Wellm you've got nothing better to do on a Friday/Saturday. Why not jump into this thread to discuss and hunt that majestic shone you've been waiting for since you were a child.
Whether it's Lake of Rage Gyarados or Friend Safari Abra that got away, come on in and hunt with us.
MM, Safari Hunt, Radar, Chain Fishing, Soft Resets, all are welcome.
Old Thread:
Quoted By:
First for crying.
Kree [0447-7185-9674] (Pansear, Pyroar, Ninetales)
Kree [0447-7185-9674] (Pansear, Pyroar, Ninetales) Fri 11 Jul 2014 23:13:06 No. 19969314 Report Guys, I did it! Egg number 685.
Vixer 4699-7107-8559
Quoted By:
Nth for hatching while watching doto 2
Quoted By:
in case you need it
Nancho !P61YFsEmnw
>>19969314 >>19969343 Very nice. Congratulations!
Vixer 4699-7107-8559
>>19969343 lucky that ninjax is already sanic speed
Quoted By:
140 eggs, 4 IVs
Quoted By:
i swear to god if the first oddish i find has run away
Daniel 1650-2222-2666
>>19969268 Made a quick daycare cycle efficiency guide if anyone needs, I've always wondered if I was wasting steps while on the bike - ie, an egg appears right after I cycle past the guy. After testing, I'm fairly certain that this is the easiest route to use.
You start right in front of the daycare man to start with, and cycle until you bump into the signpost, then the river. Repeat until egg
Nancho !P61YFsEmnw
>>19969434 Fuck, I've been looking for something like this.
>>19969434 Thanks, this is really helpful since we don't have an in-game step counter anymore.
>>19969434 Was a little confused on which point you meant to start at, but this works out pretty nicely. Thanks.
newfag here, seeing
>>19969434 make me wonder if i am an idiot at this, so what's the ultimate breeding guide for shinies?
>Hatching o power lvl 3 >having a talonflame with flame body >using this efficency cycle >using masuda And thats it?
>>19969536 While HP3 is on, I tap the supertraining screen. It makes it so that when the [Oh?] message pops up, the very next tap will start the Hatching Sequence, making sure you don't waste much HP3 time.
I also personally hatch on the Lumiose loop.
>>19969536 Yes. To tell you the truth, I just leave it spinning in lumiose and don't even bother with hatching O-Power anymore.
>>19969553 >>19969562 i've never thought of lumiose, problem i guess will be flying back and shit.
Quoted By:
>>19969536 Also, get the oval stone and
the shiny charm . For faster egg rates, try breeding with the same species (one of them being foreign).
>>19969598 It's a bit annoying, but I don't start HP3 until I get to the loop. I manage to always hatch 5 eggs per HP3 if I don't waste time.
Nick 0103-9430-3372 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika)
Nick 0103-9430-3372 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika) Fri 11 Jul 2014 23:41:23 No. 19969624 Report Quoted By:
Just read a story on some dude getting a Shiny Metwo after 5 years. I am now inspired to dust off my Black 2 and continue my years long hunt of Pink Virizion.
>>19969464 >>19969471 >>19969492 >>19969529 Np! I'll refine the guide in a bit
>>19969598 In order to minimize that problem, collect about 3 boxes of eggs before heading to lumiose.
Quoted By:
>>19969623 Haven't bred anything with crazy long egg cycles, so I'm not positive.
>>19969629 .....guess I AM retarded, that sounds really great! will try out and i am completing the pokedex for both the oval and the shiny charm thanks a lot guys!
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Shuppet, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Shuppet, Golurk) Fri 11 Jul 2014 23:49:07 No. 19969744 Report Quick question. Why do some of you use 5iv parents instead of 6? In my experience using a pentaperfect parent and a hexaperfect parent makes it much more likely that you'll hatch something with 4ivs instead of 5. I just don't see that as being entirely worth it. Also, post amies
>>19969652 In case there's any confusion, the Lumiose Loop is Centrico Plaza. You can bike forever without having to change direction.
Just watch out for bumping into NPCs.
Jon 1736 - 0658 - 9503
>>19969314 Congrats!
I wouldn't mind breeding Absol myself, do you have any leftover with good IVs? I have 5iv noibats I can trade.
>>19969434 Refined without my rubbish handwriting
>>19969652 Nah, most of us (I-I hope there are others) just cycled up and down the route for months
Captcha : activity bui
>>19969755 best way to hatch
>>19969789 I agree. I leave my tv remote controller on the d-pad. It has the exact weight to move it down, but if I bump the table only a little bit the d-pad goes off and I stop spinning.
Quoted By:
>>19969805 its better than stick something on the circlepad and fuck it up.
>Hunting? >Watching? >What method? >Fav shone? >Least fav shone? >Talonflame family or Sun Moth?
>>19969789 I use my left hand to just hold the button down now, I kinda wrecked my circlepad when I tried to pin it in place with something
ocd resulted in me returning the 3ds to nintendo with a fake fault just to get a new one Anonymous
Is it worth breeding hydreigon for competitive battle? I'm currently breeding one.
Quoted By:
>>19969744 Is just that sometimes you don't care about 1 IV. For example, let's say you want a shiny charizard, but you want it to be an special attacker. Chances are you don't care what IV it gets on attack, so you don't kill yourself searching for an hexaperfect parent when you don't need an IV.
