Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela]
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela] Sat 19 Jul 2014 23:31:41 No. 20097044 Report Hey, I hatched a hawlucha from a previous thread; anyway, just post when you get back
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela]
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela] Sat 19 Jul 2014 23:33:23 No. 20097071 Report Quoted By:
>>20097044 *matched
I matched a hawlucha
Kurono/Yoru (0345-0685-8398) {0362] {1348}
Kurono/Yoru (0345-0685-8398) {0362] {1348} Sat 19 Jul 2014 23:35:30 No. 20097107 Report Quoted By:
just dumbing my SVs
Kurono/Yoru (0345-0685-8398) {0362} {1348}
Kurono/Yoru (0345-0685-8398) {0362} {1348} Sat 19 Jul 2014 23:36:57 No. 20097135 Report Quoted By:
dumping my shiny values
Serena (1865-0701-2136) {0669}
Quoted By:
That's my TSV in case anyone needs it.
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 {2904} {3449} {407} !GL4hb1TnIk
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 {2904} {3449} {407} !GL4hb1TnIk Sun 20 Jul 2014 02:10:20 No. 20099508 Report Anonymous
I'm kind of interested in this. Could someone help me find my SV? If so, I'd be happy to hatch something for someone if there's a match.
Dani 1418 7147 9691
>>20100541 Gotta learn to read which field is what
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20100559 Posting my list. If you match anything below the saved batch section, it's yours. Anonymous
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awareness bump
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Page 10 urgent bump
>>20097027 Interesting. Does it always guarantee a shiny?
Eric 5429-7212-4636 {3567} {1316}
Quoted By:
Yes. As long as the trainer's shiny value matches the egg's shiny value, it is guaranteed to hatch a shiny.
Halibel 0001-3646-4597
>>20097027 Can someone help me finding my SV please
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
Quoted By:
>>20107512 If you match the shiny value it does.Here's info on one of my eggs.
5,6 - Beldum - Adamant - Clear Body - [0707]
The program shows you everything you'd need to know about the pokemon inside.
The position in the box (row five, number 6). The species. The pokemon's ability. All of it's IVs (Hp,attack,defense,special attack, special defense and speed.) Once you've found a pokemon you specifically want to hatch, you start searching for any trainers who has the same number in the egg's brackets.
The number in the brackets [####] is The trainer's shiny value (TSV) that you need to match in order for them to hatch it shiny for you. Each person's save file has it's own TSV so you need to trade your egg to somebody that has the desired egg's TSV.
Be sure to tell them if you want it nicknamed, because they will be the pokemon's OT and they can only nickname it for you. So if you want all your shinies to have your OT, this method won't work.
Also if you restart your game, you lose your TSV and get a brand new one. I own 3 games. My physical copies of pokemon X&Y and a digital version of pokemon Y, which I only use for instacheck, because the digital method of is so much easier.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20107636 I can help you.
>Instacheck is still alive It looks more complicated now, I neither own a Powersaves or a digital copy
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20107791 Yes it is more complicated. But in my opinion the digital copy method using keySAV is easier.
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 SV: {3800} I regularly delete the top box in the list for a new one, so if you matched an egg before it might have been deleted since then.
>>20107814 No hope for retail versions?
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 SV: {3800}
>>20107831 Get powersaves and KeySav.exe or use BattleBV.exe and your 3DS's SD card
Eric 5429-7212-4636 {3567} {1316}
>>20107824 Awesome, we are finally on at the same time again.
If you remember, I matched
>1,6 - Squirtle (M) - Bold - Rain Dish - [1316] Would you be able to trade now? Also, do you want a nickname for it?
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20107831 If you don't have a powersave you have to use KeyBV, which is complicated and tedious. You also have to hatch your eggs before battle and you have to edit the options so you don't have to save to have a battle. I never got it to work, but lucky for me at the time, nintendo was giving away free pokemon X&Y downloads so I just started a digital game.
I hear the powersaves method works like the digital method but you need a software to rip the SAV files from your powersaves program. I never tried it but if is as easy as the digital method, once you make the keys for box 1 and box 2 it's easy as shit.
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 SV: {3800}
Quoted By:
>>20107857 I don't need a nickname, I'll get online now
>>20107851 >>20107903 >need Powersaves >broke as shit Fugg ;_;
Halibel 0001-3646-4597
>>20107720 Thank you Tom. Just added you.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20107928 In the mean time, if you want, I can find out your TSV. You'll be able to look through peole's lists on here and reddit for any matches. I've been getting more matches on reddit lately for my eggs but they also hold a lot of give aways every day, so you might get lucky. Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20107934 Ok I'll hop back online real quick. Trade me a pokemon you caught in the grass and I'll find out your TSV.
Halibel 0001-3646-4597
>>20107976 Ok I'll be waiting for you. Thanks again !
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 SV: {3800}
>>20107857 There is a luvdisc in the slot were that egg should be, I'll make sure im looking in the right place then reload an old save if I have traded it
>>20107968 I already know my TSVs though, the fact that I will never get to check my eggs again is unfortunate.
It's Powersaves or Omega Ruby
Dani 1418 7147 9691
>>20100841 A bit late since I probably wasn't awake when you replied, but I don't know my SV. If you'll help me learn what my SV is, I'll take a look.
Eric 5429-7212-4636 {3567} {1316}
Quoted By:
>>20108008 Got it. I'll be on whenever you are ready.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20107995 Your TSV is 2060. Hope you like the shiny skitty.
