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Super-Secret Bases allow self-insert "Gym Leaders"

No.19947830 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
From Serebii

>Another feature included is the ability to set Battle Rules. This allows for you to turn your Secret Base into a small Gym with yourself as the Gym Leader. The full extent of these rules are not currently known, but they include being able to set the battle type such as Single Battle or Double Battle.

Guys. Guys this is pretty neat, and no one is talking about it. Now we can finally realize the dream that so many of us have had since RBY: we can open our own "gyms." By turning your secret base into a gym, and giving yourself a mono-type team, changing the decor, adding traps, battle rules, and your appearance... Seems legit! You could also do a Double Battle gym, etc. And you can invite people to your "gym" base online with QR codes.

You know what this means, don't you? /vp/ Gym Challenge might get a fun side event, now. Oh, sure, it's not PVP. And it might encourage the Deviantart people even more. But I think a lot of good can come from this.

>TL;DR IF YOU COULD MAKE YOURSELF A GYM LEADER, what type would you use, what pokemon would you use, and where would you put your secret base?