I'm on my phone at the moment so bear with me. I have over 8 boxes of these things and I plan to do a few giveaways. Just post with your fc and I'll try to get to you ASAP.
>>20162000 Nice trips, is this a ruse?
Quoted By:
>>20162000 0619-4306-3421 audi and thanks!
David - 4184 2491 9859 (Aipom/Loudred/Eevee)
David - 4184 2491 9859 (Aipom/Loudred/Eevee) Thu 24 Jul 2014 04:57:06 No. 20162027 Report I'm standin' by.
Macks 3995-6503-4581
Quoted By:
Ign is Macks. Eagerly awaiting, friend
Wally - 0619-3868-7666
Hey man, I restarted recently, I can't really offer you much. Is it fine if I just give you a shitmon?
Quoted By:
Cool thanks Ign:Brian Fc:1006-0535-5147
Sophitis 1607-3486-0661
Darren 4167-4971-9194
Cool Ign:Brian FC:1006-0535-5147
IGN: Y FC:4768-7685-1911
(IGN: Pablo) 1805-3466-5271
let me know when to turn my 3ds on!
Serena 3411-2646-1875
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela]
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela] Thu 24 Jul 2014 05:02:50 No. 20162114 Report >>20162000 Please and thank you
Mike(5000-2674-2858) - Poison - Kakuna, Garbodor, Whirlipede
Mike(5000-2674-2858) - Poison - Kakuna, Garbodor, Whirlipede Thu 24 Jul 2014 05:03:42 No. 20162129 Report >>20162000 Thanks dood, u coo'
Ign: Mary FC: 3625-9144-9456
>>20162000 please and thanks!
IGN: Liam 0817-3797-5095 If this is legit you are a beast OP
Aquela 4725 7993 3819
>>20162012 tis not a ruse just traded with him!!
Macks 3995-6503-4581
OP is online. I know the pain of only using your phone to browse, so bear with him and have patience, friends
>>20162151 pics or it didnt happen
IGN: Joshua 4141 3994 2158
>>20162000 when ever your ready Op thanks
Mex 0877 - 1337 - 8837
>>20162000 NintHalGA
Quoted By:
Postan. FC- 3582-9072-4091 Ign-Johnny Thanks op
Roll 1907 9922 4110 [Fairy : Togepi Floette Spritzee]
Roll 1907 9922 4110 [Fairy : Togepi Floette Spritzee] Thu 24 Jul 2014 05:07:07 No. 20162166 Report Christian 4742-6261-6033
Quoted By:
Thank you so much!I am so hype
Alvaro 0903-3444-5841
David - 4184 2491 9859 (Aipom/Loudred/Eevee)
David - 4184 2491 9859 (Aipom/Loudred/Eevee) Thu 24 Jul 2014 05:08:08 No. 20162176 Report Quoted By:
>>20162000 >>20162027 OP is legit! Thank you based OP
captcha: mmmomer foot
Quoted By:
>>20162158 not worth the effort, sometimes ya got to believe
Kael - 2878 9579 6916
>>20162000 I'd really appreciate one.
Macks 3995-6503-4581
Quoted By:
Op is legit. Enjoy that freshly bred Corphish!
Quoted By:
ig: crock code: 3282-3281-2047
Carlos X: 1710-4075-9091
Wally - 0619-3868-7666
Quoted By:
>>20162044 Can confirm that OP is legit. Sorry about not having much better to give, and thanks a lot for the Diancie!
Justin: 1564-3230-6500
>>20162000 would appreciate one
Austin 4227-2592-6496
>>20162000 Nice trips, OP
Austin 4227-2592-6496
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107
>>20162056 Got everyone up to you. What's you ign?
Why don't people do giveaways through gts. It's much faster.
Quoted By:
>>20162161 Forgot
IGN: Reivex
Carlos: 1719-4075-9091
Quoted By:
>>20162223 I fucked the FC. Pressed 0 instead of 9. Sorry
James 2079-7914-1029 (Krabby, Floatzel, Frogadier)
James 2079-7914-1029 (Krabby, Floatzel, Frogadier) Thu 24 Jul 2014 05:14:12 No. 20162257 Report >>20162000 IGN is James. FC is 2079-7914-1029
Justin: 1564-3230-6500
Alexa 4356-0756-8970
>>20162245 I'm adding you so I can get in on this.
I'll grab one if you're offering. IGN: Peach FC: 2681-0366-7145
(IGN: Pablo) 1805-3466-5271IGN: Pablo) 1805-3466-5271
(IGN: Pablo) 1805-3466-5271IGN: Pablo) 1805-3466-5271 Thu 24 Jul 2014 05:15:02 No. 20162271 Report >>20162249 diance can't be gts'd because of ribbon
do u even pkmn? Anonymous
Oh boy, I've never done one of these before. FC is 0404-7077-9790
James 2079-7914-1029 (Krabby, Floatzel, Frogadier)
James 2079-7914-1029 (Krabby, Floatzel, Frogadier) Thu 24 Jul 2014 05:16:23 No. 20162284 Report >>20162249 Event pokemon cant be traded on the GTS.
