Welcome to the GTS Giveaway Thread!
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon. Version exclusives, bank Pokémon, breeding leftovers, special ball pokémon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and try to fulfill the requests of fellow anons. This is not a begging or trading thread.
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc general for that stuff. Also we're not likely to have past gen exclusive moves (such as Knock Off Timburr / Hyper Voice Ralts).
Which is your favorite city in Sinnoh? TELL US YOUR IN GAME NAME (IGN). We want the Pokémon to go to you, not anyone else!
>Come chat with us about breeding, giveaways, baby battles, and more! 1. Go to
http://webchat.irchighway.net/# 2. Type in your nickname.
3. Enter #/ggg/ as the channel name!
>Ignore shitposters and their bait completely. Old thread:
Andres 4613-8064-9615 [Metang-Ferroseed-Excadrill]
Andres 4613-8064-9615 [Metang-Ferroseed-Excadrill] Sun 20 Jul 2014 18:25:57 No. 20108024 Report Chansey giveaway!
>Bold >4-5-6 possibly, it's all random and i haven't ordered them >Aromatherapy+Seismic toss >Heal balls >Serene grace/natural cure >Nicknamable If you feel like helping me out with the rest of the dex here's a list of the mons that i need:
>https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13A1dWcJVFBpb3xTVopBRKQaUMt7kOYEzclthxoa6Q_k/edit#gid=0 BUT IT'S NOT NECESSARY! YOU CAN DISC UP NORMALLY, THIS IS ONLY IF YOU FEEL LIKE IT
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>>20108024 >Heal balls how awful
Jack 2535-4076-4203
I'm going to ask here since I can't get a response anywhere else Does anybody have access to a Tropius friend safari?
does anyone have a heavy ball shellder with egg moves?
IGN: Spencer
>>20108024 Discing up! Thanks!
Karz [3239 4639 2463]
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>>20108096 Anyone have a Beedrill with Toxic Spikes? Or a Weedle/Kakuna under level 25?
Andres 4613-8064-9615 [Metang-Ferroseed-Excadrill]
Andres 4613-8064-9615 [Metang-Ferroseed-Excadrill] Sun 20 Jul 2014 18:37:09 No. 20108171 Report Quoted By:
Requesting a Beldum. IVs doesn't matter.
Michel 0404-6250-9212 (Spheal, Bergmite, Piloswine)
Michel 0404-6250-9212 (Spheal, Bergmite, Piloswine) Sun 20 Jul 2014 18:41:02 No. 20108228 Report Looking for these three berries: Kebia Berry, Lansat Berry, Enigma Berry
Rico 3222-5645-8746
Alright brosephs, I'm finishing my National Dex and could use some help. I need: Chickorita, Totadile, Cacnea, Castform, Snowrunt, Bunneary, Glameow, Snivy, and Rufflet. If any of you bros have some extra ones from breeding or want to help me out. Just add me! I have all kinds of pokemon available for trade.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>20108228 Disc up for a magikarp, I'll give you an Enigma.
>>20108024 Is an anorith ok? It's up now.
>>20108246 Got no reply from the trading thread huh?
>>20108288 How hard is it to catch a Luvdisc?
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>>20108246 this is not the thread for you
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>20108246 Disc for a Glameow, and then a Cacnea. I have an extra Glameow and I'm breeding Cacnea
Rico 3222-5645-8746
>>20108293 Not a one. So close, yet so far.
This is really fucking sad. This general is 90% "I WANT THIS, GIB ME THIS, REQUESTING THIS". No wonder everyone talks shit about this general. Most of you are parasites. How about you losers stop with all the take and start giving? Wasn't that the initial point of this general? If there was more generosity, this general wouldn't be so shit.
>>20108307 Same. Nobody gives a shit. Think I have a snivy laying around. Do you have kricketot?
Rico 3222-5645-8746
>>20108298 Thanks man! Putting two Discs up now.
>>20108294 He requested that he needed an anorith for his dex.
Andres 4613-8064-9615 [Metang-Ferroseed-Excadrill]
Andres 4613-8064-9615 [Metang-Ferroseed-Excadrill] Sun 20 Jul 2014 18:48:26 No. 20108346 Report >>20108288 i think it got sniped, check again!
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>>20108328 while i disagree with your approach, i agree with your message
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>>20108342 oh, im a dingus
Xavier 0259-1001-3254
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Anyone have an Aerodactyl? Nothing special. Just for ingame stuff.
>>20108328 >. This general is 90% "I WANT THIS, GIB ME THIS, REQUESTING THIS". >giveaway thread >people giving things away for free >asking if someone is giving something away is somehow bad sure smells like summer
Rico 3222-5645-8746
>>20108329 I do! If you want I'll put it online for a Snivy. Or you can just add me.
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>>20108307 They usually only talk to other regulars. Sorry.
>>20108346 Yeah, it got sniped alright and I have no more Anorith, I'll chuck a stantler up instead.
Michel 0404-6250-9212 (Spheal, Bergmite, Piloswine)
Michel 0404-6250-9212 (Spheal, Bergmite, Piloswine) Sun 20 Jul 2014 18:50:06 No. 20108384 Report >>20108285 Woah sweet, disc up.
