Welcome to the GTS Giveaway Thread!
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon. Version exclusives, bank Pokémon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and try to fulfill the requests of fellow anons. This is not a trading or begging thread.
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc general for that stuff. Also we're not likely to have past gen exclusive moves (such as Knock Off Timburr / Hyper Voice Ralts); please try elsewhere.
Spoiler vacancy, looking for tenant. If interested, call 911 Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive.
TELL US YOUR IN GAME NAME (IGN). It makes everything so much easier. We want the Pokémon to go to you, not anyone else!
>Come chat with us about breeding, giveaways, baby battles, and more! 1. Go to
http://webchat.irchighway.net/# 2. Type in your nickname.
3. Enter #/ggg/ as the channel name!
>Ignore shitposters and their bait completely. Old thread:
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) !whP.dwIrd6
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) !whP.dwIrd6 Sun 13 Jul 2014 01:00:07 No. 19987915 Report Can anyone hook me up with a jap Diance?
Ric - 3308-5789-7291
>>19987915 i'll second that
in great need of a diance
also, i got a few prankster sableye's left if anyone's interested.
Quoted By:
What I've got: Modest Growlithe with Morning Sun in Luxury balls both male and female with 3+IVs Some Flash Fire some Intimidate Jolly Larvitar with Dragon Dance in Ultra balls both male and female with 3+IVs All Guts
Lauren 3196 3783 9481
Quoted By:
I still have a bunch of 4iv (not special attack) adamant chlorophyll deerlings, let me know if you put a disc up
Ric - 3308-5789-7291
>>19988201 was just wondering if anyone could miss one.
anyhow, i've so far got some moar for trade
few prankster sableye's and HA eevee's with 4IV's
>>19988225 What are the natures on Sableye?
>>19988225 >for trade Are you serious? Can you not read?
Ric - 3308-5789-7291
>>19988240 they're all calm nature.
Ric - 3308-5789-7291
Quoted By:
>>19988258 i mean to give away.
bad choice of words, my bad.
>>19988279 I'll take one. Throwing up the disc.
Ric - 3308-5789-7291
>>19988331 what is the message?
>>19988338 Just /vp/. I forgot to add but can it be male?
Thank you!
Ric - 3308-5789-7291
Quoted By:
>>19988347 i'll sure bro, waiting for the disc
Ric - 3308-5789-7291
>>19988347 i still can't see your disc man
>>19988486 Hmm I already received prankster sableye with lonely nature lol wow
I'll throw up another disc
Ric - 3308-5789-7291
Quoted By:
>>19988648 ah, well, you got mine now
enjoy it lad
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Sun 13 Jul 2014 01:55:05 No. 19988885 Report If anyone's interested here's my list again:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12dyaae5OnTl_OgfU0L84q5f9EgGDnC4lMUfC6AfwQ_Y/edit#gid=0 Everything can be nicknamed on request. Take as many as you want.
Ric - 3308-5789-7291
>>19988885 could i have a prankster volbeat with baton pass?
also, could you nickname it Kilito?
will put up a disc
IGN: Red
Anyone here have a spare Castform?
>>19988942 not the thread for this
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Sun 13 Jul 2014 02:00:55 No. 19988979 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19988105 >>19988225 If you are that desperate, just go lurk on gamefaqs, they always have a giveaway for it.
Ric - 3308-5789-7291
>>19988979 cheers bro!
also quick update, also have a 4IV perfect eevee with HA if anyone wants.
still have 3 female prankster sableye's left.
Quoted By:
>>19988942 Don't listen to that anon, you can ask here.
IGN: Red
Quoted By:
>>19988975 it is if i have stuff to giveaway.
Yuno 5086-2553-1720
>>19988885 Disc up for Audino please
Samuel (0318-8650-3303)
>>19988885 Disc up fro Male Marrill!
Coni 1134-7855-2207 !.0QxnMOTYM
Quoted By:
Could anyone give me a Slugma? It doesnt have to be bred or anything, Im just trying to complete my dex. Disc is up! Thanks
I have two 5iv adamant shellder with rock blast up for grabs. Both can be nicknamed.
