Hi anons, got two boxes of shiny Bulbasaur I bred. All have Chlorophyll, Amnesia and Giga Drain as Egg moves, are bred in Nest Ball. Half of them have HP Ice, the other half HP Fire. IV spreads are (Fire) and (Ice). To get one, just put a Flabébé on GTS and ask for a male lv.1 Bulbasaur, put some message so I can recognise you and post here and I'll look for you.
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
Flabebe will be up in a sec, thanks.
Brandon 3153 4120 5558
>>19976042 flabebe will be up in a sec
Quoted By:
My message is gonna be /vp/ IGN: Kevin
IGN Nate 3196-4457-2922
Quoted By:
Bebe'd up! Thanks OP!
Coni 1134-7855-2207 !.0QxnMOTYM
Quoted By:
>>19976042 I'd like one, flabebe is up !
>>19976042 are they legit?
Quoted By:
>>19976042 Awesome, bebe up
Flabebe up IGN Serena msg /vp/
Alex 1864-8710-3160
ign: Ale
Quoted By:
>>19976042 flabebé up in a sec, message says "thanks Elettra"
Quoted By:
>>19976042 Flabébé is up. Message is Thanks OP
Quoted By:
>>19976118 Yes they are. OT: Elettra, ID: 64891
Nick 4897-7040-0177
Quoted By:
>>19976042 Flabébé up.
Thanks anon.
Victor [Fire] (5043-1611-0529) Braixen, Larvesta, Pansear
Victor [Fire] (5043-1611-0529) Braixen, Larvesta, Pansear Sat 12 Jul 2014 07:26:40 No. 19976138 Report Quoted By:
>>19976042 Flab is up thanks!
Quoted By:
>>19976120 That was fast
Thanks OP
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia)
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia) Sat 12 Jul 2014 07:27:11 No. 19976146 Report Quoted By:
>>19976042 Flabebe will be up un a moment, I'm connecting ^^ Thanks dude!
Chandler 1564-3311-2793
Quoted By:
Flabebe is up!
IGN: Liamaru 1821 9811 5472
Quoted By:
>>19976042 Flabebe up
Appreciate it alot.
Nike 0602-6314-3432
Quoted By:
>>19976042 Thanks, flabebe is up
senpai 1564 3068 7548
Quoted By:
ahh it's up. thanks
Quoted By:
>>19976042 flabébé is up
message is: "VP BURDS"
Lane 2079-6862-4484
Quoted By:
>>19976042 Flabébé up, thanks OP.
message "Lane vp"
Quoted By:
can I have a fire one?
Carlos 0404-7633-1539
Quoted By:
>>19976042 I'll take one. Message will be swaggerino.
Brandon 3153 4120 5558
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>19976042 Flabebe is up, thanks OP! One with hidden power fire would be cool
Quoted By:
>>19976042 putting the flabebe up in a sec
Thanks for the giveaway
If you want a specific HP, put it in the message. They're randomized, I'll have to check if it's "alert to sound" or "somewhat vain", and hopr to get it right haha
Quoted By:
I ve put a little mile face on mine : )
Baltan 2836-0287-6385 Normal (Teddiursa, Minccino, Ditto)
Baltan 2836-0287-6385 Normal (Teddiursa, Minccino, Ditto) Sat 12 Jul 2014 07:33:21 No. 19976233 Report Quoted By:
Flabébé up and waiting. Thank you Elettra!
Quoted By:
Flabebe is up. Message: /vp/ Jim
Quoted By:
hey thanks mine is up! My message is /vp/ thanks!
Quoted By:
>>19976042 Flabebe up, IGN is Jack and message is /vp/ Bulba
Filix 0662-4044-8879
Quoted By:
I meant smile* sorry ><
Are these shinified? If not, could I request a nickname?
Quoted By:
>>19976042 flower is up IGN Javier
Alex 1864-8710-3160
Quoted By:
Thanks a lot, OP!
