Boipussi 2122 7766 0273 water(Panpour, garyados, frogadier)
Boipussi 2122 7766 0273 water(Panpour, garyados, frogadier) Thu 24 Jul 2014 23:00:15 No. 20172312 Report Does someone have a Tyrogue for me ?
Quoted By:
Boipussi 2122 7766 0273 water(Panpour, garyados, frogadier)
Boipussi 2122 7766 0273 water(Panpour, garyados, frogadier) Thu 24 Jul 2014 23:08:07 No. 20172395 Report Quoted By:
>>20172364 Why so much hate anon ;_; ?
Xavier 0259-1001-3254
Finally rebeat the E4, and now I'm looking for a breeding project. Anyone have any neat ideas? Whatever I do will end up here, of course.
Quoted By:
>>20172312 I have a Tyrogue
but not for you captcha: sent
Kingabry 1907-9162-7724
>>20172312 I may get to you one but without 5ivs
I can capture him with the right nature, ability and ball if you want
Do you happen to have a Totodile with Ha?
Natures and shit doesn't matters
Kingabry 1907-9162-7724
5 pentaperfect Houndoom with Flashfire and Sucker punch 2 pentaperfect Phantump with Harvest(premier ball) 9 pentaperfect magnemite, 3 with Sturdy and 6 with magnetismshit 1 pentaperfect Scraggy with Moxie, Flintch, Icepunch and Drain punch.(bis ball) Looking for Ha totodile
Boipussi 2122 7766 0273 water(Panpour, garyados, frogadier)
Boipussi 2122 7766 0273 water(Panpour, garyados, frogadier) Thu 24 Jul 2014 23:18:32 No. 20172547 Report >>20172454 I got a totodile from Wondertrade a while ago, will check for HA
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
Quoted By:
>>20172543 Discing for Magnet Pull Magnemite. I don't belive HA Totodile has been released yet.
WyND 0834-1744-4012
Quoted By:
>>20172543 What could I trade you for the Scraggy? Sorry I don't have HA totodile but I may have something else you'd like.
Kingabry 1907-9162-7724
Quoted By:
>>20172547 I just remembered about my Hitmonchan, i will breed an Ha tyrogue Adamant, with bullet punch and flinch
Andy 4227-2210-9843
Quoted By:
>>20172543 Disc up for Phantump, thanks
IGN: Emilia FC: 3110 6223 8913 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir)
IGN: Emilia FC: 3110 6223 8913 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir) Thu 24 Jul 2014 23:27:34 No. 20172639 Report Quoted By:
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
Quoted By:
>>20172547 >>20172454 There's no legit way to obtain a Gen 2 starter with a HA yet.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Thu 24 Jul 2014 23:28:47 No. 20172656 Report Quoted By:
>>20172543 Ha totodile is untradable, egg migth pass
maybe Anonymous
Quoted By:
Are any of those Naughty Garchomps from the last thread still available?
Boipussi 2122 7766 0273 water(Panpour, garyados, frogadier)
Boipussi 2122 7766 0273 water(Panpour, garyados, frogadier) Thu 24 Jul 2014 23:30:38 No. 20172680 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
looking for careful nature shed skin scraggy. If possible with a nickname
>>20172454 This is a giveaway thread, if you want things in return fuck off to wfg.
3x 4-5IV Adamant Cranidos 3x 5IV Adamant Tirtouga (Iron Defense, Knock Off) 4x 4-5IV Modest Lapras (Curse, Freeze-Dry, Avalanche, Dragon Dance) 4x 5IV Modest Lotad (Giga Drain) Please have your IGN shown, as to prevent giving to lurkers.>Looking for Bronzor with good IVs if anyone is willing to help me out.
>>20172821 can i get a lotad
>>20172821 mind if i disc up for a turtle? thanks!
Quoted By:
>>20172814 >This is a begging thread, if you want things in return fuck off to wfg. ftfy
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>20172821 Disc'ing for a Lapras
Rolyon - 3668-9253-9225
>>20172821 Discing for a lotad, if you wouldn't mind.
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
Quoted By:
>>20172821 can i put a disc up for a tirtouga plz
IGN: Jared
Rolyon - 3668-9253-9225
Kingabry 1907-9162-7724
Quoted By:
Sorry anons
My 3ds cannot connect to the internet
I will come back tomorrow or monday if someone missed it
Sorry again
The next time i will check my connection before posting
>>20172814 I was asking for totodiles just in case, but i would have traded just for a pink ass
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
>>20172821 Can I have a tirtouga? Discing up, thanks!
Quoted By:
surprisingly dead thread
Quoted By:
>>20172416 Purrloin.
Speaking of which, I need any leftovers of those. Female in a nice ball, everything else is not important. Any help?
>>20173113 still here? are u the owner of a shiny trevenant giveaway?
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
>>20173244 Lol, yep still here.
Michael 0490-5441-0451 (Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby)
Michael 0490-5441-0451 (Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby) Fri 25 Jul 2014 00:19:14 No. 20173287 Report Anyone got a female Sturdy Skarmory in a heavy ball? Ign is Andrew
>>20173267 w-where's the giveaway?
