David (4296-3786-9184)
Quoted By:
Taking on a few requests. I am working as well, but I'll do what I can. I'm sure a few other Genners will pop by, so if I don't get yours right away, give it sometime or link it in a reply later when other genners show up :)
Alvaro 0903-3444-5841
>>20117934 could you genned me a shiny lvl 100 ditto with 6 ivs imposter and relaxed pls?
IGN: Patrick FC: 0748- 2802 - 5214
>Pokemon: Landorus >Nickname: Enten >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Sheer Force >Game of Origin: BW >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: anywhere >Specific pokeball: Dreamball or pokeball >Date of Creation:today >IV's: max >EV's: HP 6/ Sp att 252/ Spd 252 >Moves: Earth Power/ Psychic/ Focus blast/ sludge wave >OT Gender: Male >OT: Patrick If possible and depending on number of requests>Pokemon: Tornadus >Nickname: Fujin >Level:100 >Nature: Hasty >Ability: Prankster >Game of Origin: BW >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: pokeball >Date of Creation: today >IV's: Max >EV's: Att 6/ Sp att 252/ Spd 252 >Moves: U-turn/ Hurricane/ Knock off/ Super power >OT Gender: Male >OT: Patrick
IGN: Ewan
>Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Modest >Ability: >Game of Origin: >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny: >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: >Date of Creation: >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: >Moves: >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT: Everthing left blank doesn't matter, do whatever is easiest for you.
David (4296-3786-9184)
>>20118006 >>20118014 Sure I'll grab these In just a few.
ten JP FC(0404-6868-9884)
>Pokemon:Charizard >Level:100 >Nature:Adamant >Ability:Blaze >Pokemon Gender:Male >Shiny:No >Hatched/Met at location:Hatched >Specific pokeball:Premier ball >IV's:Perfect >EV's:HP and Attack >Moves: Max PP: Fire Punch, Outrage, Thunder Punch, Dragon Dance >OT Gender:Male >OT:ten >Pokemon:Heracross >Level:100 >Nature:Adamant >Ability:Moxie >Pokemon Gender:Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Hatched >Specific pokeball: Premier ball >IV's:Perfect >EV's:HP and Attack >Moves:Max PP:Pin Missile, Arm Thrust,Bullet Seed,Swords Dance >OT Gender:Male >OT:ten I have breeding leftovers
Alvaro 0903-3444-5841
>>20118022 thx man added you
IGN: Ewan
>>20118022 Would you like me to add you and trade directly?
Vincent 3325-3655-5640
>Pokemon: Latios >Nickname: Latios >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Levitate >Origin: Emerald >Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Met: Emerald/Pal Park >Pokeball: Ultra Ball >Creation: Whenever >IVs: 29/2/26/31/31/31 >EVs: 252 Speed/ 252 Sp. Atk/ 4 Sp. Def >Moves: Draco Meteor/ Psyshock/ Surf/ Thunderbolt >OT Gender: Male >ID: 39473 >OT: Vincent I have some breeding leftovers for trade. I would ask for a Latias, but I don't want to push you.
Finley 0018 1368 5885
>>20117934 >Pokemon: Sceptile >Nickname: Sceptile >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Unburden >Game of Origin: BW >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Dream garden >Specific pokeball: Dream ball >Date of Creation: 10/10/2011 >IV's: 31 30 31 30 30 31 >EV's: 6 HP 252 spatk 252 spd >Moves: hidden power, leaf storm synthesis >OT Gender: female >TID / SID: doesn't matter >OT: Potato Finley 0018 1368 5885
Quoted By:
>>20118099 If I made any contradictions, feel free to ignore parts.
I have tons of breeding leftovers if you're looking for anything in particular. Balls/Egg moves/4 or 5 IVs
David (4296-3786-9184)
>>20118006 Please use correct format next time. But i have yours coming
>>20118014 >>20118021 Yours are coming also.
To note, I do direct trades; for those who ask. I do have work in the AM as well, so I won't be doing this for toooo long, but I'll try to get as many as I can.
IGN: Patrick FC: 0748- 2802 - 5214
Quoted By:
>>20118139 Thanks for doing this :)
IGN: Ewan
Quoted By:
>>20118139 Ok I'll add you here's my friend code: 4313-2144-9816
David (4296-3786-9184)
>>20118035 >>20118077 >>20118099 You guys are going to be my next batch, but please be patient, as I do have to float between this and work. :L
>>20118021 >>20118046 And fuck dittos, always have some shitty problem when I gen them. I'll have to regen these... I dunno wtf happened
Vincent 3325-3655-5640
Quoted By:
>>20118139 Added. Thanks in advance!
Finley 0018 1368 5885
Quoted By:
>>20118158 Don't worry, we really appreciate this. By the way, did you just challenge me to a battle or was that some other random guy named David?
Alvaro 0903-3444-5841
Quoted By:
>>20118139 sorry, next time i will do it well
Nate 0920 0399 0351
>Gardevoir >Nickname: none >Game of Origin: Heart gold >Pokemon Gender: female >Hatched/Met: Hatched >level: 100 >Nature: modest >Ability: trace >Moves: psyshock moonblast focus blast healing wish >IV: max >EV: 4 hp 252 spa 252 spe >Date of Creation: today Specific Pokeball: Pokeball Ot: Nate I can give a shiny floatzal
Alvaro 0903-3444-5841
>>20118158 no problem ill wait
IGN: Ewan
Maddie 3583-0549-4354
yooo david can you do these two for me and ill get any items you'd need like before :>>Pokemon: Swampert >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature:Impish >Ability: Torrent >Game of Origin: BW >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny:No >Hatched/Met at location:doesnt matter >Specific pokeball:Doesnt matter >Date of Creation:doesnt matter >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP/252 Def/4 Atk >Moves: Scald Waterfall Earthquake Stealth Rock>OT Gender:Female >TID / SID:doesnt matter >OT:Maddie >Pokemon: Hitmontop >Nickname: Disco Dancin >Level: 100 >Nature: Impish >Ability: Intimidate >Game of Origin: BW >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location:doesnt matter >Specific pokeball:Doesnt matter >Date of Creation:Doesnt matter >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP/252 Def/4 SpD >Moves: Rapid Spin Fake out Close Combat Toxic>OT Gender:Female >TID / SID:Doesnt matter >OT:Maddie
shanks 4785 6545 3606
Hi! Would love to get Suicune if it's alright with you>Pokemon: Suicune >Nickname: Suicide >Level: 100 >Nature: Bold >Ability: Pressure >Game of Origin: Soul SIlver >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny: Non shiny >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: Anythings fine, maybe a lureball? >Date of Creation: >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP and 252 Def the rest in Sp.Def >Moves: Calm Mind, Rest, Rest talk, icy wind >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: >OT: Shanks Thanks in advance!
David (4296-3786-9184)
>>20118057 >>20118046 I'm having a fucking messed up time with your Dittos, 3 times I've tried now... I'll figure it out, but just hold on.
>>20118014 Yours are done.
The 2nd batch has been started... These dittos though...
IGN: Patrick FC: 0748- 2802 - 5214
Quoted By:
>>20118311 Awesome, im online so anytime
IGN: Ewan
Quoted By:
>>20118311 It's ok just leave it, I've got a ton of other things to breed before I'll need a modest Ditto anyway.
Nico 1091-8277-1696
>>20118158 Nice genner, could you please gen this event Deoxys for me? I'm posting a link instead of the board because it's all set, 6v, PID, SID and everything. Just click the "Download PKM" blue button.
>http://www.pokedit.com/download/event-pkm/Deoxys+Plasma+Event_7054/ I have some breeding leftovers and happy hour Smeargle.
Thank you!
Alvaro 0903-3444-5841
Quoted By:
>>20118311 no problem, btw, can you make him hold leftovers? i really need one, only if you can
Drak 2578 4279 0209
>>20117934 >Pokemon: eevee >Nickname: >Level: 25 >Nature: Bold >Ability: Anticipation >Game of Origin: >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: >Date of Creation: >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 244 HP/ 252 def/12spe >Moves: Wish, Hyper Voice, Charm, protect >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT: Is this alright? I have breeding leftovers to offer in exchange.
>>20117934 >Pokemon: scizor >Nickname: n/a >Level: 50 >Nature: adamant >Ability: technician >Game of Origin: n/a >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: yes >Hatched/Met at location: n/a >Specific pokeball: pokeball >Date of Creation: n/a >IV's: 31 ivs >EV's: 176 HP 195 atk 165 def >Moves: steel wing razor wind silver wind air slash >OT Gender: male >TID / SID: n/a >OT: VINDA Hi OP would appreciate if you could do this, i have soke breeding leftoves of charmander i can return with. Thanks
Quoted By:
>>20118371 Rav - IGN That feel : 4511-0450-9394
ten JP FC(0404-6868-9884)
David (4296-3786-9184)
>>20118275 >>20118270 >>20118257 >>20118217 >>20118099 >>20118077 >>20118035 OK AFTER RAGING AND GETTING SOME SHOTS... I think I figured out my ditto, so THESE MONS hopefully will make it through OK.
I use an R4I it's a bit slower than AR, so bare with me folks...
Snizel 1349-5192-9143 IGN: Connor
>Pokemon: Unknown (Preferably F or C but any work ) >Nickname: ~ >Level: 100 >Nature: Modest >Ability: Levitate >Game of Origin: SoulSilver >Pokemon Gender: Genderless >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Ruins of Alph >Specific pokeball: Moon ball >Date of Creation: I don't care >IV's: 30/31/31/31/31/30 >EV's: 252 SpA/Hp 6 Spe >Moves: Hidden Power >OT Gender: Genderless >TID / SID: ~ >OT: Connor I don't have much to offer in return, but I will get you a BP item
Finley 0018 1368 5885
Quoted By:
>>20118434 :D
I'm going to hop in bed, but I've already added you, so just throw me a trade request when you work that out?
Alvaro 0903-3444-5841
>>20118434 thx a lot man, i already add you
Quoted By:
Any powersaving hero around? I need a little help.
Nate 0920 0399 0351
Quoted By:
>>20118434 I added you bro, just send me a trade request. I'll try not to fall asleep. Thanks in advance.
David (4296-3786-9184)
>>20118035 Your heracross doesn't have a legal moveset as of Gen V, can you remake it for me? Thanks
David (4296-3786-9184)
>>20118217 Moonblast is Gen VI.
Please read the OP next time, I threw on Will-o-Wisp you can TM Gardevoir yourself
Nate 0920 0399 0351
Quoted By:
>>20118519 Thanks Bro, I'm pretty new to this, I read the op, just super tired sorry about that
IGN: Patrick FC: 0748- 2802 - 5214
ten JP FC(0404-6868-9884)
Quoted By:
>>20118482 I see, just teach it random moves like Close Combat, Megahorn, etc and I will teach it Gen VI moves through Move Tutor myself
David (4296-3786-9184)
>>20118461 Fuck! The one I have is Hasty! Let me fix it
You wanted Relaxed!! Damnit
Alvaro 0903-3444-5841
Quoted By:
>>20118573 its ok man, give me te hasty
>>20118573 I'm pretty tired man, maybe u can hook me up with the gardevoir another time, I'm hitting the sack
David (4296-3786-9184)
David (4296-3786-9184)
Quoted By:
>>20118668 You were in a battle when I tried to trade you.
Nico 1091-8277-1696
Quoted By:
>>20118676 Awesome. Adding!
Rav - IGN That feel : 4511-0450-9394
Alvaro 0903-3444-5841
Quoted By:
>>20117934 what´s the matter? :(
David (4296-3786-9184)
I think once I finish this batch, and get them out to their respectable owners, ima call it a night, but I'll most likely be on again tomorrow
ten JP FC(0404-6868-9884)
Quoted By:
>>20118736 My IGN and game is in Japanese, just in case
ten JP FC(0404-6868-9884)
Thanks again for your help OP
Rav - IGN That feel : 4511-0450-9394
Quoted By:
>>20118736 Dude youre awesome but that was an axew i was trying to hatch lol thanks! (I thought you were someone who fell for diancie egg 4 shiny)
David (4296-3786-9184)
>>20118765 NP sorry it took so long, I was wondering why hera kept failing
Quoted By:
>>20118788 want to do one more?
:^) Alvaro 0903-3444-5841
>>20117934 thanks again man
shanks 4785 6545 3606
>>20118676 Wow, thanks a lot OP! You made my day! All of my good breeding leftovers have been traded away so is there any particular battle item you want in return?
David (4296-3786-9184)
Quoted By:
>>20118804 Sure, uh I kinda need 1 ability capsule, but I won't ask that of you, less you have that.
Otherwise, I could use another choice scarf
Quoted By:
>>20118788 I really appreciate this, OP. Thank you and have a good night
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Hi :3 i would lyk 2 requezt a poke>Pokemon: Mew >Nickname: No nickname! :3 >Level: 50 >Nature: Calm >Ability: Synchronize >Game of Origin: Hoenn (R/S/E event) >Pokemon Gender: Genderless >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Don't mind >Specific pokeball: Cherish Ball (if that's not possible, then just a standard Poke Ball!) >Date of Creation: Don't mind >IV's: All perfect IV's I suppose. >EV's: 252 HP / 136 SpD / 120 Spe >Moves: Stealth Rock / Soft Boiled / Defog / Will-O-Wisp >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 55165 >OT: Ahmed Thank you!
David (4296-3786-9184)
Quoted By:
>>20118796 NP I found out that I'm retarded and tried to assume Dittos could be bred... LOL
David (4296-3786-9184)
>>20118827 Assalamu aleikamu~
Going to bed bro! Sorry, maybe the next genner can grab you.
ALL OTHERS WHO HAD REQUESTED and that I GOT to GEN but aren't either A. Accepting TRADES or are ONLINE, I will hold you Pokemon for tomorrow, otherwise I'll use them for trade fodder. Just saying.
IM OUT Peace and Goodnight.
David (4296-3786-9184)
>>20118077 I tried trading probably 6 times, I don't know if you're just afk or what, but you can hit me up tomorrow.
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Quoted By:
>>20118841 Salam dude, have a good night sleep :3
Snizel 1349-5192-9143 IGN: Connor
>>20118852 You stopped right before mine ;_;
David (4296-3786-9184)
Catch me tomorrow, I'll make yours first :)
shanks 4785 6545 3606
Quoted By:
Thank you David! Much appreciated!
Snizel 1349-5192-9143 IGN: Connor
Quoted By:
>>20118871 Thank you! Sleep well
IGN: Paul 2122 7789 7828
Quoted By:
Can you help me on this, please ?>Pokemon: Swellow >Nickname:/ >Level: 90 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Guts >Game of Origin: BW >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Whatever works >Specific pokeball: No >Date of Creation: Whatever works >IV's: full 31's >EV's: 4HP/252Atk/252Spe >Moves: Facade / U turn / Aerial Ace / Quick Attack >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 07590 >OT: Paul I have breeding leftovers if you want something in return ! Thanks.
Syl [4339-3760-5920]
If the anon from yesterday shows up, I'm terribly sorry. I'm not in town right now, so my internet sucks. I'll put a luvdisc up on the GTS if you still feel like being generous.
Alan 3711-6798-5215
Quoted By:
>>20119461 Ill send it right now
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20119461 Couldn't find your luvdisc
I can hold to it, have you added so when you get a chance send tr
>>20120157 Alan xould you clone one of my pokes?
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20120208 Ummmm I don't think I can
I'm working with an action replay and a gen v game
If it's gen v or lower I can try to make you a copy if you fill out the info above
Jacopo - 0447 - 6333 - 8072 !1WPjm97DAg
I have two requests:>Pokemon: Charizard >Nickname: Charizard >Level: 100 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Blaze >Game of Origin: FireRed (but it doesn't really matters) >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Any >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252HP/252ATK/4DEF >Moves: Flare Blitz/ Dragon Claw/ Earthquake/ Thunder Punch >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Any >OT: Jacopo and:>Pokemon: Charizard >Nickname: Charizard >Level: 100 >Nature: Modest >Ability: Blaze >Game of Origin: LeafGreen (doesn't matters) >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Any >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 4HP/252SPATK/252SPEED >Moves: Fire Blast/ Air Slash/ Solar Beam/ Dragon Pulse >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Any >OT: Jacopo I will give in return the best I can offer: my 5IV hidden ability breed leftovers. Thanks!!!
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20120334 I can do these but in like an hour or so? If you don't mind waiting
Add fc and I'll send ya a trade request
Rav - IGN That feel : 4511-0450-9394
>>20120262 Oh ok in that case could you do this below?
>Pokemon: Zapdos >Nickname: Sparky >Level: 70 >Nature: >Ability: Pressure >Game of Origin: heart gold >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny: shiny >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: masterball >Date of Creation: >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: >Moves: drill peck, roost, ancient power, discharge >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: >OT: VINDA Jacopo - 0447 - 6333 - 8072 !1WPjm97DAg
Quoted By:
>>20120376 No problem, adding your FC right now
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20120378 I have you added already
Again wait, I'll be back in an hour to work on them
Rav - IGN That feel : 4511-0450-9394
>>20120436 Sure thing, thanks
Jacopo - 0447 - 6333 - 8072 !1WPjm97DAg
>>20120436 I'll try to be still online in one hour, btw if you add my fc there shouldn't be any problem, is your IGN Alan?
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20120518 Yes it is
No need to wait
I'll make it hold on to it and when I see you online I'll send tr
I'll add later as well
Jacopo - 0447 - 6333 - 8072 !1WPjm97DAg
>>20120613 Thank you so much!
>>20120613 Hi, would you be able to do my request too? I've added your fc so i'll be ready when you're back.
alexzander 4184 - 2528 - 5680
>Pokemon: Aron >Nickname: heyo >Level: 1 >Nature: Rash >Ability: Sturdy >Game of Origin: (whatever you prefer) >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: (your option ) >Specific pokeball: (whatever your balltism prefer) >Date of Creation: (your choice ) >IV's: as low as possible. no need. >EV's: Same. >Moves: Endevaour, Swagger, Protect and Toxic. >OT Gender: (your choice) >TID / SID: (your choice ) >OT: (your choice ) needing this fella for trying something out. Next up is :>Pokemon: Tyrannitar. >Nickname: Godzilla >Level: 100 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Sand Stream. >Game of Origin: (your choice) >Pokemon Gender: Male. >Shiny: why yes ~ >Hatched/Met at location: (your choice) >Specific pokeball: (again your choice) >Date of Creation: (your choice) >IV's: Full 6. >EV's: 4 hp / 244 atk. / 4 def / 4 Sp. Def. / 252 speed >Moves: Rock slide, Crunch , E- quacke, Arial Ace. >OT Gender: (your choice ) >TID / SID: (your choice) >OT: (your choice) thank you very much whoever does these requests, i would be really grateful. thank you.
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20120681 this is my request:
>Pokemon: Shaymin >Nickname: No nickname! >Level: 50 >Nature: Modest >Ability: Serene Grace >Game of Origin: I don't mind! >Pokemon Gender: Genderless >Shiny: Nope >Hatched/Met at location: Don't mind >Specific pokeball: Cherish Ball or if that's not possible, then a Poke Ball. >Date of Creation: Don't mind. >IV's: All perfect IV's. >EV's: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe >Moves: Seed Flare / Air Slash / Earth Power / Hidden Power ICE >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 55165 >OT: Ahmed Thanks!
Serious question, why do you guys generate Pokemon instead of putting the effort in to do them legitimately?
>>20120845 I wonder that too.. I mean, it's one thing to ask for otherwise impossible 'mons like shiny Genesect or movie Meloetta ... but this lazy fucks are basically asking for pokemon they could breed themselves with no effort whatsoever but actually playing the game...
And worse, some those lazy fucks are asking for things already EV trained. That's bull right there.
Neil [5429-7925-3214]
Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: >Game of Origin: >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny: >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: >Date of Creation: >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: >Moves: >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT: Trying to get back into the game but gave away my breeding ditto to a friend. I'd really appreciate a new one, thanks!
Snizel 1349-5192-9143 IGN: Connor
>>20118439 If anyone would undertake my unknown project, that'd be pretty fucking cool
Quoted By:
>>20120845 >>20120964 Why avoid the effort to do it legit?
1. You can't get certain moves on mons bred legit in gen 6, notably the transfer moves. Genning them in gen 5 you can though.
2. It's a lot less time consuming. I've been breeding a Naive Garchomp with egg moves, and have been looking for just one with 5 IVs in the right places. It took me just two 5 egg batches to get a Naive one with 5 IV, but now I'm 8 batches in with the 5 IV and a 6 IV parent and still haven't got one with the right stats. Not even the ability, just the stats. I've been breeding for the past 4 hours too. I'm not gonna request it, but that's an example of how RNG can be favorable and unfavorable in just making one poke.
3. Not everyone has everything they need to breed. Some mons aren't even in game (Like Rattata and Bouffalant) and GTS is a mixed bag for getting mons. Some people don't have the right safaris and can't find someone who can help.
Is it lazy? It is, but, and even though breeding has become easier, it's just more convenient to get something sure fire the first time. Destiny Knot/Everstone/6 IV dittos make the process of breeding simple but RNG can make this process take much longer than it should
Quoted By:
Is David here? I dozed off before I could get my Latios.
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20120623 Both of your charizards are done
>>20120455 Done but had to be lowers to level fifty to pass but aside from that sparky is good to go
Rav - IGN That feel : 4511-0450-9394
Quoted By:
>>20121394 Im on now bro and no worries about level
Jacopo - 0447 - 6333 - 8072 !1WPjm97DAg
>>20117934 I have the .pkm files would it be weird to just have someone download them instead of doing a really long list
Rav - IGN That feel : 4511-0450-9394
Alan 3711-6798-5215
Quoted By:
>>20121462 You, I like you
Put up the files and ill do them in half an hour
Samuel (0318-8650-3303)
>Pokemon: Mawile >Nickname: None >Level: 100 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Huge Power >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: Yes >Specific pokeball: Heal Ball >IV's: All 31 >EV's: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef >Moves: Swords Dance, Iron Head, Ice Punch, Crunch >OT Gender: Male >OT: Samuel
Samuel (0318-8650-3303)
Quoted By:
>>20121501 Meant Sheer Force as Ability. Sorry
Kai FC: 0705-2794-9410
Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: >Game of Origin: >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny: >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: >Date of Creation: >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: >Moves: >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT: I'm new so I don't have nothing to give but I would love a ditto like that so I can start hatching and breeding please
Lisa- 2964-9022-3850
sorry to bother but could I maybe get a shiny male nidoran? It's been a tough few weeks for my girlfriend and I want to surprise her with something cool for her run in ORAS. >Pokemon: Nidoran M >Nickname: Alistair >Level:1 >Nature: Modest >Ability: Sheer Force >Game of Origin: leafgreen, doesn't really matter of not possible >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: yes >Hatched/Met at location: doesn't mater >Specific pokeball: Love ball if possible, if not luxury >Date of Creation: today? >IV's: perfect, >EV's: 252 Spd, 252 SpA, 4 HP >Moves: Thunderbolt, Sludgebomb, Icebeam >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: doesnt matter >OT:Lisa I can offer you multiple breeding leftovers in return, currently have iv marrils with ha and eggmoves, 4 tv ralts with 4 eggmoves and 4/5 iv eevees with wish and stored power Many, Many thanks in advance.
>>20121094 They're named Unown Snizel 1349-5192-9143 IGN: Connor
Quoted By:
>>20121731 Why did I never notice this. What the actual fuck
Lisa- 2964-9022-3850
Quoted By:
>>20121690 Oh and im not sure if it's possible but can it hold a moonstone. I think I've used up all of mine and i don't know how to get more. If you can't gen them that's perfectly fine ofcourse.
>>20121690 I'm not genning right now but your request is impossible:
pokemon with the hidden ability can't be shiny unless they were bred, if they were bred then they can't have any ball other than regular pokeball.
Hidden ability pokemon have to be from gen5, so no apiricorn balls and sludge wave is better than sludge bomb and it is worth using thunder over thunderbolt
tristan 5301 0524 5801 (Pansear, Larvesta, Braixen)
tristan 5301 0524 5801 (Pansear, Larvesta, Braixen) Mon 21 Jul 2014 15:41:29 No. 20121816 Report Anonymous
>Pokemon: Mew >Nickname: >Level: >Nature: >Ability: >Game of Origin: Emerald/Blue (glitched) >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: anywhere >Specific pokeball: pokeball >Date of Creation: >IV's: >EV's: >Moves: >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT: literally everything blank doesn't matter. i just want a Mew. if anyone would be willing to help me out, i'd give you my unconditional love. (i don't have wifi at this moment, but i can get it whenever)
Quoted By:
>>20121840 >Blue are you for real?
Lisa- 2964-9022-3850
>>20121799 Ah shit sorry I wasn't aware.
Let me adjust it
Thanks bro.
>Pokemon: Nidoran M >Nickname: Alistair >Level:1 >Nature: Modest >Ability: Sheer Force >Game of Origin: leafgreen, doesn't really matter of not possible >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: yes >Hatched/Met at location: doesn't mater >Specific pokeball: Regular >Date of Creation: today? >IV's: perfect, >EV's: 252 Spd, 252 SpA, 4 HP >Moves: Thunderbolt, Sludgewave, Icebeam >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: doesnt matter >OT:Lisa it's mostly for ingame use and friend battles so a smogon tier moveset isn't as nessecary
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20120737 Is anyone able to get to my request? :3
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20121816 Since you were kind enough to make a .pkmn file
I'll get it
tristan 5301 0524 5801 (Pansear, Larvesta, Braixen)
tristan 5301 0524 5801 (Pansear, Larvesta, Braixen) Mon 21 Jul 2014 16:04:08 No. 20122097 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20121946 >:3 Stop with that faggotry and wait for the genners to post ffs.
David, (but not at Genning station)
>>20121946 Salam, just be patient man, the other genners can only get what they can get. I would do yours but I'm in the office at work, just lurkin' this channel. Give it some time.
Ma' salam
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Quoted By:
>>20122144 okay bro, sorry if i'm sounding impatient - i'll just lurk while i create this pokegen file for shaymin, should make things easier for the genners.
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20122097 Got I bro
Just got to send into x
Sorry for the wait, mah action replay didn't wanna work
Maddie 3583-0549-4354
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20122310 for the PID part of pokegen, what do you put? standard ID or is it something else? cooking up a shaymin file here!
Katno 4699-7180-4002
Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: >Game of Origin: Platinum >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny: >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: >IV's: 31 all. >EV's: >Moves: >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT: Left blank doesnt matter. I dont have that much to offer,, i can breed any fossil or any starter if you are intrested.
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20122359 Yes, but you will have to wait
Going for a quick run
If you want add me, and later on in the day I'll send you a trade request when they're all done
Quoted By:
>>20122371 You just leave that blank.
Alan 3711-6798-5215
Quoted By:
>>20122371 I leave it blank,
Pokegen makes it automatically
It's in my x, I'll be on later today for you to get it
David, (but not at Genning station)
>>20122359 HEY YOU. DONT ASK ME FOR MONS THEN PEACE. Told you it takes some time *harumpf!
I have your mons, but I'm at another Job today, so I cannot give them to you until much later
Maddie 3583-0549-4354
>>20122411 mmk c: if you want any special items let me know
>>20122446 IM SORRY ;; if you still want, i'd be more than happy to trade you the items you still wanted~
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Quoted By:
alright thanks, all the file needs is generating now, i'll upload it here so i'll be back on the thread later.
https://www.mediafire.com/?58q444qzuvmbtoj David, (but not at Genning station)
>>20122504 Well, they're at home now... so you're going to have to wait, as mentioned
>>20122446 Where did you go even? haha. I don't really need any items, but if you're doing megastones, only one I need now is manectrictite.
Other than that, i don't care. BP items/Heartscales/LeftoverMons/Lefties(Item) or whatever you want.
We do this for you :) not us.
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Mon 21 Jul 2014 16:55:03 No. 20122686 Report >Pokemon:Mewtwo >Nickname: >Level:70 >Nature:Jolly >Ability:Pressure >Game of Origin:HG or SS either is fine >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny: >Hatched/Met at location: Dosent matter >Specific pokeball: Premier ball >Date of Creation: >IV's:31 in all >EV's: 4HP 252ATK 252 SPD >Moves: Low Kick\Taunt\Zen Headbutt\Ice Beam >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT: have some breeding leftover i could offer
Maddie 3583-0549-4354
>>20122567 i ended up falling asleep. i was laying down at the time of request so~
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Mon 21 Jul 2014 17:00:06 No. 20122728 Report >>20122686 ups forgot the shiny part
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle)
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle) Mon 21 Jul 2014 17:02:15 No. 20122757 Report lazy genner reporting in, I don't do custom pokeballs,OT,TID,SID
Neil [5429-7925-3214]
>>20122757 Any chance of a God Ditto? Don't really care about anything other than it being 6 max IVs. Thanks
>>20122728 mewtwo can't be shiny
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20122757 welcome back marc! are you able to gen me a shaymin?
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Mon 21 Jul 2014 17:09:59 No. 20122841 Report >>20122802 isnt that for x and y mewtwo?
i stated on the game origin to come from hg or ss and in those games it can be shiny
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle)
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle) Mon 21 Jul 2014 17:10:00 No. 20122842 Report >>20122818 any specifications?
>>20122797 working on it
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
alexzander 4184 - 2528 - 5680
>>20122757 would you be kind and doing any of these?
>>20120682 Alan 3711-6798-5215
Quoted By:
>>20122692 Back
Twenty minutes or so plox
Lisa- 2964-9022-3850
>>20122842 could you possibly do my request?
>>20121867 Neil [5429-7925-3214]
Quoted By:
>>20122842 Thanks friend! I've been trying to find a new ditto for ages now so that's a big help to me :)
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Quoted By:
>>20122850 The shaymin should have natural cure, that was my bad :P
Katno 4699-7180-4002
>>20122757 >Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: >Game of Origin: Platinum >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny: >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: >IV's: 31 all. >EV's: >Moves: >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT: If you have any time i would highly appriciate it :) i can give out heartscales/startes/fossil pokes/some breeding leftovers
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle)
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle) Mon 21 Jul 2014 17:14:19 No. 20122890 Report >>20122850 seed flare is only available at level 100 and serene grace only for sky forme
Katno 4699-7180-4002
>>20122757 >Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: >Game of Origin: Platinum >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny: >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: >IV's: 31 all. >EV's: >Moves: >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT: would highly appriciate :) can give heartscales/s tarters/breeding lefties
Quoted By:
>>20122757 would you perhaps be able to do a Mew?
IGN: Paul 2122 7789 7828
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20122937 I'll get this one if Marc won't
IGN:Powerless FC: 1461-6468-4295
>Pokemon: Shaymin >Nickname: none >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Natural Cure >Game of Origin: any >Pokemon Gender: Genderless >Shiny: Yes(if not shiny locked) >Hatched/Met at location: any >Specific pokeball: any >Date of Creation: any >IV's: 31/x/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 SpA 252 Spe 4 SpD >Moves: Sub/leechSeed/SeedFlare/AirSlash >OT Gender: any >TID / SID: any >OT: any >Pokemon: Entei >Nickname: None >Level: 50 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Pressure >Game of Origin: any >Pokemon Gender: Genderless >Shiny: yes if required for E-Speed >Hatched/Met at location: / >Specific pokeball: / >Date of Creation: / >IV's: 31/31/31/x/31/31 >EV's: 252 Atk 252 Spe 4 Hp >Moves: none/Stone Edge/Bulldoze/E-Speed >OT Gender: any >TID / SID: any >OT: any Shaymin has the priority, and if you can't figure out how to get E-Speed on Entei, just leave him I have to offer 5IV Breeding Leftover.
Quoted By:
>>20122841 you are right nvm
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle)
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle) Mon 21 Jul 2014 17:23:04 No. 20122979 Report >>20122860 nidoran can't have sheer force so I gave it hustle
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Quoted By:
>>20122979 alright, give shaymin natural cure and can you make it lvl 100? if you can't make it 100 just leave the 4th slot blank. thanks
Lisa- 2964-9022-3850
>>20122979 awesome, thanks!
Were you able to add the moonstone or ist that impossible?
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle)
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle) Mon 21 Jul 2014 17:28:58 No. 20123053 Report >>20122944 doin gthis and then transfering all of those I did to x
IGN:Powerless FC: 1461-6468-4295
Quoted By:
>>20123053 alright, adding you
IGN: Paul 2122 7789 7828
Quoted By:
>>20122943 I wouldn't mind
David, (but not at Genning station)
>>20122891 Why did you post the same pokemon twice? Have some patience jesus christ.
David, (but not at Genning station)
Quoted By:
>>20123039 Can't poketransfer/pokebank items unless they came from X and Y.
>>20118158 New genner here, I've been having problems with ditto as well. If you don't mind sharing, what "met" data will let an imposter ditto through? The IVs I'm trying are 31/31/31/31/31/0 if that matters. Not shiny.
Katno 4699-7180-4002
Quoted By:
>>20123113 it was by mistake, i thought the first one didn't get posted.
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20122692 Sorry for the wait but they are ready for pick up
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Quoted By:
okay Marc, i think i've already got you on my friends list, so when you're done genning just send me a TR.
David, (but not at Genning station)
>>20123142 Met: Giant Chasm
Level: 50
Everything else should be standard.
Imposter is ability 2, remember to change Trash bites on OT to 01. Should be okay after that.
>>20123197 I am pretty sure You can't Find Imposter Ditto in the giant chasm
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle)
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle) Mon 21 Jul 2014 17:43:43 No. 20123223 Report IGN:Powerless FC: 1461-6468-4295
Quoted By:
>>20123223 yep, i kinda expected that
>>20123197 Isn't imposter ditto in hidden grottos?
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Quoted By:
>>20123223 that's awesome, whenever you're ready to trade.
David, (but not at Genning station)
>>20123213 >>20123244 Believe me. It works with that. I went through half a bottle of Jamesons and much hair pulling trying to Gen 2 of them yesterday. And yes, i was able to win finally.
Neil [5429-7925-3214]
Quoted By:
>>20123223 Brilliant, thx. Ready to trade when you are
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Quoted By:
marc, you are truly a blessing.
So anyone need something genned? I can take 3 requests at a time.
Katno 4699-7180-4002
Quoted By:
>>20123223 >all those passed except entei Thanks :) added you, how you wanna do this? should i put something in gts or just trade?
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Mon 21 Jul 2014 17:52:00 No. 20123341 Report >>20123324 i dont know if any has taken my request but could you work on mine ?
Ponder 5386-9515-7784 Wartortle/Panpour/Frogadier
Ponder 5386-9515-7784 Wartortle/Panpour/Frogadier Mon 21 Jul 2014 17:52:46 No. 20123353 Report >Pokemon: Zapdos >Level: 100 >Ability: Static >Moves: Thunder, Thunderbolt, Drill Peck, Roost Rest of stuff is not important, I have megastones or whatever. Ask and I might have it, unless nothing is wanted in return.
>>20123324 you up for doing a Mew? no specifications.
IGN: Paul 2122 7789 7828
alexzander 4184 - 2528 - 5680
Quoted By:
>>20123223 i am gonna set up some trades, also giving you something nice.
IGN:Powerless FC: 1461-6468-4295
Quoted By:
>>20123223 Thanks a lot, Marc
>>20123379 could you gen another mew? i don't have any specifications apart from if you could have it in a cherish ball/max iv's, don't mind anything else tbh, thanks!
Maddie 3583-0549-4354
Quoted By:
>>20123178 sorry i declined a few times. im running a powersaves thread and was a bit busy..
IGN: Paul 2122 7789 7828
>>20123378 Added you, I have breeding leftovers
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Quoted By:
>>20123404 IGN & FC in name btw!
Quoted By:
>>20123436 fine by me just send trade request
Taylor- 3540-0202-5991
Quoted By:
i don't currently have wifi at the moment, but will get it when needed. (i'm the person who asked for the first Mew)
>>20123257 It got through! Thanks man
Peter 4613-6345-2754
>Pokemon:Ditto >Nickname:Modest >Level: 100 >Nature:Modest >Ability:Imposter >Game of Origin: Doesn't matter >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny:yes >Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't Matter >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's:Max >Moves:Doesn't Matter >TID / SID: Doesn't Matter >OT: Doesn't Matter >Pokemon:Ditto >Nickname:Adamant >Level: 100 >Nature:Adamant >Ability:Imposter >Game of Origin: Doesn't matter >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny:yes >Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't Matter >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's:Max >Moves:Doesn't Matter >TID / SID: Doesn't Matter >OT: Doesn't Matter Would really appreciate this. =)
>>20123501 Can't be shiny and imposter
Lisa- 2964-9022-3850
Quoted By:
>>20123223 i've added you marc, trade me when ready:)
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle)
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle) Mon 21 Jul 2014 18:07:53 No. 20123544 Report Quoted By:
>>20123039 the nidoran didnt pass because of sludge wave,gave it sludge bomb instead now
David, (but not at Genning station)
>>20123506 Do you gen? Because if you do, you'd know it's possible.
Otherwise, let genners reply. KKThxbai
NOT to sound like a total dickbag, but if you looked up in the thread, I made mention of how to do it. And not only did I get it through, so did
>>20123497 So Game. Set. Match.
Peter 4613-6345-2754
Quoted By:
>>20123506 then just imposter, if shiny cannot be done
Quoted By:
>>20123545 I do gen, and what I meant to say is that it can't legitimately be shiny.
It is only found in the hidden grotto in the giant chasm (only 1% chance) and pokemon found in hidden grottos cannot be shiny.
Why is everyone making their own .pkm files genners, are you more willing to gen something if we hand you the file before hand ?
Alvaro 0903-3444-5841
Quoted By:
Hi again, can you do this pls?>Pokemon:Mewtwo >Nickname: >Level:100 >Nature:jolly >Ability:pressure >Game of Origin: >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny:no >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball:masterball >Date of Creation: >IV's:6 >EV's:6 hp 252 atk 252 spe >Moves: bulk up, rockslide, drain punch, taunt >Pokemon:Mewtwo >Nickname: >Level:100 >Nature:jolly >Ability:pressure >Game of Origin: >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny:no >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball:masterball >Date of Creation: >IV's:6 >EV's:6 hp 252 atk 252 spe >Moves: low kick , rockslide, earthquake, taunt
Quoted By:
>>20123585 some people can gen themselves then it is easier to give the .pkm if they cant bring it over themselves
Alvaro 0903-3444-5841
Quoted By:
>>20117934 Hi again, can you do this pls?
>Pokemon:Mewtwo >Nickname: >Level:100 >Nature:jolly >Ability:pressure >Game of Origin: >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny:no >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball:masterball >Date of Creation: >IV's:6 >EV's:6 hp 252 atk 252 spe >Moves: bulk up, rockslide, drain punch, taunt >Pokemon:Mewtwo >Nickname: >Level:100 >Nature:jolly >Ability:pressure >Game of Origin: >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny:no >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball:masterball >Date of Creation: >IV's:6 >EV's:6 hp 252 atk 252 spe >Moves: low kick , rockslide, earthquake, taunt IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Requesting 2 legendary pokes:>Pokemon: Meloetta >Nickname: No nickname. >Level: 50 >Nature: Modest >Ability: Serene Grace >Game of Origin: B/W >Pokemon Gender: Genderless >Shiny: Nope >Hatched/Met at location: Don't mind. >Specific pokeball: Cherish Ball >Date of Creation: don't mind! >IV's: All perfect iv's! >EV's: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD >Moves: Psyshock / Hyper Voice / Focus Blast / Shadow Ball >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 55165 >OT: Ahmed 2nd poke:>Pokemon: Victini >Nickname: No nickname! >Level: 50 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Victory Star >Game of Origin: B/W >Pokemon Gender: Genderless >Shiny: Nope >Hatched/Met at location: Don't mind >Specific pokeball: Cherish Ball >Date of Creation: Don't mind :P >IV's: All perfect IV's! >EV's: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe >Moves: V-Create / Bolt Strike / U-Turn / Flare Blitz >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 55165 >OT: Ahmed thanks!
>>20123341 I have your Mewtwo, but I couldn't get
>>20123357 through sorry. Someone else might be able to though.
Erdrick 4313-0788-4044
>Pokemon: Heatran >Nickname: Tabitha >Level: 68 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Flash Fire >Game of Origin: White 2 >Gender: Male >Shiny: no >Met at: Reversal Mountain >Pokeball: Premier Ball >Date of Creation: today is fine >31/30/30/31/31/31 IVs >6 HP/252 Sp. ATK/252 Speed >Heat Wave, Flash Cannon, Earth Power, Hidden Power >OT: Male >ID: 49205 >OT: Freeman I have a spare Leftovers if anyone wants it, along with 1,527 BP to spend. Turns out all of the Maison Aerodactyl are +Speed; Modest Scarftran can't cut it. I may need to Disc up, as my internet connection is a bit spotty.
Quoted By:
>>20123642 aw alright, thanks for trying anyway.
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20123628 I have meloetta and victini but meloetta is lonely and victini is already level 100
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Mon 21 Jul 2014 18:21:58 No. 20123661 Report >>20123642 nice what your info so i can add you
Taylor- 3540-0202-5991
>>20123642 s'alright. i'll just keep trying.
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20123659 hey, i don't mind dude! i've added your fc so if you wanna trade now that'd be awesome.
>>20123661 Just put a luvdisc on gts with pokegen in the description.
David, (but not at Genning station)
Quoted By:
Personally I like genning myself from scratch.
But sometimes, when I'm really tired, having someone give me a Pkm file is helpful... But yeah, for the most part, the reason we genners exist is to provide the "genning" service for people... So yeah, Idc really either way, but yeah, prefer to build from scratch.
>>20123585 IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20123659 actually i've already got you on my list haha, are you the Alan from the previous pokegen threads?
Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Drapion >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Impish >Ability: Battle Armor >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: Day-care center >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: 1/7/2014 >IV's: All 31 >EV's: Hp 100 def 156 sp def 252 >Moves: Earthquake, Aqua Tail, Protect Toxic Spikes PID 49270 SID 52188
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle)
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle) Mon 21 Jul 2014 18:25:28 No. 20123705 Report >>20123665 any specification for mew?
Alan 3711-6798-5215
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Mon 21 Jul 2014 18:26:11 No. 20123714 Report >>20123676 alright man disc is up
David, (but not at Genning station)
>>20123676 Use /vp/ or something else. Something tells me Nintendo semi monitors and the less obvious we are, the better
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20123698 Yes I am. I've been taking requests here and there
Still new to using it so it take a a while
Taylor- 3540-0202-5991
>>20123705 if you could, level 100? but i don't really care, haha. c:
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Yames- 0748-3752-7359 (Shuckle, Boldore, Pupitar)
Yames- 0748-3752-7359 (Shuckle, Boldore, Pupitar) Mon 21 Jul 2014 18:28:32 No. 20123750 Report Quoted By:
I'm looking for a 6iv non-english ditto for a friend, anybody have a spare?
Lisa- 2964-9022-3850
Quoted By:
Thanks Marc-Andre!
>>20123714 Sent
>>20123732 Alright, I'll do it next time
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20123739 thanks a lot man, do you by any chance have mew/arceus/jirachi? it's a pain trying to find them!
Ponder 5386-9515-7784 Wartortle/Panpour/Frogadier
Ponder 5386-9515-7784 Wartortle/Panpour/Frogadier Mon 21 Jul 2014 18:29:38 No. 20123770 Report Quoted By:
>>20123353 Re-upping this request to whoever
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20123763 Nope, not spare
All I have is keldeo/meleotta/victinis spare
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle)
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle) Mon 21 Jul 2014 18:33:38 No. 20123815 Report IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20123814 keldeo! would i be able to get one?
Taylor- 3540-0202-5991
>>20123815 you have it right now? bc i have to walk, like, a block down the street for wifi, haha.
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle)
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle) Mon 21 Jul 2014 18:36:22 No. 20123864 Report >>20123854 yes and i added you
Alan 3711-6798-5215
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Quoted By:
>>20123873 thanks, i'm ready to trade now so if you're free just throw me a request
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Quoted By:
>>20123873 thank you so much man, it's hell trying to get these event legendaries!
Taylor- 3540-0202-5991
>>20123864 alright. thank you! c: most i can offer in return is 5iv Sandile, Larvitar, Poliwag? sorry, i'm fairly new to breeding and shit, heh.
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle)
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle) Mon 21 Jul 2014 18:43:13 No. 20123958 Report >>20123930 w/e just send me trade request when you're there
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Quoted By:
does anyone have a leftover mew from genning? i really need one for my dex.
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Mon 21 Jul 2014 18:45:02 No. 20123986 Report Quoted By:
>>20123758 thanks anon was going to put a megastone but was afraid some was going to snip it
Peter 4613-6345-2754
Quoted By:
Anyone can genner me some breeding dittos?
>>20123501 Taz (0275-8906-5152)
>Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: none >Level: 100 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Imposter >Game of Origin: Platinum >Pokemon Gender: none >Shiny: yes >Hatched/Met at location: Day-care center >Specific pokeball: premiere >Date of Creation: 7/21/2014 >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: hp 252 atk 4 spe 252 >Moves: transform >OT Gender: Male >OT: Taz If someone could make this or any 6 IV Ditto that would be appreciated
Peter 4613-6345-2754
Quoted By:
gen* & thank you
Taylor- 3540-0202-5991
Quoted By:
>>20123958 added. thank you! c:
>>20124002 >imposter >platinum >hatched retard pls
Quoted By:
>>20124100 forgot to add
>imposter >shiny
>Pokemon: Drapion >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Impish >Ability: Battle Armor >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: Day-care center >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: 1/7/2014 >IV's: All 31 >EV's: Hp 100 def 156 sp def 252 >Moves: Earthquake, Aqua Tail, Protect Toxic Spikes PID 49270 SID 52188 if anyone could make this i would be truly grateful
David, (but not at Genning station)
Quoted By:
>>20124298 Don't double post, just relink if anything.
Messes Genners up and they may make 2. Also be patient.
David, (but not at Genning station)
Quoted By:
>>20124479 Unknown. X/Y Saves to 3DS as opposed to cartridge, making Genning into the DS almost impossible. Some have hacked into the data, but it's so well encrypted we may never see a Gen VI PokeGen
>>20123709 hey alan, i already added you, are you on?
Lisa- 2964-9022-3850
>Pokemon: Pidgey >Nickname: Roucarnage >Level: 5 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Keen eye >Game of Origin: Leafgreen >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: yes >Hatched/Met at location: doesnt matter >Specific pokeball: premiere >Date of Creation: 7/21/2014 >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 Atk4 Def252 Spe >Moves: Brave bird, Arial ace, Steel wing, Facade >OT Gender: Female >OT: Lisa Could someone maybe do this too? Pidgeot is a long time favorite of mine, and his french name makes me want to train one again.
Quoted By:
>>20124479 when pokecheck comes back
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20124536 Yeah I'm on
What did you need again?
Any point in posting a request right now?
Alan 3711-6798-5215
Quoted By:
>>20124611 Well I'm done for the moment
I'm not sure if any genners are still here
Nektar 4742-5344-1965 (Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus)
Nektar 4742-5344-1965 (Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus) Mon 21 Jul 2014 19:36:27 No. 20124670 Report >Pokemon: Landorus >Nickname: Djinni >Level: 50 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Sheer Force >Game of Origin: White 2 >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: N/A >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: N/A >IV's: 31/30/30/31/31/31 >EV's: N/A >Moves: Stealth Rock/Knock Off/Hidden Power (Ice)/Earth Power >OT Gender: Male >OT: Nektar >Pokemon: Latios >Nickname: Aeon >Level: 50 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Levitate >Game of Origin: HGSS >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: N/A >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: N/A >IV's: 31/0/30/30/30/30 >EV's: N/A >Moves: Draco Meteor/Psyshock/Hidden Power (Fighting)/Defog >OT Gender: Male >OT: Nektar I can offer breeding leftovers, choice items, assault vest, life orb, toxic orb, flame orb, focus sash, and leftovers.
Lisa- 2964-9022-3850
Quoted By:
>>20124551 and can it maybe be in a premierball?
Quoted By:
>>20124610 thank you based alan!!!!!
hi, are there any genners out there? looking for a mew, if you can't complete the specifications then i don't mind a random mew with any moves and iv's, i just need it for my dex, so here goes:>Pokemon: Mew >Nickname: No nickname! :3 >Level: 50 >Nature: Calm >Ability: Synchronize >Game of Origin: Hoenn (R/S/E event) >Pokemon Gender: Genderless >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Don't mind >Specific pokeball: Cherish Ball (if that's not possible, then just a standard Poke Ball!) >Date of Creation: Don't mind >IV's: All perfect IV's I suppose. >EV's: 252 HP / 136 SpD / 120 Spe >Moves: Stealth Rock / Soft Boiled / Defog / Will-O-Wisp >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 55165 >OT: Ahmed thanks!
Quoted By:
One question. Is actually Zen Mode Darmanitan you can get from those statues on Black and White are counted as fateful encounter? Trying to gen it for fun.
Quoted By:
>>20124551 >liking based french names you are definitely alright in my book.
Okay, I can gen stuff. And I need a Diancie. First come first serve; get me the event Diancie and I'll gen you something.
>>20125460 That's kind of a high request, most genners do it for 5 IV pokemon or BP items. I'm not saying not to ask for diancie because some people can just power save more but still
Snizel 1349-5192-9143 IGN: Connor
>>20125460 Will you please do
>>20118439 Please
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle)
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967 (Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle) Mon 21 Jul 2014 20:46:13 No. 20125624 Report Quoted By:
>>20125513 take as much time cloning a Diancie as genning a pokemon
Travis 2062-9354-0594 IGN: Arc
>>20125513 I need a Diancie, and I'm missing all the giveaways, so I figured I'd do something about it.
>>20125519 Working on it.
Snizel 1349-5192-9143 IGN: Connor
>>20125720 You're awesome. Want me to put something on gts for it?
Mavis 1220 7710 8516
>>20124798 I've gotcha
do you have an inkay with happy hour? Cue 2337-4634-5653 (Grass: Quilidan, Ivysaur, Oddish)
Cue 2337-4634-5653 (Grass: Quilidan, Ivysaur, Oddish) Mon 21 Jul 2014 21:05:00 No. 20125923 Report Tried to get this one yesterday, but it wouldn't work. I fixed it, so it should work now. Giving Breeding Leftovers.>Pokemon: Cloyster >Nickname: Cloyster >Level: 100 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Skill Link >Game of Origin: Whatever Fits >Pokemon Gender: Any >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Whatever Fits >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: Yesterday >IV's: 31/31/31/30/31/31 >EV's: 252 Atk/ 252 Spe/ 4 HP >Moves: Icicle Spear, Rapid Spin, Shell Smash, Toxic Spikes >OT Gender: Any >TID / SID: Any >OT: Sullivan
Mavis 1220 7710 8516
Travis 2062-9354-0594 IGN: Arc
>>20125862 To make sure it works, let's just trade directly. I'm having issues keeping the IV's set where you want them. I can give it 31/31/30/31/31/30 and keep the hidden power at BP 70 Psychic type, as well as modest. Is that fine?
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Quoted By:
>>20126007 had my anonymous mode on lol, should show my ign and fc now :P
Snizel 1349-5192-9143 IGN: Connor
>>20126018 That's perfect! Adding you now
Mavis 1220 7710 8516
>>20125923 I can do it for gen 6 breeding leftovers
Lin 0060 9618 4884
>Offer a drawing in exchange for getting some genned Pokemon, one of which is Defog Skarmory >Guy is an idiot and gets two of the Natures wrong and forgets to give Skarmory Defog, it has Air Slash instead >Whatever >Get the two Pokemon I need with correct Natures from somebody else >Still need Defog on Skarmory >Ask a third guy for a Skarmory with Defog >He puts Spikes instead of Defog and makes it the wrong gender I would be ever so grateful if someone could do this for me:>Pokemon: Skarmory >Nickname: final >Level: 100 >Nature: Impish >Ability: Sturdy >Game of Origin: Whatever works, probably Platinum >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't matter, Solaceon Town if it does >Specific pokeball: Poke Ball >Date of Creation: 21 July 2014 >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP / 252 Defense / 4 Speed >Moves: Defog / Whirlwind OR Roar / Roost / Brave Bird >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: Doesn't matter >OT: Lin I don't have anything to offer in return.
Travis 2062-9354-0594 IGN: Arc
>>20126059 Gonna take me a while; genning this one has issues. Need to modify some stuff real quick, then transfer over some stuff. Should take about 10 minutes.
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20126018 okay i've added you!!
Snizel 1349-5192-9143 IGN: Connor
>>20126116 Had a spare mew so hope you enjoy it!
Mavis 1220 7710 8516
>>20126116 wait do you still need it?
