Welcome to the GTS Giveaway Thread! Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover pokémon here! Help other anons out and collect the pokémon you need. Help yourself, too!
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon. Version exclusives, bank Pokémon, breeding leftovers, special ball pokémon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and try to fulfill the requests of fellow anons. But remember, this is not a trading or begging thread.
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc general for that stuff. Also we're not likely to have past gen exclusive moves (such as Knock Off Timburr / Hyper Voice Ralts); please try elsewhere.
What is you're favorite pokemon?[/spioler] Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive. TELL US YOUR IN GAME NAME (IGN). It makes everything so much easier. We want the Pokémon to go to you, not anyone else!>Come chat with us about breeding, giveaways, baby battles, and more! 1. Go to http://webchat.irchighway.net/# 2. Type in your nickname. 3. Enter #/ggg/ as the channel name! Old thread: >>19939682
Nelly !XlzBMnvplA
>>19940871 Winrar
How can you evolve a Kalabra into an Alakazam without trading it? (Generation 4) Mojachi 3454-1489-3125
Quoted By:
if the quiz thing moved to this thread, just wanted to point out i won a gardevoir.
>>19940877 Really fucked up that spoiler didn't you?
Quoted By:
>>19940904 who cares, not like the stuff in the op has any value to the thread
Quoted By:
>>19940877 >[/spioler] Haxorus Farah
Quoted By:
>>19940901 was sniped, new disc is up n waiting for finish
kaoru 0130-2563-1614
>>19940901 putting him up in the world trade center and taking him back
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>19940901 I'll reup my disc when the game ends.
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb)
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb) Thu 10 Jul 2014 04:56:20 No. 19940920 Report Has anyone here got any adamant/jolly swinubs or modest deino's for trade?
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19940901 deposit kadabra, make another trade, pick it up
Nelly !XlzBMnvplA
>>19940918 You have to do something more
Bic 5086-3003-3799 Pansear Charmeleon Braixen
Bic 5086-3003-3799 Pansear Charmeleon Braixen Thu 10 Jul 2014 04:57:29 No. 19940929 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone got a sunflora???
kaoru 0130-2563-1614
Quoted By:
>>19940927 make another trade?
Kmatt 0404-7459-3734 (Bug: Combee Vivillon Masquerain)
Kmatt 0404-7459-3734 (Bug: Combee Vivillon Masquerain) Thu 10 Jul 2014 04:57:48 No. 19940931 Report Quoted By:
>>19940901 Upload to GTS, make a trade, then withdraw
Nelly !XlzBMnvplA
>>19940926 Winner.
How do you participate into rated battles? Post complete instructions for babies (Go to PSS, click in the xx icon, then... ), it's the easiest answer. Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>for a shiny Rotom (random IVs) Name a Player Character name in r/b that would cause both of the fossil sprite missingno and the ghost sprite missingno to appear when performing the missingno old man glitch
>new thread when the old thread isn't anywhere near the bump limit
Andy 0748-3772-9974
Luke 3497-0218-4596
>>19940965 then get it there
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>19940968 incorrect, that would only cause 2 of the 3
>>19940969 nope
Quoted By:
Holy shit, i really aborted that spoiler
Andy 0748-3772-9974
Quoted By:
>>19940965 Yeah who's the retard that keeps making these new threads 40+ posts too early?
Andy 0748-3772-9974
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
Quoted By:
>>19940984 disc up
man, I'm enjoying my self, I miss the old glitch research days
anyone remember TRsRockin?
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>19940920 I have a modest deino and I can breed a jolly swinub for you. What do you have?
Bic 5086-3003-3799 Pansear Charmeleon Braixen
Bic 5086-3003-3799 Pansear Charmeleon Braixen Thu 10 Jul 2014 05:05:11 No. 19941006 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone got a sunflora???
Nelly !XlzBMnvplA
13, 14 AND 15: You can get 3 gardevoirs How base stats works?
Quoted By:
>>19940973 >being this desperate Anonymous
>>19941019 Check bulbapedia, faggot
Nelly !XlzBMnvplA
>>19941025 >Implying i'm a boy Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19941032 What part of that post implied anything gender specific?
kaoru 0130-2563-1614
Quoted By:
>>19941019 the determined the stats spreed of your pokemon. Let's say that a pokemon has a max speed of 158 at lvl 50. If the base stats of the speed in that pokemon are 31, he'll be able to reach 158 if you max his ev in stats. otherwise it won't be able to reach 158
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
why do you faggots make threads before the bump limit
Ryan (0705-3302-1164)
Quoted By:
Disc up for Aromatisse, ign = Ryan. Trying to finish my dex, any help appreciated.