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Sun 13 Jul 2014 02:08:12 No. 19989078 Report Ric - 3308-5789-7291
>>19989069 I'd love one!
Discing up!
could it be nicknamed ''Mahou''?
Yuno 5086-2553-1720
>>19988885 Discing for Archen. Named
Featherflight. pls no bully IGN is Austin.
Loki (2208-5654-9636)
>>19989069 Disking up. Nickname "Pop Rocks"
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Sun 13 Jul 2014 02:16:28 No. 19989149 Report >>19989103 Unfortunately,
Featherflight is one character too long. Any other names in mind?
Ric - 3308-5789-7291
Josh (4227-1141-7224)
>>19988885 Discing for female bold espurr!
Coni 1134-7855-2207 !.0QxnMOTYM
>>19989078 can I add you for your safari? I just need the Slugma please.
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Sun 13 Jul 2014 02:20:33 No. 19989201 Report >>19989173 Sent
>>19989189 Adding, gimme a sec
>>19989149 Feathers will do. I was also sniped. Re-discing
Loki (2208-5654-9636)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Sun 13 Jul 2014 02:28:39 No. 19989325 Report Quoted By:
0388 0083 4223
I just want friends for Safaris.
Coni 1134-7855-2207 !.0QxnMOTYM
>>19989201 thanks man, also would you mind telling me my safari pokemon?
Quoted By:
>>19989384 Then go use a friend safari thread nignog
IGN: Red
EVERYTHING MUST GO: 11 Pentaperfect Honedges (Natures vary) 6 Pentaperfect Impish Gligars 9 4IV Chanseys EVERYTHING MUST GO
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Sun 13 Jul 2014 02:41:25 No. 19989512 Report Quoted By:
>>19989411 ...This isn't a friend safari thread. But if you really want to know, you're dark with Pawniard and Crawdaunt. Can't see your third.
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>19988885 Discing up for a female Amaura, thanks!
4527-7193-3275 ING: Zant
Quoted By:
any chance someone here's giving out anything in the dragon or monster egg group with HP fire?
Coni 1134-7855-2207 !.0QxnMOTYM
>>19989422 Id love a chansey give me a sec to disc up
Ric - 3308-5789-7291
Quoted By:
breeding some porygons with modest nature. if anyone's interested, let me know, will be dumping my rejects.
>>19989422 Disc up for Gligar, if you don't mind. Ign is Serena, thanks in advance.
Loki (2208-5654-9636)
>>19989422 I would love a honedge, Sassy nature if possible. If not any other nature is fine. Disk up, Thanks.
IGN: Chandler FC:1564-3311-2793
Quoted By:
Anyone willing to giveaway Unown letters D, U, V or Y?
IGN: Patrick
>>19989422 Do one of the gligars have a HA?
IGN: Red
>>19989603 >>19989519 sent!
>>19989639 dont see your disc
>>19989670 exactly one of them
>>19989422 I'll disc for one Gligar.
IGN: Patrick
>>19989691 Couldi grab that one?
Loki (2208-5654-9636)
>>19989691 I got snipped, Re disking.
IGN: Fog 0018-0101-5112
Quoted By:
>>19989693 Forgot my name.
IGN: Red
>>19989703 sure. sent!
>>19989693 >>19989712 ready whenever you guys are!
IGN: Fog 0018-0101-5112
IGN: Patrick
Coni 1134-7855-2207 !.0QxnMOTYM
>>19989691 thank you again!
Loki (2208-5654-9636)
>>19989730 Got it, Thank you.
IGN: Red
IGN: Fog 0018-0101-5112
Quoted By:
>>19989783 Thank you, friend.
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
>>19989422 Disc up for Chansey if any remain. Also what nature are they?
Grvio [Steel] 1864-9351-4506
>>19989001 You still around?
