Usteen 2036-7630-5976
Youngster Joey
>>20196311 looks like im starting with Shinx! come and get them!
Spencer 4296 3218 0793
Quoted By:
Shinx would be nice
Serena 3411-2646-1875
Alan 2337-4315-3939
Quoted By:
Quoted By:
Hawlucha would be nice
Kustem 4957-3052-6634
Quoted By:
Froakie please.
Rin (2251-5231-6294)
Quoted By:
>>20196307 Bunnelby up in a few minutes. Hoping for either Froakie, Scyther or Mawile
Hawlucha pls, Bunnelby going up!
Olivia 2363-6158-1686
Quoted By:
>>20196324 Bunnelby is up for Shinx, thanks
Youngster Joey
again i'm starting with Shinx, put a Bunnelby up on the gts with at least /vp/ and ill start randomly choosing, also a word of advice, make me laugh or smile
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
>>20196368 >make me laugh or smile What a faggot.
Kustem 4957-3052-6634
leo 3394 3749 3349
Quoted By:
>>20196307 bunnelby is up
would love a mawile plz
I would like a shink a lot
Usteen 2036-7630-5976
Quoted By:
Bunny is up, OP.
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
>>20196374 Oh yeah, my IGN is Kagura. Putting up Bunnelby in a minute.
Quoted By:
>>20196307 Bunnelby going up for a shinx, thanks.
Spencer 4296 3218 0793
>>20196368 >ill start randomly choosing Youngster Joey
>>20196379 im having a bad day and figured id do a giveaway in the hopes that i can get a laugh or two in, i can just turn my ds off and forget about it if youre going to be an asshole
Quoted By:
Going for mawile. Name is Elka, thank you!
>>20196429 You expected something different from a cancerous RP-fag?
Quoted By:
Is this still up ?
IGN David
Youngster Joey
Quoted By:
>>20196442 PLLLLS Give me attention plllllssss i'm such a huge faggot oh god how am i talking with all these dicks in my mouth cater to MEEEEEEEeeEEe
Quoted By:
>>20196429 >>20196446 they're free
>>20196442 no worries op i appreciate you. hope you feel better
Quoted By:
Bunnelby is up! Im confused, how can you pick what we get randomly if we have to choose a Pokémon to receive for the Bunnelby? Oh well, hoping I get a Scyther! Love you Joey! No homo.
Alan 2337-4315-3939
Quoted By:
Innocturne (FC: 3823-8966-5764)
Quoted By:
I'm throwing up a Bun in hopes for a shine Zorua. IGN is Innocturne. Out of curiosity, is the Zorua nameable? I know it might seem nitpicky, but I would love to have it nickname Valerie. (Gardless of gender.) Know your very busy, but it'd be awesome to see.
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
Spencer 4296 3218 0793
Quoted By:
I called mine TOOTHYDICKS. Will be up soon. Would love a Hawlucha/Frogadier.
Quoted By:
>>20196307 IGN:Akira , I do want a Scyther
Thanks OP!!
Alvaro 0903-3444-5841
Enn 2552-0490-6791
Quoted By:
Can I get a deino, joey? Please?
Youngster Joey
im in the process of giving away the Shinx's fisrt but if i do see one that makes me laugh ill nost likely bite
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
Quoted By:
>>20196486 Figures I get sniped. Putting up another Bunny.
Adam (4124-5139-0596)
Quoted By:
>>20196307 Bunnelby is up, hoping for a Froakie!
IGN: Bernhard 1204 - 0492 - 6610
I don`t really get the order of the giveaway, sorry joey. So I m gonna wait till the Zoruas are given out. I too wanna know if they are nicknamable, and if yes could you call it Lysergid ?
Danny 0645 6693 6165
Quoted By:
Woah, there, can I have a Hawlucha?
Mawile please. Bunneled up now.
Quoted By:
>>20196307 Thank u so much!! I hope your day gets better, I know you have made mine :)
Can we apply for more than one Pokemon?
Quoted By:
>>20196307 I put a Bunnelby up for a Scyther
Quoted By:
asdfghjkl;' thank you so much! you made me day ;)
IGN: Bernhard 1204 - 0492 - 6610
how many do you have of each?
leah 2595-1160-2075 {3369}
Quoted By:
Love shinx, may i have one? Bun is up.
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971
Quoted By:
>>20196552 Bunnelby up for a shinx
Luka | 1349-6385-5686
Quoted By:
Put a Bunnelby up for a Shiny, thanks based Joey
Enn 2552-0490-6791
>>20196363 Well, up for a Shinx now. Some asshole changed my 3ds's region, had to sort my wifi out.
IGN: Jasper
Quoted By:
>>20196544 Just put up my Bunnelby, hope I get lucky and make you smile.
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Sat 26 Jul 2014 19:13:15 No. 20196669 Report Quoted By:
>>20196307 discing up foe luchabro thanks joey
Youngster Joey
Quoted By:
>>20196575 sorry i should've been more clear, first to of commented chose what pokemon i started the giveaway with, once i run out of Shinx ill make another post and first one to comment after that will choose the next lot to giveaway and so forth,i have about 14 Shinx left
>>20196592 yes, just dont be greedy and try to get duplicates of the same, sharing is caring!
Elad 4983-6313-9157
Quoted By:
>>20196307 for a shinx please
Quoted By:
Thanks for doing this Joey.
Quoted By:
>>20196307 IGN:Shaun, wanting scyther
Thanks joey.
Enn 2552-0490-6791
Quoted By:
>>20196649 had to edit but put bunnel back up
Youngster Joey
>>20196613 i have a box of each
Quoted By:
>>20196587 Oh.. Never read any other post of yours, besides the first one. Changed my criteria to Shinx.
