Eternal 2964-8591-2804 (Ground: Phanphy/Dugtrio/Gastrodon)
Eternal 2964-8591-2804 (Ground: Phanphy/Dugtrio/Gastrodon) Mon 14 Jul 2014 03:21:01 No. 20007041 Report >Pokemon:Ditto >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Limber >Game of Origin: (Japanese) Any game >Pokemon Gender: None >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Dive Ball >Date of Creation: Any day >IV's: 31/0/30/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP/252 Speed/4 Sp.def >Moves: Transform >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: I don't care >OT: I c e I'm offering BP Items/Bred Leftovers/Shiny Rejects tldr; Wanting a perfect HP Ice Ditto with 0 Attack and 30 defense that's Japanese.
IGN: Vincent 3325-3655-5640
>Pokemon: Haxorus >Nickname: None >Level: 100 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Mold Breaker >Origin: Black 2 >Gender: Male >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met: Whenever >Pokeball: Pokeball >Creation: Whenever >IVs: 31/31/31/12/31/31 >EVs: 252 Attack/ 240 Speed/ 16 HP >Moves: Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Outrage >OT Gender: Male >ID: 52543 >OT: Vincent I have 5 IV Larvestas if you want
Syl [4339-3760-5920]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mars, if you show up, I have a bergmite up on the GTS, asking for the garchomp. Sorry I disappeared earlier today.sorry for the faggy post, too. Just want senpai to n-notice me...~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20007041 >>20007057 hello, i'll be your genner tonight
IGN:Enrique 3234-2342-5334
Syl [4339-3760-5920]
Quoted By:
>>20007160 Tell me about it
IGN: Vincent 3325-3655-5640
Eternal 2964-8591-2804 (Ground: Phanphy/Dugtrio/Gastrodon)
Eternal 2964-8591-2804 (Ground: Phanphy/Dugtrio/Gastrodon) Mon 14 Jul 2014 03:37:21 No. 20007286 Report >>20007150 So, what can I interest you for the trade?
The shiny rejects right now that I can give you are Kalos Bred X/31/31/31/31/31 Adamant Beldum and X/31/31/31/31/31 Adamant Machop.
If that doesn't interest you I can give you Kalos born 5 IV rejects that I've bred and kept that're
- Furfrou (Role Play/Mimic/Work Up/Captivate)
- Fennekin (Magic Coat/Hypnosis/Wish/Heat Wave)
- Spritzee (Wish/Captivate/Refresh/Disable)
- SS Pumpkaboo (Destiny Bond)
Alas, these are the only Kalos Pokemon that I've bred.
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20007286 whatever you send my way is fine
Eternal 2964-8591-2804 (Ground: Phanphy/Dugtrio/Gastrodon)
Eternal 2964-8591-2804 (Ground: Phanphy/Dugtrio/Gastrodon) Mon 14 Jul 2014 03:40:28 No. 20007342 Report Quoted By:
>>20007301 I just added you. Thanks once again Wipi!
Kip FC: 4554-0563-3771
Pokemon: Shedinja Nickname: Shedninja Level: 100 Nature: Adamant Game of Origin: SoulSilver Pokemon Gender: Male IV's: All 31 EV's: 252 atk, 252 speed, 6 SpAtk Moves: Endure, Trick, Will o' Wisp, Shadow Sneak Can offer anything in the battle maison, 5Iv noibat, 5Iv froakie or a 5iv slurpuff
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
Quoted By:
>>20007346 >>20007057 >>20007041 moving these to retail, be patient please
Jamie 4613-7538-6817
>Pokemon: Forretress >Nickname: big dumb >Level: 100 >Nature: Bold >Ability: Sturdy >Game of Origin: Whichever works >Pokemon Gender: Any >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Whatever works >Specific pokeball: None >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31 in all >EV's: 252 Def/252 HP/4 Sp. Def >Moves: Volt Switch, Rapid Spin, Stealth Rock, Toxic >OT Gender: Female >OT: Jamie I can offer any BP item or mega stone in return
Lance 0576-4992-9344 Corsola, Barbaracle, Boldore
Lance 0576-4992-9344 Corsola, Barbaracle, Boldore Mon 14 Jul 2014 03:48:30 No. 20007482 Report Solrock Level 100 Nature: Adamant Ability: Levitate Genderless Game of Origin: Black 2 IV: all 31 EV: 252 DEF - 252 HP - 4 ATK Moves: Stealth Rocks, Trick Room, Explosion, Rock Slide OT: LANCE Have penta perfect special ball pokemon and PP max
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20007431 >>20007482 working on these
>>20007346 >>20007057 >>20007041 disc up with /vp/ Wipi as the message asking for your poke
Syl [4339-3760-5920]
Hey, wipi.>Pokemon: Gardevoir >Nickname: Cerulean >Level: 84 >Nature: Modest >Ability: Synchronize >Game of Origin: HG/SS >Pokemon Gender: Female duh >Shiny: Yes, please >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: Dive ball >Date of Creation: >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 Sp. Atk/252 Spe/4 HP >Moves: Stored Power, Wish, Anything, Anything >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: 07505 >OT: Syl
Quoted By:
God I hope my AR arrives soon. Blast you shipping times! This is me promising to join the number of genners as soon as it arrives.
IGN: Vincent 3325-3655-5640
Quoted By:
thanks based Wipi
Reposting my request from earlier, hope you can help. The balltism is really important though. I'm trying to recreate my current pokes with balltism in mind. Thank you!>Pokemon: Gardevoir >Nickname: None >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Trace >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Friend Ball (If not possible then make it Premier) >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: None >Moves: Wish/Shadow Ball/Psychic/Hypnosis >OT Gender: Any >TID / SID: Any >OT: Any
Samuel (0318-8650-3303)
>Pokemon: Sharpedo >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Speed Boost >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Yes >Specific pokeball: Dive Ball >IV's: All 31 >EV's: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd >Moves: Crunch, Protect, Waterfall, Earthquake >OT Gender: Male >OT:Samuel
jnt 4484-8952-8809
Looking for some Dittos>Pokemon:Ditto >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Brave >Ability: Limber >Game of Origin: (Japanese) Any game >Pokemon Gender: None >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Love ball / any >Date of Creation: Any day >IV's: 31/31/30/31/31/0 >EV's: 252 HP/252 Speed/4 Sp.def >Moves: Transform >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: anything legal >OT: Pokegirl >Pokemon:Ditto >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Quiet >Ability: Limber >Game of Origin: (Japanese) Any game >Pokemon Gender: None >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Love ball / any >Date of Creation: Any day >IV's: 31/31/30/31/31/0 >EV's: 252 HP/252 Speed/4 Sp.def >Moves: Transform >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: anything legal >OT: Pokegirl Offering a life orb per ditto
Kip FC: 4554-0563-3771
Eternal 2964-8591-2804 (Ground: Phanphy/Dugtrio/Gastrodon)
Eternal 2964-8591-2804 (Ground: Phanphy/Dugtrio/Gastrodon) Mon 14 Jul 2014 04:03:09 No. 20007724 Report Quoted By:
Looking for>Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: Flubert >Level: 70 >Nature: Modest >Ability: Limber >Game of Origin: White (Japanese) >Pokemon Gender: Genderless >Shiny: Yes Please >Hatched/Met at location: Met at Giant Chasm >Specific pokeball: Ultra Ball >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: None >Moves: Transform >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Any >OT: Carlos I offer a leftover 5 IV Torchic with Speed Boost or a 5 IV Ralts with Telepathy
Lance 0576-4992-9344 Corsola, Barbaracle, Boldore
Lance 0576-4992-9344 Corsola, Barbaracle, Boldore Mon 14 Jul 2014 04:05:02 No. 20007755 Report Quoted By:
>>20007576 Thank you based Wipi
Samuel (0318-8650-3303)
Quoted By:
>>20007711 Oops, I forgot to post offers.