Quoted By:
>>19941019 =FLOOR((((IV+(2*Base)+FLOOR((EVs/4),1))*Level)/100)+5)
for Atk, Def, SpA, SpD, and Spe
for HP
Quoted By:
>>19941036 because
__________ Anonymous
>>19941032 You don't need to be a boy to be a faggot
Check your privilege
Mojachi 3454-1489-3125
>>19941019 Stats are calculated from a formula. This formula has been consistent since the third generation. And since the fifth generation, stat calculation always happens any time it needs to: end of battle, when stat-changing items are given, etc. The formula is as follows:
Stat = ((Base * 2 + IV + (EV/4)) * Level / 100 + 5) * Nmod
Except for HP, which is:
HP = (Base * 2 + IV + (EV/4)) * Level / 100 + 10 + Level
-game faqs
Andy 0748-3772-9974
Quoted By:
>>19941019 Base stats determine the minimum and maximum potential stats of a pokemon, dependent upon its nature, IVs, EVs.
Mojachi 3454-1489-3125
Quoted By:
>>19941044 i already won though js
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
Andy: rotom is sent I may be back with more questions, all I have left are random IV shinies though (Still have phiones as well guys haha)
Kmatt 0404-7459-3734 (Bug: Combee Vivillon Masquerain)
Kmatt 0404-7459-3734 (Bug: Combee Vivillon Masquerain) Thu 10 Jul 2014 05:10:48 No. 19941061 Report Quoted By:
>>19941019 Each species has a hard-coded value for each stat (HP Atk Def SpAtk SpDef Spe) that determines the effective range of potential stats on leveling before factoring in nature (+-10%) and EV (on a scale of 0 to 31)
Andy 0748-3772-9974
Bic 5086-3003-3799 Pansear Charmeleon Braixen
Bic 5086-3003-3799 Pansear Charmeleon Braixen Thu 10 Jul 2014 05:12:58 No. 19941083 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone got a sunflora???
Quoted By:
>>19941074 Not that anon, but that's a valid point
Lol, which one of you nerds posted this in the Monotype Gym Tourney thread?
>>19941100 >posting in shitty threads haha wait a minute... Anonymous
Luke 3497-0218-4596
My disc ip up again, Nelly.
Bic 5086-3003-3799 Pansear Charmeleon Braixen
Bic 5086-3003-3799 Pansear Charmeleon Braixen Thu 10 Jul 2014 05:18:16 No. 19941124 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone got a sunflora???
New thread:
>>19939682 New thread:
>>19939682 New thread:
>>19939682 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19941128 GUYS, stay in the thread linked until it hits page 4. Gosh you newfags are retarded
Quoted By:
>>19941128 About fucking time.
Is Nelly holding his end of the deal? Any Gardevoirs yet?
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
Mojachi 3454-1489-3125
Quoted By:
>>19941122 mine is up as well
Bic 5086-3003-3799 Pansear Charmeleon Braixen
Bic 5086-3003-3799 Pansear Charmeleon Braixen Thu 10 Jul 2014 05:24:17 No. 19941167 Report Does anyone got a sunflora?!!?
Quoted By:
Fucking japs, was sniped again. Disc up in a sec
Quoted By:
>>19941167 Not since the last time(s) you asked, no.
Quoted By:
>>19941122 Disced up again, just in case.
Quoted By:
>>19941167 not for you, no
Quoted By:
OMG where did NElly go I want the gardevoir he owes me
Guys I'm getting skeptical, Nelly hasn't said a word for awhile, Do you think it was a time-wasting ruse, like that shiny archen guy?
>>19941207 No he's taking them out of the bank right now, we're talking in the IRC
Mojachi 3454-1489-3125
Quoted By:
>>19941207 idc, if he was lying then i get nothing. if he is telling the truth i get a cool shiny. you have nothing to lose so relax
kaoru 0130-2563-1614
>>19941207 Plot twist
[/spoiler:lit]you're nelly[/spoiler:lit]
Quoted By:
>>19941217 Ok sorry, just getting late here
Bic 5086-3003-3799 Pansear Charmeleon Braixen
Bic 5086-3003-3799 Pansear Charmeleon Braixen Thu 10 Jul 2014 05:37:40 No. 19941285 Report Does anyone got a sunflora???
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
Another giveaway, this time for a shiny 6iv latios I remembered I had>I'm a glitchmon that only exists in yellow >I have base 75 attack >I learn TM05 at level 73, and metronome at level 214 >I evolve to mr. mime at level 37 >what is my hexadecimal identifier?
How long does it take to get out 15 pokemon from the bank? Shouldnt be more than a few min
Bic 5086-3003-3799 Pansear Charmeleon Braixen
Bic 5086-3003-3799 Pansear Charmeleon Braixen Thu 10 Jul 2014 05:43:07 No. 19941331 Report Quoted By:
>>19941303 Disk is up for it
>>19941321 [/spoiler:lit] It was a lie [/spoiler:lit]
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
http://pastebin.com/d9GDS0zK >>19941321 It takes like 10 minutes max if you get DC'd or have an error.
Quoted By:
>>19941332 learn how to do this shit right m8 Farah
>>19941338 Could I reserve that Tynamo pls? Just waiting on Nelly then disc will be up
>>19941332 Is fucking up spoiler text a new meme or something?
Chaos [5412-9976-5324]
>>19941338 Disc up for Spirtomb and Pancham
Quoted By:
>>19941360 he's just retarded Niqqa 2938-8200-0971
Quoted By:
Anyone want quiet Tynamos? A few left if not Ima wonder trade the rest. They're 3~6 iv's none checked so don't know
Mojachi 3454-1489-3125
>>19941338 not sure if spiritomb is taken but i'm waiting for nelly.
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
Redoing this giveaway Now Giving away a ton of these 3 Pokemon Crawdaunt shiny kalos Super power aqua jet knockoff dragon dance adamant adaptability 5iv-spatck Azumarill shiny kalos Super power aqua jet play rough belly drum adamant huge power 5iv-spatck Garchomp shiny kalos Jolly rough skin 5iv-spatck All ev trained and ready for battle put up a luvdisc asking for one of these I will probably get every one at least within the next hour
kaoru 0130-2563-1614
Quoted By:
>>19941381 can I get the azumarill? want anything in return?
Quoted By:
Can I put a disc up for the coro coro leaks?:^)
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>19941358 No reserves.
>>19941363 Only one per person.
>>19941374 Sorry brah, first come first serve.
>>19941310 >>19941352 Wait that's wrong, is it C0?
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971
Quoted By:
>>19941381 Could I have the azumaril?
MarMon !nGiCFY6RIg
IGN: Patrick
Quoted By:
>>19941381 I'll bite
can i get a Crawdaunt
>>19941390 fine, disc is up in 1 min, taking down the gard one for now
Quoted By:
>>19941381 Azumarill plz
IGN Michael
Mojachi 3454-1489-3125
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
Quoted By:
>>19941391 once again no, but you're getting closer
>I am ground type >>19941381 disc on craw shortly
Quoted By:
>>19941414 >>19941390 disc is up for tynamo
Kmatt 0404-7459-3734 (Bug: Combee Vivillon Masquerain)
Kmatt 0404-7459-3734 (Bug: Combee Vivillon Masquerain) Thu 10 Jul 2014 05:52:29 No. 19941434 Report Quoted By:
>>19941338 Could I disc for a female Moon Ball Absol?
After the waifuvoir that we're surely getting comes through
Not doubting you for a second Nelly <3 Anonymous
>>19941381 This guy is legit got all 3 last time he did this giveaway, thank you kind sir keep doing what you do.
Mojachi 3454-1489-3125
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Quoted By:
>>19941381 Put up a disc for an Azumarill. Thanks!
Quoted By:
Nelly confirmed for lying sack of shit?
IGN: Patrick
Quoted By:
>>19941381 Thanks man for the crawdaunt
Quoted By:
>>19941381 Disc for a Daunt
Kmatt 0404-7459-3734 (Bug: Combee Vivillon Masquerain)
Kmatt 0404-7459-3734 (Bug: Combee Vivillon Masquerain) Thu 10 Jul 2014 05:53:58 No. 19941452 Report Quoted By:
>>19941403 I have a 5IV hydreigon but what the hell
>>19941436 >>19941381 samefag
clearly a fake giveaway
>>19941381 I'll take a Crawdaunt?
>>19941474 i'm sure you will?
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971
>>19941454 Nauh, he's legit. Just got the shiny azumarill
>>19941381 Thanks so much, the golden bastard is amazing. Can we only ask for one? Don't wanna be a jew but a shiny crawdaunt would be rad too. If not though, thanks so much for the azumarill I really appreciate it
Anyone want a quiet tynamo 3~5 ivs? 2 left
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>19941381 disc on chomp
Thank you, it's been a while since you've been around shoneanon
If you can duplicate on powersaves I have some shiny competivie mons you can clone as well
Quoted By:
>wanting all of them what a jew!
>>19941381 Disc up for one Azumarill
Thanks man
>>19941381 Garchomp please? Discing in a sec
Quoted By:
>>19941454 It's legit. (I was IGN Michael)
Thanks yo
Quoted By:
>>19941510 Forget my IGN is Andy
Mojachi 3454-1489-3125
Quoted By:
>>19941381 seems as though this is the only legit giveaway going on today... any of them would be cool. shiny azumarill would be nice though.
kaoru 0130-2563-1614
Quoted By:
>>19941381 disc up.. just in case...
Quoted By:
>>19941538 >le taking pokemon offered in a giveaway is jewing meme Farah
>>19941493 the other guy bailed, could I get 5IV tynamo pls?
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971
>>19941543 Put a disc up but I only have a 4 IV one left I think sorry
Quoted By:
>>19941381 Awesome man thanks a lot! Can I jew on the others?
>>19941381 If they can be nicknamed, would you name an Azumarill Pikablue for me?
Kmatt 0404-7459-3734 (Bug: Combee Vivillon Masquerain)
Kmatt 0404-7459-3734 (Bug: Combee Vivillon Masquerain) Thu 10 Jul 2014 06:04:14 No. 19941569 Report >>19941564 >Pikablue >Shiny Azumarill Farah
>>19941560 thats ok, disc is up
Quoted By:
>>19941569 I know that it's yellow
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971
>>19941575 Sent, it's lvl 17 since I used that as a father for a bit haha
>>19941494 What Mons do you have
>>19941592 thank you, you're the only one who has pulled through all fucking night
tristan 5301 0524 5801 (Pansear, Larvesta, Braixen)
tristan 5301 0524 5801 (Pansear, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 10 Jul 2014 06:09:24 No. 19941617 Report Quoted By:
>>19941381 garchomp please! disc is up with "/vp/ chomp" as message.
>>19941381 May I please have Garchomp
IGN: Ash/Ashley
under /vp/
>>19941593 Currently just the Crawdaunt
though I was here for the last giveaway if you wanna wait till all other requests are filled it's cool
tristan 5301 0524 5801 (Pansear, Larvesta, Braixen)
tristan 5301 0524 5801 (Pansear, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 10 Jul 2014 06:10:31 No. 19941629 Report Quoted By:
>>19941623 then crawdaunt it is!
Kmatt 0404-7459-3734 (Bug: Combee Vivillon Masquerain)
Kmatt 0404-7459-3734 (Bug: Combee Vivillon Masquerain) Thu 10 Jul 2014 06:10:54 No. 19941634 Report >>19941403 Did anyone get his or can I go back to waiting on the others?
IGN: Patrick
>>19941381 i'll grab azumarill if no one else is grabbing anymore
Quoted By:
>>19941523 >>19941381 Thanks for the garchomp anon!
kaoru 0130-2563-1614
Quoted By:
>>19941623 >>19941619 I'll take a Crawdaunt than
Mojachi 3454-1489-3125
Quoted By:
>>19941634 no, it's a fake giveaway
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971
Quoted By:
>>19941381 Thanks so much for everything! They're amazing
>>19941605 haha no problem, enjoy it
>>19941641 He'll give you all 3, actually
Quoted By:
>>19941381 Kealan
Azuramill please
msg/ vp kealan
Quoted By:
>>19941381 disc up for shiny kalos garchomp. tyvm.
IGN: Patrick
Quoted By:
>>19941667 oh cool didnt know
Quoted By:
I think its almost time for a new thread
IGN: Patrick
Quoted By:
>>19941381 >>19941641 can i disk up for azumarill first then Garchomp since you're giving all 3?
Quoted By:
>>19941623 If I can, I'd love a shiny Crawdaunt
Disc is up
description says /vp/ in it
Quoted By:
>>19941381 disc up for a garchomp
Kmatt 0404-7459-3734 (Bug: Combee Vivillon Masquerain)
Kmatt 0404-7459-3734 (Bug: Combee Vivillon Masquerain) Thu 10 Jul 2014 06:16:30 No. 19941688 Report >>19941381 If you're still here can I get a crawdaunt? Disc up with quiz description because I don't feel like typing
Mojachi 3454-1489-3125
Quoted By:
>>19941381 yoooo if you're giving away more than one i'll have a disc up for crawdaunt
>i am a jew Outake 3926-6643-4162 (panpour, quagsire, frogadier)
Outake 3926-6643-4162 (panpour, quagsire, frogadier) Thu 10 Jul 2014 06:17:40 No. 19941698 Report is there a way i could get a shiny ditto with imposter?
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>19941593 I'm retarded and misinterpreted what you meant (assuming you're shiny anon)
all kb competitive (some IVs may be a bit off)
Hyper Voice Slyveon and Gardevior (obviously non KB)
phys and special Lucario builds
Fangs Tyrantrum
All shones and ready to be cloned and given away
IGN: Patrick
Quoted By:
>>19941381 Thanks disc is up for Garchomp now :)
>>19941698 Yes. Go to the friend safari and catch one.
Quoted By:
>>19941381 Hope you don't mind if I disc for crawdaunt too
Mojachi 3454-1489-3125
>>19941706 can i trade you genesect for the gardevoir?
Outake 3926-6643-4162 (panpour, quagsire, frogadier)
Outake 3926-6643-4162 (panpour, quagsire, frogadier) Thu 10 Jul 2014 06:21:19 No. 19941738 Report Quoted By:
>>19941714 i would but its 1/9000 so it takes time...
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>19941733 no silly, because then he couldn't clone it and give everybody one:)
Quoted By:
>>19941623 thank you based anon!
Disc up for azumaril if thats ok too?
Since others are being jewish... :^)
Serena 4141-2513-0403
Quoted By:
>>19941381 discing up for crawdaunt in a sec
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
Quoted By:
>>19941623 this was me, and not shiny anon
please link the original post for him to see it
Mojachi 3454-1489-3125
>>19941743 well then wanna swap cloning them? :3 then we can just give away genesects as well. i'll disc you gardevoir and then you disc genesect.
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>19941760 hold up, If this doesn't work possibly
I'm not sure what swap cloning is
Quoted By:
>>19941381 if you're still giving these out im gonna throw a disc up for crawdaunt.
Mojachi 3454-1489-3125
>>19941770 take turns cloning seperate pokemon is what i meant.
Quoted By:
Beeing sniped with Garchomps doesn't feel that bad!
Azumarill garchomp crawdaunt anon here if anyone is interested in helping me get more Pokemon for giveaways I have a short list of battle ready here if you want to lend a battle ready Pokemon (I can clone for you)
http://www.neoseeker.com/forums/49446/t2035019-lf-battle-ready-kalos-pokemon-clone-trades-ft-inside/ Outake 3926-6643-4162 (panpour, quagsire, frogadier)
Outake 3926-6643-4162 (panpour, quagsire, frogadier) Thu 10 Jul 2014 06:26:34 No. 19941802 Report im going to give away a ditto with imposter to disc if anyone puts it up.
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>19941789 3 issues
I can't clone (requires a second 3ds or powersaves)
Genesect doesn't go through GTS
I dont quite trust you lol
Kmatt 0404-7459-3734 (Bug: Combee Vivillon Masquerain)
Kmatt 0404-7459-3734 (Bug: Combee Vivillon Masquerain) Thu 10 Jul 2014 06:28:31 No. 19941826 Report Quoted By:
>>19941688 >>19941381 Based anon delivers
Still have to rebreed because OTism but my work's cut out for me <3
>>19941802 disc will be up in a sec pls
Mojachi 3454-1489-3125
Quoted By:
>>19941812 oh my bad, i wasn't thinking. didn't mean to come off as shady. i'm not very experienced in giveaways, i just like to help out as much as i can. sorry about that.
Quoted By:
>>19941802 >>19941830 disc is up for imposter ditto please
Outake 3926-6643-4162 (panpour, quagsire, frogadier)
Outake 3926-6643-4162 (panpour, quagsire, frogadier) Thu 10 Jul 2014 06:31:41 No. 19941857 Report >>19941830 i gave it to a disc with /vp/ in its chat bubble hope that was u
Quoted By:
disc up for a monkey if anyone can help me
>>19941857 wasnt me... guessing you had just one?
Outake 3926-6643-4162 (panpour, quagsire, frogadier)
Outake 3926-6643-4162 (panpour, quagsire, frogadier) Thu 10 Jul 2014 06:33:59 No. 19941883 Report >>19941874 i can go and get a new 1 for u might be a few mins just keep ur trade up
Serena 4141-2513-0403
Quoted By:
>>19941798 do you shinify the mons yourself or do you take shinies?
Quoted By:
>>19941798 i posted my shit in your thread its easier to list stuff there.
>>19941883 ok thank you, going to bed in a min but Ill keep it up
Outake 3926-6643-4162 (panpour, quagsire, frogadier)
Outake 3926-6643-4162 (panpour, quagsire, frogadier) Thu 10 Jul 2014 06:35:44 No. 19941900 Report >>19941891 what do u have in the chat bubble so i know its u?
Mojachi 3454-1489-3125
Quoted By:
>>19941381 going for the garchomp now
thank you based anon
Quoted By:
>>19941381 Thank you Anon!
Quoted By:
>>19941381 Going for a Garchomp, thanks op!
>>19941900 fucking christ, been sniped like 6 times today
and its got "ty /vp/"
Outake 3926-6643-4162 (panpour, quagsire, frogadier)
Outake 3926-6643-4162 (panpour, quagsire, frogadier) Thu 10 Jul 2014 06:41:09 No. 19941944 Report Lamp
Quoted By:
>>19941381 Going for a Chomp now if thats alright.
Quoted By:
>>19941944 thank you very much
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>19941798 posted my list in your thread, get at me
Quoted By:
>>19941381 IGN: Loki
I would like a Garchomp please.
Quoted By:
Disc up for a scizor, don't care for stats or anything else, just wanna gift my little sister, would mean a lot to me if anyone can help
>>19942138 I give up trying to determine the glitch poke for the the Latios. Bulbapedia's list of glitch pokes doesn't match your descriptions and search engines have failed me
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>19942282 based on that site, it's FD.
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>19942297 Also, that seems like a very interesting website
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>19942305 I was a member of a couple of glitch research communities way back, that was the hub of our research, I (kinda) helped get it started.
It's something of a relic, idk if its still updated (last I was part of the team was back in like 2006ish) but it's still the best site for actual in depth glitch info
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379 Thu 10 Jul 2014 07:40:33 No. 19942347 Report Quoted By:
>>19941381 I'm discing up for a chomp. I would like the HA and have no safari for it. Message is Thanksbased/vp/!
Quoted By:
>>19942322 The main page says the website has been active as recently as ~3 weeks ago. Thanks much for the Latios!
Yeet | 3368 2970 3643
Quoted By:
I'm looking for a HA larvitar, if anyone would be so kind as to give me a spare
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb)
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb) Thu 10 Jul 2014 07:47:21 No. 19942386 Report Anyone got any modest deinos or timid/adamant swinubs to give away?
Quoted By:
Anyone got a good IV Quiet Solosis? I need it to build my Trick Room team.
Luke 3497-0218-4596
>>19942386 I have a modest Deino, disc up.
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb)
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb) Thu 10 Jul 2014 07:53:28 No. 19942419 Report >>19942409 Disc is up, ign is Harry
Quoted By:
>>19941381 Do you still have the Crawdaunt or Azumarill?
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>19942419 I sent you a female in Luxury ball and it knows Earth Power. 5IVs but not perfect, I have to breed more pentaperfects...
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb)
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb) Thu 10 Jul 2014 07:56:09 No. 19942434 Report Quoted By:
>>19942409 Thanks a lot man!
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Thu 10 Jul 2014 08:33:32 No. 19942641 Report Can we gibe shone again?
Derek !JM3j2whdHI
>>19942641 I did last night.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
boom 0430-9580-1670 (shuppet, phantump, driftblim)
boom 0430-9580-1670 (shuppet, phantump, driftblim) Thu 10 Jul 2014 09:08:53 No. 19942873 Report Quoted By:
I just put up a luvdisc for a hidden ability tyrogue. If anyone could help me finally make a good version of my pokebro I would love it
>>19941381 Thanks, If it's not too much trouble could I get a Crawdaunt.
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anyone here got a careful anorith from breeding leftovers?
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>>19941381 Do you still have those azumarill up?
if yes discing up
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>>19940943 dude I don't even know. Can someone help?
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>>19940943 rated battles don't even matter, and your shitty Gardevoirs aren't legal in VGC anyway
I got 31 Sp. Atk instead of 31 Sp. Def for my 5IV Fletching. Is it still good enough?
>>19943799 why do you even need sp.atk for it???
Quoted By:
>>19943799 No. Whatever damage you can survive is relevant. Unless it's shiny no it's not good enough
>>19943909 overheat for ferrothorn, to cut down on recoil is the only thing i can think of
>>19943921 cut down recoil from Sp.Atk?? HAHAHA
that's the most ridiculous thing I've heard here hahahaha
>>19943999 as in, cut down recoil damage from flare blitz + iron barbs
0- SpA Talonflame Overheat vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Ferrothorn: 280-336 (79.5 - 95.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
>>19944026 who the crap runs overheat on talonflame
Quoted By:
>>19942652 What pokemon did I miss?
>>19944072 literally no one
4 SpA Life Orb Talonflame Overheat vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Filter Mega Aggron: 257-304 (74.7 - 88.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Life Orb Talonflame Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 0+ Def Filter Mega Aggron: 123-146 (35.7 - 42.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Talonflame Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 0+ Def Filter Mega Aggron: 153-181 (44.4 - 52.6%) -- 20.7% chance to 2HKO
it only ever needs blitz + a flying move anyways
>>19944099 >Death Orb on Talonshit topkek
Quoted By:
>>19944123 just a contrast
>>19946037 NEW THREAD
>>19946037 NEW THREAD
>>19946037 NEW THREAD
>>19946037 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19946051 Please kill yourself.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !Fhowd66fb.
ILLUMISE (F) ~30 Bold- Prankster 31/x/31/31/31/31 (Encore/Baton Pass/Confuse Ray/Growth) Dream Ball --- VOLBEAT (M) ~30 Bold- Prankster 31/x/31/31/31/31 (Encore/Baton Pass) Dream Ball --- FLABEBE-Orange (F) ~30 Calm- Flower Veil 31/x/31/31/31/31 Heal Ball --- DELIBIRD (M) x1 Jolly- Hustle 31/31/31/x/31/31 (Ice Punch) Timer Ball --- BINACLE (F) x1 Jolly- Tough Claws 31/31/31/x/31/31 (Shell Smash) Premier Ball --- Shiny WHISMUR (F) x1 Impish- Rattled x/x/x/x/x/x Repeat Ball
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
>>19941381 is Crawdawnt available yet?
>>19948259 I'll take the wishmur
IGN: andres.
Disc up in a moment
Quoted By:
>>19948292 >is Crawdawnt available yet? >10 hours later What do you think?
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !Fhowd66fb.
>>19948259 ill take illumise
kaoru 0130-2563-1614
>>19948259 could I please take that binacle?
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !Fhowd66fb.
>>19948418 dont even have to ask
>>19948402 sent
kaoru 0130-2563-1614
Quoted By:
>>19948434 thanks a lot, discing up
kaoru 0130-2563-1614
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>19948259 I'll take a Illumise, please. Disk is up.
IGN Johnny
Quoted By:
>>19948259 disc up for illumise
>>19940877 Should I immigrate to Wifi General? This shit is dead and I wanted to give some of my leftovers..
Quoted By:
>>19948754 yeah why not
the rest of us did
kaoru 0130-2563-1614
>>19948754 we're not your parents.
do whatever the fuck you want
Out of curiousity If someone was to do a shiny giveaway, what would the thread want the most? Phione, bold, 31/31/1/31/31/31 Dugtrio, jolly, 31/31/31/23/31/31 Reuniclus, quiet, 31/0/31/31/4/0 Dusclops, careful, 31/31/31/31/27/31 Spearow, jolly, 31/31/31/31/23/31 Just checking
Good, I didn't look forward to cloning one of them 60 times
Quoted By:
>>19949160 and good thing you didn't
Quoted By:
>>19949160 >Cloning shit Why would you even bother?
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>>19949160 It barely even takes 10 minutes with powersaves tho
Outake 3926-6643-4162 (panpour, quagsire, frogadier)
Outake 3926-6643-4162 (panpour, quagsire, frogadier) Thu 10 Jul 2014 19:16:13 No. 19949771 Report Quoted By:
if you cloned then with choice scarf's ill take 1 and release the pokemon :D
Outake 3926-6643-4162 (panpour, quagsire, frogadier)
Outake 3926-6643-4162 (panpour, quagsire, frogadier) Thu 10 Jul 2014 19:21:53 No. 19949849 Report Quoted By:
anyone here have a tailwind drifblim they could trade me i can give it back after i breed a tailwind into a baby
Put a disc up for a hidden ability Todile. IGN: Brett
IGN: Sharkeisha FC: 0018 - 0851 - 8526
Hey guys, I was wondering if anybody has a Bold Vullaby with Overcoat and Foul Play on it. If you have IVs in HP, Defense, Special Defense, and Speed, I would greatly appreciate that too. If anybody has one, please let me know. Also, here's what I have to offer: Modest Bulbasaur with Giga Drain Adamant Adaptability Corphish with Aqua Jet Timid Gastly Adamant Oblivious Swinub with Icicle Crash and Stealth Rock Modest Horsea with Sniper Adamant Tyrunt Timburr with Mach Punch and Drain Punch (wrong natures on these though) Everything except the Timburr should have at least 4 perfect IVs on them. If anybody wants anything just ask.
Quoted By:
Could i get a Sableye with Prankster? Disc is up
Xavier: 1907-9072-8026
Giving away: x4 Pawniard - 2 Defiant (both M) & 2 Inner Focus (both F) - 4 IV - Adamant - Egg Move: Sucker Punch 18x Porygon - 8x Dowload, 10x Trace - 4-5IV Imperfect - Bold Disc up before they hit WT!
IGN: Gio
Does anyone have a DD Charmander?
IGN: Mike
>>19952902 Gimme a bit. I can get one for you with the 'rus
IGN: Gio
>>19953089 Sweet
Should I put a disc up now or what?
IGN: Mike
>>19953107 Yeah, it shouldn't take me long.
Quoted By:
>>19952798 Disk up for Porygon.
>>19949120 Spearow
>>19952902 Yes. Put a disk up.
IGN: Gio
>>19953184 I don't see it.
IGN: Mike
>>19953120 Aaaaand sent. Enjoy your Dragon Dancing paradoxical illness!
IGN: Gio
>>19953168 Wait a minute, I thought you were him for a second
>>19953120 Nick
Quoted By:
>>19953222 Eh, doesn't matter. You got your Charmander either way.
IGN: Gio
>>19953210 I'll put another disc up. The more, the merrier.
IGN: Mike
Quoted By:
>>19953222 Whoops. Seems we were both on the same job.
>>19953168 Sorry brah
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
Quoted By:
>>19949120 Phione pls:)
Ah I guess I'll keep MMing though.
(1 -atk and plenty of other pentas all modest if anyone want one)
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>19949160 If you're still here I have a shiny metagross you can clone for a hype train giveaway
>>19953244 Sent. Its nature is bad, and I'm not sure what its IVs are. Though, enjoy your second DD Charmander.
IGN: Gio
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb)
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb) Thu 10 Jul 2014 23:09:25 No. 19953332 Report >>19950060 Not sure if you are still here, but I have a vullaby thats 5IV with foul play, knock off and overcoat. Except it is Impish.
>>19953280 I could if you wanted but what stops me from simply keeping your metagross?
IGN: Sharkeisha FC: 0018 - 0851 - 8526
>>19953332 I'll take it! Do you know what IVs it has? I'll put up a disc. Thanks a lot!
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
Quoted By:
>>19952798 Disc up for a 5IV Porygon if possible. Breeding those guys is suffering
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb)
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb) Thu 10 Jul 2014 23:12:49 No. 19953373 Report >>19953355 Its pentaperfect. Also, could i grab one of those swinubs off you?
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>19953344 nothing of course
>>19953380 Sounds quite foolish to me on your end
IGN: Sharkeisha FC: 0018 - 0851 - 8526
>>19953373 Okay that's perfect! And sure, just put a disc up. Also just put my disc up.
Quoted By:
New thread:
>>19953393 New thread:
>>19953393 New thread:
>>19953393 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19953344 >>19953401 >URR DURR IMMA GONNA STEAL YOUR POKEMON Jesus fucking Christ, just fuck off
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb)
Harry 0705 2065 7962 Ghost (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb) Thu 10 Jul 2014 23:20:46 No. 19953497 Report >>19953406 Sent. Enjoy that bulk :)
Just put my disc up, thanks a bunch dude!
IGN: Sharkeisha FC: 0018 - 0851 - 8526
Quoted By:
>>19953497 Nah man, thank YOU. I've spent way too long trying to breed one of my own Vullaby, this is a godsend! Also, just sent you the Swinub, have fun with that power!
Quoted By:
Anyone have a spare Metal Coat? I have already used the one found in-game, and I'm in need of one right now. I can disc up or give you a 5IV breeding leftover if you want.