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>>19863728 thanks OP gonna do it! Happy America day
Cris 2036 7032 3174 !!lZ0XI7obdsl
I just put up a Flabébé up~ Happy America Day!
Christopher 2981-6554-9339
Flabébé up, requesting one nicknamed Walker.
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>>19863728 Also:
I will accept any colors, but red, white and blue flowers will be most appreciated!
nico 0834-2569-2583 fight
>>19863728 Up, Happy America Day, could I get one named Freedom?
IGN: Grey
>>19863728 blue flabebe up for MURICA!
IGN Rico
Alex - 4098 3535 2839 (Breloom, Throh, Meditite)
Alex - 4098 3535 2839 (Breloom, Throh, Meditite) Fri 04 Jul 2014 17:20:15 No. 19863863 Report Thanks for the giveaway OP. Can I have one that's named Captain?
Sending, hold tight!
>>19863796 Not seeing you, did you get sniped?
nico 0834-2569-2583 fight
>>19863864 Yes, will put another one.
Ign fuccboi
>>19863728 Flabebé up, TYBOP
>>19863765 >>19863785 >>19863799 >>19863834 Sent
Also don't forget to put your IGN if you want your rufflet.
Happy 4th of July, left a Japanese blue one. Ign is Shyvs!
Ign is Kupo I'm sorry for the retarded nickname (SHINY), i just got the first offer I could get from GTS
Christopher 2981-6554-9339
Quoted By:
>>19863900 And a happy 4th to you sir, thank you!
Quoted By:
Anyone here whose IGN is 0Lunar?
>>19863728 Flabebe is up. IGN is Darren
That's pretty sweet of you, OP. I put up a blue one on GTS with a Petaya Berry. IGN is Laura.
Serena 3196-3681-9383)
Flabebe is up. IGN is Serena
>>19863913 I do believe you're sniped. Check again
>>19863990 Hmm no it did not get sniped.
flabebe is up, thank you OP i've been wanting one for a while now. IGN is Derek
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Fri 04 Jul 2014 17:41:21 No. 19864061 Report Anonymous
Flabebe up, ign is Jacquelyne Thx op
Is this still going on? I put my Flabebe, ign Niqqa
You still got some? IGN is Eduardo
Quoted By:
Anyone with IGN Ymir? I have nothing against silent requests, just post something here with your IGN so others know you requested a rufflet.
Flabby's goin' up, IGN Anthony
>>19864187 >>19864263 >>19864293 Sent.
Will the anons with IGN Ymir and April please stand up?
Quoted By:
>>19864344 Whoah, we have the same name if you're really named Valentin. Thanks a ton for the Rufflet
patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad)
patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad) Fri 04 Jul 2014 18:12:42 No. 19864413 Report >>19863728 Flabebe is going up. Could you nickname mine
Colbert ? Thank you in advance too!
Quoted By:
>>19863728 Nice job OP.
I nicknamed 42 Rufflet and a Braviary after the 43 unique presidents of the United States
fuck you, Grover Cleveland, you only get one and I'm in the process of wonder trading them.
My fairy faget Flabebe is up. USA USA USA
IGN Jay 1950-8754-3734
>>19863728 Flabebe is up, no name needed thanks.
Quoted By:
>>19864498 Oh yeah, and IGN is Jack
Axithane (IGN: Alicia)
I'm putting up a fairy, could mine be named 'MERICA plz
Flabebe is up, IGN is ミリヨナ Thanks for doing this, OP
>>19864539 You're doing God's work here, froggy.
At the end of the day, we can still be friends.
John (IGN Batty) 5343-7811-9487
Quoted By:
Putting up a Flabebe. Could you name the Rufflet Captain?
IGN Jay 1950-8754-3734
-IGN- Asterius (1547 5450 3337)
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Put in a White Flabebe. Hope I'm not too late.
>>19864542 >>19864568 >>19864573 All done.
I'm all out of eagles now, thanks for your appreciation everyone, thanks for the extra items too, and God bless.
John (IGN Batty) 5343-7811-9487
Quoted By:
>>19864667 Thanks a bunch. Happy America day!
Quoted By:
>>19864667 >tfw made it just in time Thanks a bunch, OP!
IGN: Koha (Fraxure-Noibat-Sligoo)
>>19863728 I need america bird in my life
flabebe is up
message: - /vp/ Murika
Flabebe up. Thanks op. Go 'Murcia
Quoted By:
Nouh 3265-5585-1438
>>19863728 I'll put a Flabebe up!