Ric - 3308-5789-7291
Sam 4785-6488-9910
Quoted By:
Looking for jolly ditto
Grvio [Steel] 1864-9351-4506
>>19989938 Kk just making sure, I'm about to get online and put up a luvdisc for one of those lovely Sableyes if you still have one.
IGN: Red
>>19989862 they vary. anything specific you're looking for, ill see if i have it.
>>19989422 Do you have any quiet honeedge?
IGN: Red
Ric - 3308-5789-7291
>>19989971 sure man, still got em, will look for the disc
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
Quoted By:
>>19988885 i'll take a fashionable dog if that's alright. discing up
i have some of these for the moment
Abra timid (guard swap, barrier, skill swap, guard split)
>>19990003 Any neutral natures then?
Grvio [Steel] 1864-9351-4506
>>19990008 Just put up, sorry.
Thanks again!
Ric - 3308-5789-7291
Quoted By:
>>19990055 no probs, sent!
enjoy your sableye
Ric - 3308-5789-7291
Quoted By:
Gonna hit bed now though. perhaps in another GTS thread i'll keep the sableye's coming. night all.
IGN: Red
>>19990050 a bunch
>>19989862 im sending you one with no specific nature in mind
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
Quoted By:
>>19989982 Calm would be nice
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
>>19989982 I said calm, I meant to say bold
>>19990136 I'll take one then if there isn't any Brave or quiet ones.
Description is love red :3
IGN: Red
>>19990167 sent
>>19990166 dont have bold. sorry
>>19990214 Thank you!
are you giving out a
Diancie ?
Grvio [Steel] 1864-9351-4506
Anyone happen to have a contrary Shuckle?
>>19990261 No, but I can catch you one. Ball?
>>19989422 can i get gligar
IGN: Red
Quoted By:
>>19990258 no. i've got a dex to fill. :/ maybe when i'm completed, ill do a giveaway of them
Grvio [Steel] 1864-9351-4506
>>19990278 Nest, if it isn't too much trouble.
I appreciate the effort!
Quoted By:
Anyone have a female Crawdaunt with Adaptability? IVs and nature don't matter.
Lane 2079-6862-4484
Quoted By:
I have 5 penta perfect Larvestas with Timid (correct) natures if anyone wants one.
IGN: Red
IGN: Red
OK HERE'S WHAT'S LEFT: 9 Pentaperfect Honedges (Natures vary) 2 Pentaperfect Impish Gligars 7 4IV Chanseys
Ben 1934 1961 0081
>>19990396 Disc up for a gligar, message /vp/
IGN: Red
>>19990396 Got any female hones?
IGN: Red
Quoted By:
>>19990489 plenty. disc up
Josh (4227-1141-7224)
Would someone help me to evolve my Phantump? I tried posting in /wfg/ but that place is pretty dead.
Cool 5284-1655-0941
>>19990531 If you help me evolve my Haunter, sure.
Grvio [Steel] 1864-9351-4506
Quoted By:
>>19990536 Up now! Thank you.
Josh (4227-1141-7224)
Quoted By:
>>19990576 Alright, I've added you.
IGN: Gio
>>19990396 Disc up for Chansey
>>19990396 discing up for honedge, male if possible
Purple 5215-0022-4026
>>.19990396 Disc up for Gligar PLEASEEEE! Thanks OP Message is Thanks /vp/
Quoted By:
>>19990662 forgot IGN
IGN: Rosette
IGN: Red
>>19990743 Any brave honedge or no speed IV ones?
IGN: Red
>>19990807 no brave ones. i can check about the speed
IGN: Red
Quoted By:
>>19990840 actually, no, all of them have perfect speed
kaoru 0130-2563-1614
>>19990396 disc up for glingar :)
IGN: Red
kaoru 0130-2563-1614
Requesting full smogbird t-flame IVs and EVs don't matter, I just want muh brave priority.
