Welcome to the GTS Giveaway Thread!
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon. Version exclusives, bank Pokémon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and try to fulfill the requests of fellow anons. This is not a trading or begging thread.
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES This is not the spoiler you deserve, but it's the only one you've got That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc general for that stuff.
Also we're not likely to have past gen exclusive moves (such as Knock Off Timburr / Hyper Voice Ralts).
>Come chat with us about breeding, giveaways, baby battles, and more! 1. Go to
http://webchat.irchighway.net/# 2. Type in your nickname.
3. Enter #/ggg/ as the channel name!
Old thread:
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i Wed 16 Jul 2014 22:07:48 No. 20051839 Report >>20051802 Luvdisc needs a mega evolution.
Andy 0748-3772-9974
>>20051839 It should have evolved into that Alomoloa or whatever its called
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At least we got one this time
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i Wed 16 Jul 2014 22:25:35 No. 20052078 Report Quoted By:
>>20052021 Oh god this makes sense. Kill me. Anonymous
still giving away I'm clearing boxes and need to get rid of: Jolly+Blaze Charmanders with Dragon Pulse, Dragon Dance, and Outrage as egg moves 1 male 5IV-spe, 1 female 4IV-def and spe Adamant+Speed Boost Torchics with Baton Pass 6 males 5IV imperfect, 1 female 4IVs 10 Jolly+Scrappy Kangaskhans with Uproar, Counter, Double-Edge, Hammer Arm in Level Balls 4-5 IVs
Does anyone happen to have any leftover Pawniards with Sucker Punch you don't need?
Scott 4596-9468-4091
>>20051802 Repeating my Dratini request for PGracelli if he/she is still here. Disc'd.
Reposting All have min 4 IVs, ask for as many as you want. 1- Scyther Adamant Technician in Poke 2- Larvesta Bold Flame Body in Timer Ball with Morning Sun 2- Marill Adamant Thick Fat in Dive with Aqua Jet and Belly Drum 2- Drilbur Adamant Mold Beaker in Poke 3- Joltik Modest Compound Eyes in Quick Ball 5- Aron Adamant Rock Head or Sturdy in Poke with Stealth Rock and Iron Head 6- Gastly Timid in Dusk 9- Houndour Timid Flashfire in Moon with Destiny Bond Pursuit and Sucker Punch, only one female left
Aquela 4725 7993 3819
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>>20052140 Discing up for a Larvesta please!
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i Wed 16 Jul 2014 22:34:51 No. 20052197 Report Quoted By:
>>20052140 Discing for scyther.
Yuno 5086-2553-1720
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>>20050970 Disc up for Taillow. Thanks!
QuestloveW12 (2251-6290-8656)
>>20052119 Disc up for torchic male please
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i Wed 16 Jul 2014 22:35:51 No. 20052207 Report Quoted By:
>>20052140 Also want that Houndour
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
My giveaway
http://pastebin.com/nCt7wqpR I also have pentaperfect Lapras and Kangashkhans.
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745 Wed 16 Jul 2014 22:36:55 No. 20052218 Report >>20052119 disc up for female Torchic. Thanks
PGracelli 2036-8071-3385
>>20052138 Dratini sent ! And im a boy .-.
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>>20052140 disc up for Houndour, IGN Crippe
Kouji !AoRvjgE0uE
>>20052119 Discing for one Kangaskhan.
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
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>>20052140 I'd like a Houndour, please. Disc is up
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>>20052140 id like a houndour! ill breed the female for others, if its avail
PGracelli 2036-8071-3385
>>20052210 Disc up for ralts !
my name is Eric I would greatly appriciate a darkrai (any stats) or any event poke excluding diancie, im not picky though. though a shiny darkrai, that would just be the dickens.....
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>>20052267 im a stupid retard who didn't read the op cause im too high for this shit
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>>20052267 You don't want Diancie then?
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
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can anyone breed me a jolly riolu with egg moves?
QuestloveW12 (2251-6290-8656)
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Wed 16 Jul 2014 22:46:38 No. 20052360 Report >>20052210 discing up for ralts
>>20052356 what did you sent?
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745 Wed 16 Jul 2014 22:49:47 No. 20052421 Report Quoted By:
>>20052354 Got it, thanks again bro
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>>20052405 awww, shuks! ;3
asking one last time for an HA Abra disc is already up
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Hey guys, I'm wondering if someone have a spare Lure Ball Magikarp, IVs don't matter, thanks!
