Powersaves General thread:
>What I am offering: -10 per batch-
Shinyfying and cloning
-1 per batch-
Ball change, Gender changer, pokerus, and/or unshinying
>What I cannot do I cannot Gen pokemon, add moves, nickname them, change their abilities, or change their IV's
>Risks 1.My cart may get corrupt
2.You cannot nickname pokemon after they are shinyfied
3.Illegal ball combos will cause pokemon not to be trade-able.
>What do I need to do? 1.Post your IGN, FC, and what you want done.
2. remove all items from your pokemon.
3. wait for me to start a trade with you then trade me what you need done.
4. wait for your pokemon to come back (Do not spam me with trade requests)
5. be awesome to each other.
>What do you want for this service? Nothing, if you feel like rewarding me with a breeding leftover or something I won't turn it down, but I'm not gonna beg for it either.
Can I have my Greninja shinified and put in a Nest Ball? Thanks a lot for doing this. IGN: Nate FC: 3196-4457-2922
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Tue 01 Jul 2014 05:04:22 No. 19824162 Report Did my Kyogre help you out any?
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 05:05:35 No. 19824183 Report >>19824162 still workin on my pink team but he looks fabulous!
>>19824155 kk adding you now.
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Tue 01 Jul 2014 05:07:15 No. 19824205 Report >>19824183 That's good!
I'm going through the E4 right now is it alright if I request later?
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
can someone shinify my Heracross and put it in a Love Ball?
>>19824183 Hi, Can you shinify a Wooper for me please?
IGN: Miles FC: 2277-6750-6968
>>19824082 I will give you my shiny megawaifu if you shinify my mawile
Alex 0190-0039-7358
>>19824082 Hi! I was wondering if you could help me with a Swirlix. Could you shiny it and put it in a heal ball please? <: Thanks!
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 05:11:09 No. 19824256 Report >>19824205 hrmmm alright...I'd prefer to get it done asap though.
>>19824213 adding you now
>>19824219 adding you now
>>19824226 How about you post your FC and IGN
>>19824228 yes I can but I'm getting a lot of ball requests, if it's really important to you you might have to wait for a later batch.
Quoted By:
>>19824183 Thanks. I've got a 5IV Mareep breeding leftover if ya want.
Just open a trade with me.
Azraeel 1134-9319-9769 (Bermite/Snover/Piloswine)
Azraeel 1134-9319-9769 (Bermite/Snover/Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 05:11:42 No. 19824271 Report >>19824082 Could you please change my Banette to a Dusk Ball? I could give you an Adamant 5 IV Shuppet with Destiny Bond if you want to.
IGN: Chantal FC: 1134-9319-9769
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
Quoted By:
>>19824256 adding, thanks!
Alex 0190-0039-7358
Quoted By:
>>19824256 That works! I got plenty of time. Whenever you're ready!
>>19824256 0903-2969-3044
Quoted By:
>>19824288 also ign maxwell
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 05:14:33 No. 19824305 Report >>19824271 you will have to wait until batch 3 or 4
>>19824256 Thanks! My woo per's ball is already perfect, so just shinnying it will be great
Azraeel 1134-9319-9769 (Bermite/Snover/Piloswine)
Azraeel 1134-9319-9769 (Bermite/Snover/Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 05:17:02 No. 19824328 Report Quoted By:
>>19824305 Alright, there's no rush, thank you very much!
Quoted By:
>>19824313 Damn auto-corrections, meant to write wooper and shinifying
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
Quoted By:
>>19824305 what happened? ;_;
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 05:20:22 No. 19824353 Report Quoted By:
Quick thread annoucement because appearently people can't read:
If you don't I'm gonna keep them
I will send it to you.
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Tue 01 Jul 2014 05:20:58 No. 19824357 Report >>19824256 Done!
I have two to shinify and one to gender bend
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 05:22:26 No. 19824370 Report >>19824357 if it needs to be gender bent it will have to wait for another batch, I can only do 1 per batch, and it has to be in the same slot as pokemon have to be in to change their pokeball....
Because powersaves is picky.
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 05:23:11 No. 19824380 Report I have powersaves but my laptop was fried. could you shiny wondercard modifier generate a shiny mawile for me and nickname it MegaWaifu for me? the wondercard modifier works using the x999 masterballs code, throwing away a certain amount until the master balls are a certain pokemon number then the modifier creates a custom wondercard that makes the shiny pokemon with random stats, hidden power as the move, egg hatched, and it will have your OT ID and name so you can nickname it. i can get everything else for it in my own game i just want a powersaves wondercard genned kalos born shiny mawile named MegaWaifu ;P I believe I added you before. What will you take for it?