1,1 - Zigzagoon (M) - Brave - Pickup - (2060)
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20108088 Sure let me add you and I'll pop online. Send me a pokemon you caught in the grass and I'll find out for you.
Halibel 0001-3646-4597
Quoted By:
>>20108111 Thank you so much anon !!! I'll take really good care of that skitty
>>20097027 is this new insta check method as easy as the old one, or more involved?
i only use it to check hidden power types on eggs
Dani 1418 7147 9691
>>20108120 Ok, got you added and waiting.
Basically, you just have an egg, get it checked, and get it matched to make it hatch shiny, right? That's the gist, I'm guessing? I'd kill to hatch one of my Hawlucha eggs shiny.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20108179 Pretty much but there are different methods for checking eggs. If you have powersaves or a digital copy like me, KeySAV is very good. KeyBV is a bit trickier, I never got it to work myself.
Your TSV is 2411.
1,2 - Teddiursa (F) - Lax - Quick Feet - (2411)
Eric 5429-7212-4636 {3567} {1316}
>>20108008 It's shiny. Let me just back up my save and go online again.
Dani 1418 7147 9691 {2411}
>>20108299 Do you want your Spiritomb back? I'd be more than willing to give it back. Also, I just download that KeySAV, let it check my eggs, and see if I can get a match from someone here willing to do it?
Halibel 0001-3646-4597 {2060}
Just checked the different eggs lists. Not matching anything.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20108409 Keep the spiritomb.
Just follow the steps on the keySAV guide. Once you make your keys for box 1 & 2 it's piss easy to do.
Once everything's set up, just copy your sav file with the pokemon you want to check and your golden. Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
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>>20108439 Don't feel too bad. I got 3 TSVs and I hardly ever get a match either. Another way to find matches is to use the reddit group and search for your number like this. Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20108409 Here's a step by step video on how to do it if you get stuck. >>20108019 I found a keyBV tutorial video for you to use. Maybe it'll help. I wonder why we don't have videos in the pasta like cloning general.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
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>>20108792 >>20108682 Watch the videos and find out.
>>20097027 Total pleb noob asking, could someone find out my SV, and what would someone want to hatch egg shiny and give it back
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 SV: {3800}
>>20108349 Sorry my powersaves is being temperamental, should be online soon
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20108873 The main reason instacheck threads were used was for people to hatch their own eggs in their lists. Most people had boxes of eggs that they wanted to hatch and the goal was to help each other out with getting the shinies we want. If you don't have a list of your own eggs there isn't much here for you except for give aways on reddit but most people want their shinies returned once they are hatched.
I'll add you and tell you your TSV. Be sure to trade me a pokemon you caught in the grass.
Once I tell you your TSV, you can look for matches on giveaways at reddit here by replacing this searched number with yours. Eric 5429-7212-4636 {3567} {1316}
>>20108923 No problem. Just let me know when you go back online and I'll get you that squirtle.
>>20108954 I have boxes and boxes of charmander eggs
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 SV: {3800}
>>20108961 I'm online now, thanks
Quoted By:
>>20100841 > >1339 >I'm 3391 I don't even like Rhydon that much, but dang.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20108977 Welp you can use one of these methods to check them.
KeySAV (works for digital and physical copy with powersaves) KeyBV (works for everything) You also need to check or have someone check for you, a pokemon you caught in the grass to find out your TSV.
>>20108526 people are still posting the old keysav version?
derwin already posted the updated one not too long ago
someone would have noticed it by now
> Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20109056 Well a few threads ago we lost the new opening pasta for the thread because nobody saved it. Whoever made the new thread is using the pasta they found in the archive.
To be honest the old one works just as well at finding out the values.
Dani 1418 7147 9691 {2411}
>>20109101 Thanks a lot for that video. I think I got it now. As for the list you provided earlier, only a Skorupi (wasn't in the saved egg list) matched.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
Quoted By:
>>20109388 Oh, then let me give it to you. I'll be back online in a sec.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20109388 I hope I didn't miss you when my modem was acting up. If You want the skorupi egg, I can give it to you later if you're busy now.
Dani 1418 7147 9691 {2411}
>>20109803 I had stuff I was doing, but I'm here now. Thanks a bunch! I'm gonna breed some Kalos mons and maybe help out someone who'd want a shiny of them.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
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Enjoy the shiny skorupi Dani.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
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>>20110087 Sounds cool. Hopefully one of us can help you hatch the shinies you need. But if you're not having luck here, I strongly suggest looking for eggs on the reddit group; it's the place I have been getting most of my matches from. Tom {1985}
>>20107824 I matched two of your charmanders a few weeks ago but the last thread died.
I think we still have each other added, maybe we can organise the trades this week sometime!
Yukari 1478-4240-5850 [0949] / Xerxes [3511]
Yukari 1478-4240-5850 [0949] / Xerxes [3511] Sun 20 Jul 2014 21:22:21 No. 20110639 Report >>20100841 Hey! I match 1,5 - Froakie (M) - Timid - Torrent - [0949] HP water
1,4 - Ralts (M) - Timid - Trace - [0949]
Would you like them back or are they to keep? If you'd like them back, would you like any nicknames in particular? Also posting my eggs, you match you keep
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20110639 You can keep them. I'll add you and pop online in a sec.
Yukari 1478-4240-5850 [0949] / Xerxes [3511]
Yukari 1478-4240-5850 [0949] / Xerxes [3511] Sun 20 Jul 2014 21:31:20 No. 20110761 Report >>20110738 Oh wow thank you! Would you like anything in return?