>>20052444 What gender? Do IVs matter?
>>20052484 nothing matters, just the ability
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
>>20052210 May I get a Makuhita, I'll put a level 1 Zubat in a luxury ball. EM are Defog and Brave Bird.
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>>20052119 Discing up for male Torchic
IGN: Carlos
Xavier: 1907-9072-8026
>>20052122 I have one female 4IV Adamant Pawniard with it. It has
Inner Focus though.
>>20052140 Disc up for Drilbur
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
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>>20052503 Shit, Im a retard. I forget that I can't request for mons I haven't encountered. I'll put it up in a few minutes.
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>>20052496 Ok I'll see what I can do since my HA Alakazam is male
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>>20052140 For anyone interested I found another female Houndour
currently breeding: Dream Ball Wooper 3-5 IV Relaxed Unaware>Body Slam >Encore >Curse >Recover an army of male wooplas, expect a male if you dont request. also have: Nest ball Maractus: 4-5 IV Adamant Storm drain/water absorb>bullet seed >wood hammer >spikes 6 Kangaskhan 5 IV Adamant Scrappy (all female)
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i Wed 16 Jul 2014 23:01:22 No. 20052621 Report >>20052572 Discing for Fem Maractus.
>>20052572 Disc up for a Kanga.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>20052263 >>20052360 Sorry for the way, my internet went down. sending now.
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745 Wed 16 Jul 2014 23:03:30 No. 20052661 Report >>20052572 disc up for Kangaskhan
>>20052496 Ok just bred one, sending it now
PGracelli 2036-8071-3385
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Anyone have a female HA Clefairy in dream or heal ball ? I need so much :(
>>20052511 Doesn't matter I can breed for Defiant. Disc up with you want to trade. IGN Crippe
>>20052572 >adamant Maractus For what purpose? Disc is up for one anyway.
Scott 4596-9468-4091
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>>20052219 Thanks! Will 'pay it forward' when I transfer some pokes into my game from BW :)
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
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>>20052210 Zubat's up, sorry for my stupidity
Keagen 4957 - 3479 - 9125
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If it can be done....4 or 5 IV Koffing?
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>>20052140 put up a japanese luvdisc for an Aron
ign: Aton
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
one of the discs for a Ralts was sniped.
>>20052572 Discing up for a Kanga.
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Wed 16 Jul 2014 23:09:22 No. 20052738 Report Quoted By:
>>20052660 thanks got the ralts
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745 Wed 16 Jul 2014 23:09:33 No. 20052741 Report Quoted By:
Yo guy who wanted the HA Abra where you at?
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>>20052210 Discing for Purrloin
>>20052680 actually its how i got it from gts giveaway, and i just let it happen. and i like wood hammer/sucker punch a bit more than giga drain/energy ball.. but its stats are so poor its lucky to attack once. *shrugs* ... and it seems the 2 females i had, didnt end up with storm drain, so ill need a moment...
>>20052661 >>20052643 >>20052621 >>20052725 sent
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>>20052210 Discing for a Makuhita. Male or female doesn't matter. Prefer Thick Fat.
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745 Wed 16 Jul 2014 23:13:56 No. 20052805 Report Quoted By:
>>20052775 I didn't get it. I think I forgot to put my name on the memo. wait let me try again
Derek !JM3j2whdHI
>>20052210 What ability did the Penta Lapras have?
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>20052852 Water Absorb or Shell Armor.
>>20052210 Hey Lucy. You still there. I have HA Abra's in Dream Balls. Don't know their IV's though, but I breed it with a 6 IV ditto. Willing to trade you it for one of your Love Ball Mawile's
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>20052865 Can I have a female? I can give you the mom I was using to MM.
Derek !JM3j2whdHI
>>20052864 Would you be willing to NN the Water Absorb one if I asked for it?
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>20052887 Nickname? Sure, all my mons are nicknameable and come with a little gift. I need to check IVs and nickname, but you can disc up, specify level 1-10.
>>20052878 Yeah, I have females. Also, What balls are the espurrs in?
FC: 0018 1792 9645
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>20052911 Luxury balls. I don't get why you want to add FCs to trade, but ok. Adding you in a minute.
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Discing for a HA helioptile. Thanks in advance.
Xavier: 1907-9072-8026
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>>20052572 Disc up for a Wooper
>>20052673 Delivered.