>>19969789 >>19969822 I always start in front of this NPC, and use the Dpad.
>>19969843 He's gr8 with a choice scarf. Kinda becomes a choice specced greninja with it - fantastic coverage, outspeeds everything, gr8 power
Just make sure you pack a flash cannon for fairies!
Quoted By:
>>19969843 Yes. I'll still go for a second one after this disaster with 10 sp. att.
;_; Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19969882 Thanks for the tip!
Daniel 1650-2222-2666
Celan 2380 3700 0120
Quoted By:
>>19969827 >Hunting? Meditite
>Watching? Adult Swim. King of the Hill is on right now
>What method? MM
>Fav shone? Braviary
>Least fav shone? Anything green
>Talonflame family or Sun Moth? Volcarona master race
>>19969789 >>19969822 >>19969849 >Not using based clothespin shiggy diggy wiggy niggy
Quoted By:
>tfw no shiny charm ;_; >tfw you finally get a shiny and it has the wrong ability >tfw you randomly hatch a shiny before getting the nature, IVs or egg moves set up
>>19969987 Is this good too?
Wasn't even trying for this one, but happy I hatched my first shiny.
>>19969789 >>19969822 >>19969849 >Not using based clothespin shiggy diggy wiggy niggy
>wanted timid Porygon-z >current 5iv one is modest "Oh that's OK I'll just hatch with no ever stone until I get a timid">shiny >mfw adamant
Kree [0447-7185-9674] (Pansear, Pyroar, Ninetales)
Kree [0447-7185-9674] (Pansear, Pyroar, Ninetales) Sat 12 Jul 2014 00:13:52 No. 19970058 Report Quoted By:
>>19969760 Heh, to be completely honest I'm absolutely braindead when it comes to IVs, so I can't exactly say.. I still have my Absol collection, though, Adamant natures.
Quoted By:
>>19970071 Grats! I'm trying right now, 75 eggs.
>>19970003 Unfortunately its special defense evs are 6, 7.
>>19970124 And the question is:
still riding? Anonymous
>>19970071 Stats are 31/31/xx/31/31/31
Quoted By:
>>19969827 >Hunting?
>What method?
>Fav shone?
>Least fav shone?
green and/or pink
>Talonflame family or Sun Moth?
All hail the moth.
Quoted By:
>>19970172 perfect iv's > shiny Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19970209 Look at the bright side, you get BP from it
Quoted By:
>>19969785 Strange, that's the thing I do BUT I only go up until the day care center disappears, I know it's not exact but it's close enough to this.
>>19970005 I use a paper folded twice and use the neatest corner.
>>19970209 Defense is
12,13 So, ride again?
Still breeding for shiny Tepig. Lost count of eggs. 4 days have passed. Is it still possible to gen and transfer over Dittos? I took a break between the Gamespy servers going down and don't know if genning can still be done for them.
>Hunting? Mawile>Watching? Alternating between Full House and EVO>What method? Masuda>Fav shone? Flygon>Least fav shone? Tie between Garchomp and Dragonite>Talonflame family or Sun Moth? Not a huge fan of either, but if I had to choose, I guess it'd be Talonflame.
Daniel 1650-2222-2666
>>19969827 Holy
I had no idea Volcarona could fly. If I don't get a shiny fletching in the next 3 boxes, I'm gunning for that mothie
Celan 2380 3700 0120
>>19970359 If you don't like either what do you use for hatching?
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
Quoted By:
>>19969827 >Hunting? Gastly, 19 boxes
>Watching? Let's Plays
>What method? MM
>Fav shone? Porygon-Z
>Least fav shone? Don't have one.
>Talonflame family or Sun Moth? Smogonbird
>>19970039 Don't give up your hunt! Get that timid blue duck!
>>19970071 >>19970209 >>19970344 It's only been four boxes. It's not as bad as 40 boxes.
Tfw shiny Trevenant in a horde and my only poke is Ursaring with EQ,Rock Slide/Slash...
>>19970373 Good luck. Larvesta's got the hatch time of a pseudo.
Quoted By:
>>19969827 >Hunting? Gibles. Currently in the third one.
>Watching? Evo 2014 since I enjoy SFIV.
>What method? Masuda.
>Fav shone? Koffing.
>Least fav shone? Espeon I guess.
>Talonflame family or Sun Moth? Using a shiny talon that did not get gale wings.
>>19970398 >Horde hunting without a sweet scenter with back up moves to catch shones bb pls
Daniel 1650-2222-2666
Quoted By:
>>19970401 Th-thanks
Then again, it's the egg collecting I find most tedious Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19970413 I was EV training my rotom that was level 10.
I fucked up.
Quoted By:
>>19970380 Talonflame. I thought the question meant which is my favorite. New to the shiny hunt because I normally don't like to get shinies cuz of how hard it is to hatch a competitively viable one, but I figure I'd have some time because my ankle is keeping me in bed.
Nizram FC: 3866-8023-1037
Quoted By:
>>19968334 do you have any leftovers from that MM? I would love one for my next project after this porgon hunt mine doesn't have fake out and moon ball looks great.
Quoted By:
>get around to check my phantump's DEF >2-3
>>19969827 >Hunting? Rhyhorn
>Watching? Xena, Warrior Princess
>What method? Masuda
>Fav shone? Gourgeist
>Least fav shone? Lanturn
>Talonflame family or Sun Moth? Lampet
>>19970553 >Lampent >no Fly You're making this harder on yourself.