Luis 1848-1721-7613
I'll be a-waiting
>>20162249 You can't trade diancie through gts you silly.
Isaiah 3351-4091-7043
Quoted By:
Please give me one!
Kouji !AoRvjgE0uE
Added op fc. Mine is 4596-9600-1796.
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 24 Jul 2014 05:19:23 No. 20162332 Report >>20162000 Added! I have a special Diancie egg just for you :^)
Silver 4527-8430-6730
Ash 2251-5555-2980
Quoted By:
>>20162000 standing by buddy
>>20162000 FC: 5284-1624-8771
Joyce Keller
Quoted By:
>>20162000 1418-6811-9580
IGN name is Joyce Keller
I've been waiting a Diancie for days! I'll be eagerly waiting!
Sarah FC 1693-0911-8377
If it isn't to much trouble I would like one. I don't have much to offer though.
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745 Thu 24 Jul 2014 05:22:15 No. 20162370 Report >>20162000 I would like one as well, OP
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107
Quoted By:
>>20162059 >>20162133 Doing everyone between these people now. Please don't send a trade request. I'll get to you.
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107
Well that's it for the giveaway. Looks like too many people and I gotta go right now. I'll just do 3 more and that's it.
Isaiah 3351-4091-7043
Quoted By:
>>20162402 Please do me i will give anything i have
>>20162402 Is OP rusing or serious?
Who are you going up to?
Roll 1907 9922 4110 [Fairy : Togepi Floette Spritzee]
Roll 1907 9922 4110 [Fairy : Togepi Floette Spritzee] Thu 24 Jul 2014 05:26:59 No. 20162425 Report >>20162402 Aww : ( Thanks anyways, hope you can do it again some other day.
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107
>>20162402 Please don't make me trip code to avoid this. ..
Sarah FC 1693-0911-8377
>>20162402 Thanks for sharing some for people.
IGN: Isabeau FC:3411-2583-9958 (woobat fletchinder pidgey)
IGN: Isabeau FC:3411-2583-9958 (woobat fletchinder pidgey) Thu 24 Jul 2014 05:28:52 No. 20162438 Report Diancie pls
Colours 1177-8202-5473
Coni 1134-7855-2207 !.0QxnMOTYM
>>20162000 Id love one thanks!
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107
>>20162416 >>20162425 >>20162429 That wasn't me. If I must I'll trip code to avoid trolls.
Quoted By:
>>20162416 See
>>20162427 OP is just taking time because we're many, that's just a shitposter.
Isaiah 3351-4091-7043
Sarah FC 1693-0911-8377
Quoted By:
>>20162450 Ok, well the thoughts are still there, thanks for sharing with everyone.
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107 !!T2UdrWkLSWB
>>20162450 Fuck man I hate trolls see what you made me do? You know what guys? I'll do 5 more how about that?
Kealan 1865 0829 2889 (???)
Quoted By:
>>20162000 If you are still doing it
Nick 3840-7268-6710
Jake 0748-3334-4610
Quoted By:
>>20162000 Adding you now!
IGN Stone 4871-4983-9861
I need one of these. Patiently waiting.
IGN: Lola 0989-2702-1063
Quoted By:
Adding you, OP.
Alexa 4356-0756-8970
Quoted By:
>>20162463 Yes. Do me please
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107
I'm on my phone so it would be useless to trip. Sometimes I feel like you take things for granted.
Quoted By:
Adding you op.
>>20162503 Yeah dude. Just end it now. These faggots don't deserve shit
Colours 1177-8202-5473
>>20162439 by the way this is me saying i have added you and awaiting your trade request.
Javi 1118 1499 9156
Messed up, trying again, adding you
Quoted By:
>>20162503 Sorry about that op. Maybe we can have the people you traded with confirm by word they manage to trade with you? Maybe a pic too to avoid other trolls?
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107 OP !!tu9qAw0jHQa
>>20162463 I've never made a code before. Hope I'm not screwing it up. And listen troll.. You can leave now
Mike(5000-2674-2858) - Poison - Kakuna, Garbodor, Whirlipede
Mike(5000-2674-2858) - Poison - Kakuna, Garbodor, Whirlipede Thu 24 Jul 2014 05:37:05 No. 20162547 Report Quoted By:
>>20162521 nope, he seems to have stopped
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107
>>20162527 Then why didn't you do that instead of trying to post your epic memeXD. This shit is alot of work distributing a fuck load of pokemon to people and your stupidity only makes my job harder. You know what? Fuck you, you're getting skipped. Have a nice day.