I have a few leftover Dryskin Helioptiles all 5iv
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
jnt 4484-8952-8809
Quoted By:
>>20007715 Correcting the IVs
>Pokemon:Ditto >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Brave >Ability: Limber >Game of Origin: (Japanese) Any game >Pokemon Gender: None >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Love ball / any >Date of Creation: Any day >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/0 >EV's: 252 HP/252 Speed/4 Sp.def >Moves: Transform >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: anything legal >OT: Pokegirl >Pokemon:Ditto >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Quiet >Ability: Limber >Game of Origin: (Japanese) Any game >Pokemon Gender: None >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Love ball / any >Date of Creation: Any day >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/0 >EV's: 252 HP/252 Speed/4 Sp.def >Moves: Transform >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: anything legal >OT: Pokegirl Offering a life orb per ditto
Syl [4339-3760-5920]
>>20007787 hate to sound like an impatient prick, but
how soon can you be on? I have to get to work bright and early tomorrow.
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20007864 dont be an impatient bitch
jk, no more than 10 minutes Gavrill: 0361-8113-2240
Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Ampharos >Nickname: Jupiter >Pokemon Gender: Male >Level: 100 >Shiny: No >Nature: Modest >Ability: Static >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 4 HP >Moves: Thunder, Heal Bell, Focus Blast, Magnet Rise >Specific pokeball: Regular Pokeball >OT: Gavrill >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: 53786 >Game of Origin: Black 2 >Date of Creation: Today. >Hatched/Met at location: Wherever works I have Choice items, competitive KB Shinies and Enigma and Lansat Berries for anyone that can help out. Thanks!
Syl [4339-3760-5920]
Affaren 1547-5317-4639 (sunkern, swadloon, maractus)
Affaren 1547-5317-4639 (sunkern, swadloon, maractus) Mon 14 Jul 2014 04:16:01 No. 20007944 Report >Pokemon: Tornadus >Nickname: >Level: 90 >Nature: Naive >Ability: Prankster >Game of Origin: Black >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Route 1 >Specific pokeball: Ultra Ball >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 SP. Atk/252 Spd/4 Atk >Moves: Hurricane, Superpower, Rain Dance, Taunt >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: any >OT: Affasite Offering 5iv jolly Chimchar with iron fist and thunderpunch holding a life orb
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20007711 i had to put sharpedo in a standard pokeball, i hope thats not a problem
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20007431 >>20007612 >>20007700 >>20007482 disc up with /vp/ Wipi as the message asking for your pokes
Gallus 3196 - 4614 - 1710 (dragon safari)
Gallus 3196 - 4614 - 1710 (dragon safari) Mon 14 Jul 2014 04:24:20 No. 20008071 Report Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Mew >Nickname: Mew >Level: 5 >Nature: Calm >Ability: Synchronize >Game of Origin: Soulsilver >Pokemon Gender: none >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: Fateful encounter >Specific pokeball: encounter ball >Date of Creation: october 17th 2010 >IV's: 31/0/31/20/31/5 >EV's: none >Moves: basic moves mew knows at 5 >OT Gender: ??? >TID / SID: 10160 >OT: FAL2010 Any help would be insanely appreciated
Zooplankto 5069-4749-8366
>Pokemon: Latios >Nickname: T.S. Eliot >Level: 50 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Levitate >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: Any >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Master Ball >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/30/31/31/31/31 >EV's: A clear slate is fine >Moves: Draco Meteor, Defog, Psyshock, Roost >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 41274 >OT: Juicy Yuuji I've got a 5 iv adamant gale wings fletchling
Jamie 4613-7538-6817
Quoted By:
>>20008063 Disc is up, thanks man.
FC: 0404-6822-6558 IGN Daniel
Quoted By:
Can anyone gen me a Reshiram? The specifics aren't that important. Just perfect IVs is fine and level 50 I have heart scales, Venasaurite, a few berries, and I think a few IV bred Charmanders
Lance 0576-4992-9344 Corsola, Barbaracle, Boldore
Lance 0576-4992-9344 Corsola, Barbaracle, Boldore Mon 14 Jul 2014 04:30:01 No. 20008135 Report Quoted By:
Erik 1220-6930-0976 [Pansear Pyroar Ninetales]
Erik 1220-6930-0976 [Pansear Pyroar Ninetales] Mon 14 Jul 2014 04:30:57 No. 20008144 Report Quoted By:
Good evening, folks. This is what I'm looking for tonight. Same deal as always if you want something in return, BP items and megastones.>Pokemon: Rhydon >Nickname: Jumanji >Level: 90 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Lightningrod >Game of Origin: Black >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Doesnt Matter >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: Doesnt Matter >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's:88 HP / 252 Atk / 84 SpD / 84 Spe >Moves: Stealth Rock, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Megahorn >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Doesnt matter >OT: Erik >Pokemon: Porygon2 >Nickname: Glitch >Level: 90 >Nature: Calm >Ability: Trace >Game of Origin: Black >Pokemon Gender: Genderless >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't matter >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: Doesnt matter >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP / 32 Def / 224 SpD >Moves: Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Thunderwave, Recover >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Doesnt matter >OT: Erik
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20007711 i dont know why i skipped your post, but sharpedo is ready, discp up with /vp/ wipi asking for it
I had a question for genners: can you change the IV of 6th gen mons (already made ones)?
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
Samuel (0318-8650-3303)
Quoted By:
>>20007974 Yeah, that's fine. Sorry
Samuel (0318-8650-3303)
Quoted By:
>>20008145 Disc is up. Sorry!
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Quoted By:
>Pokemon:Palkia >Nickname: >Level:50 >Nature:Timid >Ability:Pressure >Game of Origin:Pearl >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny:no >Hatched/Met at location:any >Specific pokeball:Pokeball >Date of Creation:any >IV's:31/0/31/31/31/31 >EV's:4HP/ 252 Sp.Attk/ 252 Speed >Moves:Spacial Rend/ Hydro Pump/ Fireblast/ Thunderwave >OT Gender:Female >TID / SID:any >OT:Dawn >Pokemon:Dialga >Nickname: >Level:50 >Nature:Modest >Ability:Pressure >Game of Origin:Diamond >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny:no >Hatched/Met at location:any >Specific pokeball:pokeball >Date of Creation:any >IV's:31/0/31/31/31/31 >EV's:52 HP/ 252 Sp. Attk/ 204 Speed >Moves:Flash Cannon/ Draco Meteor/ Fire Blast/ Thunder >OT Gender:Female >TID / SID:any >OT:Dawn Have BP items and some leftover pokemon.
I have a question, since I will probably be joining as a genner in the near future: How do you gen 6IV pokemon? Sometimes the PID is a bitch and won't let me do it. Thanks. Sorry for being an ignorant faggot.
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20008229 Ignore it and let it use the random one it spits out. They get a new one after they've been through transporter anyway.
Hey Wipi is everything cool? You haven't taken my luvdisc yet
Quoted By:
>>20008251 I see, thanks JK.
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20008308 sorry i had to give my dog her medicine, trading it in a sec!
Quoted By:
>>20008340 That's fine man, don't worry about it. Thanks again.
Jamie 4613-7538-6817
>Pokemon: Pinsir >Nickname: snip snap >Level: 100 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Moxie >Game of Origin: Gen 5 >Pokemon Gender: any >Shiny: Yes please >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: None >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31 in all >EV's: 252 Att/ 252 HP/ 252 Sp. Def >Moves: Earthquake, Close Combat, Quick Attack, Frustration >OT Gender: Female >OT: Jamie Quick question, could you edit the Happiness to be 0? If possible, thank you. Also, one more Pokemon if you could>Pokemon: Galvantula >Nickname: Shocking >Level: 80 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Compound Eyes >Game of Origin: Gen 5 >Pokemon Gender: Any >Shiny: Yes please >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: None >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31 in all >EV's: 252 Speed/ 252 Sp. Att/ 4 Sp. Def >Moves: Volt Switch, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Bug Buzz >OT Gender: Female >OT: Jamie As usual, offering any BP item or mega stone in return
Samuel (0318-8650-3303)
Quoted By:
>>20008340 Thank you based Wipi
Requesting this if anyone could be so kind. I can offer breeding leftovers and BP items. >Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: Ditto >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: either >Game of Origin: any >Pokemon Gender: - >Shiny: doesn't matter >Hatched/Met at location: any >Specific pokeball: any >Date of Creation: any >IV's: 31/30/31/30/31/31 >EV's: whatever >Moves: Transform >OT Gender: male >TID / SID: any >OT: Devon
Devon 2938 6545 7147
Samuel (0318-8650-3303)
>Pokemon: Flareon >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature:Jolly >Ability: Guts >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Yes >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >IV's: All 31 >EV's: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spd >Moves: Will-o-wisp, dig,flamethrower, facade >OT Gender: Male >OT: Samuel
Ice Knight: 2895-7602-2448 (Tangela - Swadloon - Maractus)
Ice Knight: 2895-7602-2448 (Tangela - Swadloon - Maractus) Mon 14 Jul 2014 04:57:00 No. 20008474 Report I want this Extreme Speed Zigzagoon (I hope it is legal) I have BP items and a 5IV Speed Boost Torchic with Baton Pass.