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>Pokemon: Clefairy (because of Moonblast) >Nickname: Männlichkeit >Level: 100 >Nature: Bold >Ability: Magic Guard >Game of Origin: Firered/Leafgreen >Pokemon Gender: Male (!) >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: anywhere >Specific pokeball: Dreamball (if possible), if not: Hyperball >Date of Creation: today >IV's: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >EV's: HP 246 / Def 252 / Spd 12 >Moves: Calm Mind / Moonblast / Flamethrower / Soft-boiled (!) >OT Gender: Female >OT: Yahiko I would love to get one if you have time.
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20126191 yeah, is it shiny?
Lin 0060 9618 4884
Quoted By:
Actually, I can breed some 5IV Jolly HA Gible. They don't have Outrage but I could breed for it it would take longer than just giving the 5IV Gible I already have. They can be nicknamed as well.
>>20126089 Mavis 1220 7710 8516
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Quoted By:
>>20126247 oh awesome, my FC is in my name ^^ :3
Rens: 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales]
Rens: 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales] Mon 21 Jul 2014 21:24:28 No. 20126267 Report Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Excadrill >Nickname: None >Level: 100 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Sand Throw >Game of Origin: Black >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: Today >IV's: Max >EV's: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd >Moves: Swords Dance, X-scissor, Rock Slide, Earthquake >OT Gender: Male >OT: Rens
Erdrick 4313-0788-4044
>>20126194 >Moonblast >Gen V Might want to fix that.
Cue 2337-4634-5653 (Grass: Quilidan, Ivysaur, Oddish)
Cue 2337-4634-5653 (Grass: Quilidan, Ivysaur, Oddish) Mon 21 Jul 2014 21:26:05 No. 20126293 Report Nektar 4742-5344-1965 (Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus)
Nektar 4742-5344-1965 (Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus) Mon 21 Jul 2014 21:27:29 No. 20126316 Report Quoted By:
Mavis 1220 7710 8516
>>20126225 >>20125923 bout to go throu poke transfer
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Quoted By:
>>20126339 okay, thank you!
Mavis 1220 7710 8516
Quoted By:
>>20126194 you probably want a lvl 42
Mavis 1220 7710 8516
>>20126293 are you sullivan?
David, (but not at Genning station)
>>20126287 As a Genner, THIS so much...
I'm so surprised at the laziness of people requesting who haven't read the OP... Who is me, but regardless.
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20126451 thank you based mavis! :]
Cue 2337-4634-5653 (Grass: Quilidan, Ivysaur, Oddish)
Cue 2337-4634-5653 (Grass: Quilidan, Ivysaur, Oddish) Mon 21 Jul 2014 21:39:33 No. 20126480 Report Quoted By:
>>20126473 If you sometimes act as the OP, could you take out the "Hatched At" and "OT Gender" categories as they don't apply to X and Y?
Erdrick 4313-0788-4044
Quoted By:
>>20126473 I'm pretty sure that a Pokemon from FireRed/LeafGreen can't have a 12 character name or be in a Dream Ball, either.
Cue 2337-4634-5653 (Grass: Quilidan, Ivysaur, Oddish)
Cue 2337-4634-5653 (Grass: Quilidan, Ivysaur, Oddish) Mon 21 Jul 2014 21:42:52 No. 20126509 Report Mavis 1220 7710 8516
Travis 2062-9354-0594 IGN: Arc
>>20126126 Sorry for the wait. Had to transfer from a SS rom to a legit SS to a BW2 copy to X. It's transfered now, ready to trade.
David, (but not at Genning station)
>>20126495 TBH I just copy pasta from brotha/sista genners...
For me, its easier if you just skip over it. Hatched at implies the pokes level, and that is important since you won't find Pokes at level 100 in the wild... I mean 90% of the time, it's the Genner going to look that up, but still, it is a thing O_o.
Snizel 1349-5192-9143 IGN: Connor
>>20126520 You're awesome, thank you so much
Quoted By:
>>20126525 Well, that logic for keeping "Hatched at" seems flimsy at best, but can you try to convince the other genners not to continue with the OT Gender section?
Travis 2062-9354-0594 IGN: Arc
>>20126533 Where's the Diancie?
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Quoted By:
one more.. ONE MORE! i need jirachi, that's all i need, and no more legendary hunting. would a genner be able to do this for me?>Pokemon: Jirachi >Nickname: No nickname please! >Level: 50 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Serene Grace >Game of Origin: Emerald I guess :P >Pokemon Gender: Genderless! >Shiny: Yeah >Hatched/Met at location: I don't mind! >Specific pokeball: Erm, cherish ball, if that's not possible just a standard pokeball >Date of Creation: Don't mind :] >IV's: All perfect iv's! >EV's: 128 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 124 Spe >Moves: Iron Head / U-Turn / Healing Wish / Ice Punch >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 55165 >OT: Ahmed Thank you so much, this is my only hope for getting a jirachi xD
Snizel 1349-5192-9143 IGN: Connor
>>20126564 I don't have one, I had intended to ask you to do mine if you didn't get a diancie offer.
Shit, I'm sorry, is there anything else i can get you? Want the unown back?
David, (but not at Genning station)
>>20126564 Dude, if they don't have one, don't ask for it. This is a FREE service... Genners do this for /vp/ not for some profit. Go to a Powersave thread if you want a Diancie, I'm sure you can get one, but asking for one and I'm guessing you're withholding their mon is not right.
>>20126564 You got scammed retard.
He knew you'd make it, and when he didn't have a Diancie to offer, what're you gonna do, keep the useless POS in the box?
Quoted By:
>>20126564 He told you he didn't had one.
David, (but not at Genning station)
>>20126593 You don't have to give anything back, you're fine. He should understand the rules
>>20126593 Wow. Dude, he specifically said he'd do it for diancie
Kind of a dick move dude
Snizel 1349-5192-9143 IGN: Connor
>>20126564 I didn't mean to scam you, I thought you'd just done it because no one else offered one
David, (but not at Genning station)
>>20126631 Not scammed, there is no "I'm no going to Gen for you unless you give me [Insert Something Stupid Here] for it". PokeGen General is for anyone and whoever can do it will do it
There should be 0 entitlement here.
Snizel 1349-5192-9143 IGN: Connor
>>20126638 I didn't mean to ;_; I'll give it back, I swear
David, (but not at Genning station)
Quoted By:
>>20126638 I'd of dun it for a fucking Psyduck with 0 IVs, he did nothing wrong, if someone is going to offer Genning service in a Genner Thread, then its still service, we Genners don't have requests, it's all ya'll that do. He's not in the wrong by any means, regardless of what said Genner said.
Quoted By:
children pls pls
>>20126656 I agree, but do you think Travis plays by the same rules based JK and based Caleb do?
The lack of entitlement is a great thing and I always wish I could do something in return for those two, but it's unreasonable to expect people to live up to their standards.
David, (but not at Genning station)
>>20126657 You're fine Snizel. Its over and done. Don't worry about it.
Travis 2062-9354-0594 IGN: Arc
>>20126593 Bleh. It's fine I guess. I was doing this explicitly only for the Diancie. Since you asked me to do it, I assumed you were good for what I asked.
Fuck, now I gotta run around for even longer looking for that Diancie.
>>20126623 Datel patched the powersaves, they no longer work for getting the events. Not even using CE. Trust me, I've tried. As for it, I figured I might as well get something in return. It's pretty common to ask for at least something small in return.
>>20126642 It's fine I guess. I can understand your confusion.
>>20126637 >Rules What rules, there's no enforcing body for them. Some people might agree to them, but I didn't. I don't see a point in limiting it by making up rules, that only causes less genners to exist.
>>20126657 It's all good, keep it. I already made it anyways. No hard feelings, I can understand how you got confused over it.
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20126691 Have you got jirachi?
Snizel 1349-5192-9143 IGN: Connor
>>20126681 Thanks David, sorry about the issues...
>>20126691 On the bright side It's a perfect riolu?
David, (but not at Genning station)
Quoted By:
>>20126672 There are many of us who think this way, Caleb, Mars, JK, Wilma we all do it for nothing, we don't care that's why. We are the ones who usually start these threads and with that we expect that people adhere to our nuances if nothing else. That's all.
Travis 2062-9354-0594 IGN: Arc
>>20126707 Haha, it's all good. I guess I'll just have to look more for a Diancie. I figured I might as well work for it rather than be entitled to it like in the giveaways, but guessing from what everyone else says, I should just wait for someone to give it away for free.
>>20126701 What? Like, the new event one? Nope.
Could I gen one? Yeah.
David, (but not at Genning station)
>>20126691 >rules >implied Nothing is written in stone, I guess it's a kinda "code of genners" well, for a few of us.
Regardless I meant no disrespect to you specifically, other people were calling Snizel out, I was simply rectifying the assumed situation.
But we'd love to have you around to gen with us. :)
FC: 2122 7789 7828
Don't really have the time, can someone help a brother out on this fella ?
http://www.mediafire.com/download/06yanqkpkujcl4e/Démanta.pkm Since I must go I'll put a disc up for it (if GTS don't bother you) and run. Thanks in advance
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20126740 could you gen me one? :]
IGN: Kiero
Travis 2062-9354-0594 IGN: Arc
>>20126742 I can respect that you guys do it for free. However, I can't exactly just make my own thread for a single person to do a single gen for a single mon in return. I've been missing quite a bit of the give aways, and I'd rather do something for it rather than sit on my ass and wait for it to happen
As for Genning, It takes a lot for me to do it, due to using an R4 over a AR, so I need to transfer it an additional time. However, I suppose I could Gen around here sporadically. I was only wanting this one thing in return for once. I've genned a few times for people, and I'm used to them giving me something small, typically cloned 6th gen, but I've never used these threads specifically.
>>20126764 I suppose, fill out the details or I'll just set up a fresh event one.
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20126818 Alright dude!
>Pokemon: Jirachi >Nickname: No nickname please! >Level: 50 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Serene Grace >Game of Origin: Emerald I guess :P >Pokemon Gender: Genderless! >Shiny: Yeah >Hatched/Met at location: I don't mind! >Specific pokeball: Erm, cherish ball, if that's not possible just a standard pokeball >Date of Creation: Don't mind :] >IV's: All perfect iv's! >EV's: 128 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 124 Spe >Moves: Iron Head / U-Turn / Healing Wish / Ice Punch >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 55165 >OT: Ahmed thanks in advance!
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20126818 If you want a Diancie, hit me up. Pretty sure I've still got close to box. I've only been using it to make little kids shit their pants in passerby trades.
David, (but not at Genning station)
Quoted By:
>>20126818 If I ever run into a Diancie, prior to you getting yours, I will give you mine.
I too use an R4i, which is a lot slower than AR or Powersaves, but I do what I can, 10-15 pokes a time, but it still gets done :).