Daniel 1650-2222-2666
Quoted By:
>>19970592 It probably takes a second to switch it out while you're swipping eggs around.
But personally, I'm too lazy even for that
Anyone know if the Fancy Vivillion have just 1IV on 31? If that's so, Im SR for a timid with 31 on SpAtk and Spe... Odds are 1 in 3720 right?
>>19970624 I don't know if it even can be shiny, anon.
Aren't most events sorta shiny locked? Excluding those that are always shiny, that is.
>>19970664 I think he just wants a Timid with 31 Speed and Sp. Att.
>>19970664 No no, I know they are shiny locked, those ods are just for trying to get right nature and 2 IV in 31.....
Oh shit, I forgot the Ability, that would've like 1 in 7440... with those odds I just wanted to join you guys.
>>19970717 Forget the ability. Use a capsule if you get the other factors right.
>>19970753 Oh yeah, Im a dumbass how I forgot that.
Cheers! I will be SR a couple of hours a day.
Quoted By:
Quick question. Do guys fill your boxes with eggs and then hatch them in mass, or do you hatch them as you get them from the daycare man?
>>19970708 >>19970717 Ah right.
Well, you're going for 31 IVs in two stats, and there's a 1/32 chance for each stat you want perfect.
Nature is a 1/25 chance of getting, 2/25 if you're willing to settle for Modest.
Ability is of no concern really, as you can get an Ability capsule for that.
So odds are 0.0000390625 or 0.000078125 (if you're ok with Modest), by my calks, though I might be wrong.
>>19970786 1 IV is guarantee to be 31, or I see this while Im SR.
Quoted By:
>Hunting? Horde hunting on route 5 (gulpin/scraggy/plusle/minun)>Watching? Debating between The Room (havent seen it yet, heard mixed reviews) or rando dota streams>What method? Horde>Fav shone? Clefairy>Least fav shone? Plusle>Talonflame family or Sun Moth? I had to start over from a system transfer and I didn't have the sense to get a fletchling. Currently wonder trading in hopes of getting one without that wing ability.
Sosa - FC: 3626-0081-1573
Which is best dragon and why is it Flygon? Mega pls, GameFreak! Also, took _131_ eggs.
>>19970782 I'll join you in this soft reseting madness.
Quoted By:
>>19970817 You lucky bastard! Congrats
>>19970820 Godspeed!
>>19970805 If that's really the case then it'll be a lot easier I guess.
Good luck.
Quoted By:
>>19970892 Yeah, thanks man
Quoted By:
>>19970351 That feel when you've been breeding so long that you accidentally hatch an egg thinking you weren't full.
91 eggs! xx/31/31/xx/31/31
>>19970805 No, there's no guaranteed stats at all. It's like event torchic and Pokéball vivillon.
Quoted By:
>>19970351 Yes, pretty easy to gen with an old DS, a flashcard and an original game.
Put luvdisc up on gts asking for lv100 ditto, ask for nature if you must and receive your 6iv one.
Post your IGN
>>19970941 >xx HP Back on yer bike if you really love Metagross.
>>19970942 Maybe Im allucinating, let me take a sample, first one without a 31 iv will confirm this.
YES! Only 12 boxes and its perfect! 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Quoted By:
>>19970952 Maybe tomorrow, I'm very happy with this one for today!
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
Quoted By:
>>19969827 >Hunting? nothing right now
>Watching? Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou
>What method? MM
>Fav shone? cacturne
>Least fav shone? Basculin
>Talonflame family or Sun Moth? Sun moth
What should I breed losers
Quoted By:
>>19970965 >>19970942 Fuck me, yeah no guarantee IV, I was pretty sure I checked like 10 when starting and they all had a 31 iv on something.
>>19970941 >>19970995 CONGRATS gents!
Sosa - FC: 3626-0081-1573
Quoted By:
Sunmoth is god tier because fly, flame body + heat wave for hoarde EV training.
>>19971006 HP Fire Magnemite
>>19970817 I got 2 of these today.
Life is great
Daniel 1650-2222-2666
>>19971101 >>19970817 Oh man, gorgeous
I need to get one of those.
Quoted By:
>>19971058 >tfw successfully bred HP Fire Magnemite with a good spread Much more rewarding than any shiny I've gotten.
Joseph 0533-5327-8124 [Dragonair, Gabite, Sliggoo]
Joseph 0533-5327-8124 [Dragonair, Gabite, Sliggoo] Sat 12 Jul 2014 01:36:57 No. 19971176 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19970995 Congrats on your shiny!
Quoted By:
>>19971220 None of the above.
HA HP Fire Roserade.
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909 Ponyta, Braixen, Charmeleon.