(I only can trade through GTS because my internet connection sucks)
Doing things for megastones
Quoted By:
Is there one of the awesome powersaving dudes around? I need a couple of aesthetic changes to my 'mons...
Jamie 4613-7538-6817
Quoted By:
>>20008556 Does that include genning? If so
>>20008374 Check these out please, would gladly give you any mega stone(s) in return
>Pokemon: Aggron >Nickname: Magnum >Level: 100 >Nature: Relaxed >Ability: Sturdy >Game of Origin: whatever works best >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Whatever works >Specific pokeball: Luxury Ball >Date of Creation: Whatever works >IV's: 31/31/31/x/31/31 >EV's: 252HP/ 16DEF/ 240SPDEF >Moves: Earthquake/Ice Punch/Iron Head/Stealth Rock >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Whatever works >OT: Mike Have several HA torchics, mudkips, magnemites, deinos with good iv's and natures
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
Quoted By:
>>20007109 gay
anyway after a long nap, i can get back to genning stuff. :^)
Mike(5000-2674-2858) - Poison - Kakuna, Garbodor, Whirlipede
Mike(5000-2674-2858) - Poison - Kakuna, Garbodor, Whirlipede Mon 14 Jul 2014 05:14:34 No. 20008711 Report Quoted By:
>>20008687 ...should probably put a name...
Quoted By:
>>20007745 can anyone do this please??
Quoted By:
Are our gods kill? ;-;
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>20008340 >>20008251 Can any of you do this for me?
>Pokemon: Chandelure >Nickname: Shandera >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Flash Fire >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Luxury if possible >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/31/30/30/30/30 >EV's: 252Spatk 252 Speed 4Spdef >Moves: Trick, HP fighting, Energy Ball, Flamethrower >OT Gender: Any >TID / SID: Any >OT: Any I have berries, 5iv pokes, and bp items I can give in return.
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
Ice Knight: 2895-7602-2448 (Tangela - Swadloon - Maractus)
Ice Knight: 2895-7602-2448 (Tangela - Swadloon - Maractus) Mon 14 Jul 2014 05:32:54 No. 20008916 Report Quoted By:
>>20008889 Please take my request!
Quoted By:
>>20008889 can you do this for me??
>>20007745 Jamie 4613-7538-6817
Zooplankto 5069-4749-8366
>>20008090 If someone does this, I'll need to trade directly since I don't have latios in the dex. Would be a big help
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>20008889 Dem trips!!!
Thanks, let me know if it went thru
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
>>20008958 Go to what pokemon on the bottom when you're looking for pokemon and then type in Latios.
Justin FC: 2595-2154-9760 Ice Beartic, spheal, dewgong
Justin FC: 2595-2154-9760 Ice Beartic, spheal, dewgong Mon 14 Jul 2014 05:39:22 No. 20009005 Report I asked in the last thread, but when I came back it 404'd. Can anyone gen a shiny charm? I know its possible to clone items on pokes, but I've never gotten it so I'm not sure if SC is a key item, thereby making the poke unable to hold it. I own both x and y so I'll trade any mega stone or bank legend. Got quite a few If this is impossible, then disregard
Zooplankto 5069-4749-8366
>>20008980 Nevermind. Didn't even know that was there. Thanks
>>20009005 With PowerSaves, it's possible to get a Shiny Charm using the Wondercard function. As for with Pokegen, no.
>>20009005 >>20009043 I currently have a powersaves Shiny Charm. About 28 boxes in on Honedge and it doesn't seem like it's working.
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20008966 >>20008687 >>20008444 these went through perfectly
>>20008374 galvantula went through but i probably did something wrong with pinsir
>>20008474 didnt go through for me, i'll take a look at it
Jamie 4613-7538-6817
>>20009130 Ah okay. Well should I disc up for the Galvantula for now?
Zooplankto 5069-4749-8366
Quoted By:
>>20009029 >>20008090 Dont know who's doing the gen'ing but the fletchling is up and ready
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>20009130 Awesome, do you need any Bp items?
Should I add you or disc up?
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20009141 >>20009148 yeah, let me add your friend codes
Jamie 4613-7538-6817
>>20009160 Okay, is there any item you want? Mega stone or, BP item?
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
Samuel (0318-8650-3303)
>>20009160 Should I add your FC?
Ice Knight: 2895-7602-2448 (Tangela - Swadloon - Maractus)
Ice Knight: 2895-7602-2448 (Tangela - Swadloon - Maractus) Mon 14 Jul 2014 05:58:42 No. 20009201 Report Quoted By:
>>20009130 If you take my request, what do you want?
Mike(5000-2674-2858) - Poison - Kakuna, Garbodor, Whirlipede
Mike(5000-2674-2858) - Poison - Kakuna, Garbodor, Whirlipede Mon 14 Jul 2014 05:59:04 No. 20009209 Report Quoted By:
>>20009130 adding, you sure you dont want anything specific?
Quoted By:
>>20009160 Thanks for the poke!
Hope you enjoy the starf berry
Justin FC: 2595-2154-9760 Ice Beartic, spheal, dewgong
Justin FC: 2595-2154-9760 Ice Beartic, spheal, dewgong Mon 14 Jul 2014 06:04:03 No. 20009244 Report Quoted By:
>>20009092 I got blazekenite if you wanna trade for it.
Before JK helped me out, I went through 63 boxes of charmanders unsuccessfully. I need that shit homes
Mike(5000-2674-2858) - Poison - Kakuna, Garbodor, Whirlipede
Mike(5000-2674-2858) - Poison - Kakuna, Garbodor, Whirlipede Mon 14 Jul 2014 06:09:09 No. 20009295 Report Quoted By:
>>20009130 thanks man, that deino is hexaperfect though its nature is shit
Jamie 4613-7538-6817
>>20009194 Will you be re-trying the Pinsir?
I'm just wondering, since it is 2 am and I should be getting to sleep if you're not gonna be doing that, if you are I can wait. I feel like a douche for asking though ;-; Jamie 4613-7538-6817
Jamie 4613-7538-6817
>>20009160 Will you be re-trying the Pinsir?
I'm just wondering, since it is 2 am and I should be getting to sleep if you're not gonna be doing that, if you are I can wait. I feel like a douche for asking though ;-; Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20009346 had to go back and fix the EVs. you put 252 in three stats and i mindlessly put it in. what spread do you want
Jamie 4613-7538-6817
>>20009381 oh god im dumb, sorry ;-;
252 Att and Speed, 4 Sp. Def
Quoted By:
Any powersaves wizard around here?
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20009392 Pinsir is ready.
>>20008421 Ditto as well :~)
Jamie 4613-7538-6817
Quoted By:
>>20009479 Thank you so much!
>>20009479 Mars can you do me this favor??
>>20007745 Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20009530 yeah give me a second
>>20009651 ok thanks,
its ok the pokes i put or you want other??
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20009712 i'll take the torchic :~)
sorry im kinda taking long, my AR is moody.
Quoted By:
>>20009843 nahh dont worry XD
>>20009843 Are you accepting Requests? If so, can I make two?
