Today I bought my first Powersave and coincidentally it's /vp/ 4th B-day. so to celebrate I MASS FUCKING CLONED Sableye. To get your calm HA sableye w/ recover >Catch a bidoof on route 3 >deposit in the GTS requesting a Sableye >w/ the message "Happy 4th B-day" >Post you IGN in the thread >enjoy your bullshit prankstermon Also sorry that my new is showing
IGN: Kyle
Quoted By:
Fuck it, ill bite.
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton SID: 07772 TSV: 3759
Ian 4699-7341-0679 Steel: Klang, Bronzong, Magneton SID: 07772 TSV: 3759 Tue 15 Jul 2014 00:48:49 No. 20021243 Report Quoted By:
Bidoofing..thanks OP!
Getting a Bidoof ready. Name is DivisibleOne
Quoted By:
Thought it was a shiny Hoopa from the thumbnail
eduardo (3582-9839-9428 Cascoon, Swalot, Muk) !urcvGqSK7M
eduardo (3582-9839-9428 Cascoon, Swalot, Muk) !urcvGqSK7M Tue 15 Jul 2014 00:50:53 No. 20021275 Report Quoted By:
ok enjoy the german bidoof 7-1 ty OP
Bidoof going up in a sec, op!
0404 7255 0412
Quoted By:
I'll get my Bidoof up in a moment. IGN: Jake/Tim
Quoted By:
>>20021244 Bidoof up. Thanks in advance OP
Quoted By:
Bidoof up now, ign is Serena. Thanks in advance.
IGN: Mark
>>20021200 Depositing now!
Red 4639-8952-2635
Quoted By:
>>20021200 I'm putting one in now
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Lampent, Pumpkaboo)
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Lampent, Pumpkaboo) Tue 15 Jul 2014 00:55:06 No. 20021349 Report Quoted By:
Posted Bidoof, thanks for the giveaway based OP!
Quoted By:
>>20021200 Bidoof is up
Thanks OP
Bidoofin' up. ign is Gem. Happpy 4th, /vp/
Aaron 5043 2267 2933
Will [3582 - 8364 - 5920]
Quoted By:
>>20021200 I'd like one please.
In game name Will
Woody 2122-6617-9129
Quoted By:
Bidoof is up. Thanks op
Bass [3093 7586 9972]
Quoted By:
>Comedy gold >not Comedy Gold I can't accept this.
Victor 1891-1619-0668
Quoted By:
Sending a bidoof now, my name is the same.
Michael 2337-4006-3237 (Nuzlock, liepard, sneazel)
Michael 2337-4006-3237 (Nuzlock, liepard, sneazel) Tue 15 Jul 2014 00:57:09 No. 20021386 Report >>20021200 Bidoof up
IGN: Michael
>nicknamed >it's a shitty nickname t-thanks OP...
Quoted By:
>>20021200 Bidoof is up!
IGN: Armaan
Thanks op!
Neroveus 4441-9464-2910
Shit, need to go catch one. It'll be up in a few minutes, hopefully!
IGN: Mark
Quoted By:
>>20021341 OP, I accidentally put my 3DS IGN and not my pokemon X IGN. It's Francesco, but you'll see I put "Mark" in the message. Thanks!
Dakoda 5343-9188-5959
Quoted By:
>>20021200 I'll take one please
>>20021200 Bidoof is up and IGN is Tom. Thanks, OP.
IGN Gansta
Quoted By:
>>20021200 Bidoof is up. Thanks OP!
Quoted By:
>>20021200 I put one up as Lilly, and my brother has as
Red IGN Kenpatchi
Quoted By:
deposited now, thanks OP!
>>20021200 just put him up. IGN is Neve, thanks OP
Quoted By:
bidoof is up, IGN: Ayesha thanks in advance :)
Quoted By:
>>20021200 Thanks man, IGN is Windsor
>>20021439 yes, it's a fucking stupid nickname
Quoted By:
>>20021200 IGN Russell
Thanks OP, you aren't a fag today
Quoted By:
>>20021477 IGN Daniel
Bidoof up
Luna 3153 4120 5558
Quoted By:
>>20021200 bidoofing thanks OP
Damas 5000-2674-3492
Quoted By:
I'll put a bidoof up soon but could you remove the nickname for me please?
>>20021429 Got it, hope I'm not too late!
Midnight (2036-8587-5954) !QqL8nX9URE
Quoted By:
IGN: Midnight Thank you, kind sir.