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
Quoted By:
>>20110761 Whatever you feel like.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20110639 Both of those eggs should hatch shiny. Let me know if they didn't.
Yukari 1478-4240-5850 [0949] / Xerxes [3511]
Yukari 1478-4240-5850 [0949] / Xerxes [3511] Sun 20 Jul 2014 21:48:24 No. 20110981 Report >>20110924 Both hatched shiny! Thank you so so much! Sorry it took me a while to get on.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
Quoted By:
>>20110981 It's all right. Enjoy the shinies.
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 - 462 - 3714 - 2190)
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 - 462 - 3714 - 2190) Mon 21 Jul 2014 04:03:05 No. 20116214 Report >>20108978 > I match this egg
>5,5 - Sandshrew (M) - Adamant - Sand Rush - [0255] lemme know if you want that hatched or for keeps
Mr.Mime 4570-8274-7504
>>20107824 can hatch this one for you if you need or keep?
> >3,1 - Weedle (F) - Jolly - Shield Dust - [2974] Dani 1418 7147 9691 {2411} I made a terrible, mostly unsorted list. Ignore the 'not for trade mons' as I'm using them as markers to know where specific eggs are. I'll try not to make shit lists in the future.
Jackson 5000-2514-2287 (Ponyta, Charmeleon, Fletchinder)X {3148} Y {2485}
Jackson 5000-2514-2287 (Ponyta, Charmeleon, Fletchinder)X {3148} Y {2485} Mon 21 Jul 2014 04:27:29 No. 20116484 Report >>20116443 2,4 - Eevee (M) - Bold - Anticipation - [2485]
my Y version matches
Dani 1418 7147 9691 {2411}
>>20116484 Cool! I'll make room in my FC list and let you have him.
Jackson 5000-2514-2287 (Ponyta, Charmeleon, Fletchinder)X {3148} Y {2485}
Jackson 5000-2514-2287 (Ponyta, Charmeleon, Fletchinder)X {3148} Y {2485} Mon 21 Jul 2014 04:33:17 No. 20116556 Report >>20116551 awesome, thanks!
Dani 1418 7147 9691 {2411}
>>20116556 What's your Y's ign if you're using that? I'm guessing Jeremiah, but I want to be sure.
Jackson 5000-2514-2287 (Ponyta, Charmeleon, Fletchinder)X {3148} Y {2485}
Jackson 5000-2514-2287 (Ponyta, Charmeleon, Fletchinder)X {3148} Y {2485} Mon 21 Jul 2014 04:36:24 No. 20116591 Report >>20116576 IGN is Ikezawa, I had to get a leftover out of bank to give you so I'm getting online now
Dani 1418 7147 9691 {2411}
>>20116591 Ok. I'm pretty sure this Eevee has Wish, so congrats if he does.
Jackson 5000-2514-2287 (Ponyta, Charmeleon, Fletchinder)X {3148} Y {2485}
Jackson 5000-2514-2287 (Ponyta, Charmeleon, Fletchinder)X {3148} Y {2485} Mon 21 Jul 2014 04:39:00 No. 20116613 Report >>20116608 Thanks, now the question becomes, what do I evolve it into
Dani 1418 7147 9691 {2411}
Quoted By:
>>20116613 Have fun figuring that out.
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 {0269} !!Wdb8cQPKTTs
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 {0269} !!Wdb8cQPKTTs Mon 21 Jul 2014 09:06:40 No. 20118825 Report >>20100841 > >4,5 - Froakie (M) - Timid - Protean - [0269] HP psychic can hatch
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Mon 21 Jul 2014 09:16:12 No. 20118865 Report >>20110302 Hopefully, what were the eggs?
>>20116214 >>20116240 You can both keep
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
Quoted By:
>>20118825 Let me add you and I'll send you the egg.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20118825 Enjoy the shiny.
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 {0269} !!Wdb8cQPKTTs
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 {0269} !!Wdb8cQPKTTs Mon 21 Jul 2014 09:32:14 No. 20118912 Report Quoted By:
1865-0701-2136 (0669)
How do you guys find your own TSV?>Single Battle with only 1 Pokemon in your party. Battle maison does not allow me to enter with only 1 pokemon and passerbys keep ignoring me.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
Quoted By:
>>20122451 Add me and trade me a pokemon you caught in the grass. I'll check it for you.
Quoted By:
>>20122451 use more than 1 and scan them all
jonathan 5129-0925-5349 (2212)
Quoted By:
I need someone 2554 to hatch egg for me
Dani 1418 7147 9691 {2411}
Quoted By:
So guys, my current list (I posted it before) is outdated since I'm hatching and releasing mons that will have less than 25 IVs in any stat minus Attack for Flabebes. I'll post a new list soon with more mons (getting more Eevee eggs and gonna breed more things). I don't want you guys winding up with shit shinies, you know?
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela]
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela] Mon 21 Jul 2014 20:36:56 No. 20125514 Report Quoted By:
Anna 0361-7566-6446 (4001)
Quoted By:
I have a sv of 4001 if anyone needs eggs hatched Also I keep getting CHK Key Invalid for the first six slots how do i fix this?
leah 2595-1160-2075 {3369}
>>20100841 4,1 - Ralts (F) - Timid - Trace - [3369]
Ill be around pretty much the next few hours if your still here. You want it back?
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 - 462 - 3714 - 2190)
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 - 462 - 3714 - 2190) Mon 21 Jul 2014 22:00:26 No. 20126759 Report Quoted By:
>>20118865 oh cool, let me know when you're around again!