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107 OP !!tu9qAw0jHQa
>>20162114 Nicole I've just traded you. Please confirm to everyone I'm OP
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107
>>20162522 I will. Its over, sorry everyone. I can't keep doing these if I have to combat people tripping with my own name while trading too.
>>20162532 What do you get out of this?
IGN: Isabeau FC:3411-2583-9958 (woobat fletchinder pidgey)
IGN: Isabeau FC:3411-2583-9958 (woobat fletchinder pidgey) Thu 24 Jul 2014 05:39:15 No. 20162568 Report Quoted By:
>>20162438 btw thanks for doing this op 10/10 would suck
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela]
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela] Thu 24 Jul 2014 05:39:33 No. 20162572 Report >>20162558 I can confirm, got it
He's still doing it, just learn to be patient
Thanks OP!
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107
>>20162114 Hey Nicole, tell them about the time you pegged me in the ass and then licked the sloppy seconds off your cunt after you bf fucked you
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107
Quoted By:
>>20162572 No problem but we will stop for a bit while the guy tripping realises that Im just trying to do a giveaway.
Quoted By:
>>20162577 >trying this hard Nicole 3050-8073-0971
Quoted By:
>>20162000 More proof
Also, I'm leaving now so if anyone posts after this, they're not me (posting from phone so friend safari not included) thanks again OP!
Roll 1907 9922 4110 [Fairy : Togepi Floette Spritzee]
Roll 1907 9922 4110 [Fairy : Togepi Floette Spritzee] Thu 24 Jul 2014 05:43:07 No. 20162616 Report Quoted By:
Bugg (3282-3533-6990)
I can offer shiny floatzel
Ign: Mary FC: 3625-9144-9456
Quoted By:
Just got mine! Thanks OP!
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107
It seems the tripper has stopped - I will resume the giveaway. Who was after nicole? scrolling on my phone is a nightmare.
Added you OP, my FC is 0232-8640-2283. Thanks for doing this!
Roll 1907 9922 4110 [Fairy : Togepi Floette Spritzee]
Roll 1907 9922 4110 [Fairy : Togepi Floette Spritzee] Thu 24 Jul 2014 05:47:52 No. 20162698 Report Isaiah 3351-4091-7043
>>20162666 >>20162558 Which one is the real one? Also
>666 Jamsuss 3797-7858-9665
Quoted By:
I just added you, Can I get one?
Bugg (3282-3533-6990)
Quoted By:
>>20162632 Also thank you OP
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107 OP !!tu9qAw0jHQa
>>20162136 >>20162173 This group of people are up next.
Christian 4742-6261-6033
Quoted By:
Still here and still hyped. Thank yiu homer!
Quoted By:
I adders you OP. 0473-8901-0700
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107 OP !!tu9qAw0jHQa
Quoted By:
>>20162701 Please from now on ill use a trip code. Check with other posters above that confirmed I'm the real person doing the giveaways.
Christian 4742-6261-6033
Quoted By:
>>20162731 I'm being skipped? I was ahead of Alvarro.
NintHalGA 1993-7155-0776
>>20162698 >>20162161 Um, OP did you skip me because I didn't put my FC in the name?
Sarah FC 1693-0911-8377
Quoted By:
Still here and waiting patiently, thanks again for doing this OP.
Dr. Sam 0404-7077-9790
Quoted By:
>>20162698 >>20162768 I think I also got skipped :(
Fixed it now though, hopefully not too late.
IGN: Scott FC: 3050-8884-4244
Quoted By:
>>20162000 added
thanks in advance OP
Evan/Vallon 0147-0829-7467
Fuck it, I'll take one. I'm breeding Lotads, so I'll let ya have one.
Quoted By:
>>20162136 >>20162731 I'm Liam and can confirm that not only is this guy OP but he's legit, thanks a million <3
Bugg (3282-3533-6990)
Quoted By:
>>20162000 I can offer shiny floatzel I got from the GTS
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107 OP !!tu9qAw0jHQa
Quoted By:
>>20162138 Not online. Get online quick!
Kate - 2363 6071 0967
Quoted By:
>>20162000 hopefully one left
Alvaro 0903-3444-5841
Quoted By:
>>20162000 notice me senpai
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107 OP !!tu9qAw0jHQa
>>20162161 I can't find your ign. What is it?