IGN: Liamaru 1821 9811 5472 (Sliggoo, Noibat, Fraxure)
IGN: Liamaru 1821 9811 5472 (Sliggoo, Noibat, Fraxure) Tue 15 Jul 2014 01:07:37 No. 20021577 Report Quoted By:
IGN Pike 2492-4995-1712
Quoted By:
bidoofing IGN pike
Midnight (2036-8587-5954) !QqL8nX9URE
Quoted By:
>>20021200 IGN: Midnight
Thank you, kind sir.
Quoted By:
>>20021486 Who cares about the fucking nickname, jesus. It ain't even that bad, quit whining kid.
Harime 3625 - 9647 - 5473
Quoted By:
Deposited Bidoof. Name is above. Thanks for doing this!
Quoted By:
Bidoof is up! IGN: Gereme Thanks OP
Quoted By:
IGN Ty putting Bidoof once I catch one
Suzette 3668 - 9665 - 5637
Colin 0087-2336-7334
Quoted By:
Bidoof up. IGN is Colin. Thanks OP!
Lucas 1950-9547-8989
Quoted By:
>>20021200 Bidoof is up thanks op
Quoted By:
>>20021200 Nicknamed b0ss
IGN is james
Quoted By:
Ign Brian And thanks btw
Quoted By:
IGN: Yvonne Bidoof deposited!
Ryan 2062-9259-9705 (pansear pyroar fletchinder)
Ryan 2062-9259-9705 (pansear pyroar fletchinder) Tue 15 Jul 2014 01:13:45 No. 20021698 Report Quoted By:
Getting all these bidoofs Such a lucky man Ign: Ryan
IGN Pedro 2036-8071-3385
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Tue 15 Jul 2014 01:14:41 No. 20021714 Report >>20021200 Disc is going up. Thanks a bunch!
Quoted By:
>>20021714 Bidoof up!
Oh boy Sableyes my favourite
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Tue 15 Jul 2014 01:15:47 No. 20021732 Report Quoted By:
Lavina 0018-1513-8586
Quoted By:
IGN: Forest
thanks op!
>>20021714 you may want a doof there friend!
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>20021200 Bidoof is up, thanks.
Quoted By:
IGN: Watu bidoof up thanks OP!
Quoted By:
>>20021200 IGN- seth
Quoted By:
IGN CC Thanks OP
Robin 0259-0272-1175 (Lampent - Phantump - Spiritomb)
Robin 0259-0272-1175 (Lampent - Phantump - Spiritomb) Tue 15 Jul 2014 01:19:59 No. 20021821 Report Quoted By:
Bidoof up. IGN = Robin-X
Chris 0147-0114-8739 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Chris 0147-0114-8739 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Tue 15 Jul 2014 01:19:59 No. 20021822 Report Quoted By:
>>20021200 Uploading ASAP; thanks OP.
IGN: Bonkers
maaan i tried breeding for one when i first best the game and came up empty, i don't even care if this is a cop out
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897 (Dedenne, Helioptile, Zebstrika)
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897 (Dedenne, Helioptile, Zebstrika) Tue 15 Jul 2014 01:21:39 No. 20021849 Report Quoted By:
deposited! :3
Olivia 2363-6158-1686
Quoted By:
Putting Bidoof up
>>20021826 It isn't ;)
and first 20 are done a lot more to go and
Quoted By:
Many thanks, op!
Quoted By:
Thanks a bunch OP, got mine!
IGN: Bonkers
Quoted By:
>>20021867 c'mere and lemme give ya a lil smooch op
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
Quoted By:
>>20021200 Bidoofing. Thanks OP
IGN: Juan
Quoted By:
Bidoof is up. Love ya OP.
Adrianok 1822-0052-2064
>>20021200 Bidoof is up, thanks op
Quoted By:
>>20021200 Bidoof's in, IGN Zan
thanks much OP
Quoted By:
>>20021200 IGN: Remy
Deposited Thanks in advance OP!
Michael 2337-4006-3237 (Nuzlock, liepard, sneazel)
Michael 2337-4006-3237 (Nuzlock, liepard, sneazel) Tue 15 Jul 2014 01:29:06 No. 20022010 Report >>20021386 Waiting patiently
homiko 5086 1951 6036
Quoted By:
put on GTS. thank you.
Suzette 3668 - 9665 - 5637
My Sableye is called Comedy gold, are they all called that?
IGN Pike 2492-4995-1712
>>20021867 You are a gentleman and a scholar op. I hope you get to my doof next.
Quoted By:
>>20021200 Not sure if you skipped me
But I'll just upload it again
>>20022044 Hell yea and also cookin up next batch
>>20022010 It's a new come new serve order in the GTs
>>20022071 >No message Gepfel (5258-0940-9448)
Quoted By:
>>20021200 bidoof is up
IGN Gepfel
Thanks in advance
Suzette 3668 - 9665 - 5637
Quoted By:
>>20022102 Haha that's classic, thanks bro.
