Welcome to the GTS Giveaway Thread! Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover Pokémon here!
Help out other trainers collecting the Pokémon they need. Help yourself, too!
>How do I participate? Post a list of Pokémon you're giving away and people will deposit a Luvdisc on the GTS asking for them.
Alternatively, put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon and if someone has it, they can fill your request.
Be sure to include your in-game name (IGN) if you're making a request and put your Luvdisc up BEFORE you post to make it easier for everyone.
>PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc. general for that stuff. If someone is kind enough to be giving them out, they will post about it; there are lots of kind people here - please be patient.
Old Thread:
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Anyone have a leftover bold Eevee with wish?
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>>19833487 You are fucking with the churches money. Anonymous
Does discing up with golden luvdiscs make you loved?
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Looking for a Friend Ball Misdreavus
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>>19833554 We'll always love you, anon. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19833554 disc won't make you luv'd Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Wed 02 Jul 2014 02:05:18 No. 19833624 Report >>19833554 It does if you disc it for my regular disc.
CAPTCHA: havegot love
Not even joking, I screencapped it for proof. Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Wed 02 Jul 2014 02:09:12 No. 19833674 Report Quoted By:
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Quoted By:
Come join us at
http://webchat.irchighway.net/ and talk about giveaways, battling, whatever! Enter #/ggg/ as the channel. Everyone welcome!
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
List: 3x Level Ball Numel - Iron head, Yawn, Heat Wave, Body Slam 10x Friend Ball Seedot - Beat Up, Foul Play, Bullet Seed, Defog 5x Dream Ball HA Wooper - Curse, Counter, Recover 6x Repeat Ball HA Corphish - Double-Edge, Aqua Jet, Superpower, Dragon Dance 2x Lure Ball Marill - Superpower, Aqua Jet, Refresh, Belly Drum 2x Dream Ball HA Sandshrew - Rapid Spin, Night Slash, Metal Claw For a post with your IGN and your luvdisc, all females.
Blake 0018-0951-1428 (Grass: Pansage, Sawsbuck, Quilladin)
Blake 0018-0951-1428 (Grass: Pansage, Sawsbuck, Quilladin) Wed 02 Jul 2014 02:31:46 No. 19833906 Report Quoted By:
>>19833888 Disc is up for a Numel please!
Cycling Cap Serena
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>>19833888 I've put one up for Seedot, Opti. Thank you!
IGN: Gio
Quoted By:
>>19833888 I'll take a Corphish. Disc up.
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Wed 02 Jul 2014 02:34:56 No. 19833932 Report Quoted By:
>>19833888 Throwing up a disc for Marill
Katelyn 3196-3307-1459
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad)
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad) Wed 02 Jul 2014 02:43:10 No. 19834048 Report Quoted By:
>>19833888 Discing up for a Seedot.
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs Wed 02 Jul 2014 02:43:30 No. 19834052 Report Quoted By:
>>19833888 nice trips. disc up for sandshrew
In celebration of it being my birthday, I've prepared a little giveaway: Smeargle with Celebrate, Happy Hour, Present, and Teeter Dance! Just kidding it's a Dark Void and Moody Smeargle ;_; If you want one, please reply to this post >with your Luvdisc already deposited< and your IGN. You can request male or female, remember to change that criteria when you deposit your Luvdisc otherwise I might send the wrong gender. They are also nicknameable if you want. All Smeargle are KB, level 50 in Premier Balls, Moody, Timid, 31/00/31/31/31/31 IV, 252 HP/252 Speed EVs, and come with a Focus Sash. Sorry about 0 Att IV, that's just how they turned out but I doubt you'd be using it anyways. Please reply to this post >with your Luvdisc already deposited< and your IGN. You can request male or female, remember to change that criteria when you deposit your Luvdisc otherwise I might send the wrong gender. They are also nicknameable if you want.
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
>>19833487 Hi. A couple of days ago, I was MMing a shiny Phantump to give to my bf and I got extremely lucky. I got a female pentaperfect Phantump with Harvest, so I decided to clone her and give away some lovely Phantump. Right now I have 20 of them. I will give them to the first 20 people who will reply to this message with their IGN. Whoever doesn't post with an IGN, will NOT get a Phantump. Put up a luvdisc for a Phantump. You don't have to give me anything if you don't want to (though berries and items are always appreciated), just do something nice for someone else (clone them a shiny or breed them something etc)
IGN: Travis
Quoted By:
Anybody have a Bronzor? Breeding leftover is fine. Disc with a fire stone attached is up on the GTS, thanks in advance
>>19834082 Disc'n up
IGN is Erin
Katelyn 3196-3307-1459
Quoted By:
>>19834082 Disc up! Thanks! IGN in name
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
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>>19834082 IGN: Dave
Thank you so much!
JESUS 4871-4285-3598 !3Gd1JhmKaA
Quoted By:
>>19834082 Discing for da Phantump.
It'll say /vp/
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
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>>19834082 Discing up for one, thank you.
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>>19834082 >>19834100 Oh, can you nickname it Carcosa?
>>19834056 I'll take one, disc already up. And happy birthday, anon~
Cycling Cap Serena
Quoted By:
>>19834082 I'll put a disc up, Sylv. Thanks in advance.
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Wed 02 Jul 2014 02:47:33 No. 19834132 Report >>19834056 Up
Thanks, Anon!
IGN Nathan
Quoted By:
>>19834082 Disc is up, thanks
Quoted By:
>>19834082 Putting up a disc.
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
Quoted By:
>>19834082 disc up! thanks in advance
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Wed 02 Jul 2014 02:48:45 No. 19834159 Report Quoted By:
>>19834082 Discing soon, thank you!
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad)
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad) Wed 02 Jul 2014 02:48:47 No. 19834161 Report Quoted By:
>>19834082 Discing up momentarily!
Woody 2122-6617-9129
IGN: Gio
Quoted By:
>>19834082 Disc up after this post
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>>19834082 can i have one? disc going up, thanks you!
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>>19834082 Disc up
IGN is Baguette
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs Wed 02 Jul 2014 02:50:10 No. 19834184 Report Quoted By:
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
Quoted By:
>>19833888 Discing for seedot, thanks!
Quoted By:
>>19834082 I put a disc up,thanks!
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Wed 02 Jul 2014 02:51:29 No. 19834209 Report Quoted By:
>>19834082 Up
IGN Nathan
Katelyn 3196-3307-1459
>>19834082 Are you willing to nickname them after the giveaways?
JESUS 4871-4285-3598 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>19834056 Discing for a Smeargle!
Koops [1461-7010-0079] [Electric: Dedenne,Zebrastrika,Electabuzz]
Koops [1461-7010-0079] [Electric: Dedenne,Zebrastrika,Electabuzz] Wed 02 Jul 2014 02:52:40 No. 19834225 Report Quoted By:
>>19834082 Disc is up
Thanks in advance Sylvia.
>>19834056 Disc'n up, happy b-day dear anon-kun!
IGN is Erin
>>19834082 Thanks Sylvia! Really great shiny and present
>>19834056 Disced up for one. Happy Birthday Anon!
IGN Nate.
Anyone have a Shinx? I've already disced up IGN: Karz
Quoted By:
>>19834240 I can hook you up. Give me a sec.
>>19833888 my post may have been lost in those requesting a smeargle, but I disced for a seedot. Thanks Opti!
>>19834056 Ign is Dave. Much appreciated, these fellas will go a long way for my breeding!
Question. Do you happen to have spare leftovers to attach in lieu of the focus? If you don't or don't want to, I'll gladly take a sash.
Thank you, based anon! Happy emerging from a vagina day!
RD4 !3Gd1JhmKaA
frost: 3368 2141 4338
>>19834056 Disc up. Thanks!
>>19834056 I just put up a disc, happy birthday Anon! May I have a male nicknamed, Snoopy
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>>19834270 This. A million times this. Giveaway Bros, you are the best.
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>>19834082 How much do you have left? I'm still waiting for the Phantump.
>>19834056 Happy Birthday anon, disc is up and can you name the Smeargle Picasso for me please
Seth 3609-1111-9096
Quoted By:
>>19833888 A Seedot please.
>>19834056 Happy b-day, anon!
I've put a disc up now for a female one if you don't mind. Thank you so much!
Mike (4871-3702-1838)
>>19834056 Discing up. Happy Birthday!
Now Giving away a ton of these 3 Pokemon Crawdaunt shiny kalos Super power aqua jet knockoff dragon dance adamant adaptability 5iv-spatck Azumarill shiny kalos Super power aqua jet play rough belly drum adamant huge power 5iv-spatck Garchomp shiny kalos Jolly rough skin 5iv-spatck All ev trained and ready for battle put up a luvdisc asking for one of these I will probably get every one at least within the next hour
IGN: Andy
>>19834056 Disc up
Also Happy Birthday to you, Anon
>>19834056 Disc is going up now. Thanks in advance. Female please.
>>19834056 disc up for one anon! thanks!
ign: 0Lunar
Quoted By:
>>19834334 Discing for that Crawdaunt.
IGN: Dave
Quoted By:
>>19834334 thisisbait.png.bmp.avi
Dakoda 5343-9188-5959
Quoted By:
>>19834334 I'll disc up for Garchomp, thanks
>>19834056 still happening?
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>>19834334 Azumarill please
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19834259 sorry, I had to leave to help a friend, sent.
IGN: Spencer
Quoted By:
>>19834334 Discing for crawdaunt! Thanks much!
frost: 3368 2141 4338
Quoted By:
>>19833888 Seedot please. Disc is up.
>>19834265 >>19834056 Holy shit, thank you for the leftovers man! Much appreciated!
Quoted By:
>>19834382 no problem, thank you!
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>>19834334 might as well try my luck for a Chomp. Discin' up
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>>19834334 Garchomp IV's and spread?
Katelyn 3196-3307-1459
>>19834334 Discing for the Azumarril
Can you name it Amelie if possible?
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Wed 02 Jul 2014 03:06:00 No. 19834396 Report Quoted By:
>>19834334 Up for Crawdaunt
Quoted By:
>>19834334 Cant say no to the
landshark .
frost: 3368 2141 4338
>>19834056 thanks anon, happy birthday!
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
>>19834302 If you are among the first 20 then wait. It takes a long time to trade.
>>19834220 If you wait till I am done with it, yes.
Quoted By:
>>19834334 Disc up for Crawdaunt.
IGN Juanito
Sax | 0361 78125846
Quoted By:
>>19834334 disc up on a crawdaunt
>>19834056 might as well try, disc up!
happy birthday and thanks for celebrating with us
IGN: Dexter
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>19834405 Yay, I got it. Thanks!
frost: 3368 2141 4338
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>>19834334 disc up for crawdaunt.
IGN: Johnny
>>19834082 I think Im too late, well... ill diac up just in case you got an extra one
Dakoda 5343-9188-5959
>>19834334 Thank you based anon for this beautiful shiny Garchomp....he will serve as a great addition to my team
Katelyn 3196-3307-1459
Quoted By:
>>19834405 Yay thanks! Make a post when you are done, I already added you.
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>>19834334 Disc up for Azu. IGN Nate.
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>>19834334 Disc is up for Crawdaunt, thanks a bunch!
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
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>>19834334 Disc up for Crawdaunt, much appreciated.
JESUS 4871-4285-3598 !3Gd1JhmKaA
Quoted By:
>>19834334 Discing for a Shiny Chomp.
>>19834056 Happy birthday, Anon.
Disc is up IGN Juanito.
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
Disc is up for Crawdaunt please.
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>19834056 How many do you have left? I would like one named Snoopy.
>>19834505 Plenty for the dead hours. Go ahead and disc up.
JESUS 4871-4285-3598 !3Gd1JhmKaA
Quoted By:
>>19834334 Mind If i disc for another? Marill Please.
Thanks for the chomp!
Crap, I forgot Phantump could evolve by trading
Quoted By:
>>19834082 Dont know if you have any left, but disc up, IGN Ben
Quoted By:
>>19834547 cool, what does it evolve into?
>>19834547 Not wanting adorable Gourgeist Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19834334 Disc up for Crawdaunt.
IGN Juanito.
Thanks, Anon.
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
Quoted By:
>>19834334 hope not too late for crawdaunt, disc up!
Luke 3497-0218-4596
>>19834534 Thank you based Anon. I'm discing again for a Chom if you don't mind.
Dakoda 5343-9188-5959
JESUS 4871-4285-3598 !3Gd1JhmKaA
Quoted By:
>>19834334 I'll take a Crawdaunt, Please.
I love ShinyAnon.
IGN: Johnny
Quoted By:
>>19834334 May I have one of those chomps?
Woody 2122-6617-9129
>>19834056 Disc up for a male.
Quoted By:
Restoring save on garchomp azu and crawdaunt be bac in a sec
>>19834554 anon, it evolves into trevenant.
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Wed 02 Jul 2014 03:23:01 No. 19834594 Report Quoted By:
>>19834334 Could I please get an Azumarill? I would literally shit my pants.
My disc is up right now! Thank you in advance!
Quoted By:
>>19834472 thanks so much!
Sax | 0361 78125846
Quoted By:
>>19834334 disc on a garchomp as well
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
>>19834505 Can't find your disc.
Quoted By:
>>19834334 If it's real, disc up soon for Garchomp
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs Wed 02 Jul 2014 03:24:21 No. 19834611 Report >>19834455 disc up for one!
Serena 4141-2513-0403
Quoted By:
>>19834334 putting one up for chomper
>>19834334 disc up for Garchomp
Quoted By:
>>19834334 Disc is up for Garchomp, thanks anon
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>19834603 I'm putting my disc back up now. Also, Smeargle-anon, I got sniped T_T so I will re-disc after I get the Phantump
>>19834334 Disc up for Azumarill, thanks
Fen (IGN:Dylan) FC: 4098-2491-1338
>>19834056 hey friend. I disc'd. If you do have another leftovers, it would be kind. If not, I am happy with the sash. Thank you for doing this :)
oh, and i'd like a male! if any are left.
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad)
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad) Wed 02 Jul 2014 03:27:11 No. 19834639 Report Quoted By:
>>19834455 Thank you so much! And happy birthday too!
Seth 3609-1111-9096
Quoted By:
>>19834334 Can I get in on that Crawdaunt action?
Zaius [2466-2493-4938]
Quoted By:
>>19834334 Disc up for Garchomp!
>>19834563 No problem. Do you mean a Garchomp? Different anon, might want to reply to his post.
>>19834561 >>19834631 And you wanted Snoopy as a nickname, correct? Reply when you disc up, please.
>>19834579 >>19834634 Sent.
>>19834611 Sent..I think..
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad)
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad) Wed 02 Jul 2014 03:30:04 No. 19834668 Report Quoted By:
>>19834334 discing up for Azumaril!
>>19834334 Still got Crawdaunts? Discing up if you still have
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
Quoted By:
>>19834442 I cloned you one right now because you had your disc up for too long and I felt bad.
>>19834056 Can I get a Smeargle for my little bro?
I wanna give it to him since his own Smeargle kind of sucks.
IGN Juanito
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>19834666 Yeah, I got them! Thank you so much and happy birthday!
>>19834669 I will be here for awhile I just reset my boxes with powersaves I try to get the people in the back of the gts
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>19834666 Yep! Disc is now up!
>>19834334 Discing up for an Azumarill. Thanks, anon!
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Quoted By:
>>19834082 am i too late?
my friend wants one of these
Quoted By:
>>19834701 Forgot, IGN is Dave. Thanks!
>>19834056 >>19834666 disc up for smeargle, thank you. can you name him Charles?
JESUS 4871-4285-3598 !3Gd1JhmKaA
Quoted By:
May you live a happy life Giveawaybros. Thanks!
Travis - 0619-5008-5122
>>19834666 Disc is up for a Smeargle. I'd love one!
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
Sylvia, are yiu there? Can I get that Phamtump? Please... I want my shiny Trevenant...
Sax | 0361 78125846
Quoted By:
>>19834334 disc up on azumarrill as well
based anon is based
Quoted By:
>>19834693 It's ok, I hope you reach me but even if you don't I'm grateful you share with us
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
>>19834334 Can I have a Garchomp?Discing up! Thanks in advance!
>>19834393 Hey Katelyn, I added you! Going online in 5 sec. Tell me the nickname.
>>19834700 >>19834716 Snoopy and Charles both sent.
>>19834726 Sent
Thanks for discs and scales everybody, still have plenty of Smeargle left, too.
Katelyn 3196-3307-1459
>>19834746 Thanks! I would like it to be named Elleree. Trade me whenever you're ready! I really appreciate it!
Ryuu 1650-1574-8155
Quoted By:
>>19834334 Disc up for garchomp. Thanks
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
Quoted By:
>>19834749 Thank you! And thank you Sylvia! Shiny Trevenant is beautiful!
Quoted By:
>>19834334 Disc up for Azumarill. Thanks man. I'll disc for Chomp after this
Am I too late? I just disc up for Smeargle
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>19834334 Disc'ing for a Crawdaunt!
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>19834746 Any Phantump left? Please take my disc...
Travis - 0619-5008-5122
Quoted By:
>>19834334 Disc is up for a Garchomp, please!
>>19834749 Thank you so much!
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Quoted By:
Thank you for the shiny Crawdaunt!
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs Wed 02 Jul 2014 03:42:10 No. 19834798 Report Quoted By:
>>19834334 disc up for chomp
>>19834746 If it's not to ask too much, could you please nickname mine too? You're still in my acquaitances, could I trade you from there? The name I'd like to have is Treebeard. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19834334 Disc is up for Azumaril
IGN: Justin
Hola cabrones, been a while. Welcome to Sandy's Shack of Shit - Still Not Giving Out The Lati Twins Edition. Soup of the Day: 6x Luxury Ball Axew [Night Slash, Counter, Dragon Pulse, Iron Tail] - Adamant ^ I also have one 5iv male Old Stock: 2x 3x Luxury Ball Noibat - Timid 3x Luxury Ball Absol - Naive 3x Ultra Ball Mawile [Elemental Fangs, Sucker Punch] - Adamant 4x Great Ball Bagon [Hydro Pump, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Rush] - Naive Please take them x Nest Ball Cottonee [Encore, Worry Seed, Switcheroo, Memento] - Jolly I dunno, I was told to breed them like that. Scraps from Wonder Trade: 1x Net Ball Wooper - [Recover] - Impish - too lazy to check, but the characteristic suggests that they're good 1x Smeargle w/ PokeRS - 5IV All of my stuff is French and should have at least four perfect IVs.
Fen (IGN:Dylan) FC: 4098-2491-1338
>>19834669 disc up for that Crawdaunt~
Quoted By:
>>19834334 Discing for a shiny garchomp, hope i get one, thanks!
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
>>19834754 The only one I have left atm is already nicknameable so I have to take yours and give it back in a bit.
IGN: Johnny
>>19834749 You are a cool guy/girl anon, I would like to have one of those smeargles but Im waiting for muh pink M-garchomp
Happy birthday anon and thanks for sharing with us your day
Katelyn 3196-3307-1459
>>19834808 Do you have male Mawile?
Disc up for one of those
>>19834808 fuk, the 2x is Moon Ball Marill - [Superpower, Bellyjet] - Adamant
>>19834808 Disc up soon for Noibat
>>19834812 I just necked because you mentioned it, as my dias was already up... And it seems I was sniped ;-;... Re-discing in a sec
>>19834770 Don't see your disc (yet?). And remember to reply to the post you're asking pokemon from so you don't get skipped.
>>19834831 Just let me know when you're disc is up and thank you.
Seth 3609-1111-9096
Quoted By:
Thanks for the Crawdaunt! Anon is truly based.
Quoted By:
>>19834623 >>19834334 my disc is still up, its a shiny disc
Katelyn 3196-3307-1459
Quoted By:
>>19834808 discing for bagon, thanks
Luke 3497-0218-4596
>>19834820 No Phantump for me then? I hate being late...
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Wed 02 Jul 2014 03:47:53 No. 19834869 Report Errr, uhhh. Am I too late on the Azumarill and Phantump train?
>>19834808 Disc up for the Noibat.
IGN Juanito
Thanks, anon.
Zaius [2466-2493-4938]
>>19834808 >>19834833 >>moon ball marill are they females? however disc up for that, thanks
Quoted By:
Resetting box again I will get to you eventually I go for the last one on the gts that is asking for the three, I will get to you eventually
Fen (IGN:Dylan) FC: 4098-2491-1338
Quoted By:
>>19834334 disc up for crawdaunt
IGN: Johnny
>>19834844 disc is up, anon
thanks for the smeargle
IGN: Andy
Quoted By:
>>19834334 Disc up for Garchomp
Thanks Anon
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Wed 02 Jul 2014 03:50:21 No. 19834895 Report Quoted By:
>>19834869 Oh holy balls
However, my question still stands for the phantumps.
Quoted By:
>>19834812 >>19834841 Disc for Crawdaunt is up again
>>19834844 Fuck, I got another Smeargle
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
>>19834904 You're amazing!
Travis - 0619-5008-5122
Quoted By:
Disc is up for Garchomp! Please and thank you kind anon!
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>19834334 disc up for azumarill
Marcelo 0318 7795 6001
Quoted By:
>>19834334 discing up for crawdaunt
>>19834879 >>19834873 >>19834836 got everyone i could find...
>>19834832 b-but i get rid of the males because i figure nobody actually wants them. sorry. ;n;
Quoted By:
>>19834334 Disc now up for Chomper.
could you name it that? Thanks a ton shiny m8.
>>19834886 Sent.
>>19834898 Go ahead and disc up again.
And thank you Ryan.
I don't remember but I think the Eggs are HP Fire. I still have Smeargle to give out!
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
>>19834864 Wait a bit. I could clone a last one!
>>19834912 Connection problems ;_;
Katelyn 3196-3307-1459
>>19834937 Oh! That's okay :) If you still have a Marill left can you name it Amelie and trade it? I'll change the disc xP
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19834949 Discing up for a Smeargle since you have so many of them.
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>19834778 Is this guy doing the Crawdaunt giveaway still here
>>19834808 disc up for Bagon
If possible female and ha
IGN: Johnny
>>19834808 do you have any spare female absol?
>>19834959 sure thing! just how you wrote it, amelie?
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs Wed 02 Jul 2014 03:57:09 No. 19834978 Report >>19834949 no problem and happy birthday, dood
Sax | 0361 78125846
>>19834949 disc up one one!
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>19834954 Oh God! Thank you, I'm looking for a shiny HA Trevenant for weeks. I'll reup the disc.
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad)
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad) Wed 02 Jul 2014 03:57:32 No. 19834981 Report Quoted By:
>>19834334 Discing up for a Garchomp if you still have any!
Katelyn 3196-3307-1459
>>19834949 discing up for smeargle, thanks
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Wed 02 Jul 2014 03:57:51 No. 19834985 Report Quoted By:
>>19834954 Did I come too late then? My disc is still up if you've got one more in you T_T
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
>>19834896 Serena,trade with me again, I don't have your trevenant
Quoted By:
>>19834987 Oh, neither I've got your treecko, send you one right now, thanks
>>19834975 i'll grab ya in a moment.
>>19834976 sure do!
>>19834982 alright, got it.
IGN: Johnny
Quoted By:
>>19835001 great! Disc is up and thank you
>>19834949 It's up again. I hope you see it this time.
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon)
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon) Wed 02 Jul 2014 04:00:58 No. 19835020 Report I'm starting to EV train and battle with any Pokemon I can get my hands on. Anyone have any spares? I'll have some extra Rufflets soon and will be giving them out..
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>19834987 Disc is up! IGN is Luke, thank you once more.
Quoted By:
>>19834334 Thank you very much Anon <3
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
Quoted By:
>>19835019 Radical, I'll continue waiting patiently for one. You're a godsend man!
>>19834961 Well if that's the only reason you want one...then sent.
>>19834978 Thanks again.
>>19834979 >>19834984 Sent.
>>19835014 Gotcha
No longer my B-Day, but I still have plenty of nicknameable Smeargle as seen here.
>>19834056 Timid, Moody, equipped with a Focus Sash
31/00/31/31/31/31, 252 HP/252 Speed
Dark Void
Quiver Dance
King's Shield
Baton Pass
Quoted By:
>>19834987 You are the best, thank you so much!
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>19835035 Not really, but I try to not take those perfect mons since someone else might need them, and I can spend some time breeding. These moves are going to be really useful, thank you.
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
anybody has an abra or others with skill swap¿
>>19835020 I have a hidden power steel Greninja with 4 perfect IV's for trade
The moves on it are
Ice Beam
Dark Pulse
Hidden Power
Throw a disc up if you want it; it is fully ev trained
>>19835020 Oh yeah, it has it's hidden ability
>>19835092 Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon)
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon) Wed 02 Jul 2014 04:08:14 No. 19835104 Report >>19835092 >[ Yeah I'll take it. Don't have a trained Greninja yet, thanks! IGN: Riot
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>19835020 I have a lot of Leftovers to help you get started. 0146-9237-1094, add me and I'll add you back.
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Wed 02 Jul 2014 04:08:53 No. 19835111 Report >>19835035 Can I get one, Anon-smearglesama?
Disc up within 45 seconds
Quoted By:
Traffic for the azumarill garchomp and crawdaunt have slowed down tremendously I believe there is about 2-3 left that want it
>>19835035 Can I have a Smeargle please?
Quoted By:
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon)
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon) Wed 02 Jul 2014 04:10:04 No. 19835124 Report >>19835102 >0146-9237-1094 Disc is up, thanks again!
>>19835108 Added!
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Wed 02 Jul 2014 04:10:24 No. 19835128 Report Heshieok
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>19835124 Give me a minute to get back online.
I'm genning some shit for my sister[/spoiler Send me a TR when you see me online. Pit-1736-1212-6969
Quoted By:
>>19834334 Disc up for crawdaunt
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
Quoted By:
>>19834334 Thanks again! I love it.
I think every one that wanted a azumarill garchomp or crawdaunt has one now
Quoted By:
>>19835146 seems like it. Look at all these discs...
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon)
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon) Wed 02 Jul 2014 04:13:13 No. 19835157 Report >>19835137 Yeah no problem, I'll be trading or battling.
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Wed 02 Jul 2014 04:14:44 No. 19835173 Report >>19835035 >>19835111 Sorry, NOW the disc is up. Sorry for the misleading timestamp
>>19835118 >>19835132 Sent.
>>19835111 Sniped?
>>19835063 I'll send an Abra your way in a moment, just have to get it from the bank. I think you're in my friends list so I'll send to a TR.
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
>>19834056 Are you still distributing Smeargle? If yes, I'd really love to have one!
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>19835165 I shed a manly tear when I got. All time favorite shiny, no contest.
only second to it is shiny Flareon Faucin 3609-1138-6657
Quoted By:
>>19835179 cool, thanks a lot
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Tokei 5000-4040-9831 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Wed 02 Jul 2014 04:16:46 No. 19835204 Report Quoted By:
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Wed 02 Jul 2014 04:16:52 No. 19835206 Report Anon
>>19835189 Yes if you disc up I'll send in a couple minutes, just grabbing something from the bank really quickly.
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
>>19835191 >>19835165 It's my favorite 6 Gen shiny too.
I also have a thing for ghostmons.
>>19835209 Really? Discing up immediately. Thanks a lot for doing this, and happy birthday!
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>19835157 Okay, I'm online. And thanks for the Crawdaunt, giveaway bro!
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs Wed 02 Jul 2014 04:20:08 No. 19835245 Report >>19835191 guis wut di eyi du?
>>19835206 Disc up for Teddiursa
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
Quoted By:
>>19835245 Kill the Seviper.
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Wed 02 Jul 2014 04:22:45 No. 19835274 Report Quoted By:
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon)
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon) Wed 02 Jul 2014 04:23:27 No. 19835282 Report >>19835231 I'm in a battle right now. Once I finish if you're online I would love to trade.
Quoted By:
>>19835206 Disc up soon for a female Synchronize Ralts
Luke 3497-0218-4596
>>19835209 Hum, may I have one Smeargle too? Thanks again Anon.
Fen (IGN:Dylan) FC: 4098-2491-1338
does anyone have a HA female mudkip
Quoted By:
>>19835227 >>19835300 Sent.
Reddit is asking for Smeargle now, sorry if I miss any Anons' discs later.
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
Quoted By:
>>19835245 Kill the Sevi obviously. I am curious..Which pokemon is nicknamed "Thank you"?
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>19835245 I've got 2 shiny Zangoose while EV training, kill that Seviper first
Fen (IGN:Dylan) FC: 4098-2491-1338
Quoted By:
>>19835320 ?* will trade any BP item for one! Thanks!
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>19835282 Kay I'm online, I'll send you a TR because I'm hatching some mons.
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon)
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon) Wed 02 Jul 2014 04:29:24 No. 19835342 Report >>19835231 I'm available, you busy?
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs Wed 02 Jul 2014 04:29:39 No. 19835345 Report >>19835245 since its easy to get shinies now I should prob get rid of this since it has a bad nature and IVs
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
>>19835345 Just give it to someone else. Or keep it as a trophy shiny.
Quoted By:
>>19833888 disc is up for corphish
Pure (IGN Chaos)
I forget who it was, but someone was giving away dratinis and wanted a 0 speed duskull. If you're around, I have it for you.
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
Quoted By:
>>19835342 Get ready to be drowned in leftovers.
>>19835382 Would you happen to have an extra one? I need one for my trick room team
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
>>19835345 >>19835363 Unless of course you're ev training. I run away from a horde of minun and plusie (there was a shiny minun among them) because I didn't want my pokemon to get the wrong IVs.
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon)
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon) Wed 02 Jul 2014 04:34:09 No. 19835397 Report >>19835337 I don'thave luvdisc, is it okay if I give you other mons?
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>19835397 Just give me whatever man, this is called giveaway thread for a reason.
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon)
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon) Wed 02 Jul 2014 04:35:58 No. 19835425 Report >>19835412 Thanks again, will soon train!
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
Quoted By:
>>19835345 >>19835363 Sylvia 5300-9414-6239 07/02/14(Wed)07:34:04 No.19835392 ▶
>>19835345 >>19835363 (You)
Unless of course you're ev training. I run away from a horde of minun and plusie (there was a shiny minun among them) because I didn't want my pokemon to get the wrong evs.
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>19835425 Some are penta some aren't, I'm not entirely which ones are. So, you may have to rebreed some if you want perfect IVs.
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19835179 many thanks anon. out of curiosity, you were the one that got a self destruct snorlax on that thread where you gave me a bunch of dittos, right?
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs Wed 02 Jul 2014 04:38:56 No. 19835458 Report Quoted By:
make it a fair fight?
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon)
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon) Wed 02 Jul 2014 04:39:11 No. 19835460 Report >>19835447 Is okay, thanks, saving me a lot of time!
>>19835449 Yeah,
I haven't gotten around to breeding them yet. I'm trying to make a gen 1 breedable dex, half way through with my HP Fire Tangela, but I finished later stuff like Magikarp, Tauros, Scyther, Pinsir. Anonymous
>>19835392 you do realize you can just feed berries to subtract the wrong EVs, right.
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>19835460 Also, some EV training tips. Anything Quiet/Brave are made for Trick Room use. I also provided the IV/EV breeding/training guide.
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Wed 02 Jul 2014 04:44:11 No. 19835524 Report Quoted By:
I'm actually gonna pack it up today. Bye
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19835471 great project, i'd like to do something like that but i'd have to get pokebank and im not sure how to do that oin my country.
btw i noticed you gave me a life orb, was that intentional? i can give it back if it was a mistake
Giving away:
5 x male Snorlax Careful thick fat/immunity Heavy Ball 4/5 IV (whirlwind, counter, curse, double-edge)
Sylvia 5300-9414-6239
Quoted By:
>>19835511 Yep. But the incident happened when I didn't have the right ones.
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs Wed 02 Jul 2014 04:46:52 No. 19835560 Report this just in quick attack op. what ball should I catch it in?
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon)
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon) Wed 02 Jul 2014 04:48:44 No. 19835587 Report >>19835516 That's a great image. I kept googling for everything, thanks, you're an awesome person!
anyone want this pentaperfect timid magician fennekin i got from the wonder trade? egg moves are magic coat and wish, if you're curious.
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>19835587 No problem, you'll have better use for the leftovers than I will
Pure (IGN Chaos)
>>19835391 Disc up for one. They're careful natured, which isn't the best...
Quoted By:
>>19835560 premier, naturally.
>>19835608 Sure, m8. Disc up.
Bump limit reached, new thread?
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>19835587 >>19835618 And you're set, enjoy them!
>>19835664 I thought we baked new bread on page 3?
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon)
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon) Wed 02 Jul 2014 04:59:01 No. 19835689 Report Quoted By:
>>19835686 THANKS A LOT! Really appreciate it.
Quoted By:
Anyone got a female Quiet Tynamo?
>>19835686 >whatpagedoyouthinkwereon.jpg Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19835660 hmmm, don't see your disc. were you sniped?
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
Quoted By:
>>19835718 it literally just changed to page 3, ya nignog
>>19834056 jesus christ, discing up in hope, there are still some left
>>19835814 Yes, there's a lot left. See
>>19834949 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19835536 Disc up for a Thick Fat Snorlax. 5IV if possible.
IGN Juanito.
Thanks you guys for all the pokes.
I really appreciate it. I'll be doing a bunch of giveaways once I'm done breeding.
>>19835858 thank you anon, just what i needed, and congratiolations. many thanks
Quoted By:
>>19835889 Thanks, welcome, and enjoy.
>>19834056 If you're still here, I've put a disc up for one male. Can I ask it to be nicknamed 'van Gogh'? ign is Serena, thanks in advance and happy birthday
>>19835929 'van Gogh' sent
apostrophes and all :^) Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19835958 Thanks! You're amazing!
You got me, kek Anonymous
>>19834949 If you still have, can I have a female smeargle? I've put a disc on.. IGN arrogantz
>>19834949 I would like one. Disc up, thanks and happy birthday
IGN: Scarlett FC: 0103-9969-4309
>>19834056 Are you still there? Discing up.
>>19835987 awesome, thanks
IGN: Scarlett FC: 0103-9969-4309
Does anyone have a high resulution sprite picture?