Quoted By:
Message /vp/ Elettra, name is Magic Flower. Fire if possible please
Hey OP thanks a lot Flabebe is up with "based elettra"
Quoted By:
>>19976042 flabebe up for hp fire
Thanks Elettra! A+ ball too
Quoted By:
>>19976042 flabebe up ign mark
Quoted By:
put a bebe up, ign is shamu and message is /vp/bulba, ill take an ice if you have any left
>>19976258 They're not shinyfied, and I could put a nick if that's a warranty you're looking for, but not to everyone, because it'd keep me here all day.
>>19976269 >tfw no Flabebe can you catch them on the route where the daycare is?
Quoted By:
Flabebe up, message: /vp/ please You're a cool guy op
Quoted By:
/VP/ Alan, here. Blue Flabebe is up and waiting. Would prefer an Ice.
Zach: 0232-8655-3507
Quoted By:
>>19976042 Just put one up for Zach!!!
Ryu 3179 - 7304 - 1345
Quoted By:
Nice op, catch one and looking for hp fire please !
>>19976230 Sorry for delay, but I put mine up a few minutes after my post, and now it feels like you're skipping me.
>>19976280 Got some balltism breeding going on lately, it's a shame there's not a ball for shiny Volcarona that fits as good as Nest Ball on shiny Venusaur.
Ctop 0645-5818-4706
Quoted By:
Flabebe's going up. Cheers, OP
Purple 5215-0022-4026
Quoted By:
HP ICE PLEASE Flabebe is up It says Thanks Elettra
Quoted By:
>>19976317 IGN is Kevin btw
IGN: Liamaru 1821 9811 5472
>>19976321 Doesn't the Timer ball somewhat work for it?
Flabebe is up, OP. I'll take Fire if you don't mind! IGN: Alex message: Love you OP<3
Quoted By:
Could I have a HP Fire one please if theres any left? IGN is Roman
Fire please. IGN is Kyoma Hooin, Flabebe is named Magic Flower. Thanks OP
Rick (4184-1702-5554)
>>19976321 Putting one up now. Much appreciated. :)
Message will be /VP/
Quoted By:
>>19976042 Are you Jesus, OP?
Blue flabébé on the GTS!
Purple 5215-0022-4026
Quoted By:
HP ICE PLEASE AND I WILL HAVE YOUR CHILDREN My finest Flabebe is up, It says: Thanks Elettra
>>19976317 Sorry, you're so many I don't even know where the list ends on GTS. Taking the oldest ones anyways, hoping to get to you soon.
>>19976335 It looks so bad, I don't like the ball itself.
Haha, the box looks very nice, with all different-coloured Flabébés
Coni 1134-7855-2207 !.0QxnMOTYM
Quoted By:
Thank you so much OP!
Quoted By:
Flabebe up Message: 4chan
tenryuu JP FC (0404-6868-9884)
Quoted By:
>>19976042 I would like one with HP Fire, thanks
Ryu 3179 - 7304 - 1345
Quoted By:
Flabébé on gts ! Hp fire please Op thx
Zaius [2466-2493-4938]
IGN: KVu 4184-2572-5060
Quoted By:
orange flabebe on gts, i put a message asking for a HP fire. thanks in advance OP
Quoted By:
>>19976361 OP i just called you Jesus don't let me down my name ingame is Gius
Quoted By:
>>19976042 Message is: /vp/ Danke!
Lane 2079-6862-4484
Quoted By:
>>19976042 OP=God.
Thanks a bunch Elettra!
Quoted By:
>>19976042 Flabebe is up, OP! I would like one with HP fire, if possible!
Chandler 1564-3311-2793
Quoted By:
>>19976042 Confirmed! Thanks so much!
Fla/b/é/b/é up in the GTS!
Serena 0860-3392-4713
Quoted By:
Putting one up now!
Quoted By:
Message will be /vp/ IGN Anthony
Quoted By:
thank u SO much op <3
sent my flabebe. yellow flower and message is /vp/
homiko 5086 1951 6036
Quoted By:
>>19976042 on GTS. thank you.
IGN: Liamaru 1821 9811 5472
Quoted By:
You have my gratitude, Elettra!