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 05:24:41 No. 19824394 Report >>19824380 sounds like a long process that I really don't have time for right now.
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Tue 01 Jul 2014 05:25:11 No. 19824397 Report Quoted By:
>>19824370 That's fine! I'll be waiting on the PSS screen
Which group do I send whenever you trade request me the next time? deliverymail
>>19824370 i would like my flabebe being shinified
one question flabebe will still be legit?
Quoted By:
>>19824401 My fc 3067-6621-2482
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 05:29:06 No. 19824438 Report >>19824401 Short answer- I don't know
Long answer- At a cursory glance it will probably be alright, but I hear that it changes some of the junk code which may or may not cause red flags to appear.
>can't nickname them Yes you can
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 05:30:03 No. 19824448 Report >>19824394 1) use x999 masterball code
2) throw away 696 masterballs making it 303 (number of Mawile in the national dex)
3) Activate shiny wondercard modifier
4) pick up pokemon in the pokemon center
5) Rename using name rater
6) Trade with me ;P
how is that a long and difficult process? I just did all the math for you on google. that takes little time to do at all.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 05:30:36 No. 19824453 Report >>19824442 it changes their OT code.
Quoted By:
>>19824453 Which should only be a problem for events/transferred up pokemon. I can't imagine anybody cares about whether the OT code is the one of whatever trainer they got the pokemon from or yours.
Alex 0190-0039-7358
Quoted By:
>>19824453 Actually, could I do my swirlix next batch? <: Ball doesn't matter
>>19824082 When you shinify my mawile will his nickname change?
Also if its not too much trouble, could you please put it in a premeir ball? If its any extra work you dont have to.
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 05:44:28 No. 19824588 Report >>19824438 that longer answer is crap. I can confirm the GTS doesn't check trash bytes but checks for illegal stats like moves and locked shininess. I was able to get away with making a male shiny speed boost blaziken with incorrect trash bytes and i got it through, turned it female with powersaves and i could still trade it. shinifying pokemon also doesnt do crap. would i use it in competitions and tournaments? probably not if they check it in more detail than the GTS does. event pokemon? I'd avoid shinifying most of those although I made my legit speed boost blaziken from the early mystery gift distribution shiny and can still trade it so there are some leniencies. but most of the hack checks are crap and you can get around them easy.
Quoted By:
>>19824588 Now he'll really do it for ya!
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 05:47:46 No. 19824617 Report Quoted By:
>>19824587 >will his nickname change no
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 05:49:14 No. 19824626 Report >>19824448 >>19824588 1. That is just what I heard. If you look at that answer I never gave a firm yes or no
2. this wondercard system is ass, I got it done but it required 3 cart swaps and 15 minutes. Don't ask me to do it again.
>>19824082 Just a warning Zen mode Darmanitan & Pirouette forme Meloetta crash the entire game just getting this out there in case it bricks anybodies cart.
Castforms formes and Sunshine Cherrim do not crash the game Amie just fails to load and puts you back into the overworld
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 05:52:31 No. 19824667 Report Quoted By:
>>19824626 yeah I admit the wondercard modifier is a shit system for generating. I'd do the whole thing myself if I didn't fry my laptop by leaving it on my nightstand covering the fans in hot summer heat. I won't ask you for this again. Now what do you want for it?
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 05:54:48 No. 19824698 Report >>19824650 thanks for your advice but since Pokegen Black and White I was never an idiot that would try genning alt formes.
Thanks a lot for my Wooper! Zangoose was meant to be a tip
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 06:04:33 No. 19824760 Report >>19824751 all good dont worry bout it
Actias 5300 9493 0648 (Water)
Julia, are you able to make several ability capsules and trade them over? Also, I have a chinchou I would like shinified, please
>>19824760 Which ones, shinifyers?
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 06:06:16 No. 19824776 Report >>19824760 Sorry I asked too much from you.
Quoted By:
>>19824698 I figured some people wouldn't be stupid enough.
I knew they wouldn't work but tested it anyway to see if they happened to have animations for the very very slim chance that someone managed to get these forms outside of battle.
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Tue 01 Jul 2014 06:07:31 No. 19824783 Report Quoted By:
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 06:08:39 No. 19824793 Report Quoted By:
>>19824776 yours was one of the ones I had to delete I'll re-add you in a min.
>>19824765 not genning items tonight.
I'll add you in a minute for the shiny though.
