Welcome to the GTS Giveaway Thread! Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover pokémon here! Help other anons out and collect the pokémon you need. Help yourself, too!
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon. Version exclusives, bank Pokémon, breeding leftovers, special ball pokémon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and try to fulfill the requests of fellow anons.
Be nice, and don't hate. (If you don't like a Pokémon you got, remember it was for free - only by contributing will this be a better place.)
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc general for that stuff. Also we're not likely to have past gen exclusive moves (such as Knock Off Timburr / Hyper Voice Ralts); please try elsewhere.
No one reads the spoilers. This is just your imagination. Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IN GAME NAME (IGN). It makes everything so much easier. We want the Pokémon to go to you, not anyone else!
>Come chat with us about breeding, giveaways, baby battles, and more! 1. Go to
http://webchat.irchighway.net/# 2. Type in your nickname.
3. Enter #/ggg/ as the channel name!
>Ignore shitposters and their bait completely. And don't be #rood Old thread:
>>19892858 DELETE THIS ONE.
>>19892897 This thread is shit. Please delete
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>>19892936 this thread is official thread you gasoline huffing junkie
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>>19892873 I like my imagination.
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>>19892873 cynthia is this you? if so i have one thats penta and shiny (one of my favorite pokes)
Its backwards, but i did change my message to /vp/ Tremaine, and didnt specify any gender or level. also i am blonde in game, si
>>19893062 has leftovers aswell, enjoy cynthia! this thread will 404 soon so ill go to the fake thread
>>19893098 If you ever decide to come back to pokemon, i will keep it safe for you, i promise.
thanks tremaine
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other thread is kil we official now
IGn: Christian FC: 2552-0522-8475
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>>19893249 13th for dog poisoning.
>>19893163 thanlks haha
theres one pokemon im reluctant to give away because of the sentimental value OT:ALAMOS Drakrai my first big event where i went to amsterdam for, and i fear the day if i comeback and have to start from scratch (even though im giving everything away ill still keep the darkrai just the feels)
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Reposting my meager giveaway, because why not: Quick Feet Zigzagoon, Jolly, Luxury Ball, egg moves (Charm, Pursuit, Helping Hand, Simple Beam) - Three 5IV Female (-SpAtk) Frisk Sentret, Jolly, Dream Ball, egg moves (Assist, Double Edge, Trick, Last Resort) - Three 5IV Female (-HP or -Speed) Quick Feet Shroomish, Dream Ball, egg moves (Drain Punch, Focus Punch, Wake-up Slap, Seed Bomb) - One 5IV Female (-Speed) Prankster Riolu, Dream Ball, egg moves (Follow Me, High Jump Kick) - One 4IV Female (various) Moody Smeargle, Timid, Repeat Ball - Two 5IV Timid Male (-Atk or -SpAtk) - One 4IV Timid Female (-Atk and -SpAtk) - One 4IV Timid Male (-Atk and -SpAtk), ev trained in HP/Speed, Dark Void and Sheer Cold Unown: B D F H I J L M N O P Q R T U V W X ?
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>>19893271 >why not Because it's shit?
>>19893271 >meager you always give away good stuff, zoelle.
may i have a zigzagoon?
also i dug up some stuff
7 female love ball snubbull
all missing speed except one, which is missing spatk
feint attack, heal bell, double edge, close combat
Saren; FC: 3067-5998-3372; Fighting: Breloom, Mankey, Pancham
Saren; FC: 3067-5998-3372; Fighting: Breloom, Mankey, Pancham Sun 06 Jul 2014 23:36:52 No. 19893345 Report >>19893267 Might as well respond in this thread as well because I have no clue where is what kek
Disc up for the Shuckle, if he's still there
If not, I can disc up for the Gengar if he's also still there
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>see other thread >>19893255 lol what do we do
>>19893271 Question
Why would you teach your Smeergle sleep inducing move with 80% accuracy instead of sleep inducing move with 100% accuracy?
Hi I am leaving in about 20 minutes, so take these things in the meantime. DIVE BALL TYRUNT IVs: Pentaperfect, 31/31/31/x/31/31 Nature: Jolly Egg Moves: Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Dragon Dance Strong Jaw: (4) Female [plus a whole box of unchecked], (15) Male FAST BALL LARVESTA IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31 Pentaperfect Nature: Timid Egg Moves: Endure, Magnet Rise, Morning Sun, Zen Headbutt Swarm: (5) Female, (10) Male Flame Body: (2) Male MOON BALL SPIRITOMB IVs: 4-6 UNCHECKED Nature: Relaxed Egg Moves: Destiny Bond, Pain Split, Foul Play, Imprison Pressure: (3) Male
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>>19893362 >Dive Ball Tyrunt It doesn't even match the shiny color, what the fuck are you doing nigger
>>19893267 just for the feels, anyone else got a sentimental poke or am i just a fag
heres the leftovers, get em while there hot (whoever hasent chosen kecleon is missing out hes steals wins in battlespot PS. whoever chooses hippowdon has the nickname i used fro battlespot)
>>19893345 dont fuckle with shuckle,sent
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>19893339 Sure thing! Also, disc up for the -SpAtk Snubbull please!
I guess this is the real giveaway thread? I saw another new one and posted there first.. Anyways, giving away: Kalos born Munchlax in Heavy Balls Adamant or Careful Nature Thick Fat, Pickup (Turns into Immunity), or Gluttony (HA) 31/31/31/xx/31/31 IVs Egg moves: Pursuit Whirlwind Curse Self-Destruct Please reply with your IGN and specify which variety you want (Gender, Nature, Ability) otherwise you'll get what I randomly choose. Also, they are nicknameable.
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>>19893362 >all this shit lol why the fuck do people want these things
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
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>>19893361 For doubles. It helped me clear the Battle Maison, most recently.
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>>19893361 For double battles.
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>>19893382 discing up for the excadrill Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>19893382 disc up on excadrill
Thread Hidden Expert !/.N0PDICKs
>>19893430 You enjoy that reaction image a lot, don't you?
>>19893422 sax didn't you already get one?
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
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>>19893422 well shit
>>19893382 Disc uo on porygon 2 instead
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
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>>19893362 Ashley, I'll take a male Tyrunt please! Disc is going up now!
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>19893440 nah, got a scizor and a gengar
>>19893382 Disc up for that sweet keckleon then
>>19893385 gotchu!
and thanks for the ziggy raccoon!
>>19893382 i have a vespiquen from gen4 i still cant believe i found; she was pretty cool even if she got wiped by every rock attack
>>19893390 oh my god you bred ha pentaperfect munchlax in heavy balls do you have any females?
>>19893390 Already replied to the other thread but I would like a calm one named Velvet. Disc is up and many thanks in advance
Thread Hidden Expert !/.N0PDICKs
>>19893382 corphish up for chuckle
Thread Hidden Expert !/.N0PDICKs
>>19893466 Go catch some fucking luvdisc you casual
Saren; FC: 3067-5998-3372; Fighting: Breloom, Mankey, Pancham
Saren; FC: 3067-5998-3372; Fighting: Breloom, Mankey, Pancham Sun 06 Jul 2014 23:48:11 No. 19893487 Report >>19893382 TY bb
My sentimental pokes were my Swampert and Magcargo in my original Emerald game.
My Swampert would sweep the fuck out of the Elite Four (experience grind kek) and Magcargo would shit on the Beauty contest competition.
Then someone (ie my younger sister) took it and wiped my game, including Lugia, Ho-oh, Jirachi and a bunch of other legendaries.
I stole like fifty dollars from her for retribution.
>>19893456 Disc up, Female, HA and what nature?
>>19893459 Already sent :)
>>19893451 GTFO you greedy faggot
I have a question for the threadPlease don't crucify me, I'm new Why do most giveaways come from tripfags? And why would you give them the exact attention they want when you take their stuff?
I'm looking for a Bold male Audino, any help would be greatly appreciated.
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>>19893494 lol not me but nice try anon 4/10
>>19893498 So people can't impersonate them. And from what I've seen it's mostly namefags, not tripfags.
>>19893498 Because anons just take things. They don't contribute.
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>19893486 this just in, taking pokemon people offer in a giveaway that no one else seems to be taking is considered jewing
More at 11
>>19893271 disc up for female shroomish or if she isnt still left just hmu with any. ign chihiro
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19893498 >g-guys stop giving trips attention! Grow up. It has a purpose in this thread.
>>19893483 >Me >casual pick one
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>>19893511 They're the same in my book.
And what's so special about someone that they can't be impersonated?
>>19893517 Rude
>>19893524 I'm not the one that needs to grow up
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>>19893487 same thing happened o me but my older sister
>>19893522 thats true sending now
>>19893452 sending now
Thread Hidden Expert !/.N0PDICKs
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>>19893527 I'll pick casual obviously :^)
Don't fight!
Peolple won't be able to see my request >>19893502 Anonymous
>>19893524 Does it really? Maybe now that it's infested with
even more idiots, and trolls it`s needed, but it`s pointless to use tripcodes/names when you can simply say "'Disc up for [wanted thing]. IGN: [IGN].".
>>19893491 oh gosh.
that must have been crazy i would like a female with pickup if i may? i put a luvdisc up
>>19893498 most are namefags actually, and it is to keep track of who is giving away what.