Again, thnx a lot for doing this.
Avaricious 1607 3391 910
Quoted By:
>>20196307 Bunnelby up, thanks Joey.
Quoted By:
Bunny up for a Shinx.
Quoted By:
>>20196711 you are my god..
Youngster Joey
and i'm not going to nickname, i'm trying to just get these all out there
IGN Scotty
Quoted By:
I put in a bun for Shinx with an old school quip... I've not played since Gold/Silver on GBC so... sue me if it's past meme X3
IGN: Mike
>>20196544 Hope there's still some Shinx left, but I'm gonna up a bunny and hope for the best
IGN: Joseph 2664-2386-7237
Quoted By:
>>20196738 Thanks a lot, you are the best!
Dean 4957-3305-3714
Quoted By:
Bunnelby up in hope for a scyther Joey, you are the top percentage of OPs
Quoted By:
Ign: Mario Bunny 4 shinx, pls!
I just started the game, so I can only get a Hawlucha/Froakie. Would love either, the bunnelby is nick'd TOOTHYDICKS
Quoted By:
Bunnelby up for a Mawile.
Youngster Joey
>>20196803 5 more, but your odds are as good as anyone's because im choosing random
IGN: Jasper
Quoted By:
>>20196823 can we pick the new one already? Because if so, deino
Youngster Joey
>>20196797 im pretty sure you can get the others, but not entirely sure
>>20196859 Simply can't set it up for a trade if I don't name a Poke, unless I'm missing something
Quoted By:
>>20196797 you just need to scroll to the bottom of the alphabet and select which pogeymun
IGN: Bernhard 1204 - 0492 - 6610
Quoted By:
>>20196859 Yap. He can get the others too.
IGN: Mike
Quoted By:
>>20196859 You definitely can. I've had plenty of mons that didn't fit with the Kalosdex before you get the Nationaldex
Quoted By:
>>20196823 Joey, one for me! ign Mario :-) my bunnelby is online!
Quoted By:
Alright, I'll put a bunnelby up for a Mawile.
Quoted By:
>>20196797 im pretty sure you can get it right from the start of the game
IGN Scotty
Quoted By:
>>20196797 You just have to go down to "What pokemon" and type in the name correctly.
>>20196307 Bunny upm for a hawk
puttin the bunnelby up! ign is Ric!
Quoted By:
>>20196895 Let's go Hawks!
Quoted By:
>>20196872 You can type the name manually. As long as you got the Pokédex, there is no limitation to what you can trade.
Quoted By:
>>20196859 Are you doing them in order?
Youngster Joey
i just traded the last Shinx, if you have one up for it check if not, pull your bunny down and try for another. im going to start with the next lot, first request is what im going to start trading
Quoted By:
>>20196650 Got my Shinx, thank you!
IGN: Joseph 2664-2386-7237
Quoted By:
Mawile Bunny is up for it as well.
Quoted By:
>>20196931 frogfuckers always ruining everything
Youngster Joey
>>20196931 Shiny Froakies on their way
Quoted By:
Joey, the Ninja Froakie ^_^
Quoted By:
>>20196910 bunnelby up for the zorua!
Olivia 2363-6158-1686
Quoted By:
>>20196948 Bunnelby is up with a message, thanks
Quoted By:
>>20196927 Froakie,Bunny is up.
IGN: Mike
Quoted By:
>>20196742 Just got me Shinx. Much thanks
Quoted By:
Lurking for Scyther... Bunnelby is up.
Calem FC 1203-9652-7633
Quoted By:
>>20196948 Since my name is so common my message will have cjl in it.
Innocturne (FC: 3823-8966-5764)
Don't mean to sound annoying or anything OP, but is it alright if I can keep my Bunnelby up on GTS for the meantime until the Zorua portion comes? Understand your still working on Shinxes, just wanted to make sure it was no prob.
Enn 2552-0490-6791
Quoted By:
>>20196977 same here for deino because it's already getting late here, apologies and thank you op for your generosity
That One Guy- 3582-9072-4091
Quoted By:
>>20196948 Postan and threw a bunny up on the GTS for ya.
Dean 4957-3305-3714
Can we only get one pokemon from this giveaway? Or one of each? Hows this working?
>>20196977 That's a little unfair. You simply gonna upload and leave the thread?
Spencer 4296 3218 0793
Youngster Joey
Quoted By:
>>20196977 yeah, its cool, but just because you have it up early wont help your odds, im trading randomly so there is no order
ScottyIce 5455-9463-0225
Quoted By:
Thanks, Mr. Skeltal.
IGN Alex: 5026-4425-8718 SVs: 3202, 0115
Quoted By:
>>20196307 Froakie please!
Quoted By:
>>20196987 i got one of each from his last giveaway.
Rin (2251-5231-6294)
Quoted By:
Hoping for a Froakie. Thanks
Treize (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Treize (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sat 26 Jul 2014 19:39:37 No. 20197029 Report Quoted By:
Bunnelby is up for a Deino!
Bunneled up for Kirigakure ninja!
Quoted By:
Bunnelby up for Froakie
Quoted By:
let's keep our fingers crossed... I love Froakie <3
Quoted By:
>>20196988 That's how gts threads work
Quoted By:
>>20197036 ign is Kael, btw
Quoted By:
>>20196988 I don't think it matters since he's choosing randomly
Calem FC 1203-9652-7633
Youngster Joey
>>20196987 this giveaway is more like a lottery, yes you can try to get each if you wish to stay until i get to the pokemon's lot, or if you want to sleep then you can try to go for one and then just leave it on the gts and hope you get lucky
Quoted By:
Bunnelby up for Froakie, thanks.