And you know what, someone may come in here and offer up a Diancie! O_O
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20126843 lmao, i feel sorry for the kids, you show them the diancie then break their soul by cancelling the trade, then get spammed by requests for the rest of the day!
David, (but not at Genning station)
Quoted By:
>>20126843 Sup JK, not at my Genning computer, but lurkin.
Travis 2062-9354-0594 IGN: Arc
>>20126837 Jircahi's event only. I can't have it set up with those TID's or OT and have it legit. Choose a version of Jirachi that's been distributed, and I can alter it slightly. I'm pretty sure any shiny Jirachi is instantly illegal, with the exception of the 6th gen distro, which I don't have, sadly.
>>20126843 Thanks man, I'll add you.
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20126889 sure man, any jirachi will do!
Nektar 4742-5344-1965 (Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus)
Nektar 4742-5344-1965 (Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus) Mon 21 Jul 2014 22:11:01 No. 20126923 Report Can somebody gen these for me? Sorry for the repost. >Pokemon: Landorus >Nickname: Djinni >Level: 50 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Sheer Force >Game of Origin: White 2 >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: N/A >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: N/A >IV's: 31/30/30/31/31/31 >EV's: N/A >Moves: Stealth Rock/Knock Off/Hidden Power (Ice)/Earth Power >OT Gender: Male >OT: Nektar >Pokemon: Latios >Nickname: Aeon >Level: 50 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Levitate >Game of Origin: HGSS >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: N/A >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: N/A >IV's: 31/0/30/30/30/30 >EV's: N/A >Moves: Draco Meteor/Psyshock/Hidden Power (Fighting)/Defog >OT Gender: Male >OT: Nektar I can offer breeding leftovers, choice items, assault vest, life orb, toxic orb, flame orb, focus sash, and leftovers.
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20126862 >implying I'd do that Nope. Usually they put up a shiny legend. I refuse the trade until they put up some random shitmon I don't give a shit about and then trade it over. I still get spammed with requests afterward even though I give them it.
Travis 2062-9354-0594 IGN: Arc
>>20126900 I have a spare one lying around, add me and I'll send it.
Travis 2062-9354-0594 IGN: Arc
Quoted By:
>>20126843 Thanks man, really needing that.
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Quoted By:
>>20126934 i guess it's only me..
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20126942 thanks a lot bro!
Travis 2062-9354-0594 IGN: Arc
>>20127034 No problem, anytime
>>20126923 I'll work on these, then I need to go.
Nektar 4742-5344-1965 (Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus)
Nektar 4742-5344-1965 (Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus) Mon 21 Jul 2014 22:22:21 No. 20127094 Report >>20127077 thank you. is there anything particular that you want?
>>20126760 Oh wait, I have my phone. So if someone would be kind enough to gen this one, we can trade the usual way
FC is 2122 7789 7828
Travis 2062-9354-0594 IGN: Arc
>>20127094 Nah. I'd love a Lansat or Starf Berry if you got some, otherwise, I'm fine.
Jacob 3024 - 6097 - 8478 - IGN Jacques
>Pokemon: Slowbro >Nickname: Slowbro >Level: 100 >Nature: Bold >Ability: Regenerator >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: M >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Dream >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD >Moves: Fire Blast, Ice Beam, Scald, Slack Off >OT Gender: M >TID / SID: 33326 >OT: Jacques Would appreciate it if possible, don't have a great deal to offer.
Paul 4081-5628-5834
Quoted By:
Anybody doing requests?
Nektar 4742-5344-1965 (Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus)
Nektar 4742-5344-1965 (Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus) Mon 21 Jul 2014 22:30:38 No. 20127231 Report >>20127128 i'm really sorry. i don't have those.
Travis 2062-9354-0594 IGN: Arc
>>20126923 Landorus can only get it's hidden ability via Dream Radar, so it needs to be in a dream ball.
>>20127231 It's all good, no sweat.
Nektar 4742-5344-1965 (Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus)
Nektar 4742-5344-1965 (Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus) Mon 21 Jul 2014 22:32:23 No. 20127265 Report >>20127246 that's fine if it's in a dream ball. sorry for the mistake. thank you so much.
Erdrick 4313-0788-4044
>>20123645 Bumping this request.
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20127130 >>20127401 I'll do this
I'll take requests for the next hour or so
Would love a goodnature noibat but or shiny phantump, aside from that feel free to offer whatever
Erdrick 4313-0788-4044
Quoted By:
>>20127460 Let me know when it's ready, I'll probably have to do it via GTS since I can't seem to hold a wifi signal on my 3DS for very long.
Are there any items you'd be interested in?
IGN: Paul /FC: 2122 7789 7828
Jacob 3024 - 6097 - 8478 - IGN Jacques
>>20127460 I'll have to do a whatever, since it looks like the noibat is covered. I had a shiny phantump but I traded it for a shiny goomy back in December.
If shit doesn't get too crowded, may ask if you can do one more for me while you're here.
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20127573 yes, the file makes it so much easier thank you very much
Travis 2062-9354-0594 IGN: Arc
>>20127118 That's illegal.
>>20127265 Just finished these, gonna transfer them over.
George 5215 0034 2814
>>20127460 >Pokemon: Rotom-W >Nickname: Oxyclean >Level: 100 >Nature: Bold >Ability: Levitate >Game of Origin: Diamond >Pokemon Gender: Genderless (it is genderless right if not male) >Shiny: Nope! >Hatched/Met at location: n/a >Specific pokeball: Standard Ball >Date of Creation: n/a >IV's: perfect spread >EV's: 252 hp 212 def 44 speed >Moves: Hydro Pump, Volt Switch, Will-O-Wisp, Rest >OT Gender: n/a >TID / SID: 20456 >OT: George Thanks in advance!
Nektar 4742-5344-1965 (Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus)
Nektar 4742-5344-1965 (Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus) Mon 21 Jul 2014 23:03:54 No. 20127706 Report >>20127683 cool. thanks. i'm ready whenever you are
Alan 3711-6798-5215
George 5215 0034 2814
>>20127815 Thanks bruv. I really don't have much to offer... I apologize about that. You do have my gratitude, though!
IGN: Paul /FC: 2122 7789 7828
Quoted By:
>>20127655 No probs, you handed me an Aggron sooner
Alan 3711-6798-5215
Travis 2062-9354-0594 IGN: Arc
>>20127706 Sorry it took so long, I was having issues with the forme. I've changed it, and now It's transferred. Get ready to trade
Nektar 4742-5344-1965 (Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus)
Nektar 4742-5344-1965 (Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus) Mon 21 Jul 2014 23:20:14 No. 20127962 Report Quoted By:
>>20127954 awesome. sure thing.
Travis 2062-9354-0594 IGN: Arc
Quoted By:
Alright, I'm out for now. I'll be back again.
Nektar 4742-5344-1965 (Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus)
Nektar 4742-5344-1965 (Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus) Mon 21 Jul 2014 23:25:30 No. 20128042 Report Quoted By:
>>20127954 thanks for the trade. sorry i couldn't get you what you wanted.
Paul 4081-5628-5834
Quoted By:
>>20127882 Hey Alan, are you still doing requests?
Alan 3711-6798-5215
George 5215 0034 2814
Quoted By:
>>20127882 Gosh Alan, I'm awful sorry. My laptop is running out of juice and I left the charger at work.
I'll just say "thanks" in advance, assuming the trade goes through. If it doesn't, that's totally fine.
Have a nice day!
Anna 0361-7566-6446 (4001)
>Pokemon:Ditto >Nickname:Ditto >Level:100 >Nature:Modest >Ability:Imposter if possible >Game of Origin:Black >Pokemon Gender:N/a >Shiny:No >Hatched/Met at location:Giant Chasm >Specific pokeball:Normal >Date of Creation: >IV's:31/30/31/30/31/30 >EV's:blank >Moves:transform >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT: I can offer bp items and a couple of 6th gen 5iv shinies
Anna 0361-7566-6446 (4001)
Quoted By:
>>20128318 Also if it's possible to make it japanese that would be great
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20127401 This is also ready
Erdrick 4313-0788-4044
>>20128350 Ugh, I'm having some trouble connecting. I'm going to put a 6IV Female HA Dratini with Extreme Speed on the GTS as soon as I can connect. It will be at level 44 and will be holding Leftovers, unless you'd like a different item.
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
>Pokemon:Ditto >Nickname:ditto >Level: 100 >Nature:timid >Ability:Imposter >Game of Origin: Doesn't matter >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny:yes >Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't Matter >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's:Max >Moves:Doesn't Matter >TID / SID: Doesn't Matter >OT: Doesn't Matter >Pokemon:Ditto >Nickname:ditto >Level: 100 >Nature:jolly >Ability:Imposter >Game of Origin: Doesn't matter >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny:yes >Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't Matter >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's:Max >Moves:Doesn't Matter >TID / SID: Doesn't Matter >OT: Doesn't Matter Could you make them spanish? I can offer a 5 IV ralts, a 4 IV froakie or a 4 IV lampent. I can also give a lucky egg
Jacob 3024 - 6097 - 8478 - IGN Jacques
Quoted By:
>>20128350 Getting an error message, says you have a pokemon in your party that can't be traded.
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20128318 I'll get on this
>>20127612 It's in a freaking dream ball >.<
Gimme ten minutes to fix it
Sorry dude
Jacob 3024 - 6097 - 8478 - IGN Jacques
>>20128407 No worries or rush, man. I appreciate the charity either way
David, (but not at Genning station)
Alan 3711-6798-5215
IGN: Paul /FC: 2122 7789 7828
>>20128454 Sending you a trade request, I got the noibat
Alan 3711-6798-5215
Quoted By:
>>20128466 K
>>20128392 Let me know when it's up
Erdrick 4313-0788-4044
Arc FC: 2122-6006-0390
Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Mawile >Nickname: Kagami >Level: 59 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Intimidate >Game of Origin: Doesn't matter >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't matter >Specific pokeball: Heal Ball >Date of Creation: Doesn't matter >IV's: All 31 >EV's: 132/hp/252atk/124 speed >Moves: Sucker Punch, Iron Head, Sword Dance >OT Gender: Doesn't matter >TID / SID: Doesn't matter >OT: Your name Can offer bp item, breeding left overs with egg moves and some mega stones. Just ask!
Alan 3711-6798-5215
Quoted By:
>>20128318 Actually something just came up so I can't work on this, Sorry
Alan 3711-6798-5215
Quoted By:
>>20128429 Ten more minutes dude
Paul 4081-5628-5834
>Pokemon: Eelectross >Nickname: Lamar >Level: 100 >Nature: Modest >Ability: Levitate >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: any >Specific pokeball: pokeball >Date of Creation: any >IV's: 31's in all >EV's: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD >Moves: Acid Spray, thunderbolt, flamethrower, hidden power ice >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: any >OT: Paul Offering 4IV corphish with superpower, knock off, double edge, and dragon dance
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20128429 Ready......hopefully
>Pokemon: Ludicolo >Nickname: Runpappa >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Swift Swim >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Catched in White Forest at Lvl. 5 >Specific pokeball: Net Ball >Date of Creation: August 31, 2007 if possible, if not, then Today >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 SP.ATK., 4 SP.DEF, 252 SPEED >Moves: Fake Out, Hydro Pump, Giga Drain, Ice Beam >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 83107 >OT: Luis >Pokemon: Swampert >Nickname: No nickname >Level: 100 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Damp >Game of Origin: Black 2 >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Hatched in Aspertia City at Lvl 1 >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: Today >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 ATK, 4 SP.DEF, 252 SPE >Moves: Mirror Coat, Yawn, Refresh, Wide Guard >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: 62002 >OT: CARMEN I have some Klefki with 5 IV -Atk and some Froakies. Please and thanks.
IGN: CARMEN 0404-7627-9386
Quoted By:
>>20128946 Whoops, forgot my IGN and FC.
Adrian FC: 1349-6836-6612
Quoted By:
Is anyone still genning? I've been trying to get this one for a while, and am willing to give a shaymin for it. >Pokemon:Scizor >Nickname: >Level:100 >Nature:adamant >Ability:technician >Game of Origin: whichever works >Pokemon Gender: female >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: whatever works >Specific pokeball: pokeball >Date of Creation: whatever works >IV's: 31\31\31\x\31\31 >EV's: 248 hp 252 attack 8spd >Moves: super power/u-turn/bullet punch/pursuit >OT Gender: male >TID / SID:whatever works >OT: Eddy
Jacob 3024 - 6097 - 8478 - IGN Jacques
>>20128793 Sorry, encountered a problem with my router. Connecting now, hopefully
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20129050 Thank your the nice heracross ;)
I don't gen mons for myself so this is really appreciated :)
Jacob 3024 - 6097 - 8478 - IGN Jacques
>>20129126 Hopefully it's a nice one, the nature is at least good, I'm not 100 percent sure on the IVs. Been working on a megacross for a while now, just haven't had good luck with breeding.
Thanks a bunch, though
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20129155 The guy said its good
The nature is what it's really mattes
Your welcome dude!
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
Quoted By:
>>20128393 Is anybody willing to do this for me?
Ponder 5386-9515-7784 Wartortle/Panpour/Frogadier
Ponder 5386-9515-7784 Wartortle/Panpour/Frogadier Tue 22 Jul 2014 00:49:48 No. 20129333 Report Quoted By:
Can someone gen me a Raticate, Weezing, Persian, Slaking? I have all the megastones, lots of mons if you want specific one maybe, I dunno.
Paul 4081-5628-5834
Sami 0259-0402-7313
If it isn't too much trouble, I'd like a Male AND female of this?>Pokemon: Cottonee >Nickname: PASTO >Level: any >Nature: Modest >Ability: Prankster >Game of Origin: Non-US BW(2) >Pokemon Gender: female/male >Shiny: NO >Hatched/Met at location: ANY >Specific pokeball: nest ball >Date of Creation: ANY >IV's: 31/31/31/30/31/31 >EV's: none >Moves: Sunny Day / Endeavor / Cotton Guard / Solarbeam >OT Gender: ANY >TID / SID: ANY >OT: ANY I can offer a leftover 5iv Larvesta with at least two egg moves in a timer ball OR a 5IV Buneary with eggmoves in a love ball
Maddie 3583-0549-4354
>>20128440 OK DAVID I SEE HOW IT IS "MadieSucks"
1v1 nerd
jk im sorry pls dont beat me up ;_; David (4296-3786-9184)
Maddie... I did say Manectricite... Lmao
David (4296-3786-9184)
>>20129618 hahahahahaha. Where is my mega stone, you tool. :)
And you didn't give me a nickname, so I made it appropriate, I think.
Maddie 3583-0549-4354
>>20129626 sorry, i didnt have some on me, if you can gen me a pokemon while i get the manectricite that'd be great. :D you dont have to though~
Any news yet on powersavers
Maddie 3583-0549-4354
>>20129707 ill be making a thread later~
David (4296-3786-9184)
>>20129645 I don't have time right this minute. But I will probably in a few hours.
Also, what is the egg?
Also, you're a powersaver right? Do you have a Timid Protean Froakie/Greninja you could shiny and give me? Or Diancie, though I'm not sure you can duplicate those anymore since I think the event is over...
Anyways, if you have a couple to gen I can do it after. can send infos to
[email protected] if you wanna do a list or something sometime and I'm not around. Hmpf
Maddie 3583-0549-4354
Quoted By:
>>20129642 i have a manectite for you~
Erdrick 4313-0788-4044
>>20129231 Finally got back to the GTS. Thanks for the Heatran!
Maddie 3583-0549-4354
>>20129743 it's a
diance egg Sami 0259-0402-7313
Quoted By:
>>20129381 Augh. I meant non-NA or something. If it's possible to make it foreign that'd be helpful as well.
David (4296-3786-9184)
>>20129812 Okay, well I have to stop out, but if you have a couple you want done send me a msg a la email I dropped. I should be back in a couple hours
David (4296-3786-9184)
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
Quoted By:
>Pokemon:Ditto >Nickname:ditto >Level: 100 >Nature:timid >Ability:Imposter >Game of Origin: Doesn't matter >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny:yes >Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't Matter >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's:Max >Moves:Doesn't Matter >TID / SID: Doesn't Matter >OT: Doesn't Matter >Pokemon:Ditto >Nickname:ditto >Level: 100 >Nature:jolly >Ability:Imposter >Game of Origin: Doesn't matter >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny:yes >Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't Matter >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's:Max >Moves:Doesn't Matter >TID / SID: Doesn't Matter >OT: Doesn't Matter Could you make them spanish? I can offer a 5 IV ralts, a 4 IV froakie or a 4 IV lampent. I can also give a lucky egg
Alan 3711-6798-5215
Quoted By:
>>20129796 You're more than welcome
Thank you for the dratini
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
I guess I'll hang out here for a little while. Someone should start a new thread.
Adrian FC: 1349-6836-6612
Quoted By:
Any genners out there?
Hans 2681 - 0159 - 0338 [Dedenne, Pikachu, Galvantula]
Hans 2681 - 0159 - 0338 [Dedenne, Pikachu, Galvantula] Tue 22 Jul 2014 01:48:45 No. 20130253 Report Any genners around? I would like a couple things done, if it's not too much to ask.>Pokemon: Palkia >Nickname: - >Level: 50 >Nature: Modest >Ability: Pressure >Game of Origin: HeartGold >Pokemon Gender: - >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Johto >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: All 31 >EV's: 252 Hp / 252 Sp Atk / 4 Def >Moves: Spacial Rend Thunder Hydro Pump Sleep Talk>OT Gender: Any >TID / SID: Any >OT: Any >Pokemon: Mewtwo >Nickname: - >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Pressure >Game of Origin: HeartGold >Pokemon Gender: - >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Johto >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: All 31 >EV's: 4 Hp / 252 Sp Atk / 252 Speed >Moves: Aura Sphere Taunt Ice Beam ->OT Gender: Any >TID / SID: Any >OT: Any I'm offering Binacle and Clauncher breeding leftovers. Sorry, it's the only thing I have so hopefully it'll be enough.
Arc FC: 2122-6006-0390
>>20130208 :3?
>Pokemon: Scrafty >Nickname: Glocks >Level: 100 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Moxie >Game of Origin: Doesn't matter >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't matter >Specific pokeball: Timer Ball >Date of Creation: Doesn't matter >IV's: 31 >EV's: 4 Hp/ 252 Atk/ 252 Speed >Moves: Dragon Dance, Drain Punch, Knock Off, Ice Punch >OT Gender: Doesn't matter >TID / SID: Doesn't matter >OT: Your name >Pokemon: Mawile >Nickname: Kagami >Level: 59 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Intimidate >Game of Origin: Doesn't matter >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't matter >Specific pokeball: Heal Ball >Date of Creation: Doesn't matter >IV's: All 31 >EV's: 132/hp/252atk/124 speed >Moves: Sucker Punch, Iron Head, Sword Dance >OT Gender: Doesn't matter >TID / SID: Doesn't matter >OT: Your name Sami 0259-0402-7313
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
Hans 2681 - 0159 - 0338 [Dedenne, Pikachu, Galvantula]
Hans 2681 - 0159 - 0338 [Dedenne, Pikachu, Galvantula] Tue 22 Jul 2014 02:08:06 No. 20130514 Report Quoted By:
>>20130405 First Disc is up.
Thank you very much for this.
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
Sorry guys. Might take a little. I accidentaly bricked my AR. Gotta unbrick.
Arc FC: 2122-6006-0390
Quoted By:
>>20130405 I'll throw up for Scrafty first. This match is almost over.
Adrian FC: 1349-6836-6612
Quoted By:
>>20130525 NP, gonna do some maison in the meantime
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras)
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras) Tue 22 Jul 2014 02:13:38 No. 20130592 Report Quoted By:
>>Pokemon: Kricketot >>Nickname: Lil' Krick >>Level: 1 >>Nature: Jolly >>Ability: Run Away >>Game of Origin: Diamond >>Pokemon Gender: Male >>Shiny: Please >>Hatched/Met at location: Traded? >>Specific pokeball: Nest Ball >>Date of Creation: Idc >>IV's: idc >>EV's: i don cur >>Moves: Bug Bite, Struggle Bug, Growl, Bide >>OT Gender: Idc >>TID / SID: idc >>OT: idc Discing...
Hans 2681 - 0159 - 0338 [Dedenne, Pikachu, Galvantula]
Hans 2681 - 0159 - 0338 [Dedenne, Pikachu, Galvantula] Tue 22 Jul 2014 02:27:51 No. 20130725 Report Quoted By:
>>20130525 Thank you SO much for this. I wish I had something nice to give you.
Arc FC: 2122-6006-0390
Quoted By:
Got the Scrafty, JK. Discing for MAwile now.
Adrian FC: 1349-6836-6612
Arc FC: 2122-6006-0390
Quoted By:
Thank you again, JK. You do a too much for /vp/.
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras)
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras) Tue 22 Jul 2014 02:47:56 No. 20130959 Report NO WHO DO I THANK
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20130959 I sent it. Had to be from Unova though. Sami 0259-0402-7313
Quoted By:
>>20130968 this might be a long shot but do you think you could fill this?
>>20129381 understandable if you can't!
IGN: CARMEN 0404-7627-9386
Quoted By:
>>20130968 Could you do these, please?
>>20128946 Thanks in advance