>>19893556 Fuck off elsewhere then
>>19893382 Disc up for Heliolisk, ign is serena, thanks
Nica !TC9Zo4I1pM
I have 30 shiny goodra Tell me when you disc up
IGN: Red
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i'm looking for a bronzong (or bronzor), castform, lillipup and shieldon so any of those will do instead of a luvdisc (or i could luvdisc for them, whatever works): 4IV Timid Charmander 4IV Sassy Grimer 4IV Hardy Grimer 4IV Brave Scyther 4IV Sassy Scyther 4IV Naive Scyther (with Pokerus) 4IV Adamant Bulbasaur 4IV Brave Bulbasaur 4IV Bold Bulbasaur
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>>19893564 No, you fuck off. Audino, I'm calling for thee.
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>>19893573 How about no?
Take your shitmons and leave this place.
no one is dumb enough to fall for this
>>19893382 Nobody seems to have requested the Heliolisk yet, So I've put a Disc up for that. Sorry about you losing interest, but I'll make sure to keep hold of it in case you ever have a change of heart.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19893559 Why waste time typing all that when you can leave your name/trip saved on the quick reply?
>>19893562 Sent.
You can grab another with the HA if you want, I have multiple boxes. Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>19893523 Chihiro, Shroomish is all yours!
>>19893562 Like I said, namefags amount to the same thing.
You people just don't get it - you don't need names, you just use the "keep track of hurr durr" excuse whenever you see fit to seek attention
>>19893596 It's 18 keystrokes maximum. You use more time explaining why you trip/name than you would just doing that.
Thread Hidden Expert !/.N0PDICKs
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>>19893608 thanks much! i was looking for one of these for a while
Evan 1263-6861-9424
>>19893382 i'll disc up for miltank!
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19893615 But I never have to explain why I use a name, whereas I disc up frequently.
>>19893609 Trips serve as an anti-trolling measure in this thread, too. It's not just about hurr durr attention seeking, although there are some tripFAGS.
>mfw I heard Mega Heracross' cry for the first time
>>19893609 alright, then i will give you my reason
people think its a hoot to pretend to be a namefag, since anyone can do it. its a bit harder to imitate a tripfag although
>>19893617 is only succeeding because the real one doesnt appear. and finding out a fake is as simple as going to
https://archive.foolz.us/vp/ and checking the tripcode, or simply observing for amounts of time
when someone pretends to be you, it causes frustration for either the sender or reciever, and lots of people fall for it.
i do get off topic and talk about whatever from time to time, but i try to curb that, especially of late, and just now to explain this.
if that doesnt satisfy you, ok.
>>19893562 Speaking of tripfags...
Thread Hidden Expert !/.N0PDICKs
>>19893638 >I disc up frequently Good for you, you're not something special.
Stay anonymous like the rest of 4chan.
>>19893643 I see that "anti-trolling" this works out great for you guys.
You get shit AND you still have attentionwhores.
>>19893656 How hard is it to coordinate "IGN is something, I have my Luvdisc up!!" and "Okay, I'll send it to that IGN!"?
Excuses, again and again.
>>19893659 Cynthia is a goddess,
fuck off Disc is up for male Audino!
>>19893643 >it's just some tripfags You're deluding yourselves. Between the tripfags, namefags, and the IRC, this place is just as bad as WFG. Just a bunch of tripfags circlejerking.
>>19893565 im sorry, in my last giveaway i said that you must post with a name (even though you put your ign in the post) i am so sorry
>>19893594 sent it
>>19893629 sent, btw it has its HA Sap Sipper which is the hardest ability to get for any pokemon ever in pokemon x
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19893677 I really don't see a problem with names, go back to /b/
:^) Anonymous
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>>19893677 Why is this so important to you. The point is names make everything run smoother on trading threads and it's easier to just have it saved on the name box.
>>19893684 >literally worshipping a tripfag Exactly the kind of shit I'm talking about.
>>19893692 hurr durr /b/tard!!!
Great argument, your opinion is shit
>>19893692 >hurr diurr back to /b/ Fuck you
>>19893684 well, I'm glad you took your trip off, Cynthia
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Mon 07 Jul 2014 00:04:02 No. 19893708 Report As usual, all males are perfect and everything can be nicknamed:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12dyaae5OnTl_OgfU0L84q5f9EgGDnC4lMUfC6AfwQ_Y/edit#gid=0 Disc up with your IGN if you want something.
>>19893677 >"Okay, I'll send it to that IGN!"? You're misunderstanding something and I don't think you will, lost cause...
>>19893686 The only things I've had a problem with in this thread are trolls and dumbasses asking for shinies/legends/whatever.
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>>19893687 lol, i didn't know that?
But that's ok, I guess... Next time I'll put the name in the name field
>>19893687 d-did you forget about me, senpai? Anonymous
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>>19893710 >The only things I've had a problem with in this thread are trolls and dumbasses asking for shinies/legends/whatever. Welcome to GTSG, were you looking for something else?
Evan 1263-6861-9424
>>19893687 thanks for everything man!
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>>19893684 Lopunny-chan is one and only goddess in here.
She even has goddess complex, how cute.
>>19893708 I'll put a disc up for the togetic in a second. ign is Serena thanks in advance
>>19893677 it is not very hard, anon.
but even if you stay anonymous, you will get people pretending to be you, if you look
>>19893171 at this
but i cant sway you; your opinion is set it seems, as is mine. so ok.
ps still have 6 love ball adamant intimidate snubbull missing speed if anyone wanted
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
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>>19893687 I may be a huge jew, but thank you very much for your time, and I hope you can find fulfilment in you're life post pokemon:)
>>19893715 sending now
>>19893725 no problem, feels good to know that other people will be using my pokes
Travis - 0619-5008-5122
>>19893390 Disc up for Careful and Thick Fat please! Thanks so much!
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>19893697 So is yours.
>>19893702 Stop bullying me, anon.
I like it. Lanton 4227-2097-2730
>>19893708 Discing up for togepi in a minute. Let me get online
>>19893708 luvdisc going up for a bold espurr
>>19893708 can i please have the male? perfect spritzee? discing up right now, ign chihiro
Kennidy 0404-6403-9635
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>>19893382 Discing up for the Banette now. Thank you so much!
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Giving away. Level 100 Talonflame.
>>19893748 Do you still remember me? I got nothing man... I think I got sniped with the shuckle. Is there anything you could give me
>>19893708 You're a godsend, I'll disc up for an Audino. Been requesting it for a while.
Dave the Disc Guy
Any good giveaways going on?
>>19893812 I have 3 shiny Zapdos I'm giving away
>>19893271 Is the shroomish still available?
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19893708 May I have the pentaperfect Bold Espurr? Disc is up, thank you.
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>>19893802 >complains about not getting free pokes on the gts thread >puts up a corphish instead of a luvdisc Dave the Disc Guy
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>>19893826 i got 3 yesterday nerd
Evan 1263-6861-9424
>>19893708 discing up for the hexa druddigon!
Travis - 0619-5008-5122
>>19893738 Gracias, amigo!
>>19893738 I'll take one. Working on a TR team. Disc is up!
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>>19893812 I was thinking about doing a legendary dog giveaway.
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Mon 07 Jul 2014 00:13:01 No. 19893853 Report >>19893735 >>19893765 >>19893758 Sent
>>19893774 There are no male Spritzee. You mean the perfect female?
>>19893853 yeah, sorry im tired!
Lanton 4227-2097-2730
>>19893826 Disc up for Zapdos, thanks
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>19893827 Tidal, the 5IV Shroomish is gone, but I have a 4IV Shroomish. Want it?
Dave the Disc Guy
Travis - 0619-5008-5122
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>>19893845 Sorry, had to catch one. Disc is up now.
>>19893888 have you poisoned any dogs?
I only give my shinies away to people that poison dgs
Lanton 4227-2097-2730
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>>19893826 Disc up if you still have one
>>19893827 I'd love it, discing up now
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>>19893909 Yeah just yesterday I FUCKED a Houndoom up with Toxic. :^)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Mon 07 Jul 2014 00:18:32 No. 19893930 Report Lanton 4227-2097-2730
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>>19893909 Shit, are you joking? If so I just fell for it too
>>19893845 gotchu!
>>19893606 thank you, munchlax anon!
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19893930 Do you mind if I disc up for a Klefki now?
>>19893952 Do you need more Munchlax? They aren't as popular as I had thought they'd be initially...
now for the SHINY giveaway!
i would just like to say that if anyone here wants to add me on steam feel free
http://steamcommunity.com/id/Porygonii RULES
>only one poke per person >if you post without a name your getting skipped >claim a poke that no one else has >put "TREMAINE" in the description so i can notice you and you dont get skipped all pokemon on screen are shiny, a few are pokes ive recived from other anons here a long time ago, also ill add all my bp items to the pokes since i wont be needing them anymore
may the odds be ever in your favour
>>19893919 >>19893890 Meant to reply to you, sorry.
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Mon 07 Jul 2014 00:22:38 No. 19893988 Report >>19893974 Disc for slurpuff! Thank you
>>19893708 Can I disc for a growlithe and a Togepi?
>>19893965 i would love one with ha. you would have been a huge hit in january/february, but im glad i didnt miss you
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>>19893974 even the party pokes are shiny
>>19893974 Could I have rayquaza? Ign tidal
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19893974 Disc up for that Abomasnow, thank you.
Lanton 4227-2097-2730
>>19893974 Disc up for dat Rayquaza in a sec
Travis - 0619-5008-5122
>>19893974 I'll take the Latias please! Disc is up!
Quoted By:
>>19893930 Thanks a bunch!
>>19893974 Disc up for Diggersby, please
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>19893977 Shroomish is sent!
>>19894001 alrready claimed
>>19893974 Disc for the greninja in a minute
IGN Curtis
Quoted By:
>>19893687 Neato, massive thank you man
Quoted By:
>>19893994 Go ahead and disc up. HA and gender/nature?
>>19893974 Could I get the Raikou? Thanms
xanaxprincess, ign chihiro
so hey ive been around and i wanted to hold a giveaway. all are are shiny. all are 5iv except absol, the fully evolved ones are ev trained and some are nicknamed. first come first serve, :^) have fun
>>19893974 disc up for dialga please
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
>>19893974 Disc is up for Raikou.
IGN: Red
>>19893974 disc up for raikou
Lanton 4227-2097-2730
>>19894011 Yeah I see. How about the raikou then?
Quoted By:
>>19894022 priceless timeing
>>19893974 Disc up for the Bisharp. IGN is Dan.
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Mon 07 Jul 2014 00:26:29 No. 19894042 Report >>19893960 Sure, disc up
>>19893990 Togepis are gone. Still have growlithes: Flash fire or intimidate?
>>19893974 disc up for bagon is a min
Caballoster (3136-7861-9980)
>>19894022 I'll take a Treecko, please
>>19894042 Intimidate please. Thank you! Disc is up;
Lanton 4227-2097-2730
>>19894011 Damn, got beat again.. Milotic?
Travis - 0619-5008-5122
>>19894022 I'll disc up for one, thanks!
Can I please have that Greninja?
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
Quoted By:
>>19894010 Thanks so much
Tremaine disc is up for that beautiful rayquaza
>>19893974 Discing for charizard.
Quoted By:
>>19894022 disc is up for a greninja
Lanton 4227-2097-2730
Quoted By:
>>19894022 Can I has pinsir? Dissing up momentarily
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
>>19893974 Disc up for Gastly. IGN: Kagura
>>19894066 ign is David btw.
xanaxprincess, ign chihiro
Travis - 0619-5008-5122
Quoted By:
>>19894082 Ok thanks, disc is up!
Quoted By:
>>19894042 Thanks again for the Growlithe. I appreciate it.
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Mon 07 Jul 2014 00:30:12 No. 19894091 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
Anyone with a male fairy group bold pokemon?
CK - 2466-2637-2051 - Electric (Electabuzz, Electrode , Zebstrika)
CK - 2466-2637-2051 - Electric (Electabuzz, Electrode , Zebstrika) Mon 07 Jul 2014 00:30:57 No. 19894098 Report Quoted By:
Hello there beautiful people! Does any of you lovelies have a ditto with 0 iv in speed? I don't really care what the rest of these stats are. I can trade you either a jolly 5iv Archen with acrobatics or a luvdics.
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>19893382 Tremaine, if you don't mind I'll take that Blissey. Disc is up, if it's still available. Thank you.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19894091 Disc is up for a Klefki, thank you.
CK - 2466-2637-2051 - Electric (Electabuzz, Electrode , Zebstrika)
CK - 2466-2637-2051 - Electric (Electabuzz, Electrode , Zebstrika) Mon 07 Jul 2014 00:33:14 No. 19894122 Report >>19894022 Disc up for Ghastly! Thanks!
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Mon 07 Jul 2014 00:33:26 No. 19894125 Report Quoted By:
xanaxprincess, ign chihiro
>>19894043 fuck didnt put remaine hold on
>>19894106 yeah it is, ill do another leftover post after this one
Travis - 0619-5008-5122
Quoted By:
>>19894082 You're awesome, thanks for narutoad!
>>19893974 >>19894004 Disc is still up for that lovely Latias! Please and thank you!
Quoted By:
Anyone who can spare me a level ball female numel? :( I have some leftovers if anyone wants: 1 moon ball Misdreavus 1 premier ball Litleo 1 love ball Swablu 1 dream ball skorupi All females
>>19894142 its not a neccessity but ill most likely skip you
Baltan 2836-0287-6385 Normal (Teddiursa, Minccino, Ditto)
Baltan 2836-0287-6385 Normal (Teddiursa, Minccino, Ditto) Mon 07 Jul 2014 00:36:50 No. 19894159 Report >>19893974 Discing up for Sharpedo, thanks!
will be gifting from oldest claim to newest
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>>19894022 Disc is up for Mawile, ign is Serena, thanks in advance
CK - 2466-2637-2051 - Electric (Electabuzz, Electrode , Zebstrika)
CK - 2466-2637-2051 - Electric (Electabuzz, Electrode , Zebstrika) Mon 07 Jul 2014 00:38:13 No. 19894178 Report >>19893974 Gonna disc soon if that Golurk is still available.
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Quoted By:
>>19894146 You're very kind. Thank you. It will get put to very good use, I love Blissey (and Normal types in general).
Level 50 Smeargle in Premier Balls Timid, Moody, and equipped with a Focus Sash 31/00/31/31/31/31 IVs, 252 HP/252 Speed EVs Dark Void King's Shield Quiver Dance Baton Pass You can request male or female and a nickname.
>>19893974 Discing up for the cofagrigus, if it's still available.
CK - 2466-2637-2051 - Electric (Electabuzz, Electrode , Zebstrika)
CK - 2466-2637-2051 - Electric (Electabuzz, Electrode , Zebstrika) Mon 07 Jul 2014 00:40:24 No. 19894197 Report Quoted By:
>>19894122 >>19894022 Just got it!
Thanks very much, broski.
Quoted By:
>>19894022 disc up fot that tyrunt
>>19893974 >>19894078 >>19894066 Welp since I might have gotten skipped since I did not put my name in the first message, I'm redoing it.
Disc up for Charizard. IGN is David.
Quoted By:
>>19894022 Discing up for a mawlile!
>>19894230 no point being uptight, if youve claimed it ill send it, im up to diggersby right now
>>19893974 still have the zangoose??
disc up
>>19894230 if it doesn't have my name i might of skipped
>>19894257 >no point being uptight Sorry if it sounded that way. I did not mean it.
>>19893974 Disc up for chandelure
Stacey 3738 0974 3273
>>19893974 >>19893974 Tremaine is the Cinccino still available? I just put a disc up for it. IGN Stacey. Message TREMAINE.
Quoted By:
>>19894289 no sorry, i men't me being uptight
Serena 4141-2513-0403
Quoted By:
>>19894022 discing up for a sneasel
Quoted By:
>>19893974 disc up for milotic
Quoted By:
>>19894186 discing for a female
Baltan 2836-0287-6385 Normal (Teddiursa, Minccino, Ditto)
Baltan 2836-0287-6385 Normal (Teddiursa, Minccino, Ditto) Mon 07 Jul 2014 00:53:16 No. 19894358 Report Quoted By:
>>19893974 >>19894159 Had to re-disc for Sharpedo, got sniped. Thanks again in advance.
Quoted By:
>>19894022 received mine, thank you!
>>19894370 Feel like letting a Klefki go? I wanna train one really bad.
>>19893974 Disc up for Snorlax. Thanks Tremaine!
>>19893974 Is Zubat up for grabs still?
Disc up in 10 seconds, regardless.
Quoted By:
>>19894277 It has Thanks Tremaine.
>>19894021 its a special pokemon so it cant go on gts (ill link trade it to you in a while)
>>19894038 sent
>>19894043 no disc
>>19894055 its a a special pokemon (ill link trade it you after)
>>19894062 no disc
>>19894075 sent
Quoted By:
>>19894477 That's fine I can wait, just reply whenever you're ready
>>19894106 >>19894159 >>19894178 sent
>>19894185 because im sifting through the discs via "TREMAINE"
so if you dont have it theres a chance that youve been skipped (think ive just done you btw)
Ign: Gem
>>19893974 Disc up for Chandy. If it's gone, let me know and I'll re-disc for Pikachu.
>>19894477 who is that qt?
Baltan 2836-0287-6385 Normal (Teddiursa, Minccino, Ditto)
Baltan 2836-0287-6385 Normal (Teddiursa, Minccino, Ditto) Mon 07 Jul 2014 01:10:31 No. 19894582 Report Quoted By:
>>19894554 I love my purple shark and will hope to see him in shiny Mega-evolved glory in AS. Thank you again.
Quoted By:
Looking for any 5IV male mon from the insect egg group to breed with a 5IV imperfect trapinch I got yesterday.
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Mon 07 Jul 2014 01:11:13 No. 19894595 Report Quoted By:
>>19893974 Disc up for the Raikou if it is still available. Thanks a lot man!
CK - 2466-2637-2051 - Electric (Electabuzz, Electrode , Zebstrika)
CK - 2466-2637-2051 - Electric (Electabuzz, Electrode , Zebstrika) Mon 07 Jul 2014 01:11:13 No. 19894596 Report Quoted By:
>>19894477 Received, thanks!
>>19894194 no disc
>>19894263 no id
>>19894292 >>19894308 yeah the chinchilla has been sent, protip: i have a pet chinchilla <3
>>19894407 you must have missed my thread earleir, ive lost interest in pokemon so im giving all of my battle ready and shiny pokes away <3 disc up for clefki
>>19893974 since milotic is taken (did't see it) disc up for darmanitan (if available)
>>19894186 Disc up! Thanks op. Ign is nick
Quoted By:
>>19894022 Can i have the blissey if she's not taken?
Thank you so much
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Quoted By:
>>19894554 Thank you, Tremaine. Hope to see you back for ORAS.
>>19894186 May I request a female named Holy Mama.
>>19893382 >Tremaine disc up for Tangrowth?
>>19894630 Sent.
>>19894649 Sure thing, disc up.
>>19894420 >>19894459 sent
>>19894566 yeah its gone,also no disc
>>19894620 recived this from WonderTrade at lv23, sent
Ign: Gem
>>19894700 Disc for sniped. Discing up for the Pikachu right now. Sorry!
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
>>19894477 i fucked up. The disc is up now. Thanks
Quoted By:
>>19894700 You have my gratitude.
Also, checked
Joseph 0533-5327-8124 [Dragonair, Gabite, Sliggoo]
Joseph 0533-5327-8124 [Dragonair, Gabite, Sliggoo] Mon 07 Jul 2014 01:24:12 No. 19894733 Report So I don't have any legendaries or shiny Pokemon, but I do have the next best thing. Rattatas. All female in Nest Balls. Keep in mind people, these can not be gotten in the wild in Kalos!
Brett 1607 2904 0762
>>19894619 Disc up for the Zangoose
--- --- --
+ I have these pokes available for ppl looking.
x6 aipom / 5iv / jolly / run away
x6 skorupi / 5iv / careful / battle armor
x6 magnemite / 5iv / calm / magnet pull
x4 sandile / 5iv / jolly / moxie
x4 vullaby / 5iv / impish / overcoat
x3 shroomish / 5iv / jolly / quick feet
x2 aerodactyl / 5iv / jolly / pressure
>>19894700 >mfw skipped Thanks for trying, man. I'll go to bed now.
>>19894733 I'd disc up for one if I didn't have em already. But Rattata are the next best thing right after shorts IMHO.
Quoted By:
>>19894700 thanks for that ape
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>19894736 Brett, I put up a disc for Aipom. Thank you!
>>19894750 They are comfy and easy to wear, after all.
>>19894657 sent, used tangrowth on battlespot, a great uncommon poke
>>19894708 sent, looks kinda trippy
>>19894720 sent le green goblin
>>19894746 your disc was most likely sniped anon, nothing i can do about it, still kept the pokemon with no discs though so if your still awake its all yours <3
Quoted By:
Thank you so much for the Tangrowth Tremaine!
>>19894786 It was not. It's still up asking for that Charizard with "Thanks Tremaine" but I'll let go of it. Thanks for trying.
>>19894736 sent! the goose is loose
Quoted By:
>>19894690 Disc is up thanks dude. Message is /vp/ thanks!
Quoted By:
>>19894808 oh sorry anon, no ned for guilt tripping me, its hard to sift through the shit on gts , my apolagies
Quoted By:
>>19894854 a defensive wall with lefties or assault vest, assault vest is great but i swapped it for lefties because i kept running into "switcheroo!"
>>19894736 Disc is up for Skorupi.
>>19894027 i missed this one, just sent it sorry anon
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Quoted By:
>>19894736 Brett, Aipom has been received! Thank you very much!
Quoted By:
>>19894914 np, thanks you!
>>19894055 LANTON
>>19894021 add me for your shiny event pokemon
1607 3400 9642
>>19894786 oh I know I know, especially if you give it AV and pair it with other "Regenerators", again thank you Tremaine, I had been looking so long for a HA Tangela and you've positively made my day/night, Thank You.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>19894960 Hey, can I ask for another mon? I'd like that Chandelure if nobody has asked for it yet.
>>19894960 Added you. My code is 2363-6158-1686
Brett 1607 2904 0762
IGN: Artemis
>>19893974 Disc up for Latios
IGN Artemis
Thank you Tremaine
>>19894736 Skorupi received, thanks! Could I get a male Skorupi too?
>>19894987 let me just send these 2 their pokes and ill repost all the available pokes
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>19895017 Alright! Thank you for the giveaway.
Brett 1607 2904 0762
>>19895015 i can do that.
disc up
>>19894982 all these thank you messages are making me want to do more giveaways hahaha, im glad i made your day
IGN: Artemis
>>19895048 Is that Latios still available? My disc is up, really hoping to get a sky dragon, considering I lost mine in an old Emerald cartridge...
>>19895048 >more Oh god please no
>>19895072 there are about 15 shines and 20 battle ready mons, i can comeback tommorow? sorry for killing your thread
Quoted By:
>>19894022 Got it. Thanks!
Quoted By:
>>19894998 wow im so sorry, was reading the thread :0 give me eggs n shit mons
IGN: Artemis
>>19895098 Thanks for the Raikou!
>>19895135 penta perfect porygon
>>19895126 if i still have it let me check, sorry for not replying sooner
Rio 1134-8966-6195
>>19894736 Discing up for a vullaby. Thank you!
>>19895165 Hopefully those Scatterbugs had great patterns and if the Petlil was okay. Thank you!
IGN: Artemis
>>19895165 Thank you kind sir!
I have a few Zorua if you'd like. I don't try to breed to perfection, so they may not be that great. But a couple are female. I tend to give them out over Wonder Trade for shits n giggles.
looking for a Spiritomb and a Larvesta/Volcarona. don't care about stats/IVs anything just want these two and I'll do the work myself luvdiscs up: IGN: RG please end my miserable suffering.
Quoted By:
>>19895182 >>19895189 its ok, im just giving away all of my pokes because i havent touched my ds in months and dont plan on getting oras
IGN: Artemis
>>19895197 I can breed you a Larvesta egg if you give me a few minutes. I actually got mine via wonder trade, but it is the only one I have
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Mon 07 Jul 2014 02:02:15 No. 19895228 Report >>19895197 I got a Spiritomb for you, if your disc is up I'll give it to you right now
>>19895218 >>19895197 ive got one no worries
>>19895182 do you collect vivvlion patterns?
IGN: Artemis
>>19895197 Have egg. Hatching now
>>19895228 it is up. thank you kind soul
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Mon 07 Jul 2014 02:05:16 No. 19895268 Report >>19895259 You're RG aren't you?
>>19894619 Should be fixed, if it's not taken. Sorry for the delay, had to do some errands .
Quoted By:
>>19895246 No, I just have so many spare Scatterbugs.
>>19895258 i'll put another luvdisc up in a second waiting on the spiritomb. thank you
IGN: RG (looking for Spiritomb/Larvesta)
oh god I'm new and I have no idea what's going on. I have one disc up
>>19895276 >>19895268 Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Mon 07 Jul 2014 02:10:41 No. 19895354 Report Quoted By:
>>19895334 Aha ok just checking, didn't want to send a Spiritomb to some random person.
got the Spiritomb, waiting on Larvesta I'll stop shitting up the thread now. Thank you so much for your help. I can finally be laid to rest
IGN: Artemis
Quoted By:
>>19895229 Got my Sky Dragon. Love the nickname btw
Quoted By:
>>19895270 no problem man, ill check gts now
IGN: Artemis
Quoted By:
>>19895355 I'm waiting for your disc. It ain't showing up
Quoted By:
New Thread:
>>19895394 New Thread:
>>19895394 New Thread:
>>19895394 New Thread:
>>19895394 New Thread:
>>19895394 Brayden 1633-4358-4311 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Brayden 1633-4358-4311 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette) Mon 07 Jul 2014 02:13:53 No. 19895406 Report Quoted By:
I really need a female super sized Pumpkaboo, if anyone could help me out with that you would be a life saver. Trying to breed one for a friend but can't find a super size for the life of me.
Thanks to the guy who gave me Holy Mama!
>>19894736 Disc up for the Vullaby
IGN: Artemis
Quoted By:
>>19895407 Wanna put up new list of stuff you still have?
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak)
Sadie 0963 - 0745 - 9447 (Cascoon, Aradios, Toxicroak) Mon 07 Jul 2014 02:15:20 No. 19895432 Report https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pp8V4vcuw99SRNHBkL4JULDnWvyxgtpnvuMmqN1hu3M A note on the snorunts, please specify if you want egg moves or not, and which ability
If you accidentally get one with 0 in sp.atk just tell me and I'll give you another
IGN: Artemis
Quoted By:
>>19895355 Still waiting to see your disc. Or whatever it is you are putting up
Quoted By:
>>19895416 No problem. Next time though, try to remember to leave your IGN so people know who they're sending to :)
Brett 1607 2904 0762
In case you're dense/blind/just plain ignorant:
New Thread:
>>19895394 kaoru
>>19895432 I'd like one fletchling please. I'll disc up right away
>>19895432 Disc up for one the Rufflets.
Best you got if it's not too much trouble.
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971
>>19892869 Thanks a ton for the Scizor! Sorry about the lack of response, watching TUF finale with family
I'm looking for a 4-5iv HA eevee with jolly. Does anyone have any they could spare??
Quoted By:
>>19895692 trying so hard after your last two attempts failed huh
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
Quoted By:
I'm about to start breeding Cherubis. Timid or Modest? I have no idea how ths shitmon works at all. It seems to be decent in >Doubles, but it doesn't look really good in singles, unfortunately. Any sights? Also I'm looking for a Chikorita in Nest Ball (it's legit) or a Spoink in Dream/Heavy Ball.
Cassiopea 5112-4826-6799
Mavis 1220 7710 8516
Quoted By:
>>19893271 disc up for ziggy