Quoted By:
>>20196307 I'll take a Mawile please!
gal 1332-9087-1613
Quoted By:
>>20196307 >Gal froakie please
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804 !pZce0PMX/o
>>20196307 Could I have a Scyther
and a Deino if thats ok? Bunnelby up
IGN Carol~
Quoted By:
Bunnelby is up, hoping to get a Froakie! Thank you! If possible, could I have mine nicknamed "Tatsuya" if not that's okay!
Innocturne (FC: 3823-8966-5764)
Quoted By:
Alright, I'll keep that in mind. I'll for now take the Bun out of GTS and wait a bit.
Jefferson (IGN Serena)
Quoted By:
Oooh I'd love to get a Mawile. bunnelby going up now
Quoted By:
bunnelby for mawile? t-thanks OP
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804 !pZce0PMX/o
>>20197083 Scrap that Deino
Puerce 5258-0220-6043
Quoted By:
Bunnie'd up for a Zorua. Joey is enjoying torturing us
Innocturne (FC: 3823-8966-5764
>>20197139 Why don't you go scam one...
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804 !pZce0PMX/o
Quoted By:
>>20197161 Huh what are you talking about?
Quoted By:
>>20197161 You happen to have a shiny Deino? I'll give you a Diancie egg for one.
>>20197139 Why not go scam one? Seems like your speciality
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804 !pZce0PMX/o
Quoted By:
Mawile would be great. Thanks, OP
IGN: Bernhard 1204 - 0492 - 6610
Quoted By:
>>20197071 Oh, ok then, I m gonna do the later for the Zorua.
I hope some on the thread got a giggle outta you, joey.
Quoted By:
Thanks Joseph. Mine was IZUCKYADICK, Hope it made you laugh
Innocturne (FC: 3823-8966-5764
>>20197071 Still doing Froakie?
Colours 1177-8202-5473
Quoted By:
gimmie that dienooooooooooo.
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804 pZce0PMX/o
Once Joey gives you them, trade them to me for a Diancie egg.
Julio 3411-1100-2475
Quoted By:
Praying for a MuhWhile. Thanks OP
ScottyIce 5455-9463-0225
Quoted By:
Froakie get! Thanks Joey! I love you. <3
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804 !pZce0PMX/o
>>20197288 >inb4 Fake This is why
Spencer 4296 3218 0793
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804 !pZce0PMX/o
Youngster Joey
Quoted By:
>>20197341 1 for me, please :( pleaseeeee!!!
Murdok : 1650-3255-6089 [Growlithe, Larvesta, Fletchinder]
Murdok : 1650-3255-6089 [Growlithe, Larvesta, Fletchinder] Sat 26 Jul 2014 20:01:31 No. 20197370 Report >>20196307 Bun for Zorua(non)
>>20197341 What if there aren't that many in the thread left that hasn't gotten one? Will you really remember all our names for each Pokémon's lot? Will you simply skip the ones that tries to get multiples/duplicates, and go to the next lot?
>>20197373 It's a lottery, whoever gets it gets it.
Quoted By:
>>20197071 Thank you very much for the shinx, Joey!
I got to go, but I left a bunnelby with hopes on getting a deino.
I hope your day gets better.
IGN Chantal 1134-9319-9769
Quoted By:
>>20197341 Voting for Mawile.
Innocturne (FC: 3823-8966-5764
>>20197332 >Scammer Kori >Got found out >Scammer Kori used Retaliate: No your a scammer >Not very effective Fail
>>20197390 >inb4, i know got three of the same in one of his first giveaways
IGN Carol~
Quoted By:
Git Froaki! Thank you so much Joey!<3
Quoted By:
>>20197402 I don't think anyone really cares go drama elsewhere
Spencer 4296 3218 0793
Quoted By:
Froakie Get, thanks again Joey, you magnificent bastard.
Quoted By:
>>20196307 Shinx please! IGN is Darren
Youngster Joey
>>20197407 there was far less people the first few times
Quoted By:
>>20197462 i know. which should've resulted in fewer names to remember.
Quoted By:
>>20197462 Which one are you giving out now?
Youngster Joey
last Froakie just got sent, you know the drill first post requesting starts the next lot Mawile - Dream Ball, Adamant, Hyper Cutter, with Sucker Punch, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang and it's holding an Ability Capsule Scyther - Friend Ball, Adamant, Technician, with Vacuum Wave, Quick Attack, Leer and it's holding a Metal Coat Deino - Dusk Ball, Rash, Hustle, with Tackle, Dragon Rage and it's holding Leftovers Zorua - Moon Ball, Modest, Illusion, with Scratch, Leer and it's holding a Master Ball Hawlucha - Level Ball, Adamant, Limber, with Detect, Tackle, Hone Claws and it's holding King's Rock
>>20197341 Got mine, thanks!
Also, Hawlucha for next mon?
IGN: Joseph 2664-2386-7237
IGN Christian
Danny 0645 6693 6165
>Everybody voting for literal shitmons with terrible items stay pleb, vp
Youngster Joey
>>20197524 MUCHA LUCHA! its time
>>20197552 Did you plan on using these competitively?
ScottyIce 5455-9463-0225
Quoted By:
>>20197552 >Looking a gift horse in the mouth Stay elitist faggot, /vp/.
Quoted By:
>>20197553 Heh. I guess I got a hawlucha.
Olivia 2363-6158-1686
Quoted By:
>>20197553 Bunnelby up, hope you feel better Joey
Quoted By:
>>20197553 Bunnelby is up. Thank you for the giveaway.
Bunny is up for El Fuerte!
Sami 0259-0402-7313
Quoted By:
>>20197553 Thank you for the giveaway lovely!
Ariana 5429-8118-1966 Ice (Bergmite, Delibird, Lapras)
Ariana 5429-8118-1966 Ice (Bergmite, Delibird, Lapras) Sat 26 Jul 2014 20:17:48 No. 20197596 Report Quoted By:
Bunny up for a Hawlucha. Thanks a lot Joey you're awesome!
X 0232-8640-2283
Quoted By:
>>20197553 Bunny is up!
Thanks for doing this again, based joey
Quoted By:
Bunnearly placed!
Quoted By:
>>20197558 They all seem to be bred though.. At least I will use them.
IGN Christian
Spencer 4296 3218 0793
Sami 0259-0402-7313
>>20197553 Joey, what's your favorite Pokémon? Or what Pokémon has never failed you?
I want to make you something.
Dean 4957-3305-3714
Quoted By:
Bunnelby up again
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
Jayden 3411-0972-8112
Quoted By:
>>20197553 Bunny is up. Thanks Joey
Claire 0662-4225-7486
Quoted By:
shiny Hawlucha plz!! IGN: Claire FC: 0662-4225-7486
Innocturne (FC: 3823-8966-5764)
Quoted By:
I decided that I'll until the Zorua portion, I'll take a lucha bird. Throwing up a Bun right now.
Quoted By:
>>20196307 Ok then I guess lucha bird
IGN: Tristan | FC: 5343-9370-5309
Quoted By:
just put ope up for lucha, hopefully not too late
Quoted By:
Bun up for the lucha hawk
Adam (4124-5139-0596)
Quoted By:
Zorua gimme gimme!
Ariana 5429-8118-1966 Ice (Bergmite, Delibird, Lapras)
Ariana 5429-8118-1966 Ice (Bergmite, Delibird, Lapras) Sat 26 Jul 2014 20:30:54 No. 20197773 Report Quoted By:
Joey please give me a Hawlucha, bumping my last post.
IGN: Elise
Quoted By:
>>20197553 Hawlucha! I want it to be part of my ingame team, just started Pokemon X.
Simone 1762 2663 9251 (Loudred - Lillipup - Ditto)
Simone 1762 2663 9251 (Loudred - Lillipup - Ditto) Sat 26 Jul 2014 20:31:39 No. 20197784 Report Quoted By:
>>20197553 Hoping in based Op!
Youngster Joey
Quoted By:
>>20197615 my gen 1 team that i beat the elite 4 with was Arcanine, Muk, Sandslash, Vileplume, Poliwrath, and Primeape, i always try to recreate the team and have that be my first elite four victory of a game
Quoted By:
Hawlucha for me? Ign Mario!
Quoted By:
>>20197586 May I have been overseen, great Joey?
;_; LizardKing: 1907-9795-0915 IGN: Pedro
>>20196307 Put a Bunnelby for a Scyther :b
>>20196307 Bunnelby up for Froakie!
Danny 0645 6693 6165
Quoted By:
Yei! I got my Hawlucha, thanks based Joey
Quoted By:
>>20197553 didn't see this. Okay, re-bunelbing up.
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
IGN: Elise
Quoted By:
Got Hawlucha! Thanks so much OP!
Quoted By:
Lucha get. Love you OP
ScottyIce 5455-9463-0225
Quoted By:
Darklucha get. Joey is true Arceus.
Youngster Joey
last Lucha bird just got sent, whats Next?
Youngster Joey
>>20198139 >>20198140 you got it Mawile next up
LizardKing: 1907-9795-0915 IGN: Pedro
Marc. - 3DS FC: 2019 - 9877 - 0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823]
Marc. - 3DS FC: 2019 - 9877 - 0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823] Sat 26 Jul 2014 20:55:41 No. 20198168 Report Can i have a hawlucha?? I can't believe I missed this... brb crying
Olivia 2363-6158-1686
Quoted By:
>>20198159 Bunnelby up, thank you so much for what you've given put so far
Marc. - 3DS FC: 2019 - 9877 - 0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823]
Marc. - 3DS FC: 2019 - 9877 - 0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823] Sat 26 Jul 2014 20:57:02 No. 20198192 Report c-can anybody c-clone their shiny hawlucha?? i-i'll umm...give a manaphy??? brb dying
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
Adam (4124-5139-0596)
Quoted By:
>>20198136 I'll take a Mawile please
Dean 4957-3305-3714
Quoted By:
Bunnelby up again again
Elad 4983-6313-9157
Quoted By:
>>20198136 if asking again is okay, i want a deino..
if not, better luck next time i guess.
thanks any way~
Quoted By:
>>20198136 Bunny is up! Thank you!
Calem (cjl) FC 1203-9652-7633
Quoted By:
Bunnelby is up.
Quoted By:
>>20196307 Joey is amazon! Thanks so much!
Fc 4570-9023-4268 ign Aron
Quoted By:
>>20198136 Bunny is up for deino thanks op!!
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
Quoted By:
Based OP Joey may I have a Mawile? It's one of my favorite Pokemon. Thanks so much for this giveaway! Bunny up.
Andy 0103-9601-8602
Chris 3625 8244 9814
>>20196307 Did someone already claim the zorua? :(
Jayden 3411-0972-8112
Quoted By:
>>20198136 Bunny up for Mawile. Thanks again Joey
Quoted By:
>>20198136 Oh yeah! Got my "alternate costume El Fuerte"!
A new Bunnelby is up for Mawile.
~ ~ ~
Joey is love, Joey is life!
~ ~ ~
Quoted By:
Got my Mawile, thank you Joey!
Quoted By:
>>20198299 no. and from the looks of it, it will most likely be the last to be requested
Rin (2251-5231-6294)
Quoted By:
Bunnelby up for a Mawile. Thank you very much for this giveaway.
Dean 4957-3305-3714
Quoted By:
Got a mawile! Thank you so much Joey!
Quoted By:
Bunnelby is up, you're doing God's work OP.
Quoted By:
>>20196307 IGN:Akira , I do want a Scyther
Thanks OP!!
Quoted By:
Bunnelby is up
Putting up my bunny for Mawile
Beckicious 1822-0077-9891 (Ghost: Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
Beckicious 1822-0077-9891 (Ghost: Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Sat 26 Jul 2014 21:07:31 No. 20198399 Report Quoted By:
Bunnelby up for Deino
That One Guy- 3582-9072-4091
>>20198192 I could probably part with mine, what ya got to offer?
Rice 2552-2652-2914
Quoted By:
>>20198136 Bugs bunny is up
IGN: Pablo
Quoted By:
If you still have Mawile, Bunnelby is up!
Andy 0103-9601-8602
Quoted By:
Just got my Mawile, thanks so much OP Joey, god bless you, hoping to be in another give away, hopefully scyther!
Marc. - 3DS FC: 2019 - 9877 - 0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823]
Marc. - 3DS FC: 2019 - 9877 - 0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823] Sat 26 Jul 2014 21:14:40 No. 20198519 Report >>20198411 i only have some events like manaphy, darkrai, genesect
t-that's what i can list from the top of my head- i only have legendaries that seem worth it.
David 1607-3837-3172
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
Quoted By:
Bumping for awesome Mawile. Please don't forget me Joey. ;_;
Quoted By:
Thanks for the Mawile OP
ScottyIce 5455-9463-0225
Quoted By:
Mawile get! This is going a lot faster than I thought it would. Thank you so much, Mr. Joey!
>>20198397 Shit, it turns out I didn't have one. Now it's up for Mawile.
Pleaase tell me there are still some left Claire 0662-4225-7486
Quoted By:
shiny deino plz!!! IGN: Claire
Youngster Joey
>>20198553 i have like 12 left to trade
Quoted By:
bunny up, shiny marwile! IGN: Tristan
Quoted By:
>>20198593 H-hope that's enough
That One Guy- 3582-9072-4091
>>20198519 Would ya be ok with trading darkrai?
I already added ya
Quoted By:
>>20198593 Can I get a Mawile? It's gonna take me a bit to catch a Bunnelby, though. Unless you'll accept an Eevee or something. ;_;
sara 5172-0944-8064
>>20198519 i could give you mine for any of those three. Don't have them in muh dex
IGN: Pablo
Quoted By:
Just got the Mawile, thanks a lot, Youngster Joey!
Quoted By:
Mawile recieved, thanks Joey!
David 1607-3837-3172
Quoted By:
>>20198531 Gonna take a sec actually, gonna put it up for scyther
Quoted By:
bunny is up for mawile
Marc. - 3DS FC: 2019 - 9877 - 0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823]
Marc. - 3DS FC: 2019 - 9877 - 0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823] Sat 26 Jul 2014 21:24:09 No. 20198703 Report That One Guy- 3582-9072-4091
Quoted By:
>>20198703 Alright i have ya added, waiting for a trade if its not too much to ask=p
Quoted By:
shiny marwile plz!! IGN: Claire
Marc. - 3DS FC: 2019 - 9877 - 0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823]
Marc. - 3DS FC: 2019 - 9877 - 0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823] Sat 26 Jul 2014 21:29:41 No. 20198788 Report Quoted By:
Youngster Joey
mawile just ran out, whats next?
Quoted By:
>Quiet Froakie fucking WHY
Rin (2251-5231-6294)
Austism 2664-2607-7064
Quoted By:
Bunny up for shiny face eater thxs inadvance
That One Guy- 3582-9072-4091
Quoted By:
>>20198800 zorua! please! :)
Fc 4570-9023-4268 ign Aron
Quoted By:
>>20198800 Deino pls bunny up etat eoniolo
Quoted By:
>>20198803 oh for fuck's sake!
Gary [5300-9151-7766]
Quoted By:
ty for the mawile!
>Scyther on a illegal ball No thank you
Youngster Joey
>>20198803 Scyther it is remember it has a metal coat on it so it'll evolve
Quoted By:
Bunny for Scyther is up, thanks!
Marc. - 3DS FC: 2019 - 9877 - 0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823]
Marc. - 3DS FC: 2019 - 9877 - 0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823] Sat 26 Jul 2014 21:33:53 No. 20198868 Report Quoted By:
>>20198645 oh, already got one but thanks for the offer
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
Quoted By:
Bunnelby is up
Adam (4124-5139-0596)
Alexa 4356-0756-8970
Quoted By:
>>20198800 I'm putting a bunnelby up for a scyther.
Quoted By:
shiny syther! bunny is up IGN: Tristan
Calem (cjl) FC 1203-9652-7633
Quoted By:
Bunny up for scyther.
Olivia 2363-6158-1686
Quoted By:
>>20198846 Last Bunnelby I'm putting up, thank you so much Joey. Tried to put a minor joke as the message
Quoted By:
>>20196307 Bunnelby is up for Scyther!