>>Pokemon: Ditto >>Nickname: Ditto >>Level: 100 >>Nature: Adamant >>Ability: Limber >>Game of Origin: Black >>Pokemon Gender: None/Genderless >>Shiny: No >>Hatched/Met at location: Giant Chasm >>Specific pokeball: PokeBall >>Date of Creation: 7/14/14 >>IV's: 31/30/30/31/31/31 >>EV's: None >>Moves: Transform >>OT Gender: Male >>TID / SID: 63549/(Make an SID, I don't know how they work) >>OT: Kevin >>Pokemon: Ditto >>Nickname: Ditto >>Level: 100 >>Nature: Adamant >>Ability: Limber >>Game of Origin: Black >>Pokemon Gender: None/Genderless >>Shiny: No >>Hatched/Met at location: Giant Chasm >>Specific pokeball: PokeBall >>Date of Creation: 7/14/14 >>IV's: 31/30/31/30/31/30 >>EV's: None >>Moves: Transform >>OT Gender: Male >>TID / SID: 63549/(Make an SID, I don't know how they work) >>OT: Kevin Anonymous
Requesting this if any genners are still here>Pokemon: Tyranitar >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Sandstream >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: Any >Shiny: Nope >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Any >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP 252 Attack 4 Sp def >Moves: Dragon Dance, Rock Slide, Ice Punch, Eathquake >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Any >OT: Iain
Galadriel 4527-8920-3975
Quoted By:
>>20010288 forgot to put in my name
>>20009843 are you still there?? because its late an im about to go to sleep :)
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20010374 ok, i already added you and im online waiting
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20010393 sending you a TR
Leo 0232-8020-3632
>Pokemon: Spinda >Nickname: none >Level: 10 >Nature: Brave >Ability: Contrary >Game of Origin: B2 >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: any >Specific pokeball: premier >Date of Creation: any >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/0 >EV's: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 SpD >Moves: Superpower, Sucker Punch >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: don't care >OT: Leo can offer balltism mons w/ egg moves, maison items, or if need by legendaries. can anyone please help me?
Leo 0232-8020-3632
>>20010406 forgot two moves: add double edge and trick room
>>20010405 what happend?? i dont recieved yet your TR
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20010439 i have no idea. i'm sending it
Quoted By:
>>20010444 let me disconnect and connect again
Quoted By:
>>20010444 thank you very much man!!
Leo 0232-8020-3632
>>20010374 I'm the one with the Dittos.
FC: 5155-3490-9530
IGN: Kevin.
What would you like? I have some leftover mudkips and meditites from breeding.
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20010478 i'll add you in a minute.
also i made the dittos accidentally shiny and since it's a bitch to keep putting AR codes in because mine is stupid, do you mind if they were shiny?
Quoted By:
>>20010537 Nah that's cool. I'm glad I'm getting the Dittos in general. Just let me know when you want to trade
Galadriel 4527-8920-3975
Quoted By:
>>20010288 Is it too late to ask that the Tyranitar is nicknamed Darude ?
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20010469 >>20010288 got your pokes ready after i trade with
>>20010478 ready to trade
IGN Nate 3196-4457-2922
So, can I have this genned? Kyogre Nickname: Leviathan Level 45 Shiny: no Ability: Drizzle IVs: all 31 EVs: none Modest Nature Pokeball: Great Ball Specific Move(s): none OT: May TID: 31903 Location met: Cave of Origin Date of Creation: March 22 2003 Game of Origin: Sapphire As usual, I have breeding rejects in return.
Quoted By:
>>20010592 Thanks a lot dude
Galadriel 4527-8920-3975
Affaren 1547-5317-4639 (sunkern, swadloon, maractus)
Affaren 1547-5317-4639 (sunkern, swadloon, maractus) Mon 14 Jul 2014 09:22:32 No. 20010629 Report >>20007944 If there are genners awake, i'd like this made.
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379 Mon 14 Jul 2014 09:38:03 No. 20010718 Report >>20010592 Mars, are you still genning or is it too late/early for you? I'd like to have this genned if you're up for it:
>Pokemon: Giratina >Nickname: No >Level: 100 >Nature: Calm >Ability: Telpathy >Game of Origin: Heart Gold >Shiny: No >Met: whatever location will let it pass >Ball: Not important >Creation: Today is fine >IVs: 31 All >EVs: 248 HP, 252 Def, 8 Special Attack >Moves: Earth Power, Shadow Ball, Aura Sphere, Destiny Bond >OT Gender: not important >tid/sid: not important >OT: not important I still have more leftovers and can get almost any maison item. I might be able to get a capsule but I'm not sure, I haven't checked my BP
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
IGN Nate 3196-4457-2922
Quoted By:
>>20010743 Great, added you.
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20010599 >>20010599 these went through
>>20010629 i guess i messed up with tornadus but i'll fix it
Jack 2535-4076-4203
Quoted By:
Is Mr White here? I went afk last thread and wasn't able to get that Ditto I was needing
Affaren 1547-5317-4639 (sunkern, swadloon, maractus)
Affaren 1547-5317-4639 (sunkern, swadloon, maractus) Mon 14 Jul 2014 10:29:48 No. 20011022 Report >>20010997 its ok, i have time.
all im really looking for is 6IVs and Superpower, feel free to change things so that it passes
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379 Mon 14 Jul 2014 10:30:38 No. 20011030 Report I still have you on my friends list, Mars
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379 Mon 14 Jul 2014 10:36:30 No. 20011067 Report >>20011030 Thanks again Mars!
I'll probably be asking for more of your help in the future
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
Quoted By:
>>20011067 np, glad to be of service
Quoted By:
>>20006921 can pokegen monsters make it through bank?
I want all the event legends, plus shiny latios
IGN Nate 3196-4457-2922
Quoted By:
>>20010997 Got it, thanks!
I wonder if the extra info (location met, date of creation) will show up in ORAS.
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
>Pokemon:Politoed >Nickname:none >Level:50 >Nature:Modest >Ability:Drizzle >Game of Origin:Black 2 >Pokemon Gender:Female >Shiny:yes >Hatched/Met at location:any >Specific pokeball:Heal ball >Date of Creation:any >IV's:31/0/31/31/31/31 >EV's:252 HP/ 76 Def/ 180 Sp, Attk >Moves:Scald/ Ice beam/ Hyrdo pump/ Protect >OT Gender:female >TID / SID:any >OT:Mei >Pokemon:Ferrothorn >Nickname:none >Level:50 >Nature:Brave >Ability:Iron Barbs >Game of Origin:Black 2 >Pokemon Gender:Female >Shiny:yes >Hatched/Met at location:any >Specific pokeball:Nest ball >Date of Creation:any >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/0 >EV's:252 Hp/ 172 attk/ 84 Def >Moves:Leech Seed/ Gyro ball/ Protect/ Powerwhip >OT Gender:Mei >TID / SID:any >OT:Female Have BP items and leftovers.
Lapdog 2852-7965-0173 IGN: Lapdog
>Pokemon: Aggron >Nickname: None >Level: 100 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Rock Head >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at Location: Any >Specific Pokeball: Poke Ball >Date of Creation: Any Day >IV's: 31/31/31/30/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 (8?) Spe >Moves: Head Smash, Outrage, Ice Punch, Double-Edge >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Doesn't Matter >OT: Lapdog Have a shiny ditto with shit IV's, plenty of BP items, and some hexa and penta perfect breeding leftovers. Staryu, larvitar, vulpix etc. Also a spare master ball if you want it for science. Would really appreciate it if any genners are still browsing the thread.
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20011259 >>20011392 doing these
>>20011022 hopefully the tornadus goes through this time
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
>>20011583 Anything you want?
Lapdog 2852-7965-0173 IGN: Lapdog
>>20011583 What would you like in return?
Devon 2938 6545 7147
>>20011583 Hey do you still have the ditto from
>>20009479 ?
Lapdog 2852-7965-0173 IGN: Lapdog
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20011585 >>20011589 just give me whatever you want, i dont need anything in particular. just give me a while, AR problems yet again.
>>20011623 ye, i'll trade it to you now.