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
>>20173331 It was months ago.
>>20173391 Damn, ah well, no jewing for me today..
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
>>20173437 I can spare one though. Upload a disc asking for a phantump and tell me your IGN.
Anyone got a better one so farr i ahve these:
http://tny_cz/15a06fba pastebin hates me Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20173473 Thanks but don't worry about it, I don't think I'd use it anyway
>>20172248 Can I get a legendary shiny event pokemon with 6IVs who is holding a Dittonite?
Jokes aside. Anyone have any scyther fodder? Ball: Don't care
Gender: IDGAF
IVs: Pref 3-5
Ability: Doesn't matter.
I want to breed my own and it'd be cool if I had a place to start that wasn't lessthan 31 in all stats.
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
Quoted By:
>>20172821 Disc is up for lapras.
Quoted By:
>>20173545 replace _ for .
kaoru 0130-2563-1614
>>20173555 Nice trips. I can breed one for you, do you got time?
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Wobbuffet, Shadow Tag, Lure Ball, Calm - can be nicknamed - Four 5IV Male (-Atk or -SpAtk) - One 5IV Female (-HP) Aipom, Run Away, Love Ball, Jolly, egg move (Fake Out) - can be nicknamed - Two 5IV Female (-SpAtk) Pachirisu, Volt Absorb, Dive Ball, egg moves (Follow Me, Ion Deluge, Flatter, Fake Tears) - can be nicknamed - One 6IV Male - Two 6IV Male Items for giveaway: Moon Stone x4, Sun Stone x6, Dragon Scale x3
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
>>20173670 Discing for Aipom with a sun stone
IGN Mark (2509-1999-2868) (fighting: Manky, Pancham, Breloom)
IGN Mark (2509-1999-2868) (fighting: Manky, Pancham, Breloom) Fri 25 Jul 2014 00:48:19 No. 20173695 Report Quoted By:
if it's not any trouble, I need a perfectly ordinary Aromatisse... I, er, tossed a luvdisc up on the GTS.
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
>>20173693 Please nickname it Phalanges
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20173715 I just sent it, but I'll be happy to trade through the PSS to nickname it.
IGN Stone 4871-4983-9861
Quoted By:
>>20173670 Aipom, disc up.
>>20173670 can i get the male wobbuffett with -atk
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
>>20173734 Alright, I'll send you a trade request. Thank you so much.
IGN Stone 4871-4983-9861
>>20173670 5 IV, also. pls.
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20173786 Stone, 5IV Aipom is sent!
>>20173767 Kedin, waiting on your trade request!
Quoted By:
>>20173655 Sure, I'd super appreciate it.
IGN Stone 4871-4983-9861
Quoted By:
>>20173802 Thank you so much dude!
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
>>20173802 I can't seem to find you. Mind if I just add your friend code?
Ren !bmoEsPk/KY
Quoted By:
Does anyone happen to have 5IV Bold Klefkis? I'm having some shit luck breeding mine.
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Quoted By:
>>20173829 Sure, that's fine! I'll add you too.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
8x Nest Ball Dwebble - Wide Guard, Spikes, Curse, Rototiller 7x Dream Ball HA Shuckle - Helping Hand, Acupressure, Knock Off, Sweet Scent 9x HA Chimchar (Males) - Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Encore, Fake Out 4x Dive Ball Feebas - Dragon Pulse, Haze, Mirror Coat, Brine Sorry to those I left hanging, but I had to leave early so I sent only the discs I saw.
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Quoted By:
>>20173758 my, Wobbuffet is sent!
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>20173873 Disc is going for feebas and then Shuckle, please and thanks.
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20173829 Also, that Sentret is 5IV in a dream ball with HA if you wanna keep it :)
Robert 3866-8559-6636
Quoted By:
>>20173873 Disc up for feebas
>>20173873 opti fui al foro de donde vienes, pokexperto o algo asi, y te debo decir que es la peor comunidad que he ido, todos son unos judios y vagos, quieren legendarios a cambio de shitmons y demas cosas. IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
>>20173913 Thank you! I'll give you something for your kindness.
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Fri 25 Jul 2014 01:06:45 No. 20173958 Report COOL. I just bred a perfect Timid HP Fire Sniper Horsea on my second batch of eggs. All 30's/31's. On that note I have four females left. 1. Timid Pentaperfect 2. Timid imperfect HP Fire (HP IV is unknown, rest should be perfect) 3. Timid 4IV 4. Lonely 5IV (leveled due to breeding) All are in a Lure Ball, with Clear Smog/Disable/Muddy Water/Outrage as egg moves. Pick a number, any number! Also, still looking for something in the Field egg group that can breed HP Ice, if anybody has something.
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20173938 That was a thoughtful and useful gift! You're kind as well. Enjoy Aipom!
Andy 4227-2210-9843
Quoted By:
>>20173873 Discing up for female shuckle, thanks
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
>>20173958 Dibs on the pentaperfect
Evan 1263-6861-9424
>>20173958 discing up for 3!
