>>19959281When I was living in Japan, I didn't take part in a crapton of these limited events, though a some of that was because I had work. A lot of them is sheer trouble designed to hook kids in, but here's a listing of the types of events they have:
In-Store events: the ones I typically did, though some of them were exclusive to specific stores, like the Osaka Pokecenter Meowth, or the Tohoku Snivy - which I wasn't about to purchase an expensive train ticket for.
Holiday Lottery: All Jirachi events in Japan up until 5th Gen were lottery style - meaning that you had to buy items at the pokemon center, then you get a number of spins on the machine. You could win a trinket, or you get a Jirachi. We got off easy on these since we actually got Jirachi off of a Gamecube disc.
Birthday Gift: Show a Pokemon Center Staff member your ID and you get that year's birthday pokemon. Usually nothing special, it was a Howl Charmander for a while, and this is something that has Identity Theft Issues here.
Train Station Crap: I didn't bother with this shit, but my sister tried to do this one. Go to every fucking Train Station in the JR Line, having to get off at each stop to do a Stamp Rally, filling out a booklet. It gets expensive because you have to repurchase a train ticket each and every time and there are children everywhere. If you complete it, you get a Wonder Card and a chance at a physical prize. Another train event involved getting into a specific train which sometimes has no written schedule that had the Wondercard Distro. On top of that, the Train tended to change its Wondercard Poke daily.
Movie Deal: Never did this one to be honest, but I was in a theater that had the Pokemon Movie running, and tried to download Reshiram/Zekrom. No signal, so I'm guessing you really had to be there for that movie and that there are specific instructions.