NintHalGA 1993-7155-0776
NintHalGA 1993-7155-0776
Jake 0748-3334-4610
Quoted By:
>>20162916 Reposting again, incase my name gets lost in all the postings
Aviel 1478-4298-7398
Quoted By:
>>20162000 I would wait for one added
Ash 2251-5555-2980
Vada 5129-1641-7872
Roll 1907 9922 4110 [Fairy : Togepi Floette Spritzee]
Roll 1907 9922 4110 [Fairy : Togepi Floette Spritzee] Thu 24 Jul 2014 06:13:06 No. 20163005 Report Quoted By:
>>20162916 OP did deliver! Thanks!
IGN: Isabeau FC:3411-2583-9958 (woobat fletchinder pidgey)
IGN: Isabeau FC:3411-2583-9958 (woobat fletchinder pidgey) Thu 24 Jul 2014 06:13:37 No. 20163014 Report Quoted By:
Who are you on now op?
Javi 1118 1499 9156
Quoted By:
>>20162529 Reposting just in case
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107 OP !!tu9qAw0jHQa
>>20162211 >>20162241 Doing these people next (I mean everyone between these two people). I'm super slow haha. Sorry everyone.
Javi 1118 1499 9156
Quoted By:
>>20163030 Well, I have all night. I can wait.
Isaiah 3351-4091-7043
IGN: Mallory FC: 1306-6893-0814
Quoted By:
>>20162000 Info above! Thank you <3
Isaiah 3351-4091-7043
Carlos: 1719-4075-9091
Quoted By:
>>20163030 I got my FC wrong there OP, sorry. It's 9 instead of 0. Thanks for everything.
Jacob (3540-0152-3527)
Quoted By:
OP! I would love one if you'd be so kind! Just added you.
Joe 1564-3249-8422
Quoted By:
>>20162000 Hi here, can I have one my good sir ?
Quoted By:
>>20163030 Take your time bro!
Kael - 2878 9579 6916
Quoted By:
>>20163030 Gotta give it to you, you seem to work pretty fast. Really appreciate the work you're doing. ty 4 the trade, OP ^^
Ash 2251-5555-2980
Quoted By:
>>20163030 Been patiently waiting for an hour or so and I'm finally coming up!
Saint - 4527-7818-2249
Quoted By:
>>20162000 >>20163030 I'd like a diancie as well!
Evan/Vallon 0147-0829-7467
Quoted By:
>>20162788 on second thought, skip me. There will be others. I need sleep.
Quoted By:
thanks so much ! i totally forgot about this! (it was shiny btw)
Jake 0662-3152-0397
Quoted By:
here's hoping you're still doing this
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107 OP !!tu9qAw0jHQa
>>20162257 >>20162322 Doing this group next.
Austin you're not online. Skipping you for now.
Carlos: 1719-4075-9091
Quoted By:
OP is legit. Thank you very much for the Diance and your patience OP.
Jacob (3540-0152-3527)
Quoted By:
So worth the wait, I can't wait until my turn.
Isaiah 3351-4091-7043
Quoted By:
Did you add me OP?
Quoted By:
>>20163253 Thanks OP! You're a bro to be sure.
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107 OP !!tu9qAw0jHQa
>>20162283 What's your in game name?
Dr. Sam 0404-7077-9790
Quoted By:
>>20163321 Dr. Sam, I just logged on
IGN - Sebastian FC - (5429-7714-7824)
Quoted By:
I don't really have anything to giveaway but I'm hoping I can get one thank you so much OP
Jonathan 3067-6073-2556
Quoted By:
Hope im not late?
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107 OP !!tu9qAw0jHQa
>>20162267 You won't accept a trade.
>>20162268 I don't see your name. Send me a request peach.
Isaiah 3351-4091-7043
Quoted By:
wait what about me i want to get to sleep
Quoted By:
>>20162027 4184-3576-4352
thanks so much, i must be the envy of my friends
IGN Stone 4871-4983-9861
Quoted By:
>>20162488 Still here, still waiting patiently. Don't forget about me based Homer.
Quoted By:
Posting again because I forgot to put my IGN FC: 1779-0650-6912 IGN: Vixie
Dr. Sam 0404-7077-9790
Quoted By:
>>20163347 >>20163321 Hey thank you so much, youre the god damn man!
Quoted By:
>>20162670 Forgot my IGN, it's X.
Sarah FC 1693-0911-8377
Quoted By:
I forgot my own IGN as well, it is Robin.
Bugg (3282-3533-6990)
>>20162632 You can skip going to sleep
Isaiah 3351-4091-7043
Quoted By:
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107 OP !!tu9qAw0jHQa
Quoted By:
Hey Homer, I still have you added from a while back... can I get in on this if you're still doing this, please?