Quoted By:
>>19990984 IGN is Lawrence, by the way
lirewire 4141-3464-1963
lirewire 4141-3464-1963
Quoted By:
>>19990999 message is /vp/ WILLIAM
IGN: Gio
>>19990984 Lucky you
I was about to wonder trade one because I didn't like it's IVs
Quoted By:
>>19991056 Appreciate it mate, thanks a bunch
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Quoted By:
>>19990396 What nature of honedges do you have?
IGN: Gio
>>19991513 Disc up for Male Shed Skin Ekans if you got one
>>19991513 Could I get a female ha nidoran please? Disc is up IGN Andrea
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha Sun 13 Jul 2014 05:09:50 No. 19991600 Report >>19991513 Putting a disc up for a female Mareep, thanks.
IGN: Gio
>>19991513 Disc up for female dream ball meditite, please
>>19991513 I'll take a Feebas.
Leo 0232-8020-3632 Bug [volbeat, combee, heracross]
Leo 0232-8020-3632 Bug [volbeat, combee, heracross] Sun 13 Jul 2014 05:12:24 No. 19991629 Report >>19991513 discing for female murkrow and a female bisharp afterwards, if that's ok
Leo 0232-8020-3632 Bug [volbeat, combee, heracross]
Leo 0232-8020-3632 Bug [volbeat, combee, heracross] Sun 13 Jul 2014 05:13:27 No. 19991648 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19991513 Can I get a male Pawniard too?
Same poster as here.
>>19991623 IGN: Patrick
>>19991513 Disc up for a Male nidoran and if nick-nameable could you name it Artorias if not Thank you anyway
Evan 4425-1466-4114 (Togepi/Jigglypuff/Clefairy)
Evan 4425-1466-4114 (Togepi/Jigglypuff/Clefairy) Sun 13 Jul 2014 05:16:08 No. 19991686 Report Quoted By:
got some Immunity gligars with 4-5 IV's if anyones interested
IGN: Fog 0018-0101-5112
>>19991513 Can I get one female Ekans and one male HA Murkrow?
Discing now.
>>19991584 You took the last one. You'll need scales for the EMs if you give a shit about them tho.
>>19991600 >>19991619 >>19991629 >>19991678 Sent.
>>19991623 Oh, boy. I forgot to remove the Feebas from the list. They took all of them yesterday. :( I'm sorry. I still have Pawniards tho.
>>19991618 No problem.
>>19991648 Put a disc for Pawniard then.
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19991513 i'll grab a female meditite if you don't mind, disc going up, thanks in advance
also giving away
Abra timid (guard swap, barrier, skill swap, guard split)
>>19991743 Thank you so much.
Leo 0232-8020-3632 Bug [volbeat, combee, heracross]
Leo 0232-8020-3632 Bug [volbeat, combee, heracross] Sun 13 Jul 2014 05:21:13 No. 19991749 Report >>19991743 it's up, thanks
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
>>19991513 Can I get a female Mareep please? Discing up shortly, thanks!
Miyako: 0130-2342-5120 (Dark: Mightyena, Sandile, Sableye)
Miyako: 0130-2342-5120 (Dark: Mightyena, Sandile, Sableye) Sun 13 Jul 2014 05:22:48 No. 19991775 Report >>19991513 Discing for a male Yanma!
If it isn't any trouble, could you name it Buggy for me?
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha Sun 13 Jul 2014 05:23:16 No. 19991789 Report Anonymous
>>19991743 It's cool about Feebas. Through up the disc for Pawn.
Dakoda 5343-9188-5959
>>19991513 Could I get a male Mareep
>>19991710 >>19991710 Sent both.
>>19991749 Sent. Np.
>>19991748 >>19991789 You're whalecum. :^)
>>19991745 >>19991761 >>19991793 Sent.
>>19991775 I can, but let me finish all these trades burst first.
>>19991852 Sure. Disc up.
IGN: Fog 0018-0101-5112
>>19991900 Thank you very much, sir.
Miyako: 0130-2342-5120
>>19991900 Alright, thanks man.
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>19991513 Disc up for a Peptilil, Thanks
>>19991513 Disking up for Pawniard. Preferably a male one. Thanks ahead of time.