Helter 0388-0177-1675
Hey guys/girls would be great if anyone could help me out, trying to get a garchomp with earthpower, here goes>Pokemon: Garchomp >Nickname: Garchomp >Level: 100 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Rough Skin >Game of Origin: Black 2 >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Sure why not >Hatched/Met at location: Route 1 or wherever >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: 14/7/2014 not fussed >IV's: 31/31/31/30/31/31 >EV's: 252atk 252 speed 4sdef or nothing, not fussed >Moves: Earth Power earthquack romp slide profect>OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: anything, 12345 >OT: Batnab thanks much in advance !!
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
>>20011633 Alright. Go by disc?
Helter 0388-0177-1675
Quoted By:
>>20011642 i have a few bp items, kings rock, choice scarf, or some breeding leftovers with egg moves,
Wilshide 1950-8730-0446
>>20006921 First time I've ever done one of these. Hopefully somebody can help me out.
>Pokemon: Latios >Nickname: Latios >Level: 35 >Nature: Timid >Ability: levitate >Game of Origin: Soul Silver >Pokemon Gender: male? >Shiny: yes >Hatched/Met at location: Space and time >Specific pokeball: Premier Ball >Date of Creation: July 9th, 2014 >IV's: 31 in all. >EV's: 252 special attack, 252 speed, 4 HP >Moves: Draco meteor
Ice beam
Luster purge
>OT Gender: male >TID / SID: ? >OT: Ash Offering leftovers, evolite, or an amulet coin on the fancy vivllion
Devon 2938 6545 7147
Quoted By:
>>20011633 Thanks a lot man!
Lapdog 2852-7965-0173 IGN: Lapdog
>>20011633 Okay, no probs. I'm headed to work and I won't be able to keep correspondence with you in this thread. Would you mind if I put a remoraid on the GTS with a message for you? I'll have my IGN on it as well.
If not, no probs. I sent you a friend request so we can trade later. I really appreciate this, aggron is the last member of my karenfag team and I was dreading having to chain breed over all the generations.
Galadriel 4527-8920-3975
Requesting this pls>Pokemon: Umbreon >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Bold >Ability: Sync >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: Nope >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Any >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP 252 Sp Def 4 Def >Moves: Moonlight, Toxic , Feint Attack, Charm >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: Any >OT: Iain
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20011643 had trouble putting it in the pokeballs that you asked for, so i hope a normal pokeball is ok :^(
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
>>20011753 Its alright. Should I disc up right now?
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20011764 yeh
>>20011673 dunno if you're still here but i guess trade later
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Quoted By:
>>20011777 Let me disc up for politoed now.
Xikur Ice(Beartic, Snover, Dewgong) 2680-9531-1015
Xikur Ice(Beartic, Snover, Dewgong) 2680-9531-1015 Mon 14 Jul 2014 13:41:31 No. 20012069 Report Hey Im just trying to finish my dex, is anyone down to make Keldeo and Meloetta? Have shiny Gen1/Gen2 starters for trade.
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20011730 >>20011666 >>20011642 currently genning these
>>20012069 do you care about the EVs and IVs and whatever? because i can just set you up with those two real quick.
>>20012170 Thanks man, appreciated. What do you want in return?
Helter 0388-0177-1675
>>20012170 much appreciated, ill stay online
Nukem [0318-8948-5209]
Just need a genesect preferably lvl 75
>>20012170 I'm back Mars with another request if you're taking any more. You've been helping me a lot, are you sure there isn't something you want? I can keep giving you breeding leftovers if you'd like
>Pokemon: Victini >Nickname: No >Level: 100 >Nature: Adaamant >Ability: Victory Star >Game of Origin: Black >Shiny: No >Met: Liberty Garden >Ball: Not important >Creation: Today is fine >IVs: 31 All >EVs: 48 HP, 252 Attack, 208 Speed >Moves: Zen Headbutt, Flare Blitz, Thunderpunch >OT Gender: not important >tid/sid: not important >OT: not important Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379 Mon 14 Jul 2014 14:06:56 No. 20012264 Report Quoted By:
>>20012255 forgot ID and such
Zaade 3582-9867-6076 (Mankey, Throh, Tyrogue)
Zaade 3582-9867-6076 (Mankey, Throh, Tyrogue) Mon 14 Jul 2014 14:24:49 No. 20012459 Report >>20012170 Ooo please say you're still genning
>Pokemon:Scizor >Nickname:Vice >Level:60 >Nature:Adamant >Ability:Technician >Game of Origin:bw >Pokemon Gender:Female >Shiny:Nope >Hatched/Met at location:any >Specific pokeball:Camo ball or Nest ball >Date of Creation:any >IV's:Take 'em all to the MAX >EV's:Max HP and Defense >Moves:Roost, Bullet punch, Swords dance, Thief >OT Gender:female >TID / SID:45178 >OT:Zaade Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Quoted By:
>>20012170 Just mention if you trade Politoed so I can place a disc for the ferrothorn.
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20012255 >>20012250 >>20012069 >>20012220 >>20012242 all these are ready to go (thank god for no complications
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379 Mon 14 Jul 2014 14:32:04 No. 20012569 Report Quoted By:
>>20012547 disc'd up. Just trade me in game if Victini can't be GTS'd somehow
Helter 0388-0177-1675
Quoted By:
>>20012547 anything you want specifically? enigma berry? kings rock? i have a spair scarf and rocky helm also, or some kind of breeding leftover
Wilshide 1950-8730-0446
Quoted By:
>>20012547 I sent you a friend request. Send me a trade when you're ready if you want
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
>>20012547 I placed the disc up for Politoed.
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379 Mon 14 Jul 2014 14:37:28 No. 20012650 Report Quoted By:
>>20012547 Thanks again, Mars!
Galadriel 4527-8920-3975
Wilshide 1950-8730-0446
Quoted By:
>>20012547 Thanks Mars, you're my hero
Helter 0388-0177-1675
Quoted By:
>>20012547 Thanks much, i figured since u can gen, u actually wouldnt need anyting... ever lol
Zeke- 3926-5129-8292
A few days ago I saw a thread where someone was taking Pokemon and changing them to be shiny/in different Pokeballs. Is this the thread for that? I'm not very experienced with hacks 'n cheats sorry
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20012609 alright sent it.
Nukem [0318-8948-5209]
Quoted By:
I added you mars for the lvl 75 genesect
Zooplankto 5069-4749-8366
>>20012170 My disc is up Mars unless you want the fletchling
I've been asking for pokemons all day :^) >Pokemon: Chandelure >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Shadow Tag >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: Either >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Any >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 Sp Attack 252 Speed 4 Sp Def >Moves: Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Flamethrower, Psychic >OT Gender: Iain >TID / SID: any >OT: Iain
Galadriel 4527-8920-3975
Quoted By:
>>20012875 Muh name disappeared
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Quoted By:
>>20012797 Sorry about being late. Sending the next disc now.
Nukem [0318-8948-5209]
Quoted By:
Thanks Mars for the genesect
GreenJager 3883-7143-7059
>>20006921 >Pokemon: Lugia >Nickname: JetStream >Level: 79 >Nature: Calm >Ability: Pressure >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: genderless >Shiny: yes >Hatched/Met at location: any >Specific pokeball: Net ball >Date of Creation: 29th september >IV's: 31/30/31/30/30/31 >EV's: 252 Def/252 SDef/4 HP >Moves: Recover, Toxic, Sunnyday, Hidden power >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Don't care >OT: Tiago Can give you a leftover totodile from breeding with egg moves
GreenJager 3883-7143-7059
Quoted By:
>>20012925 Also ill be back in 3 hours(when i'm off work)
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20012459 >>20012875 >>20012925 >>20012871 currently doing these (just keeping track :^))
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Quoted By:
>>20013079 Thank you for the pokemon.
Ice Knight: 2895-7602-2448 (Tangela - Swadloon - Maractus)
Ice Knight: 2895-7602-2448 (Tangela - Swadloon - Maractus) Mon 14 Jul 2014 15:15:40 No. 20013100 Report Quoted By:
There are genners here?