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909 Ponyta, Braixen, Charmeleon. Sat 12 Jul 2014 01:42:04 No. 19971261 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>19971220 HP Fire Petilil
Evan 2509 3110 5128 (Azurill Panpour Gyarados)
Evan 2509 3110 5128 (Azurill Panpour Gyarados) Sat 12 Jul 2014 01:43:28 No. 19971287 Report Quoted By:
Sosa - FC: 3626-0081-1573
Quoted By:
>>19971101 >>19971160 Truly the greatest gift, shiny Flygon is so beautiful. I'm shit at nicknames so I named
her Cosima because I was watching Orphan Black and Flygon has glasses. Joseph 0533-5327-8124 [Dragonair, Gabite, Sliggoo]
Joseph 0533-5327-8124 [Dragonair, Gabite, Sliggoo] Sat 12 Jul 2014 01:46:30 No. 19971336 Report Quoted By:
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad)
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad) Sat 12 Jul 2014 01:47:15 No. 19971347 Report Quoted By:
>>19969827 >Hunting? Treecko.
>Watching? Vinesauce and
the Disney Tinker Bell movies >What method? based masuda
>Fav shone? Furfrou is really cool when you trim 'em
>Least fav shone? Dugong
>Talonflame family or Sun Moth? sun moth all the way
Quoted By:
>>19970995 Noice, Meganium is the best starter.
MegaMeganium when?
Alice - 4184 1461 2541
All these people using pins and breaking circle pads, and using remotes. Its not that hard guys. Take a piece of paper, fold it three or four times so its a little thick, slip under circle pad. There no breaking necessary.
>>19971415 Thanks for the tip, using a coin always worried me a little.
Quoted By:
>>19969827 >Hunting? Zorua
>Watching? Summer Wars
>What method? MM
>Fav shone? Phantump
>Least fav shone? Jolteon
>Talonflame family or Sun Moth? Birds
Alice - 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
>>19971506 I've seen dimes work, but they make me nervous too. Paper is flexible and won't cause damage, that way you don't have to worry about keeping the pad down in luminose.
Daniel 1650-2222-2666
Quoted By:
>>19971415 sounds good, I might give that a try.
Using a finger is still my favourite, kinda hard to focus on much while hatching eggs.
Vixer 4699-7107-8559
I did it, iut just took me 5 eggs. Im on fire right now /shw/
Vixer 4699-7107-8559
>>19971589 >X/31/31/31/31/31 I dont like this
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 12 Jul 2014 02:04:08 No. 19971621 Report Quoted By:
Hey /shw/, long time no see! I've been on vacation, how's everyone's luck been? I'm currently hunting Lotads. Can't wait for dancing duck.
Vixer 4699-7107-8559
Daniel 1650-2222-2666
Quoted By:
>>19971672 Man, that's unlucky.
Just finished up my boxes of fletchling eggs, I got nuthin. 3 AM. Feeling pretty shitty
See you tomorrow guys. The search for a shone flying/egg-warming moth will begin fur mich.
Good luck on your hunts!
Do you guys have any "luck"-related things that you do when hatching/hunting?
Quoted By:
>>19971905 Lucky wank before and after hatching a box of eggs.
Einar 5257 - 9738 - 5872
Quoted By:
>>19971905 When i start dreaming about the shiny i'm hunting for i usually get it the next day
So that's something
Xavier - 5026-5472-6300 (Wooper, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Xavier - 5026-5472-6300 (Wooper, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Sat 12 Jul 2014 02:28:20 No. 19971991 Report Quoted By:
>>19971905 I've made a habit of hatching while trying to go to bed, I seem to have better luck with shones when I'm on the verge of sleep.
Quoted By:
>>19971905 Playing russian roulette
:A) Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19969838 How did that work, out of curiosity? Were they perfectly fine with replacing it? What fault did you give?
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 12 Jul 2014 02:51:16 No. 19972279 Report Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Sat 12 Jul 2014 02:59:53 No. 19972392 Report >>19972279 What pokemon is on that card?
>>19965620 Hi Alice!
Did I miss anything exciting while I've been away? I'm probably going to be busy for every weekend the rest of my life, but I'll check in periodically and keep huntin' those there shinies!
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 12 Jul 2014 03:08:35 No. 19972506 Report Quoted By:
>>19972392 The midsection of a Nosepass
hey /shw/, I've got three hunts going on rn. I'm SR'ing for a shiny Lugia (still) on Soul Silver I'm SR'ing for a shiny Tepig on Black And I'm doing a Masuda Method for Togepi on Y.
39 boxes of buneary, no shiny in sight. Gahh. Getting tired of it, but I'll keep going.
Alice - 4184 1461 2541
>>19972493 I actually decided to hatch espurrs about three months after you left and wouldn't you know it, when I no longer wanted one I hatched a male shiny.
its good to see you back, are you excited for ORAS?
Evan 2509 3110 5128 (Azurill Panpour Gyarados)
Evan 2509 3110 5128 (Azurill Panpour Gyarados) Sat 12 Jul 2014 03:18:21 No. 19972620 Report 46 boxes and morale is at an all-time low. How can I praise Masuda, who truly giveth and taketh away?
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad)
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad) Sat 12 Jul 2014 03:19:12 No. 19972630 Report >>19972609 Sounds like quite a platter you got there. Good luck on those!
Quoted By:
>>19972630 Thanks man! I'm really hoping to finally find my Lugia, it's been four months and I'm still going strong.
>>19972620 I'm right there with ya. What are you MMing anyway?
>>19972613 Kaitlin--Étoiles/Maximus
>>19972615 It's funny how that works. Did he have better IV's?
I'm super excited for ORAS, don't remember the originals so it'll be like playing through them for the first time.
How about you? I hope shiny hunting is at least as easy.