Hey guys, does any of you have a female Spoink/Grumpig in Heavy Ball? I've been looking for one for a while, but I can't find one. /wsg/ is full of jews.
>>19991924 >>19991852 >>19992025 Sent.
>>19991921 You're whalecum.
>>19991950 Can't see your disc. Did you write Peptilil like in this post instead of Petilil?
Hey all! Since I finally managed to actually hatch my very own Shiny Sneasel, I've got plenty of leftovers, but now these are in limited supply; I won't be breeding any more. Here's the lowdown:>Moon Ball >2 6IV parents, guaranteed 5IV >Jolly >Icicle Crash >Fake Out >Pursuit >Ice Shard I have 53 females and 97 males in this batch. Come and get them!
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>19992070 Correcting it right now
Sorry I'm drunk Evan 4425-1466-4114 (Togepi/Jigglypuff/Clefairy)
Evan 4425-1466-4114 (Togepi/Jigglypuff/Clefairy) Sun 13 Jul 2014 05:45:10 No. 19992159 Report ill takes a sneasel please
Miyako: 0130-2342-5120 (Dark: Mightyena, Sandile, Sableye)
Miyako: 0130-2342-5120 (Dark: Mightyena, Sandile, Sableye) Sun 13 Jul 2014 05:46:13 No. 19992180 Report >>19992070 >5IV Thank you based Irisviel I shall use this thing in many battles to come
>>19992098 can i take a female one? disc going up
Mark 0301-9904-9670
>>19992098 >Sneasel can I has a female?
>>19992159 Male or female?
>>19992194 >>19992204 Yes to both.
Just let me know what you want when you put your disc up, and it's yours.
Mark 0301-9904-9670
>>19992226 ign is mark : ) disc is up. female please : )
Rick (4184-1702-5554)
Anyone have spares of these patterns for Vivillon? Tundra Garden Icysnow Archipalego Sandstorm Monsoon Ocean. I can offer starters up to and including Snivy
Quoted By:
>>19992180 It's not perfect tho. :(
>>19992139 No problem!
>>19992153 Sent.
Well, I'm going to sleep now. Thanks for taking my rejected children.
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>19992263 I can give you a Ocean Scatterbug
Just put a Disc up
Quoted By:
>>19992263 I may have an extra of one of those. let me check my bank really quick.
>>19992257 Yours is sent.
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>19992098 Can I have one female, please
Thank you
Rick (4184-1702-5554)
>>19992288 I unfortunately don't have a disc at the moment. Can I offer a starter mon? I have a box full of each up to Snivy
Quoted By:
Just sent out a beldum to a lucky fellow.
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>19992356 Sure, just put up any Snivy
Quoted By:
>>19992263 I've got a spare Archipelago.
I don't really need anything special.
Rick (4184-1702-5554)
>>19992375 Snivy going up now. Message is /VP/
Quoted By:
>>19992070 I can get you one, but it'll probably take like an hour.
Nico 1091-8277-1696
>>19992098 Discing up for based female sneasel
>>19992356 Are the Snivy
contrary ?
>>19992419 stop being stupid
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>19992387 Can you send up another?
Seem like it got sniped
Quoted By:
>>19992328 Sent.
>>19992424 I'm aware they're not released publicly, but some do exist.
Rick (4184-1702-5554)
>>19992419 Unfortunately no. I haven't finished breeding out a box of them yet. They were bred with a 6IV ditto though. Not sure if they passed on though haha
dan 2148-9006-3939
Quoted By:
i've got an obviously-named luvdisc up asking for a snivy if anyone can oblige me
IGN: Edgar FC: 1907-9193-9465
Quoted By:
>>19991513 Discing for a female mareep and female murkrow. Thanks in advance!
Rick (4184-1702-5554)
>>19992432 Yeah I can do that. Going up in 10secs.
Quoted By:
>>19992445 That's fine.
Let me know when your other snivy is live.
>>19992414 Yours is sent. Enjoy.