I have this request en pkm format
>>20008474 Zeke- 3926-5129-8292
Quoted By:
>>20012762 Never mind, found out it's a thing called Powersaves, not Pokegen. NEVER MIND!
But if you're a Powersaver, I'd appreciate some help making a Shroomish shiny :D
Zaade 3582-9867-6076 (Mankey, Throh, Tyrogue)
Zaade 3582-9867-6076 (Mankey, Throh, Tyrogue) Mon 14 Jul 2014 15:24:06 No. 20013202 Report >>20013079 S-senpai!
What do you want in return?
I have perfect Honedge, Hawlucha or Malamar if you like? Also caught a shiny Teddiursa?
Jenn 0361-8195-8736
Could someone gen me a Ditto with 30 in all stats and another with 0? My trades consist of Shiny Greninja 5iv Adamant Pawniard with 3 EMs 5iv Adamant Mawiles and 6iv (0 Spe) Quiet Snover. Also, I would be willing to part with any BP items I may have (No ability capsules).
Galadriel 4527-8920-3975
Requesting another :^) >Pokemon: Aerodactyl >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Rock Head >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Nope >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Nope >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 Attack 252 Speed 4 HP >Moves: Iron head, Rock slide, Crunch, Ice Fang >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Any >OT: Iain
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20013251 i got your dittos, can i get the shiny greninja :^)?
>>20013202 >>20012925 >>20012459 all these are ready
>>20013263 i always have a problem with aerodactyl, but i'll figure it out
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20013202 >>20012925 >>20012459 >>20013251 your pokes are ready (also can i get the shiny greninja, jenn :^))
>>20013263 i always have problems with aerodactyl but i'll see
>Pokemon: Scizor >Nickname: Scizor >Level: 1 >Nature: adamant >Ability: technician >Game of Origin: Johto >Pokemon Gender: female >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: Sport Ball ( If not repeat ball ) >Date of Creation: idc >IV's: 6iv >EV's: 252 >Moves: Bug Bite Aerial ace Bullet Punch Thief>OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT: Dani IGN: Danielle I've got some blazikenite's and some 6IV shiny Rufflets adamant nature sheer force. I've been looking for scythers with bug bite for ages now and can't find any.. so this would help me out a lot.
GreenJager 3883-7143-7059
Quoted By:
>>20013690 Ill be on my 3ds in 2 hours ill add you then!
Thank you very much
Zaade 3582-9867-6076 (Mankey, Throh, Tyrogue)
Zaade 3582-9867-6076 (Mankey, Throh, Tyrogue) Mon 14 Jul 2014 16:08:50 No. 20013805 Report >>20013707 !!
What do you want in return??
Would you prefer to GTS it?
Quoted By:
>>20013707 Sure, as long as you don't mind Timid 4iv Torrent.
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
Quoted By:
>>20013805 i'll take a honedge pls (sorry for taking kind of long, mornings)
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20013805 fuck i forgot to take it out of the box gimme a second
Zaade 3582-9867-6076 (Mankey, Throh, Tyrogue)
Zaade 3582-9867-6076 (Mankey, Throh, Tyrogue) Mon 14 Jul 2014 16:29:16 No. 20014110 Report >>20014065 This is fine! I am okay with this!
Do you want a nickname for this Honedge first?
John | 4527-8700-4039
>Pokemon: Uxie >Nickname: >Level: 76, but met at level 50 >Nature: Bold >Held item: Light Clay >Ability: Levitate >Origin: Platinum >Pokemon Gender: Genderless >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any legit location >Specific pokeball: Standard pokéball >Date of Creation: January 22, 2014 >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 if possible, if not: 31/x/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP, 68 Def, 188 SpDef >Moves: Memento, Reflect, Light Screen, Psychic >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 15157 / Whatever works >OT: John I offer any BP item (Ability Capsule included) and the following pokés as well as 5 IV imperfect Skiddo & Goomy.
Jenn 0361-8195-8736
>>20014065 Would you like anything other than the shiny Greninja?
John | 4527-8700-4039
Quoted By:
>>20014161 Forgot the image.
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20014110 can you name it miekka :^)
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20014176 a pawniard would be nice
Jenn 0361-8195-8736
Quoted By:
>>20014281 Alrighty, ready when you are.
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379 Mon 14 Jul 2014 16:43:53 No. 20014319 Report Another request, Mars. Sorry to keep hitting you up but I gotta fill up that dex.>Pokemon: Shaymin >Nickname: No >Level: 100 >Nature: Modest >Ability: Natural Cure >Game of Origin: Diamond >Shiny: No >Met: Whatever lets it pass >Ball: Not important >Creation: Today is fine >IVs: 31 All >EVs: 4 HP, 252 specialAttack, 252 Speed >Moves: Seed Flare, Aromatherapy, Synthesis, Leech See >OT Gender: not important >tid/sid: not important >OT: not important
Galadriel 4527-8920-3975
Mars i'll just give you a random shiny as usual :^) ?
Zaade 3582-9867-6076 (Mankey, Throh, Tyrogue)
Zaade 3582-9867-6076 (Mankey, Throh, Tyrogue) Mon 14 Jul 2014 16:44:26 No. 20014334 Report Quoted By:
>>20014195 Named and waiting.
Jenn 0361-8195-8736
Zaade 3582-9867-6076 (Mankey, Throh, Tyrogue)
Zaade 3582-9867-6076 (Mankey, Throh, Tyrogue) Mon 14 Jul 2014 16:51:04 No. 20014417 Report >>20014281 Thanking you for the Scizor!
But I have to ask - it's in a regular Poke ball.
Was it not possible to put it in a Camo or Nest ball? x_x
>>20014281 How do you do requests so fast?
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20014417 yeah i had trouble with it, but i could try again (also i noticed i made it lvl 100 instead of 60 like you wanted) :^(
Quoted By:
Is any kind powersaving guy around? I need a little help.
Zaade 3582-9867-6076 (Mankey, Throh, Tyrogue)
Zaade 3582-9867-6076 (Mankey, Throh, Tyrogue) Mon 14 Jul 2014 16:54:17 No. 20014464 Report Quoted By:
>>20014440 Yeeh the level's fine, thanks! I shoulda not been a derp and asked for 100 to begin with.
And no that's fine, you've spent too long on ol Vice already!
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20014424 i thought i was kinda slow lmao
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
Quoted By:
>>20014322 gonna retry aerodactyl now. but on chandelure i thought it couldn't have shadow tag legitimately?
Neon 3024-5733-3183
>>20014470 >Pokemon: Slowking >Nickname: Nope >Level: 100 >Nature: Modest >Ability: Regenerator >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Nope >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Nope >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 248 Hp 216 SpA 44 SpD >Moves: Scald, Psyshock, Fire Blast, Dragon Tail >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 42658 >OT: Neon Can offer a few breeding leftovers and all BP items excluding the Ability Capsule.
Galadriel 4527-8920-3975
Quoted By:
>>20013263 >>20012875 Mars i think you missed mine GreenJager 3883-7143-7059
>>20012925 >Pokemon: Darkrai >Nickname: Nighty >Level: 79 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Bad Dreams >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: Genderless >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Dusk ball >Date of Creation: 29th september >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252SpeAtk 252Speed 4 hp >Moves: Dark Void, Dark Pulse, Calm mind, Substitute >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Dont care >OT: Tiago I have a 4 IV snivy i can give for this or a deoxys that i don't know the ivs of
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
Quoted By:
>>20006921 could somebody gen me an adamant imposter 6iv ditto and a modest imposter 6 iv ditto as well?
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
John | 4527-8700-4039
>>20015068 I've never done this before. Am I expected to add you and make a normal in-game trade or should I put my pokémon in the GTS?
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379 Mon 14 Jul 2014 17:40:45 No. 20015116 Report Quoted By:
>>20015068 I'm online and ready. I'm assuming shaymin has to be direct traded
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20015099 i prefer in-game trades. added you.
Neon 3024-5733-3183
>>20015068 Anything you want or should I just throw up a Disc?
Galadriel 4527-8920-3975
John | 4527-8700-4039
>>20015124 Alright. What pokémon or item did you want from me?