Roll 1907 9922 4110 [Fairy : Togepi Floette Spritzee]
Roll 1907 9922 4110 [Fairy : Togepi Floette Spritzee] Thu 24 Jul 2014 06:52:14 No. 20163430 Report Quoted By:
>>20163406 Dont be such a whiner. You're getting a free Diancie. : )
Sarah FC 1693-0911-8377
Quoted By:
>>20163423 Hurray! Thanks again OP. I will post a picture online with it when I get it.
Kouji !AoRvjgE0uE
Quoted By:
>>20163423 Thanks op. You're the best.
Kotomi 4828-6071-5430
Quoted By:
Hey, it would be really great if I could get one OP. I understand you have people to go through.
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107 OP !!tu9qAw0jHQa
Quoted By:
>>20162370 What is your FC my phone cuts it off.
IGN - Sebastian FC - (5429-7714-7824)
It's great to know that I can still get excited for things no matter how depressed I become. Thanks again OP. Very excited.
IGN - Sebastian FC - (5429-7714-7824)
Quoted By:
Also, if my friend code or name cuts off, it's Sebastian 5429-7714-7824
Jeanne - 3969-4755-9695
>>20162000 >>20162000 Can I get one, please?
Also I know this isn't really fair but could you maybe send one my way fairly quick as it's really late here and I've got a busy day tomorrow.
Jacob (3540-0152-3527)
Quoted By:
>>20163509 If I still have to wait several hours so do you -_-
>>20163509 Just because you got a smell cunt doesn't mean you should jump over the rest of us who have been waiting for hours. Either wait in line like the rest of us or fuck off, bitch.
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 24 Jul 2014 07:04:21 No. 20163554 Report Quoted By:
>>20162332 Just got my Diancie! Thanks OP!
Silver 4527-8430-6730
Quoted By:
>>20162000 Thankyou based Homer
Jeanne - 3969-4755-9695
>>20163532 I'm a fucking dude, bro.
Quoted By:
OP, this thread will run out of bumps before it runs out of people, better screenshot the missing guys before it 404's and the new thread can still have the same line of waiting people
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107 OP !!tu9qAw0jHQa
>>20162365 In game name?
Also OP is getting tired. Maybe a few more and it'd off to bed. Sorry guys.
Quoted By:
>>20163575 So you're just cross dressing in Pokemon? Or do you have a female name?
>>20163575 I don't give a fcuk if you're a nigger, a gook, a woman, a man, a dog, ect. You aint fucking jumping in front of me because of "muh busy day". Bitch it's fucking 3 AM here and I got work in 4 hours. If I can do it, so can you so fuck off
Quoted By:
>>20163473 Boo hoo, you're the only one person on this entire planet who has problems like you have.
Fuck you, you entitled prick
Jacob (3540-0152-3527)
Quoted By:
>>20163581 OP please no :(
I must have
Nick 3840-7268-6710
Quoted By:
Mfw im like 4 away
IGN Stone 4871-4983-9861
Quoted By:
>>20163581 I've been waiting for two hours, pls pls pls pls pls.
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
Quoted By:
>>20162000 Can I get a Diancie?
IGN: Isabeau FC:3411-2583-9958 (woobat fletchinder pidgey)
IGN: Isabeau FC:3411-2583-9958 (woobat fletchinder pidgey) Thu 24 Jul 2014 07:10:29 No. 20163622 Report Quoted By:
>>20163581 pls dont go I love you
Quoted By:
>>20163581 You are gonna finish this group you are on now right? because I am on there and been waiting for hours
Ash 2251-5555-2980
Quoted By:
>>20162000 Ty based OP. The long wait was worth it.
Nick 3840-7268-6710
Op is tired from doing godly acts he cant get to everyone on the thread
>>20163638 You got one already, fuck you. Of course you don't care if the rest of us don't get one
IGN - Sebastian FC - (5429-7714-7824)
Quoted By:
>>20163581 what time are you opening up shop tomorrow? I always miss out on these things and it's mostly because my internet is shit until 2am Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107 OP !!tu9qAw0jHQa
>>20162368 Guys.. Just post your actual in game names. Takes me ages to ask and wait. Sarah are you online? IGN?
Jeanne - 3969-4755-9695
Quoted By:
>>20163595 I acknowledged it wasn't fair and I only saw him asking about recently posted friend codes so I didn't assume there was currently a gigantic hour long line up. If I knew that was the case I wouldn't have even suggested it.
Cool your faggot jets, buddy.
Roll 1907 9922 4110 [Fairy : Togepi Floette Spritzee]
Roll 1907 9922 4110 [Fairy : Togepi Floette Spritzee] Thu 24 Jul 2014 07:15:58 No. 20163664 Report >>20163643 If you really want a diancie so bad give your FC i'll give it to you just so you shut up and stop being a cunt to OP and everyone else. .
joking, fuck you Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
Jacob (3540-0152-3527)
Quoted By:
>>20163664 hue
I was about to be like "fuck him I've been waiting patiently help me out"
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745 Thu 24 Jul 2014 07:17:58 No. 20163677 Report Quoted By:
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107 OP !!tu9qAw0jHQa
>>20162438 >>20162488 Doing this group. It's probably my last. I enjoyed helping everyone out. If you don't post your In game name I can't and won't be adding you. Sorry to everyone that missed it. I'll do another tomorrow around 1 pm CST.
