Welcome to the GTS Giveaway Thread!
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon. Version exclusives, bank Pokémon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and try to fulfill the requests of fellow anons. This is not a trading or breeding thread.
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc general for that stuff. Also we're not likely to have past gen exclusive moves (such as Knock Off Timburr / Hyper Voice Ralts); please try elsewhere.
Is Luvdisc the best mon? TELL US YOUR IN GAME NAME (IGN)
>Come chat with us about breeding, giveaways, baby battles, and more! 1. Go to
http://webchat.irchighway.net/# 2. Type in your nickname.
3. Enter #/ggg/ as the channel name!
>Ignore shitposters and their bait completely. Old thread:
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>>20157881 There is no need to be upset :^)
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Here come the beggars Here we go
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
Ramza here, blade and joe, you guys here yet?
Blade - 1461-6353-0260
>>20158057 yup! i was asking about either a magneton or Jumpluff
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
>>20158066 Have magneton and I think I have jumpfluff still. disc up for which ever you want
Joe 1779-0383-0978
>>20158057 Yup, what about either Gyarados or Garadevoir?
Blade - 1461-6353-0260
Quoted By:
>>20158075 mareep up! (for magneton)
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
>>20158079 Have gyaradose. disc up for it bro
Des anybody have an adamant/ Jolly Pawinard with knock off?
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>>20158126 I've already told you, ask fucking pokegen general
Dalfishy - 3695-0035-8036
>>20158075 do you have a claydol??
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>20158075 Can I have the Magneton?
Joe 1779-0383-0978
Quoted By:
>>20158100 Awesome, thank you so much man
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
Alright those pokemon are sent. Have a regiice that needs a good home now if anyone wants
Andy 4227-2210-9843
Quoted By:
>>20158168 Sorry, just ignore this post
doesn't know somebody else was asking for it
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
>>20158167 I think so. Let me check. Disc up and I'll send. If not I'll tell you on here
>>20158168 Sorry it's gone. Have magnazone tho
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>20158196 C-can I have that?
Andres 4613-8064-9615
Dalfishy - 3695-0035-8036
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i can put up an igglybuff, if that's alright..
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
>>20158207 Of course. disc up bro
Dalfishy - 3695-0035-8036
>>20158222 please, i reallly want that cladol, putting up igglybuff!
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
Andy 4227-2210-9843
Quoted By:
>>20158222 Thanks, Ramza.
You're the best
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
9x Nest Ball Dwebble - Wide Guard, Spikes, Curse, Rototiller 2x Dream Ball HA Shuckle - Helping hand, Acupressure, Knock Off, sweet Scent 12x Pokéball HA Chimchar - Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Encore, Fake Out 4x Dive Ball Feebas - Mirror Coat, Brine, Dragon Pulse, Haze 1x Great Ball Roggenrola - Curse, Autotomize, wide guard, Gravity Post with your IGn for these beauties, first come first serve
Andres 4613-8064-9615
Quoted By:
>>20158235 ready, thank you so much!
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>20158243 Disc going up for a shuckle in a sec
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
>>20158229 I don't have it anymore bro, sorry. :/ Anything else you want tho?
>>20158183 Chimchar please, IGN Maddy my disc is up. Thanks so much dude
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Thu 24 Jul 2014 00:37:00 No. 20158279 Report Quoted By:
>>20158243 discing up for a female shuckle if there any
Dalfishy - 3695-0035-8036
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>>20158243 I'm taking a Chimchar.
Olivia 2363-6158-1686
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>>20158243 Discing up for Roggenrola, thanks
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
>>20158276 >>20158280 Have it. igglybuff up bro. haha
IGN Matt
>>20158243 disc is up for roggenrola, thanks opti!
Dalfishy - 3695-0035-8036
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>>20158297 it's up! thank you!
IGN Matt
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>>20158301 never mind, didn't see olivia's post :/
Dalfishy - 3695-0035-8036
>>20158297 awesome, something just sprang to mind, do you have a venomoth or hypno?
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
Alright, trades done. Have a lvl 100 shiny regigigas up for grabs. I'm sure he can do someone some good
Andy 4227-2210-9843
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
>>20158352 Have both. Which one you want?
Dalfishy - 3695-0035-8036
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>>20158370 both please!, igglybuff up for venomoth
Jake/Tim 0404-7255-0412
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>>20158243 Discing up for a Chimchar
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>>20158243 IGN frag, Can I have a chimchar? Nick named Opal if you could, if not that's fine. Thanks :D
Blade - 1461-6353-0260
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>>20158370 if you still have that jumpluff i put up a mareep, i'd really like to give him/her a good home
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Thu 24 Jul 2014 00:47:03 No. 20158422 Report >>20158358 any chance of a swampert?