Derek !JM3j2whdHI
>>20052904 Cool. If you could nickname her Wasser Tier that'd be lovely.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>20052960 Sure, but I need to hatch one first. No pentas in two batches, can you believe that?
Derek !JM3j2whdHI
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>>20052988 Oh trust me I can. I'm a VGC player and many of times have tried to hatch something in a time limit before a tournament.
Breeding can be hell.
>>20052923 We can trade mon's there instead of disc. Though I may have to trade a disc for a Espurr. Do you have a female?
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
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Anyone here that got a focus punch Vigoroth?
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>>20052988 Added you. My IGN's Kagura
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>20053004 Ok, who are you? Send me a TR, I only have female espurrs to trade anyway.
>>20052960 Would you take a Lapras with 31/31/31/31/31/xx spread?
>>20053134 sorry to keep you hanging, but you said you would send the mother.
Derek !JM3j2whdHI
>>20053134 Yea that's fine!
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>20053216 I did? Let me make a batch of eggs before I trade it then.
>>20053229 Ok, sorry for the wait. My browser froe and I couln't see the response until now.
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>>20053268 Well if any of the eggs ends up female, then you can send one of those instead? That is, if you don't want to trade the prime mother.
Derek !JM3j2whdHI
>>20053268 Nah I was just slow to reply. Making dinner before work.
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>>20053268 send me a TR when ready. im going to be playing old games with little brother.
Righty then, disc up. If any of you could dig up a protean froakie with good(ish) IV:s I'd be a happy man. Super ninja frog points for excellent nicknames. IGN is Turisas.
Derek !JM3j2whdHI
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>>20053268 >>20053285 I'm about to leave for work but the disc is still up.
IGN: Edgar FC: 1907-9193-9465
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>>20053800 Thank you kind sir!
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>>20053268 Oh wow! the mother's all round perfect?
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Traded a few hours ago some people from here a 5 IV Eevee and an Abra. Hope you enjoy.
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>>20052661 so you gave me an inner focus Abra
thanks I guess?
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>>20052140 Disc up for Scyther, IGN: Ignatius
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Hey check this list and take everything you want from there
http://pastebin.com/VaBWLxch Anonymous
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Thu 17 Jul 2014 01:33:11 No. 20054477 Report Quoted By:
>>20054405 discing up for sycther
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i Thu 17 Jul 2014 01:35:18 No. 20054490 Report >>20054429 >Take everything you want. >Says No like an asshat. >GetALoadOfThisFuckin'Guy.png Anonymous
>>20054490 you're one to talk
go freeload your whole team, faggot
IGN: LANCE 0576 - 4992 - 9344
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>>20054405 Disc up for love ball Mawile
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i Thu 17 Jul 2014 01:41:24 No. 20054543 Report Quoted By:
Andy 4227-2210-9843
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>>20054405 Discing up for Gothita
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Thu 17 Jul 2014 01:41:44 No. 20054548 Report Quoted By:
IGN: Thomas [2079-7173-0671] -- (Marowak - Gastrodon - Sandshrew)
IGN: Thomas [2079-7173-0671] -- (Marowak - Gastrodon - Sandshrew) Thu 17 Jul 2014 01:42:02 No. 20054551 Report Quoted By:
>>20054405 Discing up for a Venonat. Cheers
Rob 2492-4219-5647 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb)
Rob 2492-4219-5647 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb) Thu 17 Jul 2014 01:42:43 No. 20054556 Report Quoted By:
>>20054405 Could I get an Espurr please?
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>>20054405 Disc up for a scyther
Yuno 5086-2553-1720
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>>20054405 Disc up for Taillow
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i Thu 17 Jul 2014 01:48:23 No. 20054631 Report >>20054546 >Thinking my IGN and FC aren't relevant. >My tripcode is so people like: >>20054527 >Don't try to make me look like more of a faggot than I already am. Anonymous
>>20054631 >Thinking my IGN and FC aren't relevant. They aren't because nobody is receiving anything specific from a giveaway. We already know you're a greedy faggot, you don't need to be an attention whore too.
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>>20054405 May I take a Lickitung please?
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>>20054663 This.
Please leave Leofag.
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i Thu 17 Jul 2014 01:53:52 No. 20054687 Report >>20054663 >All these implications >Stay pained kiddo. Anonymous
>>20054405 Disc up for one male (if available) Roggenrola please!
