>>20091513>InfernapeYeah, I guess anti-lead is what I had in mind? It's what I end up using it for. If used pokemon I really wanted, I'd go with pangoro, and that requires starting over from scratch. And dropping to the absolute bottom tier for the chance to even think about using it. Just for dead weight: the pokemon.
>forretressFor switch in fire/steel types since they both resist steel. Me just thinking I was being clever or some shit.has about a 3/4 survival rate.
>dittoyeah, it's fucking ditto
>sableyeThanks, and no I'm just going with music based names in general. Paul wall, Crimson, etc. I wanted to use a gourgeist just to name it Helloween. Clicked the recommended EVs for the set for it and rolled with that.
>sylveonthanks for that. I just tacked on leftovers because bulk + heals = ultimate bulk.
No, but seriously, it has taken more hits than I thought it ever would. I don't think it's ever been straight OHKO'd. Pretty much only goes down when I lose.
>gliscorjust gonna say, the set was purely for dicking over other gliscor. 3/4 survival because it still hangs in there.
So what do you recommend over the shit ones in the team?