Nick 3840-7268-6710
Quoted By:
>>20163643 I didn't get one dickhead why dont you read my previous post
Jacob (3540-0152-3527)
Quoted By:
Anyone in this thread get a second Diancie from this that they dont want? Lol
Sarah FC 1693-0911-8377
Quoted By:
>>20163656 Yes sorry about that my IGN is Robin sorry!
Quoted By:
Eat a dick OP you piece of shit. I've been waiting for a long time. Fuck you seriously! Die in your sleep faggot
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745 Thu 24 Jul 2014 07:22:42 No. 20163715 Report Quoted By:
>>20163680 I get skipped because of your phone? Fuck man that sucks. Oh well
IGN - Sebastian FC - (5429-7714-7824)
>>20163680 I'm going to be gone all day past 2:30pm EST
Is there anyway I could arrange to get mine at around 1:45-2pm or is that too much to ask??
Sarah FC 1693-0911-8377
>>20163667 Hey you aren't me.
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107 OP !!tu9qAw0jHQa
Quoted By:
>>20163721 3840 definitely is Nick, not sure about the other one
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
Quoted By:
>>20163720 Of course not. You're Sarah, and im Kagura. Unless you're the faggot who's been mocking a lot of names in here, including my own.
Jacob (3540-0152-3527)
>>20163721 I don't want to sound rude OP but I think you should just skip the people who didn't give all their info. Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745 Thu 24 Jul 2014 07:25:50 No. 20163742 Report >>20163733 He won't. He skips people who give their info like I did
>>20163721 >starting a giveaway 2 hours before your bedtime >"LuL I'm tired now, sorry guys." Seriously why didn't you just wait until you could take care of everyone. you knew this was going to take forever.
Plan things through next time, faggot.
Roll 1907 9922 4110 [Fairy : Togepi Floette Spritzee]
Roll 1907 9922 4110 [Fairy : Togepi Floette Spritzee] Thu 24 Jul 2014 07:28:00 No. 20163760 Report >>20163753 Get to the thread earlier . Faggot.
Jacob (3540-0152-3527)
>>20163753 Quit being such an ass you inbred fuck.
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107 OP !!tu9qAw0jHQa
>>20163742 Uh.. Before you get snippy or mad I saw your post and added you. Get online haha.
>People waiting hours for a Diance >OP just says "lol bedtime" 10/10 I mad
Sarah IGN Robin FC 1693-0911-8377
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We disconnected... Don't know if it was on my end or not but sorry about that.
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804 !pZce0PMX/o
>>20162000 I'll bite, Added Homer
>>20163760 >>20163764 He was only around for an hour, you double niggers. He just snubbed a lot of people with his "oh wait I'm tired and trading pokemon is boring, sorry guiz"
8 boxes but only until the op gets sleepy, oops.
Jacob (3540-0152-3527)
>>20163781 lol you're a little late pal
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745 Thu 24 Jul 2014 07:30:39 No. 20163786 Report Quoted By:
>>20163768 Nah it's cool I feel like an asshole now. I'll just wait tomorrow. Thanks anyways
IGN Stone 4871-4983-9861
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Jacob (3540-0152-3527)
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>>20163768 Take me insteaddddd
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804 !pZce0PMX/o
>>20163784 Ah thats cool thanks for telling me, so did he give them out?
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107 OP !!tu9qAw0jHQa
>>20163771 I'm sorry you feel that way. Drop your FC and I'll leave this thread up and try to get to everyone.
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
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>>20163768 Hey OP. I tried to add you, but doesn't show anything that your FC is legit.
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>>20163798 I'll just wait tomorrow, I'll get here earlier. Thanks for the offer
Jacob (3540-0152-3527)
>>20163794 He's been delivering but it looks like he's getting off soon.
IGN: Fernando FC: 1779-1138-1218
Quoted By:
I'm online now
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804 !pZce0PMX/o
IGN: Isabeau FC:3411-2583-9958 (woobat fletchinder pidgey)
IGN: Isabeau FC:3411-2583-9958 (woobat fletchinder pidgey) Thu 24 Jul 2014 07:33:35 No. 20163814 Report Quoted By:
Thanks OP! That dratini was a breeding left over, 4v I think
Roll 1907 9922 4110 [Fairy : Togepi Floette Spritzee]
Roll 1907 9922 4110 [Fairy : Togepi Floette Spritzee] Thu 24 Jul 2014 07:33:40 No. 20163815 Report >>20163783 Can you even see posting times or are you just that retarded you mongoloid. He's been here for almost 3 hours. 5/10 you're too mad.
