Welcome to the GTS Giveaway Thread! Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover Pokémon here!
Help out other trainers collecting the Pokémon they need. Help yourself, too!
>How do I participate? Post a list of Pokémon you're giving away and people will deposit a Luvdisc on the GTS asking for them.
Alternatively, put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon and if someone has it, they can fill your request.
Be sure to include your in-game name (IGN) if you're making a request and put your Luvdisc up BEFORE you post to make it easier for everyone.
>PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc. general for that stuff. If someone is kind enough to be giving them out, they will post about it; there are lots of kind people here - please be patient.
TOTT: Most frustrating breeding experience? Come join us at
http://webchat.irchighway.net/ and talk about giveaways, battling, whatever! Enter #/ggg/ as the channel. Everyone welcome!
Old Thread:
The one I'm doing nowCyndaquil
>>19829670 Same, except I'm doing Staryus and constantly get shitty spreads. Why can't Staryu breed with each other for fuck's sake Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 19:51:20 No. 19829756 Report Blake 0018-0951-1428 (Grass: Pansage, Sawsbuck, Quilladin)
Blake 0018-0951-1428 (Grass: Pansage, Sawsbuck, Quilladin) Tue 01 Jul 2014 19:54:25 No. 19829779 Report >>19829756 Disc up for a 6IV Teddiursa
>>19829756 Could I get a female shuppet with cursed body?
IGN: Winrix
Quoted By:
>>19829756 Disc up for Scyther
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>19829756 Want a pentaperfect male jungle bug?
If so disc up~ IGN: Richard
>>19829707 Disk is up for 6 IV Scyther! Mind nicknaming it Reaper?
Quoted By:
Breeding Treeckos get my perfect 5IV realize I messed up the egg moves when switching parents for breed Dragon Breath, but my story did have a happy ending because as a last resort I went to the hidden power checker and he had Dragon Type HP
IGN: Richard
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 20:01:02 No. 19829835 Report >>19829779 >>19829787 >>19829828 Will send in moments
As soon as my internet stops being a bitch
And sure I'll name it Reaper
>>19829827 Oh it didn't have to be anything special but sure I'll disc
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Quoted By:
>>19829835 It's fine I'm MMing 10 patterns so I don't keep imperfect ones~
Zaius [2466-2493-4938]
Quoted By:
>>19829756 Oooh can i have a scyther? I disc up, thanks
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>19829835 I forgot to mention its still a scatterbug, sorry about that but you'll have to redisc :^( Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 20:10:22 No. 19829895 Report >>19829884 Oh shit, should have thought about that, I'll redisc
I'm new to the whole pokemon online scene, what does everyone mean by 'disc'?
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>19829895 It's understandable seeing as though you were asking for a vivi in the first place but sent and enjoy~
>>19829756 Could I get a Tech Scyther?
Cosmic !cuntNzq/KE
Quoted By:
>>19829626 Repeat Ball HA Pansear Zaius [2466-2493-4938]
>>19829920 put a luvdisc on the gts asking for the pokemon you want
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 20:17:04 No. 19829948 Report >>19829922 Thanks a lot, my collection is now complete
>>19829931 So long as I have more… I don't think I have very many Technicians left, let me check
frost 3368 2141 4338
>>19829756 disc up for a prankster sableye.. I'd prefer a calm female if that's ok .
>>19829937 The op image suddenly makes a lot more sense now.
>>19829948 If not no problem
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 20:21:10 No. 19829987 Report >>19829965 You were Brent, right?
>>19829959 Oh goodie, I got one female, sent
>>19829962 Oh you
Brent 1177-7226-9867 [Pansage-Sawsbuck-Maractus]
Brent 1177-7226-9867 [Pansage-Sawsbuck-Maractus] Tue 01 Jul 2014 20:22:23 No. 19829993 Report >>19829987 Yeah my dumbass combined with my phone kept putting it in the email
frost 3368 2141 4338
>>19829987 thanks a lot!
Could I get a poison touch croagunk too? I'm discing up for it... female would be better.
Quoted By:
>>19829962 gtfo summerfag
:^) Blue 5455-9641-0096
>>19829756 disk up for a prankster sableye please. Thank you in advance!
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 20:25:57 No. 19830017 Report >>19829993 Sweet, just checking..
>>19830001 >>19830006 Sending
If you're still here, Sadie, I've disced up for that sick 6IV Beldum. Named Magnus if possible.
Quoted By:
I def want a well off iv'd Bulletproof chespin or a protean well off iv'd protean froakie
Austism 2664
>>19830017 Can I have a prankster Sableye, any would do. [disc is up]
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 20:37:20 No. 19830103 Report Ryan
>>19830103 What are the natures of the 6 IV glupins?
I'm MM for a Dream Ball Mudkip . Would anyone like it if I distributed a bunch of females at some point?
Erika: 1779-1703-1619 (Rock - Boldore, Barbaracle, Onix)
Erika: 1779-1703-1619 (Rock - Boldore, Barbaracle, Onix) Tue 01 Jul 2014 20:48:08 No. 19830203 Report Quoted By:
>>19829756 May I have a female prankster sableye as well please.
Disc is up.
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 20:48:26 No. 19830204 Report >>19830147 this is kinda awkward but I don't know where that Gulpin went Sorry Critical Kris-chan 0576-5779-5540
>>19830149 Males breed just the same with a ditto. Even the everstone works.
Quoted By:
>>19830235 males don't pass on pokeballs, though.