Alice - 4184 1461 2541
>>19972681 hey Ramona, what hunt are you onto?
Alice - 4184 1461 2541
>>19972690 I'm pretty good, too much time on my hands with no college.
the espurr is almost the same as the one you gave me only sp defense and defense is switched.
all in all my hunts have been pretty easy really. You back to hunting for a while then?
>>19972690 I rekt Alice in terms of luck
5 Boxes, HA 4 IV Kaitlin--Étoiles/Maximus
>>19972722 I'm going for the charm, then will get back to my hunt for Inkay. What are you going for now?
>>19972798 Oh man, dude. Normally I'd be happy for you, but not this time haha
>>19972855 I damn near shat myself when it hatched, and then it was male, and then it was Own Tempo
Alice - 4184 1461 2541
>>19972815 litleo, preferably male but it doesn't matter much to me, I'm going to use it as a check to ageislash.
>>19972798 well my espurr IS 5iv, I just didn't count attack. But yeah 5 boxes, man I wish it'd been like that for me
>>19972877 So sad I missed this! And Alice shed a single tear, I bet.
>>19972895 So Pyroar doesn't have the same gender-specific move set? Because looking back on the Great Espurr Hunt that was a tiny bit BS.
>>19972933 The hunt lasted 3 days But there is always a downside, that being a 2 in Special Attack.
The set I run doesn't even have any special moves Kaitlin--Étoiles/Maximus
Quoted By:
>>19972973 It's like my Furfrou with 2 in Attack, although I'll probably be re-breeding. I occasionally use Headbutt.
>>19972696 Hey Alice! Doing love ball buneary. And sort of hawlucha on the side... 39 boxes into buneary, 20 into the bird. Might switch to hawlucha for a while.
How about you?
>>19972895 >>19973072 Shoulda looked up, good luck! I love my pyroar, was almost thinking of going for a shiny one eventually too.
Alice - 4184 1461 2541
>>19972933 I'm actually looking for the thread in the archive so you can see the crazy. And yes I shed a tear, but that doesn't male me love the one you gave me less. I haven't evolved my espurr and I may not
>>19972973 2?! Oh I'm so sorry, I knew it was missing sp attack but id hoped it would be better. Still you got the HA so I guess that's fine since its used in doubles.
>>19973090 Alice, I got it midweek and didn't post it in the thread yet That WAS my reveal.
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad)
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad) Sat 12 Jul 2014 03:56:47 No. 19973132 Report I go to train up a Snorunt for livedex purposes and I find this shit. I've been MMing for Treeckos for at least three months on and off and only have been finding Shinies in the wild. Goddamnnot saying that this isnt a cool shiny its just that goddamn I just need this treecko out of the way
Alice - 4184 1461 2541
>>19972963 nope they get the same moves and abilities thank god. I found the thread if you want to see, about half way down.
https://archive.foolz.us/vp/thread/19428542/ >>19973088 its subtle but really nice, you can't go wrong and maybe you'll get a male.
Alice - 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
>>19973127 whoops
did I mention I'm a ditz? still, I didn't wish that on anyone attempting an espurr hunt, least of all you
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad)
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad) Sat 12 Jul 2014 03:59:24 No. 19973168 Report Quoted By:
>>19973090 I think I want another shiny Espurr, just to play with in Amie. Cutest thing.
Alice - 4184 1461 2541
>>19973209 I don't blame you they are so cute. I hatch them when I'm feeling down, not even really looking for a shiny but they cheer me up
>>19973225 My friend is aware of my affinity for Espurr, just sent me these guys as a surprise gift.
(If you look closely you can see a puppy nose)
>>19973134 This hunt is so legendary now. I hope no one else has to go through everything you did!
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
>>19973270 I'm not even a fan of the Espurr line, but those are cute as hell.
Alice - 4184 1461 2541
>>19973270 >>19973283 first off what a great friend, those are so cute! what a nice gift. Second of all, I almost didn't start the hunt again because I was happy with the one you gave me, but then I heard that I
apparently inspired people and I felt like I was letting them down that I never hatched a shiny male myself. I thought I would just be hatching more females... So I said why not.
Tony 0189 8989 4432
Quoted By:
God it's so humid outside. Suppose I should jump back on this Beldum ride.
Vixer 4699-7107-8559
>>19973270 I wish I had a jap friend so he/she could help me getting stuffs from there.
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 12 Jul 2014 04:17:14 No. 19973403 Report >>19973270 I want 12 of each they're so adorable ;A;
My friend is in Japan and she picked me up an Espurr pin, but she refuses to send me a picture of it
I'll have to show it to you guys when I get it, maybe we could start an Espurr merchandise club
>>19973357 Yeah, he's been my best friend since 6th grade.
And I completely understand, It feels so great when you finally hatch YOUR shiny, I'm glad you did ^_^
Alice - 4184 1461 2541
>>19973431 its good to see you back on though, we missed you. Are you going to be online in game later?
Horde shiny hunting for fun, wish me luck! I really want a shiny Carbink, their just adorable.
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 12 Jul 2014 04:22:25 No. 19973476 Report Quoted By:
>>19973347 >>19973389 >>19973403 Pretty sure he bought them online, he lives in California. Plus we're supposed to get an American Pokémon Center site, so excited!
>>19973453 Probably not, worked overtime today and working overtime tomorrow. Need to get to bed!