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>20158370 Can we direct trade through Acquaintances, please?
I'm currently discing on Opti's Shuckle
Do you happen to have a Shedinja? It's my favorite pokemon Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
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>>20158367 I'm not finding your disc bro
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>>20158276 >>20158243 Sorry that was meant for you, IGN is Maddy could I have a chimchar?
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
>>20158422 Sorry just traded it. :/
>>20158425 I think so. Just disc after and I'll send it it I have it bro.
Dalfishy - 3695-0035-8036
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>>20158453 thank you Ramza! igglybuff is up for hypno!
Andy 4227-2210-9843
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>>20158453 Just got the Shuckle
Now putting up the discs
Blade - 1461-6353-0260
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>>20158453 Ramza you are awesome! thank you again!
Dalfishy - 3695-0035-8036
>>20158453 thank you so much, these are pretty much my first shinies so i'm really glad i was able to get a bunch of my favorites!
if you have a muk that would be amazing (or primape/omastar, sorry i don't want to sound greedy, just really love those mons...)
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
>>20158422 Have a samurot if you want noire
Have a shiney lvl 100 Sharpedo up for grabs. he's sassy too. haha
Andy 4227-2210-9843
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>>20158243 >>20158270 Just got sniped, re-discing for shuckle
>>20158586 Thanks again, Ramza
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
>>20158583 Omni star I have. haha. And I hope you take care of em. :]
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
Dalfishy - 3695-0035-8036
>>20158616 alright, igglybuff is up for omastar! and I will!
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
>>20158641 Yea disc up and I'll send his sassy ass.
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
>>20158643 Plus you must really love pink. haha
Dalfishy - 3695-0035-8036
Quoted By:
>>20158682 yeah, i do, haha thank you so much
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
>>20158659 Disc is up! Thanks a lot for the sassy shark. I will definitely take care of him/her!
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Does anyone have a Protean female Froakie in a Luxury Ball?
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
>>20158718 Thank you. :]
Have a shiney 100 steelix up for trade. Everyone loves a gold snack...rock thing. Anyone want?
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>20158743 Disc up if that's ok
IGN: Patrick
>>20158743 Do you have a ferrothorn?
seeing as steelix has gone
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
>>20158756 >>20158787 That's not OK you greedy fucks. You got a shiny already. Fuck off and let others get a chance
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
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Looking for Hidden Ability Corphish, female preferable. Luvsisc up, thanks a lot.
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Thu 24 Jul 2014 01:18:01 No. 20158826 Report Quoted By:
>>20158586 sorry i was eating is he still available if yes discing up
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
>>20158787 Have one. disc up bro.
>>20158800 That's not me. ._.
>>20158800 >>20158829 He's not you but he has a point...
IGN: Patrick
Quoted By:
>>20158829 disc is up :)
Yeah, I thought so. You would have been more polite about it
>>20158847 Yeah I've seen that Patrick tool be here yesterday constantly begging for shinies. God damn dude, have you no shame?
>>20158829 >That's not me. ._. wht always me
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice (Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong)
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice (Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong) Thu 24 Jul 2014 01:21:24 No. 20158874 Report Got >5 4-5 Iv kangas >box full of 3-5 ivs chamanders - dragon pulse, ancient power, outrage, flare blitz. All solar power > got 10 adamant speed boost torchics 4-5 ivs with baton pass > 5 modest deinos 4-5 ivs > 4 marills 4-5 ivs belly drum, superpower, aqua jet Take my children
Andy 4227-2210-9843
Quoted By:
>>20158829 It's fine, i know that's now you
and to i am being a Jew for asking the shiny
l'll stop asking for now and give other people a chance
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745 Thu 24 Jul 2014 01:22:17 No. 20158895 Report >>20158874 Any female Kangas? If so Disc up pls
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
Sorry Andy and Patrick. people are mad. All I can give you today. Have to give everyone a chance guys. lvl 100 shiny golirk up for trade. Been a good mons.
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
>>20158870 What are you looking for? I'll give you what I can bro. have quite a bit left.
IGN: Patrick
Quoted By:
>>20158867 haha, I got the mewtwo yesterday when he offered and i got that barely. if it makes you feel better I wont get anything more doesnt matter to me
Joe 1779-0383-0978
>>20158874 Disc up for a 5iv Marill. thank you!
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice (Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong)
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice (Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong) Thu 24 Jul 2014 01:24:59 No. 20158939 Report >>20158895 All kangas are female
>>20158902 I am not mad, but the anon who imitated you is right. It's alright to take 1 or at least 2 shinies from the same person. But don't take more. Other people deserve a chance too.
Quoted By:
>>20158942 * 1 or 2. Disregard the "at least"
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
>>20158942 Nah it's good bro. I get ya. Just giving em to people who will use em. Everyone should have a chance too.
Golurk still up.
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745 Thu 24 Jul 2014 01:28:08 No. 20158982 Report >>20158939 Shit sorry had run out of discs so had to catch one. Disc should be up now. Also I didn't know Kanga was all female. The hell? I couldve sworn I've seen males before
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804 !pZce0PMX/o
>>20158919 Hiya Ramza how much pokemon you've given good homes?
>>20158919 I dont know,,, what about a Primeape or Heliolisk?
IGN: Emilia FC: 3110 6223 8913 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir)
IGN: Emilia FC: 3110 6223 8913 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir) Thu 24 Jul 2014 01:29:56 No. 20159004 Report >>20158874 could I get a marill then a torchic please?
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
>>20158989 I think I gave em away bro. Don't see em. :/ Anything else?
>>20158983 Hey. Honestly I think I've Givin over 200 now. Haha. Going strong for about five days. They all need a loving place
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice (Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong)
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice (Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong) Thu 24 Jul 2014 01:30:56 No. 20159013 Report >>20158982 >>20158937 Sent.
Not sure if all kangas are female, but all of mine are and I hatched a box full. It would make sense, wouldn't it?
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice (Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong)
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice (Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong) Thu 24 Jul 2014 01:32:46 No. 20159035 Report >>20159004 Sent the marill, next up
>>20159012 Dedenne Carbink?
IGN: Emilia FC: 3110 6223 8913 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir)
IGN: Emilia FC: 3110 6223 8913 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir) Thu 24 Jul 2014 01:33:55 No. 20159062 Report >>20159035 thank you so much! disc up for the next torchic
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
>>20159037 Most 6 gen are gone. :/ What's your favorite pokemon type.
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804 !pZce0PMX/o
>>20159012 I would ask for more but I feel like i'll be too greedy, I want some more anons to get some aswell
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice (Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong)
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice (Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong) Thu 24 Jul 2014 01:36:37 No. 20159103 Report Quoted By:
>>20159062 Sent. Treat my chicken well
Joe 1779-0383-0978
>>20158874 >>20158937 Mind if I snag a torchic real quick too? Disc is up.
>>20159088 >I would ask for more but I feel like i'll be too greedy, I want some more anons to get some aswell That's a fucking lie and you know why? Because if you wanted other anons to get one you would have shut the fuck up and left. Instead you throw this sympathy bullshit that puts Ramza in an awkward place if he says no. He will most likley feel bad for you and say "sure get one". I know your game, faggot. Stop.
>>20159075 Fairy What about a Blastoise?
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice (Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong)
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice (Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong) Thu 24 Jul 2014 01:39:31 No. 20159153 Report Quoted By:
Anyone got a HA poliwag? Or HA vulpix?
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745 Thu 24 Jul 2014 01:40:25 No. 20159161 Report >>20159013 Thanks alot man. I checked on Bulbapedia and yea all female. Feels weird since Kanga has a masculine look to it. Also it's not like it's the females job to take cares fo the baby. Males do that too, what kind of cis scum bullshit is Gamefreak feeding us?
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
>>20159137 Have it with mega stone. it's yours
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice (Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong)
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice (Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong) Thu 24 Jul 2014 01:40:34 No. 20159165 Report Joe 1779-0383-0978
Quoted By:
>>20159165 Cool, thanks bro
Quoted By:
>>20159163 Thanks a lot, disc up!
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
>>20159137 Has to be a normal trade sense he has stone. that ok?
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804 !pZce0PMX/o
Quoted By:
>>20159129 I really wouldnt care if Ramza said no.
Stop acting like a impatient fuck; you think I care about your opinions, shut the fuck up... :^) Kustem 4957-3052-6634
Olivia 2363-6158-1686
>>20158973 Could I disc up for Golurk?
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
Still have Golurk up. Shiney lvl 100. Last trade for now. will be on tonight when things have cooled down. haha
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804 !pZce0PMX/o
Quoted By:
>>20159239 I'll take the Golurk Ramza
Quoted By:
butthurt general
Ramza Fc:2552-1665-1942
>>20159234 Yeah, it's yours. haha
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804 !pZce0PMX/o
>>20159234 Aww treat it well
Olivia 2363-6158-1686
Quoted By:
>>20159259 Alright discing up, thanks
>>20159268 That's what you get for being a greedy cunt, you faggot
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804 !pZce0PMX/o
>>20159304 Why you so butthurt, I only did it because you were being a asshole about it
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice (Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong)
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice (Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong) Thu 24 Jul 2014 01:54:47 No. 20159348 Report Quoted By:
>>20159161 Tiptopkek, I feel like this is the same guy in every post, but I agree with him
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice (Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong)
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice (Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong) Thu 24 Jul 2014 01:59:57 No. 20159422 Report I'm looking for a new poke to breed from my backlog box and I'm wondering which one would have the best leftovers. They're all HA>tyrunt >drilbur >magikarp >eevee >dratini >togepi >larvitar >honedge >joltik >noivern >venipede Holy shit I got a huge backlog
Evan 2466-2602-2065
Quoted By:
Just need a Dusknoir (or a Dusclops holding reaper cloth) and I'm finished.
Andres 4613-8064-9615
Quoted By:
>>20159422 I guess honedge, drilbur, eevee, togepi aaaand joltik imho
Mephina 1521-4775-5961
Quoted By:
>>20158874 discing up for deino
also add me too!
I want that spheal so bad and oh check my safari too if you can
IGN is Trey. Looking for a sableye with prankster.
Mephina 1521-4775-5961
Quoted By:
>>20158874 woops just spelt deino wrong
Disced up
Quoted By:
>>20158743 are any of these Kalos? if not, just get the hell out
Andy 4227-2210-9843
Quoted By:
>>20159568 I'll send you one, just disc up
Andy 4227-2210-9843
Quoted By:
>>20159342 >>20159304 >>20151587 He is also jewing little children.
Andres 4613-8064-9615
50/50 GENDER RADIO A SHIT Sup! Giving away:
>A SHIT TON of Adamant 4-5-6 ivtropius in nest balls >3 chanseys with serene grace with 5 ivs in heal balls with seismic toss aaand aromatheraphy with a lucky egg If you like, you can help me to complete my pokedex, or after i hatch the
MOTHERFUCKING 6iv female tropius i want, i can breed you something else from my list! It's not an necesary thing, only if you really want to.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13A1dWcJVFBpb3xTVopBRKQaUMt7kOYEzclthxoa6Q_k/edit#gid=0 Anonymous
>>20160268 Hey, I have an anorith. Would you like to trade it for one of your chanseys?
Andres 4613-8064-9615
>>20160364 Sure, put him up, just tell me your ign and put vp in the anorith so i know it's you!
Blade - 1461-6353-0260
>>20160268 Mareep up for one of those Chanseys, please
Walter - 4914-3582-7331
>>20160394 I only have one, so I think it would be better to trade it directly.
Andres 4613-8064-9615
>>20160442 No problem then added!
>>20160435 Sure, put it up!
Blade - 1461-6353-0260
>>20160458 ok, it's up with 'VP' in the msg!
Quoted By:
>>20160268 >Aegislash not in dream ball disappointing
Walter - 4914-3582-7331
>>20160458 Thanks man. I have blitzles with 5IV, would you want one for one of yours ninjask, maybe?
Blade - 1461-6353-0260
Quoted By:
>>20160458 Thank you very much!
Andres 4613-8064-9615
>>20160470 sent, enjoy!
>A SHIT TON of Adamant 4-5-6 ivtropius in nest balls >1 chansey with serene grace with 4 ivs in heal balls with seismic toss aaand aromatheraphy with an ability capsule If you like, you can help me to complete my pokedex, It's not an necesary thing, only if you really want to.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13A1dWcJVFBpb3xTVopBRKQaUMt7kOYEzclthxoa6Q_k/edit#gid=0 >>20160691 Would love to but i have it on bank and have to breed it aaand level it up which is,....quite time consuming actually, but if you really want it, give me some time to finish the perfect bananasaur breeding and it's all yours. Or i have you added, maybe tomorrow if you want!
Walter - 4914-3582-7331
Quoted By:
>>20160757 Sure, no problem.
Quoted By:
>>20160989 free dunsparce over here
Are you still there? Do you still need Misdreavus?
Andres 4613-8064-9615
>>20161517 I have a penta you can have but it's a male, do you want it? If not, I can hatch you a female if you prefer it. If yes, put a tropius (preferably female because I would like it for balltis) in gts asking for a misdreavus!
