>>19973619Actually, remakes of old game in currently-running series are only good if they change things up while remaining true to the originals. Take a look at Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon. It was terrible because it took the exact mechanics of a 20 year old Famicom game, adjusted things ever so slightly, and only handed out new content if you played against what the series is about (giving you extra chapters only if you killed off all of your units, something you would NEVER do in other FEs). On the other hand, it's sequel Heroes of Light and Shadow was nearly perfect because it was the original game but updated to suit what the series had become. It didn't insensitive killing your army, it handed you new content for playing the game how you would normally. It was great.
I don't think ORAS is going to be bad at all, but I despise the new art styles they're using. Emerald is one of my favorite games in the series, and I love the old character designs. I despised HGSS mainly because it looked and sounded wrong, and because GSC was a flawed game that required more than just a graphical update to be good. Hoenn isn't as flawed as Johto, and RSE still looks and sounds good by today's standards. I'll have to have it in my hands before I judge it as a game though.