Quoted By:
>>19976344 now its name is Felu, because somebody traded me normal Bulba
Neve 4098 3569 5888
Quoted By:
>>19976042 flabebe up, message is just /vp/
thanks man
Tom 0447-6313-7437
Quoted By:
>>19976042 Flabebe up, message is /vp/hpfire
Message will be /vp/. IGN: Danny If possible, can I get a HP Fire one? Thanks in advance!
>>19976298 Thank you in advance! HP fire if you have any left. If female: Dona Juana, male: Gasper
message /vp/ Flabebe holding Rocky Helmet
IGN Serena 2981-6463-5880
Quoted By:
>>19976042 dumping flabebe
IGN; HombreHongo
Huy 0404-6825-9818
Quoted By:
Bebe is up, thank you OP
Calem 3711-8693-5960 (Pidgey, Tranquill, Fletchinder)
Calem 3711-8693-5960 (Pidgey, Tranquill, Fletchinder) Sat 12 Jul 2014 08:04:56 No. 19976551 Report >>19976042 Flabs is up OP. HP ICE is preferred, but anything will do if ice runs out.
Message is "/vp/"
Quoted By:
>>19976485 Oh, and IGN is Elliott
thanks in advance OP
Quoted By:
>>19976042 >>19976506 Thanks so much for the awesome Bulbasaur!
Reminder: If you need a specific HP. put it in the message on GTS, not here, so I can know.
Quoted By:
got mine, thanks a ton op!
Quoted By:
>>19976042 Is this still going on? I've been trying to get my hands on a Kalos born shiny bulbasaur with giga drain. breeding for over a month.
Quoted By:
flabebe is up, IGN: Michal, message /vp/
Rick (4184-1702-5554)
Quoted By:
>>19976563 >>19976347 Doesn't matter the HP for mine, if ya get to me. Bulbasaur was my first starter. haha
IGN: Adrianok (1822-0052-2064)
Quoted By:
Already deposited a blue flabebe. Any of the bulbasaurs will do fine. The message says: "/vp/ bulbasaur"
CELIS - 0103-9785-8621 (lillipup, audino, ditto)
CELIS - 0103-9785-8621 (lillipup, audino, ditto) Sat 12 Jul 2014 08:09:44 No. 19976585 Report >>19976042 flabebe will be up in just a sec, i know its too much too ask, but if you can could you name it citrus? if you cant, dont worry, i hope i can get one
Quoted By:
>>19976563 Put Fleu with message /vp/ ElettraFire
CELIS - 0103-9785-8621 (lillipup, audino, ditto)
CELIS - 0103-9785-8621 (lillipup, audino, ditto) Sat 12 Jul 2014 08:10:56 No. 19976595 Report >>19976585 again, the nickname all in caps "CITRUS" ;_; sorry, if you cant dont even worry about it
Quoted By:
thanks elettra! I will treasure it always
Purple 5215-0022-4026
Quoted By:
Aww I don't want OP to skip me :(
>>19976341 re-deposited, OP
message: Love you OP FIRE
holding a rare c-candy
>>19976595 Sure, when I get to you it'll be renamed.
I feel I'll have to get some more from the bank soon, got just half box full.
Dan 3368 3101 6852 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier)
Dan 3368 3101 6852 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier) Sat 12 Jul 2014 08:13:49 No. 19976629 Report Quoted By:
>>19976042 bebe is up thanks OP
>>19976610 Don't put valuable item on them, or people will jew them out before I can trade to you!
CELIS - 0103-9785-8621 (lillipup, audino, ditto)
CELIS - 0103-9785-8621 (lillipup, audino, ditto) Sat 12 Jul 2014 08:14:00 No. 19976634 Report Quoted By:
>>19976614 You are the best!!
>>19976610 Wait, OP, it won't let me enter a gender, if I choose level 1-10, is that still cool?
homiko 5086 1951 6036
Quoted By:
reuploaded on blue flabebe on GTS. thank you.
Quoted By:
Jim here, got mine. Thanks Elettra!
