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I remember nothing, holy fuck.
Definitely had a Pidgeot and Raichu in Red, Electabuzz in Crystal, and no Fire types prior to a Ponyta in Diamond. Beyond that, though...
Swampert, Absol, Tropius, Shedinja, Loudred... No idea what else. Rayquaza HM slave for the postgame.
Zangoose, Mawile, Wingull, Gardevoir, Masquerain, Marshtomp?
Wartortle, Victreebel, Sandslash, Golem, Pidgeot, Nidorino.
Herdier, Zebstrika, Gurdurr, Haxorus, Dewott, Tranquill.
>White replay
Pansage, Ferrothorn, Servine, Lilligant, Lillipup, Panpour.
Ampharos, Lucario, Zoroark, Arcanine, Tranquill/Rufflet, Dewott.
Furfrou, Fletchinder, Vivillon, Greninja/Goomy, Pikachu, Sylveon.
Sawk, Pansear, Audino, Zangoose, Lapras, Farfetch'd.
I don't even.