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20126328 Hopefully you're still around. I'll add you and give you the egg to keep.
leah 2595-1160-2075 {3369}
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
Quoted By:
>>20127831 Enjoy the shiny ralts.
Ria[3926-4681-7369] {1381}{1043}
Quoted By:
About to post a pasta of my eggs.... woohoo. Just posting for my SVs~
Vivi 4398 9815 8851
Want so much to hatch a shiny hoppip, so I ask if someone can please help me to find out my SV? I just trade an egg I've gotten from daycare, right?
>>20128998 Any mon you captured or bred yourself. I can't help though. Hope you find someone soon.
Vivi 4398 9815 8851
>>20129066 Right, right. No problem, thanks for the help.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20129093 bumpin for interest.
Vivi 4398 9815 8851
>>20129909 Can you check it for me?
Dani 1418 7147 9691 {2411}
>>20129909 I'm alive. Gonna post my new list soon. Actually got an Eevee egg that would hatch shiny for me without trading it, so I got excited over that.
What's a good nature for Swirlix and Spritzee? Thought about breeding eggs of those to give away. I also got Honedge, a Shinx in a Luxury ball (with 2/3 Fangs), and a Moon ball Misdreavous I can breed.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20129945 Sure. Let me add you real quick. Be sure to trade me a pokemon you caught in the grass and I'll find out your TSV.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20129994 Impish works best with swirlix, I never breed for spritzee.
Vivi 4398 9815 8851
>>20129994 It depends. Do you want to use offensive or defensive ones? Either calm or bold are good natures to use on defensive support pokemons.
Vivi 4398 9815 8851
Quoted By:
>>20130012 Thank you, getting online soon.
Dani 1418 7147 9691 {2411}
>>20130036 >>20130047 I'll shoot for Impish on Swirlix, and I'll go for Bold on Spritzee. I'm not sure about egg moves for them, though, much less what role they're best suited for. (I myself would just be happy with trophy shinies of them)
Vivi 4398 9815 8851
>>20130118 Spritzee has good support movepool, like status moves. That's why I suggested running a defensive nature and EV spread. Also decent base HP.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20130118 Bellydrum for swirlix. Otherwise it's not nearly as good.
Vivi 4398 9815 8851
>>20130118 I meant aromatisse.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20130165 Your TSV is 3747
1,2 - Mankey (M) - Lonely - Vital Spirit - (3747)
Vivi 4398 9815 8851
>>20130180 Thanks a lot, I could give you a gift. So, all I have to do is find someone with the same TSV and trade my egg, so they hatch it for a shiny?
>>20130215 lol, no, that's not how it works.
If someone has an egg that matches your TSV, if they give to you, it hatches shiny.
You'd have to check the SV for your eggs, to see if it matches someone who can hatch it shiny for you.
Dani 1418 7147 9691 {2411}
Quoted By:
>>20130149 It's a good thing I got a Marill with Belly Drum then. I hope it can breed with it.
>>20130146 >>20130165 Bold should work then. IVs won't be much of an issue. Egg moves though- if there's anything it should have, that might be a bit hard to get, but I'll try.
Vivi 4398 9815 8851
>>20130250 I see, so I would have to check it egg by egg anyway. Thanks for helping me.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20130215 Each egg has their own TSV. Here are some of mine.
2,2 - Scyther (M) - Adamant - Technician - [0119]
2,3 - Heracross (M) - Adamant - Moxie - [3337]
I need to find someone who has 0119 or 3337 and send them the egg with their number to have it hatch shiny, so they'll trade the shiny back to me afterwards.
Your TSV is what you will be looking for in people's lists to hatch for other people. Some people will let you keep the eggs but a lot of people want the shinies you hatch traded back.
>>20130275 Yes, if the egg you want has the same SV as your TSV you'll hatch it shiny by yourself. No need to check SVs, it's just that it can take 30+ boxes.
So if you check the SV's of your eggs, see some with the correct IV spread/nature, you can try to find someone with a matching TSV that is willing to hatch it for you.
But now that you now your own TSV you can help people out to hatch their eggs if they match you. Or they can give the egg to you, if they don't want it.
Good luck!
Vivi 4398 9815 8851 {3747}
>>20130333 Now I understand. I'll read more about how can I check the SV of my eggs, the only pokemon that I really wanted was a shiny hoppip to use on my battles. But I'm glad you checked mine for me, I'll surely help hatching other people's shinies.
>>20130337 You mean breeding out a shiny for luck, right? That's exactly what I wanted to do by learning more about instacheck, but thank you, I'll discover other things by myself and try to get my shiny baby.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20130488 Check these videos for tutorials on how you can check your eggs.
>>20109032 Matthew 1993-7572-2559 (Meinfoo, Throh, Hariyama)
Matthew 1993-7572-2559 (Meinfoo, Throh, Hariyama) Tue 22 Jul 2014 02:15:15 No. 20130603 Report Can anyone do me a favor and check my SV for me? I'd really appreciate it
Vivi 4398 9815 8851 {3747}
Quoted By:
>>20130559 Sure, was already going to do that. Thanks for everything, really. Also checked for your list, but unfortunately no match.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20130603 Sure let me add you and I'll pop on in a sec. Be sure to trade me a pokemon you caught in the grass, so I can find out your TSV.
Jonathan 5129-0925-5349 {2212}
I need someone 2554 to hatch egg for me
Matthew 1993-7572-2559 (Meinfoo, Throh, Hariyama)
Matthew 1993-7572-2559 (Meinfoo, Throh, Hariyama) Tue 22 Jul 2014 02:20:22 No. 20130646 Report >>20130616 okay, catching now. Thanks in advance
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
Quoted By:
>>20130646 Ok I already added you to my friends list. Just add me back when you're ready.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20130646 Your TSV is 1146.