Quoted By:
Ign Celan Hope there's some left
Quoted By:
i thought i posted, but i dont see my ign ign is sergio, i put a bidoof with the message you asked op
Neve 4098 3569 5888
>>20021200 >>20021477 people who posted after me are getting sableyes and i havent gotten mine yet
t-thanks OP
Quoted By:
thanks a bunch OP Happy birthday!
>>20022162 see
>>20022102 It's not perfect but I'll get everybody
Neve 4098 3569 5888
Quoted By:
>>20022188 alright, was just worried mine wasnt showing up for you or something, thanks
Quoted By:
Bidoof up. IGN: Lydiara Much love OP, you the man
>>20021200 Deposited!
IGN : Menta
Thanks in advance if this is legit c:
Quoted By:
>>20022188 Hey, OP, did I put the message in right? I was within the first thirty, but it looks like you didn't get me.
Quoted By:
>>20022188 Just got mine
Thanks based OP
Quoted By:
Deposited! IGN is Kaiser. Happy birthday!
Nkiruka 3110-5580-6675
>>20022102 Might I reserve from the next batch?
>>20022272 read the fucking thread you autistic faggot
Nkiruka 3110-5580-6675
Quoted By:
>>20022288 I have, but I wanted to save a spot while I catch a Bidoof.
Quoted By:
Bidoof up! thanks op Happy birthday
Quoted By:
>>20022288 Go to bed, kid, it's way past lights out for you.
Quoted By:
Deposited, IGN ren happy birthday
reuploading mine got sniped
Quoted By:
IGN: Eduardo Thank you very much!
>>20022362 FYI I'm sniping as many as I see
Nkiruka 3110-5580-6675
Nkiruka 3110-5580-6675
>>20022430 Yeah. Did I do something wrong?
>>20022440 No, I was just curious of why in seven hells your bidoof's name is No.4
Quoted By:
Deposited... IGN: Angelo thanks mate
Nkiruka 3110-5580-6675
>>20022465 Mostly because I figured 'why not?' to be totally honest. Birthday No. 4.
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Tue 15 Jul 2014 01:51:10 No. 20022512 Report Quoted By:
doof is up
Quoted By:
>>20021200 deposited one. thanks in advance man!
IGN: Tony
Nkiruka 3110-5580-6675
Quoted By:
>>20022465 That said, received and thank you!
Gepfel (5258-0940-9448)
Taking mine down and putting it back up. pls no skip op
>>20022614 fuck you siggy, get fucking gud
Bjorn 4828 5299 6537
Bidoof is on the GTS, thanks in advance OP
Quoted By:
>>20022642 Better turn off the computer before your mom catches you, kiddo.
Unless theres suddenly two bonkers
or I'm bonkers hahaha fuck I hate life I already sent you one
>>20022614 Ok enjoy your Sableye and future mega
Blue 0817-3841-2011
Quoted By:
>>20021200 Just put mine in
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Tue 15 Jul 2014 02:00:22 No. 20022723 Report Quoted By:
>>20022691 I think you skipped my doof OP. :(
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Tue 15 Jul 2014 02:00:47 No. 20022732 Report Quoted By:
thanks op
Quoted By:
>>20022691 Yeah, just got mine now, sorry if I sounded a little butthurt. Thanks, man, looking forward to using this guy in OR/AS!
Lucas 1950-9547-8989
>>20022691 Did I do something wrong op? I think you may have skipped me ;_;
Quoted By:
IGN: Dale Thanks, mate!
IGN: Juan
>>20022691 Care to check me again please? I haven't gotten it yet. Just making sure you didn't skip me by mistake.
IGN: Bonkers
>>20022691 definitely didn't get one... my internet fucked up as i deposited mine the first time though, maybe that attributed to that...? no big deal if you don't get around to me op, just glad you're enjoying the birthday festivities~
Quoted By:
I really want that Sableye :) thanks man. IGN Rodrigo
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897 (Dedenne, Helioptile, Zebstrika)
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897 (Dedenne, Helioptile, Zebstrika) Tue 15 Jul 2014 02:04:57 No. 20022824 Report Quoted By:
I think I was skipped, put a bidoof on the gts about half an hour ago? :(
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
Putting bidoof back, again. Please OP take it.
Quoted By:
>>20021550 >>20021429 GTS a little choppy tonight, OP? No rush, just curious, since looks like I've been missed too.
