>>19887564I usually plan a team in advance, nicknames included. This time I want to use gen 3 mons only (I can make an exception for pokèmon I've never used before if they're somewhat related to Hoenn, i.e. Froslass), but I'm in a predicament.
First, I want to try Medicham, as I like its mega and I've never used one before. This rules out psychic and figthing, especially Blaziken.
Second, Camerupt. Really hoping for a mega here. Also fire is gone (and nothing of value with it) but also ground, which rules out both Swampert and Flygon (which I love, but I already used multiple times).
So, Sceptile is a given. But ph no, now its mega is part dragon! Will this prevent me from using Altaria? Probably not as I lack a Fly user. (really hoping for Mega Altaria here but it's not something I truly expect from ORAS).
For a water type, I've always yearned to use a Milotic, but it's both hard to find (at least in the originals) and kinda boring to use in-game. Sharpedo is another good choice, especially if it gets a Mega.
Finally, Froslass could round it up.
>it's shitI know, that's why my back-up plan to overthrow my autism (devised after seeing Mega Swampert) is a mono-water team:
>LeChuck the Swampert>Stan the Ludicolo>Murray the Pelipper>Ozzie the Sharpedo>Elaine the Milotic>Voodoo Lady the WalreinI'm gonna be a mighty pirate!