1,2 - Flabébé (F) - Hasty - Flower Veil - (1146)
Matthew 1993-7572-2559 {1146}
Quoted By:
>>20130766 Thakns for the help, appreciate it!!
Dani 1418 7147 9691 {2411}
Quoted By:
Sucks nothing I currently have checked matches up with any of you guys. I'd love to totally give you guys eggs. Hopefully soon...
Matthew 1993-7572-2559
Now this might sound dumb, how do I know what my SV of eggs are? I don't have a PowerSave or anything to check it easily
Dani 1418 7147 9691 {2411}
Quoted By:
>>20130831 If you scroll up, Tom posted some vids explaining how to do it. If you got a digital copy, it's easier if memory serves.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
Quoted By:
>>20130831 You're going to need to use the keyBV method in order to check your stuff. You need a digital or powersaves to use keysav.
leah 2595-1160-2075 {3369}
So I had got a digital copy of X awhile back for instasave and just to replay game, but was pretty bummed to find out you cant trade eggs over via pokebank. Which would run faster, trading eggs over to that from my shiny charm Y version, or just breeding eggs on X w/o shiny charm? Or should I go the distance and get shiny charm on X as well?
>>20100841 > Hey dude could i get
4,2 - Zorua (M) - Naive - Illusion - [0141]
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
Quoted By:
>>20130875 If you have a living pokedex on the copy that has the shiny charm, you should just pokebank them over to your digital copy and send them back to the original. Then just talk to the professer and he'll give you the shiny charm.
If you don't have the shiny charm just breed normally on your digital version since most of the time you will have to have others hatch the eggs for you.
I've breed over 40 boxes of eggs and I've never had a match with my shiny stone. All my shinies were hatched by other people.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20130948 Post with your info or I can't add you.
>>20130996 sorry man. my fc is
3136-7355-2927 ign is chanler
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20131033 Added. Ready when you are.
>>20131104 the egg is free right?
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
Alex 3566-2924-4785 {0678}
So let's say I've got couple eggs I want to hatch shiny, I got the SVs for them and all for them, where do I look next? there's no database of people's SVs anymore?
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20131131 I know you can search here: If you don't have that reddit anti-reddit attitude, you can get your eggs hatched pretty fast.
Dani 1418 7147 9691 {2411}
>>20131154 >>20131162 I'd use that, but I don't know how to use reddit for the life of me.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20131230 Create a TSV thread. They tell you how to make one in the wiki; they tell you to read the wiki before you post.
Then just search for the numbers you need and hatch eggs for people that need your help.
If you don't make a TSV thread, some people won't hatch eggs for you and you can't participate in give aways.
It's easy as shit.
Alex 3566-2924-4785 {0678}
Tom {1985}
Quoted By:
>>20118865 I'll have to double check when I get home but there was a timid and a jolly charmander both with the SV 1985. I have a bad feeling we're in completely opposite time zones though :/
Quoted By:
>>20129994 Swirlix = Naughty/Naive
Spritzee = Relaxed/Sassy
Aromatisse is a pretty good TR setter considering it's immune to Taunt
Dani 1418 7147 9691 {2411} Updated list here. I marked ones I want back, but that's only like 3. Everything else is free game (though some Flabebes might be missing).
Matt 3153 4292 4401 SV:383 (Grumpig, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Matt 3153 4292 4401 SV:383 (Grumpig, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Tue 22 Jul 2014 16:32:23 No. 20137744 Report Quoted By:
Posting just in case someone needs my SID.... Also looking for matches to these... Scraggy (F) - Jolly, Moxie, 31\31\31\26\31\31 [123] Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\23\31\31 [2487] Wooper (M) - Bold, Unaware, 31\31\31\21\31\31 [3374] Venipede (M) - Jolly, Speed Boost, 31\31\31\18\31\31 [3749] Venipede (M) - Jolly, Speed Boost, 31\31\31\25\31\31 [3034]
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 {3529}
>>20099508 hello i match
1,1 - Tynamo (M) - Brave - Levitate - [3529]
im happy to hatch if need be. ive gone ahead and added you
>tfw no matches on here or Reddit
Dani 1418 7147 9691 {2411}
Quoted By:
>>20138883 I feel you. I can't even find people to just give eggs to, oddly enough.
Jonathan 5129-0925-5349 {2212}
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20138883 I hatched 2 eggs for two different people today for them.
If you really want shinies to keep, you should breed your own eggs and make a list.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Tue 22 Jul 2014 20:24:26 No. 20140324 Report Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20140324 I can hatch this for you.
B4 - 5,2 - Eevee (M) - Jolly - Adaptability - [0251]
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Tue 22 Jul 2014 20:39:50 No. 20140548 Report Quoted By:
>>20140358 oh, all are for grabs.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
Quoted By:
>>20140358 >>20140324 I have to go somewhere soon. I'll hatch the egg for you later.
IGN: Exbo, FC: 2208 - 4885 - 3082
>>20139191 >make a list KeyBV a shit and I don't have Powersaves
Dani 1418 7147 9691 {2411}
>>20140324 B4 - 3,6 - Eevee (M) - Impish - Adaptability - [0411]
Can I give this one to a friend? None of my Eevees match, and I wanted to give him a shiny egg.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Tue 22 Jul 2014 21:35:34 No. 20141309 Report Dani 1418 7147 9691 {2411}
>>20141309 Thanks so much. Adding now c:
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Tue 22 Jul 2014 21:43:17 No. 20141413 Report Quoted By:
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20140958 Cry me a river. If you really want something enough, you'll work hard to get it. And powersaves isn't that fucking expensive.