Quoted By:
>>20161570 for balltism*. Damn, I can't spell today
Andres 4613-8064-9615
>>20161570 no worries, i only need ir for dex, putting up bananasaurius!
Quoted By:
>>20161598 Sent and thank you!
Brandon - 1521-3109-5844
Quoted By:
if anyone has a iron fist Chimchar I would appreciate it.
I got wonder traded a female chimchar in a nest ball, I plan on breeding it for iron fist chimps. (and giveaway the leftovers) how illegal is that combination?
>>20161745 i'm not sure if it's illegal at all.
if it was released in the dream world, it's totally legal; you can buy nest balls in bw/bw[2]
Does anybody have any female hidden ability shroomish/brelooms?
>>20161745 >>20161759 >>20161770 It was given in japan but it's male only. So it's legal only if it's transfered and male.
>>20162182 go to wifi general:
>>20161792 Anonymous
>>20162253 Well I got a female, and now I got this to offer:
11x Chimchar, Nest ball, Jolly, Blaze (3 females)
3x Cyndaquil, Luxyry ball, Modest (3 females)
Justin: 1564-3230-6500
>>20162466 Could I get one of each?
IGN: Justin
does anyone have a Destiny bond speed boost sharpedo?
Nate 3196-4457-2922
>>20162509 I don't have a Sharpedo, but I have a Carvanha.
IGN: Luke
Quoted By:
>>20162466 Discing for a female cyndaquil.
IGN: Emilia FC: 3110 6223 8913 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir)
IGN: Emilia FC: 3110 6223 8913 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir) Thu 24 Jul 2014 05:36:28 No. 20162537 Report Quoted By:
>>20162483 yeah, put your discs up
>>20162533 ok I'll disc up ign is Anon. Could you nickname him Viral? Thanks a bunch
IGN Stone 4871-4983-9861
Quoted By:
>>20158874 5 iv marill pls, disc up
Nate 3196-4457-2922
>>20162549 I'm not seeing your disc.
Justin: 1564-3230-6500
Quoted By:
>>20162542 first one up, for cyndaquil
Nate 3196-4457-2922
>>20162615 Oh, there we go. Sent.
Quoted By:
>>20162615 just sent the disc. ign Anon
Quoted By:
>>20162627 Thanks a million.
IGN Chantal 1134-9319-9769
Pastebin in case anyone is interested:
http://pastebin.com/gZEZn7YS Justin: 1564-3230-6500
Quoted By:
>>20162542 Second is now up, thanks a bunch
IGN: Luke
Quoted By:
Thanks arrogantz.
>>20162685 il take a joltik plz, ign baldo thanks
Seth 4957-4389-5515
IGN Chantal 1134-9319-9769
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras)
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras) Thu 24 Jul 2014 06:23:08 No. 20163137 Report >>20163056 >Pineco Disk is up
IGN Chantal 1134-9319-9769
>>20162685 could i have a female feebas with swift swim? disc up thanks
IGN Chantal 1134-9319-9769
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras)
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras) Thu 24 Jul 2014 06:29:53 No. 20163227 Report >>20163210 Thanks so much.
Justin: 1564-3230-6500
>>20163210 Can I get a Feebas? Disk up
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
>>20162685 Do you have more pineco? If yes, I am discing up. Thanks in advance!
IGN Chantal 1134-9319-9769
Justin: 1564-3230-6500
>>20162685 Can I have the other clauncher?
>>20163298 I'll deposit a disc for a Pineco.
IGN Austin.
Need a female Aron with rock head ability IGN: Sandria
IGN Chantal 1134-9319-9769
>>20163352 Sure, just disc up.
>>20163360 Sent.
I'm going to bed now, see you tomorrow /ggg/
Mai 3153 4752 4229 !ShuAMmrEt.
>>20162685 May I have a pineco?
>>20163210 Hey posted as
>>20163352 I have to go back to work I disced up though if you still have the clauncher ign mark
>>20163388 Thanks for the Pineco.
Sweet dreams <3 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20163388 Okay thanks disc up ign mark
IGN Chantal 1134-9319-9769
>>20163395 Sent.
>>20163393 Disc up.
>>20163405 You're welcome
:3 Mai 3153 4752 4229 !ShuAMmrEt.
Quoted By:
>>20163421 Just realized I dont have any on me atm.
Give me a second to catch one
>>20163421 Thanks a lot I can't wait to get home and enjoy my new shrimp
Mai 3153 4752 4229 !ShuAMmrEt.
IGN Chantal 1134-9319-9769
>>20163458 Hope you like it :)
>>20163467 Sent!
Mai 3153 4752 4229 !ShuAMmrEt.
Quoted By:
>>20163474 Thanks a ton dear
Mack 2294-5355-4315
Quoted By:
>>20163384 Throw a disc up if you're still around.
Colours 1177-8202-5473
>>20157778 Do the genies count as legendaries?
Seth 4957-4389-5515
Quoted By:
>>20163210 Thank you very much!
Quoted By:
>>20163833 >Do legendary pokemon count as legendary pokemon? Colours, please.
Dean 4957-3305-3714
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a HA Sandshrew/sandslash?
Andres 4613-8064-9615
Hi there, here's what i have:
>A SHIT TON of Adamant 4-5-6 ivtropius in nest balls >1 chansey with serene grace with 4 ivs in heal balls with seismic toss aaand aromatheraphy with an ability capsule If you like, you can help me to complete my pokedex, It's not an necesary thing, only if you really want to.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13A1dWcJVFBpb3xTVopBRKQaUMt7kOYEzclthxoa6Q_k/edit#gid=0 IGN Olga
I have sent a Deerling to the GTS, I'd like to have the Chansey. I can also give out 4/5 iv Eevee's if anyone wants them.
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke Thu 24 Jul 2014 14:45:20 No. 20166705 Report anyone got a signal beam elektrike/manectric? or HA garbodor? or a decently IVed Combee?
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>20166562 Would it be too much trouble to ask you for a Helioptile with Solar Power?
Quoted By:
>>20166676 sent, but got mixed up, it has natural cure and i attached a lucky egg, hope you don't mind and still find it usefull
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>20166562 >>20166773 I have a Blitzle and Finneon but I think they're
genned Anonymous
>>20166773 >>20166789 i'm sorry, i don't have a HA helioptile, will update my list soon so i can be more specific, if i get one i let you know!
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a Dream Ball Sableye?
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
Does anyone have adamant beldum with elemental punches that can be nicknamed?
>>20167925 No, near as I can tell, Beldum cannot get the punches
Quoted By:
>>20167925 That sounds legit.
>>20167965 my bad got confused.... I completely forgot they where tutor moves... Does anyone have adamnt beldums?
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke Thu 24 Jul 2014 16:53:25 No. 20167996 Report >>20167990 i have jolly ones i think...
>>20167996 oh a jolly one would be ok. if you have a spare one to share can you nick name him Junketsu?
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke Thu 24 Jul 2014 16:57:41 No. 20168019 Report >>20168005 lemme check if i have em quick... pretty sur ei do... if not ill power one out fer ya... whats your IGN?
>>20168019 in game is Anon. let me now when to disc up so it doesn't get sniped. thanks a bunch anon. is there anything you need?
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke Thu 24 Jul 2014 16:59:50 No. 20168039 Report haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke Thu 24 Jul 2014 17:03:19 No. 20168062 Report Quoted By:
>>20168028 i got one thats missing def right now... or i could breed you another... what one ya want to do?
>>20168039 I don't have any of them but I have a friend who has a signal beam manetric I'll get her to clone ot for you. Are you going to keep lurkong the thread?
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke Thu 24 Jul 2014 17:04:27 No. 20168072 Report >>20168065 i gotta go to work in about 50 mins... if it gets done before then i could do it
>>20168072 oh she's working at the moment but I can post in the next give away thread. So you can get it after work.
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke Thu 24 Jul 2014 17:10:01 No. 20168129 Report >>20168095 if its up in like 10 hours ill look haha
but yeah i got a beldum but its missing Def... you want that one or a new one?
>>20168129 os it to much work to breed a new one if it is i'll take one it but if it's ok with you to breed or whatever... plus the nick name Junketsu sorry to ask for so much
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke Thu 24 Jul 2014 17:12:36 No. 20168157 Report Quoted By:
>>20168144 ill pump a few out if i can... if there arent as good ill give ya this one
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke Thu 24 Jul 2014 17:30:38 No. 20168338 Report >>20168144 ok.. i made a few... 2 with 5 ivs but... theyre missing SpDef... and i gotta get ready for work... so i can give either no Def or nor SpD... lol
Katno 4699-7180-4002
Does someone by any chance have pokerus and mind giving an infected poke? i came from retirement and seems like all the infected pokes i had expired. Disc goin up
>>20168338 lol I'll take the no def one. nickname Junketsu plz. I'll disc up
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke Thu 24 Jul 2014 17:34:14 No. 20168386 Report >>20168379 change you message to haru.. make it easier for me... pls
Katno 4699-7180-4002
>>20168377 Forgot i have to mention a pokemon in gts.. if you willing to give, reply with the pokemon you're infecting and ill disc accordingly
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke Thu 24 Jul 2014 17:39:05 No. 20168440 Report >>20168411 Shoulda sent... make sure i gave ya the right one...
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke Thu 24 Jul 2014 17:40:14 No. 20168460 Report >>20168422 i got a malamar with Pokerus... disc up for that
Quoted By:
Anyone want a dream ball hidden ability female dratini? If so disc up. Ask for a female.
Katno 4699-7180-4002
>>20168460 >20168460 It's up
thank you very much
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke Thu 24 Jul 2014 17:46:51 No. 20168548 Report Quoted By:
>>20168484 >>20168488 <33 both sent... much love for yall... and if ya get that manectric i should be in your aquaintences list... just open a trade then later...
Quoted By:
Anyone have a dream ball female treecko?
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Thu 24 Jul 2014 18:55:04 No. 20169396 Report got this little girl last night all of them come in moon balls and are female plus bold nature disc up for the leftovers
I'm bored. If anyone wants pic related disc up. I only have one so whoever gets it first wins.
>>20169719 Where's the disc?
IGN Chantal 1134-9319-9769
Quoted By:
>>20169396 Disc is up, thanks a bunch!
>>20169781 Mistyped dragonite. It should be there in a minute.
Quoted By:
>>20169781 There, it's all good now.
Quoted By:
>>20169793 Sent, hatched it last night and cloned it. It defense is one point away from 31. 29 or 30 I think. Damn it was lucky.
Quoted By:
I'm new, how do I work this? It says welcome to the GTS. Both seek and deposit pokemon only give me the option to request 1st level pokemon.
Yuno 5086-2553-1720
>>20169396 Can i have one please?
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Thu 24 Jul 2014 19:44:35 No. 20169943 Report IGN: Emilia FC: 3110 6223 8913 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir)
IGN: Emilia FC: 3110 6223 8913 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir) Thu 24 Jul 2014 19:46:40 No. 20169960 Report Quoted By:
Yuno 5086-2553-1720
Quoted By:
>>20169943 Sorry! disc is up, thanks!
Gyro 2681 1283 0790 !1wfDW4aPGI
Quoted By:
Do you have any more? Disc up.
IGN Johnny
Quoted By:
>>20169396 Thank you so much, Ive been breeding like crazy for a bold cleffa. Disc is up.
IGN: Gio
Quoted By:
>>20169396 Disc up, I guess
guys im soft-resseting and i keep getting fucking naive mewtwos, what do i do?
Quoted By:
>>20171691 Other than a sync pokemon, pray to the RNG gods.
Quoted By:
>>20171691 stop blogging about it
JHawk: 3153-3396-7729
I got a power save and cloned my favorite mega; Mega Garchomp. I use it in VGC battles so if anyone wants a battle ready Mega Garchomp let me know, I suppose I can be nice and give away some considering people on here have helped me get some pretty boss 'mons in the past. Here are all the details: Garchomp @ Garchompite Ability: Sand Veil EVs: 164 Atk / 92 SpA / 252 Spe Naughty Nature - Earthquake - Rock Slide - Fire Blast - Draco Meteor Pretty sure items can be sent over the GTS, but if not I guess you don't get the mega stone. So anyone want some of these fuckers?
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras)
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras) Thu 24 Jul 2014 22:25:13 No. 20171921 Report >>20171897 Disc is up!
This would be awesome. thanks
Quoted By:
>>20171897 Mega stones can't be sent over the GTS. I'll disc up for one once my GTS opens up.
Batu/Mulan: 2019-9767-1578 Snover, Sneasel, Cloyster
Batu/Mulan: 2019-9767-1578 Snover, Sneasel, Cloyster Thu 24 Jul 2014 22:26:45 No. 20171941 Report >>20171897 Can I has one? I'll disk up in a sec.
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Thu 24 Jul 2014 22:27:27 No. 20171950 Report >>20171897 discing up for one if you dont mind
>>20171897 disc is up, thanks
Quoted By:
>>20171897 Items can. Mega stones can't.
Joe 1779-0383-0978
>>20171897 Disc up, thanks!
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971 [metang/ferroseed]
>>20171897 disc up for garchomp
>>20171897 discing up dood
>>20171897 disc up for one if you dont mind
Batu/Mulan: 2019-9767-1578 Snover, Sneasel, Cloyster
Batu/Mulan: 2019-9767-1578 Snover, Sneasel, Cloyster Thu 24 Jul 2014 22:31:08 No. 20171998 Report IGN: CARMEN 0404-7627-9386
>>20171897 Disc is up, thanks
Oni FC: 3239 4410 8136 Fairy: Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Floette
Oni FC: 3239 4410 8136 Fairy: Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Floette Thu 24 Jul 2014 22:33:11 No. 20172024 Report Quoted By:
>>20171897 Disc up! Thanks :D
>>20171897 >Ability: Sand Veil >Ability in picture: Rough Skin Sergio
>>20171897 disc will be up in 2 minutes, thank you!
JHawk: 3153-3396-7729
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Thu 24 Jul 2014 22:35:37 No. 20172060 Report Quoted By:
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971 [metang/ferroseed]
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras)
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras) Thu 24 Jul 2014 22:39:21 No. 20172098 Report Quoted By:
>>20172052 Got her, thanks!
Is there anyway you could attach garchompite to a shitmon and trade it that way through acquaintances?
JHawk: 3153-3396-7729
>>20171995 Got you
>>20171997 Got you
>>20172012 Got you
>>20172028 Got you
>>20171998 Did I get you? I couldn't find your disc.
>>20172026 Thanks for catching my derp. I guess I use a different ability on showdown without noticing.
IGN Stone 4871-4983-9861
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras)
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras) Thu 24 Jul 2014 22:47:55 No. 20172188 Report >>20172134 Thanks for the Garchompite.
Still need a Brave honedge?
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>20171897 Got to disc up for this
JHawk: 3153-3396-7729
>>20172188 No I don't. I thought I changed that to DianceEgg4Shiny lol.
>>20171897 why the fuck is it nicknamed Scyther
WyND 0834-1744-4012
>>20171897 Disc up!
Hope you got some left.
>>20172217 because it's a shitty hack, why else?
IGN: Emilia FC: 3110 6223 8913 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir)
IGN: Emilia FC: 3110 6223 8913 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir) Thu 24 Jul 2014 22:52:49 No. 20172245 Report >>20171897 well if you have any left I'd appreciate one
IGN Stone 4871-4983-9861
Quoted By:
>>20172213 Any chance you could trade me the garchompite on a shitmom?
Quoted By:
New thread:
>>20172248 New thread:
>>20172248 New thread:
>>20172248 Carlos [4914-4039-2495]
>>20171897 disc is up, if you still have any left, thanks a lot
Quoted By:
>>20172241 please get that shit out of here then, wow are people just dumbfuckingly retarded
JHawk: 3153-3396-7729
Quoted By:
looking for a scraggy with shed skin that can be nicknamed
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras)
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras) Thu 24 Jul 2014 22:59:17 No. 20172306 Report >>20172213 lol, I'm cruising around Lumiose trying to hatch you one, oops. Well, thanks for everything! I hatched a 4IV Brave one though, missing HP/Def if you want it anyways
WyND 0834-1744-4012
Quoted By:
>>20172295 Thank you very much :)
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
Quoted By:
>>20172295 I'll take one if there are any left, disc is up
IGN: Emilia FC: 3110 6223 8913 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir)
IGN: Emilia FC: 3110 6223 8913 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir) Thu 24 Jul 2014 23:02:12 No. 20172335 Report Quoted By:
IGN Stone 4871-4983-9861
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras)
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras) Thu 24 Jul 2014 23:03:39 No. 20172346 Report >>20172337 Sure, if he doesn't want it. lol
JHawk: 3153-3396-7729
Quoted By:
>>20172346 I don't want it. Thank you though.
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras)
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras) Thu 24 Jul 2014 23:04:58 No. 20172359 Report Quoted By:
Oni FC: 3239 4410 8136 Fairy: Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Floette
Oni FC: 3239 4410 8136 Fairy: Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Floette Thu 24 Jul 2014 23:05:08 No. 20172363 Report Quoted By:
>>20172295 I typed the name wrong, fixed it.
so now disc is up :D
IGN Stone 4871-4983-9861
Quoted By:
>>20172241 also you can't hack in gen 6 noobfag
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras)
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras) Thu 24 Jul 2014 23:08:02 No. 20172394 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>20171897 ign baldo disc is up, thanks
IGN: Gio
Anybody got any Skarmory leftovers?
>>20171897 You got any left?
JHawk: 3153-3396-7729
IGN: Gio
Quoted By:
>>20172469 I'll disc up then
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
Rin (2251-5231-6294)
Quoted By:
>>20171897 Do you still have any left? disc is up in a minute.