[41 / 12 / ?]
Quoted By: >>19979701 >>19979728 >>19979772 >>19979783 >>19979785 >>19979890 >>19980617 >>19980647 >>19981965 >>19982287
>There will never again be a competent rival character
>There will never again be a difficult but enjoyable scaling E4
>There will never be a good Fire/Ice, Ghost/Normal, Steel/Fairy, Fire/Water, Dragon/Electric, Psychic/Rock or Dark/Bug Pokemon
>HMs will never dissappear
>Gym leaders won't have more than 2-4 pokemon
>Orre will never return
>Burgerclaps and yuropoors will never get the best mystery gifts
>M-Blastoise will never be as good as M-Venusaur/Charizard
>ORAS will never get Emeralds BF
>Your favorite pokemon will always be shit
>There will never again be a difficult but enjoyable scaling E4
>There will never be a good Fire/Ice, Ghost/Normal, Steel/Fairy, Fire/Water, Dragon/Electric, Psychic/Rock or Dark/Bug Pokemon
>HMs will never dissappear
>Gym leaders won't have more than 2-4 pokemon
>Orre will never return
>Burgerclaps and yuropoors will never get the best mystery gifts
>M-Blastoise will never be as good as M-Venusaur/Charizard
>ORAS will never get Emeralds BF
>Your favorite pokemon will always be shit