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379 Mon 14 Jul 2014 17:44:25 No. 20015170 Report Quoted By:
>>20015068 Thanks again, I'll probably have another request in a few hours
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20015140 can i get a goomy
>>20015126 uhhh what breeding leftovers do you have
Galadriel 4527-8920-3975
Konyuna [2638 - 0389 - 4164]
>Pokemon: Lucario >Nickname: Arch Enemy >Level: Lv. 50 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Steadfast >Game of Origin: Black/White 2 >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Yes. >Hatched/Met at location: N/A >Specific Pokeball: Luxury Ball >Date of Creation: May 28th 2014 >IV's: Perfect IVs in everything, but Sp.Attack. >EV's: 76 HP/16 Atk/12 Def/156 SpD/248 Spe >Moves: Iron Tail, Drain Punch, Protect, Hone Claws >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: N/A >OT: Konyuna Sorry for such a specific request.
Zooplankto 5069-4749-8366
>>20013079 Sorry I went out to do stuff for a little while.
Did you want to trade or GTS
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20015262 trade for a fletchling pls :~)
John | 4527-8700-4039
>>20015237 Sure, but I only have one, so there aren't many to chose from. It's a level 1 JPN one with 31/31/x/31/31/31 IVs, Modest nature, Sap Sipper ability and Counter.
Will it do or do you want something else?
>>20015256 >EV's: 76 HP/16 Atk/12 Def/156 SpD/248 Spe >Moves: Iron Tail, Drain Punch, Protect, Hone Claws why ;_; Mars [0001-4218-5140]
Konyuna [2638 - 0389 - 4164]
Quoted By:
>>20015311 Mainly for story use, not competitive.
I get lazy sometimes.
Neon 3024-5733-3183
>>20015126 5 IV Protean Froakie x10 (M) Timid
5 IV Sheer Force Bagon x5 (4M/1F) Naive
5 IV Rock Head Aron x1 (F) Adamant
5 IV Prankster Cottonee x1 (F) Calm
5 IV Compound Eyes Joltik x1 (M) Timid
5 IV Unaware Wooper x1 (F) Relaxed
Zooplankto 5069-4749-8366
Neon 3024-5733-3183
John | 4527-8700-4039
>>20015323 Not that I'm in any rush, but you don't seem to respond to my trade invites. Do you want to wait a little or something? The Goomy is ready to go.
Magi 5086-2008-9940
>Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: Ditto >Level: 100 >Nature: Modest >Ability: Any >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: None >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Any >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: None >Moves: Any >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Any >OT: Magi It would really help my breeding projects, thank you for considering my request anons.
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20015420 Just put a disc up. I already have them. JK in Desc.
John | 4527-8700-4039
>>20015525 Do you have one for me too? Just asking.
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20015414 oh yeah sorry, just had to do something really quick.
John | 4527-8700-4039
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20015539 What nature? Jolly, Timid, Adamant, Modest, or Impish.
John | 4527-8700-4039
Quoted By:
>>20015542 Thanks a lot man. I really appreciate it.
Magi 5086-2008-9940
Quoted By:
>>20015525 Thank you so much Anon I will get it up in a second.
John | 4527-8700-4039
Quoted By:
>>20015560 Any is fine, but I think I breed more defensive pokémon than offensive, so I think an Impish one would be slightly more useful for me than the others.
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
Quoted By:
>>20015356 i'll take a froakie :^)
John | 4527-8700-4039
Quoted By:
>>20015560 Just to clarify, when you said "just put a disc up", were you talking about Lovediscs? I put one up on the GTS with "JK" in the description.
Zooplankto 5069-4749-8366
Quoted By:
>>20015291 Thanks. This was a big help
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20015356 jesus i need to get some sleep, but i just realized i made your slowking bold instead of modest.
GreenJager 3883-7143-7059
Quoted By:
>>20012925 >>20014750 >>20013707 I'm home I'm Tiago ingame i'll send you a trade request for the lugia
The totodile is okay i assume since you didn't barter
Neon 3024-5733-3183
>>20015776 Mistakes happen, I can wait.
John | 4527-8700-4039
Quoted By:
>>20015560 Thanks. This will make my breeding a breeze.
GreenJager 3883-7143-7059
Quoted By:
>>20013707 Thanks for the lugia man, when and if you finish the Darkrai I requested here
>>20014750 give me a heads up
Mars [0001-4218-5140]
>>20015799 got it right this time, ready whenever you are
Quoted By:
>Pokemon: [Jap] Ditto >Nickname: N/A >Level: 100 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Any >Game of Origin: B/W >Pokemon Gender: N/A >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: Anywhere >Specific poke ball: ultraballball >Date of Creation: 4/20/2013 >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: no >Moves: no >OT Gender: female >TID / SID: any >OT: Misty Offering PP Max, Rare candies,
Neon 3024-5733-3183
Quoted By:
>>20015939 Thanks for the help, really appreciate it.
Raven (Bug Safari) 4768 - 7998 - 8315 (Beautifly - Ledyba - Heracross)
Raven (Bug Safari) 4768 - 7998 - 8315 (Beautifly - Ledyba - Heracross) Mon 14 Jul 2014 18:56:10 No. 20016140 Report Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Oddish >Level: 10 >Nature: Quiet >Ability: Run Away >Game of Origin: HGSS >Pokemon Gender: Female >Hatched/Met at location: Ilex Forest >Specific pokeball: Moon Ball >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31 in all >EV's: 0 in all >Moves: - Moonlight - Giga Drain -Poisonpowder>OT Gender: Female >OT: Raven also>Pokemon: Hydreigon >Level: 70 >Nature: Quiet >Ability: Levitate >Game of Origin: BW >Pokemon Gender: Female >Hatched/Met at location: Victory Road >Specific pokeball: Dusk Ball >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31 in all >EV's: 0 in all >Moves: - Draco Meter - Hyper Voice - Earth Power>OT Gender: Female >OT: Raven Offering Shiny Munna, caught in friend safari, so nothing special. Breeding leftovers: Tyrunt (EM), Shinx (EM), Squirtle (EM), Buneary (EM, Klutz), Swirlix (EM, Unburden)
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>Pokemon:slowbro >Nickname:n/a >Level:100 >Nature:bold >Ability:regenerator >Game of Origin:black >Pokemon Gender:male >Shiny:no >Hatched/Met at location:any where >Specific pokeball:regular >Date of Creation:any day >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's:252 Defense 252 HP 4 SpD >Moves:Scald, Psyshock, Slack off, Calm mind >OT Gender:Female >TID / SID: dosent matter >OT:Balls I can offer a 5IV modest HA goomy with Curse, Acid Armor, Iron Head and Counter
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Ditto>Nickname: Ditto>Level: 100>Nature: Modest>Ability: Imposter>Game of Origin: idc>Pokemon Gender: none>Shiny: no>Hatched/Met at location: idc>Specific pokeball: Master Ball>Date of Creation: idc>IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31>EV's: none>Moves: -transform>OT Gender: male>TID / SID: 01598>OT: MATEO>Pokemon: Ditto>Nickname: equisDE>Level: 100>Nature: Adamant>Ability: Imposter>Game of Origin: idc>Pokemon Gender: none>Shiny: yes>Hatched/Met at location: idc>Specific pokeball: Master Ball>Date of Creation: idc>IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31>EV's: none>Moves: -transform>OT Gender: male>TID / SID: 01598>OT: MATEO trying to hook up friends who want to start breeding
>Pokemon: Ralts >Nickname: Pixy >Level: 5 >Nature: Modest >Ability: Synchronize >Game of Origin: B/W >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Premier >Date of Creation:Today >IV's: 31/x/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 SA 252 Speed >Moves: Hyper Voice >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID:25745 >OT: Qt I just restarted, want to do a Mono Fairy run, so I don't have anything to offer except my starter.
GreenJager 3883-7143-7059
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just bumpin it for interest
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is Mr White dead
Quoted By:
>>20015068 I'm home now if you're still there, I had things to take care of. Added though! Thank you very much!
Could I trade you a 6IV adamant loveball Bunneary for another one for a friend?