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>>20108328 This. People come on here demanding something and put a disc up already assuming they'll get it. This same people don't send shit. This place is nothing but beggars now
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>>20108380 pretty sure it will get sniped if you do that
>>20108328 Well, at least we're not circlejerking as much as other generals do.
if you know what I mean Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Andres 4613-8064-9615 [Metang-Ferroseed-Excadrill]
Andres 4613-8064-9615 [Metang-Ferroseed-Excadrill] Sun 20 Jul 2014 18:52:06 No. 20108434 Report Quoted By:
>>20108383 thanks dude, sent!
Duids 3754-7736-1204 (ICE: Bergmite, Snover, Dewgong)
Duids 3754-7736-1204 (ICE: Bergmite, Snover, Dewgong) Sun 20 Jul 2014 18:52:18 No. 20108441 Report What I would really love is a single Kangaskhan in a Safari ball or other matching ball. I'm giving away 3x Timid male Froakies with HA 3~4IVs. They're all in Dive Balls and know Toxic Spikes. Disc up for them and tell me the level range.
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>20108340 Is your Disc up? I'm not seeing it.
Rico 3222-5645-8746
>>20108298 So I just realized I can't put them on the GTS for Glameow and Cacnea because I've never seen them. Want to just add me? If there's anything you need I literally have every pokemon but the ones on my list.
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>>20108379 Are you a retard or just illiterate?
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras)
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras) Sun 20 Jul 2014 18:53:39 No. 20108475 Report Quoted By:
>>20108328 Best place to catch em all
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>>20108459 You scroll down to "What Pokemon"
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>>20108328 This is how Pokemon works. A minority of players control the supply of desirable Pokemon (shinies, legendaries, hidden abilities, 5 IVs etc.) and can reproduce them at minimal cost to themselves. Thus, players who do not have anything have to appeal to the experienced players' sense of charity in order to get what they want.
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>>20108379 lrn how to reading comprension
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>>20108379 too bad the thread is, like you said, mostly "gimme" and not nearly so much "here, have this"
Rico 3222-5645-8746
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>>20108452 >>20108459 Or I'm an idiot and have no experiance with GTS. What Pokemon? option exists.... It's uploading now.
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>20108459 You can; just go down to "What Pokemon?" and type their names in.
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras)
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras) Sun 20 Jul 2014 18:55:04 No. 20108505 Report >>20108298 Can I also for Glameow?
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>20108505 Sorry, that's the only one I have and I'm breeding Cacnea right now ;-;
Michel 0404-6250-9212 (Spheal, Bergmite, Piloswine)
Michel 0404-6250-9212 (Spheal, Bergmite, Piloswine) Sun 20 Jul 2014 18:56:41 No. 20108541 Report >>20108425 Thanks a bunch man! Wait, why is this Magikarp so yell- woo you're the best! And 6IV! And Kalos-born! And Lure Ball!
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>20108501 Sent your Glameow, first Cacnea hatch goes to you. Make sure you put your next Luvdisc ASAP
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras)
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras) Sun 20 Jul 2014 18:57:13 No. 20108551 Report Rico 3222-5645-8746
>>20108505 I can breed you the one he sends me. Put a luvdisc up and I'll trade it to you after it MAKES BABIES.
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>20108541 Enjoy~
>>20108246 Disc up for Bunneary when you're done with all the rest.
Rico 3222-5645-8746
>>20108549 Luvdisc is up for Cacnea. Thanks for the both of them, man!
>>20108505 I'm breeding Glameow now.
Xavier 0259-1001-3254
>>20108441 Disc up! (15-20)
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
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>>20108596 Sent!
feels so good helping people out Mila 5258-0715-7385 Emolga, Helioptile, Galvantula
Mila 5258-0715-7385 Emolga, Helioptile, Galvantula Sun 20 Jul 2014 19:01:04 No. 20108610 Report >>20108246 I can send you a Castform! Let me know when your disc is up.
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras)
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras) Sun 20 Jul 2014 19:01:35 No. 20108620 Report
Duids 3754-7736-1204 (ICE: Bergmite, Snover, Dewgong)
Duids 3754-7736-1204 (ICE: Bergmite, Snover, Dewgong) Sun 20 Jul 2014 19:03:11 No. 20108642 Report Xavier 0259-1001-3254
>>20108285 You aren't death?
>>20108639 If you've got a luvdisc up I can send you one. It might or might not have high IV's though because I can't remember which is which, that alright?
Rico 3222-5645-8746
>>20108620 Sent your Glameow!
>>20108576 Loading up a Disc for Bunneary,
>>20108610 Loading up a disc for Castform afterword.
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
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>>20108639 Disc up; I got an extra Beldum.
>>20108677 Thats more than fine! I'll put one up with the message /vp/.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>20108674 I am, hello, this is Death
>>20108680 Sent
>>20108716 Aw,
i missed you bitch, don't leave again Joe (1779-0383-0978)
>>20108024 Disc up, thank you!
Rico 3222-5645-8746
>>20108610 Disc up.
If anyone's got a Snowrunt, hit me up! I have 700 pokemon.
>>20108716 Did you mean to send a shiny Buneary?... Cause thanks! And if not, I can give it back.
Andres 4613-8064-9615 [Metang-Ferroseed-Excadrill]
Andres 4613-8064-9615 [Metang-Ferroseed-Excadrill] Sun 20 Jul 2014 19:11:50 No. 20108762 Report Quoted By:
Mila 5258-0715-7385 Emolga, Helioptile, Galvantula
Mila 5258-0715-7385 Emolga, Helioptile, Galvantula Sun 20 Jul 2014 19:12:52 No. 20108777 Report Quoted By:
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>20108734 I will, very soon, I don't have time for Pokemon lately.>>20108756 I did, enjoy~ I think it was bred for HP, that's why it's missing some stats, but I can't remember exactly.
Jack 2981-6471-9818
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>>20108708 Enjoy anon!
For anyone interested, I have tonnes of 5IV Dratini for trade. They are in
ultra balls though. Adamant, Dragon Dance and ExtremeSpeed.
>>20108781 I'll let you know that I miss you, even though you don't remember me, since I was anon back then. I hope you are happy in your job. Anonymous
>>20108781 Fuck off then
; ; Rynn 4656-7108-0037
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>>20108809 I'm sorry for hurting your feelings, anon. I'll try dropping by every once in a while. >>20108808 Thank you, anon. I really do love my job, thanks! Anonymous
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Passerbys doesn't update. what's wrong with my game?
Could I get a decent IV female Evee for a disc? I'm not fussy
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
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>>20108888 If it can be a hyper voice non-kalos one then disc up.
Tyrunt D-Dance/I-Fang/T-Fang/F-Fang Illegal Dive ball. All males at the moment, will reply to this if I get some females. Also all should be 5iv.
Do people giveaway stones ? I lack dawn/dusk/shiny/moon/sun stones since Psycho Inver is a not helping by giving me water/ever/leaf stones and super training is hard because I'm a lefty I can't move and aim at the same time . So can some one help me on this ?
Andres 4613-8064-9615 [Metang-Ferroseed-Excadrill]
Andres 4613-8064-9615 [Metang-Ferroseed-Excadrill] Sun 20 Jul 2014 19:30:03 No. 20108992 Report Quoted By:
>>20108964 moon/sun can be farmed from friend safaris
and i know that global link sucks dicks, but maybe you could try there instead of super training.
I wish i could help, but i need them too and i don't have currently, best of luck thought.
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20108964 My Linoone has gotten me lots of Moon and Sun stones. Disc up if you'd like them.
guys there is not competitive tutoring thread, so im asking this here i got a penta modest goomy, what EV spread should it have?
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20108964 er, I should say, disc up for a Sentret.
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>>20109060 252 attack 252 speed
Xavier 0259-1001-3254
>>20109044 Do you mind if I nab one of those sunstones as well?
>>20109044 What do you want me to ask ?
>>20109060 Depends on how you are running it. It you want it to be defensive invest in Hp before the defenses. Modest so think about SpAtk, I'd fiddle with the numbers and see how much you need to get some needed ko/2kos.
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>>20109060 252 accuracy 252 evasion
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20109081 >>20109082 Sure, disc up for a Sentret and put in the comment what stone you want.
>>20109060 http://www.smogon.com/dex/xy/pokemon/goodra smogon says 252 hp/ 252spatck/6 spdef
you should obey smogon ALWAYS
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>>20109060 252 swag 252 yolo
Jack 2981-6471-9818
>>20108955 Can I grab one? Disc up.
Xavier 0259-1001-3254
>>20109092 Alright then. Disc up. Thanks!
>>20109060 I suggest 248 HP/252 sp atk/8 def
>>20109065 Disc is up, a jap one for sun.
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>>20109118 Incoming enjoy.
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>>20109088 >>20109127 that is the most recommended set, i will try this, thanks!
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20109132 >>20109119 gotcha both. Hopefully the balltism HA Sentrets do something for you too.
Ramza here guys. wad giving the lvl 100 shinies yesterday. looking for the guy who was asking for water starters yesterday. have a few for ya. I think your IGN was Rico
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>>20109096 Wow.. that writeup for it used to have female pronouns in it. Now there's none.. Has smogon started to realise that the shitposter is really bad after all?
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>>20109174 sent pls take care of rico
>>20109092 Now a moon one plz
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Anybody with simple beam HA natu? Alternatively a male skill swap Natu/woobat/Sigilyph Don't care about IVs
Rico 3222-5645-8746
>>20109174 Uhhh, I could use a Totadile? I'll put up a disc for one.
Also, reiterating:
I could really use a Snowrunt, Chikorita, Totadile, or a Snivy! If anyones got em, I can put up Discs or anything you need!
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras)
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras) Sun 20 Jul 2014 19:56:13 No. 20109310 Report >>20109174 OH IT'S RAMZAAA
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>>20109194 Gimme about a half hour, Boi. I had to leave on an urgent errand, sorry.
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zilla sent me a tr nerd
>>20109310 hey lex. anything else you wanted? didn't really give that much yesterday
Jack 2981-6471-9818
>>20109304 I can breed you a Totodile and a Snivy if you want, and you can stick a disc up now for a Chikorita as I have plenty of them.
Rico 3222-5645-8746
>>20109369 Disc up for Chikorita!
Is there anything you or anybody needs? I'm at 698 national dex.
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras)
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras) Sun 20 Jul 2014 20:03:47 No. 20109403 Report >>20109367 Sure man, do you have a metagross?
>>20109174 Ramza, I've got a Gliscor from you yesterday, many thanks.
Any chance I could get a Blisey today? If not, I understand.
Jack 2981-6471-9818
>>20109386 Chikorita's been sent, and I'm fine thanks, I'm just happy to help.
>>20109403 sorry bro, someone got it yesterday. :/
Sasha 2165-5760-5049
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Does anyone have a Truant Durant?
