Sorry I just....yeah.
>For one, he's instantly got badass points for owning a Templar-themed team and prancing about in his badass adorned garb
>This man was beyond deranged. He took in N, rose him up with delusions of grandeur only to turn on him like the expendable bastard son he was.
>Need I mention that he was full of shit, and just wanted to rule over the region as God, being the only one with Pokémon?
>He not only actually convinced a shit ton of people to release their Pokémon, but periodically gives speeches speaking out to the people and compelling him to release their Pokémon. Maybe it's just me, but it made this feel more personal, getting to know their MO a little better. And not in just a half-assed MUH FLAWED EMOTIONS kind of way, this guy had a serious passion.
>Though, granted, you didn't get to battle them, there was the seven Socrates-spewing sages.
>The teleporting lady Gagas
>He actually succeeded in not only capturing Reshiram/Zekrom, but reviving Neo-team plasma and acquiring the power of Kyurem AND tricking the spiteful bastard son into fusing it with his ultimate Pokémon
>Oh, need I remind you, fuck your team of 6 bullshit, he goes straight for 7 Pokémon
>Thanks to the fact that he escaped, he's still on the fucking lose, and not on some grunge trip in emo other world like certain other plebian teams
People may disagree, but Ghetsis definitely stands out to be as a brutal, kickass, and all around enjoyable villain.