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/vp/ Writethread and Fanfiction General

No.20032198 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/vpwt/: Last Mon Standing Edition

Previous Thread: >>19867620
>post your favorite fanfics
>ask for opinions on fics you’ve written yourself
>share your works in progress and post updates to your stories

Join us in the IRC to hang out, bounce ideas off of us, and post snippets of your work for critique:
>#vpwritethread @

Check out the catalog for something new to read:

>Can I post NSFW fics?
Absolutely! However, please link to a pastebin or fanfic hosting site rather than dumping your fics in text posts in order to keep things tidy in the thread.

>Can I post NSFW pics?
Not unless you’re particularly fond of being banned.

>Can I add my story to the catalog?
If you wrote it, feel free to request it be added to the catalog by posting in the thread and filling out the following template:

>Title, by Author
>NSFW, y/n?
>link to fic
>Short description of fic in question

We also maintain a pastebin full of ideas and prompts we’ve thought up here in the thread. If you need inspiration, feel free to take a look!

Topic of the Thread: Some of our PWT entries have been submitted! What do you anons think about them? If you can, please review them!