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 06:10:17 No. 19824801 Report >>19824765 I have a bunch of ability capsules left over from powersaves. don't ask OP for them just find some pokemon to offer me ;P
Actias 5300 9493 0648 (Water)
>>19824801 I have some of these ready to go. I need ~4 of them, but possibly more. I'm making a box full of penta perfects to trade later
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 06:21:29 No. 19824867 Report well since everyone from earlier left appearently I guess I can take requests for items. so...item requests go.
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 06:22:40 No. 19824877 Report >>19824811 I'll take the Porygon holding Upgrade if you have it, Shuckle, Larvesta, and Chikorita. what pokemon do you want holding the ability capsules?
And thanks for the MegaWaifu Julia I won't ask you for something arduous again. Actually I will try finding a computer to use powersaves on myself so this doesn't happen period. That Inkay has Happy Hour I didn't know what to send and if you want anything instead just ask.
Actias 5300 9493 0648
Quoted By:
>>19824867 As many ability capsules as you are willing to trade. Preferably 5 or so. I can also supply leftovers of the above list or just whatever
Azraeel 1134-9319-9769 (Bermite/Snover/Piloswine)
Azraeel 1134-9319-9769 (Bermite/Snover/Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 06:22:45 No. 19824880 Report >>19824867 B-but I'm still here! ;_;
Alex 0190-0039-7358
>>19824867 I didn't leave! >: I'm still waiting!
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 06:25:41 No. 19824904 Report Quoted By:
>MegaWaifu >male lol guess I have a trap. even better
>>19824867 flabebe guy here, i didnt leave lol
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 06:29:20 No. 19824935 Report Quoted By:
>>19824892 not seeing you....ign is alex right?
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 06:29:29 No. 19824937 Report >MegaWaifu >male >not kalos born I am never asking Julia for wondercard modifier requests ever again.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 06:30:21 No. 19824948 Report >>19824934 you are also not online
>>19824867 You havnt returned my mawile yet tho
Actias 5300 9493 0648
>>19824877 I have a 5iv chikorita ready, some shuckles that are actually Calm, imperfect porygons with no upgrade (sorry), and I can breed an imperfect Larvesta (or perfect if I get lucky)
Would any of that work?
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 06:31:38 No. 19824961 Report >>19824937 I did exactly what you asked, the way you asked, if you don't want it send it back, I'll wonder flush it and you can do it your damn self
deliverymail 3067-6621-2482
>>19824948 i think my 3ds hate you im online and the pss show you as offline, try adding me again
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 06:32:32 No. 19824971 Report Quoted By:
>>19824958 I have a male one with Hidden Power OT Ted 13423 if you want it
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 06:33:03 No. 19824977 Report Quoted By:
>>19824958 just be patient trying to do it all as one batch man
Alex 0190-0039-7358
Quoted By:
>>19824961 I'm online whenever you're up for it!
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 06:34:53 No. 19824995 Report >>19824970 you still aren't online.
Quoted By:
>>19824995 oh well i think we cant, anyways thanks for trying
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 06:39:10 No. 19825030 Report Quoted By:
>>19824961 lol I'm sorry I asked too much from you I won't ask more from you.
I learned to take what I can get and use it anyway. I appreciate the giveaway trade thank you for sharing your powersaves functions. If there's anything I can do to help in this thread I will. Again I have powersaves myself but my laptop is dead so all I have are item powersaves duplication leftovers. I made a vow to share the stuff I got from powersaves with others so I can fill out those item requests.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 06:44:52 No. 19825079 Report >>19824880 do you want this bannette shiny'd as well.
Azraeel 1134-9319-9769 (Bermite/Snover/Piloswine)
Azraeel 1134-9319-9769 (Bermite/Snover/Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 06:46:24 No. 19825090 Report Quoted By:
>>19825079 No thanks, the Dusk Ball will do just fine.
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 06:47:30 No. 19825095 Report >>19824960 sure just need to ask me for pokemon to give holding the ability capsules. I have shiny genesects with perfect ivs, Kalos event mons, perfect IV shiny modest Gardevoirs based off of anime Diantha's Gardevoir, black and white event mon clones, and various genned/cloned mons. just ask
also add my friend code so I can trade
Actias 5300 9493 0648 (Water)
>>19825095 perfect timid compeyes shiny pokeball vivillon
or just whatever you have around
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 06:58:11 No. 19825154 Report >>19825112 I have a pokeball vivillon event wondercard clone from powersaves but it isn't shiny or Timid or CompoundEyes and I only managed to make one so I set that aside. I have multiple Phantom Force Darkrai. I'd generate another French pokeball vivillon if i could find a computer to use powersaves on.
