[44 / 6 / ?]
Good evening, gents. Grandson of John Gamefreak Sr. and son of the late John Gamefreak here. Just got off work, so I have a tad more info I'd love to share. To reiterate last time's thread: 22 new megas outside what we know: >Cacturne, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Blissey, Zebstrika, Whimsicott, Lilligant, Sudowoodo, Crawdaunt, Salamence, Ambipom, Electivire, Magmortar, Mamoswine, Frosslass, Ledian, Xatu, Azumarill, Gallade, Forretress, Metagross, Kingdra 14 Primal Regressions outside Groudon/Kyogre:>Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, Kabutops, Omastar, Genesect, Jirachi, Deoxys, Armaldo, Cradily, Mew, Regirock, Regice, Registeel Battle Frontier isn't returning. New thing called Battle Mezzo. Monthly wifi tournaments; top 7 take place as NPCs in the frontier-esque battle arena. No Pokemon Amie either. New Egg-washing/hatching/etc game called Pokencubator. Contests return. Pokeblocks can be made with 4 players on wifi. Steven Stone has a Metagross. New ability called Pedal to Medal (again, Jap name). Gives steel moves priority. Wally's Ralts becomes Gallade in OR, Gardevoir in AS. Both are megas for final battle. He's also present in all Steven Stone storyline scenes. Now for the new information: I was mistaken on the information I had seen with some of the Megas (Not so much mistaken as I had not translated some parts up until today). There are actually 27 outside what we know. Appending to that list are the following:>Camerupt, Sharpedo, Hariyama, Torkoal and Flygon Volcanian's event for XY is going to be around the same time ORAS is released. When you transfer it over to ORAS, provided you're in post-game, it unlocks another Magma/Aqua storyline where both are trying to get it. Latios and Latias roam in AS and OR respectively. When you catch them, Steven gives you their respective mega stones. Mr. Briney attempts to fight off the game's team with Peeko. It uh...ends pretty...sadly, actually. ;_; RIP Peeko (More incoming)
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>John Gamefreak Jr. is kill No
>>19834035 Why would Pedal to Metal be a Japanese name when it doesn't rhyme in Japanese?
>>19834055 >ペッダル・トゥー・メッタル >doesn't rhyme Anonymous
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>>19834035 In the future OP, you should leave out the part about Peeko dying. You were somewhat convincing up until then. Nobody's really interested in copy pastas on this board though.
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>Battle Frontier isn't returning. New thing called Battle Mezzo. Monthly wifi tournaments; top 7 take place as NPCs in the frontier-esque battle arena. >Mr. Briney attempts to fight off the game's team with Peeko. It uh...ends pretty...sadly, actually. At least try, for fuck's sake.
James (Magmar, Larvesta, Ninetails) 2122-5527-9936
James (Magmar, Larvesta, Ninetails) 2122-5527-9936 Wed 02 Jul 2014 02:45:53 No. 19834098 Report Quoted By:
>>19834035 >Primal dialga/palkia but no giratina makes me wonder, but a second form after origin would be a bi much.
John Gamefreak III Esq. !!8ExxlAXT2xH
There's a bunch of new berries in ORAS. Not sure on the names. One looks like a coconut though. Mega Kingdra gets a new ability called Sharpshooter. 2-5 turn attacks get boosted 1.5x. Mega Gallade looks as if its wearing a tuxedo. Primal Kabutops looks the best of all the Primals, I'd say. It's more armoured, and has two blades on each forearm. Now, best for last. SECRET BASES ARE FUCKING BACK. THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS. AND ITS ALL SPOTPASS / STREETPASS FUCKING INTEGRATED TOO. IN THE BACK OF YOUR BASE IS A TUNNEL WHERE YOU CAN SELECT A STREETPASS OR SPOTPASS OR FRIEND'S BASE AND VISIT THAT SHIT. TONS OF NEW ITEMS TOO.
>>19834089 >Translate that in Google kek
John Gamefreak III Esq. !!8ExxlAXT2xH
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>>19834055 >>19834089 Read again guys. It's Pedal to Medal, which is dumb as fuck. English name is Pedal to the Metal though.
>>19834035 >Primal Regressions >No Rampardos or Bastidon >No Battle Frontier >Mid Generation Ability Additions >Pokemon Amie not returned; yet Sylveon exists you tried
John Gamefreak III Esq. !!8ExxlAXT2xH
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>>19834144 >No Rampardos or Bastidon Needs more room for Hoennmons I gues.
>Mid Generation Ability Additions They want to change up the battle landscape since Gen 7 just got out of its initial planning phases and probably won't be shipping for another 2-2.5 years.
>Sylveon Can't be gotten in ORAS. You have to bring it over from XY.
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Why do people honestly bother hyping this shit up? Its obviously fake. Why waste your time at this point?
>Mega Metagross Tell us what it looks like or fuck off already.
John Gamefreak III Esq. !!8ExxlAXT2xH
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>>19834286 Like Lagann from Gurren Lagann, sans the mouth and it has four legs and two arms.
Also: Nidoking/queen have bone crowns, are just bigger to be honest. Blissey has 3 eggs in its pouch. Cacturne has a cape. Salamance is bipedal.
John Gamefreak III Esq. !!8ExxlAXT2xH
In the hype of Secret Bases I forgot to neglect ther are also underwater battles in addition to sky battles.
>>19834339 >You can only use pokemon with swimming animations John Gamefreak III Esq. !!8ExxlAXT2xH
>>19834355 >Only Lapras No, the surfmons have their own surfing sprites now that I think about it.
>>19834102 >>> > Anonymous 07/01/14(Tue)19:54:42 No.19834249▶ >>>19811060 >I don't like rats. >>> > Anonymous 07/01/14(Tue)19:56:56 No.19834272▶ >>>19818113 >artist? >>> > Anonymous 07/01/14(Tue)19:57:06 No.19834274▶ >Ditto >Make it transform into a hot girl and then fuck it >>> > Anonymous 07/01/14(Tue)19:57:09 No.19834277▶ >>>19812832 >Because I don't need it screwing up my electronics. >>> > Anonymous 07/01/14(Tue)19:59:32 No.19834306▶ >>>19815875 So do you have any proof whatsoever, or are you just random guy #021?
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>>19834370 > Says Sprites, Not Models >Pretends to be legit John Gamefreak III Esq. !!8ExxlAXT2xH
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>>19834373 Just my ID card, but I can't black any of the info I don't want /vp/ or Nintendo seeing since I'm on my phone for the next hour or so.
Please make up some new leaks now; it's fun to speculate.
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>>19834118 >google translating katakana u high m8
> Regirock, Regice, Registeel But weren't they created by humans to stop Regigas?>Latios and Latias roam in AS and OR respectively But Latios was in R and Latias was in S
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>>19834263 Because some people like to pretend it's real and have fun. Nobody actually thinks this is legit.
If a retarded autist like you could tell this was fake, I'm sure anyone with half a brain could too.
Stop posting this every day.
John Gamefreak III Esq. !!8ExxlAXT2xH
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>>19834465 I-I'm not making it up though ;_;
But ask away about anything.
>>19834548 Last post was over the weekend but not yesterday. Try again.
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>>19834035 >Battle Frontier isn't returning You had me for a moment.
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This all sounds really appealing (except for Battle Frontier being a no-show and Amie not existing) but I'm just too jaded to believe anything anymore unless it's straight from the source. I'm really hoping that Mega-Nidoking isn't a lie though. I've been wanting an excuse to run a mono-ground team and that would be a good enough one. Especially since I just bred a shiny Nidoran.
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>Primal fossil mons >Mega Aerodactyl 2/10
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>>19834293 FUCKING....GENIUS!!!!!!
I'm still hoping it would get shift gear though(it's a mecha pokemon, right?)
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No Milotic? Bye
>>19834745 Mewtwo got a couple of megas, not some primal thing.
Unless those humans created the trio during a primal age or whatever.
>>19834035 people need to screen shot this so we can see if we can trust this nigger in future
>>19834476 Didn`t Regigigas made them as stated in one of its dex entries?
" It is said to have made Pokémon that look like itself from a special ice mountain, rocks, and magma. "
>>19834293 >flipping otu about priority MM >not about priority gyro ball/Iron Defense Anonymous
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>>19834911 It's fake anon. He did the same thing not too long ago. The point isn't to fool you into thinking this is legit. The point it to pretend it's real, ask questions and see how he responds.
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>>19835044 Oh wow there are dex entries that say that.
I always thought that humans created the regis because of this:
In this cave we have lived.
We owe all to the Pokémon.
But, we sealed the Pokémon away.
We feared it.
Those with courage, those with hope.
Open a door. An eternal Pokémon waits.
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>>19835193 Hone claws on the switch and you won't have to play with nature and the hidden numbers so much if you need to use EQ or something else.