Niko 1693-0908-3577
Quoted By:
Bidoof going up OP U da best
>>20022772 Just sent you one
>>20021200 disc up if i'm not late
IGN: Konnor 2320-6136-0565 [Octillery, Floatzel, Poliwhirl]
IGN: Konnor 2320-6136-0565 [Octillery, Floatzel, Poliwhirl] Tue 15 Jul 2014 02:06:27 No. 20022863 Report Quoted By:
Doof is up. Thanks in advance
Quoted By:
>>20021355 Was skipped, OP, Put it back up a while ago.
No rush. I see you're pretty swamped.
Lucas 1950-9547-8989
Quoted By:
>>20022742 Just got it, thank you based op! IGN: Bonkers
Quoted By:
>>20022784 or maybe there actually is another bonkers and we were fated to meet tonight. guys what if i found my soulmate???
IGN: Juan
Quoted By:
>>20022854 Just received it. Thanks a ton. You are truly based.
Quoted By:
IGN: Ms Insertion Thanks!! Just uploaded Bidoof
Quoted By:
>>20022856 meant bidoof up, duh
>>20022856 It's newest come newest serve in GTS so I saw your name first :P
Adrianok 1822-0052-2064
Quoted By:
>>20022854 Hey OP, I think you skipped me.
I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the restrictions I put in. (Gender: male, Level: 1 to 10)
Quoted By:
>>20022888 Well, better stick mine back up, then.
Nice trips btw.
Quoted By:
>>20022888 ha, awesome, thanks
IGN Johnny
Quoted By:
>>20021200 bidoof is up, thanks OP
Quoted By:
I'm gonna put mine again, hope I can get it, IGN: Rodrigo
Olivia 2363-6158-1686
Quoted By:
Got sniped, putting another Bidoof up
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897 (Dedenne, Helioptile, Zebstrika)
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897 (Dedenne, Helioptile, Zebstrika) Tue 15 Jul 2014 02:13:34 No. 20022994 Report Quoted By:
put a new one up, hoping for the best!
>>20022888 Mine is really far back
>>20021458 so I'm reuploading. Thanks again OP.
Scurge 4828-5894-2652
>>20021200 IGN: Scurge
I hope it's not too late, bidoofed right now
>>20023012 Holy fuck I'v been at this for an hour
>>20021200 Gonna go catch a Bidoof and put it up if there are any Sableye left.
Thanks OP. Happy birthday /vp/.
Bjorn 4828 5299 6537
Quoted By:
>>20022644 Got sniped aswell, new bidoof is up
Cris 2036 7032 3174 !!lZ0XI7obdsl
Quoted By:
>>20023035 I put up a bidoof! I'd love some comedy gold~
>>20023023 >>20023050 see
>>20022888 trips doesn't lie also have infinite I'll be at this for a while :(
Ign: Gem
Quoted By:
Sniped. Reuploading.
Red 4639-8952-2635
Quoted By:
>>20023035 Geez, I thought I was pretty far up, but I might've been skipped. The Bidoof's name is Garbage, if that helps
Quoted By:
>>20022592 Bumpan my Bidoof. His name is Happy Bidoof because I couldn't fit Happy Bidoofday
IGN: Dale
Quoted By:
Reuploading, best of luck OP!
Colin 0087-2336-7334
IGN Colin. Reuploading. Thanks!
Adrianok 1822-0052-2064
Quoted By:
>>20023089 My last Bidoof got sniped, I just put a new one in.
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897 (Dedenne, Helioptile, Zebstrika)
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897 (Dedenne, Helioptile, Zebstrika) Tue 15 Jul 2014 02:22:10 No. 20023161 Report Quoted By:
put my first bidoof up an hour ago, put one up again 20 mins ago, IGN is Ahmed if that helps, no rush though OP, you're doing a great job!
Quoted By:
>>20023089 Bidoof is up now.
Hope I didn't contribute too much to the load.
Quoted By:
>>20023012 Just got it, thank you based op.
Woody 2122-6617-9129
Quoted By:
>>20022888 If this is true then I guess I'll re-Bidoof
Quoted By:
Thanks a lot OP
Quoted By:
I've just reuploaded mine, thanks anyway.
Cris 2036 7032 3174
Quoted By:
Thank you for that comedy gold!
Quoted By:
>>20021200 Thank you much OP!
Vikki: 1521-3078-8309
>>20021200 Oh shit. Idk if I'm too late, but I'd love one of these guys. Gonna put up a Bidoof asap
>>20021974 >>20021200 It seems someone is sniping the bidoofs, just got mine sniped... just uploaded a new bedoof, sorry for the inconveniences op
>>20023220 see
>>20022888 also I have infinite
Adrianok 1822-0052-2064
Quoted By:
>>20023296 Just got mine. I love you OP <3.
