I knew a guy who wore a fedora.
He would persistently groan and bitch about how women are only into "bad boys" and would never appreciate "nice gentlemen."
We told them that if he changed his personality and maybe lowered his standards towards women (he always went for 10/10 girls), maybe he could get into a committed relationship.
He then literally, like literally, tipped his fedora to exactly forty five degrees. After his impeccable and flawless fedora tipping, he would proceed to say how he deserves to have the perfect 10/10 woman due to his undeniable awesome attributes of himself.
But he didn't have any awesome attribute to boast about.
He was anorexic as fuck (akin to a walking skeleton), had acne all over his face, a repulsive stench, and abhorrent aura. He also reminds us of his favorite anime: To Love Woo or something, if that's relevant.
I don't know about you guys, but I found this rather depressing. Just imagine the horror if someone were to demolish his highly built walls of denial, just flattening him to the brink of suicide.
It was incredibly depressing, but I knew that my words alone wouldn't convince him into changing his ambition. Apparently, my friends were thinking the same as I was, and we reluctantly agreed that he deserves an incredible girlfriend.
After high-school graduation, I never saw him again. I sometimes wonder if he's alive and well, tipping that fedora to other people and getting rejected by more 10/10 women. As ridiculous as it may sound, I wholeheartedly know that he's out there somewhere, living his euphoric life.
So yeah, how did your day go guys.