>>20109406 >>20109403 sorry. gave blissy away too. anything else you guys want? still have a darkrai and two none shiny genesect. plus a sacred sword kaldeo and a regular. non shiny.
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971 [metang/ferroseed]
giving away some mons 2x regenerator tangela bold (growth/mega drain/knock off/stun spore) 2x shed skin dratini adamant (wrap/leer/dragon dance/extreme speed) 2x tyrunt jolly (thunder fang/fire fang/dragon dance/ice fang)thanks to all the anons who've given me these pokemon just trying to pay it forward I'd make larger more desirable give aways, but I'm so busy I haven't even beat the game yet, one day though! disc up if you'd like oneI'm real slow, shit net, sorry for any delay
Rico 3222-5645-8746
>>20109409 I'll put up a disc for Totadile. Thanks for the help man.
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras)
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras) Sun 20 Jul 2014 20:07:34 No. 20109456 Report >>20109413 Lol it's all fine. What about a Genesex .
Xavier 0259-1001-3254
Tom 0447-6313-7437
>>20109446 Could I get one of those dratini please!
>>20109441 I could use a regular Keldeo or genesect, if you don't mind.
Updated list.
Tyrunt Adamnat D-Dance/I-Fang/T-Fang/F-Fang Illegal Dive ball. All males, One Penta perfect others 5iv.
Pichu Jolly Ha Fakeout/T-punch/Reversal/Wish Fast ball. One male One female ivs decent.
>>20109446 Discing for a Tangela
>>20109456 no prob. only lvl 15 or something like that tho.
>>20109474 and I'm on now so I'll get em to you.
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras)
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras) Sun 20 Jul 2014 20:11:02 No. 20109521 Report Quoted By:
>>20109506 That'd be awesome, bro.
Jack 2981-6471-9818
>>20109455 Might have been sniped anon, not that it'd matter I suppose. I've still got a Snivy as well to trade whenever.
Also, I have to give away:
5IV HA Adamant Dragon Dance ES Dratinis
5IV Huge Power Bunnelbys
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971 [metang/ferroseed]
>>20109468 >>20109487 Sent
can't check iv's yet but the parents had 5/6 iv's so can't be that bad Serena
>>20109506 Sorry I cancelled trade, let me get some nice item for you, please.
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>>20109557 Thanks, Don't worry about it man, can always rebreed my self.
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I have a dive ball totodile what can i do with it
>>20109560 no prob. let me do a trade real fast and I'll get it to you.
>>20109446 disc up for male tyrunt!
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras)
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras) Sun 20 Jul 2014 20:16:29 No. 20109605 Report >>20109506 Thanks Ramza :D
Justin FC: 2595-2154-9760 FS:Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong)
Justin FC: 2595-2154-9760 FS:Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong) Sun 20 Jul 2014 20:16:47 No. 20109611 Report >>20109543 Dix up for dratini
Rico 3222-5645-8746
>>20109543 I'll put it up for Sivy then! Thank you!
Jack 2981-6471-9818
>>20109605 no prob bro.
still have a shiny milotic, lvl 100 I would love to give to someone who loved water types
Tom 0447-6313-743
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>>20109543 discing up for a dratini!
IGN: Gio
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>>20109543 Disc for Dratini
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971 [metang/ferroseed]
>>20109640 I'd love a milotic, it's my favorite pokemon
becuase it's a serpent though, not becuase it's a water type Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20109604 >>20109446 My IGN is Arekkusu btw
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971 [metang/ferroseed]
>>20109604 Didn't see you, maybe you were sniped
>>20109592 Can't communicate with you
;-; Anonymous
>>20109697 No, it wasn't up yet.
Forgot i hadn't connected to wifi yet, im at a friend's house
>>20109673 put a disc up and I'll send it over the gts
>>20109702 just went through. no idea what that was about...give me a sec to figure it out.
>>20109487 Can I get the Penta perfect Tyrunt? Otherwise a 5IV would be fantastic. Disc is up, thanks.
ign is breakfast
>>20109727 timid / naive is more useful overall
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>>20109736 Sure. I'll move closer to the router, also.
>>20109752 i have that set already Aegis
>>20109765 out of curiousity, why do you want a jolly one then?
>>20108408 >not circlejerking >irc channel still in the OP Niqqa 2938-8200-0971 [metang/ferroseed]
>>20109711 Sent
>>20109736 Disc up, thanks so much!
Quoted By:
>>20109790 i have a living shinydex with 2-3 sets of every pokemon that's all
>>20109792 >Open Irc >Circlejerk Anonymous
Justin FC: 2595-2154-9760 FS:Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong)
Justin FC: 2595-2154-9760 FS:Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong) Sun 20 Jul 2014 20:29:58 No. 20109823 Report >>20109640 All of my teams through pokemans gen 1-4 were mono water types. Rain dance kingdra, cusre swampert, I ran through every strategy in the goddamn book. When Milotic came out in gen 3 I shit myself. Marvel scale+rest+toxic was an invincible titan. Gen 4 was unkind to it but it still did pretty well. Gen 5 it was almost obsolete with the sheer power introduced by many of the fighters there as the gen shifted more towards hyper offense, than towards stalling. I still use it to this day. Though, now it takes quite a bit of team building. Its worth it, because you should be playing with pokemon you like - not smogshit cookie-cutter sets. I laugh whenever someone sends in smogonbird/frog/sword because they're all too predictable. That's my two cents anyhow
Oh and a shone milotic would be cool
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Quoted By:
>>20109194 Sorry for the wait, Boi. Moon stone is sent.