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804 !pZce0PMX/o
Colours 1177-8202-5473
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>>20163798 Hey homer, Thank you for doing this.
Jacob (3540-0152-3527)
>>20163817 Np, I hope we'll both get one sometime
>>20163815 yeah but he only got to the people who posted in the first hour, but what the fuck do you care you nigger, you got one.
Damn right I'm mad. I posted here an hour and a half ago and waited for this shit only to have the op suddenly decide he's sleepy because he couldn't plan this shit then some dickrider going "fuck you, got mine"
Seriously if you are going to do this don't string people along when you know you are going to leave before finishing.
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107 OP !!tu9qAw0jHQa
Quoted By:
>>20162442 >>20162468 >>20162472 I can't help any of you. Names don't match, or no names at all. Be quick to respond if you want your pokemon still.
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804 !pZce0PMX/o
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>>20163823 Yeah, its nice to have a chat with somebody like you
IGN - Sebastian FC - (5429-7714-7824)
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>>20163719 please respond o' great wizard
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That second FC is mine. IGN: Vixie Thanks in advance, and my apologies for forgetting that information.
Kealan 1865 0829 2889 (???)
Murdok : 1650-3255-6089 [Growlithe, Larvesta, Fletchinder]
Murdok : 1650-3255-6089 [Growlithe, Larvesta, Fletchinder] Thu 24 Jul 2014 07:42:08 No. 20163895 Report Quoted By:
Still doing this OP? I would like one if so.
Jake 0748-3334-4610
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>>20163680 Got mine, thank you OP!
hoii 2208-6227-5884
Roll 1907 9922 4110 [Fairy : Togepi Floette Spritzee]
Roll 1907 9922 4110 [Fairy : Togepi Floette Spritzee] Thu 24 Jul 2014 07:47:57 No. 20163948 Report >>20163844 I don't care for shit but it's funny seeing you get that mad. :^)
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107 OP !!tu9qAw0jHQa
>>20163844 You obviously were not here when 6iv ditto distribution was happening. I waited 5 hours or so a day for 3 or more days. Just be patient and good things will come. As for everyone else I'm sorry, but I'm extremely tired. If I'm up before my stated time I'll make a new thread so be on the lookout!
Murdok : 1650-3255-6089 [Growlithe, Larvesta, Fletchinder]
Murdok : 1650-3255-6089 [Growlithe, Larvesta, Fletchinder] Thu 24 Jul 2014 07:49:34 No. 20163965 Report Quoted By:
Sarah IGN Robin FC 1693-0911-8377
Quoted By:
>>20163951 Even if we did get disconnected I still appreciate the work you are doing OP. I will try to be back tomorrow! Thanks for the hard work
>>20163951 yeah, well next time you might want to consider doing this when you have time to spare on all the people you are asking to wait patiently for hours instead of starting it and leaving a little later.
>>20163948 You're still a nigger. you always were a nigger and you'll always be a nigger.
>>20162000 will you take a hoopa egg for it???
Jacob (3540-0152-3527)
>>20163991 I want that hoopa egg, but dont have a Diancie, would you still take another shiny/legendary?
Nick 3840-7268-6710
Quoted By:
You still on homer? I was organizing my PC
>>20163984 he's giving these away for free so fucking calm the hell down.
>>20164000 sure, whats your friend code? mines 2750-1142-9349
>>20164003 his generosity doesn't excuse poor planning and execution.
Jacob (3540-0152-3527)
>>20164012 Thanks mines Jacob (3540-0152-3527)
Quoted By:
>>20163951 >Homer F*ck Me
Jacob (3540-0152-3527)
Jacob (3540-0152-3527)
>>2016401 Anything you want in particular, or you wanna just gmme? :P Anonymous
>>20164033 shinies please, preferably not shitty ones
Jacob (3540-0152-3527)
Quoted By:
>>20164053 Actually, want a Shiny Luxray instead? I might need this Eevee?
Roll 1907 9922 4110 [Fairy : Togepi Floette Spritzee]
Roll 1907 9922 4110 [Fairy : Togepi Floette Spritzee] Thu 24 Jul 2014 08:08:18 No. 20164067 Report Quoted By:
>>20163984 A nigger with a Diancie you don't have. If you think you can do better, go ahead, buy a Powersaves and do it.
You can't. .
But in all seriousness, wait till tomorrow he already said he's going to give more. Stop acting like such an spoiled brat. Giveaways are always like that.