Quoted By:
Already deposited a yello flabebe. Any of the bulbasaurs will do fine. The message says: "/vp/ bulbasaur"
Ryuja 3179 - 7304 - 1345
Quoted By:
>>19976642 >>19976632 fuck, someone did jew me out and stole the rare candy
gotta go catch another flabebe....
Quoted By:
>>19976460 I edited the message, now it's "/vp/ HP ICE"
Thanks a lot OP
>>19976642 Just put mine on the GTS
Message: 55FIRE
Quoted By:
I got my shiny bulbasaur! Thank you so much OP.
CELIS - 0103-9785-8621 (lillipup, audino, ditto)
CELIS - 0103-9785-8621 (lillipup, audino, ditto) Sat 12 Jul 2014 08:22:02 No. 19976709 Report Quoted By:
>>19976614 i love you OP!!! thank you!
IGN Danny 0645 6693 6165
Can I have an HP Fire one?
Kaiser - 1650-1821-3652 (Fraxure, Noibat, Druddigon)
Kaiser - 1650-1821-3652 (Fraxure, Noibat, Druddigon) Sat 12 Jul 2014 08:22:20 No. 19976713 Report Quoted By:
>>19976042 I put /vp/ Elettra
Thanks in advance.
IGN Amoure
Quoted By:
Bébé up! Many thanks;
>>19976341 >>19976610 >>19976632 >>19976635 >>19976642 ok, OP
HP Fire please, message is Love you OP FIRE
IGN: Alex
homiko 5086 1951 6036
Quoted By:
thank you very much! I am very happy.
>>19976732 Ahah, next will be yours. You've been a little unlicky, sorry for that!
Quoted By:
>>19976766 nice dubs
you're the greatest, based OP
Already deposited a yellow flabebe. Any of the bulbasaurs will do fine. The message says: "/vp/ bulbasaur"
IGN Lorpy - 3050 7572 7595
Quoted By:
>>19976042 Flabebe's up. Message on the GTS: /bulbap/ ICE
OP wh-where are you on the list right now?
IGN Danny 0645 6693 6165
Quoted By:
>>19976710 i put a White one with the message /vp/ HP Fire
Quoted By:
>>19976766 Thanks a fucking lot, OP <3
>>19976799 I don't know for sure, but there are still many left. 30-35, I guess. Just traded to Yhwatch
Oh, I posted about an hour ago and still got none :/ My Flabebe is named Fleu and message is /vp/ ElettraFire. IGN is Kyoma Hooin. Hope you won't miss me, thanks OP!
Rick (4184-1702-5554)
Quoted By:
>>19976835 Just got mine. OP is love! Thanks!
IGN Serena 2981-6463-5880
>>19976857 same here bro ;_;
Quoted By:
>>19976857 I'm gonna trade your Flabebe with a non-shiny quirky bulbasaur.
>>19976857 >>19976868 I know, sorry. But it takes some time to look for the oldest one, wait for the animation, etc. Don't worry, I'll get to you too!
Dragar - 5300-9412-8793
Quoted By:
>>19976042 chucked a bulbasaur up there as just /vp/ hope to get some back.
>>19976835 Possible to touch trade for a nickname?
NN: Venustoise
>>19976889 I can send it NN'd to GTS too.
Quoted By:
>>19976919 I got it from you earlier, dont need a 2nd haha
Already deposited a yellow flabebe. Any of the bulbasaurs will do fine. The message says: "/vp/ bulbasaur"
Trades will stop for a couple of minutes, grabbing more from bank!
Quoted By:
Its up with the message /vp/ thank you
Quoted By:
>>19976042 >>19976973 i put a flabebe up
ign is sergio
i can wait yeah just letting you know
deposited message is 'Elettra MVP'
Flabebe up IGN - Michael Message is just "/vp/"
Quoted By:
flabebe is up, message says "/vp/ hp-fire thx" thanks in advance
Shadow 2852 - 7422 - 1114 IGN Giulio
Quoted By:
>>19976042 deposited a flabebe, message /vp/
Already deposited a yellow flabebe. Any of the bulbasaurs will do fine. The message says: "/vp/ bulbasaur"
Flabebe is up, message is just /vp/. I don't mind which HP it has. Thanks in advance!
