
>>19821555 False alarm. Sent.
>>19821124 disc up for a Female DW Carvahna!
Mr. Fifty
Giving away some leftovers. 1,1 - Froakie (F) - Timid - Protean - Level 34 1,2 - Froakie (F) - Timid - Protean - 1,3 - Froakie (F) - Timid - Protean - 1,4 - Froakie (M) - Timid - Protean - 1,5 - Froakie (M) - Timid - Protean - Dive Ball | Toxic Spikes, Camouflage, Water Sport, Bestow
>>19821703 Whoaaa
Discing up for the Male one lol
>>19821703 hp fire? Nice job.
>>19821703 Can I get the better F?
Discing in a moment.
IGN: Tyler
Mr. Fifty
>>19821715 Which one?
>>19821721 Thanks, I'm actually trying to hatch a female with the perfect spread I got the male a while back.
>>19821734 Just pick the one you want.
>>19821703 Discing up for 1,5
>>19821703 Discing for male thank you
>>19821307 Disc up for vullaby
Ign is Perrin
>>19821758 Either one, bro.
>>19821703 I'll take any. Disc is up. Thanks.
>>19821639 >>19821684 I'm not sure how, but I got it. I had a communication error putting in the first Luvdisc and when you said you'd sent it to me I was on the GTS redepositing and didn't apparently have anything in at that time. Thanks much!
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 [Dragon: Noibat - I forget the rest]
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 [Dragon: Noibat - I forget the rest] Tue 01 Jul 2014 01:46:03 No. 19821851 Report I have a shit ton of Squirtle with Aura Sphere and Dragon Pulse and Totodiles with Aqua Jet, DDance, and Ice Punch. Most are male and all have mixed IVs, most 4-5. Not very organized but I have like 4 boxes worth to get rid of.
Mr. Fifty
>>19821769 >>19821795 You two will get what you asked for.
>>19821776 >>19821803 >>19821804 I put the numbers and spreads up so people can specifically pick. Otherwise Id say something generic like giving way Froakie leftovers. If you don't pick one other people wont know what's left to pick from.
Quoted By:
>>19821872 uuuuuhh
1,4 then babe
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
Quoted By:
>>19821825 I must have sent it to someone else.
>>19821686 Maybe you? Have you got your's yet?
Quoted By:
>>19821307 thanks for the snorunt!
Kennidy 0404-6403-9635
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
>>19821851 Are the Totodiles in a certain ball? If they are I'll take a female. A male is good otherwise though.
>>19821872 Oh, I'm sorry for the problems. I only interested for the egg moves. Any left serves me.
Quoted By:
>>19821872 Just got it. Thanks!
>>19821851 I'll take a Squirtle.
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 [Dragon: Noibat - I forget the rest]
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 [Dragon: Noibat - I forget the rest] Tue 01 Jul 2014 01:52:59 No. 19821993 Report Quoted By:
>>19821947 All male, save a 5IV female missing Defense.
They're in Dive Balls.
Mr. Fifty
>>19821960 In that case I have a box full of junk froakies for that purpose. Put a luvdisc up and I'll send you one.
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19821703 hey man, sorry i was eating dinner, you still around? i never deleted you from acquaintances so i guess i should have you. if you have any of those froakies i'd like one, if that's cool
>>19822011 Thank you and please forgive me for my rudeness
Mr. Fifty
>>19822018 I will save you a Froakie. I'm still here. Just hatching eggs.
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 [Dragon: Noibat - I forget the rest]
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 [Dragon: Noibat - I forget the rest] Tue 01 Jul 2014 01:56:14 No. 19822039 Report >>19821947 Sent you the mother. She needs to relearn Aqua Jet, but she's 5IV
>>19822011 Good! Disc is up. Thanks so much, Mr. Fifty!
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19822030 i can't find you, do we do disc for disc or each disc up for the proper mon?
Mr. Fifty
>>19822028 Your good. Really I only wan't people to be specific otherwise I don't care what's going on in here.
>>19822045 Sent
Mr. Fifty
Quoted By:
>>19822064 I put a froakie up for a treecko
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
Quoted By:
I'm done with my giveaway for the day. I'll be back tomorrow. Enjoy your Gastly and Carvanha.
>>19822039 Completely good with me. Thank you very much.
Mr. Fifty
>>19822061 I put a froakie up for a treecko
Quoted By:
>>19821703 Disc up for a froakie (female if possible), I dont care for Ivs so you could give me the weakest if you want
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19822103 oh silly me didn't think of that. forgot to tell you its a little leveled from the day care, so it may need to relearn some egg moves
Mr. Fifty
>>19822122 No worries dude. I would evolve it and breed it with mine.
31/31/30/31/30/30 The Organizer
Quoted By:
If you are currently hosting a giveaway please reply to this post. That is all, thank you.
