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No.20064767 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am not 100% sure what this thread is going to be about.. but..

I replay Red and Blue every year or so, always get that itch to start up a new game and use a different team each time. And so I was visiting a retro game store in my area and I got into a conversation with the clerk about Pokemon and she talked me into buying Pokemon X CiB for 20 bucks.

She hooked me up with a Growlithe afterwards and holy tap dancing shit. This game is amazing. Going from the brick Gameboy Red/Blue to Pokemon X with nothing in between is a shock. Berries, EVs training, discovering all these new pokemon, this gigantic city that is a hop skip and a fart from the beginning, customizable trainers... FUCKING CUSTOMIZABLE TRAINERS. I spent the past few days fucking around the clothing stores daily and tending to this god damn berry farm, this bigass berry farm that some guy just lets some 10 year old girl walk in and take charge like it was hers all along.

So I got a few questions:
How do you enter the clothing store in Lumiose City?
Can you ever fuck yourself by spending too much money early on? Or is there some reliable source of money without advancing?
Can you ever take off your hat?
When do you get Fly?
Why is the brown protagonist the best?