Actias 5300 9493 0648 (Water)
Quoted By:
>>19825154 Okay, well, whatver, I'm going to hatch this batch off larvesta eggs and then add you and get on
Alex 0190-0039-7358
>>19824995 Thanks so much! You're doing a great thing.
c: Actias 5300 9493 0648 (Water)
>>19825079 Thank you for the shiny!
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 07:02:40 No. 19825175 Report I already duplicated a ton of items when my computer wasn't destroyed. Who wants megastones or Battle Maison items? I can offer so OP doesn't have to do item requests.
Azraeel 1134-9319-9769 (Bermite/Snover/Piloswine)
Azraeel 1134-9319-9769 (Bermite/Snover/Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 07:03:18 No. 19825178 Report >>19825079 Thanks a bunch!
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 07:09:46 No. 19825226 Report >>19825162 >>19825170 >>19825178 >>19825210 np
>>19825175 Eric sorry about getting angered at you earlier. thank you for helping out, gonna start duping items myself in just a minute.
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 07:11:10 No. 19825237 Report Quoted By:
>>19825226 you were right to get angry. I asked too much. Beggers can't be choosers m8
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 07:14:07 No. 19825253 Report >that Actias mii areyouaboyoragirl.jpg no really love the hair but this confuses my gender recognition a bit and I can tell who is a trap and who isn't
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 07:16:39 No. 19825264 Report Quoted By:
forgot to put the items on the mons Actias lol will do that
Actias 5300 9493 0648 (Water)
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 07:21:36 No. 19825297 Report >>19825270 wouldstilltapthat/10
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 07:24:28 No. 19825313 Report Quoted By:
That Giratina is EV reset by the way, Actias
>>19825226 Are you done shinying stuff then? Or would you be able to do any more?
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 07:25:44 No. 19825320 Report >>19825314 yes I'm able to do more whatcha need?
also 999x ability caps....
Actias 5300 9493 0648 (Water)
Ale 4055-4171-8473
>>19825320 Can you shine my feebas please? What do you request?
Plinkett (IGN - Nymeria): 0232-8027-7992
>>19825320 Would you be alright shinying up my Shroomish? Also I have penta-perfect Shroomish, Absol, and Pinsir left with egg moves if you're interested in breeding leftovers, also a leftovers.
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 07:28:49 No. 19825340 Report >>19825327 no problem miilookslikeatrap friend
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 07:30:40 No. 19825349 Report >>19825330 >>19825335 added both, I don't "need" anything but anything you wanna donate will be accepted.
Plinkett (IGN - Nymeria): 0232-8027-7992
>>19825349 Thank you.
Sorry for being offtopic, but how are you liking power saves? I'm kind of on the fence about it.
Actias 5300 9493 0648
>>19825340 I think you mean "2cute4irl"
Ale 4055-4171-8473
>>19825349 Accept the feebas and then I can give you a 5ivs elekid with some Elekid with the stone please, that wath I can give you...
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 07:36:06 No. 19825382 Report >>19825365 it's alright but fuck they need to change some things. like only being able to change a ball on one pokemon at a time.
Ale 4055-4171-8473
Quoted By:
>>19825371 woot did I just typed... It has some egg moves too
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 07:39:20 No. 19825406 Report >>19825365 your net just crash?
Plinkett (IGN - Nymeria): 0232-8027-7992
>>19825406 Yes, I'm sorry; hope I'm not holding you up.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 07:41:17 No. 19825422 Report Plinkett (IGN - Nymeria): 0232-8027-7992
Quoted By:
>>19825422 Also feel free to take that leftovers, its all yours. Thanks a bunch.
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 07:43:21 No. 19825429 Report Quoted By:
>>19825382 the wondercard modifier is shit too. I'd rather they have a wondercard modifier selector set in a folder with every pokemon it can generate. Also I want Datel/ Codejunkies to put Hoopa, Volcanion, Diancie, and AZ's Floette back in. other than that powersaves is ideal especially if you want something like Phantom Force Darkrai and dont live in/ dont have the money to visit Japan. or let's say you bred that pokemon pentaperfect shiny but it is the wrong gender and you change it using powersaves
>inb4 check ur privilege jokes Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 07:46:16 No. 19825442 Report Quoted By:
>>19825370 yeah your mii is cute it just took me extra time to register proper gender recognition :P
Ale 4055-4171-8473
Quoted By:
>>19825422 Thank you! Its gorgeous
>>19824183 Still haven't gotten that trade request. Mind opening a trade?
