[25 / 2 / ?]
So you may or may not have seen my post about doing my first give away yesterday. I let people decide what gen 3 shiny they want to be given away and Milotic was the winner. Milotic is a 6 IV, shiny, Modest, Marvel Scale level 1. The problem is that im using the 2 3DS method to clone 30 of these, and its taking so much longer than I thought it would (over half an hour for 1 sometimes) Id like some help from other cloners if possible. To help, you would just trade me any pokemon, I trade you a Milotic, and you clone as many as you want. Clone one for yourself, and clone at least one more so I get a total of 2 in return (including the original I sent you) Of course any amount over 2 in return is welcome, but I dont expect you guys to clone a bunch for me. If youre interested just comment your FC and IGN, and a picture of your 2 3DSs in front of the screen of this post (so im not just giving away these to people who wont return them). By helping me out you get a guaranteed Milotic and you help other people get them too.
Dose the powersav way of clone still work or dose it still wreck your cartage?
I tried to make a picture of both of the ds infront screen of and now i cant hold up the camera too and take it
Neve 4098 3569 5888
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>>19934263 I see people posting giveaways all the time, and I doubt all of them are using the 2 3DS method, so Id assume its still save. Ive never used it so I would get a confirmation from someone who does, just in case
Neve 4098 3569 5888
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>>19934290 assuming youre being serious, just set it on the desk and try to angle it to show a little of the screen
Neve 4098 3569 5888
>>19934263 it looks like its still safe by what ive seen
Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
>>19934475 Hmm all right I'll help you, do you want a picture of my powersav or something?
Neve 4098 3569 5888
>>19934549 eh by now ill take any help i can get so just trading right now is fine. i just added you
Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
>>19934590 Alright I added you.
Neve 4098 3569 5888
>>19934616 thanks for helping. Just let me know when youre ready to trade again and how many youre sending over
Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
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>>19934635 Alright give me maybe 15-45 min.
Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
I'm done I clone 35 new Milotics I'll send them to you when ever your ready.
I would love a shiny milotic, man. How are you guys doing? Fc is 4141 2821 1133 just in case
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>>19935218 Forgot to mention that i can't clone, sorry.
Neve 4098 3569 5888
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>>19935148 I have to hatch a few more torchic eggs to trade for all of them, ill be on in 5-10 minutes. thank you so much for all the help, ill be giving you credit for pretty much all the cloning when i post the giveaway later on
Neve 4098 3569 5888
>>19935218 ill be posting the give away in about an hour or less, so just look out for it
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>>19935236 An hour from now sound good OP, hope you wont anticipate
>>19935236 K mate, you are awesome.
Looking for some leftovers in particular?
I could give you even a (shitty) shiny luvdisk.
Neve 4098 3569 5888
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>>19935253 Ill probably do the GTS thing and have people put up a Flabebe or something easy
Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
Gonna quit a move my boxes around.
Neve 4098 3569 5888
>>19935431 Thanks again for all the help. Most of the torchics should be 4-5 IVs, and the last few i gave you were all 4-5 IV with egg moves. The shiny alakazam is 6 IV magic guard, as my thanks
Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
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>>19935728 Your welcome sir.
Jared 2766 8060 2134
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>>19934098 Not a cloner but I am definitely interested in Milotic
Outake 3926-6643-4162
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OMG shiny milotic? yes plz!!! also my fav pokemon is ditto and if some1 would like to make my dreams come true a shiny ditto with impost with 6IV and a choice scarf would make my millennium. just saying is all
Outake 3926-6643-4162
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>>19934098 also wish i could help with the cloning but im a poor person and i saved up forever just to get this pokemon and 3ds XL so i only got 1