Pokegen is still alive for those who have an action replay/R4 flashcart and a retail cartridge,
Pokecheck.org is down for "maintenance" and theres only a few genners left! Remember that only pokemons from gen 5 and below can be genned. When requesting a pokemon use the format below:
>Pokemon: >Nickname: >Pokemon Gender: >Level >Shiny: >Nature: >Ability >IV's: >EV's: >Moves: >Specific pokeball: >OT: >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >Game of Origin: >Date of Creation: >Hatched/Met at location: Also, mention what you are offering in return: BP items, mega stones, breeding leftovers...
>FAQ: >Can you generate any pokemon i want? Only 'mons from gen 5 and below
>Is there a PokeGen for gen 6 'mons? No
>Can you put a Gen 4 pokeball on a Gen 5 'mon? No
>My pokemon has egg moves; can i put a specific pokeball on it? No
>Can i check online for a guide on egg/level up/tutor moves? http://www.pokemondb.net/pokedex ;you can also try serebii or bulbapedo
>Is there any risk at using genned pokemons online? Other than being horribly humiliated by a complete stranger, no
>Isn't this cheating? Maybe, some people don't want/have the time to breed for pentaperfect 'mons; if you're against cheating what the fuck are you doing here?
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
I'll take a couple requests for the time being. I'm still learning the ropes, so bear with me, it'll take me a bit to gen them. If you request a legendary or an event mon, it will take a while before I can make it completely legal to move to bank.
Julio 3411-1100-2475
>>19840664 >Pokemon: Garchomp >Nickname: Gigan >Pokemon Gender: male >Level: 70 >Shiny: no >Nature: jolly >Ability: sand veil >IV's: 31/31/31/x/31/31 >EV's: attack 252; speed 252; hp 4 >Moves: earthquake; poison jab; outrage; stone edge >Specific pokeball: Luxury ball >OT: Julien >OT Gender: male >TID / SID: 60108 / doesn't matter >Game of Origin: pearl >Date of Creation: doesn't matter, but in 2013 >Hatched/Met at location: wayward a cave I have a 5 iv ha Bulbasaur and a jap 5 iv torchic that I'm willing to give.
Julio 3411-1100-2475
Quoted By:
>>19840760 Change outrage to dragon claw, I though it learned outrage by leveling up
Wiro ign: Alexis 0361-7237-0447 !IEsLNPfZlw
Wiro ign: Alexis 0361-7237-0447 !IEsLNPfZlw Wed 02 Jul 2014 18:38:13 No. 19840850 Report Quoted By:
is there pokegen for mac? I dont have an sd-card reader on my pc..but I think I can manage this shit So yeah, I got a DS, two 3DS, R4 for DS, both B2 and W2 retail cards... I guess I could try to deliver some offers, will take a while tho Is there some guide to genners to make them legit, had some problems in 5th gen (mostly legends) but yeah, still sorta new to balltism genning and stuff like why cant shit have egg moves
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19840760 Put up a Luvdisc.
POWERLESS 1461-6468-4295
>Pokemon: Hitmonchan >Nickname: none >Pokemon Gender: male >Level 20 >Shiny: no >Nature: adamant >Ability iron fist >IV's: 31/31/31/x/31/31 >EV's: none >Moves: drain punch/ice punch/bullet punch/close combat >Specific pokeball: regular pokè ball >OT: N/A >OT Gender: N/A >TID / SID: N/A >Game of Origin: Black 2 >Date of Creation: N/A >Hatched/Met at location: N/A i can trade back a 6 iv shiny Hydreigon, mewtonite x, or marill and chinchou breeding leftover.
Danny 4983-5481-5400
Posting again>Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: Timid >Pokemon Gender: - >Level: 100 >Shiny: No >Nature: Timid >Ability: Imposter >IV's: 31/7/31/31/31/31 >EV's: None >Moves: Transform >Specific pokeball: None >OT: Any >OT Gender: Any >TID / SID: Any >Game of Origin: Any >Date of Creation: Any >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: Impish >Pokemon Gender: - >Level: 100 >Shiny: No >Nature: Impish >Ability: Imposter >IV's: 31/31/31/25/31/31 >EV's: None >Moves: Transform >Specific pokeball: None >OT: Any >OT Gender: Any >TID / SID: Any >Game of Origin: Any >Date of Creation: Any >Hatched/Met at location: Any I have some event Legendaries and some shitty breeding leftovers if that's ok. Charity is super cool too.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
Quoted By:
>>19840887 Here I am, just finished genning it and about to move it to bank.
Based JK is sill Based though. >>19840892 Taking you now.
Quoted By:
>>19840887 It's up. Thanks in advance
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19840899 Disc up for one, then the other.
Hopper FC:2036-7740-3850 IGN:Diego
>Pokemon:Mew >Nickname:Mew >Pokemon Gender:NA >Level:100 >Shiny:yes please >Nature:Timid >Ability:- >IV's:31 all >EV's:6hp/252spAttk/252speed >Moves:- >Specific pokeball:cherish? or dusk >OT:doesn't matter >OT Gender:Male >TID / SID:- >Game of Origin: doesn't matter >Date of Creation: doesn't matter >Hatched/Met at location: doesn't matter >Pokemon:Manaphy >Nickname:Manaphy >Pokemon Gender:NA >Level:100 >Shiny: yes please >Nature: Timid >Ability: >IV's:31 all >EV's:252hp/6spAttk/252speed >Moves: Tail Glow/Scald/Ice Beam/Energy Ball >Specific pokeball: Cherish or dive >OT: doesn't matter >OT Gender:Male >TID / SID:- >Game of Origin: doesn't matter >Date of Creation: doesn't matter >Hatched/Met at location: doesn't matter i have a timid 6iv gastly, breeding leftovers 5IV, (all females KB), Ability Capsules and bp items. Thanks
Danny 4983-5481-5400
>>19840994 Sorry man I don't have any Luvdisc right now. I put up a Lickitung with the message 'jk' on it. I hope that's ok
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
Quoted By:
>>19840892 In bank, loading it into Y now.
Go ahead and add me,
that X megastone sounds nice too. Keegan 0748-1978-5962
Pokemon: Drifblim Nickname: König Level: 100 Nature: Naughty Ability: Unburden Gender: M Shiny?: Yes Specific PokeBall: Dusk Ball IVs: All 31 EVs: 212 Attack, 44 Sp. Attack, 252 Speed Moves: Acrobatics, Stockpile, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball OT: Doesn't Matter OT Gender: Doesn't Matter TID / SID: Doesn't Matter Game of Origin: Doesn't Matter Date of Creation: Doesn't Matter Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't Matter I have a few breeding leftovers and can offer maison items.
Erik 1220-6930-0976 [Pansear Pyroar Ninetales]
Erik 1220-6930-0976 [Pansear Pyroar Ninetales] Wed 02 Jul 2014 18:58:56 No. 19841083 Report >Pokemon: Toxicroak >Nickname: Ambush >Pokemon Gender: Male >Level: 90 >Shiny: No >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Dry Skin >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 28 HP / 252 Atk / 228 Spe >Moves: Drain Punch, Sucker Punch, Ice Punch, Swords Dance >Specific pokeball: Regular >OT: Erik >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: doesnt matter >Game of Origin: black >Date of Creation: doesnt matter >Hatched/Met at location: doesnt matter >Pokemon: Jolteon >Nickname: Impulse >Pokemon Gender: Male >Level 90 >Shiny: No >Nature: Timid >Ability Volt Absorb >IV's: 31/30/30/31/31/31 >EV's: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe >Moves: Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Signal Beam, Hidden Power >Specific pokeball: Regular >OT: Erik >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: doesnt matter >Game of Origin: Black >Date of Creation: doesnt matter >Hatched/Met at location: doesnt matter >Pokemon: Dragonite >Nickname: Baroo >Pokemon Gender: Male >Level 90 >Shiny: No >Nature: Adamant >Ability Multiscale >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe >Moves: Dragon Dance, Outrage, Fire Punch, ExtremeSpeed >Specific pokeball: Regular >OT: Erik >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: doesnt matter >Game of Origin: Black >Date of Creation: doesnt matter >Hatched/Met at location: doesnt matter Can pay in any held item for each.
Julio 3411-1100-2475
Quoted By:
I hate to ask for another poke (thanks to whoever sent me the chomp), but can I have a 6 iv foreign ditto? I don't care about any of it's other info.
Danny 4983-5481-5400
>>19841044 >>19840994 Ok someone else traded for the Lickitung, so I'm putting up a swablu now with the message "Pokemon for JK" on it. Hope this works.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
>>19841064 now.