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
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>>20054405 discing up for a trubbish, thanks in advance!
>>20054687 you're honestly a pretty shit person and an exemplary figure in why this thread is shit nowadays
IGN: Thomas [2079-7173-0671] -- (Marowak - Gastrodon - Sandshrew)
IGN: Thomas [2079-7173-0671] -- (Marowak - Gastrodon - Sandshrew) Thu 17 Jul 2014 01:56:44 No. 20054708 Report Quoted By:
Can we not argue over some icons, letters and numbers on a screen and get back to giveaways?
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
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>>20054694 Only females sorry
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i Thu 17 Jul 2014 01:59:09 No. 20054729 Report >>20054699 I'm a shit person because I mistakenly made a couple of begging posts on day one of being in this thread because I was confused by other people begging and thought it common place, so a couple of anons feel the need to badger me about it everytime they see me post.
Since that point in time, I have been following the procedure in line with everyone else who makes these threads good, and have even contributed myself, yet you and a couple of others seem to think it fun to antagonize me for a mistake.
TL;DR: I fucked up, said sorry, and people are still mad. So stay mad, it's not my problem.
>>20054729 What where you begging for?
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>>20054729 It's alright man. Don't listen to him, ignore him and keep contributing.
>>20054729 Not that guy but you are kinda of a bitch. You do beg even after you said sorry. Everything that you say is nothing but bullshit. You're a dishonest shit person. Fuck off
>>20054687 >Better to remain silent and be thought a huge faggot than to speak and to remove all doubt. -Abraham Lincoln
>>20054729 Two fucking days ago you took 3 shinies from a small giveaway and the only person who said you weren't a flaming faggot for it was another tripfag who also took 3 shinies from that giveaway. You're greedy, and you're an attention whore. It doesn't matter that you're saying you're sorry when you aren't acting like it.
>>20054782 shiny 6 IV event jap ditto
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>>20054729 >sorry not sorry! Get lost
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>>20054405 Disc up for Espurr, and thank you!
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i Thu 17 Jul 2014 02:06:44 No. 20054809 Report >>20054782 I asked if people had 6 of my favorite steel types, with certain natures and HAs.
I also asked if anyone had shinies, they would be appreciated.
That was it. I did not ask for shinies, but not specifically.
>>20054792 That's just like, your opinion man.
>>20054799 Why would you do that, just go on the internet and tell lies.
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>>20054794 >he took shines that were freely offered to him >you didn't the only fagot I see here is you
IGN Nate 3196-4457-2922
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>>20054405 Disc up for Venomat, thanks.
>>20054809 Stop replying to shitposters you raging homo
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i Thu 17 Jul 2014 02:07:58 No. 20054830 Report >>20054794 I took two for myself among many others taking two, the third was for my husband, who doesn't into 4chins.
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>>20054809 >I only asked for a whole team for literally nothing! >>20054828 >shitposters No, this is not shitposting. It's actual concerns.
>tfw people are getting called greedy for taking pokemon that are being given away Makes me feel like shit.
>>20054830 omg r u a gril ??
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i Thu 17 Jul 2014 02:08:58 No. 20054839 Report >>20054828 Yeah, I'll stop now, just wanted to make my position clear.
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>>20054809 That's maximum begging. You deserve it.
>>20054834 You should. I felt like shit the first two weeks I was here until I had breeding rejects to give away myself.
>>20054839 Your position like being bent over a table and taking it up the ass?
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>>20054830 Wait...3 shone? wow you're the biggest faggot of /vp/
>please ignore all shitposters and their b8 >don't be #rood ironic shitposting is still shitposting
>>20054857 What's wrong with just taking? This is a give away thread. If various people are giving stuff away FOR FREE AND NOT ASKING ANYTHING IN RETURN why is it so wrong that I get all the freebies and not give anything in return?
>>20054875 it's not wrong but a person is being a fag if they're
taking a bunch of shit and not allowing others to enjoy the giveaway
>>20054872 Shitposting about shitposting being shitposting is still shitposting
>>20054890 define "allowing others to enjoy the giveaway"
does that mean that they were taking too many pokemon instead of letting others take one?