Quoted By:
>>20022626 IGN:イエン
sniped and reuploaded
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897 (Dedenne, Helioptile, Zebstrika)
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897 (Dedenne, Helioptile, Zebstrika) Tue 15 Jul 2014 02:30:53 No. 20023323 Report Quoted By:
sniped for the 3rd time, been trying for over an hour -_- hopefully i get lucky this time1
Quoted By:
I put mine back up, thanks anyway. IGN. Rodrigo
Sean 2019-9865-7643
>>20021200 Can we just trade? I have a level 100 Bidoof that I don't want swooped.
Quoted By:
Going back up again, hoping.
Quoted By:
Sableye received, thanks OP and happy 4th everyone/
Quoted By:
>>20023333 For quads anything actually It's not that important you can just catch a lv 3
Quoted By:
Got it! Thank you OP!
Vikki: 1521-3078-8309
Quoted By:
>>20023296 Cool. Got the Bidoof up now
Colin 0087-2336-7334
Got it! Thank you very much OP!
Quoted By:
>>20021200 Oh, Sableye? You're a good person OP.
The name is Juliet.
Quoted By:
got sniped, putting my bidoof back up
Whoever the fuck is sniping them I just have to say thats fucking great enjoy your bidoofs faggot
Oni FC: 3239 4410 8136 Fairy: Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Floette
Oni FC: 3239 4410 8136 Fairy: Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Floette Tue 15 Jul 2014 02:36:54 No. 20023435 Report Quoted By:
IGN: Oni Thanks OP
Quoted By:
>>20023421 I got Comedy Gold.
Thanks again!
Also just hit 60 cookin up next batch
Quoted By:
>>20023404 >Comedy gold Holy shit.
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>20023421 Skipped again, thanks anyway OP.
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897 (Dedenne, Helioptile, Zebstrika)
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897 (Dedenne, Helioptile, Zebstrika) Tue 15 Jul 2014 02:38:48 No. 20023475 Report Quoted By:
>>20023450 thanks so much OP, fucking legend, beautiful golden nugget :3
Colin 0087-2336-7334
Quoted By:
>>20023450 I got mine. You're a real cool guy, OP. Thanks!
Quoted By:
>>20023450 Ready to Bidoof up when you are.
>> 20021200 Could u check for mine it's been up for about a hour my IGN: Brian thanks
Ren !bmoEsPk/KY
Quoted By:
>>20023450 OP, would you be able to nickname one of them? My little bro has been wanting a Sableye named Roy for awhile.
If so, I'll go and get a Bidoof for you, bro.
>>20021200 Sorry for being so damn new, but 'post my IGN'?
>>20023489 Just finished putting the bidoofs in bank and have ANOTHER FUCKING BOXXXXXXXXXX ready so ok
Laugaug 3179-7383-5307
Quoted By:
>>20023520 W00T w00t! I'm down!
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Tue 15 Jul 2014 02:42:45 No. 20023536 Report >>20023450 Keep getting skipped over OP. ;_;
Quoted By:
Ok, got mine, thanks OP!
Laugaug 3179-7383-5307
Quoted By:
>>20023520 BTW IGN is Aomine, just in case :^)
>>20023536 Well another box another
hour I'll try to get everybody Shane 3351-5002-1243 (Flying?)
Quoted By:
IGN is Shane. Just about to put up muh bidoof
Vixer 4699-7107-8559
Quoted By:
retarded ebaver up!
Ch64 IGN: Serena 1332-8065-4833 Cascoon Ariados Toxicroak
Ch64 IGN: Serena 1332-8065-4833 Cascoon Ariados Toxicroak Tue 15 Jul 2014 02:45:05 No. 20023576 Report Quoted By:
Bidoof up, thank a lot
Quoted By:
IGN Liam, Thanks OP
Sean 2019-9865-7643
>>20021200 Posted mah bidoof
Pjojo: 3625 9293 5124
IGN: Pjojo Bidoof up, thanks OP i love Sableye!
Sean 2019-9865-7643
Quoted By:
>>20023600 IGN is same as name
IGN Celan
Quoted By:
Re upping the Doof IGN Celan
Quoted By:
>>20021200 Bidoof is up. Thanks OP
Zan 0430-8541-9859
Quoted By:
>>20023520 Sorry since you've been getting this a lot but I've been skipped as well and I got my Bidoof in around an hour ago
Quoted By:
Bidoof up! IGN is Caesar.
Kurt - 4012 3415 6558
Quoted By:
Mine is the umbrella symbols Bidoof, OP
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Tue 15 Jul 2014 02:48:30 No. 20023648 Report Quoted By:
>>20023558 <3 just got it. Love you mang.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
Quoted By:
Putting a bidoof up and crossing fingers that there are some left.