Unless JK already has. I'll leave
>>19841039 for JK, at least until I perfect genning legendaries.
Keegan 0748-1978-5962
>>19841147 Thank you very much. Anything in particular you want in return?
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
>>19841157 Life orb would be nice to have, if you can't get that, just put a disc up. Message: "TY Based Caleb".
Danny 4983-5481-5400
Quoted By:
>>19841121 Ok I got Impish. Now I'm depositing a Wailmer with the same message as before. Thanks a lot for having this much patience, man. Really appreciate it.
Sparky 4141-3453-3120
>Pokemon: Landorus >Nickname: >Pokemon Gender: >Level: 100 >Shiny: no >Nature: Timid >Ability: Sheer Force >IV's: all 31 >EV's: 4hp , 252 sp.atk , 252 speed >Moves: Earth Power, Psychic, Stealth Rocks, Focus Blast >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >OT: Sparky >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: >Game of Origin: Black 2 >Date of Creation: >Hatched/Met at location: Can offer shiny luvdisc and bp items
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
>Pokemon: Arceus >Nickname: N/A >Pokemon Gender: N/A >Level: 100 >Shiny: No >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Multitype >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 200 HP| 252 ATK | 56 SPEED >Moves: Judgement |Roar of Time | Spacial Rend | Shadow Force >Specific pokeball: Cherish Ball >OT: Michina >OT Gender: N/A >TID / SID: 11059 / 29950 >Game of Origin: Sinnoh >Date of Creation: N/A >Hatched/Met at location: Pokémon Event >Pokemon: Manaphy >Nickname: N/A >Pokemon Gender: >Level: 50 >Shiny: No >Nature: Timid >Ability: Hydration >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP | 4 SP ATK | 252 SPEED >Moves: Heart Swap | Water Pulse | Whirlpool | Acid Armor >Specific pokeball: Cherish Ball >OT: NWS >OT Gender: N/A >TID / SID: 10017 / 16757 >Game of Origin: Sinnoh >Date of Creation: >Hatched/Met at location: Pokémon Event 6 IV Pokes :)
Keegan 0748-1978-5962
>>19841176 Yeah, a Life Orb won't be any trouble to get.
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19841039 >>19841214 Have these. Sparky, put something on GTS for it. I'll add hopper.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
Quoted By:
>>19841239 It went through bank without problem.
Loading it into Y now.
>>19841359 Thanks for taking care of the legendaries :^)
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
>>19841239 While I wait for you to add me and hop on XY, I'm gonna go ahead and work on
>>19841083 one at a time, starting with Toxicroak.
Sparky 4141-3453-3120
Quoted By:
>>19841359 luvdisc up with a LO, ty
Hopper FC:2036-7740-3850 IGN:Diego
Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Misdreavus >Nickname: Don't Care >Pokemon Gender: Female >Level Don't Care >Shiny: Don't Care >Nature: Don't Care >Ability Levitate >IV's: Don't Care >EV's: Don't Care >Moves: Don't Care >Specific pokeball: Friend Ball >OT: Don't Care >OT Gender: Don't Care >TID / SID: Don't Care >Game of Origin: Don't Care >Date of Creation: Don't Care >Hatched/Met at location: Don't Care
Keegan 0748-1978-5962
>>19841412 Alright, I'm ready to trade whenever you are.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
>>19841466 I'm waiting to see you on.
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19841234 Got manaphy, but Arceus is gonna need some fixing. I'll get it to you once I figure out what's up with it.
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
Quoted By:
>>19841506 No problem based JK. :)
Keegan 0748-1978-5962
>>19841475 Ooh, the name was supposed to be König, not Köing. Would that be too much trouble for you to fix?
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
Quoted By:
>>19841537 Shit, my bad.
Nope, just gotta switch the letters around.
Give me a minute.
Gavrill: 0361-8113-2240
Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Honchkrow >Nickname: Veronica >Pokemon Gender: Female >Level: 100 >Shiny: No >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Moxie >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 Att / 252 Spe / 4 SpD >Moves: Sucker Punch, Brave Bird, Roost, Superpower >Specific pokeball: Regular Pokeball >OT: Gavrill >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: 53786 >Game of Origin: Black 2 >Date of Creation: Today. >Hatched/Met at location: Wherever works Got some 5IV leftovers with Egg moves, KB 5 and 6IV Shinies and Enigma Berries for days. Thanks. ~
Erik 1220-6930-0976 [Pansear Pyroar Ninetales]
Erik 1220-6930-0976 [Pansear Pyroar Ninetales] Wed 02 Jul 2014 19:51:21 No. 19841604 Report >>19841412 Added and ready when you are
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
>>19841537 Loading yours into bank now.
>>19841604 Got your Toxicroak made, just gotta move it into black 2, then pokebank.
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
Quoted By:
>>19841506 Thank you based JK! I know you're sick with event pokes request. My last piece for the collection.
>Pokemon: Genesect >Nickname: N/A >Pokemon Gender: N/A >Level: 15 >Shiny: No >Nature: Hasty >Ability: Download >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 ATK | 4 SP ATK | 252 SPEED >Moves: Techno Blast | Magnet Bomb | Solar Beam | Signal Beam >Specific pokeball: Cherish Ball >OT: Plasma >OT Gender: N/A >TID / SID: 10072 / 00000 >Game of Origin: Unova >Date of Creation: N/A >Hatched/Met at location: Wi-Fi Gift Keegan 0748-1978-5962
>>19841624 Thank you very much, based Caleb.
Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Gothitelle >Nickname: Nope >Pokemon Gender: Male (only male is legal with Shadow Tag) >Level: 50 >Shiny: no >Nature: Modest >Ability: Shadow Tag >IV's: 31/02/31/30/31/30 (HP Fire) >EV's: 212 HP / 252 SAtk / 44 Speed >Moves: Psychic, Thunderbolt, Hidden Power, Trick (Max PP if possible) >Specific pokeball: Dream Ball >OT: Danny >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 13816/doesn't matter >Game of Origin: White 2 >Date of Creation: doesn't matter >Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't matter (Entralink?) Someone can help me?
greg 2251-4263-5534 psychic (62858)
I was back from the previous thread and I find out that someone name JK got the ditto I needed but when I gone back to see the thread was close. if you were here or someone else in matter. this is what I request.>Pokemon:Ditto >Nickname:Ditto >Pokemon Gender: >Level: around 50 >Shiny: no >Nature: any >Ability: any >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 0 >Moves: transform >Specific pokeball: premier ball >OT: >OT Gender: >TID / SID: 71923 or whatever >Game of Origin: black 2 >Date of Creation: 04-20-2013 >Hatched/Met at location: giant chasm (unova) I'll trade you my first perfect 6IV chespin with adament, synthesis, and overgrow ability
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
>>19841705 Welcome! Thanks for the life orb!
>>19841604 Got toxicroak into bank, making jolteon as we speak.
If any held item,
how about some x stones? Or aggronite? If not, I'll take whatever. Erik 1220-6930-0976 [Pansear Pyroar Ninetales]
Erik 1220-6930-0976 [Pansear Pyroar Ninetales] Wed 02 Jul 2014 20:09:20 No. 19841834 Report >>19841791 I'll give you whatever stones you want, dude. Doesn't matter to me. Give me a list!
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
Quoted By:
>>19841506 Thank you based JK! Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
>>19841834 I'll take an aggronite for all 3. Moved Jolteon to Y, making dragonite now. Just wait another ~10 Minutes or so.
I used to have it, but I traded it to gf for tyrantite. Erik 1220-6930-0976 [Pansear Pyroar Ninetales]
Erik 1220-6930-0976 [Pansear Pyroar Ninetales] Wed 02 Jul 2014 20:14:15 No. 19841880 Report >>19841872 No problem. One Aggronite ready and waiting.
