Kael - 2878 9579 6916
>>20051152 I'd like one! Adding you in two sec.
Quoted By:
>>20051161 >Fag who can't read Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Wed 16 Jul 2014 21:15:26 No. 20051172 Report Quoted By:
Corsola is up! Thanks for doing this OP!
Kael - 2878 9579 6916
Quoted By:
>>20051161 lol, didn't read. depositing a corsola :P
Kurono !dMO5NwnbhY
>>20051174 No.
PokéGen all the way.
Quoted By:
>>20051152 IGN is Rodrigo. Just sent it up.
Quoted By:
thing is up, my IGN is G
Olivia 2363-6158-1686
Quoted By:
Corsola is up, thanks
IGN: Cool
Quoted By:
Corsola up. Thanks.
Elad 4983-6313-9157
Quoted By:
>>20051152 IGN is Elad, corsola is on the GTS.
Chris 0147-0114-8739 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Chris 0147-0114-8739 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Wed 16 Jul 2014 21:22:36 No. 20051255 Report >>20051152 Kurono, when do you plan on launching that Sableye giveaway, if any?
Lyte (ign)
Quoted By:
Corsola up, thank you!
Quoted By:
Put up a Corsola. Thanks
>>20051252 Google faggot, you're already putting in 0 work to get a shiny and one you need people to tell you where to get the pokemon to trade to get it? This board is infested with some of the laziest leeches I've ever seen.
Lavina (Chansey, Teddiursa, Audino) 0018-1513-8586
Lavina (Chansey, Teddiursa, Audino) 0018-1513-8586 Wed 16 Jul 2014 21:24:35 No. 20051287 Report Quoted By:
>>20051152 IGN Lavina, one up now.
Kurono !dMO5NwnbhY
>>20051255 Tomorrow i hope. If not, some day this week.
IGN: Kei
Quoted By:
IGN is Jacob and the Corsola is up.
Quoted By:
>>20051152 Corsola is up, thank you OP!
Quoted By:
>>20051273 Ok thanks little bitch :)
Chris 0147-0114-8739 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Chris 0147-0114-8739 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Wed 16 Jul 2014 21:25:54 No. 20051307 Report >>20051295 Right; hope I manage to catch one, if not, thanks again for yesterday's Metagross.
IGN:Justin FC: 2595-2154-9760 Ice Beartic, spheal, dewgong
IGN:Justin FC: 2595-2154-9760 Ice Beartic, spheal, dewgong Wed 16 Jul 2014 21:26:00 No. 20051309 Report Quoted By:
Cors'd up
IGN: Tommy
Quoted By:
Corsola is up!
Quoted By:
Corsola is up, thanks Kurono!
Al: 2750-1081-8896 (Mankey, Pancham, Breloom)
Al: 2750-1081-8896 (Mankey, Pancham, Breloom) Wed 16 Jul 2014 21:26:44 No. 20051322 Report Quoted By:
>>20051152 yo OP
all these distros are great, kinda wish i could clone for one
anyway corsola is up
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
Just put up a Corsola, hope I made it in time. Thanks!
Affaren 1547-5317-4639
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971 [metang/ferroseed]
>>20051152 deposited the corsola, no strawpoll today?
Quoted By:
Corsola up IGN: Danilo
Ban 1118-0232-4885
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>20051152 Corsola going up, thanks OP!
Quoted By:
Corsola is up ty !
Kurono !dMO5NwnbhY
Quoted By:
>>20051337 What for?
Sableye is already decided.
I will make another strawpoll after the Sableye giveaway.
IGN: Juan
Quoted By:
Thanks OP. Corsola is up.
IGN: Duids Corsola up in a min. I still have that Helioptile up from yesterday, because you unfortunately ran out of Metagrosses before it was my turn.
Quoted By:
Thanks OP Corsola up!
Anthony (2466 2663 7081)
Quoted By:
Corsola is up ty!
Mario 2079-7150-7240 [Clefairy, Kirlia, Jigglypuff]
Mario 2079-7150-7240 [Clefairy, Kirlia, Jigglypuff] Wed 16 Jul 2014 21:31:20 No. 20051389 Report Quoted By:
>>20051152 corsola up, thanks for the giveaway
ign Mario
Quoted By:
>>20051152 IGN: Tim
Elad 4983-6313-9157
Quoted By:
>>20051152 got mine! thank you so much :)
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Wed 16 Jul 2014 21:32:07 No. 20051401 Report Quoted By:
Slughy 3454-0917-9795
Quoted By:
>>20051152 Hope you will enjoy my corsola if I may be so lucky. IGN is slughy
Quoted By:
>>20051152 corsola up, thanks
Nick 0447-7071-7278
Quoted By:
>>20051152 Sweet OP. I appreciate it
kona 00887 2408 6192
Quoted By:
>>20051152 IGN is kona depositing the corsola now
Quoted By:
Corsola up - thanks!
Calem 0216-0855-4489
Corsola is up! IGN: Calem.
aparra 4742-4977-9805
Quoted By:
Corsola is up ign is JETONA
Ima 5129-1446-2810
Quoted By:
>>20051152 Corsola is up. Ty OP o/
Quoted By:
IGN: Marco qt3.14 pink coral is up
Quoted By:
>>20051152 Ign:Shaun, thanks
Quoted By:
>>20051368 I didn't know we can't deposit two Pokemon at the same time.
Corsola is just up now.
Quoted By:
>>20051152 Corsola is going up, thanks in advance Kurono
ign - shryke
Quoted By:
corsola is up hopefully i'm not too late this time
Quoted By:
>>20051152 kealan corsola going up
Quoted By:
IGN is Christian Thanks OP
Ben 2449-4624-7046
Quoted By:
depositing a corsola, IGN Ben thanks man!
Quoted By:
Corsola going up, IGN is Samantha
Quoted By:
Corsola up IGN is Mulan
Quoted By:
>>20051152 Corsola up. Trainer name is Zane.
IGN: Kyle 1177 7322 2065
Quoted By:
Corsola is up, Thanks OP
Quoted By:
ign sofi corsola up tnx anon
Tank 4527-8669-6081
Quoted By:
>>20051152 IGN Tank
Thanks in advance :^)
Quoted By:
thanks for the metagross OP!
TAYO 0731-4798-2830
Quoted By:
Would it be ok to put up the Helioptile I caught yesterday instead?
Quoted By:
>>20051152 Corsola up, thank you :)
IGN: Eyal
Mari 4871-4496-5152
Ryan 2062-9259-9705 (pansear pyroar fletchinder)
Ryan 2062-9259-9705 (pansear pyroar fletchinder) Wed 16 Jul 2014 21:53:23 No. 20051690 Report Quoted By:
cors up
Atlanta !5Gmvk9QigM
Quoted By:
>>20051152 corsola's up, thanks
Spiff 1865-0566-4037 (Spearow, Woobat, Rufflet)
Spiff 1865-0566-4037 (Spearow, Woobat, Rufflet) Wed 16 Jul 2014 21:54:26 No. 20051698 Report Quoted By:
>>20051152 Hope I'm not late, Corsola up. Thanks either way friendo.
Quoted By:
God fucking damn it, I've waited all day. Now I'm late. IGN: Simo
Mathias 2766-9266-0986 Grass {4095}
Quoted By:
putting up a corsola now
IGN: Tommy
Quoted By:
Got it, thanks OP
Quoted By:
>>20051152 Corsola is up. Thanks OP. iGN is Unknown.
Quoted By:
IGN : WILFRID in good ol' fashioned caps. It will have a held item. Thanks a lot !
Quoted By:
My Corsola is up IGN is nillus
Wait, are you the same guy from yesterday who polled the next shiny giveaway for today?
Quoted By:
Corsola up, IGN Rachel. Thanks OP
Quoted By:
Corsola is up for Jack. Thanks a million OP.
Katelyn 3196-3307-1459 Drowzee, Wobbafet, Xatu
Katelyn 3196-3307-1459 Drowzee, Wobbafet, Xatu Wed 16 Jul 2014 22:03:15 No. 20051781 Report Quoted By:
homiko 5086 1951 6036
Quoted By:
Corsola on GTS. thank you.
Mario 2079-7150-7240 [Clefairy, Kirlia, Jigglypuff]
Mario 2079-7150-7240 [Clefairy, Kirlia, Jigglypuff] Wed 16 Jul 2014 22:03:47 No. 20051786 Report Quoted By:
Got my poke. Thanks Op!!
Quoted By:
Corsola is up, IGN Tristan. Thanks op!
Guessing it's only 2 boxes as usual, right? I don't have a Corsola on me. Should I bother catching one or are they gone?
Quoted By:
IGN: Roll Thanks OP
Quoted By:
>>20051817 Put one up anyway just in case. Ign is Jack.
Quoted By:
>fishing on route 12 for 30 minutes jesus christ corsola is more rare than any shiny
"Zack" (2062-9274-3019) {4052}
Quoted By:
Put in my corsola. IGN is Zack
Gold: 0018-1355-0369
TAYO 0731-4798-2830
Quoted By:
Put one up, thanks!
Quoted By:
Putting one up in case you actually have some left, thanks OP.
Quoted By:
>>20051152 Done. Hope I'm not too late.
IGN Wade FC 4339-2501-8604
Quoted By:
>>20051152 Done.
I believe in you, senpai.
James 1547-6502-7175 IGN Julian
IGN is James. Putting up the Corsola now.
kona 00887 2408 6192
Quoted By:
got mine thank you op!
Quoted By:
Metagross received, thanks
James 1547-6502-7175 IGN Julian
Quoted By:
>>20051907 Excuse me, slightly stoned. IGN is Julian.
>>20051152 Corsola up, hopefully OP still have some left
Ima 5129-1446-2810
Quoted By:
Metagross received. Thanks a lot Kurono, U rock!
Niko 1693-0908-3577
Quoted By:
>>20051152 Thank you OP!! Corsola is up!!
IGN: Joao
Quoted By:
Corsola is up, thanks in advance
Rice 2552-2652-2914
Quoted By:
>>20051152 Putting one up! Thanks OP!
Quoted By:
>>20051982 IGN: Carlos
Cant believe i forgot that
>>20052022 Shit. Some fag sniped me.
Calem 0216-0855-4489
Quoted By:
>>20051517 It's beautiful, just what I always wanted. Thank you, OP!
I would nickname it Panzer if I could.
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Wed 16 Jul 2014 22:26:56 No. 20052091 Report Quoted By:
Thanks Op
>>20052058 Who would ever give someone a metagross in exchange for a corsola unless they were a cool guy like OP
ign: Jasper
Quoted By:
>>20051152 Thanks so much!
TAYO 0731-4798-2830
Quoted By:
>>20052108 Maybe someone who wanted their Corsola to e traded faster so they sniped people infront of them? Only conclusion I can think of
Quoted By:
>>20052108 It was shiny. I think the metagross is bred and ev'd. Not sure though
Kurono !dMO5NwnbhY
>>20052058 Why the hell did u put up a level 100 shiny Corsola?
I saw it and immediately tried to trade, but it was gone.
IGN: Liamaru 1821 9811 5472 (Sliggoo, Noibat, Fraxure)
IGN: Liamaru 1821 9811 5472 (Sliggoo, Noibat, Fraxure) Wed 16 Jul 2014 22:31:50 No. 20052164 Report Quoted By:
>>20051152 Putting one up.
>>20052135 Idk, it was all i had. I didn't know it would get sniped that fast, if at all.
Quoted By:
>>20052167 Thanks for the metagross though.
IGN: Joey
Quoted By:
>>20051152 Corsola's up. Here's hoping I'm not too late.
Lucy IGN
Quoted By:
Thanks op. Corsola is up. IGN is Lucy.
Quoted By:
IGN: Akira Corsola up!
Lucy IGN
Quoted By:
Heey, I took your shiny Corsola ^^ I can give it back to you, since I have no intentions for it. I just sniped it because I'm a greedy bitch :D Sorry...Just promise me that you'll be careful with it next time.
Kurono !dMO5NwnbhY
Aaaaand that's all. No Metagross left. Next giveaway (hopefully) tomorrow.
IGN Wade FC 4339-2501-8604
Quoted By:
>>20052270 >>20052270 Damn it!
Every time! Whatever. Thanks anyway OP.
Tomorrow at what time?
ign: Jasper
>>20052270 Can I leave my corsola up or will you be asking for a different pokemon tomorrow?
Adam 0344-9830-4288
Quoted By:
Corsola up in a sec! IGN Adam; thanks OP!
Quoted By:
>>20052270 m-maybe next time
;_; Robin 0259-0272-1175 (Lampent - Phantump - Spiritomb)
Robin 0259-0272-1175 (Lampent - Phantump - Spiritomb) Wed 16 Jul 2014 22:48:09 No. 20052386 Report Quoted By:
Dropped on off. IGN = Robin-X
Tanis 2921-9283-3486 (Floette, Snubbull, Swirlix)
Tanis 2921-9283-3486 (Floette, Snubbull, Swirlix) Wed 16 Jul 2014 22:53:55 No. 20052490 Report Quoted By:
>>20051152 done did it
and now to play the waiting game
Quoted By:
hope this is still going on, just got off work. IGN is Eric
Quoted By:
>>20052313 OP requests other Pokémon everytime.
What boggles my mind is that, coincidentally, not a single person that recieved a Shiny 'gross has the equipment required to clone it. How many people have one? 50? Maybe even 60? And not a single one has the means to clone? I find that VERY hard to believe. You people are just hoarders that don't give two shits about anyone else but yourselves. For shame.
Quoted By:
>>20052708 Look at this fag
Quoted By:
>>20051152 Corsoling up, thanks op!
Sayunnaise(4811-6991-2091) FS: Druddigon, Noibat, Garchomp
Sayunnaise(4811-6991-2091) FS: Druddigon, Noibat, Garchomp Wed 16 Jul 2014 23:15:51 No. 20052832 Report Quoted By:
>>20051152 Oh, if this is still going on then I've put up a Corsola.
IGN is Sayunnaise.
I hope you have one, I posted yesterday but was too late. It'll probably be the same story today.
Quoted By:
Put a Corsola up. Thanks in advance! IGN: Kyla
Quoted By:
Corsola up! IGN: Angelo I hope this is still going :/
Quoted By:
>>20051152 Yeah Kurono you're back! I see you're preparing everyone for the mega Metagross in ORAS.
Quoted By:
hope i'm not to late IGN: stella
Quoted By:
>>20051152 IGN: Mateus
Hope this is still going, but even if it doesn't thanks, OP
Quoted By:
Is this still going on? IGN Ryuga
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Thu 17 Jul 2014 00:55:22 No. 20054182 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>20052270 What time tomorrow are you doing your giveaway?
>>20051152 Corsola up. Hope it's not too late. IGN Crippe
Kackie 3969-4973-9626 (Munna, Sigilyph, Xatu)
Kackie 3969-4973-9626 (Munna, Sigilyph, Xatu) Thu 17 Jul 2014 01:30:50 No. 20054455 Report Quoted By:
Corsola up! Hope I'm not too late. IGN is Tennikah but I posted it as Kackie
Quoted By:
>>20054280 >4 hours later >hope it's not too late just how retarded can you be?
James 3454-0592-6400
Quoted By:
IGN Jack. I suppose I'll just wait for a bit to see if you trade. I'm always too late for these things. Living in Australia sucks.
When do you do each event? Like is it once a week or month?
Quoted By:
When will the sableye event take place?
Marco - 2122-6799-2172
Ign: erik
corsola is up who I'm kidding, I'm so fuckin late
>>20055667 >still bumped the thread one hour later >>20054940 >>20054940 >>20055181 >didn't read the thread Ign: erik
Quoted By:
>>20055738 but you just did
Kaiser - 1650-1821-3652 (Fraxure, Noibat, Druddigon)
Kaiser - 1650-1821-3652 (Fraxure, Noibat, Druddigon) Thu 17 Jul 2014 05:42:36 No. 20057080 Report Quoted By:
>>20051152 Corsola is deposited.
Quoted By:
IGN is Guy Thanks!