What Gender is the braixen?
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>>20194242 All of that trade fodder
IGN Alex: 5026-4425-8718 SVs: 3202, 0115
>>20194274 The Magician one is Male, and currently named Radagast. The Blaze is female and named Quinn. I can rename either.
Geonude 4353 - 1223 - 6116
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>>20194296 Rename the Male one DICKS please and I'll send you the Ditto
>>20194296 Ok well I'll take your magician braixen then, I have a 6 IV ditto I can give you, it's Adamant if that's ok
>>20194317 Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
IGN Alex: 5026-4425-8718 SVs: 3202, 0115
>>20194329 Sounds good. Want a nickname change?
>>20194336 Could you change it to ash? I figured since it's grey
IGN Alex: 5026-4425-8718 SVs: 3202, 0115
>>20194350 I'm really bad with names on the spot and that was the best I could do
IGN Alex: 5026-4425-8718 SVs: 3202, 0115
>>20194365 If you ever want me to change it, my name on reddit is RedBreeder. You can trade it back and I'll rename it for you.
>>20194390 Sweet thanks I might in the future but I don't think Ash is to bad people night think I mean the anime but that's alright
IGN Alex: 5026-4425-8718 SVs: 3202, 0115
>>20194408 Thanks for the trade, man! I appreciate it!
IGN Alex: 5026-4425-8718 SVs: 3202, 0115
>>20194433 Adamant was what I was hoping for anyway. I wanted to make a cool nidoking set.
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>>20194457 Sweet glad I could help, I was happy to give it to you because I have a second ad man ditto so I didn't exactly need that one
>>20194457 We should have a battle when you finish training it
IGN Alex: 5026-4425-8718 SVs: 3202, 0115
>>20194479 I have a different team I could use if you want to battle real fast. Double is what it is built for, but single works too.
>>20194487 Yeah sure just give me a moment to prepare, we can do a double battle the pokemon I have don't have their items yet but yeah sure
>>20194506 I've never actually done a double battle before and I've never played competitive so I don't consider myself an amazing battle I just train pokemon that seem interesting to me
IGN Alex: 5026-4425-8718 SVs: 3202, 0115
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>>20194506 Just send me a trade when you are ready. I'm just running around friend safaris.
IGN Alex: 5026-4425-8718 SVs: 3202, 0115
>>20194533 If you want experience in comptetitive, be sure to save the battle video. You can fight it later with any pokemon you want.
>>20194562 Awesome and by the way I bred all these pokemon myself, the shiny ones took forever
IGN Alex: 5026-4425-8718 SVs: 3202, 0115
>>20194578 I forgot how powerful Darmanitan is. I'm sorry I kept him on there!
>>20194578 Damn I got my ass handed to me I'm really not used to double battles
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>>20194659 Nah man its cool I've never fought any of those pokemon before so it was a good lesson
IGN Alex: 5026-4425-8718 SVs: 3202, 0115
>>20194661 Double battles are definitely differnt strategy-wise. The Pokemon I used had all been raised for different VCGs over the years.
IGN Alex: 5026-4425-8718 SVs: 3202, 0115
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>>20194683 And darmanitan has one-shotted things that resist fire with no stat boost for me before. He is crazy rediculous.
>>20194683 Yeah we should try a single battle, I'm a lot better at those. But I'm not sure if I could face up to that daramanitan no matter what format we play that flair blitz was crazy
IGN Alex: 5026-4425-8718 SVs: 3202, 0115
>>20194701 Give me just a second, and I'll single battle ya.
>>20194708 Sweet awesome let's see how I do this time
IGN Alex: 5026-4425-8718 SVs: 3202, 0115
>>20194712 That was a pretty good match. I was actually really worried for a little bit.
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Shit I was waiting for your daramanitan to come out
>>20194839 thanks man I appreciate it. I had a lot of fun, now I have a good competitive team to Mach battle with. Now you motivated me to finish the first team I've been trying to build that I kept putting off
IGN Alex: 5026-4425-8718 SVs: 3202, 0115
>>20194903 I wish you the best of luck with the team. Challenge me when they are fully trained!
>>20194952 Yeah of course and by the way I have a diancie do if you ever wanted to fight one just tell me. I know some people are like that
IGN Alex: 5026-4425-8718 SVs: 3202, 0115
>>20194975 I have one too. I wish they were better :/
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>>20194991 Lol yeah their move pull sucks buy I'm sure mega diancie well do some good for her