Quoted By:
>>19841872 caleb dont mind gen this event mon? its the plasma genesect from b/w
>Pokemon: Genesect >Nickname: - >Pokemon Gender: - >Level: 15 >Shiny: No >Nature: Hasty >Ability: Download >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 4 ATK | 252 SP ATK | 252 SPEED >Moves: Techno Blast | Magnet Bomb | Solar Beam | Signal Beam >Specific pokeball: Cherish Ball >OT: Plasma >OT Gender: N/A >TID / SID: 10072 / 00000 Hima 0576-5117-7532 ( Phanphy, Diggersby, Dugtrio
Hima 0576-5117-7532 ( Phanphy, Diggersby, Dugtrio Wed 02 Jul 2014 20:25:46 No. 19841988 Report >>19840644 >Pokemon: Scizor >Nickname: Havel >Pokemon Gender: Male >Level 50 >Shiny: no >Nature: Adamant >Ability Technichian >IV's: 31/31/20/31/31/31 >EV's: 240 hp/ 252 atk/ 16 spd >Moves: U-Turn, Superpower, Bullet Punch, Pursuit >Specific poke ball: Luxury ball >OT: Hina >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: ? Whatever >Game of Origin: Black 2 >Date of Creation: Today >Hatched/Met at location: wherever >Pokemon: Rotom-W >Nickname: Whirlpool >Pokemon Gender: don't have one >Level 50 >Shiny: no >Nature: Bold >Ability Levitate >IV's: 31/20/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 hp/ 216 def/ 40 SAtk >Moves: Volt Switch, Hydro pump, will o the wisp, pain split >Specific poke ball: Luxury ball >OT: Hina >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: ? Whatver >Game of Origin: ? black 2 >Date of Creation: today >Hatched/Met at location: wherever I have a shiny 6 iv mudkip x2, all mega stones, any legends, shiny luxray name icarus iv in speed.
Would love some help with these two.
Hima 0576-5117-7532 ( Phanphy, Diggersby, Dugtrio
Hima 0576-5117-7532 ( Phanphy, Diggersby, Dugtrio Wed 02 Jul 2014 20:27:08 No. 19842002 Report Quoted By:
>>19841988 i mean shinx not luxray, sorry lol.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
Quoted By:
>>19841880 Sorry for the wait, dun goofed when genning dragonite.
Moving to bank now, then to Y. I'll be on in a few.
Everyone else, I'm taking a break, been genning for about 2 hours, time to take care of real life stuffs.
But I'll bump this thread later and take more requests. Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
>>19841880 Thanks for the aggronite!
H-however, I forgot to give Jolteon Hidden Power, it has Growl in its place. It's a TM thought! In Anistar city! Unless you want me to re-gen it for you. Erik 1220-6930-0976 [Pansear Pyroar Ninetales]
Erik 1220-6930-0976 [Pansear Pyroar Ninetales] Wed 02 Jul 2014 20:44:53 No. 19842245 Report >>19842201 Took care of it, thank you. No need for anything like that. Thank you.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
Quoted By:
>>19842245 In which case, have fun with your mons!
Everyone else who wants something gen, I'll be back on later tonight.
greg 2251-4263-5534 psychic (62858)
Quoted By:
>>19841506 hey based JK, had you still got the ditto I needed from the last thread?
Is it possible to get a Cofagrigus in a Moonball, or no?
Quoted By:
>>19842579 no i dont think so as moonballs are gen2 and gen4 and cofagrigus is gen 5
Nektar 4742-5344-1965 (Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus)
Nektar 4742-5344-1965 (Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus) Wed 02 Jul 2014 21:28:20 No. 19842688 Report Quoted By:
I am probably posting this pretty late, but I guess it's worth a try.>Pokemon: Keldeo >Nickname: N/A >Pokemon Gender: N/A >Level: 50 >Shiny: No >Nature: Timid >Ability: Justified >IV's: 31/1/31/30/31/31 >EV's: None >Moves: Focus Blast/Scald/Icy Wind/Hidden Power (Electric) >Specific pokeball: Cherish Ball >OT: WIN2013 >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 01163 / N/A >Game of Origin: White 2 >Date of Creation: Doesn't matter >Hatched/Met at location: Lovely place >Pokemon: Thundurus >Nickname: Dias >Pokemon Gender: Male >Level: 50 >Shiny: No >Nature: Timid >Ability: Prankster >IV's: 31/0/30/31/31/31 >EV's: None >Moves: Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Focus Blast/Hidden Power (Ice) >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >OT: Nektar >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Doesn't matter >Game of Origin: White >Date of Creation: Doesn't matter >Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't matter I can offer choice items, assault vest, red card, power herb, life orb, leftovers, and various breeding leftovers.
Hima 0576-5117-7532 ( Phanphy, Diggersby, Dugtrio
Hima 0576-5117-7532 ( Phanphy, Diggersby, Dugtrio Wed 02 Jul 2014 21:37:40 No. 19842784 Report Quoted By:
>>19841988 bumping,
i can also offer bp obtainable items for the record.
Julio 3411-1100-2475
>Pokemon: Rhyperior >Nickname: Gamera >Pokemon Gender: male >Level: 70 >Shiny: Yes >Nature: adamant >Ability: solid rock >IV's: 31/31/31/x/31/31 >EV's: attack 252; speed 252; hp 4 >Moves: earthquake; stone edge; mega horn; dragon tail >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >OT: Julien >OT Gender: male >TID / SID: 60108 / doesn't matter >Game of Origin: white >Date of Creation: doesn't matter, but in 2013 >Hatched/Met at location: Hatched on village bridge. I don't have much to offer except gratitude, but I can give you one of the ev reducing berries
Julio 3411-1100-2475
>>19844059 sorry change EVs to 252 Hp; 100 A; 156 SpD
Hima 0576-5117-7532 ( Phanphy, Diggersby, Dugtrio
Hima 0576-5117-7532 ( Phanphy, Diggersby, Dugtrio Wed 02 Jul 2014 23:53:50 No. 19844348 Report Quoted By:
>>19841988 i think someones taking care of me in the other thread. Ty guys anyways
Quote 2380-4445-6872
Any genners around? I've been looking for a pokemon to be genned for quite a while. I can offer 4 breeding leftovers for one pokemon to be genned.
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
>>19844100 I just finished yours if you are still around.
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
>>19844398 I have time for one more if you want me to give it a shot. I'm no good at pre gen 5 events though.
Quote 2380-4445-6872
Quoted By:
>>19844559 Its actually just an umbreon. Give me a sec to get down all the info.
Damas 5000-2674-3492
Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Braviary >Nickname: >Pokemon Gender: Male >Level:100 >Shiny:no >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Defiant >IV's: 31 in everything >EV's: >Moves: >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >OT: >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >Game of Origin: >Date of Creation: >Hatched/Met at location: Can offer a bankball mon to anyone who does it.
Quote 2380-4445-6872
>>19844559 >Pokemon:Umbreon >Nickname:Erebus >Pokemon Gender:Male >Level 100 >Shiny:yes >Nature:Calm >Ability Synchronize >IV's:31/0/31/31/31/31 >EV's:252 HP 4 Def 252 SDef >Moves:Heal bell, foul play, Wish, baton pass >Specific pokeball:Luxury >OT:Quote >OT Gender:male >TID / SID:any >Game of Origin:any >Date of Creation:any >Hatched/Met at location:any Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
>>19844624 I cant do wish with that pokeball.
Quote 2380-4445-6872
>>19844704 Oh just put it in an ultra ball then thanks.
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
>>19844749 Wish is an egg move meaning I can only do regular poke ball with it. Poke balls dont pass down from parents like with x and y
Quote 2380-4445-6872
>>19844774 oh that'll be fine then.
greg 2251-4263-5534 psychic (62858)
Quoted By:
Reposting>Pokemon:Ditto >Nickname:Ditto >Pokemon Gender: >Level: around 50 >Shiny: no >Nature: any >Ability: any >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 0 >Moves: transform >Specific pokeball: premier ball >OT: >OT Gender: >TID / SID: 71923 or whatever >Game of Origin: black 2 >Date of Creation: 04-20-2013 >Hatched/Met at location: giant chasm (unova)
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
Quote 2380-4445-6872
>>19844904 I have. My IGN is Quote.
>>19844526 I'm here now. What should I put up?
Julio 3411-1100-2475
>>19844933 Sorry, forgot name
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
>>19844924 I dont see you on.
>>19844933 Just add my FC and trade me anything idc. Sitrus if you can spare it i guess.
Quote 2380-4445-6872
>>19844954 I'm on now. how many breeding leftovers would you like in return for the umbreon?
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
>>19844980 anything is fine
Quote 2380-4445-6872
>>19844989 Enjoy the skarmory. Thanks a tonne!!
Rick (4184-1702-5554)
Quoted By:
Anyone have a spare 6IV lying around? I can offer a shiny safari mon. :D
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
>>19844998 ty and no problem, sorry it took so long.
Julio 3411-1100-2475
Quoted By:
>>19845009 Thanks for Rhyperior based Marlecxa! The torchic has 5 perfect ivs.
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
>>19844949 Np bud, ty.
I'll be back in about 3-4 hours if anyone wants anything else from me.
>>19845060 are you searching for something specific in return
Quoted By:
>>19845067 argh, god, sound dumb because i forgot the question mark. sorry. ;n;
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
Quoted By:
>>19845067 Gen 6 comp shines, bp items, sitrus berry.
None are required for my services though, would just be nice to receive in return.
greg 2251-4263-5534 psychic (62858)
>>19845060 will you request me this
>>19841762 Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
Quoted By:
>>19845098 I can do it after I get back if someone else doesn't get to you before I do later.
Feka 5026-5538-8024
>Pokemon: Heatran >Nickname: >Pokemon Gender: Male >Level: 68 >Shiny: no >Nature: Calm >Ability: Flash Fire >IV's: 31/xx/31/31/31/31 >EV's: N/A >Moves: Lava Plume, Ancient Power; Stealth Rock, Roar >Specific pokeball: Luxury Ball >OT: Poplar >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: N/A >Game of Origin: White 2 >Date of Creation: 7/23/2013 >Hatched/Met at location: Reversal Mountain (Unova) I can offer some leftover like Riolu with bullet punch, venipede, fletching, smeargle, eevee, ralts, and nidoran F with 3/4 iv. Not much but I really REALLY need a heatran. Thanks in advance
Feka 5026-5538-8024
Quoted By:
>>19845178 Sorry forgot something and a correction:
>>Nickname: Ophelia >>Gender: Female Anonymous
>Pokemon: W-Rotom >Nickname: Tide >Pokemon Gender: >Level: 66 >Shiny: no >Nature: timid >Ability: levitate >IV's: 31/x/31/31/31/31 >EV's: >Moves: Volt switch, Hydro pump, shadow ball, thunder wave >Specific pokeball: >OT:Snowman >OT Gender: male >TID / SID: 20973 >Game of Origin: white >Date of Creation: 3/17/2014 >Hatched/Met at location: route 7 I have a shiny shins, but then again who doesn't?
>>19846051 ...what's wrong with just breeding this yourself? seems easy enough stuff, hpump is given when you change forms, the rest are all tms, getting pentas isn't too hard this gen.
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
>>19845946 >Pokemon: Shaymin >Nickname: N/A >Pokemon Gender: N/A >Level: 50 >Shiny: No >Nature: Modest >Ability: Natural Cure >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 224 HP | 188 SP ATK | 96 SPEED >Moves: Seed Flare | Aromatheraphy | Substitute | Energy Ball >Specific pokeball: Cherish Ball >OT: Movie11 >OT Gender: N/A >TID / SID: 04019 / 49952 >Game of Origin: Sinnoh >Date of Creation: N/A >Hatched/Met at location: Pokémon Event >Classic Ribbon >Pokemon: Manaphy >Nickname: N/A >Pokemon Gender: >Level: 50 >Shiny: No >Nature: Timid >Ability: Hydration >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP | 4 SP ATK | 252 SPEED >Moves: Heart Swap | Water Pulse | Whirlpool | Acid Armor >Specific pokeball: Cherish Ball >OT: NWS >OT Gender: N/A >TID / SID: 10017 / 16757 >Game of Origin: Sinnoh >Date of Creation: >Hatched/Met at location: Pokémon Event >Classic Ribbon Thanks in advance! 5/6 IV Pokes for trade.
Quoted By:
>>19846051 Oh I forgot
Evs: 104 Hp, 252 sp def, 152 sp atk
Danny 0645 6693 6165
>Pokemon: Gothitelle >Nickname: Nope >Pokemon Gender: Male (only male is legal with Shadow Tag) >Level: 50 >Shiny: no >Nature: Modest >Ability: Shadow Tag >IV's: 31/02/30/31/31/31 (HP Ice) >EV's: 212 HP / 252 SAtk / 44 Speed >Moves: Psychic, Grass Knot, Hidden Power, Trick (Max PP if possible) >Specific pokeball: Dream Ball >OT: Danny >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 13816/doesn't matter >Game of Origin: White 2 >Date of Creation: doesn't matter >Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't matter (Entralink?) >Pokemon: Excadrill >Nickname: Nope >Pokemon Gender: Doesn't matter >Level: 50 >Shiny: no >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Mold Breaker >IV's: 31/31/31/x/31/31 >EV's: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 6 HP >Moves: Earthquake, Rock Slide, Iron Head, Rapid Spin >Specific pokeball: Dream Ball (if not, Poké Ball, then) >OT: Danny >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 13816/doesn't matter >Game of Origin: White 2 >Date of Creation: doesn't matter >Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't matter (Entralink?) help a bro, pls?
Niko 1693-0908-3577
Quoted By:
Can someone please help me out here? Take as long as you need to>Pokemon: Mudkip >Nickname: N/A >Pokemon Gender: Female >Level: 1 >Shiny: N/A >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Torrent >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Spe >Moves: >Specific pokeball: Dream Ball >OT: N/A >OT Gender: N/A >TID / SID: N/A >Game of Origin: N/A >Date of Creation: N/A >Hatched/Met at location: N/A Offering Froakie, Larvesta, and Starly breeding leftovers, BP, etc. NEEDS to be a Dream Ball
Quoted By:
>>19846074 I suck at breeding and don't have some of the tms
IGN: Harime 3625 - 9647 - 5473
>Pokemon: Mawile >Nickname: None >Pokemon Gender: Female >Level: 100 >Shiny: No >Nature: Impish >Ability: Intimidate >IV's: 31/31/31/x/31/31 Sp.Atk can be randomized >EV's: 252 Atk 252 HP 4 Sp.Def >Moves: None >Specific pokeball: Ultra Ball >OT: Any >OT Gender: Any >TID / SID: Any >Game of Origin: Any >Date of Creation: Any >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Pokemon: Mawile >Nickname: None >Pokemon Gender: Male >Level: 100 >Shiny: No >Nature: Impish >Ability: Intimidate >IV's: 31/31/31/x/31/31 Sp.Atk can be randomized >EV's: 252 Atk 252 HP 4 Sp.Def >Moves: All the Elemental Fangs + Poison Fang >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >OT: Any >OT Gender: Any >TID / SID: Any >Game of Origin: Any >Date of Creation: Any >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Pokemon: Yanmega >Nickname: None >Pokemon Gender: Male >Level: 100 >Shiny: No >Nature: (Sp.Atk+, Atk -) Can't recall name >Ability: Speed Boost >IV's: 31/x/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 Sp.Atk 252 HP 4Spd >Moves: Defog, Bug Buzz, U-Turn, Air Slash >Specific pokeball: Dusk Ball >OT: Any >OT Gender: Any >TID / SID: Any >Game of Origin: Any >Date of Creation: Any >Hatched/Met at location: Any Last guy had a few mistakes and went to bed. Can wait but if possible to have these done now would be great. I can offer any of the items worth BP. I have 163 points saved up.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066
Alrighty, I'm back. I'll take a couple of requests for the time being. If you're lurking, quote your post.That way I save time from making one for someone who's abandoned.
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
Quoted By:
>>19846274 >legendaries JK be with me, lets see if I can gen them legitly.
greg 2251-4263-5534 psychic (62858)
IGN: Harime 3625 - 9647 - 5473
>>19846264 I'm sure you saw this but I guess I should ask you?
>>19846238 IGN: Harime 3625 - 9647 - 5473
>>19846304 Of course, push me below the ones who were waiting much longer than me, who just placed his request.
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton SID: 07772 TSV: 3759
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton SID: 07772 TSV: 3759 Thu 03 Jul 2014 02:45:49 No. 19846314 Report Could I request a Genesect if possible? Just the level 15 one from Plasma, with 31's in all IVs? I can give some breeding leftovers and an enigma berry
>Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: n/a >Pokemon Gender: n/a >Level: 30 >Shiny: yes >Nature: Bashful >Ability: Imposter >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 0 >Moves: Transform >Specific pokeball: Dusk Ball >OT: Bob >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: n/a >Game of Origin: Pokemon Black 2 >Date of Creation: 6/26/2014 >Hatched/Met at location: Giant Chasm what are you guys lookin for?
hero 4828-4328-6124
Quoted By:
>>19846264 in the past thread you wanted that life orb right? I can put a disk up in GTS with it if you still want it.
Quoted By:
>>19846264 Hi! This one please. Thanks in advance
>>19845178 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19846315 btw i have some breeding leftovers if you are interested
Danny 0645 6693 6165
Quoted By:
>>19846264 hey based Caleb, help me pls?
>>19846106 Cris 2036 7032 3174 !!lZ0XI7obdsl
I think someone here posted this also but I'd like these also...>Pokemon: Darkrai >Nickname: >Pokemon Gender: >Level: 50 >Shiny: >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Bad Dreams >IV's: 31/30/30/30/30/31 >EV's: >Moves: Double Team, Nightmare, Feint Attack, Hypnosis >Specific pokeball: Luxury Ball >OT: Cris >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 19960 >Game of Origin: Platinum >Date of Creation: November 3rd 2009 >Hatched/Met at location: Newmoon Island. Fateful Encounter at Level 50 >Pokemon: Manaphy >Nickname: N/A >Pokemon Gender: >Level: 50 >Shiny: No >Nature: Timid >Ability: Hydration >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP | 4 SP ATK | 252 SPEED >Moves: Heart Swap | Water Pulse | Whirlpool | Acid Armor >Specific pokeball: Cherish Ball >OT: NWS >OT Gender: N/A >TID / SID: 10017 / 16757 >Game of Origin: Sinnoh >Date of Creation: >Hatched/Met at location: Pokémon Event >Classic Ribbon >Pokemon: Victini >Nickname: >Pokemon Gender: >Level: 15 >Shiny: >Nature: Bashful >Ability: Victory Star >IV's: 31/30/29/29/30/31 >EV's: >Moves: Incinerate, Quick Attack, Endure, Confusion >Specific pokeball: Luxury Ball >OT: Cris >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 42586 >Game of Origin: Black >Date of Creation: March 13 2011 >Hatched/Met at location: Liberty Garden. Fateful encounter at level 15 What are you looking for in return, genner?
>>19846274 Attempting to gen Shaymin now, lets see if it goes through bank.
JK never taught me how to gen the event mos correctly Toz 0190 0407 0467
>Pokemon:Ralts >Nickname:Croissant >Pokemon Gender:Female >Level 1 >Shiny: yes >Nature: Timid >Ability:Trace >IV's: 31/x/31/31/31/31 >EV's:0 >Moves:Hyper Voice >Specific pokeball: Luxury Ball >OT: Baguette >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID:11654/ Doesn't matter >Game of Origin:Black 2 >Date of Creation:7/2/2014 >Hatched/Met at location: Black City I can offer pentaperfect non eng timid Ghastly, pentaperfect timid Ralts, or a Shiny 3 IV timid Gardevoir (nicknameable).
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
>>19846472 Aye! Hope it gets through
>>19846315 forgot ign Zeinox
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
>>19846600 Yes my good sir.
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
>>19846626 Attempt #4 with the Shaymin.
Everyone else, I'm sorry for the wait.
Feka 5026-5538-8024
Quoted By:
>>19846723 don't worry bro. I can wait a little more
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
>>19846723 It went through.
Give me a minute to gen up Manaphy, and I'll be on Y in a few.
Quoted By:
>>19846723 >>19846581 >>19846315 i can wait especially for a 6 iv ditto
Cris 2036 7032 3174 !!lZ0XI7obdsl
Quoted By:
>>19846760 I'm still here too c:
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
Quoted By:
>>19846760 Yay! Thanks based Caleb! FInally popped your cherry with event mons. lol
greg 2251-4263-5534 psychic (62858)
Question, if I want a specific event Pokemon do I need to fill out the long form or can I just link to it's .pkm file?
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19846792 Pkm. Makes it less of a pain in the ass.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
>>19846274 They came through clean, loading them into Y now.
>>19846302 Making your ditto now.
Epsilon 2767-0135-1469 (Ghost - Lampent, Pumkaboo, Golurk) Archipielago
Epsilon 2767-0135-1469 (Ghost - Lampent, Pumkaboo, Golurk) Archipielago Thu 03 Jul 2014 03:44:31 No. 19846898 Report IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
Quoted By:
>>19846884 Thanks, added btw.
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19846898 Want anything changed on it before I fix it?
Cris 2036 7032 3174 !!lZ0XI7obdsl
Quoted By:
>>19846464 Oh this is my request by the way~
Quoted By:
>>19846723 >>19846581 >>19846315 could i change my requested pokeball to a premier ball as well?
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
>>19846911 I assume you still have
>>19846302 ditto, right? If so, I'll move on to the next person in line.
Epsilon 2767-0135-1469 (Ghost - Lampent, Pumkaboo, Golurk) Archipielago
Epsilon 2767-0135-1469 (Ghost - Lampent, Pumkaboo, Golurk) Archipielago Thu 03 Jul 2014 03:50:37 No. 19846959 Report >>19846911 I want to make it as Legit as posible but I wanna know if IV/natures are fixed or are randomly generated.
If they arent then I would like it to be Adamant and Pentaperfect.
Eiterway would like for it to have the standard EV spread of hp4/atk252/spd252
Thanks before hand.
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
greg 2251-4263-5534 psychic (62858)
>>19846954 checking on it right now
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
Quoted By:
Going AFK for a couple minutes, when I get back, I will work on
>>19846238 pokemon.
Until then, I leave you in the hands of JK.
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19846959 Basically, as far as I can tell, they find the one with the best IV's and nature they can and use that PKM. I've edited it exactly how you wanted and it got through.
>>19847001 If all you need is a 6IV ditto, I've got an extra.
Lumina 0619-5395-0729
I lost my 3DS and Y a few days along with every Pokemon to my name. I come asking for a single Ditto to help the rebreeding process once I beat the game again. Unfortunately, I have nothing to offer anymore. >Pokemon: Ditto >Nature: Timid/Jolly/Adamant/Modest >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31
>>19846723 >>19846581 >>19846315 ib be willing to grab one, thats all i need really
greg 2251-4263-5534 psychic (62858)
>>19847048 yeah, are you doing in in trade or in pokebank?
Epsilon 2767-0135-1469 (Ghost - Lampent, Pumkaboo, Golurk) Archipielago
Epsilon 2767-0135-1469 (Ghost - Lampent, Pumkaboo, Golurk) Archipielago Thu 03 Jul 2014 04:03:16 No. 19847093 Report >>19847048 thanks bro, added your FC
ign zeinox
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
Quoted By:
>>19847048 Based JK, can I make my own .pkm and just link it here? (No more event mons.)
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19847093 I'll add you in a sec.
>>19847086 Put something on the GTS for it.
>>19847054 Got one of each nature for you. I don't need anything special, whatever you've got.
Quoted By:
YES! Now I can gen all the pokemon that I was too lazy to catch
postin this again if someone could gen this, it ll be greatly aprecciated>Pokemon:Arceus >Nickname:- >Pokemon Gender:- >Level: 100 >Shiny:no >Nature:Timid >Ability: multitype >IV's:31 all >EV's:252 Spe/252Satk/4hp >Moves: Judgment/Roar of time/Spacial Rend/Shadow Force >Specific pokeball: Cherish Ball its the toys R arceus
ign zeinox
Quoted By:
>>19847144 >>19846315 i dont need anything special, just a 6iv ditto (shiny would be nice but not needed)
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19847173 I actually already have that. Problem is, it has my ID and shit. If you don't give a shit about that, you can have it.
Lumina 0619-5395-0729
>>19847144 Are you willing to part with one of each or just one? Added your FC
Feka 5026-5538-8024
Quoted By:
>>19847144 Bro if you can do this I'll love you forever:
>>19845178 I'll leave a 5IV Eevee with wish on the GTS with your name in the comment since I don't have much to offer. Thanks in advance if you can do this.
IGN Nate
So, could someone gen this? Pawniard Nickname: Bishop Level 1 Gender: Male Shiny: no Ability: Defiant IVs: all 31 EVs: none Adamant Nature Pokeball: Timer Ball (if possible), Pokeball otherwise Game of Origin: Black 2 OT: Nate OT Gender: Male TID: 37478 In return, I have breeding rejects and the Enigma/Starf berries. Thanks.
JK 0705-2126-5768
Epsilon 2767-0135-1469 (Ghost - Lampent, Pumkaboo, Golurk) Archipielago
Epsilon 2767-0135-1469 (Ghost - Lampent, Pumkaboo, Golurk) Archipielago Thu 03 Jul 2014 04:14:47 No. 19847205 Report Quoted By:
Thanks for the Arceus JK.
greg 2251-4263-5534 psychic (62858)
>>19847144 I already did based JK
Quoted By:
>>19847181 ok np,i think i will remember you for that arceus, thanks!
Lumina 0619-5395-0729
Quoted By:
>>19847204 It's gonna be like Christmas in July. Thank you very much. Should I offer the trade whenever or will you send the request when you're ready?
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19847221 What did you put up? I can't find any luvdiscs...
ign zeinox
>>19847204 >>19846315 mind if i get one of those 6iv dittos?
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
Quoted By:
Sorry about the wait guys, cat got outside. Little shits an indoor kitty.
>>19846313 Harmine, if you're still here, I have the 3 Pokemon. About to bank them now.
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19847244 As long as you don't care that it has imposter, fine.
greg 2251-4263-5534 psychic (62858)
>>19847242 lucdisc?.. oh shit, that makes so much sense from the other trade threads in vp. let me change it
ign zeinox
Quoted By:
>>19847276 yeaj i dont mind, lovedisc up
Don 0404-6809-2057 (Drowzee/Sigilyph/Gothorita)
Don 0404-6809-2057 (Drowzee/Sigilyph/Gothorita) Thu 03 Jul 2014 04:24:35 No. 19847311 Report Quoted By:
Could I grab one of those Ditto as well?
>>19847276 Jk i already added you, im online btw
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
>>19846314 If you're still here, I'm genning your mon now while I wait for
>>19846238 to respond.
man i really hate to ask but a good friend of mine lost his DS recently and i wanted to get him a 6IV ditto so he can re breed all his stuff faster. anyone care to help?
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
Quoted By:
>>19847322 JK's giving out 6IV dittos right now, ask him.
Quoted By:
>>19847315 im deliverymail btw
Lumina 0619-5395-0729
>>19847276 Thank you so much, JK. I wish I could offer more in return.
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
Quoted By:
>>19847352 hey i dont suppose you've got one more to trade?
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
Quoted By:
>>19847276 fudge, wrong reply
i dont suppose you've got one more ditto lying around for trades?
greg 2251-4263-5534 psychic (62858)
>>19847282 Alright,I changed it to lovedisc JK
ign zeinox
Quoted By:
>>19847276 find my luvdisc?
Quoted By:
>>19847276 thanks again for the arceus jk
JK 0705-2126-5768
Quoted By:
I'll be back with a whole box of Timid, 6IV JAP dittos in a little while. I only had two extras.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
Is anyone still looking for gen requests? Or have we devolved into ditto requests from JK?
ign zeinox
Quoted By:
>>19847276 you're the best JK!
greg 2251-4263-5534 psychic (62858)
>>19847395 if cant find it, try my other name in the game, EpicGBX
Toz 0190 0407 0467
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
Quoted By:
>>19847425 >Pokemon: Articuno >Nickname: N/A >Pokemon Gender: N/A >Level: 50 >Shiny: No >Nature: Timid >Ability: Pressure >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 192 HP | 64 SP DEF | 252 SPEED >Moves: Substitute | Roost | Toxic | Ice Beam >Specific pokeball: Poké Ball >OT: Russel >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 71612 >Game of Origin: Johto >Date of Creation: N/A >Hatched/Met at location: Seafoam Islands >Pokemon: Zapdos >Nickname: N/A >Pokemon Gender: N/A >Level: 50 >Shiny: No >Nature: Bold >Ability: Pressure >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP | 168 DEF | 68 SP ATK | 20 SPEED >Moves: Thunderbolt | Roost | Defog | U-Turn >Specific pokeball: Poké Ball >OT: Russel >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 71612 >Game of Origin: Johto >Date of Creation: N/A >Hatched/Met at location: N/A Hi!
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
Quoted By:
>>19847444 Genning it now.
IGN Nate
ign zeinox
>>19847425 you wouldnt happen to know how i could get latios and latias without gts(or bank), would you?
Danny 0645 6693 6165
hero 4828-4328-6124
Quoted By:
Pokemon:haxorus>Nickname:DeathScythe >Pokemon Gender:male >Level: 100 >Shiny: yes >Nature: jolly >Ability: mold breaker >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's:252-attack/ 252-speed/ 4 special defense >Moves: dragon claw, earthquake, poison jab, dragon dance >Specific pokeball: ultra ball >OT: yorick >OT Gender:male >TID / SID:.... >Game of Origin:b2 >Date of Creation: today >Hatched/Met at location..... can you also max the PP of their move pools please.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
>>19847444 Since it was hatched, it'll be in a pokeball. No exceptions.
>>19847476 You're next, I had no idea whether ot not half the people were still lurking.
JK 0705-2126-5768
Change of plans. I have:
>12 6IV Timid >6 6IV Modest >6 6IV Jolly >6 6IV Adamant >>19847462 I'll get you them.
Toz 0190 0407 0467
>>19847486 That's fine.
Is there anything you wanted?
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
>>19847504 That shiny gardevior sounds nice~
Niko 1693-0908-3577
Quoted By:
>>19847425 This is all I want
>Pokemon: Mudkip >Pokemon Gender: Female >Level: 1 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Torrent >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >Specific pokeball: Dream Ball Danny 0645 6693 6165
Quoted By:
>>19847486 Don't worry, I just saw that you posted that, and you're helping now :)
Toz 0190 0407 0467
>>19847515 Sure
>>19847494 Can I get a Jolly ditto?
greg 2251-4263-5534 psychic (62858)
>>19847494 if your still looking for me use this
>>19847433 Toz 0190 0407 0467
>>19847515 Do you want a nickname?
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19847552 I swear already sent one to you.
>>19847535 Disc up.
Don 0404-6809-2057 (Drowzee/Sigilyph/Gothorita)
Don 0404-6809-2057 (Drowzee/Sigilyph/Gothorita) Thu 03 Jul 2014 04:53:17 No. 19847580 Report Quoted By:
>>19847425 I would love
>Pokemon: Froslass >Nickname: N/A >Pokemon Gender: Female >Level: 50 >Shiny: No >Nature: Timid >Ability: Cursed Body >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP | 252 SPEED | 4 DEFENSE >Moves: Thunder Wave | Attract | Confuse Ray | Double Team >Specific pokeball: Poké Ball >OT: Any >OT Gender: Any >TID / SID: Any >Game of Origin: Sinnoh >Date of Creation: N/A >Hatched/Met at location: Lake Acuity >>19847567 Adamant please and thank you.
Toz 0190 0407 0467
Quoted By:
>>19847567 IGN is Baguette
ign zeinox
Quoted By:
>>19847494 thanks, ill disk up
Sagettaris 4725-8077-2106 [Y] (IGN: Rusty) (Fire: Pansear, Pyroar, Braxien)
Sagettaris 4725-8077-2106 [Y] (IGN: Rusty) (Fire: Pansear, Pyroar, Braxien) Thu 03 Jul 2014 04:55:49 No. 19847599 Report >Pokemon: Mudkip >Nickname: N/A >Pokemon Gender: Female >Level: 5 >Shiny: Yes >Nature: Modest >Ability: Damp >Specific pokeball: Net Ball(!!!) >OT: Rusty >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 2002 Would really appreciate one of these. If it can't be Shiny or have Damp, that's fine (though I'd rather have Damp, if given the choice). What I really would like is to have one of these in a Net Ball. I've got around 50 BP to spend on whatever you want if you could get me one of these.
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
Quoted By:
>>19847567 im gonna disc up for and adamant one please
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
>>19847565 Just Gardevior.
Remember the capital G please. IGN Nate
Quoted By:
>>19847494 I'll take an Adamant one, please!
Also, bump on this:
>>19847199 Thanks.
ign zeinox
>>19847494 just tell me when and ill start with latios
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19847613 Go ahead. I'm getting all these dittos out anyway.
Toz 0190 0407 0467
>>19847622 Thank you for the Ditto~
>>19847606 Are you misspelling Gardevoir or do you actually want to switch the i and the o?
ign zeinox
Quoted By:
>>19847622 first one is up
ign zeinox
Quoted By:
>>19847622 2nd is up for latias
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
Quoted By:
>>19847637 Misspelling, my bad.
Don 0404-6809-2057 (Drowzee/Sigilyph/Gothorita)
Don 0404-6809-2057 (Drowzee/Sigilyph/Gothorita) Thu 03 Jul 2014 05:06:15 No. 19847690 Report Quoted By:
>>19847622 Thank you so much
ign zeinox
thanks again Jk, this was a big help
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19847694 No prob. It actually reminded me to gen my own to
use latiosite and latiasite on to fuck with passerby battles. ign zeinox
Quoted By:
im signing off for tonight, maybe oneday i can repay /vp/ for all its done (jk especially)
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
>>19847710 JK got the Lati@site?
Shit, got any extras? c:
JK 0705-2126-5768
Quoted By:
>>19847719 Unless something's changed, I don't think you can trade it.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
>>19847476 Your pokemon came through fine, loading them to Y now.
>>19847637 I'm sorry but Ralts isn't working out right now. I've attempted 4 times with 4 different things, nothing is "legal".
JK, mind taking a look?
http://puu (dot) sh (slash) 9UFO9 (slash) 7719169662.pkm Danny 0645 6693 6165
Quoted By:
>>19847743 Thanks, adding you now
greg 2251-4263-5534 psychic (62858)
Quoted By:
>>19847710 now I got it. thank you so much JK
denryuu (0404-6868-9884)
Can you generate these pkm from my previous games? I just completed Pokemon X so I don't have much except for breeding leftovers. Thanks.
http://www.mediafire.com/download/d72xdv3nnp8eift/jirachi.pkm http://www.mediafire.com/download/9665byjs0xyvbf2/dragonite.pkm Sagettaris 4725-8077-2106 [Y] (IGN: Rusty) (Fire: Pansear, Pyroar, Braxien)
Sagettaris 4725-8077-2106 [Y] (IGN: Rusty) (Fire: Pansear, Pyroar, Braxien) Thu 03 Jul 2014 05:18:38 No. 19847774 Report >>19847599 Bumping on this one.
Niko 1693-0908-3577
Quoted By:
>>19847599 >>19847774 Bump
If you could get one in a Love/Dream Ball that'd be p awesome too
>pokemon : Glurak >nickname : Glurak >gender: female >level: 100 >shiny: no >Nature: calm >IV: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >EV: 252 spa 252 sped 4 hp >moves: defog, solar beam, inferno and air slash. >specifical ball: n/a >OT: Klara >OT Gender: Female >TID/SID:n/a >Game of Origin: w2 >Country: Germany >Hatched/ Met : n/a I have shiny Coiffwaff, penta with 27 in spA. Also, ability capsules.
Danny 0645 6693 6165
>>19847743 God bless you, based Caleb!
But... you made Gothitelle 31/31/31/x/31/31 :c instead of 31/xx/30/31/31/31 for the HP Ice :'c
>>19847800 >>pokemon : Glurak HOLY SHIT GEN VII POKEMON REVELADED!!!!
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
I really wanna keep genning for all you beautiful people, but its 1 in the morning, and gf is begging me to watch a movie with her. So here's where I shove off for the night. If you requested a mon and I didn't get it to you, I'm so sorry please forgive me , and check tomorrow's thread, hopefully I'll get to it. Until then, everyone have a nice night.She wants to watch a chik-flik The things I do for love.
Einar - 5257-9738-5872
Quoted By:
Can someone gen this for me?>Pokemon: Jirachi>Nickname: n/a >Pokemon gender: n/a >Level 100>Shiny: Yes if possible>Nature: Modest>Ability Serene Grace>IV's: 31x6>EV's: 252 HP / 224 Sp.D / 32 Spd>Moves: Wish - Doom desire - body slam - Cosmic power>Specific pokeball: Cherish Ball >OT: SMR2010 >OT Gender: n/a >TID / SID: 06260 / 36733 >Game of Origin: Sinnoh / Gen 4 >Date of Creation: n/a >Hatched/Met at location: Pokémon Event I can give you an Ability capsule + shiny penta fletchling
Danny 0645 6693 6165
Quoted By:
>>19847821 b-but :'c
>>19847817 Anyways, thanks for the Excadrill
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
>>19847817 Shit, let me regen that before I get off for the night.
Quoted By:
>>19847821 It's all good man. Is Jk still genning?
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19847743 Got this Ralts through. For some reason, it wouldn't until I popped my ID and SID into it though.
>>19847949 >liking the french gehen saugen ein baguette
Danny 0645 6693 6165
>>19847838 Lol, you made it again Adamant
I can wait 'till tomorrow.
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19847800 Have it. Not sure if bank'll switch its name from Charizard to Glurak though.
>>19847759 Neither will go through for me. Jirachi is also a mess when I load it into Pokegen.
Quoted By:
>>19847968 you'd know all about sucking, wouldn't you schnitzel-kun
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066)
>>19847877 Well, that's interesting. Maybe bank upgraded to check against ID/SID?
>>19847977 It's been a late nite ;_;
I've been goofing hard.
Drop by tomorrow's thread, I'll gen you a new one so you can finally have the Pokemon right!
Unless JK fixes my mistakes before me. Until then, see everyone in tomorrow's new thread!
JK 0705-2126-5768
Quoted By:
>>19848014 You send me a poke and I can get your Y cart's SID for ya. Makes these threads easier when you forget to nickname em.
Danny 0645 6693 6165
Quoted By:
>>19848014 Don't worry pal, you help me with the Excadrill, who is a big help!
denryuu (0404-6868-9884)
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19847759 Fixed them and got them through. If you're going to try to gen your own mons, use this as a template.
>https://www.mediafire.com/?uya8yaywt04b6zf JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19848085 Items don't transfer with Bank. I can get you those though.
denryuu (0404-6868-9884)
Quoted By:
>>19848095 Alright, I'll add you
denryuu (0404-6868-9884)
Quoted By:
>>19848128 It's alright, I'll take the fixed ones
IGN Nate
>>19847199 Hate to be the impatient prick, but bumping this.
Nigeriasz 2122-6731-7786 [Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier]
Nigeriasz 2122-6731-7786 [Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier] Thu 03 Jul 2014 06:14:53 No. 19848190 Report >>19848156 Can't you breed that yourself?
hero 4828-4328-6124
Lol. I've been asking for this Mon since the thread from yesterday. JK, can you help an anon out please? Pokemon:haxorus>Nickname:DeathScythe >Pokemon Gender:male >Level: 100 >Shiny: yes >Nature: jolly >Ability: mold breaker >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's:252-attack/ 252-speed/ 4 special defense >Moves: dragon claw, earthquake, poison jab, dragon dance >Specific pokeball: ultra ball >OT: yorick >OT Gender:male >TID / SID:.... >Game of Origin:b2 >Date of Creation: today >Hatched/Met at location..... can you also max the PP of his move pools please. can offer HA piplups, garchompite, Bp items,Z, reshiram,zekrom,kyurem,mesprit,uxie, and azelf
IGN Nate
Quoted By:
>>19848190 Knock Off and Low Kick are BW2 tutor moves.
denryuu (0404-6868-9884)
Quoted By:
>>19848128 Thanks again for fixing
IGN Nate
>>19848156 Goddamit, forgot about specific moves. Okay, it should have Knock Off, Sucker Punch, and Low Kick. Thanks and sorry.
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19848216 Got it.
>>19848201 Won't get through. I'm fiddling with it now. I think the name might be to long. When I drop the e at the end, it gets through.
IGN Nate
Quoted By:
>>19848294 Thanks, disc is up. You are a legend for doing all this.
hero 4828-4328-6124
>>19848294 ah. Well if it doesn't go through, then just name it RedSun. ( really hoping it can keep deathscythe)
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19848379 It can, I have one that does have DeathScythe as a name. The catch? It has my ID and name on it so I could rename it in X and Y.
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19848445 Almost. (Poketransfer) instead of Johto and Egg/Event instead of caught in wild.
IGN: Fare 1220-6747-9624
>>19848460 Hey JK, I know you're probably busy with requests but I have one, you genned me a raquaza a few days ago and its fantastic but I told you the wrong ball and just now noticed, if possible can you change it to a luxury ball? Thanks!
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
Quoted By:
>>19848489 lol, fail spoiler.
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19848474 Sure, but it's getting really late. I'll do it quick, but I need to go afterward. If I genned something for you, put a disc up with JK in the desc and I'll find it tomorrow.
hero 4828-4328-6124
>>19848407 that's fine by me. Just tell me when your ready.
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19848502 Go ahead. I'm not doing anything right now.
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
I'm fairly new to this but I can help gen a few things as long as they are not pre gen 5 events.
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
>>19848510 can you try this one?
>>19848489 JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19848510 >as long as they are not pre gen 5 events. Aw. Those are the fun ones.
I mean rage inducing. Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
Quoted By:
>>19848515 Sure!
>>19848518 I tried doing one yesterday and I felt awful because I didnt know how to make it work...
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19848515 I fixed it and sent it through the first time.
IGN: Fare 1220-6747-9624
>>19848494 ok sending you a request.
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
>>19848538 Oh, other than those two mistake, everything is fine?
IGN: Fare 1220-6747-9624
Quoted By:
>>19848539 Do you want me to throw up a disc? I still need to give the shiny I had promised you if you'll still be on.
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19848547 Yeah. If I try trading you, chances are I have what you want. I don't always post in the thread, especially if you're already on my FL.
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
Quoted By:
>>19848553 Noted, just trade me when you can. Thanks!
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
>>19848547 >>19848553 Well if the Articuno is done I'll do something else for some one else if they need.
Any takers?
IGN: Fare 1220-6747-9624
>>19848553 The only shiny I have is that pelipper or a hacked umbreon, I feel like I need to give something for the work you've done.
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19848575 I clicked some shit. It's not work. Keep em.
[Sandora {IGN Alex - 0147 - 0019 - 9636}]
[Sandora {IGN Alex - 0147 - 0019 - 9636}] Thu 03 Jul 2014 07:18:29 No. 19848582 Report >>19848566 I'd like something, if it's not too much trouble.
>Pokemon: Gallade >Nickname: Stahl >Pokemon Gender: Male >Level: 50 >Shiny: nope >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Justified >IV's: 31/31/31x/31/31/ >EV's: 252 Atk/252 Spe/4 HP >Moves: Substitute/Knock Off/Drain Punch/Zen Headbutt >Specific pokeball: Premier - I believe it's legal. >OT: doesn't matter >OT Gender: " >TID / SID: " >Game of Origin: " >Date of Creation: " >Hatched/Met at location: " Anything you want in return?
hero 4828-4328-6124
>>19848509 ok I'm ready. Sorry for the delay.
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
JK 0705-2126-5768
>>19848592 Put a disc up for a level 100 haxorus. I'll get it tomorrow. I gotta go to sleep.
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
>>19848582 Can do!
>>19848593 Sure I'll give it a try after I've done the Gallade.
I'm seeking any bp items and a sitrus berry, but nothing is required for me to do a request. I really don't mind doing these at all.
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
>>19848603 I'll play maison for a bit, lemme get something, if not I got sitrus.
IGN: Fare 1220-6747-9624
Quoted By:
>>19848578 Well, alright... thanks as always!
hero 4828-4328-6124
Quoted By:
>>19848599 ok disk up. Thanks JK!
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
>>19848582 all done adding your FC now.
>>19848626 got yours done too also adding FC.
I'm looking for a Rampardos with Sheer Force, Thunder and Fire Punch. I don't know what I should offer though, depends on what you want.
[Sandora {IGN Alex - 0147 - 0019 - 9636}]
[Sandora {IGN Alex - 0147 - 0019 - 9636}] Thu 03 Jul 2014 07:36:50 No. 19848720 Report >>19848689 Awesome! Thanks a lot. Might have a BP item or two, let me take a look...
>>19848689 what event legen can you gen
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
>>19848689 Thanks! List some BP items you need.
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
>>19848731 I'm new to it so its really hit or miss. Sorry.
>>19848741 Choice Scarf and any thing else besides life orb and vest.
>>19848720 Oh man im sorry i goofed the name apparently, gimmie a sec to redo
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
>>19848762 Can I request 2 for a Choice Scarf?
[Sandora {IGN Alex - 0147 - 0019 - 9636}]
[Sandora {IGN Alex - 0147 - 0019 - 9636}] Thu 03 Jul 2014 07:46:16 No. 19848797 Report >>19848762 hahaha, i didn't wanna bother you, but if it's not too much trouble, the name'd be /awesome/
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
>>19848797 Working on it now, sorry again.
>>19848784 Of course!
IGN: AQUA [3239-3094-8000]
Quoted By:
I actually have pokegen myself, but I lack old AR hardware. Would anyone be willing to transfer a few mons for me if I provide the files? I've got a powersaves so I can get you items and shinies and that kind of thing
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
[Sandora {IGN Alex - 0147 - 0019 - 9636}]
[Sandora {IGN Alex - 0147 - 0019 - 9636}] Thu 03 Jul 2014 07:51:15 No. 19848834 Report >>19848800 nothing to be sorry for. if anything, /i/ should apologize for not having much to give.
>>19848800 >>19848716 Can you maybe do this as well? That Thunder is supposed to be Thunder Punch.
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
>>19848834 Still working one it.
>>19848810 Will asap
>>19848841 I'll give it a shot.
However... I ended up with the white screen of death, so bare with me while I try to fix it.
>>19848866 ah forgot my name
FC: 1306 5844 3434
ten (0404-6868-9884)
>>19848762 Can you generate these pkm? Thanks
http://www.pokedit.com/download/event-pkm/Entei+Gamestop_7014/ Replace Crush Claw with Sacred Fire
Max PP and EVs on Attack and Speed
Item: Choice Specs
http://www.pokedit.com/download/event-pkm/Jirachi+Tanabata_7068/ Max PP and EVs on HP and Speed
http://www.pokedit.com/download/event-pkm/Raikou+Gamestop_7013/ Max PP and EVs on Speed and Special Attack
Item: Life Orb
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
>>19848834 >>19848810 Done, will be trading soon.
>>19848883 More specifics requested for your poke please.
>>19848913 I'll try. Can you change event mon moves so easily?
Quoted By:
>>19848883 >>19848866 Also Jolly and shiny. The rest doesn't matter, put yourself as OT if you want.
What do you want in return?
ten (0404-6868-9884)
>>19848947 I think you can if you use PokeGen, but it's alright if you can't change the moves.
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
>>19848947 Thanks, if you still take requests. Still have an extra Choice Specs.
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
>>19848987 Sure after I'm done with these other 2 anons.
Thanks a lot for the items btw, really appreciate 'em
:> IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
IGN: AQUA [3239-3094-8000]
>>19848996 Can I hop in line if you're still doing it? I can get you pretty much anything as far as items go. Even ability capsules
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
>>19849009 Sure I'll get you after Russel.
IGN: AQUA [3239-3094-8000]
>>19849027 Aweosme, Thanks. Just shoot a highlight or something when ready. Adding that FC now though
>>19849027 Did you want me to create one of these pokegen files everyone is uploading? I'm sorry I've never done this before.
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
>>19849051 It's preferred by far(saves me a ton of time), but I've already gotten yours done. No biggie.
IGN:Zajiboy [1779-1032-2175] !fmJRnC5rvE
Quoted By:
I'd have a request, but bumplimit is reached..
>>19849059 alright, my bad
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
Anyone want to make a new thread?
IGN:Zajiboy [1779-1032-2175] !fmJRnC5rvE
>>19849096 I'd make one, but i cant gen myself.
If youre allright with that ill do it anyway.
IGN: AQUA [3239-3094-8000]
>>19849096 Can anyone make it?
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
>>19849108 Sure, I expect to be here for another hour or 2
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
Quoted By:
>>19849119 I... I've never made one to be honest. I usually just read and very seldom post except when the Luvdisc threads started a while back.
>>19849120 when do you think you can trade me?
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
>>19849132 Soon. I make the in request batches.
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
Akiii 1306 5844 3434
IGN:Zajiboy [1779-1032-2175] !fmJRnC5rvE
IGN: Russel FC: 2895-8314-2943
>>19849141 I check my inventory again, I have an extra Choice Band. lol, I'll trade them for another request if you want.
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
>>19849151 Sure, post your requests in the new thread if you don't mind.
>>19848971 The entei would not go through, I have the other 2 though. I'll be on soon.
>>19849086 About to add you.
>>19849042 >>19849143 Please repost requests in the new thread please!
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle Thu 03 Jul 2014 08:56:37 No. 19849171 Report >>19849164 Already did, though I changed my name a bit
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
Quoted By:
>>19849171 all good, appreciate it.
ten (0404-6868-9884)
ten (0404-6868-9884)
>>19849164 Thanks again for your help
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
>>19849212 Your welcome, I'll try that Entei again in a few.
ten (0404-6868-9884)
>>19849215 Alright, tell me when you're ready. Can I also
get a Choice Specs? Since I didn't get one
Marlecxa 5000-2978-1345
>>19849249 I can't transfer items over, sorry.
IGN:Zajiboy [1779-1032-2175] !fmJRnC5rvE
Quoted By:
>>19849257 'kay im trying to get those .pkm files done
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton SID: 07772 TSV: 3759
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton SID: 07772 TSV: 3759 Thu 03 Jul 2014 11:33:46 No. 19850097 Report Quoted By:
>>19847316 Hey Caleb. Sorry, I went to sleep. I wont be able to grab it unless youre on before 915am EST today, or later tonight.
If not you can give it to some other anon who needs it and is patiently waiting. I dont mind.
Thanks for working on it!