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 08:01:29 No. 19825510 Report >>19825507 mind telling me your IGN and FC?
Plinkett (IGN - Nymeria): 0232-8027-7992
Quoted By:
>>19825422 You're great, thank you.
>>19825510 Nate. You're already on my Friends list. Sorry for the confusion.
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 08:05:21 No. 19825523 Report >>19825370 >>19825327 by the way your friend safari is Flying, not Water. :P
>>19825515 Actually, now that I've thought about it, I think Shiny Greninja looks better in a Dusk Ball.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 08:07:13 No. 19825532 Report >>19825526 I could put it in a luxury ball.
Actias 5300 9493 0648
>>19825523 I was water in the /vp/ mono tournament. Chrome keeps sticking it on for all my posts
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 08:12:48 No. 19825550 Report >>19825533 Just caught a Harvest Tropius with one Great ball with one ball throw no damage no status effects no stat change moves used in your friend safari. Thanks
Quoted By:
>>19825532 Nah, I prefer the animation of the Dusk Ball when the pokemon comes out. Big puff of smoke like the Dream Ball (which sadly isn't legal).
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
Oh hey, Julia. still helping people out with your powersave?
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass]
Eric 4725 8461 8809 (Rock) [Shuckle, Magcargo, Nosepass] Tue 01 Jul 2014 08:15:45 No. 19825562 Report Quoted By:
ok so Actias has Flying Friend Safari with Pidgey, Hoothoot, and Tropius
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 08:17:33 No. 19825566 Report >>19825560 for a little bit, you need somthing?
Actias 5300 9493 0648
Quoted By:
>>19825550 If you catch a female harvest in a nest ball, I'll take it!
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
>>19825566 Need a ball change on a Japanese Eevee. I'm gonna turn it into a Sylveon, but I don't know which ball it should be in. A Heal Ball or a Dream Ball. Maybe Heal Ball because it's colors are spot on with Sylveon
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 08:26:43 No. 19825601 Report >>19825581 Alright this will be the last one of the night.
FC and ING?
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
>>19825601 I think i already have you under friends. You gave me a Genesect a few days ago.
Sheng 1907-8858-8216
Quoted By:
>>19825560 I'd be really cool if you could shinyfie my Feebas.
I have some 5IV breeding leftovers, including another Feebas, Chinchou and Snivy, if you need any of those.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 08:29:03 No. 19825612 Report >>19825604 I had to delete a bunch of cards the other
day.so unless you can send me a trade I'm gonna need your FC and IGN
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
H-Hi Julia. I feel bad for asking to you shinify pokemon to me again, but if you can do it I'll be very grateful. It's an Anorith, Ledyba and Spiritomb. No ball changes, but can you attach Ability Capsules on them? Thank you.
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
>>19825612 Sending now. im Kagura
Sheng 1907-8858-8216
Quoted By:
>>19825601 Oh damn too late but thank you anyways.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 08:32:06 No. 19825623 Report >>19825618 just a ball change or shiny as well?
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
>>19825623 If I can still breed with it, with no problem, then please shiny it. If not, then just the ball change. And I decided to be a Heal Ball.
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Thank you, really, THANK YOU! I-I promise not bother you again!
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 08:57:07 No. 19825705 Report >>19825685 you can bug me in future threads, just keep in mind who your friends are.
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
>>19825629 Sweet. And thanks for the ability capsule. How's powersaves treating your cart?
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Tue 01 Jul 2014 08:58:54 No. 19825712 Report >>19825706 this cart is fine, my second spare got rekt so I had to restart on that one...which is fine, I was gonna make one my "Rocket executive" team anyway.
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
Quoted By:
>>19825712 Then I guess I'll get a copy of Pokemon X once I get a powersaves of my own. Again, thanks for the ball change.
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>19825705 I'll never 4get what you did for me, friend. Until next time, then!
Randy 4055-4010-4564
Quoted By:
Is there any chance I can get my Tyrunt shinyfied and Dive Ball'd?
After what feels like forever with Shiny hunting, I really would love to have one of my 5IV Pumpkaboos be shinified. IGN is Inelegy and code is 3823 8966 5764.
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
>>19826946 I can help with that.
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
>>19826965 Would you mind shinyfying 3 of my pokemon? I can offer some breeding leftovers
Cris 2036 7032 3174 !!lZ0XI7obdsl
May I ask for my kung-fu weasel to be shinified and changed to a Luxury Ball? CAPTCHA: Was rededito
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
>>19826993 >>19827066 Sure, I can do that.