IGN: Thomas [2079-7173-0671] -- (Marowak - Gastrodon - Sandshrew)
IGN: Thomas [2079-7173-0671] -- (Marowak - Gastrodon - Sandshrew) Thu 17 Jul 2014 02:14:53 No. 20054904 Report >>20054834 Considering within the last few days, I've gotten
shiny Latios, shiny Regice, Shaymin, Jirachi, Regigigas, shiny Cottonee and a whole bunch of IVmons that I adore, I don't see what the big problem is. It's just like how everyone swarms the Diance giveaway threads whenever one appears.
Most of these Pokemon have been powersaved anyways. If it's being given away, why should I not take it? There's probably plenty more hanging around. Why should I feel guilty for snagging a good giveaway?
I'm planning on giving back eventually, once I get the breeding mechanics down pat since I've never done it before.
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>>20054898 That was the most useless comment on all of /vp/
this is the second most useless Santi (1693-1338-7447)
K guys i update the list keep asking for stuff you want
http://pastebin.com/VaBWLxch Anonymous
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>>20054890 Although I agree with that statement, he is actually gay so I think you should say he was 'being a shit cunt' because well, he's always being a 'fag'
Joseph 0533-5327-8124 [Dragonair, Gabite, Sliggoo]
Joseph 0533-5327-8124 [Dragonair, Gabite, Sliggoo] Thu 17 Jul 2014 02:16:53 No. 20054933 Report Quoted By:
>>20054405 I'll take that last Venonat if you're still around. The disc is up.
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>>20054921 may I disc for taillow, poochyena, and then mantine? Discing for taillow first, thanks!
>>20054904 Because (I presume) you only took one from each giveaway, taking three from the one giveaway is greedy.
IGN: Patrick
>>20054921 Possible for me to get that rotom nicknamed to Raiumi?
>>20054899 Precisely. We should all share the wealth instead
of being big nosed fucks and taking everything. Of course the person doing giveaways has the final say of who gets their shit.
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>>20054904 disc up for shiny latios
>>20054942 >Thinking that giving one to someone else by proxy is greedy >Doing someone a favor is greedy >U W0T M8 Anonymous
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>>20054904 disc is up for thanks
>>20054904 >R.I.P. Bisharp IGN: Thomas [2079-7173-0671] -- (Marowak - Gastrodon - Sandshrew)
IGN: Thomas [2079-7173-0671] -- (Marowak - Gastrodon - Sandshrew) Thu 17 Jul 2014 02:20:58 No. 20054975 Report Quoted By:
>>20054942 Yeah, I only took one.
I can understand if someone takes two only to give one to a significant other, but if it turns out they're saying that only so they can shill more out from a giveaway for themselves, that's where I draw the line.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>20054944 I can give it to you the rotom but it's not 5ivs this are breeding leftovers :/
>>20054946 you're a fag and everything you say is retarded.
there is a set number of pokemon up at any given point. If you are to slow to get to them that's on you. You cant expect people to handicap their posting just so your fat lazy ass can finally get around to putting up a disc. First come first serve. If you dont get what you want quick enough that doesn't make everyone else a jew, it makes you a lazy fuck.
IGN: Patrick
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>>20054921 Putting a disc up for Taillow in a minute
IGN: Thomas [2079-7173-0671] -- (Marowak - Gastrodon - Sandshrew)
IGN: Thomas [2079-7173-0671] -- (Marowak - Gastrodon - Sandshrew) Thu 17 Jul 2014 02:23:20 No. 20054999 Report Quoted By:
>>20054967 I miss him so much. ;-;
I'm still working on that shiny perfect Pawniard in remembrance and so it be the bro of a shiny Gallade a friend gave me.
>>20054875 >What's wrong with just taking >>20054904 >If it's being given away, why should I not take it? This wasn't some giveaway with a nebulous, indefinite amount of clones or rebreedables. It was 6 each of 6 different pokemon and this one shithead took almost 1/10 of the entire giveaway for himself. Couldn't even have his lazy fudge packing boyfriend disc up for one of them himself. The point of giveaway threads is being generous, not being greedy. By taking such a huge amount for himself, he is denying other people pokemon in a giveaway thread.
>>20054959 When I see giveaways that I think someone I know would want, I tell them to participate in the giveaway. If you're being greedy on someone else's behalf, you're still being greedy.
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>>20054959 >forgetting he took three not two ok
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>20054987 You still want it?
>>20055001 I take alot and don't give back shit, but I make sure to only take 1 pokemon per giveaway. Is that cool?