Vixer 4699-7107-8559
Quoted By:
>>19973478 im from tacoland
;_; Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 12 Jul 2014 04:24:37 No. 19973502 Report >>19973478 I can't wait until august to see what they'll have on the site!
The Eevee pin set is adorable, but I don't really want to buy all of them, y'know?
Quoted By:
>>19973457 Good luck Anon, good taste!
Tony 0189 8989 4432
>>19973529 you should at least check the speed iv, could be 30 for all you know
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
Quoted By:
>>19973529 What's the speed. Maybe it's redeemable.
IT HATCHED! I had to use my 6 IV ditto but IT HATCHED!
>>19973535 Hurr durr dark type. and dusks ball. makes sense
>>19973552 Will do. I'll let ya know. if you even care :p
>>19973502 I can't wait either, I'm going to be so broke after the launch.
And on that note, good night everyone! And may Masuda be ever in your favor.
Tony 0189 8989 4432
Quoted By:
>>19973574 Just looks a little off, m8. Best of luck on the rest of your ride though!
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 12 Jul 2014 04:32:51 No. 19973660 Report Quoted By:
>>19973612 Congrats!
>>19973622 Same goes for me, I think I'll have to hold off browsing it until summer's over so I can at least have a little money.
Night Kaitlin!
Quoted By:
>>19973552 It the pawniard has an 8 or 9 in speed. thanks for making me check either way anon!
Alice - 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
>>19973529 This mon is perfect for a trick room team if anyone is interested
Quoted By:
Bike time fucking Froakie
IGN: CARMEN 0404-7627-9386
>tfw my friend will quit Pokemon if he doesn't get a shiny Froakie with Protean. What should I do? I don't want him to quit ;_;
Tony 0189 8989 4432
Quoted By:
>>19973846 Tell his faggot ass to man the fuck up
>2014 >not using a power save to just make the perfect one shiny >stay pleb
Quoted By:
>>19973846 Tell him that masuda is love, masuda is life.
>>19973970 My body is so pleb
Quoted By:
>>19974052 >>19974026 Please. I am only a man. A man that believes in the greatness of masuda and his ways
Need a new project /SHW/ what's a nice shiny that I can breed?
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad)
Patrick [3454-0676-1633] (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Palpitoad) Sat 12 Jul 2014 05:09:55 No. 19974327 Report >>19974304 Bergmite's shiny is pretty rad
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 12 Jul 2014 05:11:32 No. 19974356 Report >>19974304 Go for something fun and challenging like Protean Froakie, Bulletproof Chespin, or Harvest Phantump
Tony 0189 8989 4432
>>19974327 I like Bergmite's shiny but I think I'd only breed it if a friend requested it as Avalugg loses all the awesome underbelly coloring.
>>19974356 I have nightmares from breeding HA mons pre-ditto and getting shinies of their regular abilities. Got a Flash Fire Vulpix with so much lost potential...
Alright I'm in but it needs to be competitive gold. Please suggest something of that caliber and I'll start right away. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19974405 Ferroseed is nice. I will save him for after the HA brutality.
Alice - 4184 1461 2541
>>19974413 why don't you breed something for ORAS?
Quoted By:
>>19974327 i found one in the friend safari. are you perhaps interested in trading?
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 12 Jul 2014 05:19:22 No. 19974462 Report Quoted By:
>>19974413 I used to run a pretty neat Trevenant set, but I forgot what it was exactly.
I ran a Lapras with AV that was bulky as all hell and did quite well competitively, not to mention it's shiny is awesome.
I believe my set was Freeze-Dry, Ancient Power, Dragon Pulse, and Brine. EVs were something like 252 HP, 252 Def, 6 SpA, with Bold nature.
Quoted By:
>>19974444 I'll be nuzlocking Ruby first and then playing Sapphire for fun. I really haven't though of what to breed for ORAS. Salamence is all that comes to mind.
>>19974420 I'm gonna put that on the list with Ferroseed. I got a friend who fancies the Mareep line that would appreciate it.
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 12 Jul 2014 05:34:28 No. 19974669 Report Finally got a 6IV HA Female Lotad, ready to start the real hunt! Wish me luck!
Quoted By:
>>19973457 Update, still no qt shiny Carbink.
I'll keep going! I have to get it!
>>19974669 Grats! May your ducks and hunts dance fortuitously!
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 12 Jul 2014 05:38:44 No. 19974729 Report Quoted By:
>>19974717 >cute dancing sableye NOW I WANT TO STOP DOING LOTAD HUNT SABLEYE Anonymous
What level are your guys's breeding parents?
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 12 Jul 2014 05:45:43 No. 19974798 Report Quoted By:
So, in order to do this MM method, you just need : A) a foreign pokemon and a native pokemon/ditto B) a foreign ditto and a native pokemon Throw them into the day care and get on my autism bike until they produce a shiny?
Einar 5257 - 9738 - 5872
Quoted By:
>>19974836 Yeah
As long as the two pokemon have different language tags you will have masudas blessing
Valentine 3668 7232 1342 (Dugtrio, Sandshrew, Diggersby)
Valentine 3668 7232 1342 (Dugtrio, Sandshrew, Diggersby) Sat 12 Jul 2014 05:57:18 No. 19974944 Report Quoted By:
>>19974750 I've been running around so long they're 99 and 100 now.
Quoted By:
>>19974836 All you need are pokemon with different language markers. (Your native langauge will get no marker)
Let's say. your game is English. You can MM with a French and Spanish one if you don't have any good English pokemon. As long as the language is different, it's good to go.
Celan 2380 3700 0120
Anyone want a meditite? They got Bullet Punch, Psycho Cut and , Fake out. They're all 5v
Quoted By:
>>19969827 >Shroomish. >The i52 Round Robin. >fakkin masuda >Shroomish. don't try to deny me, you know this is the only correct answer >Any of the Eeveelutions >Talonflame Two boxes in right now and still wondering what the fuck I'm doing with my life.
Valentine 3668 7232 1342 (Dugtrio, Sandshrew, Diggersby)
Valentine 3668 7232 1342 (Dugtrio, Sandshrew, Diggersby) Sat 12 Jul 2014 06:16:53 No. 19975229 Report >>19975129 Yes please discing up now
Valentine 3668 7232 1342 (Dugtrio, Sandshrew, Diggersby)
Valentine 3668 7232 1342 (Dugtrio, Sandshrew, Diggersby) Sat 12 Jul 2014 06:19:54 No. 19975268 Report >>19975229 Actually fuck apparently I don't have a Luvdisc I'm putting up a Feebas if that's okay
Celan 2380 3700 0120
>>19975268 What IV spread do you want?
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 12 Jul 2014 06:23:14 No. 19975321 Report Quoted By:
I'm hitting the hay, night /shw/
Valentine 3668 7232 1342 (Dugtrio, Sandshrew, Diggersby)
Valentine 3668 7232 1342 (Dugtrio, Sandshrew, Diggersby) Sat 12 Jul 2014 06:25:12 No. 19975348 Report >>19975289 31/31/31/x/31/31 if possible
Celan 2380 3700 0120
Quoted By:
>>19975348 Alright first pentaperfect I found was a male. Sent
:^) Einar 5257 - 9738 - 5872
Quoted By:
>>19969827 >Hunting? Scatterbug
>Watching? Alternating between episodes of QI and Topgear
>What method? Masuda
>Fav shone? Probably Latias
>Least fav shone? No idea
>Talonflame family or Sun Moth? Talon
i don't care how much hate he gets, i love my fireburde Anonymous
Guys, is getting the shiny charm even worth it? I really want to start hatching for my shiny vulpix, and I'm pretty sure it's gonna take me weeks, if not a month to complete the dex.
Quoted By:
>>19975777 Honestly man it really isn't. You've got like +700 pokemon to collect and all it does is raise your shiny encounter rate from 1 in 4096 to 1 in 1365.3, and I'm not sure if it even works with MM. Just tough it out and hatch the fucking eggs.
Quoted By:
>>19975777 waiting for ban
Quoted By:
>>19975777 Unless you wanna get b&, get the shiny charm
Sakura 4897-6718-5626
Quoted By:
>>19975777 It took me three days to complete my pokedex in my game and my friend's game. I am also hunting for a shiny vulpix for that same friend this is day 5 of hunting.
Angela 3110-5102-2925 (Pachirisu, Stunfisk, Manectric)
Angela 3110-5102-2925 (Pachirisu, Stunfisk, Manectric) Sat 12 Jul 2014 07:16:13 No. 19976007 Report Quoted By:
>>19975777 In terms of making your hunt less horrible? No, no it's not worth it. I'm not even sure if it works with MM. Sure doesn't feel like it.
But it's worth it
because it means you caught them all just like you're supposed to Steffy FC: 2466-3701-1915
Just got this at the 1st egg, wasnt trying to get a shiny (already got a hexaperfect one) but a non shiny one...welp
Damian (Spheal, Beartic, Piloswine) 4339-2530-0010
Damian (Spheal, Beartic, Piloswine) 4339-2530-0010 Sat 12 Jul 2014 07:32:46 No. 19976221 Report Quoted By:
I got so lucky, guys. I hatched a perfect shiny Ralts and a perfect shiny Shinx. Now I'm looking for a female Love Ball Mareep to breed one. Does anyone have a Mareep I can have?
Hello /shw/ Just got this guy. 2nd Shiny in two days via Friend Safari. Last one was Dedenne.
>>19976171 >>19976339 Wow, congrats you guys!
>>19976423 Thanks anon.
You having any luck?
>>19976484 Not yet, only on my fifth box so it's two early to complain though. Want a free pentaperfect rhyhorn? They need good homes.
Celan 2380 3700 0120
>>19976532 I'll take one. You want a pentaperfect Meditite?
Quoted By:
>>19976548 I sure would! I have to go, but I'll be back in a little while.
>>19976532 Yes please, I put a luvdisc up in the GTS.
IGN: Hunter
Message: /vp/
>>19976576 Alright I'm back, sent you a rhyhorn.
>>19976548 Put up a disc? My friend list is just about full.
Celan 2380 3700 0120
Quoted By:
>>19976829 Can't tonight. 3DS died and I don't wanna bother finding the charger this late. If you're gonna be in the thread tomorrow I'll happily trade
I don't know what to say. 6 shones in 7 days. It's 31/31/x/31/31/31 and female. Gonna check dat def later.
Quoted By:
>>19977391 Nearly forgot to say I got it after 45 eggs Anonymous
>>19977391 Congrats friend! What were your other shinies?