Robert 3866-8559-6636
Quoted By:
>>20173873 Could i get a shuckle too if that's ok? Anyway disc up
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
>>20173980 Disc is up for pentaperfect.
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
Quoted By:
>>20173970 Thanks, glad to see you liked her.
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Fri 25 Jul 2014 01:13:32 No. 20174052 Report Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>20173958 I can breed you a eevee with 30 iv in defense if you don't mind waiting for a while
Does someone have a Minccino with skill link? Disc is up,any stats is good as long as it has hidden ability. Please, thanks in advance.
Robert 3866-8559-6636
>>20174052 Can I disc up for 2
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Fri 25 Jul 2014 01:16:46 No. 20174096 Report Quoted By:
>>20174055 That would certainly be a start, and I don't mind at all!
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
Quoted By:
>>20173873 Discing for a Dwebble, preferably female.
Barry 3110-4602-1890
Quoted By:
Putting up a Luvdisc for kricketot
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Fri 25 Jul 2014 01:18:20 No. 20174119 Report Quoted By:
>>20174077 I can do that, as long as you don't mind having to shove Heart Scales down it's throat for Aqua Tail, Iron Tail, Knock Off, and Flail.
>>20174090 Sure, just a moment.
Quoted By:
>>20173873 discing up for a lovely shuckle!
ign is Ric
>>20173923 top tier comunities
-other forums
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Fri 25 Jul 2014 01:21:53 No. 20174155 Report Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>20174155 >>20173958 I'll start breeding them for you right away
Also disc up for the last one
Michael 0490-5441-0451 (Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby)
Michael 0490-5441-0451 (Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby) Fri 25 Jul 2014 01:25:50 No. 20174198 Report Anonymous
>>20174143 you forgot reddit fagget
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>20174198 I actually has it,
But you will have to wait for quit a while because i am currently breeding the eevee for Ryan
Michael 0490-5441-0451 (Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby)
Michael 0490-5441-0451 (Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby) Fri 25 Jul 2014 01:31:56 No. 20174306 Report >>20174222 That's fine, thanks!
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a 0 speed ferroseed?
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Fri 25 Jul 2014 01:36:55 No. 20174370 Report >>20174174 Sent! Waiting warmly, breeding Sigilyph.
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>20174370 Just hatch one with HP ice with 3iv in Sp.Attack, Sp.Defense, and Speed
Quoted By:
>>20174209 no need to call names
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Fri 25 Jul 2014 01:48:34 No. 20174546 Report >>20174449 Great! I should be in your acquaintance list now, right?
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>20174546 Yeah, just trade with me through acquaintance whenever you want
>>20174306 Don't know if you are still there, but I'm going to breed you one skarmory right now
Might take a while
Michael 0490-5441-0451 (Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby)
Michael 0490-5441-0451 (Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby) Fri 25 Jul 2014 01:53:03 No. 20174610 Report >>20174572 I'm here for the next 3 hours, take some time if you need it.
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Fri 25 Jul 2014 01:54:19 No. 20174625 Report >>20174572 Thanks a bunch!
>>20173873 can i take a dwebble and a shuckle? discing for a dwebble
also i don't suppose you have any roggenrola from the other day do you?
a lotx Beldum adamant 5IV pentaperfect
1x male Alomomola impish regenerator dream ball (mirror coat, mist, pain split, refresh)
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 25 Jul 2014 01:58:48 No. 20174685 Report discing up for male alomoloa
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>20174625 Nah, you are the who's doing the giveaway that keep this thread up, I should thank you for that
>>20174610 I just hatched a 5iv imperfect female, disc up for it
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 25 Jul 2014 02:03:27 No. 20174750 Report >>20174729 Thank you,
have you got a Diancie yet? Cazoo
>>20174662 Disking up for a Beldum. c-can you, nickname it t-too, pls??
IGN Stone 4871-4983-9861
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>20174779 Sure, i just happen to hatch two female in a row
>>20174750 no, i haven't. im never around for those giveaway threads
:( im fine with that, i can wait till they release it in america i guess
>>20174775 sure, what nickname you want?
Michael 0490-5441-0451 (Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby)
Michael 0490-5441-0451 (Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby) Fri 25 Jul 2014 02:10:52 No. 20174887 Report >>20174706 Sorry, was grabbing dinner. Logging on now.
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Fri 25 Jul 2014 02:10:59 No. 20174889 Report Quoted By:
>>20174706 E-eh? All I did was drop four Horsea...
Jake/Tim 0404-7255-0412
How many people would be interested in some Timid Flash Fire Litwicks (4/5 IV's, of course)? I'm in the middle of breeding for a 6 IV one, and I'll just dump the rest into GTS if enough people are interested.
>>20174895 Make sure they have Heat Wave.
IGN Stone 4871-4983-9861
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>20174887 >>20174779 Put something in the message so I know that you
Michael 0490-5441-0451 (Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby)
Michael 0490-5441-0451 (Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby) Fri 25 Jul 2014 02:15:42 No. 20174965 Report >>20174955 It's /vp/
My IGN is Andrew.