>>20055001 >I do a thing a certain way, so you must too >If you don't, you're hitler Sure is pretentious in here
IGN: Thomas [2079-7173-0671] -- (Marowak - Gastrodon - Sandshrew)
IGN: Thomas [2079-7173-0671] -- (Marowak - Gastrodon - Sandshrew) Thu 17 Jul 2014 02:25:50 No. 20055027 Report Quoted By:
>>20055001 That's understandable. I do see a lot of people moping and groaning in finished giveaway threads these days.
IGN: Patrick
>>20055001 >whaaaa mom someone took some pokemon that were offered for free so I didn't get the ones I wanted whaaaaa I'm so mad:( Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20055020 Sure is apologetic faggots in here trying to take up for greedy assholes.
IGN Nate 3196-4457-2922
>>20054921 My disc for Venomat is still up. Thanks.
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
Quoted By:
>>20054921 discing for a skiddo, if there's any left
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>20055050 i don't see it could you check?
>>20054980 >I was here first. >So no one else can have pokes Check your privilege
>>20055001 What's the problem with taking lots of pokemon in giveaways if you're willing to breed them and give away lots of leftovers too?
>>20055070 >me and all the other people (between 6-30 depending on the giveaway) got here first >We're all jews and you're the champion of justice and truth IGN Nate 3196-4457-2922
>>20055059 I'll redisc it.
Quoted By:
>>20055070 >A person took one too many than we were ok with >He must be killed and made an example of >In front of all the covenant to be beheld as a shame to be avoided This is the start of Halo 6
>>20055088 That's fine if your the first 6-30 people.
It's the matter of double dipping on certain giveaways.
>Pls gib 3 diancies >Me, my bf, my dying cousin etc. Anonymous
>>20055019 Not really, but you're full anon so I wouldn't be able to get mad specifically at you. Leonard uses a SECURE TRIPCODE and his justification for drawing so much attention to himself is that he doesn't want people to shit talk him, when the only reason we can shit talk him is that he uses a secure trip code.
>>20055020 Being a greedy anon is fine because no one can identify you to call you out on being a shithead. Being greedy, trying to pretend that you're not greedy, then being an attention whore is over the line.
>>20055035 I got exactly what I wanted from that giveaway. That doesn't stop leonard from being a greedy attention whore.
>>20055111 If they person giving them away gives it to them, its ok.
If they dont it's not.
Either way the system keeps itself in check.
You're just some faggot along for the ride bitching at precieved injustice as the world keeps spinning
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>20055100 Man you are not discing or you are getting sniped at speed of light
>>20055083 >What's the problem with taking lots of pokemon in giveaways if you're willing to breed them and give away lots of leftovers too? Holy fuck, did you even read the post you're responding to? He didn't take rebreedables, he took shinies. This giveaway had 6 each of 6 different shinies and one literal faggot not only took 3 but brags about it with a tripcode on by insisting that one of them is for his husband.
>>20055134 >>20054946 Like I said it's up to the person doing the
>>20055125 >It's ok it you're in the majority, but when you try to follow common requests to post IGN, or in safari threads, FC and pokes in safari, somehow that's forbidden. You sound like a blast at parties.
I bet your left hand, I mean girlfriend, loves hearing you furiously type and adjust your fedora.
Quoted By:
>>20055125 >not understanding people impersonate you when you get a lot of attention as s/he has, and the issues that causes >I got what I wanted >And I get to bitch at somebody as well >I cant wait to repost this convo on tumbly so everyone can see all this SOCIAL JUSTICE I'mn dishing out! IGN Nate 3196-4457-2922
>>20055143 Ok, found the problem, disced up for VenoNat
>>20055147 Well the person gave him the three shinies, he's fine
What are you even on about then
Quoted By:
>>20055149 Hahaha, we got a badass over here. Normalfag please go.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
>>20055161 now i saw it and i send it enjoy it
Quoted By:
>>20055144 >for his husband. I have no idea why but I loled.
Sorry then, obviously I misunderstood you.
But you don't have to take things so seriously. I mean, if the person who was doing the giveaway allowed him to take more mons, I don't see the problem. Now you're just giving him more attention because negative attention is still attention (it took me a while to realize that).
Quoted By:
>>20055149 Go to bed, Leonard.
>>20054904 I don't own a Diancie. At all.