>>20164046 in addition, would you like a shiny mantyke?
Jacob (3540-0152-3527)
>>20164070 Eh, no thanks, what other shinies do you have though?
>>20164077 what about a gold magikarp for that eevee? unless you have other shinies.. ive also got a volt tackle pichu up for grabs
Jacob (3540-0152-3527)
>>20164097 I'm kind of reluctant to part with the eevee unless you have something really worth while, took me forever to breed that thing, has 6iv's
>>20164114 you got any other shinies?
Jacob (3540-0152-3527)
>>20164118 Octillery, Luvdisc, Probopass, Eevee, Ditto, Porygon 2, Hydreigon
And you can give me back my Luxray while you're at it, asshole.
>>20164130 not a chance, newfag ;)
Jacob (3540-0152-3527)
>>20164161 Then at least trade it back for another shiny.
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>>20164171 legends/events will never be in "eggs" hoopa isn't even out yet
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>>20164020 Honestly, would you sit here for 5 hours, add and delete people, and trade your legends you worked hours for for shitty stuff? Ii think not. You don't deserve anything form him. Wait till tomorrow when you're going to beg him for one.
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
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>>20164249 Oh never mind, sorry I was rushing to post but I just read that you will do it later
Andreas (3136-7766-3153)
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>>20162000 I'd love to finally get one, thanks
Connor (2294-5362-4154) Spiritomb/Phantump/Pumpkaboo
Connor (2294-5362-4154) Spiritomb/Phantump/Pumpkaboo Thu 24 Jul 2014 11:03:27 No. 20165172 Report Quoted By:
If this is still happening i'll take one, but im sure im late for this
FC -0877-1314-5126 ign-serena safari - ground (nincada trapinch diggersby )
FC -0877-1314-5126 ign-serena safari - ground (nincada trapinch diggersby ) Thu 24 Jul 2014 11:05:51 No. 20165181 Report Quoted By:
op please! been looking one for ages
Drew (3926-4783-8822)
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I missed all giveaways so it would be kind to get one finally.
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0189 9166 0346 FC, IGN Erik Thanks OP <3
JJ 4596-9454-5486
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Hey OP, thanks for the rad giveaway. I'll be sure to give you something nice in exchange. I have some excellent 4-5 IV mons I've bred
Devilcake 0533-5733-6648 Bug (Paras, Volbeat, Vivilion)
Devilcake 0533-5733-6648 Bug (Paras, Volbeat, Vivilion) Thu 24 Jul 2014 11:29:41 No. 20165269 Report Quoted By:
Would be appreciated
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>>20162000 Friend code 1134-8315-7341
IGN is Danny
Thank op
Quoted By:
>>20162000 Got anymore left?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202
Wow, bunch of impatient cunts in this thread. I traded my Diancie for Homer to clone last night so he could give them out to you guys, and this is the bullshit you repay him with?>WAHHH WHY CAN'T I HAVE FREE THINGS FASTER Kill yourselves.
Quoted By:
OP I missed it but please do another giveaway when you can. Please ignore the ungrateful twats being critical of this giveaway because stuff like this really makes /vp/ a much nicer place.
Ruben 1778-9908-9181
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IGN: Rubén FC: 1778-9908-9181 Now let's pray to Arceus to get one
Rin (2251-5231-6294)
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Seems as if I missed another Diancie giveaway. If you are still giving some away I would really appreciate one.
EasyQuest - 1564-3250-3036 (Diancie)
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IGN:EasyQuest FC: 1564-3250-3036 Pokemon: Diancie
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>>20165404 sorry for all the asses out there but there are more people who appreciate it. thank you too!
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hoopa eggs for those who don't wanna wait for their turn. comment on this and leave friends codes as well as shiny you're willing to give up. mine is 2750-1142-9349
IGN - Sebastian
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Yo I'm up pls be able to trade me by 2pm otherwise I've missed out again ;-;
Evan 2466-2602-2065
mike - 3540 - 0691 - 5929
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>>20162000 Do you still have some?
IGN: June FC: 0662 - 2906 - 0270
>>20162000 really hoping you're still around OP
IGN - Sebastian FC - (5429-7714-7824)
Quoted By:
>>20168032 he said he would start a new thread around 1pm CST
That being said, I really hope he can save me one until I get home tonight because I've been waiting collectively 6 hours now and my life is a big ball of disappointment and this will just add another layer
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Diancieee *-* mi FC 2122 6666 8942
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IGN: Jean FC: 2122 6666 8942 Thanks :D
Grizzy - 3411-2705-9295
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Would be awesome to get one of these. Thank you very much op!
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IGN: Ice FC: 5241-2356-2368
Tu 3840-7531-7361
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Tu 3840-7531-7361 Hope I made it in time for one!