>>20141454 I'm not that anon, but powesaves is pretty expensive for me, since I live in Brazil and the dollar price is a bitch right now + expensive shipping fees. Not everyone can afford it.
That said, I've hatched my shinies the old-fashioned way, riding the good ol' bike.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20141635 Ok now that you put it that way I can understand. It's just usually the people who bitch about not getting matches are the people who are just lazy and want shinies handed to them without putting any effort.
Quoted By:
>>20141754 Yes, I understand that and I agree with you. That's why I pointed out that even though I can't have powersaves, I worked hard to get my own shinies instead of just complaining.
Jeanne - 3969-4755-9695
Quoted By:
Can somebody help me find out my SV?
Gabriel: 5069 - 4037 - 2084
>>20116443 Hey Dani, I match:
1,3 - Flabébé (F) - Calm - Flower Veil - [1380]
I'll be checking this thread periodically for a reply.
Gabriel: 5069 - 4037 - 2084
>>20107824 Oh, and hey Dougie, a friend of mine matches
3,1 - Sandshrew (F) - Adamant - Sand Rush - [1188]
Is it cool if I snag it?
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 {2904} {3449} {407} !GL4hb1TnIk
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 {2904} {3449} {407} !GL4hb1TnIk Wed 23 Jul 2014 02:43:11 No. 20144903 Report Quoted By:
posting updated pastebin with shitty swirlix eggs
> Wipi 2895-7682-9320 {2904} {3449} {407} !GL4hb1TnIk
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 {2904} {3449} {407} !GL4hb1TnIk Wed 23 Jul 2014 02:44:57 No. 20144935 Report >>20138796 if you're still here you can have it
Dani 1418 7147 9691 {2411}
Quoted By:
>>20143305 I'm here now! If you're still around, I found the egg, so I'm going to add you and see if you're online!
Zo 3067-5937-8624 {2942} {1007}
>>20143341 You're back. Do you still have
| B2 | 3,4 | Phione | Sassy | Hydration | | 1007 |
from May I have it? I've already added you.
Quoted By:
and now for the bump
Quoted By:
What instacheck is back? Guess its time to start breeding again.
Gabriel: 5069 - 4037 - 2084
>>20146485 Yeah I do, and sorry for the absence, life stuff happened.
jesswyn Flying Spearow Woobat Rufflet 3153-5139-7881
jesswyn Flying Spearow Woobat Rufflet 3153-5139-7881 Wed 23 Jul 2014 09:54:08 No. 20149607 Report I'd like to find out my SV, could someone help me?
Gabriel: 5069 - 4037 - 2084
Quoted By:
>>20149607 Sure.
Add me and trade me a junk mon that has your OT
Gabriel: 5069 - 4037 - 2084
>>20149607 Ha ha ha
Your TSV is [2222]
jesswyn Flying Spearow Woobat Rufflet 3153-5139-7881
jesswyn Flying Spearow Woobat Rufflet 3153-5139-7881 Wed 23 Jul 2014 10:07:06 No. 20149680 Report Quoted By:
This didn't warrant its own thread, so I thought I'd post here. I'm hopefully getting a Powersaves today in the mail. Anything I should know before I fuck up?
>>20149818 Turn on auto backups. Always manually back up before you do anything big, etc. Basically, as long as you back up your save religiously, you won't run into any problems.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 {3529}
Quoted By:
>>20144935 i'm back today. i'll keep my eyes on the thread
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
Quoted By:
>>20150182 This.
Before I even do anything, I make sure to back up my sav file. You never know when the program or device can glitch and it will fuck up a sav. So long as you have a back up, you shouldn't have a problem.
And of course be gentle with your game cartridge. My friend broke his several of the gold bars on his game because he likes shoving his games into his devices without making sure they're properly alined.
Vivi 4398 9815 8851 {3747}
>>20149571 | B4 | 1,3 | Phione | Bold | Hydration | | 3747 |
I can hatch this for you.
Scarlett | 0103-9969-4309 | SV: 1357
Quoted By:
>>20137685 Hi, I match
>4,3 - Eevee (F) - Bold - Anticipation - [1357] Could I have it? Added you.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 {2942} {1007}
>>20149571 Great. I'll be monitoring the thread for your return.
yo I'm on mobile right now and I'll be home later, but can someone answer this for me? I'm MM'ing hella eggs, and was wondering if I could mass-check if they'll be shiny for me and their IV's?
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20152953 Yeah you can check your eggs with KeySAV. You just need powersaves or a digital copy to do it easy.
If not you have to use keyBV, which is more complicated and a bigger hassle.
>>20153203 I have a powersaves. so I can make like 10 boxes of eggs and check if they'll be shiny if I hatch them with KeySav? and what about KeySav2? is it better or different completely? thanks for responding, I appreciate it.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20153539 You don't need to hatch them with keysav. it shows you the info before it's even hatched. Both work for what you need. I have heard you need a sav ripping tool for using powersaves but I don't know what it is. I just use a digital copy so everything's on my sd card.
>>20153703 yeah that's what I meant, haha sorry. the way I worded it was weird. and awesome I'll look into that when I get home. thanks again! this will make breeding for a shiny so much faster.
Gabriel: 5069 - 4037 - 2084
>>20151148 >>20152612 Ugh... I'm awake I'm awake.