I don't know why but i just refuse to take part in the giveaways, its not that i hate Diancie or anything. Its just those big giveaway threads just make me feel dirty
Quoted By:
>>20055149 U jelly because he's not a faggot like you, Leonard?
>>20055172 I was arguing with an anon that it's not wrong to take a bunch of shit but that person is being a
Quoted By:
>>20055227 >He was following the rules >But I still wanna be mad wahhhhhh Anonymous
>>20055195 Why do they make you feel dirty man? As long as you contribute too, there is no reason to feel dirty for participating in giveaways. You take and you give back. It's normal. That's how a community is supposed to work.
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
Half a box of Adamant penta perfect Beldum up for grabs Get at me
Quoted By:
>>20055253 not the anon you replied to but I can see where he might be coming from. I always feel guilty afterwards when participating in a giveaway because I don't have anyway to repay them (can't clone, don't know much about iv stats or breeding so can't really give anything away) but my friend agreed to help me out and teach me so hopefully I'll get to give back soon
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20055295 Disc is up. Thanks
IGN: Thomas [2079-7173-0671] -- (Marowak - Gastrodon - Sandshrew)
IGN: Thomas [2079-7173-0671] -- (Marowak - Gastrodon - Sandshrew) Thu 17 Jul 2014 02:56:06 No. 20055358 Report >>20055342 It's me, just went anon in another thread
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
IGN: Thomas [2079-7173-0671] -- (Marowak - Gastrodon - Sandshrew)
IGN: Thomas [2079-7173-0671] -- (Marowak - Gastrodon - Sandshrew) Thu 17 Jul 2014 03:01:09 No. 20055413 Report Quoted By:
Lizilla | 2380-3160-3355
Quoted By:
Searching for any lileep with its HA, storm drain. I have a disc up on the GTS. Would really appreciate any help. Thanks!
>>20055295 Discing up, IGN Carlos
>>20055295 disc going up with sax as msg
Got a bunch of 4-5IV Nidorans with their Hidden Ability. Both genders available.
>>20055473 Would love a Male!
Disc going up
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Thu 17 Jul 2014 03:08:28 No. 20055492 Report >>20055473 discing up for nidoran male
>>20055473 Good for you, nerd.
>>20055473 Discing for Female
IGN: Thomas [2079-7173-0671] -- (Marowak - Gastrodon - Sandshrew)
IGN: Thomas [2079-7173-0671] -- (Marowak - Gastrodon - Sandshrew) Thu 17 Jul 2014 03:10:03 No. 20055507 Report >>20055473 Gotta get that male.
Disc up
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20055455 sent and checked!
>>20055462 Sent!
Quoted By:
>>20055511 Thanks, and cheers!
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Thu 17 Jul 2014 03:15:10 No. 20055562 Report Quoted By:
>>20055489 >>20055492 >>20055498 >>20055507 All sent.
I just realized my trainer ID # is 06660. Should I be worried? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20055563 It is us who should be worried.
Quoted By:
>>20055563 Satan confirmed Father of all Nidorans.
Trainer ID confirms it.
Can someone give me an Eevee with Anticipation ability? Any gender or stats is good. Disc is up. pls
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
Mari 4871-4496-5152 [Seviper, Garbador and Muk]
Mari 4871-4496-5152 [Seviper, Garbador and Muk] Thu 17 Jul 2014 03:18:15 No. 20055602 Report >>20055473 Could I have a male?
Jared 2766 8060 2134
IGN: Sarah 3926-4425-8123
Quoted By:
>>20055473 Disc up, thanks!
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
Quoted By:
Beldum guy here, going to take a shower, I'll get to anyone looking for one once I get back
>>20055602 Did you put a Luvdisc up? I don't see you.
Mari 4871-4496-5152 [Seviper, Garbador and Muk]
Mari 4871-4496-5152 [Seviper, Garbador and Muk] Thu 17 Jul 2014 03:24:21 No. 20055662 Report >>20055650 I'm sorry, I forgot I was battling at Le Wow! I'll do it immediately after if that's okay
IGN: Sarah 3926-4425-8123
>>20055585 Did someone already send you one? I don't see you on the GTS
>>20055696 Someone sent me an Eevee with other ability, Disc is up again. thanks
IGN: Sarah 3926-4425-8123
I have a few Jolly, Love Ball Buneary with 4 egg moves and 4-5 IVs, if anyone's interested. Let me know if you want male or female
IGN: Sarah 3926-4425-8123
Quoted By:
>>20055714 No problem, I just sent it over, although it has a crappy nickname. I think my other anticipation Eevee's are in the bank if you want one without a nickname
Mari 4871-4496-5152 [Seviper, Garbador and Muk]
Mari 4871-4496-5152 [Seviper, Garbador and Muk] Thu 17 Jul 2014 03:32:57 No. 20055771 Report >>20055689 Disc up! Thank you!
