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Giveaway #14

!dMO5NwnbhY No.20051152 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Yo /vp/
Here is the second adamant 6*31 IV shiny Metagross giveaway. This time a bit earlier than usual.

>go to the GTS
>deposit a CORSOLA
>request Metagross
>put /vp/ and your IGN as message
>post your IGN in this thread

And to all those Champs out there who think it is a good idea to take your Pokémon down and reposit it again just to get the Metagross faster:
shit idea.

As usual, i start with the first Corsola on the GTS. But it looks like some people refuse to believe that posting early in this thread has anything to do with the GTS order. I always told you to put your Pokémon up FIRST and post after you did so.