Okay, Zo if you're around I'll get you first
Zo 3067-5937-8624 {2942} {1007}
Quoted By:
>>20154121 Thanks man. Hope the Ditto Helps.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 {2942} {1007}
Quoted By:
>>20154121 Confirming that it hatched shiny. Thanks man.
Teddie 3995-7211-1013 {3146} Shuckle/Dwebble/Onix
Teddie 3995-7211-1013 {3146} Shuckle/Dwebble/Onix Wed 23 Jul 2014 19:50:46 No. 20154302 Report Quoted By:
Why does everyone have eggs with 3145 or 3147? Seriously if someone can get an egg which matches my TSV they can have any one of my shinies.
Vivi 4398 9815 8851 {3747}
>>20154121 Hey? Added you already.
Gabriel: 5069 - 4037 - 2084
>>20154901 You can keep the Phione by the way. I ended up getting a shiny one a while back and forgot to take the asterisks off the list.
Vivi 4398 9815 8851 {3747}
>>20155000 Sweet. You got one with the same Individual Values?
Gabriel: 5069 - 4037 - 2084
>>20155023 I got one with perfect 31s
Vivi 4398 9815 8851 {3747}
Quoted By:
>>20155050 Congratz, man. I never tried shiny breeding by TSV before, can't wait until the egg hatches.
Vivi 4398 9815 8851 {3747}
Quoted By:
>>20155050 It really was a shiny, thank you.
>>20153539 >>20153703 >>20154053 yo wait a second, so when I dump, I can only do 12 eggs at a time? not entire boxes?
Quoted By:
>>20157029 I mean 6 per box?
>>20157029 You can do entire boxes with KeySAV. You just need to start with six the generate the keys for your boxes. Once you do that, you can load up boxes and check them all at once.
>>20157273 When I broke the .sav it's only for 2 boxes. do i need to keep breaking them to get the others?
and it will let me check 30 pokemon per box?
>>20157350 I'm pretty sure there's a way, but I never bothered trying. With the powersaves, I just do one box and delete everything inside if I don't get matches. And yes, it will check all 30 pokemon in a box.
>>20157413 sorry, I don't wanna make you my IT guy right now. I just can't find the answer to some of these problems. so when I dumped it, I made box 1 full of Larvesta, and loaded it up, and it said box 1 and 2 were of larvesta, but they were all different. I don't know man, should this happen?
>>20157703 Do you have an example of your output? I'm not really sure what the problem is.
>>20157732 I don't have any Larvesta in box 2, nor should they be Modest. I have an everstone on my Timid Ditto.
earlier it showed 2 boxes of these Larvesta, all different. I don't know why or how it changed.
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20158500 Do you have a digital copy? Sometimes you need to save several times for the SAV file to change. When I only save once on my digital the sd card can sometimes still show what was in the boxes before I moved them. It's weird because then when you boot up your game it's the way you saved it as.
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela]
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela] Thu 24 Jul 2014 01:33:04 No. 20159042 Report >>20107824 Hey, I match 4,2 - Pidgey (F) - Jolly - Keen Eye - [2547]
Can I have or do you want?
>>20158552 I'll try that and report back later! I have a physical copy, but I think that problem still affects it. Thanks
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela]
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela] Thu 24 Jul 2014 03:03:03 No. 20160289 Report Quoted By:
>>20159042 Also thread bump
>>20158552 >>20159077 Yeah, that happens on the physical copy too
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Thu 24 Jul 2014 05:19:05 No. 20162321 Report Anonymous
>>20160579 perfect it works. So even though I'm MM'ing with a shiny charm, will that increase my chances of getting a shiny by the correct SV? or is that just another part entirely?
What I'm trying to say it, do I have a higher chance to get my SV with MM and shiny charm, or is it the same chances to get the same SV when I check it?
Fen (IGN:Dylan) FC: 4098-2491-1338
>>20153703 1,6 - Ralts (F) - Timid - Trace - [0240]
yo if you're still up right now I'd like to trade for this!
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela]
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela] Thu 24 Jul 2014 08:21:38 No. 20164149 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20164149 Obligatory post
Quoted By:
>>20162412 Yes, you jave increased chances. Basically, just think of it like this. The game picks a SV for the egg at random from a hat. When you are doing MM with the charm, it's like you are adding more slips of paper to the hat with your TSV on them. This means the game is more likely to draw your SV when picking one for the egg.
Quoted By:
>>20158500 the next time you bruteforce your game using keysav, make sure you empty the PC first and then doing the six pokemon in box 1, etc
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Thu 24 Jul 2014 20:22:52 No. 20170397 Report Anonymous
1865-0701-2136 (Serena)
Quoted By:
>>20162321 I can hatch this one for you, if you still have it:
B11 - 3,3 - Eevee (M) - Impish - Adaptability - [0699]
Matthew 1993-7572-2559 {1146}
>>20170397 > what's the SV on that unburden hawlucha. #18
Quoted By:
>>20174345 it not in an egg
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Fri 25 Jul 2014 12:49:37 No. 20179945 Report Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 {3529}
Quoted By:
>>20144935 hey i've had you added. hate to bother you about it but if you get the chance to add me today i'd greatly appreciate it.
Nicole 3050-8073-0971
>>20179945 awesome; when will you be on?
Quoted By:
>>20183657 bump
also we should make a new board soon
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 25 Jul 2014 22:31:37 No. 20185561 Report Tom 2406-5184-4419 SV {1985}
Quoted By:
>>20179945 Here are those charmanders!