Quoted By:
>>19976789 >>19976941 >>19977155 What colour was your Flabébé? Please
understand wait a bit, I'm not ignoring you, the list is just long
Quoted By:
>>19976886 Thank you, you're great! :)
IGN: Adrianok (1822-0052-2064)
Quoted By:
Many thanks based Elettra! I <3 you!
Quoted By:
>>19976042 flabebe up, message: /vp/
Ellefu 4656-5811-8692 (Rock: Corsola, Nosepass, Barbaracle)
Ellefu 4656-5811-8692 (Rock: Corsola, Nosepass, Barbaracle) Sat 12 Jul 2014 09:01:54 No. 19977288 Report >>19976042 Flabébé up, message "Arigator,/vp/-san"
Halibel 0001-3646-4597
Quoted By:
>>19976973 Just put a Flabebe, IGN Halibel with message "/vp/ halibel"
Thank you !
Quoted By:
>>19977156 Got sniped, reuploading a blue one
Op-chan, orange flower w/ message '/vp/ ▲' You awesome man
Michael 2337-4006-3237 (Nuzlock, liepard, sneazel)
Michael 2337-4006-3237 (Nuzlock, liepard, sneazel) Sat 12 Jul 2014 09:05:46 No. 19977333 Report Quoted By:
>>19977059 I got sniped, gonna put another yellow one up
Quoted By:
>>19976042 flabebe is up IGN austin message is /VP/
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395 - Shiny [57]
Quoted By:
>>19976042 Flabebè up!
Message is HpFire ThanksOP!
Michael 2337-4006-3237 (Nuzlock, liepard, sneazel)
Michael 2337-4006-3237 (Nuzlock, liepard, sneazel) Sat 12 Jul 2014 09:11:04 No. 19977399 Report Quoted By:
>>19977351 Got it, you're a legend
Quoted By:
>>19976551 Holy shit I finally got it! THANKS OP, YOU ARE GREAT AND ARE A CUTIE PIE
Dragar - 5300-9412-8793
Quoted By:
My flabebe is yellow, and japanese. Really hope you will be able to get to me :) thanks
IGN: Maile
Quoted By:
I put on a yellow Flabebe,message is /VP/ Flabebe Thanks.OP
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Sat 12 Jul 2014 09:16:34 No. 19977478 Report Quoted By:
>>19976042 bebe is up hope im not late
>>19976042 bebe is up
ign Dej
>>19977484 Had to redeposit.
>>19976042 I put a yellow lv. 8 flabebe up a while ago with /vp/ message. i hope you didnt miss me by accident ;;
Dragar - 5300-9412-8793
Mack 2294-5355-4315
>>19976042 I'll take one if there are any left, thanks.
Quoted By:
>>19977048 Got it
Thanks a bunch!
Ty -2595-2182-9533 (Shuckle, Pupitar, Unknown_
Ty -2595-2182-9533 (Shuckle, Pupitar, Unknown_ Sat 12 Jul 2014 09:22:42 No. 19977538 Report put one up if you're still around
Ty -2595-2182-9533 (Shuckle, Pupitar, Unknown_
Ty -2595-2182-9533 (Shuckle, Pupitar, Unknown_ Sat 12 Jul 2014 09:23:55 No. 19977557 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>shiny >modest >giga drain + amnesia >chlorophyll >hp fire op is truly based. thanks from sergio
Quoted By:
Put one up, IGN: Robert
Quoted By:
>>19976042 Got mine. Thanks a lot, OP!
Quoted By:
>>19977351 op-chan thank you! You are true pokemon master
If I'm not too late.... Flabebe up, message is 'Thanks OP' IGN is Jammy.
Quoted By:
>>19977484 >>19977508 Btw, I asked for HP fire but if you don't have any left then HP is fine too.