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>20174861 Armstrong, thank you so much. disk is up, man!
Jake/Tim 0404-7255-0412
Quoted By:
>>20174925 They don't.
I don't have any way to breed it to them with it.
Oh well.
IGN Stone 4871-4983-9861
Quoted By:
>>20174991 Got it! Thank you so much!
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 25 Jul 2014 02:19:26 No. 20175030 Report Michael 0490-5441-0451 (Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby)
Michael 0490-5441-0451 (Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby) Fri 25 Jul 2014 02:20:01 No. 20175035 Report Quoted By:
>>20174991 Thanks a ton, man!
>>20175007 your disc is for metagross, change it for beldum
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 25 Jul 2014 02:27:16 No. 20175157 Report Quoted By:
>>20175104 did you get it?
wifi got kill
>>20175030 the connection failed. would you like something in particular for it?
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 25 Jul 2014 02:28:41 No. 20175170 Report >>20175158 anything will do
Since last anon mysteriously vanished, dead to the bogeyman, does any other anons have a Scyther I can get? Don't care about anything, just need the IVs to be around 3-5.
Quoted By:
>>20175170 sorry about that, i think my router is working like shit
thanks a lot, you are very kind
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>20175185 I can send you one with 4iv (missing HP and defense), just disc up
Quoted By:
>>20175104 oops, damn i was just looking at a bunch of pics of MGross, to think of a name. Guess that I just entered it in on accident. :I
Andy 4227-2210-9843
Quoted By:
>>20175233 >>20175185 Don't see your disc
I'll be gone for about 15 minute, so i'll send you the Scyther once i come back
kaoru 0130-2563-1614
>>20175331 Disc up, thanks anon. You're a cute.
IGN Zane
Ariana 5429-8118-1966 Ice (Bergmite, Delibird, Lapras)
Ariana 5429-8118-1966 Ice (Bergmite, Delibird, Lapras) Fri 25 Jul 2014 02:57:30 No. 20175518 Report Looking for Adaptability Corphish, IVs and moves don't matter. Would love a HA Chimchar too, but I haven't seen Chimchar in game so can't ask for it on GTS.
kaoru 0130-2563-1614
Quoted By:
>>20175460 Sorry, but the eggs that I got kinda suck, let me breed a better one for you
Quoted By:
>>20175518 Scroll down to "What Pokemon?" and type in Chimchar manually.
IGN Stone 4871-4983-9861
Quoted By:
Can I get a scyther?
>>20175518 I can send you a chimp if you don't mind it being male.
Barry 3110-4602-1890
Quoted By:
Going to re-up luvdisc for a kricketot again
Fc 4570-9023-4268 ign Aron
Looking for adamant aron with rock head. Would like att def evs/ivs but that doesnt really matter thanks!
Xavier 0259-1001-3254
Hey guys! I just got done getting a perfect Murkrow! I've got x16 Jolly/Super Luck/Brave Bird X1 Jolly/Super Luck/no Brave Bird X6 Jolly/Insomnia/Brave Bird Anyone want one?
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
Quoted By:
>>20175574 I don't mind it at all, thanks a lot.
Tim 1075-1110-2121
Quoted By:
>>20173873 Any more Shuckles by chance? Puttin a disc up just in case.
IGN Chantal 1134-9319-9769
Quoted By:
>>20174895 I would actually love one
but only if they are in Dusk Balls Ariana 5429-8118-1966
Quoted By:
Does anybody have an adamant minccino?
>>20175868 Sent. No idea what the IVs are.
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
Quoted By:
>>20175910 It doesnt matter, thanks!
Quoted By:
Looking for female Purrloin leftovers. Premier ball would be baller
kaoru 0130-2563-1614
Quoted By:
>>20175460 unable to find you :(
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
Sorry to be a nuisance but if anyone has a leftover Adaptability Corphish it would be appreciated. Thanks god night /vp/ got work in the morning. Disc up.
Fc 4570-9023-4268 ign Aron
Quoted By:
>>20175622 Any one? Disc up
kaoru 0130-2563-1614
>>20176093 Unable to find you, there's a whole bunch of people on gtc today...
IGN: Mallory FC: 1306-6893-0814
>>20176093 sending now! :)
IGN Chantal 1134-9319-9769
Here's pastebin in case anyone is interested. And please, somebody grab a freaking
Porygon . IGN: Mallory FC: 1306-6893-0814
Quoted By:
>>20176093 i am actually having a hard time finding your name :o i have an adaptibility corphish with egg moves. I will keep searching your name, but if i cannot find it i will send it tomorrow once all the meowstic requests are cleared!
>>20176247 >>20176274 Already sent a Corphish, just left my computer and didn't note that it happened. Sorry to be wasting your time.
kaoru 0130-2563-1614
>>20176356 It's ok, I'm happy for you anyway
Alexis 4484 9555 0106
Quoted By:
someone have an extra female spurr with hidden ability? in a nice ball if posible
Quoted By:
>>20176375 Thanks. I'm happy for you too.
>>20176299 ign: carlos discing up for a pineco, thanks in advance
Xavier 0259-1001-3254
>>20176299 I'll take a Porygon! Disc up.
Christian 4742 - 6261 - 6033
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a luxury ball Vullaby or perhaps a premier ball Swirlix?
IGN Stone 4871-4983-9861
>>20176299 Could I get a pineco and porygon? Disc up for pineco though.
>>20176299 I'll take a porygon, disc up
IGN: Justin
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke Fri 25 Jul 2014 04:24:09 No. 20176546 Report BUAH IM ALIVE and outa work... MAYBE TO HELP PEOPLE
IGN Chantal 1134-9319-9769
>>20176470 >>20176489 >>20176528 >>20176536 Sent! If you want anything else, just disc up.
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke Fri 25 Jul 2014 04:26:36 No. 20176576 Report Quoted By:
>>20176561 terrible! i hate my job! HAHAAAAAAAAAA
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
>>20176299 Discing for the pineco
IGN Stone 4871-4983-9861
>>20176560 Disc up for porygon!
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>20176299 Discing up for a Joltik since all the Pineco are gone
IGN: Mallory FC: 1306-6893-0814
>>20176299 disc up for porygon! thanks
IGN Chantal 1134-9319-9769
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
>>20176677 Discing for a Porygon. Thanks for the mons
IGN Chantal 1134-9319-9769
IGN: Xavier
So I got onto the gts to put up my Disc and found a shiny, perfevt IV, EV trained Noivern that i don't remember asking for. Was that one of you guys?
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke Fri 25 Jul 2014 04:49:32 No. 20176814 Report >>20176744 could i get a karrablast?
James FC: 4468 - 0977 - 3153
Quoted By:
I'm looking for a Hidden ability Shroomish or Breloom. Preferably with bullet seed egg move?
Blade - 1461-6353-0260
>>20176794 was it lvl 100?
IGN Chantal 1134-9319-9769
>>20176814 Sure, just disc up.
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke Fri 25 Jul 2014 05:02:31 No. 20176983 Report IGN Chantal 1134-9319-9769
I'm after a Darumaka, decent IVs would be nice but gender and such don't matter. Also, I assume that Darumaka with the ability Guts evolve into Darmanitan with the ability Sheer force don't they?
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke Fri 25 Jul 2014 05:09:40 No. 20177059 Report Quoted By:
>>20177034 Thank you!!!!!!
IGN: Ewan
Quoted By:
>>20177049 Oops, forgot my name.
IGN: Xavier
Blade - 1461-6353-0260
>>20177091 it's from Ramza then (almost guaranteed) did you check the OT?
Quoted By:
>>20177128 >almost guaranteed Yeah, nah...
Other people have done shiny Noivern giveaways too newfag
IGN: Mallory FC: 1306-6893-0814
Quoted By:
>>20175711 Can i get a jolly/super luck/brave bird murkrow? thank you :) disc up
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke Fri 25 Jul 2014 05:45:29 No. 20177407 Report I'm lookin for signal beam manectric/electrike... also a good furfrou... and i have a friend looking for HA garbodor... anyone got any of these?
>asking for transfer-only moves Fuck off fag
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke Fri 25 Jul 2014 06:13:37 No. 20177716 Report >>20177587 chill your ass dude...
>>20177716 see
>>20172248 >we're not likely to have past gen exclusive moves (such as Knock Off Timburr / Hyper Voice Ralts); please try elsewhere. Go offer shit to someone in pokegen general
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke Fri 25 Jul 2014 06:18:12 No. 20177773 Report >>20177740 it says not likely... not dont ask anyone ever or get grilled for it ass hat... ive got tons of transfer moves through these threads... why dont ya just ignore it instead of getting a chapped ass
Quoted By:
>>20173873 If you're still around can I disc up for dwebble?
Blade - 1461-6353-0260
>>20177740 >i only just now realize that hypervoice was B2/W2 move tutor well fuck me... i hope that O-Ruby/A-Sapphire do end up having move tutors, otherwise this will have been the second shiny ralts i've bread just to not use it as i'd like to...
Blade - 1461-6353-0260
Quoted By:
I guess there's always hyper beam...
>>20177773 >I'm a special snowflake! Rules don't apply to me! haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke
haru 0061-0848-2068 (fighting)pancham hariyama machoke Fri 25 Jul 2014 06:40:31 No. 20177923 Report >>20177913 >i'm a butthurt little fuckbag who cant just let something that doesn't effect me at all go Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20177923 >Let me beg in peace! Gah! IGN: Ewan
Quoted By:
Looking for a Skorupi with Pursuit, IVs and gender don't matter, but good IVs would be nice. Also after a Darumaka. No preferences or specifications, 3/4 IVs would be nice. I also have some good Marills, Corphish, Scraggys, Binacles and Minccinos go give away.