Would be lovely if someone could give me a nice talonflame, not asking much, just 5IVs, gale wings, and named Bird2. Please?
Andy 4227-2210-9843
Rick (4184-1702-5554)
>>19992473 popping one up in 10secs. for Vivillon.
Message /VP/
>>19992474 >not asking much >wants 5IVs, HA, and a nickname of a 3rd form Deerman
Quoted By:
>>19992503 I'm so happy that someone caught my subtle joke.
But seriously, can you help a brother out?
Rick (4184-1702-5554)
Quoted By:
>>19992524 Thanks a lot!
5 more to go!
>>19992263 Tell me which ones you are still missing I can knock those out.
Sam 4613-7486-9212
Quoted By:
WTB> Feebas in a premier ball with max IVs>Haze eggmove please Others: Petlil good IVs Litwick good IVs will attach battle maison items if needed <3
Quoted By:
>wondertrading male sneasels >past 3 returns have been froakie What is happening?
Rick (4184-1702-5554)
>>19992570 I still need Tundra, Icysnow, Monsoon and Sandstorm to complete it. Would you like to add as a friend to speed the process?
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>19992801 Sure Adding now.
Crawdaunt !MnBIBqkTNw
Giving away shiny Girafarigs this time! Now the most popular Pokemon, but the shiny is pretty cool. Reply with IGN if you want one!
Rick (4184-1702-5554)
>>19992831 Excellent! I really appreciate it! =D
Ryan 2664-2593-9161
Quoted By:
>>19992854 I'd like one, sure.
IGN: Ryan.
>>19992098 disc up for a female one, thanks
Quoted By:
>>19992854 no one believe you, fuck off
Leo 0232-8020-3632 Bug [volbeat, combee, heracross]
Leo 0232-8020-3632 Bug [volbeat, combee, heracross] Sun 13 Jul 2014 06:37:14 No. 19992917 Report >>19992854 I love girafarig, discing up
Quoted By:
>>19992854 This was funny the first time, but not now. GET OUT!
Leo 0232-8020-3632 Bug [volbeat, combee, heracross]
Leo 0232-8020-3632 Bug [volbeat, combee, heracross] Sun 13 Jul 2014 06:38:21 No. 19992926 Report >>19992917 If it's a ruse, that sucks.
I want a regular girafarig more than a shiny one to be honest Evan 1263-6861-9424
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>19992858 Enjoy, take the druddigon back and trade over something random
Crawdaunt comes everyday at this time and ruses people.
Quoted By:
>>19992854 you sure you're not giving shiny craudaunts? cuz i love them corphish.
Rick (4184-1702-5554)
Quoted By:
>>19992945 Haha I had 4 of them. For your troubles. :D
Quoted By:
>>19992948 but people still fall for it
Who needs a diancie? Brave 31/31/??/??/31/00
>>19992926 I can get you one fron the safari
Leo 0232-8020-3632 Bug [volbeat, combee, heracross]
Leo 0232-8020-3632 Bug [volbeat, combee, heracross] Sun 13 Jul 2014 06:46:59 No. 19993066 Report >>19993048 Do you have a girafarig safari? or do you have access to one. Either way, I believe my disc is still up
>>19993066 I have acces to one, any special request, gender, ball, ha?
IGN: Scarlett FC: 0103-9969-4309
>>19993047 Could you check the other 2 IVs with a calculator?
>>19993105 are you gonna be picky?
Andy 0748-3772-9974
>>19993047 Disc up for diancie
>>19993114 Nah, I'm just wondering.
Leo 0232-8020-3632 Bug [volbeat, combee, heracross]
Leo 0232-8020-3632 Bug [volbeat, combee, heracross] Sun 13 Jul 2014 06:52:23 No. 19993141 Report >>19993102 I would prefer if you caught a female in a heal ball with sap sipper. Thank you! I can handle the rest from there
>>19993130 31/31/20-23/10-13/31/00
>>19993121 You know you can't trade it via GTS right?