>>20109799 might be a sec. Internet acting weird on my ds. and trying to trade. sorry
>>20109736 Thank you so much, Ramza! I'm sorry for the wi-fi trouble.
>>20109823 sorry, trading it. have alot more tho. anything else you want? water starters. final lvls
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971 [metang/ferroseed]
>>20109844 No worries, no matter how long it takes I still appreciate it a ton, take your time!
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>>20109876 sent brah. take care of her.
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>>20109863 no prob. good luck with him. :]
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>20109923 i just see faggots doing normal giveaways, WHERE ARE THE SHONES GIVEAWAY?!?!?!
>>20109968 you don't deserve them
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>>20109968 You and people like you is why thread has gone down in quality. Eat a bag of dicks. It's nice to see people giving out bred pokes.
Anyone else want a Moon Stone or Sun Stone? I have 3 Moon Stones and 6 Sun Stones to give away. I can attach them to one of the following: Wobbuffet, Lure Ball, Shadow Tag, Calm - 4 males with perfect HP/Def/SpDef/Speed - 4 females, 5IV but missing one of HP/Def/SpDef/Speed Sentret, Heal Ball, Frisk, Jolly, 4 egg moves - 4 Female, 5IV, missing either Atk/Def/SpDef/Speed Pichu, Heal Ball, Lightning Rod, Impish or Lonely, 4 egg moves (including Volt Tackle) - 2 5IV female (imperfect), 1 5IV male (imperfect)
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>>20109968 Why don't you get some and give them away then?
>>20110012 can i get a hexaperfect wobuffet??
Justin FC: 2595-2154-9760 FS:Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong)
Justin FC: 2595-2154-9760 FS:Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong) Sun 20 Jul 2014 20:44:55 No. 20110052 Report >>20109868 Ill take a swampert and a blastoise if you have it, friend
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Giving away: 5x Dream Ball HA Durant 10x Dive Ball Feebas 30x Dive Ball Totodile All females, 4 egg moves. Disc up for whatever you want with your IGN.
>>20110012 discing up for a Wobbuffet. Perferably female.
>>20110052 sure man. cool if we do friend codes? easier for multiple trades that way. mines 2552-1665-1942
IGN: Gio
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>>20110066 Disc up for Durant
>>20110029 bump request
>>20110066 totodiles are illegitit?
Michel 0404-6250-9212 (Spheal, Bergmite, Piloswine)
Michel 0404-6250-9212 (Spheal, Bergmite, Piloswine) Sun 20 Jul 2014 20:48:43 No. 20110114 Report >>20110066 Disc up for Durant
>>20110101 Technically Dive Ball Totodile is legal.
Rob 2492-4219-5647 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb)
Rob 2492-4219-5647 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb) Sun 20 Jul 2014 20:48:52 No. 20110121 Report Quoted By:
>>20110066 Could I get a Durant please?
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Giving away Adamant Karrablast - Drill Run, Knock Off, Pursuit, Megahorn with No Guard (have a few Swarm/Shed Skin). Specify a gender if you want one.
Quoted By:
>>20110066 Disc up for a Totodile, IGN is Maddy, thanks dude
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Why are we taking bait? >>20110012 Could I get one of those Wobbuffets, please? Going to disc up in a moment.
>>20110114 idont know i dont think you can catch wild totodiles in any game, people should offer only legal things and no hacks
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20110068 Aegis, female Wob is sent.
>>20110066 I'd like a HA Durant if there's any left. Disc is up.
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
Quoted By:
>>20110066 Can I put a helioptile leftover for a durant? Thanks!
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Quoted By:
>>20110152 Anon, you can catch Croconaw in a Dive Ball in Colosseum.
Quoted By:
>>20110161 Thanks.
>>20110152 Totodiles are legal in dive.
Quoted By:
>>20110066 Disking up for Totodile in a moment, IGN "Coal", thanks
Quoted By:
reminder to ignore shitposting
Michel 0404-6250-9212 (Spheal, Bergmite, Piloswine)
Michel 0404-6250-9212 (Spheal, Bergmite, Piloswine) Sun 20 Jul 2014 20:53:07 No. 20110197 Report >>20110152 http://www.serebii.net/games/geniiball.shtml It's pretty unlikely that anybody here has Croronaw caught from Colosseum but the ball combination is legal.
IGN: Enrique
so the guy who said he will be doing a darkrai giveaway from yesterday was a ruse? i have the reason?
Quoted By:
>>20109816 >implying that having an irc for an anonymous imageboard isn't exactly what a circlejerk is I mean, go for it if that's your thing, but don't sit there and pretend it's not circlejerky
The other Robin
>>20110012 Put up a lvl 1 female mawile for a wobbuffet if that's alright. Female if possible.
>>20110201 creo tienes razón Anonymous
>>20110197 shura had done so a few months ago
IGN: Enrique
Quoted By:
>>20110221 gracias amigo, yo siempre tengo la razon
Justin FC: 2595-2154-9760 FS:Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong)
Justin FC: 2595-2154-9760 FS:Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong) Sun 20 Jul 2014 20:55:22 No. 20110235 Report >>20110079 Just added you but I have to go to work now. Will you be on in 6 hours anon? If not I can catch you tomorrow or something
Loki (2208-5654-9636)
>>20108024 I would like a chansey, disking up.