Blade - 1461-6353-0260
Quoted By:
>>20178241 i may have been a little hungry and tired, haha
Shitty generals always die. It was the opposite of a pleasure, gtsg - /shw/
Looking for a meadow pattern vivillion
Mai 3153 4752 4229 !ShuAMmrEt.
Seth 4957-4389-5515
Quoted By:
>>20174662 Ca I also get a Beldum?
Quoted By:
>>20178977 We are not this kind of thread if you are looking to trade a vivillion look through the catalog or use the search option
Search: Vivillion
there is usually at least a thread of exchange
Search: Wi fi
where you can request a trade
Ariana 5429-8118-1966 Ice (Bergmite, Delibird, Lapras)
Ariana 5429-8118-1966 Ice (Bergmite, Delibird, Lapras) Fri 25 Jul 2014 12:07:38 No. 20179680 Report Quoted By:
Thanks anon who traded me the Corphish. Just woke up and now heading off to work. I know it's unlikely, but if the awesome anon who had an extra shiny Phantump is still around may I please have it? Disc up.
Quoted By:
>>20181148 Quit the shitposting, Opti.
Andres 4613-8064-9615
Giving away a fuck ton of tropius with 5ivs, in nest balls.
If you want to help me with my dex, here's a list on what i need BUT it's not necesary. Evan 1263-6861-9424
>>20183403 discing up for a tropius, female if possible! thanks!
Tony 2766-8653-6114 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Panpour)
Tony 2766-8653-6114 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Panpour) Fri 25 Jul 2014 19:23:14 No. 20183619 Report >>20183403 I'd like one of those. By the way, I have a shiny Dialga from last year's event that I don't really need.
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>20183403 Disc up for a female tropius, thanks
>>20183403 Disc going up shortly for one leafy dino.
If you got HA fem, that'd be superb!
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
>>20183403 Discing for a Female Tropius with its HA, if possible.
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras)
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras) Fri 25 Jul 2014 19:51:06 No. 20183905 Report >>20183403 Disc up for one, thanks
Fc 4570-9023-4268 ign Aron
Quoted By:
Lf aron with adamant and rock head please
Andres 4613-8064-9615
>>20183530 sent
>>20183619 Of course, just tell me how do you want to trade it!
>>20183644 >>20183680 >>20183807 >>20183905 Sorry for the delay, internet really sucks dicks today and im sorry again, this tropius do not have it's HA, but hopefully you can use them to help you breeding.
Sending them as fast as i can
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras)
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras) Fri 25 Jul 2014 20:16:10 No. 20184168 Report Quoted By:
Tony 2766-8653-6114 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Panpour)
Tony 2766-8653-6114 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Panpour) Fri 25 Jul 2014 20:19:31 No. 20184206 Report Quoted By:
>>20183994 Just add me and ask for a trade. I'd prefer if the Tropius was a HA female, but anything else is also fine.
>>20183994 thank you!
p.s. sorry for the lack of heart scale, rng is being a little bitch, caught three with compound eyes lead, and still none had item.
Quoted By:
>>20184237 >using compound eyes >not using Frisk Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20184352 you're better off using frisk when you only want the scales.
compound eyes actually increases the likelihood of discs holding items. which in my case just didn't bother to happen.
Quoted By:
>>20184352 >First slot - fainted compund eyes >Second slot - Frisk w/thief If you don't do this, you're a pleb
Aquela 4725 7993 3819
Quoted By:
>>20183403 Discing up for a Tropius please!
Looking for Monsoon, Jungle, Sandstorm and Icy snow vivilion patterns if anyone has any spare. Disc is up, IGN Darren. Stay based /vp/
Mugi 2294-4336-9484 FIGHTING (Mankey, Pancham, Breloom)
Mugi 2294-4336-9484 FIGHTING (Mankey, Pancham, Breloom) Fri 25 Jul 2014 21:42:29 No. 20185014 Report Anyone have a spare regenerator slowpoke they'd be willing to gift? I can offer you 5/6 IV charmanders, larvitars or snorlax in return
Barry 3110-4602-1890
Quoted By:
Uploading a disc for a pineco
Quoted By:
>>20183403 Disc up for Tropius. Thanks
IGN: Mallory FC: 1306-6893-0814
>>20185014 I have one! I would love a charmander
Luc 3582-9293-2926 ( ghost types)
I would really love a feebas with its hidden ability
Quoted By:
>>20173670 Still here? i'd like a female Wobbuffet, please.
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
Hey guys, I'm giving away Dive Ball Totodile leftovers after MM'ing for a shiny. I have 24 lvl.1 Females (4-5 IVs) 1 level 66 female (4 IVs) I also have 3 boxes of males (4-5 IVs) All Totodiles come with 4 EM: DD, Ice Punch, Aqua Jet, and Crunch. You can just disc up but if you wanna help me out, I'm looking for a Wynaut, Moon Ball Teddiursa, Kricketot, Finneon, and any Pokemon in an interesting Ball. Enjoy!