Quoted By:
>>19977599 These little puppies.
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Sat 12 Jul 2014 11:31:47 No. 19978629 Report Quoted By:
>>19977391 So you're the one that's been siphoning off my luck!
Congrats man, I'm jealous as all hell, especially of that Treecko. 25 boxes in and nothing yet
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia)
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia) Sat 12 Jul 2014 12:29:06 No. 19979152 Report I DID IT! SHINY SURSKIT AT LAST !! He was in the 70th box, the longest ride I've ever had. I'm crying ;_; Question: to check its missing IV (def), do I have to level him up?
Quoted By:
>>19979152 Congrats, you are a man among men. Just take it to the battle institute and use an IV calculator to find out its missing IV.
Martin 0834-1581-2994 (Ditto/Dunsparce/Audino)
Martin 0834-1581-2994 (Ditto/Dunsparce/Audino) Sat 12 Jul 2014 12:37:46 No. 19979226 Report I have a shiny Venusaur up for trade if anyone is interesten, I do want a shiny in retur but that can be any shiny aslong I dont have it already
>>19979226 Can you nickname it?
Martin 0834-1581-2994 (Ditto/Dunsparce/Audino)
Martin 0834-1581-2994 (Ditto/Dunsparce/Audino) Sat 12 Jul 2014 12:41:24 No. 19979259 Report Quoted By:
>>19979237 Sure, what name do you want?
>>19970941 20 HP. Is that bad?
Quoted By:
>>19979326 Not fantastic for current sets, but should be more than ok once it gets access to the Mega.
You did good.
Morning /shw/. What are you guys hunting and doing?
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !NfZDyZT2rA
Quoted By:
MMing up for a shiny beldum for ORAS
Valentin aka Barbezinc 3926-5907-7222
>>19979427 Getting on the shiny Beldum ride again after hatching one with abysmal defense stat
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !NfZDyZT2rA
Quoted By:
>>19979513 Oh god same here, I got one with shit defense on my first shiny
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Sat 12 Jul 2014 13:19:37 No. 19979565 Report Ran out of boxes to gather eggs into...should I release the rejects now,or just transfer them to pokebank so I can carry on hatching?
>>19979565 >storing rejects Why aren't you releasing the useless ones after hatching them?
Quoted By:
>>19979629 I tend to gather 5 boxes of eggs at a time and keep them cause releasing them is time consuming. I usually release em once the hunt's over. Its been a while since a single hunt made me reach capacity
Quoted By:
>>19970995 Congrats! You're gonna nickname it Autumn, right?
Quoted By:
Breeding Froakies. I got a single 31/0/31/31/31/31, which is nice, but no shiny luck so far. Knowing my luck, I'll breed one but it'll have Torrent and a shitty IV spread.
Evan 2509 3110 5128 (Azurill Panpour Gyarados)
Evan 2509 3110 5128 (Azurill Panpour Gyarados) Sat 12 Jul 2014 13:38:13 No. 19979703 Report Quoted By:
>>19979152 you deserved that shiny. congrats! 46 boxes for me so far.
SUCCESS! I managed to get a 6IV Ditto, and I have a 5IV Adamant Beldum. Time to hatch some shinies, dawgs
I suggest you obtain a 6IV beldum first then start stacking up eggs for shinies
>>19979733 Freakin' got a 6IV Beldum aswell, shiny hunting is GO
>>19979933 You wont get your shiny until box 46, and when you do it'll have a 0 Attack IV.
Actually out of curiosity, how long do MM hunts usually go on for? This is my first one and Surskit guy has me kinda worried.
Quoted By:
>>19979980 I've got a shiny in the 2nd egg, two shinies in a row and one shiny after 100 boxes.
It all depends. By the 40th box most people already got a shiny or two.
Xavier - 5026-5472-6300 (Wooper, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Xavier - 5026-5472-6300 (Wooper, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Sat 12 Jul 2014 14:14:05 No. 19980002 Report Quoted By:
>>19979980 I believe the average is roughly 20 boxes with the Shiny Charm, and 33-34 without.
Of course there's always the possibility of it lasting far, far longer or shorter than that.
Quoted By:
>>19979980 Depends, really.
Usually within 20 boxes I've gotten a shiny or two.
Like right now I'm on my 5th box and I just hatched a shiny whilst typing this.
Steffy FC: 2466-3701-1915
Quoted By:
>>19979741 I just got this guy, no DEf tough
Quoted By:
I stopped MMing for a while and decided to make a living dex in the bank. Since I got the shiny charm I'm missing a lot of previous evolutions and it is giving me more work than I thought.
Continue with Porygons or start on Beldum? I can't decide, help me
Quoted By:
>>19980187 Alternate every 10 boxes. Luke
Quoted By:
>>19980187 Don't give up on your Porygons
>>19980187 Which Porygon evo are you going for?
>>19980215 2, I already hatched a good Z one, then another with terrible spa
Quoted By:
>>19980225 Then you gotta go for based BalkDuck.
The X-Wing can wait.
Hannie 0834-1807-9672
Quoted By:
>>19979980 My longest was around 1,200 eggs, and my shortest was 2>
boxes.So it really just depends! Good luck and enjoy the ride!
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sat 12 Jul 2014 15:39:25 No. 19980730 Report Quoted By: