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World Trading Party in July 6,7

No.19870789 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi 4chan Pokemon trainers!
We're Japanese 2chan trainers.
We'll have a wonder trade event to celebrate Tanabata Festa.
So we hope you'll join us.

Tanabata is the love story of weaver princess Vega and cowherd boy Altair, who were allowed to meet only once a year at double seventh night.

There is one problem, July 7th is Monday.
We are divided in opinion, to do the event at 7th or on Sunday of 6th.
But I am taking optimistically, many friends will come on either day.
So, you also come on a convenient day!

Event will start at 22:00:00 JST (13:00:00 GTM), and we'll put our Pokemon on wonder trade precisely every two minutes, e.g. 22:00:00, 22:02:00, 22:04:00 and so on.
Please use to keep track of our time.
When Pokemons have some items (e.g. Lumiose Galette), it becomes our friend's sign.

We love Pokemons with rare moves, hidden ability, or in a special ball.
We'll glad when such Pokemons can be gotten.
We'll also glad if you give us high iv Pokemons of your breeding rejects (doesn't have to be 5 iv / 6 iv). Please arrange your box in this opportunity.
Considering to use for parent of intercultural marriage or to get many Poke Miles, wild Pokemons are not bad.
Pokemons connected to Tanabata story are interesting.
Any Pokemon very welcomes. Let's happily exchange!