Ren !bmoEsPk/KY
>>20023558 Can I get an answer for my question, sir?
Do you do nicknames for them, or is the Sableye as-is?
IGN: Konnor 2320-6136-0565 [Octillery, Floatzel, Poliwhirl]
IGN: Konnor 2320-6136-0565 [Octillery, Floatzel, Poliwhirl] Tue 15 Jul 2014 02:49:38 No. 20023669 Report Quoted By:
>>20023520 Redistributing just in case
>>20023606 You'll love him even more after the blood, sweat, and tears I put into trading these fuckers btw just sent yours OMG I'm fucking tired of this captcha
>>20021200 I would like one. Putting up a bidoof. Also, if it's not too much to ask, do you have an extra choice scarf that I can have? I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
Quoted By:
>>20023232 >>20023558 Really? Just checked and my bidoof was sniped again... Putting another in a sec
Quoted By:
>>20023676 IGN Nenim
Bidoofed it up in here
Red 4639-8952-2635
Quoted By:
>>20023558 Alright, then; Garbage is still in there for ya.
Pjojo: 3625 9293 5124
Quoted By:
>>20023676 Holy shit it's so awesome,thank for your effort OP!!
>>20023665 After I shinfy it I can't change the nickname I'll have to unshiny one then change its name then shiny it again
>>20023694 it is I'm really busy and don't have a choice scarf anyways
Quoted By:
IGN: Rodrigo i really want that Sableye
Bidoof Confirmed
Quoted By:
IGN: Christian Thanks a lot, pal.
Ren !bmoEsPk/KY
Quoted By:
>>20023741 Thanks for the answer. Unless you want to go thru that hassle, I'll just get a regular one from you. Thanks so much.
Erik (5343-7776-6177)
Quoted By:
>>20021200 thanks op
ign erik
Quoted By:
btw it seems like I'm giving some people 2 pls be cool and not request a second Sableye so everyone can have shiny prankstermon/will-be-mega
>>20022233 Putting mine back up again
Quoted By:
Just got mine, thank you so freakin much, you are totally awesome IGN: Rodrigo
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
One more thing if anyone has a extra diancie can I have one so I could clone then giveaway to others
Quoted By:
>>20021200 IGN Dej
Thanks, OP!
Sean 2019-9865-7643
Posted again. Some bastard sniped my Lvl. 100 Bidoof
>>20023931 Well oops sorry about that just sent you some gold
IGN Johnny
Quoted By:
>>20021200 Thank you OP for being so based, loving my sableye
Sean 2019-9865-7643
>>20023963 Thanks OP very much I have a Diancie but only one. Is there a risk of getting it lost or something if I let you clone it?
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>20023963 Finally got mine, thanks!
Bidoof Confirmed
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I already sent my Bidoof. :3 IGN: Christian
>>20023979 Other then bizzare tornado or I steal it no
I won't Breno 2036 - 7032 - 0555
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I'll Bidoof up, you know... J-just in case
>>20023873 Just checked my bidoof, thanks a lot for the Sableye! And sorry again for the problems.
Sean 2019-9865-7643
>>20024005 Hm ok I'll let you clone my diancie for others. FC?
Neve 4098 3569 5888
>>20021477 >>20022162 >>20021200 re-doofin' up again. 5th times the charm
>>20024027 Theres n oproblem happy to share the shiny
>>20024033 OK I'll take a break from this mass GTS trading for a bit 2664 2607 7064
Bidoof Confirmed
Quoted By:
Just got my badass shiny prankstermon! :D Thanks a lot, OP. And sorry for the problems.
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>>20024063 Or not I'll send you some Gold in a sec
Sean 2019-9865-7643
>>20024065 ok just in case, everyone now has a record of him agreeing with me right? Just don't wanna get screwed again.
Neve 4098 3569 5888
Quoted By:
>>20024063 nevermind, just got him as this posted, gts wasnt loading properly for me i guess. Thanks op, he'll be fun in ORAS
IGN: Konnor 2320-6136-0565 [Octillery, Floatzel, Poliwhirl]
IGN: Konnor 2320-6136-0565 [Octillery, Floatzel, Poliwhirl] Tue 15 Jul 2014 03:16:33 No. 20024123 Report Putting it it...again
>>20024103 Um teens honor?
but seriously I'll power save it then give it back Marcelo 0318 7795 6001
Quoted By:
bidoofing up in a minute
IGN: Konnor 2320-6136-0565 [Octillery, Floatzel, Poliwhirl]
IGN: Konnor 2320-6136-0565 [Octillery, Floatzel, Poliwhirl] Tue 15 Jul 2014 03:17:46 No. 20024148 Report Quoted By:
Neve 4098 3569 5888
>>20024103 if anything goes wrong ill clone one of mine for you, OP seems like there will be no problem though
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Re doofin'. IGN is Caesar.