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Sat 12 Jul 2014 09:31:34 No. 19977637 Report Quoted By:
thanks op
Mack 2294-5355-4315
Quoted By:
>>19977525 >>19976042 Got sniped, reuploading.
Shadow 2852 - 7422 - 1114
Quoted By:
Got mine, thanks!
>>19977510 >>19976042 Got mine. Thank you very much, OP.
Here's a bulbasaur wallpaper that I made for valentines day.
You the real champ OP. I'd totally sit on a couch with you a foot or so apart and watch a movie with you as long as there was a light on and maybe an adult just in the other room or something.
IGN Lorpy - 3050 7572 7595
Quoted By:
Got mine, thanks a lot OP!
Put one up with a pretty generic vp text.
Ellefu 4656-5811-8692 (Rock: Corsola, Nosepass, Barbaracle)
Ellefu 4656-5811-8692 (Rock: Corsola, Nosepass, Barbaracle) Sat 12 Jul 2014 09:41:15 No. 19977738 Report Quoted By:
>>19977288 Ah! It arrived.
Alligator gozaimasu, Elettra-chan~~~~~~~~
Quoted By:
Got mine, thanks a bunch OP!
>>19977689 Nice, I like it!
>>19977705 Is that an avance, anon?
Quoted By:
>>19977719 A huge thank you. What a cool guy you are, OP.
Quoted By:
>>19977626 Thank you very much, OP. Got mine just now.
Ty -2595-2182-9533 (Shuckle, Pupitar, Unknown_
Ty -2595-2182-9533 (Shuckle, Pupitar, Unknown_ Sat 12 Jul 2014 09:48:17 No. 19977830 Report Quoted By:
>>19976042 OP is king, thank you
The last one was sent! Thanks to everyone who participated, and if I skipped you let me know! Keeping an eye on the thread.
IGN: Petar
Quoted By:
>>19977751 Do you have anymore? Deposited a Flabebe with "/vp/" as the message, just in case.
Quoted By:
>>19976042 deposited mine with "vp giveaway" message I prefer ice hp one
IGN: Petar
Quoted By:
>>19977831 Thank you so much, man.
Quoted By:
>>19976042 Thank you so much, Op.
You are a God among men.
I'm off now, coming back in a hour or so, for any latecomer.
Hogue 1864 8668 8113
>>19977897 Hey, OP. If you happen to have any leftover when you come back, I would love to take one off your hands.
Quoted By:
Wow, OP I thought for a second that it was just another ruse, but you really delivered. Thanks man, you are a god.
Hogue 1864 8668 8113
Quoted By:
>>19977985 I put one up with the message "/vp/ BulbaGET." If you don't have any leftover by the time you make it down the thread, that's cool, though.
Yves 5129-1221-1294
Quoted By:
>>19976042 Just put one up called Petra.
Thanks OP! :)
Quoted By:
>>19976042 If youre still doing this, flebebe is up
IGN: Ignatius
I'm back! Checking GTS right now.
Quoted By:
>>19978534 holy shit this is legit my first shiny, thanks man
>>19978534 You got many left if I go catch a Flabebe now OP?
>>19978588 As long as I'm here, you're free to get one!
Quoted By:
flabebe up and ready IGN Kaiju thanks for doing this
Quoted By:
Wasn't sure if this was still on, but thank you very much OP! IGN's Alice.
Quoted By:
>>19978605 Cool, mine's up now OP. Name is Peter,
Ivy 4382-2626-9386
Quoted By:
>>19978534 Flabébé is up, thanks OP!
Quoted By:
Lv6 Yellow Flabebe UP, IGN Stelle, Message: /vp/ Thanks OP
Quoted By:
>>19978637 Flabébé up! IGN is Leo Spaceman.
Thanks a bunch, OP!
Quoted By:
My Flabebe is up. In game name is Martin. Thanks
Quoted By:
>>19978534 Flabébé is up, do you still have some with HP ice ? Thanks !
Yves 5129-1221-1294
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Sat 12 Jul 2014 11:41:23 No. 19978706 Report >>19978534 >>19978534 flabebe is up. thx anon :3
Adam 0344-9830-4288
Quoted By:
Flabébé is up on gtn IGN :kraftykoopa /vp/
Quoted By:
>>19976042 Flabébé up! Thanks in advance!
Critical Kris-chan 0576-5779-5540
Quoted By:
Fairy babe up, prefer Ice but any is fine.
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Quoted By:
>>19978534 Let me go place a flabe for a HP fire right now.
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Sat 12 Jul 2014 11:50:00 No. 19978787 Report Quoted By:
>>19978706 I just received the bulbasuar... based anon is based. thx :3
Just got mine, thanks OP. It's a bit odd how undifferent shiny Bulbasaur looks
Critical Kris-chan 0576-5779-5540
>>19978830 Shiny Venusaur, tho!
Quoted By:
>>19978844 True dat. Thanks man
>>19976042 I just got a hacked one from someone else :/ sonofa....
>>19976042 >>19978534 Putting one up with message '/vp/basedElettra'.
IGN is Jack. Flabébé is red.
Critical Kris-chan 0576-5779-5540
>>19978858 theyre all hacked... Its not like 6IV masuda dittos grow on trees.
>>19978861 Shit, I forgot to put it up for a male. Should I take it down and put it up again?
Quoted By:
>>19978861 >>19978900 Got it anyway, thanks OP.
>>19978900 If you didn't specify the gender it's not a problem!
Quoted By:
>>19976042 Thanks Op, just got my Bulbasaur! You're awesome!
I got a 6 IV shiny from Unova. Is just another Bulbasaur?
>>19978929 Mine are Kalos Born, OT Elettra
Quoted By:
>>19978882 >>19978939 This, the one's OP Elettra are giving away are KB
>>19978939 Seems there is a random dude snipping with these OT Ash ID 01337
Beggia 2122-7076-8867 [ROCK: Boldore-Pupitar-Shucle]
Beggia 2122-7076-8867 [ROCK: Boldore-Pupitar-Shucle] Sat 12 Jul 2014 12:08:34 No. 19978980 Report Orange Flabebè is up. Message is HEY ELETTRA /vp/
>>19978962 >>19978980 Hmm, can't seem to find them. Let's try with a Fletcling!
Quoted By:
>>19978910 just got *bulbasaur thanks again op for taking time to do this!
Quoted By:
Just got mine. Thanks a lot, Elettra!
Beggia 2122-7076-8867
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>>19978990 Fletchling is up
>>19978990 Flabebe is up, message "HP Ice please". Thanks
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>>19978990 I just put another Flabebe
>>19978939 Wait what? Mine's OT is Ash! Oh bugger, it's not Kalos born.
I think someone has hijacked your giveaway
I've put a Flabebe up. Message is "/vp/ jew time"
>>19979075 Yeah, there's some jackass that's been stealing them for the last 15-20 minutes.
>>19976269 >>19976321 >tfw my Flabebe got sniped for a normal bulbasur for some reason Now I need to catch another grrrr
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>>19979097 I'mma try this again as the Kalos born-ness is what I wanted
Flabebe is up, message is "/vp/ love"
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>>19979081 Got my shone. Thank you kindly.
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Second Flabébé up, IGN is Peter, message is "Kalos Born Pls"
Sylvia 5300 9414 6239
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>>19976042 Putting up a Flabebe, thanks in advance! IGN is Sylv!
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Putting one up. Message is "/vp/ giveaway"
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IGN is Eric. Putting one up now, message is "vp guy"
If this is still going on, I put a Flabebe up! Message is "/vp/ Sayunnaise" Thanks OP!
Sylvia 5300 9414 6239
>>19976042 Oh my! That was amazingly fast! Thank you so much for doing this.
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>>19979102 Another Flabebe up elettra
Same message
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
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If this is still ongoing, putting a flabebe up for a Bulbasaur. Thanks, OP.
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>>19976042 Do you have any more HP fire? I am flabebing up, thanks elettra.