>>20055730 Discing for female. Please.
Quoted By:
>>20055696 No worries, this is exactly what I wanted. Cheers m8!
Ben 2449-4624-7046
Quoted By:
Can someone please give me an east sea shellos? Stats and everything don't matter. I'd really appreciate it, discing up.
Mari 4871-4496-5152 [Seviper, Garbador and Muk]
Mari 4871-4496-5152 [Seviper, Garbador and Muk] Thu 17 Jul 2014 03:43:19 No. 20055925 Report Quoted By:
>>20055840 Got it, thank you
IGN: Sarah 3926-4425-8123
Here is what I have, all have a solid amount of IVs. 4-5>5 Jolly Mienfoo (2 Regenerator, 3 Inner Focus) >4 timid Zorua >4 adamant adaptability Corphish. (with DDance and Aqua jet) >7 bold Koffing (with pain split) >3 adamant guts Rattata >8 timid Joltik (1 compound eyes, 7 unnerve) >5 adamant Technician Scyther >4 adamant pickup phanpy(with ice shard) >4 Adamant Hustle Darumaka If you have any questions just ask, and let me know when you have a Disc up.
>>20055986 discing for darumaka, thanks!
>>20055986 Do you happen to have Adamant Light Metal Scizors?
>>20055992 Not seeing it. May have gotten sniped. Try again
Quoted By:
>>20056035 redisced, thanks
IGN: Edgar FC: 1907-9193-9465
Quoted By:
>>20055473 Discing for a Nidoran f. Thanks in advance!
IGN: Patrick
>>20055986 I'll disc for a Koffing
Quoted By:
Anyone have an Adamant Rufflet? Good IVs would be appreciated
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Thu 17 Jul 2014 03:53:32 No. 20056048 Report >>20055986 disc up for cute spider
Quoted By:
>>20055992 Oh never mind lol. Sent!
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
Quoted By:
>>20056032 Only technician. Sorry brother
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
>>20055986 can i get a zorua
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
Quoted By:
>>20056032 Why would you want Light Metal?
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Thu 17 Jul 2014 03:57:57 No. 20056103 Report Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
Quoted By:
>>20056080 Indeed you can! Throw a Disc up
IGN: Sarah 3926-4425-8123
>>20055986 Discing up for Rattata, thanks!
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
Ale 4055-4171-8473
>>20055986 May I disc for a Koffing?
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Thu 17 Jul 2014 04:01:43 No. 20056153 Report Quoted By:
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
Quoted By:
>>20056152 Yes! Throw a Disc up
Loki (2208-5654-9636)
>>20055986 disk up for corphish
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
IGN: Sarah 3926-4425-8123
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
>>20055986 Discing up for a corphish
>>20055986 Can I grab a corphish please? Discing now ign Paul.
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
>>20056279 >>20056282 Yeah throw up a Disc.
>>20055986 disc up for scyther, IGN: Ignatius
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
>>20056312 May have gotten sniped. Try again
>>20056293 Thanks man. It's up now
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
>>20056345 Just put it back up then, message is /vp/
Quoted By:
>>20055730 You still have any of these? If so I disc'd up
anyone have a female Zorua or Zoroark in a luxury ball. i have a disc up for Zorua and it says thx /vp/
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
>>20056382 I have one in a Pokéball, if you want that
>>20055986 throwing disc up for Scyther
ign carlos
>>20055986 what ball are the scythers in?
Quoted By:
>>20056419 no thx im looking to make my whole team in a luxury ball and his the only 1 thats not in one
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
Quoted By:
>>20056431 Pokéball. I don't do balltism
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
Quoted By:
nvm found a wild zoroark female. thx tho
Oni FC: 3239 4410 8136 Fairy: Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Floette
Oni FC: 3239 4410 8136 Fairy: Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Floette Thu 17 Jul 2014 04:43:45 No. 20056608 Report >>20055986 Disc up for Mienfoo with regenerator, thanks!
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
Quoted By:
>>20056608 Got you covered bro