>>19993047 Aren't Diancie's given a ribbon that doesn't allow them to be traded over the GTS/Wondertrade?
Leo 0232-8020-3632 Bug [volbeat, combee, heracross]
Leo 0232-8020-3632 Bug [volbeat, combee, heracross] Sun 13 Jul 2014 06:56:26 No. 19993190 Report Quoted By:
>>19993183 thank you so much!
Anybody knows the complete spread of the adamant diancie?
Quoted By:
>>19993241 252 hp 252 atk 6 s def
>>19993241 31/31/26-27/31/12-13/12-13
Anyone giving shiny mamoswines?
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So anyone giving away level ball female Makuhitas or nice ball Eevees? balls...
corbett 4725-8556-4567
hey guys, anyone have a 5iv beldum? have egg move larvitars, 4+iv marvel scale dratinis, and some other random mons.
Damien - 4441-9499-9497
>>19993858 I do. I'm breeding them now. What egg moves does Larvitar have?
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Does anybody have an Eelektrik or whatever with Giga Drain? Jeanne - 3969-4755-9695 as the name
corbett 4725-8556-4567
>>19993874 stealth rocks, dragon dance, and pursuit. careful nature
Damien - 4441-9499-9497
>>19993886 I'll take it. Chuck it on the GTS ask for level 1-10 beldum. I'll see if i have a 5IV -spatk one.
corbett 4725-8556-4567
>>19993898 cool thanks, give me a sec to find you a 5iv
corbett 4725-8556-4567
>>19993898 throwing up a lvl 1 larvitar
Damien - 4441-9499-9497
Quoted By:
>>19993908 Found a penta perf one for you
corbett 4725-8556-4567
>>19993960 shit 1 second man i need to update
Swag 2767-0238-5987 Wooper, Camerupt, Palpitoad
Swag 2767-0238-5987 Wooper, Camerupt, Palpitoad Sun 13 Jul 2014 08:18:02 No. 19994008 Report Quoted By:
anyone have a cyndaquil with extrasensory?
Damien - 4441-9499-9497
corbett 4725-8556-4567
>>19994053 yes finally, sorry bout that. going up right now
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Does anyone have any spare Prankster Sableye with decent IVs? If I could get a female in a Dusk/Luxury Ball, that'd be great.
Damien - 4441-9499-9497
corbett 4725-8556-4567
>>19994148 jesus christ apparently i had to download an eshop update so i can download the next version.. if this is taking to long i understand. hopefully i can have it up as soon as this downloads
Damien - 4441-9499-9497
>>19994155 Dafuq, have you never updated your game or something? I haven't needed to update anything for about 6 months
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>>19994177 1,3 is out today
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>>19988885 Discing for male Marill, named Steve or some sort of normal person name
IGN Ignatius
thanks man
corbett 4725-8556-4567
>>19994177 >>19994177 bitter girlfriend..months later she admitted she had it and gave it back.
if you're still here i'm finally ready
Damien - 4441-9499-9497
>>19994264 Yeah I'm around. level 1 larvitar right?
corbett 4725-8556-4567
>>19994299 ya man its up with the description /vp/. thanks for your patience!
Damien - 4441-9499-9497
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Could anyone here possibly spare a Phantump with Harvest thats Careful?
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Anyone willing to trade a mudkip with damp? don't matter what nature, lvl or gender. I sended a luvdisc with a discription /vp/
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sure is lonely here
IGN: Gio
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I got a disc up for a Impish Chespin
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Anyone got a good Noibat lying around?
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !NfZDyZT2rA
>Nicknameable >Just disc up immediately >x6 Beldum -Adamant Nature -Clear Body -6IV>x12 Dusk Ball Female HA Phantumps -Careful Nature -Harvest -5IV>x8 Love Ball Male Mawile -Adamant Nature -Intimidate -Astonish, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Ice Fang -5IV>x7 Heavy Ball Male Snorlax -Adamant Nature -Thick Fat/Immunity -Tackle, Double Edge, Fissure, Curse -4IVs>x2 Dream Ball Male HA Munna -Calm Nature -Telepathy -Baton Pass -5IVs>x1 Dusk Ball Male HA Phantumps -Careful Nature -Harvest -5IV (31/31/31/xx/31/31)>x1 Luxury Ball Male Fennekin -Timid Nature -Blaze -Heat Wave -5IV (31/xx/31/31/31/31)
>>19996298 Discing up for munna
IGN Nate 3196-4457-2922
>>19996298 Disc's up for Beldum.