2,4 - Charmander (M) - Jolly - Solar Power - [1985]
2,4 - Charmander (M) - Timid - Solar Power - [1985]
leah 2595-1160-2075 {3369}
What do yall do with excess eggs after youve moved to a new pokemon to breed? Do you wait till the majority find hatchers, or is there a way to dump eggs?
>>20185674 With powersaves, you can delete everything in box one. It's really handy.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 25 Jul 2014 22:48:11 No. 20185702 Report Quoted By:
>>20185690 i just restore a previous save with no eggs
Quoted By:
>>20185561 Why do so many of your eevees have 0 speed?
leah 2595-1160-2075 {3369}
>>20185690 Hmm, so if im using the digital copy way thats probably a no go?
Tom:1607-1687-1242 {3202} {0251} {0384}
>>20186100 Unfortunately you can't. I had to hatch all my eggs from my first batch and it took forever because I still don't have the hatching power yet. I had a lot of boxes so it took me about a day to hatch and release all of them.
leah 2595-1160-2075 {3369}
Quoted By:
>>20186158 Ok, thanks. I guess Ill stick to small batches then.
Grvio [3365] 1864-9351-4506
Quoted By:
Postan SV. You can find me in the /vp/ gym threads if I'm needed.
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 - 462 - 3714 - 2190)
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 - 462 - 3714 - 2190) Fri 25 Jul 2014 23:57:33 No. 20186435 Report Quoted By:
>>20179945 hey Dougie, still around for the 0255 egg
Fen (IGN:Dylan) FC: 4098-2491-1338
I have a question that's been bothering me. When I'm MM'ing eggs, and go to check them, is the SV value shown the one I will receive? Or when I hatch it, will it roll more times to try and match mine? If it's different will it roll again or is the one shown already rolled?
>>20186814 once the egg is created everything about the Pokemon that hatches is set. The only thing that may change is if it will be shiny & only if the TSV & ESV match.
Fen (IGN:Dylan) FC: 4098-2491-1338
>>20186865 >The only thing that may change is if it will be shiny & only if the TSV & ESV match. can you elaborate on this please?
So if I look up an egg, and the SV doesn't match, does it still have a chance to be shiny (rolling for a new SV) if I hatch it?
Taylor 3540 0202 5991
Quoted By:
someone check my sv please?
>>20186888 No. If your SV does not match, it will never be shiny. The SV is set in stone when you receive the egg. The only way for it to possibly hatch a shiny is if somone who matches it hatches it.
Fen (IGN:Dylan) FC: 4098-2491-1338
Quoted By:
>>20187144 gotcha, thank you. I'm just screening the eggs for shinies and making sure I wasn't fucking around with my chances. thanks m8
Is there an easy way to find out your SV anymore? I haven't been around since the original program got ruined by the update so I am more then a little lost.
>>20190145 Yeah. Just use keySAV if you have the digital version or the physical version+powersaves. If you have the physical version with no powersaves, then you have to use keyBV. All of the links to these programs are in the OP. KeySAV is honestly much easier and much faster than the old method.
any cloners on with a diancie they could clone me? I just need it for living dex
>>20190186 Well sadly I fall into the category of physical version and no Powersaves.
Am I fucked?
>>20190216 Does that mean you would just get it for the dex and trade it back?
I cant clone but I have one.
>>20190278 i need one on my game... would you be up for trying to clone it over wifi?
>>20190252 Not completely. KeyBV still gets the job done, but it's tedious as fuck. It's best to just use that to get your TSV, then lurk on these threads or look in other places for a match.
Quoted By:
>>20190289 my fc: 5215 1603 4416
ign: m
>>20190289 Sure I might as well trust a random anon, I mean why not?
Are you good with cloning?
>>20190321 i trade it back and shut off my wifi if you dont get it we try again..
Kotomi 4828-6071-5430
Quoted By:
>>20190312 Well thanks for the info I guess.
;-; >>20190331 I just hoped you were good with the timing I know how it works, I put my friend code in my name now I will add you.
Kotomi 4828-6071-5430
>>20190331 If you offer fake Diancie eggs you seem a bit less trustable...
Kotomi 4828-6071-5430
Quoted By:
>>20190424 Oh well I am going to try to be a good person I suppose.
>>20190418 dont dc right away im going to trade it right back
Quoted By:
you have to initiate the trade
Kotomi 4828-6071-5430
>>20190439 Did the clone work then?
>>20190465 nope wanna try again?
Kotomi 4828-6071-5430
>>20190465 when you send the shitmon back you have to offer the trade
Kotomi 4828-6071-5430
Quoted By:
>>20190492 As in?
It was waiting on you I think?
did you get your diancie?
Kotomi 4828-6071-5430
>>20190549 No I have the Slurpuff
>>20190556 i thought it worked for a second
Kotomi 4828-6071-5430
>>20190560 Yeah my DS forced me to turn it off.
>>20190565 im guessing it didnt work again?
Quoted By:
>>20190565 well good try anon thanks for trusting me
Kotomi 4828-6071-5430
>>20190581 Nope, am I doing something wrong. I haven't really tried cloning.
Quoted By:
>>20190594 i have to hit around 4.5second mark and im missing it i think
Dani 1418 7147 9691 {2411}
Quoted By:
Been sick last few days + other irl shit, so I haven't been able to get people their eggs.
If anyone matches/matched their number to an egg I had, let me know. I'm feeling better today so I'll try to get those taken care of. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20190594 fucktards you cant clone like that. Anonymous