Quoted By:
bunnelby is up for scyther
Quoted By:
>>20198846 Tfw all I wanted was zorua and shinx. Not get :( Gg everyone, off to work for me
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
IGN Christian
Quoted By:
>>20198800 Bogs Binny is up for scyther.
Dean 4957-3305-3714
Bunnelby up! Does the B thing work on mons that evolve with trade+item? Last time i used a stone i mashed the shit out of B and it never stopped :( I prefer Scyther to Scizor
Quoted By:
shiny scyther plz!!! IGN: Claire
Quoted By:
>>20198925 Link trades you can't undo evolution, sorry.
>TC having a bad day >TC tries to improve his day by improving everyone else's day >about to put a Bunnelby in the GTS for Zorua >got one of the Goomy from last thread >I'd completely forgotten about it You're a nice guy, TC, and I hope you have a nice day
Andy 0103-9601-8602
Quoted By:
bunnelby up for scyther!
Grzesiek 1204-0010-3600 (Spheal, Sneasel, Piloswine)
Grzesiek 1204-0010-3600 (Spheal, Sneasel, Piloswine) Sat 26 Jul 2014 21:38:57 No. 20198962 Report Quoted By:
Bunny up for scyther
Carlos [4914-4039-2495]
Quoted By:
>>20198800 bunnelby up for scyther! thanks!
Usteen 2036-7630-5976
Quoted By:
bunnelby up ign javier
Austism 2664-2607-7064
Quoted By:
Ok bunyy up for scyther thxs in advance
Quoted By:
>>20198939 >TC is giving out Scythers right now, not Zoruas oops. I'll just leave it up
Usteen 2036-7630-5976
Quoted By:
>>20198971 >scyther Oh. Bunnelby up.
LizardKing: 1907-9795-0915 IGN: Pedro
Rin (2251-5231-6294)
Quoted By:
Thanks for the Scizor
IGN: Pablo
Quoted By:
Bunny is up for Schyter!
IGN: CARMEN 0404-7627-9386
Quoted By:
>>20198996 Bunny is up for Scyther, thanks Joey!
Austism 2664-2607-7064
>>20198996 You're from the /wfg/ I have your adamant rough skin Gible ready
Quoted By:
shiny syther plz! IGN: Tristan
Quoted By:
Bunnebly is up 4 Scyther :) ty Joey
David 1607-3837-3172
Quoted By:
put my bunnelby up for shiny scyther! thnx in advance joey!! IGN: Claire
LizardKing: 1907-9795-0915 IGN: Pedro
>>20199095 Ohh, did you answer me there?
Simone 1762 2663 9251 (Loudred - Lillipup - Ditto)
Simone 1762 2663 9251 (Loudred - Lillipup - Ditto) Sat 26 Jul 2014 21:50:16 No. 20199146 Report Quoted By:
Joey thanks for the Mawile!! You are the best!
Alexa 4356-0756-8970
>>20198842 Can't you catch wild scythers with love balls in HGSS?
Austism 2664-2607-7064
Quoted By:
>>20199139 Yea I added you if you want it now or just throw a shitmon on the gts
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
>>20199182 Wait did I get skipped? I posted before you like a lot before you
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
Quoted By:
>>20199226 He gives them out at random.
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
>>20199243 Yeah I just realized oh well I guess I'm not getting one
Alexa 4356-0756-8970
Quoted By:
>>20199165 Gonna go full retard here, but the page doesn't exist. Can't you just explain why it can't be in a love ball?
>>20199270 yeah its bullshit. im sure he's just giving out shinies to people who bunnied up last instead of the other way around.
IGN: Pablo
Quoted By:
Joey is life! Thanks
ScottyIce 5455-9463-0225
>>20199321 >>20199270 How dare you not get something for free.
Quoted By:
Holy shit thanks joey!
Quoted By:
Thank you Joey! <3 I feel really lucky :)
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
Quoted By:
>>20199342 No I'm not upset! I actually think this is an awesome twist to the usual giveaways. Plus I already have an awesome scizor, I'm just really hoping for zorua
>>20199342 that's right. i didnt get anything for free. it's because assholes like you are picking anything but fucking zorua first.
Quoted By:
>>20199321 >>20199270 don't cry over it. this op is based as fuck
ScottyIce 5455-9463-0225
>>20199384 If you want a shiny Zorua so bad go gen one yourself you whiny bitch.
Dean 4957-3305-3714
Quoted By:
I just spilled tea over my laptop! But i got a scyther so all is well... just need to clean my keys Joey u da best
>>20199402 these aren't genned, u stupid bitch
>>20199402 >implying everyone owns a fucking powersave very typical for you to say, fuck face
Youngster Joey
almost done with the scythers, and since its just down to these two im gonna be doing them both at the same time
Rin (2251-5231-6294)
Quoted By:
>>20199437 please zorua, love those! :D
Quoted By:
>>20199444 He says he's doing both, you fucking jew
David 1607-3837-3172
Quoted By:
>>20199437 Putting up for Zorua
>>20199437 I guess I'll re-upload my Bunnelby. Hoping for either one. (Searching for Zorua first). Again, thank you very much for doing this.
Quoted By:
>>20199437 Hey Joey my Bunnelby is up..
I'd love a Scyther :)
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
>>20199437 Oh then Bunnellby up for zorua!
Quoted By:
Aiming for Zorua, thanks!
ScottyIce 5455-9463-0225
Quoted By:
>>20199437 I'll try get a Deino and go to sleep now. Thanks so much, OP.