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Got the real one now, thanks OP
Hogue 1864 8668 8113
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>>19978534 Mine unfortunately got sniped off the GTS, but I threw another one back up. Message is still "/vp/ BulbaGET."
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>>19979114 got mine thanks!
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>>19979207 You're right that was quick!
Thanks OP
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>>19976042 Upped Blue Flabebe with message "/vp/ bulba"
Hogue 1864 8668 8113
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Holy fuckles, that was fast. Thanks, OP!
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
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Danke, based OP
Mark FC: 2208-5302-6610 (quilladin, swadloon, sunkern)
Mark FC: 2208-5302-6610 (quilladin, swadloon, sunkern) Sat 12 Jul 2014 12:52:21 No. 19979337 Report Quoted By:
Flabebe up with /vp/ I'm not a creative man
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Hey Op, I'd like one, flabebe is up !
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>>19979191 Got it, thanks OP
>>19976042 just put up a flabébé under "/vp/ OP delivarz"
playing on my little bro's 3DS and wanted to surprise those little shits a bit. they'd probably be dumbstruck if you sent one OP
Quoted By:
>>19976042 Blue flabebe up with the note "/vp/saur"
Wiro ign: Alexis 0361-7237-0447 !IEsLNPfZlw
Wiro ign: Alexis 0361-7237-0447 !IEsLNPfZlw Sat 12 Jul 2014 13:05:25 No. 19979455 Report Quoted By:
Flabebe up, message /vp/ Elettra
Mark FC: 2208-5302-6610 (quilladin, swadloon, sunkern)
Mark FC: 2208-5302-6610 (quilladin, swadloon, sunkern) Sat 12 Jul 2014 13:06:02 No. 19979461 Report Quoted By:
Thank you good sir
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>>19979422 >>19976042 OP delivered, many thanks. the little guys will lose their shit when seeing they have their second shiny in their box
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Flabebè named FAIRY QUEEN is up with the note /vp/saur
Wiro ign: Alexis 0361-7237-0447 !IEsLNPfZlw
Wiro ign: Alexis 0361-7237-0447 !IEsLNPfZlw Sat 12 Jul 2014 13:11:56 No. 19979509 Report Quoted By:
>>19976042 Thanks!!! Took literally 1 minute
OP! look for "/VP/ Tentaquil!"
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My flabebe is up the message is /vp
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Flowered up. Blue one. IGN is Yuri. Message VP. Ice is good, but fire too.
Stan 1676-3696-4282
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>>19976042 Flabebe up, message is /vp/ HP ice
Chris 4639-8957-6124
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Message is /vp/Chris
Orange flabebe named VPBOSS with the message "/VP/ trade" in less than a minute
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>>19979573 Already on the GTS, hope Ill get the Bulbasaur soon thanks OP
flabebe with pokerus called pokerus deposited hope I can still get one message with it is just : vp vp vp vp vp
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Flabebe is up, IGN is Connor
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>>19979704 >>19976042 Thanks OP
Hope you can do something with the pokerus
Mari 4871-4496-5152
>>19978534 Hope there's more left! Uploaded!
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Let me know if I skipped someone!
Mari 4871-4496-5152
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>>19979844 >>19976042 Holy cow that was really fast, thanks so much!
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Uploading one now, if you still have any.
>>19976042 I restarted my game and I'm currently in Shalour City. Could I please upload a different Pokemon like Audino?
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>>19979946 Just uploaded it. Thank you so much! :)
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And with this I'm off, thanks to everyone who patricipated! Enjoy your Sauros!
aparra 4742-4977-9805(combee,masquerain,vivillion)
aparra 4742-4977-9805(combee,masquerain,vivillion) Sat 12 Jul 2014 16:07:24 No. 19980994 Report Quoted By:
give me one please, whats do you need?
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>>19976042 Thank you so much
kyle 0877-0636-9943
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>>19976042 If your still here, just put one up IGN kyle
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>>19976042 Flabebe is up. Ign is Frankie.
Rowe 5343-96871793
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>>19976042 Pls tell me you have more
Flebebe is up