Mugi 2294-4336-9484 FIGHTING (Mankey, Pancham, Breloom)
Mugi 2294-4336-9484 FIGHTING (Mankey, Pancham, Breloom) Fri 25 Jul 2014 23:12:28 No. 20185948 Report >>20185046 I was literally just referred here from wifi general, so I think your wrong.
>>20185230 If your still here I'd love to do this trade! Adding you now
Quoted By:
Hey guys, I'm searching for a female Adamant venipede with its HA (Speed Boost). Placing a disc up. IGN: Mothimas
>>20185948 No, this is not the thread for you.
Quoted By:
>>20185974 Thread is dead enough. A few bumps will not kill it. Plus people have asked for specific pokemon here a lot in the past. Someone who has a leftover might be willing to part with it after seeing someone asking.
Quoted By:
>>20186027 im retarded IGN: dexter
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
Quoted By:
>>20186027 Sure, just post which gender and include your IGN.
Mugi 2294-4336-9484 FIGHTING (Mankey, Pancham, Breloom)
Mugi 2294-4336-9484 FIGHTING (Mankey, Pancham, Breloom) Fri 25 Jul 2014 23:22:49 No. 20186058 Report >>20185884 I'll take a female!
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
IGN: Mallory FC: 1306-6893-0814
Quoted By:
>>20185948 i will add you now!
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>20185884 Discing for one female, thanks
IGN: Kedin 2509 2244 2437
IGN: Mallory FC: 1306-6893-0814
Quoted By:
Disc up for a Bouffalant! thanks :)
Quoted By:
>>20183403 disc up, possibly a perfect 5 iv if you can
Charlie 4270-23369607
Quoted By:
Disc up for Scyther.
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Sat 26 Jul 2014 00:28:47 No. 20186772 Report I have successfully bred two HP Ice Electrikes for myself (one Timid, one Modest), and I have a few imperfect leftovers. They should all have the 30 IV in defense, plus two or three others at 31. 3x Modest Female (all Lightning Rod) 2x Timid Female (1 Static, 1 LR) 1 each male and female Timid w/HP Ice lacking Speed rather than Def Help yourselves. And help me nickname a male Mega Manectric and a male Tentacruel.
>>20186772 Dixing up for modest. /vp/ justin
>>20186772 Zinogre and Charybdis
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Sat 26 Jul 2014 00:35:06 No. 20186819 Report Quoted By:
>>20186781 Sent!
>>20186787 Idon'tgetthatreference.jpg and notbad.jpg
Quoted By:
>>20173670 Are you still here? I'm interested in one of those Pachirisus.
Bios - IGN = Biograf - 1418-6831-0216 [Psychic - Wobbuffet, Xatu, Drowzee]
Bios - IGN = Biograf - 1418-6831-0216 [Psychic - Wobbuffet, Xatu, Drowzee] Sat 26 Jul 2014 00:40:12 No. 20186869 Report Anyone with a prankster Sableye? Can't seem to find a Dark friend safari. Preferably in a luxury ball.
>>20186869 go to wifi general for this kind of shit:
>>20186562 Bios - IGN = Biograf - 1418-6831-0216 [Psychic - Wobbuffet, Xatu, Drowzee]
Bios - IGN = Biograf - 1418-6831-0216 [Psychic - Wobbuffet, Xatu, Drowzee] Sat 26 Jul 2014 00:47:12 No. 20186948 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20186927 >>20186948 No, not really. He's asked for a HA mon, people do that all the time, they're not that difficult to get.
Settle down anon.
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Sat 26 Jul 2014 01:14:52 No. 20187263 Report Quoted By:
Anyone have a Ferroseed with SR/Spikes/Leech Seed? I have Balltism, so male is fine if females are lacking. I've got this 0 Speed Brave Ditto and I'm looking for things to use it with...
Hey guys! I actually have a thing to give this time! Currently breeding some Pawniards, though I only have 3 to give away All are adament and are in time balls with Egg moves Revenge/Pursuit/Psycho Cut/Sucker Punch 2x Inner focus (1M 1F) 1x Defiant (F) any takers?
I'll take the Defiant one. Thank you.
IGN: Mike
>>20186772 I'd like the Timid LR Electrike.
Be discing up in a sec.
Quoted By:
>>20187381 Ill take inner focus
Blade - 1461-6353-0260
Quoted By:
>>20187381 If you get another female one with defiant, would i be able to have it?? I don't need it to have any IVs, i'd love to breed some with those egg moves and defiant!
Ben 2449-4624-7046
Quoted By:
Can anyone spare any unown? Stats and everything else aren't important, I just need it to complete my living dex. IGN Ben, Disc is up.
IGN: Tristan | FC: 5343-9370-5309
Quoted By:
anyone got a jolly treecko?
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Sat 26 Jul 2014 02:02:26 No. 20187668 Report Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
>>20175711 You still there, Xavier?
mike - 3540 - 0691 - 5929
Quoted By:
Can anyone trade me a female seedot?
IGN: Mike
Xavier 0259-1001-3254
>>20187676 I'm here! I think I still have a few left, if you want one.
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
>>20187778 Jolly Super Luck with Brave Bird?
Xavier 0259-1001-3254
>>20187837 Yep. Disc up mate!
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
>>20187883 Discing up in a minute. my IGN is Kagura
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
Michael 0490-5441-0451 (Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby)
Michael 0490-5441-0451 (Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby) Sat 26 Jul 2014 02:40:05 No. 20188166 Report Anyone got a female Regenerator Tangela in a nest ball?
Quoted By:
>>20186869 I have a prankster sable, will trade for good breeding leftovers
>>20172821 Back for another round. Updated list:
3x 4-5IV Adamant Cranidos
2x 4-5IV Rash Cranidos
3x 4-5IV Modest Lapras (Curse, Freeze-Dry, Avalanche, Dragon Dance)
2x 5IV Modest Lotad (Giga Drain)
2x 5IV Cubone
2x 4-5IV Adamant Rhyhorn
>still looking for Bronzor. Sakuya
>>20188327 I'd love one of those Lotads.
Would it be possible to take a Rhyhorn afterwards?
Quoted By:
>>20188327 I'll take a Lotad. Thanks Disc is up
Quoted By:
>>20188444 Many thanks. I'll be sure to up another Disc as fast as possible afterwards.
Quoted By:
Disc for Rhyhorn is up! Again, thank you.
Xavier: 1907-9072-8026
Quoted By:
>>20188327 Discing up for a Lapras (preferably 5IV)
IGN: Mallory FC: 1306-6893-0814
>>20187778 can i get a jolly/super luck/brave bird murkrow? I tried yesterday, but my disc was sniped
Michael 0490-5441-0451 (Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby)
Michael 0490-5441-0451 (Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby) Sat 26 Jul 2014 03:29:52 No. 20188757 Report Quoted By:
Xavier 0259-1001-3254
Quoted By:
>>20188680 I might have to go reteach one of them bravebird real fast, but yep. Gives me a minute.
Also, I'm in the process of breeding a bunch of Jolly Vacuum wave Scythers, if anyone's interested.
Also, I
Andres 4613-8064-9615
Sup guys, i'm back, this is still going if anyone wants some:
>>20188904 Ooh. I'd like one please. Disc is up
Quoted By:
New bread?? Finally at 300
Andres 4613-8064-9615
Quoted By:
>>20188918 >>20188932 Sent, sorry for not sending him before !
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Sat 26 Jul 2014 03:57:30 No. 20189021 Report >>20188904 I'll disc up in a moment, if I may.
Xavier 0259-1001-3254
Got my perfect Scyther. Anyone up for helping me evolve it?
Andres 4613-8064-9615
>>20189089 i'll do if you help me to evolve my porygon2, deal?
IGN: Emilia FC: 3110 6223 8913 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir)
IGN: Emilia FC: 3110 6223 8913 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir) Sat 26 Jul 2014 04:03:44 No. 20189117 Report >>20188904 disc up, thanks
Xavier 0259-1001-3254
>>20189100 Sounds good buddy!
Andres 4613-8064-9615
>>20189149 Nice! Direct trade or gts?
>>20189021 >>20189117 sent, enjoy your bananasaurius
Xavier 0259-1001-3254
>>20189193 Direct trade's much easier for these sorts of things.
Xavier 0259-1001-3254
>>20189100 My connection's shitting up. Trade again`
>>20189193 >>20189230 >direct trade >in this thread Andres 4613-8064-9615
>>20189311 it tells me you're still trading, wait a sec, going to try again
Xavier 0259-1001-3254
Quoted By:
>>20189328 >Getting your poke holding its evo sniped >When you can direct trade >>20189339 Thanks mate!
Andres 4613-8064-9615
Quoted By:
>>20189311 Done, good luck with your scizor, thanks for the help!
Someone make the new thread
>>20189420 you do it, faggot
>>20189443 holy shit, do it yourself you lazy fuck
>>20189435 k fine
new thread:
>>20172248 new thread:
>>20172248 new thread:
>>20172248 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20189450 shit/10
>>20172248 NEW THREAD
>>20172248 NEW THREAD
>>20172248 NEW THREAD
>>20172248 Anonymous
Quoted By:
LOL nice memes guys
Quoted By:
new threads have been ruining these threads since 2014
I have 3 Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear
Quoted By:
>>20189510 disc up like
muh dick cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Sat 26 Jul 2014 04:32:23 No. 20189527 Report Quoted By:
Xavier 0259-1001-3254
Quoted By:
>>20189597 >>20189599 >Noone starts new thread until everyone starts new thread IGN: Emilia FC: 3110 6223 8913 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir)
IGN: Emilia FC: 3110 6223 8913 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir) Sat 26 Jul 2014 04:38:33 No. 20189612 Report Quoted By:
Blade - 1461-6353-0260
Quoted By:
welp newthread was deleted
>>20190360 >>20190360 Anonymous
low level Shroomish with its hidden ability Quick Feet and bullet seed breeding skill