Ben (2852-9248-3354)
Hello, I'm requesting two:>Pokemon: Deoxys >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Pressure >Game of Origin: Ruby >Pokemon Gender: -- >Shiny: Yes >Met at location: I'm not sure but wherever you can find Deoxys in Ruby >Specific pokeball: Ultra >Date of Creation: Today >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 88Def/240SpA/180Spe >Moves: Calm Mind/Psycho Boost/Shadow Ball/Hidden Power (Fire) >OT Gender: Male >TID/SID: not sure how this works, but 22869 >OT: J. Rustles I can send up a Luvdiscs for both Deoxys.
>>20017070 you cant have HP Fire with perfect IVs
Xikur Ice(Beartic, Snover, Dewgong) 2680-9531-1015
Xikur Ice(Beartic, Snover, Dewgong) 2680-9531-1015 Mon 14 Jul 2014 20:10:29 No. 20017103 Report Quoted By:
>>20012547 Hey sorry I had work. Anything you want in specific?
Harime 3625 - 9647 - 5473
>Pokemon: Mawile >Nickname: Manwile >Level: 100 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Sheer Force >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Ultra Ball >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/ 31/ 31/ x/ 31/ 31 >EV's: 252 HP 252 ATK 4 SPD >Moves: Focus Punch, Mega Kick, Super Fang, Thunder Punch >OT Gender: Any >TID / SID: Any >OT: Any >Pokemon: Heatran >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Modest >Ability: Flash Fire >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/x/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP 252 Sp.ATK 4 SPD >Moves: Magma Storm, Earth Power, Stealth Rock, Ancient Power >OT Gender: Any >TID / SID: Any >OT: Any >Pokemon: Lucario >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Steadfast >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/31/31/x/31/31 >EV's: 252 ATK 252 SPD >Moves: Close Combat, Blaze Kick, Extreme Speed, Earthquake >OT Gender: Any >TID / SID: Any >OT: Any Make sure this one is proud of it's power :^)
Ben (2852-9248-3354)
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>>20017099 >>20017070 change hidden power to focus blast
Quoted By:
is there anybody taking up these requests?
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379 Mon 14 Jul 2014 20:17:34 No. 20017213 Report Back with another request - Having breeding leftovers and maison items I can offer>Pokemon:Genesect >Nickname: Sega >Level: 100 >Nature: Naive >Ability: Download >Game of Origin: B2 >Shiny: No >Met: Whatever lets it pass >Ball: Not important >Creation: Today is fine >IVs: 31 All >EVs: 4 HP, 252 specialAttack, 252 Speed >Moves: U-Turn, Ice beam, Thunderbol >OT Gender: not important >tid/sid: not important >OT: not important
Harime 3625 - 9647 - 5473
Quoted By:
>>20017114 I can offer my Pokebank Celebi, Moltres, Articuno and one of the Mews I had cloned.
>>20017114 mawile cant have mega kick and focus punch while having its HA since tohse 2 are tm/tutors from gen 3
Harime 3625 - 9647 - 5473
Quoted By:
>>20017440 Ah poo. Why did I not see that.
Give it Intimidate.
Quoted By:
>>20016718 Make this Timid
Ben (2852-9248-3354)
Quoted By:
>>20017070 i have to go, but I'll be back later
I figure this is as good of a place as any to ask: are there any good ROM hacks for Gen 3?
Ign: Adam 3239-4114-1992
Quoted By:
>>20017681 Go to poke community they have the best rom hacks.
Is anyone actually taking requests?
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20018207 maybe, what did you need?
GreenJager 3883-7143-7059
>>20018252 not him but i need this if you could manage it
>Pokemon: Darkrai >Nickname: Nighty >Level: 79 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Bad Dreams >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: Genderless >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Dusk ball >Date of Creation: 29th september >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252SpeAtk 252Speed 4 hp >Moves: Dark Void, Dark Pulse, Calm mind, Substitute >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Dont care >OT: Tiago I have a 4 IV snivy i can give for this or a deoxys that i don't know the ivs of
Gavrill: 0361-8113-2240
>Pokemon: Ampharos >Nickname: Jupiter >Pokemon Gender: Male >Level: 100 >Shiny: No >Nature: Modest >Ability: Static >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 4 HP >Moves: Thunder, Magnet Rise, Focus Blast, Heal Bell >Specific pokeball: Regular Pokeball >OT: Gavrill >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: 53786 >Game of Origin: Black 2 >Date of Creation: Today. >Hatched/Met at location: Wherever works Offering Choice items, Enigma and Lansat Berries and competitive KB Shinies to anyone that can help out. Thanks!
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 {2904} {3449} {407} !GL4hb1TnIk
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 {2904} {3449} {407} !GL4hb1TnIk Mon 14 Jul 2014 21:50:19 No. 20018480 Report >>20018401 i'd be happy to take the snivy, working on that darkrai
>>20018460 i got you
GreenJager 3883-7143-7059
>>20018480 Okay will add you right away
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379 Mon 14 Jul 2014 21:52:23 No. 20018513 Report >>20018480 Do you mind taking this request?
>>20017213 I can give choiced Items and breeding leftovers.
Quoted By:
>>20015256 Just gonna repost this for the day crowd.
Gavrill: 0361-8113-2240
Quoted By:
>>20018480 Danke! Take your time.~
>>20018252 im
>>20016718 having trouble posting from phone
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 {2904} {3449} {407} !GL4hb1TnIk
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 {2904} {3449} {407} !GL4hb1TnIk Mon 14 Jul 2014 22:03:20 No. 20018667 Report >>20018574 i cant give it a premier ball and lv5 to it, one has to go also,
doing a monorun with a fully ev/iv trained poke? that sounds douchebaggy even to me >>20018513 >>20018460 >>20018401 moving these to retail, be patient please
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379 Mon 14 Jul 2014 22:06:15 No. 20018708 Report >>20018667 Take your time, I'm not going anywhere
Harime 3625 - 9647 - 5473
>>20018252 Would you do this? Change Mawile's ability to Intimidate instead.
>>20017114 Anonymous
>>20018667 Premier Ball at the lowest level you can thanks
I think that too, but I'll probably end up super training it at some point so I figured I'd have that out of the way. I might change my mind and just do the run with 1 pokemon. Wipi 2895-7682-9320 {2904} {3449} {407} !GL4hb1TnIk
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 {2904} {3449} {407} !GL4hb1TnIk Mon 14 Jul 2014 22:18:11 No. 20018894 Report >>20018780 i'll do one of them, wich one?
>>20018848 it will be lv10
Gavrill: 0361-8113-2240
Quoted By:
>>20018894 Ah, didn't mean to decline the first time. Thought you were someone else. > <'
Anyway, thanks a lot.
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 {2904} {3449} {407} !GL4hb1TnIk
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 {2904} {3449} {407} !GL4hb1TnIk Mon 14 Jul 2014 22:27:07 No. 20019022 Report >>20018708 >>20018495 im waiting for you to get online
GreenJager 3883-7143-7059
Quoted By:
>>20019022 thanks a bunch anon
>>20018894 10 is good Thanks I have you added
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379 Mon 14 Jul 2014 22:31:07 No. 20019092 Report Wipi 2895-7682-9320 {2904} {3449} {407} !GL4hb1TnIk
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 {2904} {3449} {407} !GL4hb1TnIk Mon 14 Jul 2014 22:39:02 No. 20019200 Report >>20019070 >>20019092 send the TR if you see me, IGN is Fia
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379
Koha (Noibat-Sligoo-Fraxure) 0705-4066-9379 Mon 14 Jul 2014 22:44:12 No. 20019281 Report Quoted By:
>>20019200 Thanks for the Genesect! One step closer
Harime 3625 - 9647 - 5473
>>20018894 Ah, Heatran and Lucario then?
I'll be back got to grab a bite to eat. Adding you as right now.
Harime 3625 - 9647 - 5473
Quoted By:
>>20019305 Shit thought I read two. Lucario then.
Quoted By:
>>20019200 I have to catch a second pokemon one second
IGN: Braids FC : 3582-9566-3542
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Any genners in?