Quoted By:
>>19830235 Passing Down the pokeball doesn't work with males though
Sky IGN:Gerdrik 1091-8547-5323 Fighting (Mienfoo-Tyrogue-Breloom)
Sky IGN:Gerdrik 1091-8547-5323 Fighting (Mienfoo-Tyrogue-Breloom) Tue 01 Jul 2014 20:54:39 No. 19830252 Report Quoted By:
>>19830235 They won't have the deam ball then
>>19830149 Distribute the Mudkips.
>>19830149 DIsc up for a mudkip!!!!
Thanks MAN I've been looking for one for so long I almost gave my xernas away XD
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
>>19830204 disc up for female 5 iv bold gulpin, please. If there isn't a female then male.
Quoted By:
>>19830327 inb4 missing IV in awful stat
>>19830327 ah shit mane
scared to check the ivs? Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
>>19830341 Incredibly.
>>19830335 xx/31/31/31/31/
xx Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19830352 nickname that little son of a bitch
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad)
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad) Tue 01 Jul 2014 21:10:15 No. 19830391 Report >>19830327 Oh shit, congrats man!
how long was the hunt? Anonymous
>>19830352 >xx/31/31/31/31/xx >not breeding 6iv mudkip with 6iv ditto Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 21:11:03 No. 19830398 Report Going to empty out this box of random shit I have
Take as many as you want
Ask about egg moves, natures, spreads etc., I'll check for you
4x Poke Ball Charmanders, all Blaze, assorted egg moves
1x Poke Ball Ralts with Trace
1x Dive Ball Ralts with Synchronise
1x Poke Ball Aron with Rock Head
1x Ultra Ball Aron with Sturdy
1x Luxury Ball Honedge with No Guard
Shauna's Fennekin 1x Great Ball Gastly with Levitate
1x Poke Ball Bulbasaur (Japanese) with Overgrow
1x Quick Ball Spoink with Own Tempo
it's shone too 2x Poke Ball Espurr with Own Tempo
1x Sport Ball Scyther with Technician
1x Great Ball Gligar with Sand Veil
1x Poke Ball Mudkip with Torrent
1x Poke Ball Karrablast with No Guard
1x Premier Ball Hawlucha (Japanese) with Unburden
1x Poke Ball Froakie with
Torrent 1x Poke Ball Scatterbug with Shield Dust, pattern unknown
1x Poke Ball Chimchar with Iron Fist, nickname Chims
1x Poke Ball Vulpix with Flash Fire
>>19830332 I don't have any bold ones
>>19830299 I can't wait for part 4 to be animated. I want to see Josuke
's mom animated so badly.
Polite sage for off-topic. Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
>>19830391 I think like 8 boxes
>>19830396 >implying I wasn't trying to hatch a 6 IV mudkip Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19830399 Fuck, I forgot to sage. I'll go commit sudoku now. IGN Lex
>>19830401 did you have shiny charm?
>>19830398 >1x Luxury Ball Honedge with No Guard Gender and spread please?
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
Quoted By:
>>19830421 Not yet, but eventually
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 21:16:32 No. 19830446 Report >>19830408 Disc up
>>19830426 Female, 31/xx/31/31/xx/31
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
Quoted By:
>>19830352 #258 Mudkip [Adamant]
IVs: 11 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 16
>>19830446 i'd love to take it off your hands
>>19830446 Just did, babe.
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 21:20:50 No. 19830486 Report >>19830460 Alrighty, disc up
>>19830467 I don't see it
>>19830486 It got sniped...
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 21:23:34 No. 19830509 Report >>19830499 So it seems.. redisc?
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 21:28:26 No. 19830543 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
Does anyone here have a female tangela in a friendball? nature, evs, ivs, egg moves I can fix myself but I really want one in a friendball. Discing up
>>19829626 Treeckos, some anons in the thread wanted them. I started with a 2 iv HA male and built up the line from there. Boxes later I have two good lines. Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Tue 01 Jul 2014 21:36:50 No. 19830620 Report >>19830398 Can I get a summary on the Mudkip and Chimchar? I'd be totally hype for either of those. I have couple 5IV togepi's if you're interested, instead of a luvdisc.
On another note, can I add you because that toxicroak is totally calling for me.
anyone has an spare nidoran with its hidden ability?
>got Shiny Charm some days ago >breeding nonstop, not a single shiny >starts to breed Yanmas casually >shiny Yanma in the bus coming back from the university >wow, I'm pretty lucky, finally the charm has paid out >come back to home >starts breeding once again >another shiny Yanma I didn't even.................. Also, hold on. I'll make a list with things to give away. I've been alone from these threads. Unfortunately I got only a few female Yanmas. I got plenty of males while hatching, which I released/WT'd.
>>19830629 Congrats on your shinies!
>Macho brace WHY?
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Tue 01 Jul 2014 21:39:02 No. 19830642 Report >>19830619 If you're giving away treekos, mind if I snatch one?
>>19830629 Oh man, nice! I got my first shiny a couple days ago when I snatched a pupitar on the GTS.
>>19830628 Male or female? I got some leftovers in Dream Ball, 4 EMs.
>>19830642 was replying to the TOTT.
>>19830649 female if posible, thanks a lot
>>19830629 >darkholme kek
>>19830649 c-can I have a female in a dream ball pls?
>>19830641 Thanks! Search for Van Darkholme or gachimuchi on Youtube.