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19822201 cool. i got myself a shiony treecko while breeding for HP. not a perfect one and without the correct HP but has a decent enough spread, its gonna work wonders in ORAS. let me know when you frog up
Giving away:
6 x male Snorlax Careful thick fat/immunity Heavy Ball 4/5 IV (whirlwind, counter, curse, double-edge)
Treecko Timid Unburden (HA) 4/5 IV (synthesis, leech seed, leaf storm, one has dragon breath)
4 males
Treecko male overgrow HP ICE 12-13/0/30/31/31/31
Mr. Fifty
>>19822250 That there is awesome and I also had the same thing happen, I got lucky and hatched a blue unburden Treecko too!
31/31/30/31/30/22 Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19822285 this one is mine unburden HP BUG 31/0/30/31/26/31. never been a fan of shiny sceptile though, but now that i potentially have one im starting to like it. why Rash?
Quoted By:
>>19822250 Disc up for that hp ice Treecko.
Quoted By:
>>19822250 I'll take a treeko! Putting a disc up in a bit
Mr. Fifty
>>19822314 I actually had modest going for my first 50-60 eggs then I decided that I didn't want to penalize my attack. Since I am running it with the sash I don't mind that it has low defense. I'd rather get the speed hike and use quick attack after an endeavor.
Need to heart scale that back on Pit-1736-1212-6969
>>19822250 Disc up for treecko with dragonbreath, also can I get a 5IV snorlax?
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19822379 of course. the iv's aren't marked so you may get a 4IV one, tho
Quoted By:
>>19822250 disc up for an unburden Treecko!
ign: Dexter
>>19822407 It's okay and thank you very much, ill disc for snorlax after
Quoted By:
>>19822250 I'll disc up for a treecko. IGN is Chaos
Quoted By:
Thanks Faucin!
Quoted By:
>>19822250 Thanks for the treecko!
>>19822428 i think you got sniped, disc up again
>>19822377 is the frog up yet?
Mr. Fifty
Quoted By:
>>19820474 Can I get a Seedot?
Thanks in advance!
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier)
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier) Tue 01 Jul 2014 02:34:55 No. 19822589 Report Giving away some Lotads. Some have Giga Drain as an egg move, some don't. Ask for it and if I have any left I'll get it to you. I have 15 4IVs and 6 5IVs, all of 'em Modest.
Lanton 4227-2097-2730
>>19822250 Disc up for treeko!
Thanks in advance
>>19822589 Disc up for giga drain 5IV
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
Quoted By:
>>19822558 must have gotten sniped, is a legend request fest over there
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier)
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier) Tue 01 Jul 2014 02:38:55 No. 19822637 Report Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19822614 im terribly sorry,im all out of treeckos
Mr. Fifty
>>19822641 Hmm I'll reupload it. It got buried I guess.
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier)
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier) Tue 01 Jul 2014 02:40:59 No. 19822660 Report Quoted By:
>>19822589 I'll be back in a few minutes. I'll still be checking the GTS though.
Lanton 4227-2097-2730
>>19822641 Ahh, don't sweat it. It's fine!
>>19822637 Can I get one of those lotads? I'm trying to get bros saved up for oras
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19822658 wait it was still there? dear god, i though all those requests for legends were there for a long time, i scrolled and scrolled and didn't find yours
Mr. Fifty
>>19822688 Froakie for Treecko. Look for Froakie
>>19822589 Discing for one of those 5IV Lotads, if I may. If I could get M. Drain as well, that'd be swell. IGN:Dave
>>19822589 Disc up for 5IV modest
Thank you so much
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19822712 i just went to all the froakies, i haven't found any with your name asking for a treecko, maybe you mispelled treecko while froggin up?
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier)
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier) Tue 01 Jul 2014 02:59:22 No. 19822856 Report Mr. Fifty
>>19822840 Interesting, I assure you I didn't misspell it. I completed my Pokedex a while back. Lets go disc for disc. Put one up.
IGN: Richard
>>19822589 Disk is up for 5 IV Lotad. Could you possibly nickname it ACDC? Thanks.
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19822858 i believe you, maybe it got buried in a deep page and i didn't see it, but in the first 5 pages i couldn't find it, unless your name was other than mr. fifty ion which cas i saw many
Quoted By:
>>19822856 Thank ya, Based Anon.
Quoted By:
>>19821307 Hate to nitpick, but do you have a pentaperfect Chansey?
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier)
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier) Tue 01 Jul 2014 03:08:27 No. 19822944 Report >>19822886 Sure thing. Done.
And I've only got one more 5IV left, and it doesn't have Giga. If you're dead set on that, ask for a 4IV.
Agus 1848-2833-1031
>>19822589 Is there any 5IV left?
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier)
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier) Tue 01 Jul 2014 03:10:18 No. 19822966 Report Quoted By:
>>19821307 Can I disc for one of those Feebas?