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !NfZDyZT2rA
>>19996298 I'd love a Beldum! Can I put up a Cyndaquil instead of a disc? IGN is Sylv, thanks in advance!
Luke 3497-0218-4596
>>19996298 Beldum please, disc is up.
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !NfZDyZT2rA
>>19996345 It's okay, sent!
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !NfZDyZT2rA
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Andy 0748-3772-9974
>>19996298 disc up for beldum if any left
>>19996298 Disc up for a female Phantump
Andy 0748-3772-9974
>>19996554 Thankyou
is that last munna still up for grabs?
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !NfZDyZT2rA
Tom 1005-8694-2569 (Magmar, pyroar, Fletchinder)
Tom 1005-8694-2569 (Magmar, pyroar, Fletchinder) Sun 13 Jul 2014 15:37:30 No. 19996766 Report Quoted By:
Need a meowth or a manky. Don't mind which, and I don't really care about nature or anything like that.
Andy 0748-3772-9974
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>>19996712 I have a disc up for female Phantump but I don't wanna take a third until you've shared with everyone who may want something. Thanks for the other two! I love Munna.
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Does anyone have a spare Tynamo laying around? Have a disc up for one.
Mopeto 4983-5825-7831 !MOPETO5Zcs
Just before WT these: 7x Oblivious Feebas. 3x Swift Swim Feebas 29x Furfrou Normal ball, no egg moves, 2-5 IV.
Andy 0748-3772-9974
>>19997253 >Oblivious Feebas Disc up for one, thanks ahead of time
Mopeto 4983-5825-7831 !MOPETO5Zcs
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>>19997446 Female Oblivious sent!
IGN Eduardo
>>19996298 Can I get 2 Beldums?
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
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>>19992098 You still here?
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !NfZDyZT2rA
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>>19997596 Done!
>>19996298 I'll be going now
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Anyone happen to have Love Ball Hoppip for breeding purposes?
Xavier: 1907-9072-8026
Disc up for any of these /vp/oreons before they hit WT. 4x Pawniard (2x Inner Focus, 2x Defiant) - Adamant - 4IV - Sucker Punch 16x Porygon (8x Download, 8x Trace) - Bold - 4-5IV (imperfect) 9x Trapinch (4x Hyper Cutter, 5x Arena Trap) - Jolly - 4-5IV (imperfect) - Egg Moves: Quick Attack, Bug Bite 4x Mudkip (Torrent) - Relaxed - 4IV (some have 0 Speed) - Egg Moves: Ice Ball, Avalanche 9x Rotom - Bold - 4-5IV (imperfect) 9x Klefki (5x Premier, 4x Poke) - Bold - 4-5IV (imperfect) - Egg Moves: Switcheroo 7x Cottonee (5x Prankster, 2x Infiltrator) - Bold - 4-5IV (imperfect) - Egg Moves :Encore
>>19998516 Discing up for klefki.
Standby. Much appreciated
>>19998516 Disk up for klefki
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>>19998579 IGN Nick. Sorry about that.
>>19998516 Are they in special balls?
Xavier: 1907-9072-8026
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>>19998596 All Poke Balls except certain Klefkis (some have Premier)
All Klefkis have Prankster.
IGN: Edgar FC: 1907-9193-9465
>>19998516 Discing for a 0 speed Mudkip
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Is everybody /sp/ already?
Xavier: 1907-9072-8026
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>>19998717 Thank you.
On another note, does anyone have any modest claunchers?
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New thread:
>>19998780 New thread:
>>19998780 New thread: