>>19883599LoliPopLove: u suk kid
RoyceB: I love the SOLID STATES
LoliPopLove: i prefer the gaseous states myself
RoyceB: What about the consitutes from the elementary states??
LoliPopLove: those are dumb
RoyceB: show me a paul phase then
LoliPopLove: ==paul==>
RoyceB: lmao grow up kid
RoyceB: little rabbbit foofie
LoliPopLove: fuck u fuckin
LoliPopLove: fuckin
LoliPopLove: fuck bunnny fuck
LoliPopLove: you
RoyceB: ok derpy derp
LoliPopLove: ok
RoyceB: herpy purpy?
RoyceB: derpy derp
LoliPopLove: b
RoyceB: murpy how rabbit loopie lmao
LoliPopLove: lmop
RoyceB: how about lmao poopyE?
LoliPopLove: will u marry me
RoyceB: you merp flurp
RoyceB: lmao lol kiss
RoyceB: lmao
LoliPopLove: thx
RoyceB: okdie dokie, no gay
RoyceB: lmao franchise
RoyceB: oh am spining
RoyceB: lmaom
LoliPopLove: thx
RoyceB: 'aoskdf'as;kdf
LoliPopLove: dyus
RoyceB: okdie dokie
RoyceB: lmao
RoyceB: lmao
RoyceB: trippy
LoliPopLove: mom
LoliPopLove: help
RoyceB: how about no
LoliPopLove: mom
RoyceB: lmao
RoyceB: merpy derpie
RoyceB: lmao
RoyceB: truw
RoyceB: I like
RoyceB: lmao
RoyceB: lk
RoyceB: lkl
RoyceB: ok how about no