>>19863728 bebe is up, happy day :)
they're out someone should clone one
Quoted By:
flabebe deposited thanks 'murica
Quoted By:
>>19865107 shiet i am too late?
Julio 3411-1100-2475
Quoted By:
>>19865048 Forgot in game name
>>19864758 >>19865048 >>19865085 All sent.
>>19865096 Are you IGN Kaza?
Turns out I have these three as part of breeding leftovers. Breeding those little shits is a pain and I don't think I'm going to hatch anymore for the time being.
Thanks everyone for your appreciation. Honorable mention to
>Flabébé nicknamed Amitié Amitiés to you too anon!
Happy America day, just put a flabébé up. IGN is Angel
Quoted By:
can i still get one its important to me
>>19865314 Im IGN kaza :/, what happened, was offline
Valentin aka Barbezinc 3926-5907-7222
>>19866486 Check your GTS, yours is sent
Quoted By:
>>19866531 Oh, yeah, received it, thanks!
5386-9515-7784 Wartortle/Panpour/Frogadier
5386-9515-7784 Wartortle/Panpour/Frogadier Fri 04 Jul 2014 22:09:00 No. 19866578 Report Quoted By:
Are there any rufflets left?
Valentin aka Barbezinc 3926-5907-7222
Quoted By:
Reinitiating the breeding process! This means I'm hatching more eaglets as we speak, but you will have to wait a bit.
Valentin aka Barbezinc 3926-5907-7222
Hatching more eaglets as we speak. Here we go again. Due to the hatching process as well as passing down the right ability, it might take longer to respond to all the requests.
Valentin aka Barbezinc 3926-5907-7222
Also, IGN Mike and Ponder, check your GTS.
5386-9515-7784 Wartortle/Panpour/Frogadier
5386-9515-7784 Wartortle/Panpour/Frogadier Fri 04 Jul 2014 22:53:22 No. 19867034 Report Quoted By:
Valentin aka Barbezinc 3926-5907-7222
Quoted By:
>>19866372 Sent
Sorry for the lack of heart scales, am in a bit of a rush.
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au coin de la rue, il y a des inconnus qui surgissent des poubelles pour vous faire- french players, apparently. not many that i've seen here. notbad.jpg but plz op erryone knows mexicobird is best bird
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>>19867082 >>19867205 Sent, sorry for the delay but so long at it's still AMERICA DAY
Also sent to IGN Kenley
I've seen two more requests over on the GTS but as soon as I checked back after hatching more eggs, they were sniped.
Can give away a few more of these rufflets.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
I want one, if that's ok with you.
>>19867497 Sure, just follow these instructions
>>19863728 Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Valentin aka Barbezinc 3926-5907-7222
Valentin aka Barbezinc 3926-5907-7222
Okay, it's up. Thanks. I hope you don't mind...
Valentin aka Barbezinc 3926-5907-7222
IGN Antny
Valentin aka Barbezinc 3926-5907-7222
>>19868058 OK, one more then heading to bed.
IGN Antny
>>19868074 Thank you fellow Burgerlander
Valentin aka Barbezinc 3926-5907-7222
>>19868117 not a burger btw
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627 Sat 05 Jul 2014 02:54:12 No. 19869337 Report is this still ging on?
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>>19869337 Do you read any of the thread or just bump shit asking for hand outs?
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627 Sat 05 Jul 2014 03:05:17 No. 19869438 Report Quoted By:
>>19866841 If you have any left i would love one, otherwise i'm fine
IGN: Kyle
Quoted By:
putting one up right now. Thanks op
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Sat 05 Jul 2014 03:13:15 No. 19869505 Report Quoted By:
>>19868215 When you get a chance I left Flabébé on the GTS.
IGN: Typo
Quoted By:
>>19863728 Putting one up now.
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627 Sat 05 Jul 2014 03:21:25 No. 19869595 Report >>19866841 flabebe is up, ign is william
>>19863728 just put one up
IGN serena
nickname it Aquila please
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627
William - (seviper, garbodor, drapion) 1392/4882/3627 Sat 05 Jul 2014 03:24:37 No. 19869627 Report Quoted By:
>>19869595 if you could nickname it Apollo that would be great!
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>>19869600 it was traded away
i am putting up a flabebe now
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Are there still more to give?
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Today was a good day to check /vp