You are missing the best japanese meme out there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMxH26zBMzE >>19830660 Sure. Put a disc up.
>>19830664 Sure. Disc it up.
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 21:42:19 No. 19830674 Report >>19830620 I've got my Togekiss tho
Paraflinching all day Thanks anyway
Mudkip is Naughty, has Mud Bomb as an egg move and has a kinda shitty spread
Chims is Gentle, has elemental punches and has 31 in attack and not much else
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Tue 01 Jul 2014 21:42:24 No. 19830675 Report Quoted By:
>>19830658 Oh mk. That's what I thought but if that wasn't the case, I had to jump on the opportunity.
IGN: Richard
>>19830649 Male please. Disk is up! Mind if you nickname it Dio?
>>19830398 What's the IV/Nature of the Arons?
>>19830672 Sure, disc is up
>>19830629 shiny charm dosen't afect the mm just the wild encounters, just saying
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Tue 01 Jul 2014 21:44:24 No. 19830685 Report >>19830674 Togekiss ftw. I've almost got mine at 100, but she has kind of a lame spread. Nasty Plot, Extrasensory, Dazzling Gleam, and Psycho Shift. Not sure what to replace with what :/ Sorry I don't have much else to give you.
If you're still willing to toss them out, I'll take whichever one you're more willing to give away. Mudkip or Chimchar, doesn't matter to me!
Merryn; 0361 - 7865 - 8042(
>>19830642 If you'll give me a few minutes to run them through the IV checker, I'll be doing a Treecko blowout soon.
Quoted By:
>>19830682 this is factually wrong
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Tue 01 Jul 2014 21:45:29 No. 19830697 Report >>19830688 Oh really!? That'd be fabulous. <3
Quoted By:
>>19830681 Sent.
>>19830677 Unfortunately I can't. They were bred in my earlier game. :( Sent!
>>19830682 It does. Every shiny chance is doubled.
>>19830664 Sent.
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 21:49:20 No. 19830726 Report >>19830678 Rock Head Aron is
Modest and 22/22/22/19/19/23
Sturdy Aron is Quirky and 26/25/25/19/19/25
>>19830685 I run mine with T-wave, Air Slash, Focus Blast and Roost, with Serene Grace and a King's Rock
It's hilarious
You can have both if you'd like
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Tue 01 Jul 2014 21:51:04 No. 19830739 Report >>19830726 Jesus christ that sounds like one cheese-ass togekiss. I love it. If I ever decide to breed another 6iv togekiss, I'm definitely stealing that moveset. Are you sure? I don't want to get greedy, but I won't object if you dont mind
Quoted By:
>>19830664 >this message Ask for my Video ingame. It's open to ask.
>>19830726 just an fyi, as of b/w, king's rock doesn't work with moves that cause flinch as their added effect.
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 21:53:37 No. 19830760 Report >>19830739 Totally. Take as much as you want
>>19830754 It's for Focus Blast.
For added frustration
>>19830760 fair enough, respectable.
[or totally evil - do you have sableye, swagger klefki, and gliscor on that team for maximum rage quit? maybe a jirachi, too]
Quoted By:
>>19830682 >am stupid and uninformed let me continue posting though Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 21:54:57 No. 19830776 Report Quoted By:
>>19830760 I totally meant Aura Sphere.
I'm being dumb today
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Tue 01 Jul 2014 21:56:08 No. 19830795 Report >>19830760 Aye, I appreciate it! I'm discing up for the Mudkip right now. I'll put "4 Sadie" in the message because why not.
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 21:56:40 No. 19830800 Report >>19830770 I have a Prankster Sableye already done
and eventually I'll train up a Klefki and a Gliscor
ew legendaries Nancho !P61YFsEmnw
Quoted By:
Looking for a female Premier Ball Ralts with Telepathy or a Ralts Friend Safari .
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Tue 01 Jul 2014 22:00:55 No. 19830834 Report Quoted By:
>>19830800 Thank you! Disced up for the chimchar.
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 22:01:39 No. 19830840 Report >>19830795 Oh yeah, forgot to add you for my safari.
One sec
>>19829626 Female Hexaperfect anything with a 12% gender ratio. Everything I have bred in the last month. Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 22:04:27 No. 19830880 Report Quoted By:
>>19830844 That feel.
Recently Bred Chimchars for the HA.
Merryn; 0361 - 7865 - 8042(
Alright, round 2 Treecko boogaloo.
Treeckos, timid with Unburden. In normal pokeballs. Come with the egg moves Synthesis/Leech Seed/Grass Whistle/Dragon Breath.
Mixed 4/5IVs. I'll start off with the 5IVs, then dip into the 4IVs if I run out. They're all legit, happy to nickname them if you so wish.
Normal deal, reply here then disc up. Please take these goddamn lizards.
>>19830697 Dylan
>>19830882 I'd like one, disc'ing up!
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Tue 01 Jul 2014 22:07:12 No. 19830919 Report >>19830840 Love ya, anon.
>>19830882 Love you too! I'll throw another disc up once Sadie takes my other one down. I'll let you know
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad)
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad) Tue 01 Jul 2014 22:08:02 No. 19830929 Report Quoted By:
>>19830882 I'll take a 5IV off of your hands!
Quoted By:
>>19830882 Disc is up. Thanks.
Valentin 3926-5907-7222
Quoted By:
>>19830882 Do want. Discing up in a moment.
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Tue 01 Jul 2014 22:09:15 No. 19830945 Report Quoted By:
>>19830919 Eating my words. Got the Chim as soon as I hit send!
>>19830882 Discing up right now. It'll say, "4 Merryn"
Zaius [2466-2493-4938]
Quoted By:
>>19830882 Wow, discing up! Thank you
Quoted By:
>>19830882 Putting up a disc.
Quoted By:
>>19830882 Discing up. Comment is 'vp'. Thanks a bunch!
Quoted By:
>>19830882 Disc up for best hoenn starter
Valentin 3926-5907-7222
ign Zeinox
Quoted By:
anyone have a decent mudkip?
Quoted By:
>>19830882 Got mine. Thanks a lot!
>>19831019 I would love that Mareep. Disc is up.
>>19831019 >dat mukrow holy balls, been looking or one forever.
may i disc up for one?
Merryn; 0361 - 7865 - 8042(
>>19830914 Didn't have any female 5IVs, I'm afraid, so I sent you 4IV.
That should be everyone. Still got about six more 5IVs left, then I'll start dipping into 4IVs if anyone wants them. Cheers for being patient!
I don't suppose there's any way to turn off the long trading animation for the GTS? Like, it's cool, but I don't really need to see my mons fly away from me at top speeds for every trade. Anonymous
>>19831067 Nope, you have to suffer through it.
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Tue 01 Jul 2014 22:21:30 No. 19831075 Report >>19830882 LUV YOU
>>19831019 I'd adore a Gligar and a Misdreavus. Disc is up for the Misdreavus
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 22:23:17 No. 19831083 Report >>19831019 Could I take that female Eevee with curse? Discing
Quoted By:
Looking for a Friend Ball Misdreavus.
Are the gen 2 starters illegal in Apricorn Balls? A friend said you could get them in apricorn balls in a N64 or Game Cube game. I have no idea...
>>19831064 Sure. Male or female?
Fedora not included. >>19831055 Male or female? I'll send it in a sec.
>>19831075 Male or female?
Sax | 0361 78125846
>>19831019 disc on kabuto up
Merryn; 0361 - 7865 - 8042(
Bowser 3308-4558-9841 Water [Octillery, Quaqsire, Azumarill]
Bowser 3308-4558-9841 Water [Octillery, Quaqsire, Azumarill] Tue 01 Jul 2014 22:23:49 No. 19831094 Report >>19830882 Hey, just got back on, can I get one if you still have one? Disc is up.
I just noticed you missed me from earlier ;_; Also, to anyone reading this I've still got my Moonball Houndours with Egg Moves and Flash Fire, 5 IVs, and my 31/x/31/31/31/31 Modest Deinos, and 5IV Pichus if you're interested. I'll take a look now to make sure there's nothing that I missed earlier.
Quoted By:
>>19831019 Discing for a Murkrow, female if possible
Thanks in adv
Zaius [2466-2493-4938]
>>19831019 Disc up, can i have a gligar? Thank you very much
IGN: Richard
Disk is up for that Murkrow! Could you please nickname it Jotaro?
Valentin 3926-5907-7222
>>19829626 Pic related. This thing hatched at about 5 eggs in while I didn't have a 5IV yet. Had only 3 perfect IVs, a near-perfect speed stat but a dismal defense stat. Anonymous
>>19831087 I'm the guy who wanted Mareep, and gender doesn't matter.
IGN: Richard
>>19831100 Sorry, mean to quote
>>19831019 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19831087 female'd be great. i'll put a disc up in a second.
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Tue 01 Jul 2014 22:29:55 No. 19831163 Report >>19830629 C-can I have Darkholme?
>>19831107 Sent.
>>19831109 I can, but lemme send the other mons first. Renaming take a little time.
>>19831083 >>19831098 Sent!
>>19831088 Male or female?
>>19831175 Got Mareep. Thank you!
Merryn; 0361 - 7865 - 8042(
>>19831094 Sorry for missing you earlier dude! Sent!
Sax | 0361 78125846
Zaius [2466-2493-4938]
>>19831175 Thanks, you're great
Anybody have a careful sableye with taunt? Too lazy to catch discs right now, but I do have a mess of 4-5IV absols in premier balls with 4 EMs.
>>19831019 Disc up for female HA kabuto
>>19831163 Nope. It took weeks to get it with almost 6 perfect IVs. If someday I clone it, I may make a giveaway. He'll be forever at level 69 for the lulz.
>>19831178 >>19831193 No problem.
>>19831186 Ok! Sent.
>>19831211 >Only males I forgot it myself lel
Quoted By:
>>19831199 >taunt Meant to type recover. No idea why I typed taunt.
ign Zeinox
Quoted By:
can i get a female eevee?
>>19831019 Could I get another one of your mons?
The mareep with love ball seems really cool, especially if it was a female
>>19831242 Put the disc up!
>>19831109 Jotaro is sent.
>>19831075 Tokei, pls respond. Do you want a male or female Misdreavus?
Jesse 2552-1611-1988
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Tue 01 Jul 2014 22:44:15 No. 19831304 Report >>19831289 Apologies. Female please, I must have skipped over your message.
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Tue 01 Jul 2014 22:45:16 No. 19831313 Report >>19831304 ACTUALLY I LIED! I'd prefer a male @____@
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 22:45:22 No. 19831315 Report >>19831175 Thanks a bunch
>>19831199 I have one more Calm Sableye with Recover.
Or were you looking for Careful specifically?
>>19831270 Disc is up, thanks once again
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
I have quite a few Mawiles to give away. Pentaperfect of xx in Speed. -4 EMs -Adamant nature -Love BallI was trying to get some of the mons I'm looking for with them, but wfg sucks and I have a few boxes full with them.
>>19831315 Careful specifically. I'm looking for it so that I can run foul play.
>>19831313 Fuck. I think I sent a female. lel
>>19831315 No prob!
>>19831320 Sending.
>>19831337 I demand a waifu. I'll disc up, thanks!
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Tue 01 Jul 2014 22:48:44 No. 19831352 Report >>19831289 Thanks for the 'dreavus!
Disc is up for the Gligar
>>19831339 foul play is entirely based on the attack of the opponent; yours doesn't matter at all.
ign Zeinox
>>19831019 can i get tgat eevee, female if you have it
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Tue 01 Jul 2014 22:49:47 No. 19831365 Report Quoted By:
>>19831348 Don't worry, it was totally my fault. I wasn't thinking and I thought my other dreavus was a male but she wasn't. Thanks though!
>>19831019 I hate to nitpick, but are any of those Chanseys pentaperfect?
Merryn; 0361 - 7865 - 8042(
Quoted By:
>>19831337 Discing up. I'd like a female if possible!
ign Zeinox
Quoted By:
>>19831368 jus fyi neither attack matters on chansey just go with siesmic toss
>>19831353 Oh, well in that case, would you mind naming it Grendell? I'll put the absol up now, thank you!
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Tue 01 Jul 2014 22:52:35 No. 19831391 Report Quoted By:
>>19831387 Alright, gimme a second.
i have some pokes left over from my giveaways last night i have: 1x Jolly Intimidate Growlithe w/ Close Combat 2x female Frillish w/ Pain Split/Recover 4x Sassy Unaware Wooper w/ Recover 4x Aroma Veil Spritzee w/ Wish 5x Impish Overcoat Vullaby w/ Knock Off/Foul Play
Quoted By:
>>19831352 No problem!
>>19831354 Someone else already took it away. I only had one.
>>19831368 Unfortunately no. I got one missing HP and Attack (quadraperfect).
>>19831337 Please kind sir, I need one of those
discing up
Quoted By:
>>19831337 Disc up for Mawile
>>19831019 disc up for female HA murkrow
Bowser 3308-4558-9841 Water [Octillery, Quaqsire, Azumarill]
Bowser 3308-4558-9841 Water [Octillery, Quaqsire, Azumarill] Tue 01 Jul 2014 22:56:41 No. 19831432 Report >>19831182 Thank you! That'll be a big help for breeding for M-Sceptile.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19831399 Don't call me sir pls
I forgot to mention they're all nicknameable, but oh well. And sent to all.
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Tue 01 Jul 2014 22:57:13 No. 19831440 Report >>19831218 I had meant a clone, haha. That would be so wonderful! Darkholme is my favorite locker man, next to Billy himself.
Seth 3609-1111-9096
>>19831337 Can I have a female?
Quoted By:
>>19831337 I'd like one please. Disc is up
Merryn; 0361 - 7865 - 8042(
Quoted By:
>>19831432 No worries!
>>19831433 Cheers for the chompy waifu!
Bowser 3308-4558-9841 Water [Octillery, Quaqsire, Azumarill]
Bowser 3308-4558-9841 Water [Octillery, Quaqsire, Azumarill] Tue 01 Jul 2014 23:01:01 No. 19831486 Report Quoted By:
>>19831396 Any chance I can grab that Growlithe? Disc is up.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19831433 C-Can you rename it later, after the giveaway? I'll think about a cute name for her.
>>19831440 The problem is I don't have access to 2 3DS or a friend that does. I'll be mad forever if someone from the clone thread took away my DUNGEON MASTER.
Billy is God. I'm gonna make a Brochamp named Billy the Champ or Aniki. >>19831430 Sent!
Quoted By:
>>19831396 disc up for a vullaby, thanks
>>19831337 i though a penta mawile are 31 but Satk
>>19831433 fml, I need to see the names before replying.
Thank you Lucy
Seth 3609-1111-9096
Quoted By:
>>19831396 Can I have a Vullaby? Disc is up
Quoted By:
>>19831499 They are. XX in Speed is not pentaperfect.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19831489 Sure.
>>19831509 I'm a guy, but I'm not old, there's no reason for you to call me sir. This is 4chan after all. >>19831499 What's the matter?
Seth 3609-1111-9096
Quoted By:
>>19831548 Thank you based anon!
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Tue 01 Jul 2014 23:09:44 No. 19831566 Report >>19831489 I would be glad to help, but I also don't know the first thing about cloning, unfortunately ;_;
Make sure to include the boss of this gym as well. Anonymous
Does anyone have a Tyanmo? Disc up. IGN:Gio
IGN: Richard
>>19831548 I got it, thank you!
I'll breed one myself with maxed speed tho, there's no need to rename! Thanks anyway.
I'll probably name it Himiko. >>19831566 You need to interrupt a trade halfway in a correct timing. You could do it via wifi, but for some reason it's much harder right now. I think the servers are unstable and the ping is affecting the right timing adjusting. I dunno. People tend to do it via wireless, so there's no ping involved.
tfw Billy isn't the boss of this gym ;_; Ryan
>>19831489 I am somewhat competent at cloning. If you need help cloning the boy next door I have 2 3ds
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19831590 What's your IGN? Send me a TR.
Quoted By:
Anyone have a Chespin?
Random spares going to good homes, only one of each: 4IV Moon Ball Male Hoothoot (Defog/Mirror Move/Supersonic/Whirlwind) Pentaperfect Male Jolly Magikarp 5IV Modest Female Drifloon (Clear Smog/Destiny Bond/Disable/Hypnosis) 4IV Quiet Fast Ball Female Snorunt Male HA Shieldon
>>19831602 Don't worry. I'll need to breed one again, so I can rename it myself!
>>19831593 That would be nice. How much time do you usually take to make a successful clone? I gotta go in some minutes I think.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19831616 Nigga I've already named a pentaperfect one for you so you better take this shit.
>>19831609 Drifloon pls! will be discing in a sec
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Tue 01 Jul 2014 23:18:06 No. 19831623 Report >>19831590 That sounds very complicated. Best of luck in finding some help cloning it! Perhaps try the iirc?
He isn't, but that's why we need an entire team of locker men. Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs Tue 01 Jul 2014 23:18:19 No. 19831624 Report >>19831616 It should be quick how many do you want?
>>19831621 O-oh. O-okay. I'll trade you.
>>19831623 >>19831624 Four clones. 2 for me, 1 (or more) for you, 1 for Don, pls
>>19831621 Also, the ingame name is Irisviel as well!
Woody 2122-6617-9129
I almost released this guy while I was breeding for females and pentperfs. I wasn't looking at my game when it hatched, and when the IV's weren't right, I decided to release it. I was 2 buttons away from releasing when my brain started working and saw it was different colored. Anyways I'll be giving away the leftover females and the pent-perfect males that I got so far. I got 11 Females with 3-6 IV's and 8 pent-perfect males. Each of them are Timid and come in luxury balls. EM's are in pic related.Also does anyone have a moon ball Ralts or a dive ball Omanyte they can spare?
Quoted By:
Looking for Friend Ball Misdreavus
Quoted By:
>>19830149 putting a disc up soon 136
could i have female
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs Tue 01 Jul 2014 23:21:41 No. 19831653 Report >>19831631 ok sent me a trade. How long will you be on?
also, any item you want duped? bp, leftys etc
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19831647 I have a moon ball ralts, disc up.
>>19831642 You're offline to me.
>>19831577 This will probably be my first and probably last request. How long would I have to wait for one?
>>19831653 I can wait for you. If it takes long, I'll just wait until you got 2 clones, so you and my locker room friend can enjoy the manliness. Ability Capsule would be nice. I think I got one, if you don't.
Woody 2122-6617-9129
>>19831661 Disc is up. Thanks!
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs Tue 01 Jul 2014 23:25:02 No. 19831691 Report Quoted By:
>>19831671 nah I have some ability capsules, send a trade when ready
Quoted By:
>>19831661 Weird, you are offline to me too. I'll try to reconnect, hold on.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>19831684 Specify level 1 and female, I think it was sniped.
Valentin 3926-5907-7222
>>19831647 >Cyndaquil >Luxury ball how
>>19831665 After you pull the trigger, God will give you one.
Woody 2122-6617-9129
>>19831713 Transfer Luxury ball from R/S/E to Colliseum and snag the Quilave.
I thought it was hacked too before an anon showed me a video
Valentin 3926-5907-7222
>>19831665 Ho-hold on, I think I have a spare tynamo
captcha: would oftbled Anonymous
Too lazy to check all of their stats so ask me about the one you're interested in and I'll tell you Druddigon Haunter Ducklett Goomy Watchdog Klefki Amoongus Venipede Tentacool Binacle Delphox Noctowl Sneasel Ursaring Croagunk Espeon Lickitung Spritzee Flabebe Ralts Cubone Also looking for my old Emerald friend Torchic
>>19831647 Are they up yet?
Woody 2122-6617-9129
>>19831743 Disc up and I'll send you one.
>>19831737 >>19831747 Whoever it is, I love you
Quoted By:
>>19831647 Disc up for a penta male, thanks a lot
>>19831647 Disc up for Female Cyndaquil
>>19831752 That was quick! Thanks
>>19831731 Do you know if Gen 2 Starters with Apricorn Balls are legit as well?
Valentin 3926-5907-7222
Quoted By:
>>19831758 Don't forget to put up a disc
>>19831665 Well damn, sounds like a lot of work. Don't think I can keep up with all that tedium.
Woody 2122-6617-9129
Quoted By:
>>19831786 I don't know about that
>>19831778 No problem mate
>>19831764 Sent
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Giving away: Quick Feet Zigzagoon, Luxury Ball, egg moves (Charm, Pursuit, Helping Hand, Simple Beam) - Eighteen 5IV Jolly Female (various) Swift Swim Horsea, Modest, Net Ball, egg moves (Octazooka, Signal Beam, Muddy Water, Disable) - One 4IV imperfect Female (-HP, -SpDef) Torrent Mudkip, Poké Ball - One 5IV imperfect Adamant Male (-SpDef), egg moves (Yawn, Curse, Mirror Coat, Refresh - One 5IV Quirky Male (-SpAtk) egg moves (Yawn, Curse) - One 5IV Quirky Male (-Speed) egg moves (Yawn, Curse) Moody Smeargle, Timid, Repeat Ball - Two 4-5IV Timid Male (-Atk or -SpAtk, - One 4IV Timid Female (-Atk and -SpAtk) Soundproof Mr. Mime, Timid, Love Ball, egg moves (Fake Out, Nasty Plot, Teeter Dance) - One 4IV Female (-Atk, -SpDef) Magnet Pull Magnemite, Modest, Poké Ball - Three 5IV imperfect (-SpDef) Natural Cure Corsola, Adamant, Heal Ball - Two 4IV Female (various) Unown: A B D F H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X ?
>>19831786 nup, apricorn balls are johto only, can't catch the starters in hg/ss + the balls can't be transferred to the gamecube games because the ds games aren't compatible.
Valentin 3926-5907-7222
>>19831758 Don't forget to put up a disc
>>19831731 Well damn, sounds like a lot of work. Don't think I can keep up with all that tedium.
IGN: Gio
>>19831801 May I have Unown?
>>19831741 Discing up for delphox.
Quoted By:
>>19831804 The pain. Thanks for the answer.
That Totodile will be stuck forever in this creepy box. Woody 2122-6617-9129
>>19831815 Which one do you want? Female or pent-perf male?
>>19831812 I luckily got mine from the WT event a while back.
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>19831816 Sure, which letter?
IGN: Gio
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19831647 any female left?
for now i just have this to give
5 x male Snorlax Careful thick fat/immunity Heavy Ball 4/5 IV (whirlwind, counter, curse, double-edge)
>>19831826 Is it good? I'm kinda new to this whole pokemon stat thing sorry
Woody 2122-6617-9129
>>19831856 It's fine. Just put a disc up.
>>19831854 Sent
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad)
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad) Tue 01 Jul 2014 23:41:00 No. 19831876 Report Quoted By:
>>19831801 I'll take the first mudkip! Discing up now
>>19831863 I'd need to see the IVs/EVs. Don't worry about the stats, though, I'm just trying to make a live dex
and don't want to level Shauna's Fennekin.
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
Quoted By:
>>19831865 great, disc is up. thanks in advance! cyndaquil is my fav starter
IGN: Gio
Anyone got a spare Ditto?
>>19831865 Thanks
Quoted By:
>>19831884 K I'm putting disc up now
>>19831863 Teaches starter Cut.
>... Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>19831886 Sure, Hyphen, disc up for Unown.
Quoted By:
>>19831929 Yeah -_-
I did that after I finished the game because I felt like fuck it
Valentin 3926-5907-7222
>>19831863 Characteristics?
>>19831647 Disc up for a male one, thanks
Zaius [2466-2493-4938]
>>19831647 Any females left? I'll put the Luvdisc with hope, thanks
IGN: Gio
Quoted By:
>>19831900 Just put up a disc for it
Woody 2122-6617-9129
Quoted By:
>>19831969 Sent
>>19831985 Got 8 left. Also sent
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Tue 01 Jul 2014 23:52:55 No. 19832032 Report >>19831631 Let me just say in advanced that you are the greatest dungeon lord.
Quoted By:
>>19829756 Are you still here? I'll take a FHA Chimchar.
Quoted By:
Discing up for a female Cyndaquil! <3
>>19831941 I think someone took it before I could get there ;_; thanks anyway
>>19832080 Did you put up the Delphox yet? Still nothing on this end.
>>19832096 Try now. I was busy looking for my Unown ;_;
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs Wed 02 Jul 2014 00:06:35 No. 19832176 Report >>19832137 done, want all 3 of them or should I give it straight to don
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Wed 02 Jul 2014 00:07:28 No. 19832186 Report >>19832137 No, I haven't. Should I disc up?
>>19832126 My disc has been up this whole time. Did you try finding mind to send?
I think someone else got it... Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Wed 02 Jul 2014 00:09:01 No. 19832211 Report >>19832137 >>19832176 Give me five minutes to finish Le Wow'ing and I will be ready ;_;
>>19831801 could i get a female Mr. mime disc going up
msg/ Zoelle
So just one
miss. Mime Irisviel
Quoted By:
>>19832176 Send him!
>pokeball pattern vivillon >>19832186 Talk to Ryan
>>19832176 , he's the boss of this gym.
>>19832190 Well shit. I deposited my Delphox and someone got it. I thought you were going to look for my Delphox so I just left it there
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>19832126 Sorry that you got sniped Hyphen, let me know if you put up another disc.
>>19832215 Sent, Kealan! That was my last Mrs. Mime.
>>19832242 Think I could get your Spritzee instead, then?
Valentin 3926-5907-7222
>>19832242 This is why you don't deposit your mons and wait for others to put up their disc instead
Quoted By:
>>19832282 Yeah thanks for the tip
>>19832247 Yeah thanks. I'll put up my disc
>>19832278 Yeah. This time though you put up your disc
>>19831019 Do you have any Female Murkrow left?
Also does anyone have any Quiet Mineral Group pokemon?
>>19829626 I got a HP fire bulba with the HA on egg #476, then a female on #477, with 9 failures before all with the wrong ability. Irisviel
>>19832176 >>19832211 Btw, I can rename them if you guys want.
Here's the spread:
Yveltal - #717 (Mild)
HP: 31
Att: 31
Def: 31
SpA: 31
SpD: 27
Speed: 27
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs Wed 02 Jul 2014 00:19:47 No. 19832358 Report >>19832346 nah I think darkholme is just fine. Nice spread and thanks
>>19832354 >not knowing about mixed yveltal are you retarded
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a Slowking? Or is willing to trade and trade back so I can get one? GTS is being unreasonable, and I only have one 3DS
Quoted By:
>>19832346 Also, his hidden power is
Dark. How suitable. >>19832333 I do, disc up!
>>19832354 >not abusing Sucker Punch with Dark Aura + Stab Absolutely pleb.
>>19832358 Ok then! Have fun.
>>19832381 >>19832384 Hasty is superior in every way to mild
>>19832343 So what exactly which ones are you giving away? I'll take a female if it's available.
Lanton 4227-2097-2730
>>19832346 Do you have any more yveltels? I'm not either of those guys but may I put a disc up? Or are you trading?
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a Friend Ball Misdreavus?
Quoted By:
>>19832402 Imperfection goes in the trash
Quoted By:
>>19832401 and yet mild is considered the best option on it.
>>19832401 His Sp Def is better than his Attack Def. And mostly of fairy-moves users in Ubers are Sp Attackers (spamming Moonblast or Dazzling Gleam).
>>19832416 I'm not doing an Yveltal giveaway. Ryan cloned it for the lords of the locker room. Sorry.
>>19832346 Are you giving more out?
Lanton 4227-2097-2730
Quoted By:
>>19832437 Ahh got ya. It's cool man
Quoted By:
>>19832437 >>19832450 Oh sorry just saw this never mind
>>19832437 He's saying it should be +speed not +SpA
>reading comprehension Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Wed 02 Jul 2014 00:28:50 No. 19832502 Report >>19832346 You are the greatest. I will never level him past 69.
Quoted By:
>>19832483 doesn't matter, mild is still considered better.
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>19832327 Hyphen, are you gonna disc up?
Quoted By:
>>19832483 Oh yeah. It could be. But I preffer running the balk set, healing 75% damage done with Oblivion Wing ain't skippable.
>>19832502 Me neither. You can use it in lv 50 link battles too. It's EV spread is 252 HP 252 SpAtk 4 Atk. You can reset/train it in Super Training without leveling up too~
>>19832531 Right sorry. I'm on another thread AND playing Y as well. I'm so confused. You're the one with the Unown right?
>>19832327 You need to search for luvdisc with our names, Hyphen. Putting them up for luvdiscs is probably what's causing so many to get ninja'd.
Mr. FIfty
Giving away some leftovers. 1,1 - Froakie (F) - Timid - Protean - 1,2 - Froakie (F) - Timid - Protean - 1,4 - Froakie (M) - Timid - Protean - Dive Ball | Toxic Spikes, Bestow, Camouflage, Water Sport
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Quoted By:
>>19832572 K I'm putting it up now
IGN: Gio
Quoted By:
>>19832560 I'll take a female. Disc up
TheMrKumar 4957-2214-7532
>>19830398 Any moves on the Charmander & Vulpix?
>>19832557 I think I got it right for once
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>19832635 I just sent someone a Unown. Hope it was you!
Looking for an impish duskull if anyone has leftovers Got a luvdisc
Does anyone have a quadra perfect 31/xx/31/xx/31/31 Chansey? It's not penta so I can ask for it, r-right?
Kennidy 0404-6403-9635
>>19832704 Really, is this bait? Can you name her Lucky if possible?
IGN: Gio
Anyone have any spare Chespin?
Kennidy 0404-6403-9635
>>19832753 Sure thing. I just have a bunch of Chansey left over. It's ready when you are.
Kennidy 0404-6403-9635
Quoted By:
>>19832845 Wow, Aromatherapy and Seismic toss. It sure is based in here.
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Wed 02 Jul 2014 01:02:31 No. 19832911 Report >>19831647 disc is up for a Penta perfect
IGN: Gio
>>19831647 Disc up for penta male cynda
Woody 2122-6617-9129
>>19832911 I don't see your disc.
>>19832939 Sent, I think
>>19831661 You still there? I recently checked and it seems I got sniped.
>>19831647 disc is up for cinda, preferably female, the more IVs the better
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19832977 Disc up, specify level 1-10 and female so it doesn't happen again.
Woody 2122-6617-9129
>>19832991 Mk disc is up again
>>19832981 Sent
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Wed 02 Jul 2014 01:12:33 No. 19833012 Report Quoted By:
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
Quoted By:
>>19832664 I hatched you a female one. I think it has 4 perfect IVs and egg moves. I hope it's alright.
>>19831647 Can I get a penta female/male (either is fine)?
IGN is Erin
Woody 2122-6617-9129
>>19833056 Re-up your disc. I don't see it.
>>19833072 No problem!
Also new thread when?
>>19832560 I'll take the other Female if it's still available. Disc is up
>>19832550 Got it, thanks mate.
Mr. Fifty
>>19833202 Thanks a trillion. I've wanted a Protean Froakie for ages.
Mr. Fifty
Quoted By:
>>19833212 The male was perfect HP Fire missing attack.
Quoted By:
>>19833096 Sorry, I redisc'd, my cellphone 3G died
Quoted By:
Anyone have a bold Eevee with wish?
Quoted By:
>>19831647 Hey, can I get a penta-male? I'll trade you via PSS
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Wed 02 Jul 2014 02:51:21 No. 19834206 Report Quoted By:
>>19832608 If you're still around the Vulpix has flamethrower
And the chamanders are as follows:
Ancient Power, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Outrage
Scratch, Growl, Dragon Pulse, Outrage
Scratch, Growl
Scratch, Growl, Dragon Pulse