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I guess that depends on the format. I believe that in 3v3 lures are the best for cheap wins, people dont tend to carry a ton of counters for a specific sweeper when choosing three mons so luring his check and killing it really makes a difference.
My favorite lures and sweepers combinations are:
>Ice Beam/Fire Blast/ESpeed/Superpower Dragonite+Garchomp/Scizor/Terrakion/Tyranitar
Ice Beam looks like something a retarded kid would use but it OHKOs Landorus-T, Fire Blast beats Ferro/Skarm and ESpeed is ESpeed.
>Power Herb Solar Beam Heatran with Flame Charge + Manectric
Pretty basic, lure Gastrodon, Quagsire, Swampert, weakened Tyranitar, and Terrakion and sweep the rest with Manectric. Heatran can go for a sweep with the speed boost from Flame Charge too.
>Specs Memento Whimsicott+ MMawile
I know this sound retarded but it works. Whimsicott can heavily damage Mawile's checks with the right move and late game use memento to help Mawile set up. Cripples Rotom-W, Garchomp, Heatran (if carrying HP Ground,) and gets OHKOs on shir that would normally stat in like Conkeldurr