Sean 2019-9865-7643
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>>20024149 >>20024140 I don't mean to be rude, I just have slight trust issues online but since you did give me the shiny sableye I can trust you but still have a little doubts. Nothing personal.
Quoted By:
IGN is Chris been trying for an hour, got sniped twice. so heres hope for a third and final success
Blue 0817-3841-2011
I hope I wasn't skipped...that'd make me REEEEEEEEEAAAALY ANGRY!!! I kid, but really, please don't forget me.
Quoted By:
OP delivers. Thanks OP!
>>20024188 Ok I'll look for it squeaky wheel
IGN: Mike
>>20024222 And sent trips never lie Hope you like your grease
Vixer 4699-7107-8559
Quoted By:
Bidoof on. Please ;_;
Sean 2019-9865-7643
>>20024140 I also assume you can't shinify it? Just curious.
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put mine up ign: Aton
Quoted By:
>>20022233 Skipped again? Been there for almost two hours ='[
Andy 0748-3772-9974
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>>20024140 Disced up for one if theres any left
I'm going to take abreak for a min and maby clone a shiny dincieeee oh and I can
>>20024276 I can shiny one and give you your orginal AND a shiny one :) Sean 2019-9865-7643
Mari 4871-4496-5152
IGN Josey
Quoted By:
Bidoof up. Thanks bruh.
Blue 0817-3841-2011
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>>20024241 But that's BLACK gold! Nurr hurr.
Didn't mean to be annoying or anything. Thanks
Niko 1693-0908-3577
Quoted By:
>>20021200 still waiting :/
Ch64 IGN: Serena 1332-8065-4833 Cascoon Ariados Toxicroak
Ch64 IGN: Serena 1332-8065-4833 Cascoon Ariados Toxicroak Tue 15 Jul 2014 03:29:50 No. 20024348 Report Quoted By:
Reuping doof. Hope i dont get a skip
Ren !bmoEsPk/KY
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>>20024302 I've got my Bidoof up, IGN Renton. Feel free to send him whenever.
I have my bidoof ready IGN: X
Quoted By:
Doof up. IGN Kevin
Sorry for the wait I'm cloning A diancieee for M.sean
Mari 4871-4496-5152
Quoted By:
>>20024586 It's cool, no problem!
Sean 2019-9865-7643
Quoted By:
>>20024586 Damn looks like we can't shinyfi it. Oh well
Erik (5343-7776-6177)
Um it said "Theres a pokemon in your party that can not be traded" so I guess the game doesn't like shiny diancieee
Sean 2019-9865-7643
>>20024630 Looks like it's shiny locked. damn oh well, good luck cloning
X 4141-3422-3464
Quoted By:
>>20024586 I don't mind waiting
Quoted By:
Well back to Trading some prankster mons *sigh*
>>20024639 Oh thanks you can expect a dianciee or however you spell it giveaway in idk a day or a week
>>20024630 Aye OP, i've been here from the very beginning and i never got it, my ingame name's James and the bidoof's name is b0ss. I'd be really appreciative if you could go trade it
>>20024672 ok I actually just finished the 90th so I'm going to bake another batch
Quoted By:
>>20024688 I moved it to relatively front of the gts in bidoofs
Ren !bmoEsPk/KY
Quoted By:
Re-uploaded my Bidoof, he got snagged before.
Ok this is the last set of 30 I'm going to do so hee goes another hour of my life. I just noticed we hit the bump limit thts ok I kinda hope new people don't join
What are you going to do with all these Bidoofs OP?
Quoted By:
>>20024801 Win the lottery :^) IGN = Menta
>>20024793 Last 30... Don't forget me :fear:
>>20024837 wow what a coincidence just sent your/am sending
IGN = Menta
Quoted By:
>>20024850 Just got it ! Thanks a lot !
Vixer 4699-7107-8559
Quoted By:
Andy 0748-3772-9974
>>20024850 Korean Bidoof is best Bidoof, you know you want it.
>>20024910 I want ALL OF THE BIDOOFS
>>20024920 i got sniped so i put up a bidoof
ign is sergio
i didnt notice your request for diancie earlier or i would have lent you mine i guess
Quoted By:
>>20024920 My bidoof is obviously the Bidoofiest. :D
Erik (5343-7776-6177)
>>20024920 P-p-please take mine Austism-kun~
X 4141-3422-3464
Quoted By:
And now you have the Bidoofiest! Thanks!!