Agus 1848-2833-1031
Quoted By:
>>19822944 Oh, well, I'd like a 4IV Giga dude!
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier)
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier) Tue 01 Jul 2014 03:13:18 No. 19823000 Report >>19822946 Sure thing. Are you disced up?
>>19822965 Yup. The last one. It has no Giga though.
Quoted By:
>>19823000 yeah, just give me a sec!
Agus 1848-2833-1031
>>19823000 I'll take a 4IV with Giga Drill Breaker Drain
Adding you!
>>19823020 In this thread you don't have to add people, just throw a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for whatever somebody is giving away with a /vp/ oriented message so they can find you easier.
Agus 1848-2833-1031
>>19823058 Aw...
Ooookay then...
Quoted By:
>>19823078 Unless you guys want to Idk, just informing you.
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier)
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier) Tue 01 Jul 2014 03:22:14 No. 19823105 Report >>19823078 It's cool. I added you back, so if you really wanna do it that way, I'm fine with it.
Agus 1848-2833-1031
>>19823000 I've got a Luvvy on he GTS waiting for a giveaway. Mind doing it old style?
Agus 1848-2833-1031
>>19823105 Gracias por el Ludicolo, amigo! Mucha fiesta!
Quoted By:
>>19823107 The Zapdos isn't being given away yet you dumb fuck, you can take it down temprarily and then put it up when it's actually supposed to go up
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier)
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier) Tue 01 Jul 2014 03:26:15 No. 19823158 Report Quoted By:
>>19823107 I... uhhh... Well, you got your Lotad! That's good!
>>19823000 And trips!
Mr. Fifty
>>19822892 Bah sorry, I'm rea;lly distracted by my 8 year old. She is playing the I'm going to feed you bullshit game.
I really should have used my priority on Cloyster Faucin 3609-1138-6657
Quoted By:
>>19823193 still extremespeed is +2 priority so it will always go faster than ice shard, unless cloyster has nother priority i dont know. great battle though
Quoted By:
>>19823193 What is she trying to feed you? Is it at least real food/
Agus 1848-2833-1031
>>19823177 Aw, c'mon, that's no fun
Anyway thanks Seth
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier)
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier) Tue 01 Jul 2014 03:35:56 No. 19823260 Report Quoted By:
>>19823241 No problem. I'm just glad people like 'em.
Doing a double crocodile giveaway. Got about ten Adamant 4-5IV Sandiles/Totodiles with the Totodiles having Dragon Dance. Just make sure to put in '/vp/' as your message.
Quoted By:
>>19820474 Are there any Corphish left?
Ayame ~0104-1335-8787~
Quoted By:
Does anyone have charmander in their friend safari??
Quoted By:
>>19823362 discin' for a toto.
Pure (IGN Chaos)
Quoted By:
>>19823362 Disc'ed up a sandile
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier)
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier) Tue 01 Jul 2014 03:48:10 No. 19823400 Report Quoted By:
>>19823362 Gimme a minute to disc. Those totos sound nice.
ign: Calem 3539-9122-0079
Quoted By:
>>19823362 I'll take a 5IV Totodile, m8.
I feel weird asking for pentaperfect mons. Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier)
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier) Tue 01 Jul 2014 03:57:38 No. 19823504 Report >>19823362 Thanks so much!
Quoted By:
>>19823504 Happy to help anyone who wants to use the best starter.
Blake 0018-0951-1428 (Grass: Pansage, Sawsbuck, Quilladin)
Blake 0018-0951-1428 (Grass: Pansage, Sawsbuck, Quilladin) Tue 01 Jul 2014 04:00:09 No. 19823529 Report >>19823362 Oh my god Totodile is my favorite! Disc up!
Blake 0018-0951-1428 (Grass: Pansage, Sawsbuck, Quilladin)
Blake 0018-0951-1428 (Grass: Pansage, Sawsbuck, Quilladin) Tue 01 Jul 2014 04:01:12 No. 19823540 Report Quoted By:
>>19823529 5IV if possible!
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier)
Seth 3609-1111-9096 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier) Tue 01 Jul 2014 04:03:43 No. 19823564 Report Quoted By:
If no one else wants any sambamons, I'm gonna make a few kids happy over WT.
IGN: Richard
>>19823362 Disk up for Totodile! Mind if you nickname it Jaws?
IGN: Richard
Quoted By:
New bread when?
Lanton 4227-2097-2730
Quoted By:
>>19823362 Disc up for Totodile as soon as I'm online. Hope ya still have one
Tomppa 1950-8478-2326 (Pidgey, Woobat, Fletchinder)
Tomppa 1950-8478-2326 (Pidgey, Woobat, Fletchinder) Tue 01 Jul 2014 15:39:55 No. 19827514 Report Quoted By:
>>19820474 I'd love to get a Corpish, if there are any left