Quoted By:
>>20110201 I got my Darkrai, it wasn't a ruse.
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20110220 >>20110147 Ignis, Robin, female Wobs have been sent!
The other Robin
Quoted By:
>>20110256 Thanks!
Mawile's HA is hacked since it's Moon ball, but 5 IV.
Quoted By:
>>20110235 yeah, I'll be in. so I'll catch you then bro
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20110220 Actually Robin, I didn't send you a Wob. I got the sniped message. Sorry for the confusion. Would you like to try again?
Quoted By:
Ramza here still. lvl 100 shiny ryperior I will trade over the gts
>>20110223 I don't recall that shura's the one that brought it in. We had them in distribution well before bank was out for NA.
Quoted By:
>>20108024 Hey mate do you still have any chanseys? I'd be willing to give you a tepig for your dex just have to breed one out
>>20110313 shura traded them to rosa, who had a friend in japan who had bank, i think is what happened
that was how we had a lot of apricorn balls pre bank
>>20110313 If you breed a hacked pokemon and the baby doesn't have any traits that could only come from hacking, it's legal.
The other Robin
>>20110278 No problem, posting another lvl 1 female mawile.
>>20110340 Ain't even hacked though
>>20110338 I still don't recall that being the chain, but my memory is shit I guess
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20110345 Gotcha for real this time. Thanks for your patience!
I've still got hella: Jolly non-HA Sneasel with Fake Out, Icicle Crash, Ice Punch, Pursuit Jolly Moxie Scraggy with Fire/Thunder/Ice Punch and DDance Timid Noibat with Tailwind and Switcheroo, lots of Infiltrator, a few Frisk All Pentaperfect. All Pokeballs, I never caught the balltism. I have enough to cater to gender preferences. If Noibat ability matters, please put it in the GTS message. Sorry to Eduardo from last thread! I fell asleep before you posted. I managed to find your Luvdisc, though.
The other Robin
Quoted By:
>>20110412 Not a problem at all, and thank you!
>>20110421 I'll disc up for a Scraggy, IGN xPerceus
>>20110421 I'll take a scraggy, my ign is Maddy thanks man
Rico 3222-5645-8746
Quoted By:
>>20110066 Could I get one of those totadiles? Discing up now.
Andres 4613-8064-9615 [Metang-Ferroseed-Excadrill]
Andres 4613-8064-9615 [Metang-Ferroseed-Excadrill] Sun 20 Jul 2014 21:11:50 No. 20110477 Report >>20110245 sorry for arriving late, went to eat something, if you still want it disc up again, because you got sniped it seems
Quoted By:
>>20110066 Discing for a totodile. ign Andrea Thank you so much.
>>20110421 do you have any male sneasel in that pile?
Alright. Ramza here. Also have a lvl 100 flygon shiny if anyone wants to disc for it.
>>20110421 discing for a scraggy, thanks in advance!
giving 'em:
Beldum adamant 5IV
Alomomola impish regenerator dream ball (mirror coat, mist, pain split, refresh) 4m/1f
Loki (2208-5654-9636)
>>20110477 Alright re disking.
>>20110492 sweet, mind if i disc up for one of those little guys?
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
Koda -[3411-2109-8227]
>>20110490 Would like. Anything you would like in return?
Michel 0404-6250-9212 (Spheal, Bergmite, Piloswine)
Michel 0404-6250-9212 (Spheal, Bergmite, Piloswine) Sun 20 Jul 2014 21:15:07 No. 20110525 Report >>20110494 >>20110517 Disc up for female Alomomola
Quoted By:
>>20110492 Thank you very much!
Andres 4613-8064-9615 [Metang-Ferroseed-Excadrill]
Andres 4613-8064-9615 [Metang-Ferroseed-Excadrill] Sun 20 Jul 2014 21:15:51 No. 20110547 Report >>20110504 there you go, enjoy it!
Joe (1779-0383-0978)
Quoted By:
>>20110421 Disc up for a male Sneasel.
And another one afterward for female Noibat with Infiltrator.
Thank you very much, take your time!
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>20110494 May I take the F?
Quoted By:
>>20110524 nah, just giving pokemon I don't use a good home. I'll find you on the gts. just add vs and my name in the comment pls
IGN: Gio
Quoted By:
>>20110421 Disc up for Scraggy
>>20110421 Could I have a female Sneasel please?
Loki (2208-5654-9636)
Quoted By:
>>20110581 alrighty, disc is goin' up!
>>20110595 I think you got sniped.
>>20110012 can I have an impish female pichu? disc is up ^^
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>20110556 sorry,
>>20110525 asked for it first. i can give you a male one if you'd like
Joe (1779-0383-0978)
Quoted By:
>>20110494 Disc up for a Beldum? Thank you!
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>20110675 Are you currently breeding them still? I'd really like a female; however, I'm fine with a male if that's the case. Let me just put the disc back up.
IGN: Xavier
>>20110494 I'll take a beldum, if you dont' mind
>>20110680 Yeah I saw that when I dove back in too, but it looked like Shura said they were going for net ball toto instead, so I moved on
Trask [1461 - 7444 - 0109]
Quoted By:
Can anybody please spare a Shroomish/Breloom with Drain Punch, please?