>>20024933 got it, you were fast on that
thx austism
from sergio
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
Quoted By:
really hopin' my cute little bidoof gets chosen ;_;
Erik (5343-7776-6177)
Quoted By:
>>20024948 Thank you Austism, you the best
>>20024976 No problem just wanna spread the love
and be done with this torturous/repetitive trading Andy 0748-3772-9974
Quoted By:
>>20024920 Uploaded a spanish one nao
Andy 0748-3772-9974
Quoted By:
>>20025014 Trade me and get one step closer <3
Mari 4871-4496-5152
Quoted By:
>>20025014 Thank you so much!!
just an update I have 12 left
Erik (5343-7776-6177)
Quoted By:
>>20025014 no worry
seriously get a bit of rest Ch64 IGN: Serena 1332-8065-4833 Cascoon Ariados Toxicroak
Ch64 IGN: Serena 1332-8065-4833 Cascoon Ariados Toxicroak Tue 15 Jul 2014 04:32:30 No. 20025121 Report Please spare me one, i posted a while back
>>20025121 It's on its way Anonymous
>>20024253 Hey Op, dont forget my Bidoof, reuploading
Quoted By:
>>20025172 Sent a while ago
I think IGN: Kei
Quoted By:
>>20025166 That was fast, thanks a lot Op
Ch64 IGN: Serena 1332-8065-4833 Cascoon Ariados Toxicroak
Ch64 IGN: Serena 1332-8065-4833 Cascoon Ariados Toxicroak Tue 15 Jul 2014 04:38:53 No. 20025214 Report Quoted By:
>>20025166 Got it, thank a lot!
Madness IGN:Sonny
>>20025232 Already sent ;^)
Madness IGN:Sonny 4940-6564-6598
Andy 0748-3772-9974
>>20025243 Yay I got it thanks a bunch!
>>20025337 No problem I want as many people as possible to enjoy the best prankster
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
>>20025381 My bidoof is named "autism iluvU". I missed the 's'. plz find him ;_;
Last Sableye thank you black jesus. anyway to wrap up my first thread I would say it went preety sweel. there were a lot of cool people and that one asshole who twas sniping bidoofs but all thats well ends well or some shit idk I'm tired and I gave out a total of one-hundred and FUCKING twenty 120, 120 mother fucking Sableye and you know what, it was worth it the bidoofs
>>20025430 Btw you were the last enjoy your OP shinymon
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
Quoted By:
>>20025462 god damn i feel lucky. Thanks a lot man, this is awesome.
Quoted By:
Wow theres at least another 30 people holy fuck no. sorry people but no I'v had enough good night
Andy 0748-3772-9974
>>20025445 Thanks for the atrocious nick name, I have a handful of them already and I love it
>>20025519 All the fucks I give
Andy 0748-3772-9974
>>20025577 Lol, I'm being serious though..
Quoted By:
>>20025597 Oh I, thought y-you uh well nvm also felt guilty and Im oing to bake Another batch of 30 for the ones who missed out and pls no more new people
Damas 5000-2674-3492
Are you still giving them out, OP? I didn't get mines yet.
>>20025796 yes and no I;m going to give out to everyone who already posted so I'll get your in awhile
>>20025810 Would ya possibly be able to give some out without the silly nickname?
>>20026002 When I finish everyone else's I'll load up my powersave and unshiny one nickname it "Sableye" then shiny justttt fooorrr yyyoooouuuuuuu
>>20026002 but the nickname is so /fit/ting I mean he's a Prankster thats made of gold so hes Comedy gold
>>20026054 You'd have to clone the original unshiny one first and change the nickname of that, then shinyfy it. It still wouldn't work if you reverted a shiny back to normal.
>>20026082 I know, but I kinda wanna use it for ORAS, and personally don't want it nicknamed.
But yeah, I appreciate if you'd take the time to do that if you can.
Quoted By:
Had to cook another batch of 30 but unless you rook your down, got sniperd, or some weird glitch then everyone got some gold now good-night pic related
>>20026327 Ok give me a few minutess
>>20026346 Cool, thanks. I hope you don't mind if I put up a Goomy on the GTS instead. I'll put the message as "/vp/ shiny Sableye", or something really similar if that won't fit
>>20026391 Special order comin up, just finishing Shinying him and I'll send him to ya in a sec. I had a very strong urge to name him "Sableye ;)" but I just stuck with his original name.
Enjoy your non nicknamed shinymon
Quoted By:
>>20026539 >>20026498 Thanks bro, I appreciate it.
Quoted By:
Well goood-night Ded thead see in you in the morning also the word "Bidoof" was used 126 Now 127 any way 150 Sableye late and now I'm further in the clans