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Need Cloning Help

No.19934098 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So you may or may not have seen my post about doing my first give away yesterday. I let people decide what gen 3 shiny they want to be given away and Milotic was the winner.
Milotic is a 6 IV, shiny, Modest, Marvel Scale level 1.
The problem is that im using the 2 3DS method to clone 30 of these, and its taking so much longer than I thought it would (over half an hour for 1 sometimes)

Id like some help from other cloners if possible. To help, you would just trade me any pokemon, I trade you a Milotic, and you clone as many as you want. Clone one for yourself, and clone at least one more so I get a total of 2 in return (including the original I sent you)

Of course any amount over 2 in return is welcome, but I dont expect you guys to clone a bunch for me.
If youre interested just comment your FC and IGN, and a picture of your 2 3DSs in front of the screen of this post (so im not just giving away these to people who wont return them). By helping me out you get a guaranteed Milotic and you help other people get them too.