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Sat 26 Jul 2014 22:10:32 No. 20199489 Report Quoted By:
>>20199437 bunelby for dino either way if i dont get one thanks for the give away
Youngster Joey
last scyther is on its way now time to finally get to the Zoruas and Deinos
Quoted By:
>>20199480 typical response from a typical jew
Fc 4570-9023-4268 ign Aron
Quoted By:
Bunny up for deino
IGN: Pablo
Quoted By:
Putting a bunny por Zorua!
Dean 4957-3305-3714
Quoted By:
Bunny up for a Zorua, since it has the better nature
IGN: CARMEN 0404-7627-9386
Quoted By:
>>20199437 Bunny is up for Deino, thanks!
What's with all the non-legit balls tho
Quoted By:
thanks so much for all you've done op!
Quoted By:
shiny zorua plz! bunnelby up IGN: Claire
Quoted By:
>>20199520 Oh and bunny up for dieno!
Quoted By:
bunnelby up for shiny zorua! ign: Tristan
Quoted By:
bunny is up for deino and thanks for the mawile and scyther
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
Quoted By:
Awesome thanks op!
IGN Christian
Quoted By:
>>20199503 Bogs Binny is reupped for the fox. Joey pls
Usteen 2036-7630-5976
Quoted By:
Bunnelby is up for a Deino! Thanks OP!
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
Quoted By:
>>20199437 Bunnelby up
For Zorua
David: 2406-6419-6872 (Mienfoo, Sawk, & Breloom)
David: 2406-6419-6872 (Mienfoo, Sawk, & Breloom) Sat 26 Jul 2014 22:17:01 No. 20199587 Report Quoted By:
>>20199437 Bunny's up for a Deino, thanks op.
Quoted By:
Bunnelby up for Zorua! ign Javier
Adam (4124-5139-0596)
Quoted By:
>>20199437 Please OP, either one is fine with me
Youngster Joey
>>20199523 i enjoy sending out things that are not normally obtainable, you know how people put their marks on the pokemon well i feel like this is my own special mark
ScottyIce 5455-9463-0225
1Dragon get! Thanks Joey. You're pretty.
Quoted By:
>>20199621 I see. That's fair enough.
Bless you for being awesome tho
Usteen 2036-7630-5976
Quoted By:
>>20199621 Are you Ray Rizzo?
Quoted By:
>>20199630 >pretty anon, pls
Dean 4957-3305-3714
Thanks for the Zorua!Just going to cheekily put up one last one for Deino, don't have the highest hopes though Love you Joey
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
Quoted By:
Bunny up for a Deino, thanks based OP!
Quoted By:
bunnelby is up for the zorua Joey, love what you're doing!
>>20199653 >Dean wow. I had my bunny up for zorua for hours, and yet this king of the jews gets it before me along with a shit ton of other shinies. like I said, last ones get first, not the other way around. You're so based, Joey!
IGN: Bernhard 1204 - 0492 - 6610
Quoted By:
Uhh, yea, came right back for zorua time, now I just gotta hope.
>>20199705 Did you even read the OP?
Quoted By:
Bunnelby is up :) for Deino :) tyvm Joey ^_^
Quoted By:
Thank you very much for the pokemon, Joey.
Quoted By:
shiny zorua please! ign Claire
ScottyIce 5455-9463-0225
>>20199705 >Calling people Jews >Complaining about not getting free things >Covetous tristan
Quoted By:
bunny up for shiny zorua! IGN: tristan
>>20199718 it said random. I didn't think it would mean, give out shit to the first ones that pop up when you search for bunnelby, instead of just scrolling to the fucking right. fucking based!
Quoted By:
OP, why have you turned so based for the last 2-3 mons? I hope your shorts didn't turn un-comfy ! :3
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
Quoted By:
Can I still ask for deino? I m going to put it up in hopes that I will still be able to get one
>>20199744 >calling people who didn't get shit at all jews >probably gotten every damn shiny in the thread Go fuck yourself.
Quoted By:
>>20199758 Because he should definitely scroll to page three of the bunnelbys looking for the people who weren't even paying attention to the order in which things were being given.
ScottyIce 5455-9463-0225
Quoted By:
>>20199793 Too busy playing with my nice, new shinies. <3
Sami 0259-0402-7313
Joey, here. I doodled something for you. Thanks for the Hawlucha and Scyther/Scizor. I hope I get a Zorua as well.
>>20199814 Is Joey's asshole
comfy and easy to glide into? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20196307 Thank you joey for the Froakie and Deino IM SUPER GRATEFUL!
ScottyIce 5455-9463-0225
Quoted By:
Welp, someone traded me a regular Zorua for that Bunnelby. I'll take that as a sign it's time for me to be done. Thanks for the Shiners, Joey. You're based as fuck and I want to put gum in your hair to tell you I like you.
Youngster Joey
Quoted By:
>>20199758 ill admit i have been doing this but after a good 150+ searches and trades it gets repetitive
Sami 0259-0402-7313
Quoted By:
>>20199843 i just like drawing yo
it ______________________________________ is David: 2406-6419-6872 (Mienfoo, Sawk, & Breloom)
David: 2406-6419-6872 (Mienfoo, Sawk, & Breloom) Sat 26 Jul 2014 22:39:05 No. 20199906 Report Quoted By:
>>20196307 Thanks op.
Green dragon best dragon.
>>20196307 Thanks joey!
may your shorts always stay comfy and easy to wear!
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
>>20199953 I thought youngster joey had the highest tier ratata, I guess not since everyone keeps telling him to keep his shorts comfy. Who am I thinking of?
Quoted By:
>>20199621 Hi Joey, I just came back, and my bunnelby was sniped, I hope you can spare a deino for me. Bunnelby is up again. Thanks for doing this.
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
>>20200005 I-i-i-i got quads...
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
Quoted By:
>>20200051 By law you have to give me deino right? Isn't that how it works? I don't know man but still life dream achieved
Youngster Joey
16 Zoruas left about 14 Deino
>>20200132 Wow really? I figured there would be less zoruas
IGN: Bernhard 1204 - 0492 - 6610
Quoted By:
>>20200132 Heck yea, thought all zorua where already gone
Youngster Joey
>>20200155 still trading going down the line from the back and then picking one or two every so often from the front
Quoted By:
>>20196307 Thank u so much!! deino is very much loved, hope you happiness
Youngster Joey
Quoted By:
also im trying to do 6 at a time from each lot
Quoted By:
>>20200199 aw man . mine was there for awhile but then i started to take it back and put it back a few times.
but anyways thanks buddy! there's always something to smile about. :)
i actually gave away one of my shiny mawile clones thinking whatever someone was giving away wasn't shiny and it might make someone's day. oh well. hope whoever got my dream ball mawile is happy (it has 31/31/31/x/31/31, intimidate, and different egg moves. also its nickname is Tri Delta. because reasons)
Hey I got sniped is there any deinos left?
>>20200401 people like you make me somewhat like the world so good job d(-u-)b
>>20200479 >d(-u-)b is that earlobes, tiny eyes and a nose?
IGN: Bernhard 1204 - 0492 - 6610
Quoted By:
WOOO. Joey, you based motherfucker. Thanj you very much, the Zorua is much loved.
Youngster Joey
>>20200470 about 6 and 6 left of each
Quoted By:
i just want a shot at this shiny zorua i keep having fuckers give me regular ones
Quoted By:
>>20200519 b= thumbs
u= smiling mouth?
- = maybe asian?
Sami 0259-0402-7313
Quoted By:
Hope you have a swell day Joey
>>20200543 I was sniped again, I need to catch a bunnelby now
Quoted By:
>>20196307 I have been hatching for a zorua shiny so much without any luck... thank u so much Joey!! please be happy!
>>20200746 announcing it like this only makes it more likely someone is going to snipe you again
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
Quoted By:
>>20196307 Thank you so much.
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
Quoted By:
Thanks for the deino! I really appreciate it, now I can dominate the field with the best green pseudo legend (and get decimated by a fairy type)
Quoted By:
it could be over any moment now, wonder who will get the last shinies.
Youngster Joey
Thank you to everyone who participated! If you were not a winner in this giveaway, worry not my friends i'll be back around soon enough. Give me suggestions and items you are interested in and ill see what i can do for all of you, once again thanks a bunch, it was fun and all of you livened up my day. See you around next time! Your Pal -Youngster Joey
IGN: Pablo
Quoted By:
Whoa! Thanks Joey! Finally I got a shiny Zorua!
>>20200961 Dream ball Honedge!
>>20200961 also a person can never have too many leftovers
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
>>20200961 How about shiny milotic or salamence? You could also do seviper and zangoose
IGN: Pablo
Thank You once again OP! You have made many people happy and hopefully that made you happy aswell! Please do a shiny rotom with leftovers giveaway. I barely see any have it :)
Quoted By:
>>20201016 >what is Pickup? Youngster Joey
>>20200996 >>20201016 should be easy enough
>>20201019 i actually wanted to do this i just need to breed the right Feebas, have the prism scales for it, any particular nature? i was thinking Modest, and as for the Bagon, what nature? i like the idea of a Seviper/Zangoose giveaway too
>>20201075 should be easy enough
Quoted By:
>>20200770 But what else can I do? Either way, Joey is done.
>>20200961 Thanks for sharing Joey!
Btw, anyone willing to trade that deino? I don't know in what you might be interested, I have shinies and legendaries
IGN Christian
>>20200961 Thanks for the Hawlucha and Zorua m8. I'd be interested in seeing shiny Noibats and Pumpkaboos next time.
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
Quoted By:
>>20201251 I would say calm for feebas, milotic is more of a wall then she is a special attacker. And if you do milotic could you keep it level 1?
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
>>20201251 Also I've never trained a bagon so I wouldn't know what to give it. Maybe timid/modest?
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
Quoted By:
>>20201509 Oh never mind I just looked at its stats and it's an attacker, so Adamant/jolly
Quoted By:
>>20201439 I second the noibats!
Youngster Joey
>>20201439 what size Pumpkaboo?
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
Quoted By:
>>20201960 I would say the largest (super size I think)
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
Shiny Harvest Phantump in Premier Ball please!
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
When you do milotic could you put it in ether a heal ball or a love ball? Preferably heal ball but I know you like to leave your mark with the apricorn balls
Youngster Joey
>>20202639 im thinking shiny Phantump in Premiere Ball, Pumpkaboo in a Sport Ball, Mismagius in a Dusk Ball, and a Dusknoir in a Moon Ball for Halloween/October
Youngster Joey
>>20202856 i can do a box of each for that, i'm also torn between both balls
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
Quoted By:
>>20203077 Oh you could do milotic in a dream ball I think that could complement her really well
Quoted By:
>>20203028 I think a spiritomb would also go well with the halloween theme :)
Murdok : 1650-3255-6089 [Growlithe, Larvesta, Fletchinder]
Murdok : 1650-3255-6089 [Growlithe, Larvesta, Fletchinder] Sun 27 Jul 2014 03:25:54 No. 20204136 Report Quoted By:
Thanks for the zorua!
Sam 4957-2823-7726
Quoted By:
>>20196307 Any chance i can still get any of those shinys?