Quoted By:
>>20110740 she got multiple variants of gen2 starters / balls; one of the only ones she didnt get was great ball chikorita
>>20110740 >not catching lure ball Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20110766 lure ball wasnt available in colo for the starters for some reason
unless that post was just bait
which is okay because i have toto in dive, great, and lure Michel 0404-6250-9212 (Spheal, Bergmite, Piloswine)
Michel 0404-6250-9212 (Spheal, Bergmite, Piloswine) Sun 20 Jul 2014 21:33:26 No. 20110792 Report Quoted By:
>>20110494 Thanks a bunch!
Quoted By:
>>20110766 >catching duplicates it's illegal anyway Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20110648 sure, maze! gimma few minutes to finish a battle!
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
Quoted By:
>>20110706 i am no longer breeding them, sadly. if i hatch a shiny beldum in the next minutes i might re breed them but is unlikely. if that should happen i'll save a female for you
>>20110766 >not wanting based lure ball to match gatr's protrusions Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20110819 i mean
great ball
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
>>20107822 http://pastebin.com/2fS9NkZL If you want anything, let me know. You can take as many as you want.
>>20110630 Mildly irritated. Put another disc up if there are any left.
Quoted By:
>>20110730 i think you got sniped
>>20110812 sorry if you've tried to find me, someone traded me for a regular one. disc up once more ^^
>>20110876 I'm not running out of Sneasel anytime soon. Got you this time.
Quoted By:
>>20110914 Thank you very much
IGN: Alexis
>>20110914 Could I grab a female Sneasel as well?
Joe (1779-0383-0978)
>>20110866 Disc up for a Shuppet if you don't mind.
>>20110946 Of course, throw up a Luvdisc.
>>20110866 discing for amaura please, thank you.
IGN: Alexis
Quoted By:
>>20110972 up, sorry had to go fish one up
IGN: Gio
>>20110866 Disc up for Helioptile
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Sun 20 Jul 2014 21:49:10 No. 20110987 Report >>20110866 discing up for chansey
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>20110866 can i grab a poliwag and an helioptile? discing for a poliwag if that's cool. thanks in advance
Beldum adamant 5IV x a shit ton
Alomomola impish regenerator dream ball (mirror coat, mist, pain split, refresh) 3m
Michel 0404-6250-9212 (Spheal, Bergmite, Piloswine)
Michel 0404-6250-9212 (Spheal, Bergmite, Piloswine) Sun 20 Jul 2014 21:50:29 No. 20110998 Report >>20110866 Disc up for Koffing
>>20110866 Just put up a disc for that Carvanha. IGN is Elena
IGN: Alexis
Tyrunt Adamnat D-Dance/I-Fang/T-Fang/F-Fang Illegal Dive ball. All males, 5iv. Pichu Jolly Ha Fakeout/T-punch/Reversal/Wish Fast ball. One male One female ivs decent. Teddiursa Adamant Crunch/CloseCombat/PlayRough/BellyDrum Moon ball 6 females 7 males.
>>20111025 female tyrunt pls, ivs doesn't matter
>>20111025 I'd really love a female Teddiursa. Putting up a disc.
>>20110866 Disc up for Koffing IGN is Maddy thanks man
>>20111035 >>20111025 >female tyrunt pls lrn2read, beggar
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Sun 20 Jul 2014 21:55:15 No. 20111060 Report >>20111025 discing up for female teddi
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
>>20110951 >>20110974 >>20110986 >>20110987 >>20110998 Sent! Enjoy. Happy Breeding!
>>20110990 I don't think I saw your disc. But yes, you can disc for multiple mons!
Quoted By:
>>20111047 i dont see your contribution to this thread :^)
Michel 0404-6250-9212 (Spheal, Bergmite, Piloswine)
Michel 0404-6250-9212 (Spheal, Bergmite, Piloswine) Sun 20 Jul 2014 21:58:08 No. 20111091 Report >>20111025 Disc up for female teddi
PGracelli 2036-8071-3385
>>20110866 Can i have a murkrow and heliptile ? IGN is Pedro, thanks
Quoted By:
>>20111025 Thank you so much!
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>20111065 got the poliwag. dsicing for a helioptile now, thanks!
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
>>20111025 Discing for a female Teddi. Thanks!
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Sun 20 Jul 2014 22:01:51 No. 20111146 Report Quoted By:
>>20111126 >>20110866 thanks for the mons guys
IGN: Sharkeisha FC: 0018 - 0851 - 8526
Hey, does anybody have a 5 IV Modest Rotom they'd be willing to give me? Also, here's what I have to offer: Adamant Corphish with Adaptability and Aqua Jet Timid Gastly Adamant Swinub with Icicle Crash and Stealth Rock Modest Horsea with Sniper Modest Bulbasaur with Giga Drain Timburr with Drain Punch and Mach Punch (wrong nature and questionable IVs) Adamant Tyrunt All have at least 3 perfect IVs, just hit me up if you want something.
>>20111142 Sent
wow these went fast, also 2 females left PGracelli 2036-8071-3385
>>20111025 Any female teddy left ?
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20110899 Gotcha finally, Maze! Sorry for the wait and thanks for your patience!
Luke 3497-0218-4596
>>20110866 Disc for murkrow, thanks.
>>20111185 Yep disc up.
>>20111175 I might or atleast have a modest I can give you. I'll have to check bank.
Joe (1779-0383-0978)
>>20110990 Disc up for Beldum if you don't mind. Thanks!
Quoted By:
>>20110866 Adding a disc for a female Helioptile. Thanks in advance.
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>20110866 >http://pastebin.com/2fS9NkZL Could I get a Venonat, please?
>>20111179 And may I have a Teddiursa? Going to disc up for the above Venonat first.
IGN: Sharkeisha FC: 0018 - 0851 - 8526
>>20111212 I have a Modest, I'd just really like one with IVs, since they're pretty hard to breed. Thanks a lot man!
Quoted By:
>>20111191 haha, no problem with being patient for your pichu! thank you
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>20111219 sure thing
>>20111142 thanks for the helioptile, you're the best. i hate to jew, but you got so many good mons, can i grab a couple more? i really want a venonat
>>20111225 yep just tell me when you disc up.
>>20111232 Have a timid penta perfect that was rotting in bank that someone gave me. It's yours if you want it.
>>20111025 Discing up for a female Teddiursa, if there's any left
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
>>20111179 Thanks again!
>>20111123 >>20111197 I think I got you all. If I didn't, please let me know!
>>20111225 Yep, disc up.
>>20111258 You can take as many as you want. Or else they will probably get wondertraded and released by some kid.
IGN: Sharkeisha FC: 0018 - 0851 - 8526
>>20111271 Yeah dude that's perfect! I'll put up a disc soon. Thanks so much!
Michel 0404-6250-9212 (Spheal, Bergmite, Piloswine)
Michel 0404-6250-9212 (Spheal, Bergmite, Piloswine) Sun 20 Jul 2014 22:14:13 No. 20111333 Report >>20111175 I have half a box of 5IV Modest Rotom. Though none of them have the perfect spread.
If you're interested put up a Horsea or a disc.
Quoted By:
>>20111185 Not seeing a disc.
>>20111276 the last two have been called but if they bail/don't put up a disc I'll give it to you.
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
Quoted By:
>>20111225 Got you! Enjoy!
Need to count my mons and edit my list afk for 2 minutes.
IGN: Sharkeisha FC: 0018 - 0851 - 8526
Quoted By:
>>20111333 It's okay, I think I'm gonna take Aegis' Timid one. Thanks for the offer though!
IGN: Sharkeisha FC: 0018 - 0851 - 8526
>>20111329 Also Aegis just put my disc up.
IGN: Sharkeisha FC: 0018 - 0851 - 8526
Quoted By:
>>20111333 But if you still want that Horsea I'd be happy to give you one.
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>20111271 Disc is going up now!
Joe (1779-0383-0978)
>>20111175 You mind if I snag a bulbasaur? Just put disc up.
IGN: Sharkeisha FC: 0018 - 0851 - 8526
Quoted By:
>>20111424 Yeah sure! I'm sending one right now!
>>20111399 >>20111419 incoming
>>20111276 Female Sent to you as the other person never replied or disced.
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>20111307 well in that case i'll grab a sudowoodo if theres any left
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
>>20111521 Sure! Disc up. If you want anything else let me know.
IGN Chantal 1134-9319-9769
I know perhaps it's not much, but maybe some of you will find what I have useful for breeding.
http://pastebin.com/gZEZn7YS IGN Max
Quoted By:
>>20111494 Got it. Thank you!
IGN: Sharkeisha FC: 0018 - 0851 - 8526
>>20111614 >http://pastebin.com/gZEZn7YS Think I could grab a Zubat? I've been trying to get one for awhile!
Josh 3067-6762-7057 (Snubbull, Swirlix, Floette-B)
Josh 3067-6762-7057 (Snubbull, Swirlix, Floette-B) Sun 20 Jul 2014 22:35:23 No. 20111674 Report Quoted By:
Can somebody help me evolve my Gurdurr?
Xavier 0259-1001-3254
>>20111175 I'd like a Horsea, if you don't mind.
IGN Chantal 1134-9319-9769
>>20111664 Of course! Just tell me when your disc is up. Do you want male or female?
IGN: Sharkeisha FC: 0018 - 0851 - 8526
>>20111683 Sure just put a disc up!
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>20111581 thanks a lot. disc is up!
IGN: Sharkeisha FC: 0018 - 0851 - 8526
>>20111694 Doesn't matter to me, whichever you feel like giving haha. Also disc is up!
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
Quoted By:
>>20111710 Sent. No prob man!
IGN Chantal 1134-9319-9769
>>20111725 All right, send you a male one so that you can breed balltism if you want.
IGN: Sharkeisha FC: 0018 - 0851 - 8526
Quoted By:
>>20111757 Thank you so much man, this really helps me out.
Xavier 0259-1001-3254
IGN: Sharkeisha FC: 0018 - 0851 - 8526
Quoted By:
>>20111795 No problem, just sent it over!
Does anyone happen to have a female HA Vulpix? (Would be really cool if it had Heat Wave but not necessary) If so, I'd love it I have some breed fodder: Varying 4-5IV Adamant Turtwig with Seed bomb, Superpower, and Body Slam Jolly Inner Focus 4-5IV Mienfoo with Knock Off 3 Dive Ball 5IV Dragon Pulse Feebas (Both Female) Three 4-5IV Sneasel (All Female) Jolly with Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Ice Punch and Pursuit Three Jolly Elekid with Fire Punch, Cross Chop and Ice Punch
Quoted By:
>>20112223 this thread is dying cuz autosage
try the new one listed