>>19824811 >>19824960 Can you trade me a piplup?
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>19827119 Awesome, adding you now.
Cris 2036 7032 3174 !!lZ0XI7obdsl
>>19827147 Yay! I'm adding you now.
Cris 2036 7032 3174 !!lZ0XI7obdsl
>>19827170 Pardon the double post but I kind of want 2 more Pokémon with the same treatment...
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
>>19827205 I would have to do this multiple times to switch the ball, I can shinify all in one trip though.
Cris 2036 7032 3174 !!lZ0XI7obdsl
>>19827212 Okay! Then just shinify them! ^^
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
Randy 4055-4010-4564
>>19827119 Could I possibly have my Tyrunt Shinified and put in a Dive Ball? I'd really appreciate it.
Cris 2036 7032 3174 !!lZ0XI7obdsl
>>19827224 Thanks again! Do you need the shinies back?
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
>>19827256 No, keep them.
>>19827246 Sure, next trip.
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>19827256 >>19827264 Was gonna ask you the same question. If so, I'll trade you back some MM leftovers if that's cool with you
I'd hate to sound like a annoyance, but is it possible if I can get a Pumpkaboo shinified? I can give ya a spare 5IV Timid Pumpkaboo with Destiny Bond or a Calm 5IV Porygon as compensation if ya want. Nicknameable as well.
Randy 4055-4010-4564
>>19827264 Are you "Kyra" on the PSS?
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
Randy 4055-4010-4564
Quoted By:
>>19827318 Alright, then it was just some Passerby.
Will be looking for you.
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
>>19827306 I can help you this trip. Your FC.
>>19827352 Can you ball-swap my Rufflet into a Great Ball? I already have you added. I would appreciate it.
Ah, yes... It's 3823 8966 5764
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
Quoted By:
>>19827361 I will have to do after the next trip.
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>19827352 Much appreciated, Ever. Thank you kindly.
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
Quoted By:
>>19827365 Pumpkaboo evolved!
Ay, I hope that wasn't going to cause any trouble or anything... right?
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
Quoted By:
>>19827485 No, I just didn't know if you wanted it evolved or not.
Randy 4055-4010-4564
Quoted By:
Shit, I tapped No on the save screen by accident, butterfingers.
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
>>19827361 Need it Shiny as well?
Randy 4055-4010-4564
Thanks for helping me out Ever, saves a whole lot of trouble breeding. Tacked on a Root Fossil for ya, free Shiny Lileep and all.
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
Quoted By:
>>19827526 Not a problem. Thanks
Quoted By:
Oh gosh she's beautiful. You made my day man... And thank you for the Capsule! This really did help since I've been in a shiny hunt funk lately. Seriously, if you ever need anything, I will try my best to help ya.
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
Hey can someone gen me this aggron?>Arnold (Aggron) >not shiny >Sturdy >impish nature >252 hp 252 def 4 attack >OT:Adrian >Pokeball >stealth rocks, thunder wave, dragon tail, heavy slam >game Black 2 >hatched from egg at route 3
Adrian (4785-5681-9523)
Quoted By:
>>19827622 If i could get an aggronite aswell i would greatly appriciate it, i am willing to trade
>>19827578 hi ever, could you possibly help me out with i wonder if i could obtain the following Mega stone from someone?
i would really love it, many thanks.
Adrian (4785-5681-9523)
Quoted By:
Not a reply, not even to reject me
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
>>19827845 It's non tradable.
>>19827864 oh dear.. heard someone was succesfull trading one over to another user.
alright then, many thanks for the answer.
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
>>19827884 Maybe it wasn't over the internet. I think local trades allow it.
alexzander 4184-2528-5680
Quoted By:
>>19827919 that is what i was talking about.. maybe we could try doing it over local? i guess it would be worth a try?
alexzander 4184-2528-5680
Quoted By:
>>19827919 ohh wait, nowi get it.. you meant infared transfer.. well.. i dunno.. haha would still be cool if you somehow could bypass it.
Adrian (4785-5681-9523)
Quoted By:
>>19827996 Not a gen thread, read next time.
Dakoda 5343-9188-5959
Quoted By:
Hey I was wondering if you could shinyfy my Charmander, I have a lot of leftovers I can offer in return
Quoted By:
>>19824082 Are there any powersavers here anymore?
Dakoda 5343-9188-5959
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Thread is kill